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Prayer Of Worship To The Father

Loving Heavenly Father, You are our magnificent God and Your name is great in all the earth. You spoke the worlds into being and stretched out the heavens by the might of Your great power. You have established Your strength from everlasting to everlasting, and the heavens are the work of Your fingers.

You looked down in mercy and grace on the children of men, and sent the eternal Son of Your love to visit us and redeem us. We rejoice in Your gracious love and great compassion, and we joy in the God of our Salvation. We sing Your praises for ever and ever, for You alone are worthy to be praised and worshiped.

How excellent is Your wonderful name in all the earth, and how majestic are the works of Your hand. We will lift up our voices to proclaim You are the Lord and God of our Salvation, delighting to sing praises to Your holy name and to worship at Your feet. Praise the Lord for all the many blessings You have poured out onto all those that love You. 

Praise the Lord forever and ever. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Heart Revival

Heavenly Father, pour out Your Holy Spirit like a mighty flood into the hearts of all Your people, those who are called by Your name. May our hearts be washed by the water of the Word and may the purifying light of the Holy Spirit cleanse the thoughts, wash the hearts and purify the minds of those who are part of the church, which is Your Body.

Lord, we pray that You would purify the hearts and minds of all Your people so that our thoughts are ever turned toward the Lord Jesus. May we as individual members and also as a body of believers, learn to seek Your will in our lives, so that our prayers are filtered through the light of Your will, so that they are tuned into Your perfect plans and purposes. May the desire of all believers be to lift up Your name so that You are honoured in the fellowships and local churches in His rightful position as Head, and may the Lord Jesus remain the central focus of the intent of our hearts

Lord, we pray that You would revive the hearts of all believers and especially those who have left their first love, become involved in a distorted gospel, fallen into legalism or become lukewarm toward You. Draw each one back into a right relationship with You and with each other. Revive Your people we pray, and turn the hearts of all Your people back to Yourself. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Godly Courage

Thank You, Lord, for the mystery of, “Christ in you the hope of glory”. Thank You also, for the wonderful examples of men and women of faith, who have been given godly courage to carry out the duties that You called them to do.

Lord, I pray that in the power of the Holy Spirit, You would develop in me a godly wisdom and courage to live my Christian life as light in a darkened world, whatever the cost.

Father, You have called us to reflect Your light and to tell of Your healing power. May I be enabled by Your Holy Spirit to speak out Your Word of truth, in grace and love. May I become a mirror that reflects You so completely in all I say and do, that Christ may be seen in me, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name, 


Prayer For Daughter Going To College

Heavenly Father, how the time has flown past and the little girl that has given us so much joy and pain over the years, has grown into a lovely young woman and is now preparing to go to college. Father, I place her into Your hands and ask Your grace and guidance and protection over her heart and mind, as she takes this next big step in her journey through life.
Father, I pray that You would oversee her digs and her room-mates, her tutors, the other students that are in her classes and those with whom she develops friendships. I pray that You would direct her steps and may she make wise choices in each area of her new life while she is away from home and away from our care and advice.
Lord, we pray that she will embrace her academic studies wisely and use this as a wonderful opportunity to advance her education and not to waste time on too many social aspects, which although important in all of our lives, can sometimes have a negative influence on our choices and responsibilities, unless guarded.
I pray You would bring lovey Christian friends into her life and that she would increasingly rely on You in the inevitable stresses and strains that come from the confinements of communal living. And I specially pray that You would guard her mind from being influenced by the mind-set of the world and keep Jesus as the central focus of her day. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Bedtime Prayer Of Thanks

Heavenly Father,  I do thank Your for the gift of sleep and the opportunity for our bodies to be renewed and our souls to be refreshed during these quiet hours of the night, and as bedtime draws nearer, I just want to thank You for the benefits of sleep You have given us and ask that You would give me Your beloved sleep tonight.

Thank You for today and all the blessings and grace that has been poured out on me and those that I love,  and as I reflect on the different people I have met I pray Your love and peace would guard and guide each one. And Lord, as I reflect on the different things that I have done, I ask Your forgiveness for anything that was not honoring to You  - but praise and thank You for the opportunities You have given me to carry out Your purpose through my life today.

As I settle down for the night I ask and pray that  I would soon fall asleep, but first I want to hand all my cares and worries over to You, for You have promised to  carry our burdens, if we will simply lay them down at Your feet.

I also want to lift up to You all those that mean so much to me, my family and friends,  neighbours and other acquaintances,  and ask Your blessing on each one – and I ask that You would wake me in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your bidding and may I be blessed with one more day to live for Jesus. Lord thank You that You are coming back soon and I pray that I may be ready for Your any day return to take us to be with Yourself in heaven – but in the meantime may I occupy until You come to Your praise and glory, 


“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever.”
(Psalm 107:1)

Worship Prayer

We give you praise and worship your holy name. We ascribe to You the glory and honour that is due to You, for You are our God, You alone are our Creator our Lord and our Saviour, and You alone are deserving of our worship.

We worship You in the beauty of Your holiness and bow down before You in reverent praise, for You alone are worthy to receive all honour and glory and praise and blessing and worship.

Your power and Your majesty is seen throughout all the world, the works of Your hand are displayed in the heavens above, in the earth beneath and in the waters under the earth. You sit enthroned in circle of the heavens as our eternal King, and Your footstool is the foundation of the earth, which You have made. We are Your people, the sheep of Your pasture, and You are our God. We worship You. 

You picked us up out of the miry clay and clothed us in Your own robe of righteousness. You cleansed us of our sins and will wipe away every tear from our eyes. You give strength to the weak, help to the oppressed, give food to the hungry and comfort to those that are suffering. 

We bless You for our creation, preservation and all the blessings of this life, but above all we worship and thank You for sending Your Son to be our propitiation, our Saviour who washed away our sins with His own blood. Words cannot express the wonder of Your love and grace, and we worship You forever and ever and ever,


Prayer For Spiritual Vision

Father, we thank You that by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ we can boldly enter into the holy of holies and stand before Your throne of grace to seek Your face and to offer up our prayers, petitions and supplication to You, for which we praise and glorify Your holy name.

Lord, many of Your children have lost their way and are seeking to satisfy their thirst with water from broken cisterns rather then drinking deeply of the water of life that comes from You alone, and as a result much of the body of Christ is weak, impotent, disinterested in the Word of God and has become disorientated to the truths that it contains. Many have lost their vision of the glorious hope that is set before us and many have placed themselves back until the bondage of legalism, although by Christ’s death and resurrection we have been freed from the slavery to sin.

Look down in pity on Your needy Church, and renew in us the joy of our salvation. Bring us to foot of the cross and restore the joy of our salvation and the truth of the glorious gospel of grace, back into the hearts of all who have lost their way in their spiritual walk. Thank You, that when we wander away from You, You remain our ever-present help in time of trouble. When we prove faithless, You continue to prove to be faithful and true. Draw Your body back to Yourself and give each one of us a spiritual hunger for You, so that as a body we may glorify You. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Courage In The Christian Life

Heavenly Father, I love You and thank You for all that You have done for me. Thank You for dying for me and taking the punishment that I deserve. Father God, please help me, for when I am on my own I want to tell the whole world about You, but when I am in company with other people, I just freeze up and get so tongue-tied and am so lost for words.

I feel I am letting You down by not saying anything about You, and remaining silent, when I should be lifting up the Lord Jesus and telling everyone I meet, the message of salvation by grace through faith.

Give me courage I pray, to open my mouth and speak the truth to whomsoever I may come into contact. Release my tongue and allow me to speak forth what is in my heart, to your praise and glory. Lord, I know that without You I can do nothing, but I also believe that I can do all things through Christ Who gives me the strength and courage.

So use my life I pray, and give me the courage to be a good and faithful witness to Jesus, in word and in deed, to His praise and glory. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening

Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful nights sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,

Child’s Bedtime Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for today and for all the good things that You have given me and for the fun that I have had.. Thank You for my family and please bless my mom and dad and everyone.

I am sorry for the things that I have said wrong today and the naughty things that I have done that were not kind. Help me to be like Jesus and to be good and to lean to like people that are mean to me.

Thank You that You sent Jesus to die on the  cross to pay the price for my sins, and I am glad that You rose again..  so that I could be forgiven and go to heaven and be with Jesus forever.

Help me to sleep tonight and keep us all safe. Thank You that You are with me ALL night long and that there is nothing that needs to frighten me – even the dark, because I know that You are with me ALL the time – I am SO  glad about that.. because there are sometimes some creaks in the night. Thank You for everything,


“The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my mountain where I seek refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”
(Psalm 18:2)

Prayer As I Stand In The Kitchen

Bless my little kitchen, Lord, and may it be a place where I work with grateful thanks for all the blessings You bring into it. May this little kitchen be a haven of peace and comfort, love and joy to all who pop in for a little chat, or who are in need of a word of encouragement. Keep me from foolish frettings but rather, may it become a place where all who enter through its door find a warm welcome, and may our conversation be seasoned with salt full of grace and truth.

Thank You for the supply of food that You lovingly provide for our daily sustenance. As I prepare the food, may I meditate on the beauty of Your person and the many precious promises that You have poured into our lives. And Lord, may we always gain our spiritual nourishment from Your Word. 

As I stand at my little sink Lord, I thank You that You are as the pure living water of life. As I bake my bread and cakes, I bless You that You are the living Bread that was send down from heaven to nourish our hearts and to sustain our lives.

Bless my little kitchen Lord, and may all I say and do within these walls be done as unto You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer of Worship To God

I will sing to the Lord a song of worship. I will lift up my voice in a hymn of praise. Let the earth and heavens join together in worshipping the Lord our God, for He alone is worthy of our praise. May the trees clap their hands together and mountains lift up their heads. May the flowers of the forest sing for joy and may the streams and seas rejoice on every side.

May we together, proclaim the joy of Your salvation to all the people on earth and declare the glory of Your marvellous majesty to all the nations. Marvellous are the works of Your hand, for You are the Lord our God, Who alone is worthy of our worship and praise.

I praise and worship You Father God for Who You are. I thank You that You are my Saviour and that justice and truth are in Your hands. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Courage To Face The Future

Heavenly Father, the struggles and difficulties of life seem to be swirling all around me like a misty fog in the blackness of night, and at times I just don’t know which way to turn.

Father, at times I just feel like giving up and walking away from everything, and yet I know that in life, “giving-up” is not an option. Give me courage and strength to face the future with You, and to trust You to walk with me every step of the way, for I know that the Bible tells me that You are with me every moment of the day.

Give me the courage to take my eyes off the difficulties of life and to unreservedly anchor my faith in You. And Lord, from this day forward, as I step out into the unknown future, may I have the courage to put my hand into Your hand and not to fear, knowing that You will never fail me nor forsake me. Thank You, in Jesus' name,


Evening Prayer For Forgiveness

Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me through this day and Lord, forgive me for the times when I have wandered outside Your best will for me, instead of trusting You implicitly.
Thank You, that You are such a gracious Shepherd to me and that You come and rescue me even when I lose my way and stray from the path that You have laid out for me.
As I look back over today, I know Lord that there were things that I should have said and done differently, and times when I reacted in a manner that was not honouring to Your holy name. Forgive me I pray, but thank You, Father, that You always faithfully prepared to gently bring me back to Yourself.
Give me a good nights sleep I pray, knowing that there is no condemnation because I am in Christ, and may I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your will. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer For Alcoholic Sister

Dear God, I feel such pain and grief for my precious sister who has become an alcoholic. I am quite shocked and devastated to realise that this dear one has been enticed into this life- destructive behaviour, and I just want to know what to do. I feel so helpless as I watch her sinking more and more into life-style that has robbed her of her lovely personality and happy self.

Please Lord, help her to break free from this alcoholism. It is so painful to know that she is so addicted and I just ask that in Your mercy and love You would help her to break completely free from this horrid habit, and leave it behind her completely.

I want us all to get back to the relationship we had before she started drinking and to restore to her the joy of Your salvation - the joy and peace that she had before this alcoholic addiction too control.

Father, I know that there is no one else who can help her and there will be no freedom from this cursed habit without You intervention and grace. Please, Lord, cause her to see the folly of her way and seek You with all her heart. Thank You that You are a God Who cares -  and Who hears and answers the prayers of Your children 


Prayer To Worship In Spirit And Truth

Dear Lord Jesus, I love and worship You for all that You have done for us, and Lord I long to worship You in spirit and in truth, just as You told the woman at the well.

Thank You for making me in Your own image, and for all the many blessings and benefits that You have bestowed on me. Lord, I want to surrender to You completely. To present myself as a living sacrifice before You each day. To take up my cross daily and present myself to You as my spiritual act of worship, for You alone are worthy, You alone are the Lord.

Open my eyes to see You more. Open my ears to hear Your still small voice, and open my heart to worship You more and more so that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of my Lord Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer To The Father Who Is My Courage

How I thank and praise You my Father, that You are my light and my salvation, my courage and the strength of my life, and that there is nothing to fear when You are nearby. Lord, my hope is in You for I know that no enemy can penetrate the spiritual wall of protection that surrounds me in Christ, and that nothing can touch my life that You do not permit if I remain in Him, Who is my light and the upholder of my life.

Help me to study Your Word with all diligence, knowing that all I need to live godly in Christ Jesus is contained within its pages, and as I progress along my Christian walk, may I be ready to give an answer to all who ask about my eternal hope in Christ. Give me I pray, the courage to speak boldly, but in love. In Jesus' name I pray,


Evening Prayer For Future Guidance

Heavenly Father, as I lie down to sleep tonight, I pray that You would guard my sleeping and protect my mind from wandering thoughts and unnecessary planning. Teach me to wait for Your perfect timing and not to try to plan my future in my own strength.
Lord, I know that You have scheduled every day of my life. Help me to trust You in all things and rely on You to lead me along the straight path and guide me in the direction that You would have me to go.
Give me patience to wait for Your perfect timing, and may I not trust in my own abilities and scheming, but rather rest in Your love and trust my future into Your hands.
And so now Lord, I commit this night to you, asking that I would rest soundly and wake refreshed and strong to do Your bidding. This I ask in Jesus' precious name,

Prayer For Alcoholic Wife

Oh Lord, I am devastated, as the wife, I love so dearly has become almost estranged from me. She has started drinking.. and it is a habit that is almost out of control.

Forgive me Lord for not seeing the tell-tale signs earlier, but I have been so busy with my work schedule, that I have only really begun to understand the devastating effect that alcohol has had on my dear wife.

I have to call it what it is – alcoholism – and it grieves me that she has changed almost out of recognition and has little interest in the home, or me, or the children – or anything else.

I pray with all my heart that You would help me to help my wife reverse this destructive habit, and return her to the loving, caring  wife I remember. 

Give me the strength and wisdom to support her so that she may be set free from her alcohol addiction – I believe Your grace is sufficient even to cope with this and I pray that whatever it takes.. You will bring her back from this dependency on drink and to return her into Your loving arms – and mine – this I ask in Jesus name,


Prayer To Be Set Free From Sickness

Dear Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You for Your never-failing love towards me. Even when I was lost in sin and without hope in the world, You looked down and gently called me to be Your child, even though I was rebellious and restless.

Lord, You know that partly due to not caring for myself and partly for no other reason that we live in a fallen world, I am suffering a debilitating sickness. I ask that You would graciously look down on me and pick me up again and heal me in body as well as in spirit, as You did once before.

Thank You for dying for me to pay the price for my sins, and thank You that You were wounded for my transgressions and bruised for my iniquities and that by Your stripes I am healed. Lord, I know that this body of mine is only going to deteriorate more and more as I get older, but I do pray that in Your grace and mercy, You would set me free from the unpleasant sickness and pain that I am going through at the moment, and give me relief and healing.

Lord, I do pray that You would set me free from this debilitating sickness that I am going through. Nevertheless, I also thank You that in all things Your grace is sufficient for You have proved this to be the case time and time again in the past. Thank You, that You are a faithful God in all things and I ask that my life, in sickness and in health, is a life that glorifies You.

Keep me I pray from grumbling, when I have received such an overabundance of Your mercies, which are new every morning. I know that my life here is but for a fleeting moment in the economy of eternity, and I know that You have given me eternal life, for which I praise and thank You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Surrender To God’s Will

Father of love and grace, I rejoice that I am Your child and that I have been saved by the blood of Christ and made a new creation in Him. Thank You that my sins are all forgiven by grace through faith in Him, and that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.

Lord, I want to surrender my will to Yours and to say daily, “Thy will not mine be done.” Help me to step out in faith moment by moment as I surrender my life to You. Uphold me with Your righteous right hand and keep me I pray, from falling. Lead me in the paths of righteousness for Your names sake, and guide me into the way everlasting. In Jesus' name I pray,


Evening Prayer For Protection For The Future

Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, thank You, that You are always there for me and that You have promised never to leave me not to forsake me. Father, there are an increasing number of evils in the world that can cause our hearts of fear, but I know that You have promised to be with me, to protect and to defend, even to the end of the age.
Place Your hand of protection over me I pray, and cover those that I love with Your peace and grace, comfort and hope. Help me to trust You in all things, and may I never forget that no matter what happens in this life You have promised to be my Protector and Provider, my Rock and my Shield of defence.
Let me sleep soundly tonight I pray, and keep the looming shadows of darkness and fear far from my heart. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For An Alcoholic Friend

Heavenly Father, I have heard of a dear friend who has become an alcoholic – sadly they drifted into this lifestyle through social drinking, but now it has become habitual and I realise that this is beginning to have a serious impact on their life, and needs to be addressed and dealt with as a matter of urgency.

Lord I am not sure what I do, which is why I am coming to You to ask for Your wisdom and guidance. I am not sure if I should talk to them about this issue or simply keep them covered in prayer… but I do ask for You to intervene in their life and cause them to see the tremendous devastation that is starting to happen.. both in their own lives and in the lives of those around them.

Lead and guide me to say or do what is right and pleasing in Your eyes. Let me not be judgemental but may I be used by You to help my friend to leave this alcoholism behind. May they see the serious consequences that their drinking habit in causing and draw them back into a close relationship with Yourself – in Jesus name I pray,


Prayer For Christian Youth

Dear Heavenly Father, how I thank and praise you for the young men and women who have trusted in the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, and I ask that You would work in the lives of all young people who have stepped out in faith in the Son of God.

Draw ever closer to those who have made a commitment to You. May they grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus in the days that lie ahead. May they learn to walk in spirit and truth and to trust in Your Word, knowing that Your grace in sufficient for all their needs and requirements.

Keep them I pray, from being influenced by the tempting things of the world, and the desires of the sin nature, and protect them from the wiles of the enemy who would seek to disrupt their walk with You.

Give them grace and wisdom as they face the challenges of life, and keep them humble in heart and teachable in spirit. May they learn to look to Jesus day by day knowing that without Him they can do nothing but in His strength He will lead and guide in all things. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Those That Are Bedridden

Lord, we ask Your grace and mercy on those that find themselves in a situation where they are unable to get out of bed and function normally due to whatever reason. Father, we pray You would be very gracious to them in their sickness and ask that they may come to know You in a real sense. May they know Your presence with them, to uphold and sustain them.

Give those who care for them the grace and patience to cope with whatever situation they meet without resentment or a careless attitude. And give all those who care for the sick and elderly, a love that comes only from You.

Sustain each one on their sickbeds, and if it is Your purpose for their lives, we pray that they may be raised again into restored health and strength. And should they find themselves in a situation where their illness is prolonged or even terminal, we pray that You would heal their inner soul and bind up any brokenness in their hearts.

Lord, we know that in You we have life and life more abundantly, and so we ask that if there are any for whom we are praying that have not accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, that You would send a special someone to tell them the truth, that Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for their sins, so that all who believe on His name might not perish but have everlasting live, and that He rose again the third day, conquering death and hell for ever so that we may live with Him eternally in bodies that are glorified and like unto His glorious body. Father, look down we pray in grace and mercy on all who are permanently bedridden and draw each one into the loving arms of the Lord Jesus, in Whose name we pray,


Prayer Of Complete Surrender To God

Oh Father, the depth of the riches both of Your wisdom and knowledge are unsearchable. Your judgments are unfathomable and Your ways are unable to be found out.

How I thank You that You searched me out, lifted me up out of the miry clay and set my feet upon the rock of my salvation. To You be all glory forever and ever.

Lord, I know that my love for You is not as strong as I would like it to be, but it is my deep desire to present my spirit, soul and body to be a holy and acceptable sacrifice to You, a living sacrifice, so that in every area of my life I may do only those things that are pleasing to You.

Help me to keep my old self-life in the place of death. May I grow in grace and mature in the faith and draw ever closer to You with every passing day. And as I rest in You, I pray that day by day I may be increasingly conformed into the likeness of Your Son, my Saviour, Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Evening Prayer Of Surrender

Loving Lord, as I settle down for the night I just want to thank You for all that You are to me and praise Your holy name for all that You have done for me, and all that You are going to do for me in the days that lie ahead.
Lord, I know that I am not worthy to undo Your shoes-laces, and yet You have lifted me up out of the miry clay, and seated me together with Christ in heavenly places. What a good and gracious God You are. 
Father, I simply want to surrender all I am to You and offer my life as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to You, for You have saved my life from the pit of destruction and clothed me in the righteousness of Christ. You have brought me in to Your own, heavenly family and reserved for me an inheritance in heaven that will not fade away. You alone are worthy of my love and praise and I surrender all I am to You tonight and pray that Your will not mine be carried out in my life, from this day forward, even for evermore. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer For An Alcoholic Family Members

Dear Lord, it is so hard when someone we love gets caught up in an addiction to alcohol.. and when it is a member of your own family it makes it even more hurtful to accept and more difficult to cope with 

Lord, You know exactly who I am talking about, and we know that this has been going on for some time now, but it has got to the point where all of us are feeling the pain and hurt that they are going through.

Oh Lord, alcoholism is such a disabling condition as it affects every area of life and is like a virus that spreads out of control, infecting everything that it touches – but we know that there is nothing that cannot be helped and healed by You.. and that nothing is impossible for You.

And so we lift them up to You in prayer and ask that You would convict them of their need to break free from alcohol and the grace to conquer this disabling habit  - and so we leave this important matter in Your hands and watch for You to act swiftly - and we will give You all the praise and glory in Jesus name,


Prayer To Return Into Fellowship With God

O God, be gracious to me and bless me and make the light of Your face shine on me and draw me back into Your loving arms. Lord, I have wandered far from You, and have been chasing after the things that are of little importance. In so doing I have left my First Love. I have wandered far from You Lord Jesus, I want to return into Your loving arms.

I have been remembering the beautiful fellowship we enjoyed together when I first was born again, and am coming to You Lord now, to confess my neglect, to admit my fault in wandering far from You, in order to experience a few paltry pleasures of the world. But they have left a bitter taste in my mouth and I long to rest in Your love once again, to breathe in the refreshing air of Your grace and to return into the loving arms of Jesus.

So be gracious to me Lord, and may the light of Your face shine on me once more. In Your grace, I come to You in humbleness of heart and pray that we may return into the sweet fellowship we once enjoyed. Thank You, Lord, that you are a God Whose greatest desire is to reconcile sinners back into Your loving arms. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For The Salvation Of Today’s Youth

Loving Heavenly Father, I pray Your loving kindness and gracious mercies be poured out over the many young people of today who have turned their backs on the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ.

Father, in your grace and mercy, You sent Your only beloved Son to take the punishment for their souls, and yet so many have turned the eyes of their heart to the things of this world, and have believed the lies of the enemy, rather than turning to the truth of the Scriptures. 

Father, I pray that You would convict many young people of their need of Jesus as their Saviour and draw many into Your kingdom. Speak to their hearts and convict them in their spirit, and may Your name be glorified and heaven rejoice at those that come to trust you as Saviour. I pray in Jesus' name,


Prayer To Present My Life As A Living Sacrifice

Loving Father, I come to Your heavenly throne-room, humbly kneeling before You in the knowledge that in and of myself I have no right to appear before Your glorious majesty, but thanks be to God that through the blood of Jesus Christ my Lord, I can confidently draw near to Your mighty throne of grace, so that I may receive grace to help in time of need and necessity.

Lord, thank You that through the wonder working power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, I can live and move and have my being in Him. I pray, that I would grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus. Lord, make me willing and obedient to live a life that is pleasing to You.

Help me to take every thought captive and to rest in Your unfailing love. Keep me I pray, from being squeezed into the world’s mould, but rather may I be transformed by the renewing of my mind in the likeness of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For Permanent Position In My Current Job

Dear Lord Jesus, I do praise and thank You for the job that You have given me in Your grace and goodness. But Lord, I do pray that You would enable me to be appointed into a permanent position, rather than being employed on a temporary basis.
Open the doors for my promotion in the near future I pray, and may I find grace in the eyes of the bosses and management.
Lord, I trust my times into Your hands and pray that in Your timing an opportunity for promotion will open up, and I will give You all the praise and all the glory. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer For An Alcoholic Mother

Dear heavenly Father, how I thank You for my parents and especially my mother, whom I love so much, and yet Lord You know how she has become entrapped in alcoholism.. and has got to the point where she cannot even face the day without a drink in her hand 

Lord, it is so sad to see my mother in this sorry state - for it is not only tearing her apart but the whole family is being affected by her drinking habit, and so I do pray that You will step into her life and help her to break free from this terrible addiction.

Give me the wisdom and understanding to know how to help her through this terrible time in her life.. and I pray that she would return to normality and be able to break free from her binge drinking.

Father, I know that nothing is impossible with You and I commit my mother and her future into Your hands and ask that in Your goodness and grace You would reach down and meet her at her point of need. Help her I pray, to break free forever and to draw close to Christ – Who does not want us to be enslaved by alcohol or drunk with wine but to be filled to overflowing with the Spirit of God. This I ask in Jesus name,


Prayer For Rain In A Drought

Dear Lord, we are facing a severe drought and we plead with You to open the heavens and send rain on this dry and thirsty land. Lord, we know that You are the one that sends the rain and You are the one that can withhold the rain, but we pray that You would look down in pity on our waterless land and send the rain to water the land, reviving the land and the people.

Lord, we do not deserve You grace and mercy, for we have not loved and served You as we should, but You are long-suffering and of great goodness and we pray that You would send rivers of water over the vegetation and fill up the water-holds and wells, for the earth is parched and we do not know what to do.

Lord, for Your Holy Names sake, we ask that You would send the rains in this land soon, for we have no hope but You, for You have promised to give rain upon the earth and send water on the fields. You have promised that the seasons will not fail and that the harvest will continue to provide their bounty, but without the life-giving water, we are going to have to face very severe consequences. In Your mercy, send us rain in the dry and dusty land. We pray in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Life Surrender

Father, take my life I pray, and use it as You will. I choose today to surrender my all to You. You know the thoughts of my heart, and I have not come to this decision lightly, but know that this must be the path that I take from now on.

Father, I pray that moment by moment I may be looking to You. I pray that I may in-breathe Your will for my life through the Word of God and out-breath Your blessing to others, whom You may choose to place in my path.

Lord, I know that it is a dangerous prayer, but I ask that You do whatever it takes for me to live entirely in Your will and to be able to say in every circumstance of my life, “Your will be done and not mine”. Look deeply into the very core of my being and root out all things in me that are displeasing to You, Lord.

Search out my heart and change me into the person that You desire met to be, whatever it takes. May I decrease in my importance and desires until I am nothing, so that You may increase in every area of my life until You become my all in all.

Lord, today I choose to surrender my whole life to You and pray that whatever the cost, You would take full control of all that I am and all that You want me to be, from this point on.

I ask this in the precious name of Jesus,


Prayer That I Will Not Lose My Current Job

Loving Heavenly Father, there is an increasing unease at my work and tensions are running high, due to the changes in staffing and management that are taking place, and so many people are becoming anxious, knowing that their jobs have become very precarious.
Father, I pray that in Your grace that You would go before me and allow me to be selected as one that will not be laid off. I do ask Lord, that I may retain my current job and not have to face the need to look for employment elsewhere.
Lord, I simply want to place this difficult position in Your hands today. Give me a peace in my heart knowing that You have promised to supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory. Thank You for hearing and answering the cries of Your children. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer For My Alcoholic Boyfriend

Dear Lord, my boyfriend is an alcoholic and I am so concerned for him. I love him and have tried everything I can think of to get him to turn away from drink, but he takes no notice and I know that things are getting worse. He seems to be getting more and more depressed and I fear for his health and his own safety and even my own safety too.

Lord I have seen the devastation that alcohol can do in families and in relationships, and I want to help him through this - but in my heart I know that there is nothing more that I can do, unless he is prepared to face his alcoholic addiction himself.

Lord show me what to do and I pray that You Who knows the hearts of all men would convict him of his sin and need of Jesus. Lord I love him and don’t want this to drive us apart. Give me the wisdom to know what to do and the grace to do what is best for us all. This I ask in Jesus name,


Prayer To Be A Sweet Smelling Sacrifice

Heavenly Father, my desire is to do Your will and to do it willingly and without question, even though my nature and tendency has often been to kick against the pricks of my life-circumstances and to try to steer my own course independently of You.

Nevertheless, I pray that by the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, I may be willing to present my entire life to You as a sweet-smelling savour.

Lord, I want to be changed into the person that You want me to be, and to leave behind the things of the flesh, to walk in newness of life, and in spirit and truth with Your Holy Spirit in the driving seat of my life.

Lord, I want to prove what is Your good and acceptable will for my life and to allow Your Holy Spirit to change in me all those fleshly tendencies of life and selfish motives, that so often cause me to sin against You. I want to learn obedience through Your child-training work in my life, so that I may be used to bring encouragement to others in thought, word, deed and motive.

Keep me from prideful actions and from those little jealous thoughts that so easily tarnish my witness for You, and help me I pray, to develop an attitude of thankfulness and joy in the Lord. May I rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks to You for Your great goodness to me. Thank You, Lord, for the work that You are doing in me,

In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer About Unpleasantness At Work

Dear Lord, there is much tension and trouble at work and some of the blame is being laid at my door. Father, You know the difficulties that I face and I pray that my integrity and honesty will be proven and that these accusations against me will be dropped.
Lord, in Your grace I pray that that the unpleasant atmosphere will soon pass and that the tensions will be replaced with harmony and kind consideration between staff members.
Lord, I leave my work situation in Your hands, knowing that You alone can vindicate my character, and I pray that You will intervene on my account. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Alcohol Sufferers

Dear Father God, in a world where many people are struggling to overcome the curse of alcoholic addiction, we lift up all those that have been ensnared by this ungodly dependence on drink, which has too often been the root cause of many ruined lives and numerous dysfunctional families.

We pray that in Your grace and pity You would come alongside these alcoholic sufferers who have this serious dependency on alcohol and ask that You would create in them a dislike and distain for all forms of alcoholic drinks 

Lord, You died for each one on the cross for each one is lost and en-route for eternal separation from You, if they do not turn away from their dependency on drink to depend on Christ as Saviour – and Lord we know that in Your power and strength You have all that is needed for each and every sufferer to be set free from this alcoholic dependency.

We pray that in Your grace You would draw many out of this slavery to drink and give them new dependency  - trust in Jesus, Who died for all who would believe on His name.. and in Whose name we pray,


Prayer For Christian Youth To Grow In Grace

Loving Lord, I thank You for all those children and young people who have trusted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Father, I know that there is a vital need for them to grow in the faith and to become established in the truth of the gospel of grace, to be discipled and taught and trained in the things of God.

I pray for all young Christian men and women, that they may develop a spirit of reverence and humility towards You and a desire to walk in spirit and truth as they submit to the Holy Spirit, knowing that the fear of God and reverence towards the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Keep those Young people who are Your children pure in heart and spirit, and develop in them a desire to be clean before You and learn of You so that they too may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

May they grow in grace and be used by You to witness of the truth of Your Word to others. Guard them from all that would cause them to stumble and guide them into all truth. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Abundant Rain In Drought

Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, You alone are good and You alone richly provide for all the needs and the necessities of life, and in Your loving-kindness You give us over and above all that we ask or think. Thank You for Your steadfast love and gracious provision to us and to all Your creation.

Forgive us for the times when we have taken Your provision for granted and the times when we have failed to thank You and give You the honour and gratitude that You deserve. Thank You, that even though we have failed to acknowledge all that You give us day by day, You faithfully provide us richly all things to enjoy. But Lord, we come to You now, knowing that we are facing a drought in this region and we ask You to send abundant rain on the earth, which has become dry, thirsty and arid.

Look down in pity our plight we pray. It is not only the plants that are wilting, but even the animals and people in this place are parched and dry. Oh Lord, send us rain. Open the windows of heaven we pray with the sweet rainfall that we so desperately need, and water our land we pray, and we will give You all the praise and glory due to Your holy name,


“You visit the earth and water it abundantly, enriching it greatly. God's stream is filled with water, for You prepare the earth in this way, providing [people] with grain.”
(Psalm 65:9)

Prayer For Humility To Be Like Christ

Father, how we thank You for the wonderful example of true humility that is seen in the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who despite being God incarnate, lived His life in humble submission to You, learning to be both submissive and obedient by the things that He suffered.

Thank You, Lord, that in union with Christ we have the mind of Christ, as we also submit to the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Help me to develop the beautiful spiritual fruit of humility that is so important in the lives of all Your children, if we are to grow in grace and to mature into a deeper knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Lord Jesus.

Help me not to do anything out of selfish ambition or foolish vanity, but rather may I develop the godly grace to regard the needs and desires of others as being more important than my own. Teach me I pray, to live as Christ lived, in the power of the Spirit and to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer When Being Persecuted At Work

Dear Lord, the oppression and victimisation at work that I am having to face is growing worse, and I feel that I am being singled out for this sort of persecution simply because I trust in You as my Saviour.
Lord, You told us to pray for those that persecute us and to bless and not to curse. Lord, I can only do this in Your strength. Give me that sufficient grace to do this, so that I may live a life that honours You. Help me to suffer this persecution for righteousness sake, knowing that in so doing I am sharing in Your suffering, simply because I am a member of Your body.
Help me to count it all joy when I am faced with these trials and difficulties at work, knowing that this is a testing of my faith which will produce steadfastness and patient endurance.
Help me to have faith that You will even use this horrid persecution that I am facing at work as a means for my good, and to the glory of Your name. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Daughter At School

Heavenly Father, I lift up my daughter to You as she goes to school today, and pray that You would stay close to her throughout the day. I pray for Your protection over her, spirit, soul and body and that You not only keep her sheltered from all those that might be uncaring, thoughtless or careless towards her, but that You would bring into her life.. good friends that will stand by her and teachers that encourage and nurture her - and who remain  fair in their discipline and training.

Keep her we pray from getting involved with the wrong people who might lead her astray and help us to identify any unusual attitudes or behaviours that might have resulted from her getting friendly with the wrong crowd..  and so we pray  that in Your strength, we may be able to address any problems at school, well before they develop into a real problem areas.

May she develop her time-keeping and discipline skills and be ready and willing to learn the meaning of responsibility, accountability and self-control. And I pray that her walk with Jesus might blossom and grow stronger with every passing day.

And I also pray that from her waking moments to the time when she closes her eyes in sleep.. that You would lead her along the right path and guide her into all truth.. so that her trust and relationship with Jesus may blossom and grow.. into a spiritual maturity that seeks to keep Jesus as the center of her life, in Whose name I Pray,


Woman’s Prayer To Become Pregnant

Dear loving Heavenly Father, I am Your child and I long to have a child of my own in my arms, a child to love and to cherish for the rest of my life, just as You have loved me with Your everlasting love.

Whatever the reason Lord, that I have not conceived, I pray that You would give me the strength to get pregnant and bear a little baby, just as Sarah in the Old Testament was given the grace to conceive and bear her son, Isaac. Lord, if there are any internal complications in either my husband or me, I pray that in Your grace You would enable that to be overcome.

Thank You, Lord, for hearing my prayer and I leave my life in Your hands. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Orphans

Loving Lord, thank You that You care for the hurting and the disadvantaged. You care for the lost and the oppressed. You care for widows and orphans, and today I bring before Your throne of grace, the many children in the world today that are having to live their early years, without the loving support of parents.

Look down in pity on all who are alone and vulnerable in this evil world, and Father draw close to all orphans and hurting children. Supply their needs and bring them into contact with those that will support, help and protect them from those who would prey on their innocence.

Loving Lord, I ask that many of these fatherless children in our world today would hear the truth of the glorious gospel and be brought into Your kingdom. Provide for them on earth, Lord, and may they understand that the day is coming when You will wipe away all tears from their eyes forever. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Israel’s Rain

Heavenly Father, You have promised to give Your people their rain in due season so that the land may bring forth its increase. You have promised to send the early and the latter rains, and we thank You for Your faithfulness in watering the land of Israel for so many years.

Lord, we come again to pray that You would refill Israel and pour refreshing rains on the land, so that the rivers will be filled and the land will blossom and bloom and yield its harvest in due season.

Lord, as a nation Israel has strayed far from You and has even failed to recognise their Saviour and King, and yet You have not forgotten Your own chosen people and have continued to bless them, despite their unbelief and blindness to the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ. Father, we pray for Israel, that You would send an abundance of rain to fill up the depleted reservoirs of water.

Water Your land and bless Your people, Israel, and we pray that many may come to recognise the Lord Jesus as their God and Saviour, in Whose name we pray,


Prayer Of Humility Before Our Gracious Father

Thank You, Father God, for the wonderful grace that You have bestowed on all Your children, which enables us to live by Your grace, and to grow in grace. Grace which empowers us with sufficient strength and abilities from above, to live and work to Your praise and glory.

Lord, it was by Your grace that we were saved and brought into Your family, forgiven of our sins, given access to Your throne of grace and imputed with Christ’s righteousness.

It was by Your grace that we were given eternal life, indwelt by the Holy Spirit and awarded a heavenly citizenship with an inheritance that is imperishable, and will never pass away. And it is also by Your everlasting-kindness that You give grace to those that are humble and oppose those that are prideful and arrogant.

I pray that I live in humility of spirit and meekness of mind, so that I may reap the divine benefits of Your gift of grace, which You have promised to bestow on all who humble themselves before Your holy Presence. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Protect My Husband’s Job

Dear Father God, protect my husbands job I pray. He has become so concerned that his position is vulnerable and we need the money to pay the bills.
Help me not to worry and to cast all my burdens on You, knowing that You have said that You will help us in every situation of life. Please give me the courage not to worry and to trust You to work in this difficult situation at his work.
Lord, I don’t really know the problem as he has not told me all that is gong on, but I know that You know and I believe that You care for all Your children, so please work a mighty work in my husbands job and protect his current work I pray. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Daughter’s Health

Loving Lord, I praise You that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and that You are the one Whose healing touch is still as powerful today as it was in the times of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and so I come to ask for that same healing power to be poured out over my daughter, who is not at all well.

Lord, You know the exact reason why she is so poorly.. for You formed her in the womb and scheduled each day of her life.. and so I ask that You in Your grace and goodness You would minister to her need, and heal her speedily.

Lord, I feel so helpless as I stand by and watch the progression of this illness, with little knowledge of what I really ought to do, and so I come to You to plead You healing power over her, and ask that You touch every part of her body and flow through her in each area that needs Your loving touch and healing hand.

I pray that her body may be quickly healed, and restored to life and health..  and I will not forget to give You all the praise and glory – for You are God who hears and answers prayer – in Jesus name I pray,




Prayer For Street Kids

Loving Heavenly Father, how my heart goes out to the children and young people who have been abandoned or orphaned and have become ‘street kids.’ Father, I ask that you would look down in pity and mercy on so many who have been drawn into drugs, prostitution, child labour or criminal activities.

Extend Your arm of mercy to these youngsters and rescue many who have been drawn into this grim life-style. I pray that you would provide the help needed for many to be found and set free from the difficulties they face,and I pray for each one, that they may hear the gospel of grace and come to know You as their loving Saviour and caring Father.

I pray for the many ministries that have undertaken to care for orphaned and abandoned children. Thank You for these ministries, I pray You would protect, strengthen and provide for the needs of these ministries as they care for these precious children. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Rain In Texas

Dear God, we cry to You to send rains to the parched lands of Texas. Lord, the rains have been withheld and our fields are becoming like a dust bowl and Lord. there is not a single cloud in the sky. And yet, You are God and You are the one who poured out rain on the land, when Elijah prayed. Like Elijah, we come to You Lord, and pray that You would send clouds with an abundance of rain, for the land is dying and we are in great need.

Lord, our hope is in You and our trust is in You. Without You Lord, we could not survive in this land and we know and acknowledge this fact, and so we cry out together for You to hear our prayers for rains to drench the earth and bring new life to a land that is thirsty and arid.

Forgive us Lord, for the times that we have not thanked You for Your ongoing provision, but do not hold that to our account, for You have promised to send water to the earth in due season and so we look to You Lord, we look to You, for our hope is in You alone, for we have no one to help us apart from You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Humility Of Heart

Heavenly Father, I confess that my natural tendency is towards pride in its many guises and disguises. I have always wanted to show that I am self-assured and self-confident in front of other people, and yet I now begin to realise that I am in fact displaying pride in the form of selfishness and self-indulgence. Forgive me Lord, for I now realise that I have been relying on myself for all I need instead of trusting my life into Your hands.

Lord, I see now that I have been feeding my old sin nature, instead of allowing my new life in Christ to grow and flourish.

Lord, I live in this mortal body and have a fallible mind, but I desire in Your strength, to be clothed in humility and grace. I now see that the strength to do this only comes from You, and not as I thought, from me trying to act humbly in front of other people. Change me Lord and teach me to submit to Your working in my life.

Help me I pray, to clothe myself in humility and truth, by allowing the Holy Spirit to work in me so deeply, that people will start to see Jesus in my life, and not the old prideful person I used to be. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Lack Of Concentration

Dear Heavenly Father, I find that my mind too often starts to wander when I am needing to concentrate on the issue at hand. I know that the Bible encourages us to be alert and attentive, knowing that lapses in concentration can be quite serious and I ask that You would help me to cope with this issue and teach me how to keep my mind focussed on the job that needs to be done.
Help me Lord, to be sober and vigilant, just like the Bible says, knowing that the enemy is like a roaring lion who is seeking to devour and harm those that are Your children. You see Lord, I do not want this inability to concentrate to become my downfall in this area.
Lord, You have told us to cast all our cares and concerns on You, and this is becoming a major worry for me. Keep me I pray from becoming distracted and help me to develop the ability to really concentrate at work and during my study times, and also during my prayer sessions. Thank You, Lord, for listening and answering my petition. In Jesus' name,

Prayer for Deeper Fellowship

Draw me deeper into fellowship with You, Father. Lead me to focus on worship so that I can then, as a result, be useful in service.


Prayer For Grace Through A Difficult Pregnancy

Oh Father God, You know the ongoing difficulties that I have had with my pregnancy, not only the morning sickness but the other ailments that seem to have shadowed this pregnancy from the moment that I conceived.

Lord, I know that there are lots of pains and problems that are connected with the joy of having a baby, and I don’t want it to appear that all I am doing is to complain of feeling ill, when my heart is rejoicing that I am carrying this precious little life within me.

I ask that Father, that You would prevent me from having any more complications and illnesses as the time passes, and give me the grace and strength I pray, to carry this baby to full term, with a spirit of joy and thanksgiving.

Oh Father God, the joy of my Lord is indeed my strength and I claim this wonderful promise today, praying that You will support and strengthen me until that wonderful day when I hold my little baby in my arms. Thank You Father,


Prayer Of Comfort For Those Orphaned Or Abandoned

Dear Lord Jesus, so many children around the world have become orphaned or abandoned for so many different reasons, and have never known the love of a mother or father for them. Lord, I know that You care for all people. but You have a special heart for little children and orphans. 

Watch over these children and young people, I pray. Comfort them in their trials, and provide for them when they are in need. Educate them when they are abandoned, protect them from those that would take advantage of their vulnerabilities and heal the physical and emotional hurt that so many have had to face in their young lives.

And Father, I ask that in Your grace, You would draw near to each one and bring them into a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus. Meet each one at their point of need and cover them with Your grace. In Jesus' name I pray,


Single Parent’s Prayer For Daughter’s Scholarship

Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, I come to You in my poverty to ask for Your abundance and great grace towards my daughter. Lord, I am not in a position to pay for the fees for my daughter’s education and I come to You asking that You would make a way for her to attend her college studies.

Lord, I know that You are a God who hears and answers prayers and You have proved to me again and again that You are a gracious God who sees and responds to the plights and needs of your children. Lord, I now lift up the precious daughter that You have seen fit to entrust into my care, and ask that You would undertake for all that is needed for her to attend and complete her education.

Lord, if You are willing, I know that You can arrange a scholarship for my daughter at this time, but Lord, I pray that Your best will be done in the life of my daughter. Lord, I trust You to open the doors that need to be open, but I also pray that You would close the doors shut if she should not go through them. So Lord, I trust my daughter and her future education, career and life into Your hands, and pray that she would grow to love You more and more with every passing day. Into Your hands I commit my daughter and thank You Father for hearing and answering prayers. In Jesus' name I pray,


Humility Prayer For A Change In Me

Dear Lord, I am coming to realise how dangerous pride is in the life of a believer and how important true, godly humility is to the heart of God.

I read in Your Word that pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall, and I am beginning to see the devastating and destructive nature of pride and the true blessing that comes from a heart that is humble and contrite in spirit.

Keep me from falling prey to the many temptations that pride seems to scatter in my path, where I want to be the centre of attention and desire to receive all the acclaim and glory that rightly belongs to You.

Teach me Your ways and show me how I may clothe myself in godly humility, for Peter teaches that, "God opposes the proud but shows grace to the humble. Thank You for opening up Your Word to me and helping me to see the beautiful truth about humility. I ask that You would work a good work in my life day by day, until I am more like Christ and less like me. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Prayer Before Studying For An Exam

Dear Lord Jesus, I pray that as I settle down to do my studies today that You would help me to collect the thoughts of my mind so that I may become really focussed on my work and complete all that needs to be covered today.
Give me a focussed mind, help me to make the best use of the time today and keep me from the many distractions that too often divert my attention away from this important study.
Lord, You know that I have an exam coming up in the not to distant future and I pray that You would give me the grace to learn my studies, and to retain what I have learned. Give me an understanding mind and help me to concentrate so that I may retain and apply the knowledge that I am gaining. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name I pray,

Older Woman’s Prayer Of Grace In Pregnancy

Loving Lord, I hardly know whether to laugh with joy like Sarah or cry in disbelief like Elizabeth’s husband Zacharias, when they discovered that they were to have a baby. Here I am thinking that my parenting days were long gone and I discover that I am pregnant once more!

Lord, I come humbly before You. I am not even sure that I am strong enough to bring up another child, but Lord my life is in Your hands and I pray that You would give me the wisdom and grace to go through this unexpected pregnancy, and the strength Lord, to start once again with sleepless nights and child-training. 

Lord, I thank You for this baby and I give my pregnancy to You, praying that throughout the whole time You will be there to comfort and encourage and strengthen each member of the family. And Lord, I pray that You would place Your hand of blessing on this little human being that is being formed in my womb. May he or she grow up to know You Lord, and may they become a mighty man or woman of God.

Thank You for all my children, which have become such a blessing to me. Into Your hands I commit myself, my husband, my family and this precious little addition to our home, for which I praise You Lord. 


Prayer of Mercy For Orphans And Children

Loving Father, there is nothing that You cannot do and no one that is outside of Your sphere of knowledge. Your Word says that You defend the cause of widows and orphans, that you rescue the weak and needy and that You set the lonely in families.

I pray that You would work a mighty work in the lives of all those around the globe that are abandoned, orphaned or simply uncared for and provide for each of their needs according to Your riches in mercy and grace.

Raise up men, women and ministries that champion the cause of the defenceless and vulnerable. Be their rock of support, their fortress of safety, their shepherd and defender.

Protect the minds of those who have been exploited, and bring them to a knowledge of Jesus and also to a place of refuge, where they may learn of Your Father-heart of love for all those that are Your children. I pray this in Jesus' name,


Student’s Scholarship Prayer

Dear God, you know that I have applied for a scholarship so that I can complete my studies and I ask Lord that I may find favour in the eyes of the panel who makes the decision on awarded offered this scholarship, knowing that it seems to be the only way that that I will be in a position to finish my schooling.

Lord, I think that there are different levels of scholarship awards and I am praying that I may be granted the full scholarship, not only the tuition fees but the accommodation and other hidden expenses that inevitably come in a study program.

Lord God, I know that I am asking for a miracle but I also know that you are a God of miracles. You are a God of the impossible, and I give this request to You and pray that I would find grace and favour in the eyes of the selection committee. Thank You, Lord, for hearing my prayer and I offer my life to You Lord, to Your praise and glory. In the name of Jesus,


Prayer To Live Humbly Before God

Thank You, Father, that I am positioned in Christ and united in Him. What a great comfort this is to my heart and soul. Lord, I know that I have no right to have received Your amazing grace, for I acknowledge that it is against You alone that I have sinned in thought word and deed. And yet, You saw fit to leave Your heavenly throne and be born into this world of sin, as a little baby, so that by Your grace and mercy You could stoop down and pick me up, and seat me in heavenly places. Love so amazing, so divine demands my soul, my life, my all.

And so I kneel humbly before You and pray that by that same grace You would finish the good work that You started in me, when I trusted the Lord Jesus as my Saviour. I pray that my life may be a reflection of HIm and that the deep humility, meekness and goodness that was so evident throughout His entire life may be reflected in me.

I pray that like Jesus, I may learn obedience, even if it means having to experience suffering and pain. And Father, I pray that like Him I may act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with You, all the days of my life, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Prayer Before Bible Study

Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, how I thank You for The holy Scriptures and the truth within its pages. Thank You for the opportunity to spend time in Your Word and I pray that You would prepare my heart for this time of Bible study.
Help me to set my mind on things above and not on earthly things. Keep away all that would distract me from Your Word and develop in me a teachable spirit and ears that listen to Your still small voice, and I pray that the eyes of my heart would be open to see all that You want to teach me.
I pray that I may study to show myself approved unto God. Give me insight and understanding as I read and reflect on Your Word, and may I mature in the faith, grow in grace and come to a deeper knowledge of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through this time of Bible study. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Daughter To Be Saved

Heavenly Father, I just long that my daughter would recognize her need of Jesus and trust Him as her personal Saviour. I know that it is not Your will that anyone should perish but that all should come to repentance and saving knowledge of the truth.. but she has resisted Your call,  which grieves me so deeply.

But I know that Your Holy Spirit convicts sinners of their need of Jesus, and I pray that He would show my daughter that her life is going in the wrong direction and that she has become a slave to sin, the world, the devil.. and all that it offers her – but that in the long run it will only lead to problems and difficulties.

Look down on her I pray with pity and mercy. I know that it is Your will that she comes to faith in Jesus and I ask that no matter what it takes, You would draw her into Your arms of love, and open her eyes to the truth of the glorious gospel of grace.

Give me the wisdom and patience to deal with her in a way that does not push her away from the gospel but draws her to You.. and I trust her future into Your hands for I know that You love for her is even greater than my own. Thank You, Father,  in Jesus name,




Prayer To Overcome Fear Of Losing A Baby

Dear Lord, I have had a number of miscarriages, and I also know of many people who have lost the little baby that they were carrying. It leaves such a deep wound, and Lord I don’t want to lose my baby this time. Please be with me Lord, and keep me safe and the little baby as well, I pray.

Lord, I know that every day of our lives are safe in Your hands, and even though the difficulties that I have had in previous pregnancies have not come from You, yet Lord I know that You are able to use everything that happens in our lives, even the painful things and the bad things, and turn it for good.

Nevertheless Lord, I fear the possibility of losing this baby and ask You to take away this wrong thought, which I know will only drag me down into greater fear. Rather, I pray that I may learn to praise You for each day that passes, and for the goodness and grace that you have shown to me. Keep my little baby safe and warm, and protect him or her from all evil I pray and, please Lord, I pray that I may have a safe delivery. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Prayer For Ministries That Support Orphans

Lord Jesus, there are so many millions of children that have been orphaned or abandoned around the world, and we grieve for them in a world that seems to have lost its ability to care for the weak and help the defenceless.

Raise up orphanages and ministries that will actively seek out and help those that are alone in the world. I pray for any outreach missions that actively seek to rescue those who have been abandoned to a life when they have to fend for themselves and are facing severe hardships.

Provide the funds and food, the people and the amenities, the education and the equipment needed to keep the orphanages and ministries functioning. And heal the hearts of those that have been damaged by the experience of finding themselves alone in the world.

Into Your hands Lord, I place all children and young people who are alone in the world. May each one find the security for which they yearn, and the opportunity to learn about the Lord Jesus and His love for each of them. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Wisdom

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word, which reminds us of the importance of asking You for godly wisdom when we feel that we are lacking in understanding or discernment, for You have promised to give generously to all who ask in faith.

Lord, there are many areas of my life in which I desire to apply godly wisdom, and I pray that by Your grace, You would supply me with a sound mind so that I may be able to give an answer to whosoever asks me about the faith that I have in the Lord Jesus Christ. And Father, by Your grace, I pray that this will help to prevent me from being tossed about by the many winds of doctrine and false gospels that are being peddled today, by blind teachers of the blind.

Help me to truly ask in faith, for I know and believe that Your Word is true and I trust You to keep Your Word. I confess Father, at times I doubt that You include me in this promise as well, so help me to overcome any doubts that may surface in my heart and may my faith in You become strong and my wisdom from You be used to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Focus And Calmness

Loving Lord, I thank You for my life and give You grateful praise for Your great goodness and abundant mercy, which is new every morning. Thank You, that You are a gracious and faithful Father, even during those times when I stray far from You or when I allow the anxieties of life to steal away my peace and rob me of my joy in the Lord.
I pray that Your perfect peace would guard my heart and that You would provide me with a quiet focus and calm tranquillity within my soul. Guard my mind and guide my thoughts I pray, and prevent me from worrying about what may or may not happen, instead of keeping the eyes of my heart focussed upon Jesus and my ears ever open to His leading and guidance.
Give me strength to face all the eventualities of life in the sure knowledge, that Your grace is sufficient for all my needs. Help me to keep my eyes looking to Jesus in a calm and quiet confidence, knowing that He is the author and finisher of my faith. This I ask in His precious name,

Prayer For Youth Groups In Our Churches

Dear Heavenly Father, I give You heartfelt thanks for all those who trust in Jesus Christ as Saviour, and I want to pray for the youth groups within our churches, and for the young people and individual group members that participate in this important ministry.

Lord, I ask for their continuous and continuing spiritual growth, so that they may become strong in the faith. I pray that as they meet together they may be correctly and thoroughly discipled in the truth of Scripture, and be edified and encouraged as they fellowship together with other young people and members of the group.

I pray that they may united together in love and develop a desire to know the truth of the gospel of Your wonderful salvation, so that they may grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that they become mighty men and women of faith, who in turn may be used by You to forward Your plans and purposes.

Bless all youth group leaders and keep them looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of their faith, in Whose name we pray,


Prayer For Scholarship Interview

Dear Lord Jesus, I am quite nervous, as I have been asked to attend an interview for a scholarship for which I have applied. Oh Lord, this is such an amazing opportunity and I pray that You will lead and guide me in all the necessary preparations I will have to make, as well as enabling me to face the interview panel with poise, wisdom and courage.

Lord, I know that my times are in Your hands and that You know exactly the path I am going to take, even though I do not, yet I do so want to do my best and to properly prepare for this interview, and I pray that You would guide me as to how best to present myself at the meeting, and help me to get a feel of the questions I should be asking and answering.

I pray that I may find grace in the eyes of the panel and that You would be with me in the days that lie ahead, as I prepare myself for this wonderful opportunity that I know You have graciously given me. Thank You Lord, in Jesus' name,


Prayer To Make Wise Choices In My Christian Life

Father, I thank You for seeking me out and drawing me into Your family through Your everlasting cords of love. Thank You for loving me and saving me, and I pray that I may live my life in a manner that is honouring to You.

Keep me I pray, from worldly ways or ungodly philosophies, but rather I ask that I might have my mind renewed day by day, as I submit to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit in my life. Wash me with the cleansing water of the Word and direct and govern me in my daily choices, as may be most beneficial to me.

Sharpen my understanding of the truths in Your Word, and give me discernment and wisdom to follow in the paths of righteousness, for Your names sake. Help me I pray, to see others with Your eyes and to learn to love my brothers and sisters in Christ, as You have loved me, with a godly love that looks to the needs and necessities of others before considering my own.

Keep me looking to Jesus day by day, and I pray that in Your grace, You would use me in Your service, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Focus And Clarity

Lead me Lord, in the way that I should go and give me I pray, clarity of thought and a clear focus on what Your will is for the direction of my life. I am seeking You for guidance, direction, clarity and focus, and pray that by grace through faith I would walk in spirit and truth, doing only those things that are pleasing in Your sight.
Lord, You have promised wisdom to all who ask, and heavenly Father, I am asking for that wisdom today so that I may know the direction You would have me go, and be enabled to make clear choices regarding the future.
Help me to always follow the path of faith and the road of righteousness, and not be diverted into the way of fear or overshadowed by doubts or engulfed in unbelief. Help me to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, so that I might be able to resist evil and do good, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Daughter’s Purity

Loving Lord Jesus, how I bless and praise You for the daughter You have given us and the lovely young woman into which she is developing.

But Lord we know the world in which we live seeks to corrupt young lives and that which is beautiful and innocent, and we ask that in Your grace You would guard, guide and protect our daughter, in spirit, soul and body.. so that she may grow up in purity and truth, to Your praise and glory.

Bring into her life Christian friends who love You, and endow her with wisdom, grace and discernment so that she may choose to do the good and to shun the evil.  Draw her closer to Your heart of love we pray and may she grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Help her to flee temptation and pursue righteousness all the days of her life – this we ask in Jesus name



Prayer For Christian Youth Ministries

Thank You, Lord, for Christian youth ministries that are being used to share the gospel of Jesus with a range of young people. I pray that You would draw each one closer to Yourself as they meet together for fellowhip, fun and to learn more about You.

Lord, I pray that You would use such youth ministries to strengthen and encourage all those that have been born again, so that they may grow spiritually. And Lord, for those youngsters who do not yet know You, I pray that you would convict each one of their need of a Saviour, so that they may come to faith through the Word of God and the witness of these youth fellowships and ministries.

Protect them from the wiles of the enemy, who would seek to undermine their trust in You, but rather equip each one to look to Jesus rather than to the things of the world. May they grow in grace and become an effective witness to friends and family, not only in what they say but in the godly way that they behave. In Jesus’ name,


Prayer For Missions Grant

Loving Father, thank You that You are my God and Father and that Jesus came to die in my place, to take my sins upon Himself so that I might be forgiven and receive everlasting life by grace through faith in Christ. Lord, I know that we live by faith and not by sight and that is the desire of my heart, and so I am coming to You to lay my requests before You, with thanksgiving, knowing that every day of my future is in Your hands. I pray that every day of that future will be a day that I remain in the center of Your will for my life.

And so Lord, I am asking for a grant for the mission trip to which I have been invited, and Lord I only want to go if this is Your will. Lord, You know that I don’t have the funds available and so I am just going to lay this before You.

Lord, if You would have me go on the trip, I pray that You would provide the funds that I would need and all the necessities that such a trip demands. But also Lord, if this is not what I am to do at this moment, I pray that You will make it equally clear to me.

Whether or not I am to participate in this mission trip, I pray that it would be a wonderful success and that many would come to put their trust in Jesus. I pray that it would be a trip where every one who has taken up the challenge would draw closer to You and that Your name would be glorified throughout. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus Christ, my Saviour and Lord,


Prayer For Those That Are Seeking Godly Wisdom

Dear Lord, give me I pray, a true and biblical understanding of how to live godly in Christ Jesus. I realise more and more how hateful sin is to You Father God, and I realise that I must have been hurting You by my many petty indulgences, which I now realise is sin in Your eyes.

Lord, I want to develop a godly perspective and to live a righteous life that is pleasing to You, and I realise that I must forget the things that are in the past and press on to the upward call I have in Christ Jesus.

Lord, I know that reverence for You is the first step to wisdom, and I pray that You would develop in me a godly fear and a humble respect for all those things that are so objectionable to the world mindset, but which is pleasing in Your sight.

Give me godly wisdom I pray, to follow after that which is good and give me wise discernment to know those things that are displeasing to You, and to flee far from anything that could tempt me to sin against You.

Open Your Word I pray to my understanding, and draw me ever closer to Yourself, so that like Job I can say, “I have heard of You with my ears but now You have opened my eyes to a deeper spiritual understanding of Who You truly are.” I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Focus And Guidance

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus to ask for Your guidance and clear direction in the choices that I have to make concerning my future. It is my desire that Your will be done in my life, and I do pray that I will not miss Your best purpose for my life by making the wrong decision.
Help me to pray into Your will and to be shown clearly the way that You would have me go. Give me a correct focus on the direction that You would have me take, and help me to plainly see what You have planned for my life.
Remove from my heart foolish desires or selfish motives, and keep me far away from seeking after the things of the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. May I live godly in Christ Jesus, walk in a manner that is worthy of Him and live in spirit and truth, with my eyes focused on Christ and my will guided by the Holy Spirit. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Daughter Being Bullied

Heavenly Father, we praise You that You are our strength and support.. our Rock and Redeemer.. our Fortress in Whom we trust, for You are a faithful God Who keeps His promises to all His children, and a loving Father Who carries our burdens, heals our hurt and wipes away our tears 

Lord, I am coming to You today because our precious daughter is being bullied by her peers and it is having a serious effect on her and causing acute distress and worry. Lord, we ask that You would protect and uphold her and give her Your perfect peace in her heart.. and we pray that You would intervene in this horrid practice of bullying and give her the courage to report any instances to the authorities and to us - without any fear of being intimidated or ignored.

We pray that you would give us the wisdom and grace to support her through this and not exacerbate the problem, by our actions but be courageous enough to address this issue and to see it through to the end. We pray that we will not fear what consequences on challenging this outbreak of bullying has on our lives and trust You to keep us in perfect peace through it all, in Jesus name we pray, 


Prayer To Keep From Yielding To Temptation

Heavenly Father, I believe that temptation is not a sin while yielding to temptation certainly is, and so I come to pray that You would help me not to yield to any temptation, whether it is a temptation of the body or the mind. Keep me pure in thought, word and deed for Lord, I want to follow You and I want to live my life to Your honour and praise.

Father, I believe that no temptation comes to any of us that is not common to all men and that by Your grace You always provide an escape from temptation. Help me not to be tempted and give me the eyes to see and grasp hold of the escapes from temptation that You, in Your grace, offer me.

Lord, You know the areas of my vulnerabilities and You know when and how I will be tempted today and in the days that lie ahead, and Lord, although I know that I must make the choice not to succumb to temptation, I do ask that you would prompt me to flee temptation, and to walk in the light of the glorious gospel of truth. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Be Fool For Christ

Heavenly Father, if it is the fool that says in his heart there is no God, then I pray that You will make we wise in Your sight, but if as Paul states he is a fool for Christ, then I pray that I too may be such a simpleton for the sake of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Lord, I realise that Paul gave up fame and fortune, glory and respect, status and standing for the sake of knowing more of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he suffered rejection, persecutions, homelessness and abuse, all for the sake of knowing Christ more. Indeed, he cried out as I do, “That I may know Christ, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering.”

Father, I know that the world has rejected You and the Lord Jesus Himself Who died so that by grace through faith we might be re-united with Yourself and positioned in Christ Jesus in heavenly places.

But I do believe that, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain that which he cannot lose,” and I pray that this may be my life’s motto. So help me I pray, to be a worthy witness for You and to accept hardships and rejections for the sake of the gospel. And if I must be regarded by friends, family, work colleagues and society at large, as the dregs of humanity and a fool for Christ, then I pray that I may embrace it willingly, in the strength of Your Holy Spirit and to the glory of God the Father.

I ask this in the name of Jesus my Saviour,


Prayer For Focus And Productivity

Loving Lord, I am Your child and I believe that I am in the place where You want me to be. Lord, it is my deepest desire to live and work to Your greater glory and to be a good and faithful witness of Your grace and goodness to all with whom I come in contact.
Help me to be focussed in all I do, to Your praise and glory, as well being both fruitful and unceasingly productive, May I concentrate my efforts in the most efficient and effective ways, so that I may fulfil my daily duties and responsibilities with creativity and integrity.
Supply me I pray, with the wisdom and resourcefulness I need to be proactive in carrying out my tasks with a cheerful disposition and a sensitive spirit. Lord, it is my desire that I reflect Your love and grace to all with whom I come in contact, so that Your name will be honoured and glorified. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Dad's Memory Loss

It is so hard Lord to see my dad starting to become so forgetful and seems to be losing his memory, and I pray that in Your grace and mercy You would show us what to do to prevent this from advancing any further.. and even to reverse the problem.

Lord, You are the one Who designed our minds and our bodies and You are the only one that can truly help him and heal him at this time. Open our eyes to discover if there is anything that we can do to address this issue – whether it is with diet or exercise or medication or anything else.  Give us the wisdom we pray to help my dad, as we don’t want this to advance any further – it is so painful.

I pray that You would draw very close to him throughout both the day and the night-time hours. Guide his hesitating steps, keep him from stumbling, protect him when he is in unfamiliar surroundings and prevent him from becoming agitated, upset and frustrated, when he is unable to clearly communicate his needs and wishes to us.

Help my dad.. and all of us, to be willing to accept the advancing years and the deterioration of our health and failing memories. May the angel of Your presence encamp around him and may he feel You every closer to himself in his advancing years – in Jesus name we pray,



Prayer For The Spirit Of Wisdom

Father, I pray that You would grant me the Spirit of wisdom and discernment so that I may know You better and love You more.

Give me an understanding heart so that I may be open to hear Your voice and hear You say, "this is the path, walk in it."

Use me I pray, to be Your hands and feet, Your voice and heart, that I may be a channel through which You pour out Your grace to others. May I decrease to nothing so that only Christ is seen in my life. I ask this in the power of the Spirit and in the name of Jesus, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For Strength To Resist Temptations

Dear Lord Jesus, I ask for Your strength and help to resist ungodly temptations and not to give in, knowing that to do is not to glorify You and does me nothing but emotional and spiritual harm.

Help me to take every tempting thought captive and hand it over to You before it takes a hold of me and does harm to me or to other people. Help me in my weakness to know You as my strength, and help me in my foolishness to know You as my wisdom. Help me I pray, to resist all forms of temptation and give me the strength to say no and walk away from temptation, especially when there are others involved, who directly or indirectly, willingly or unknowingly. are encouraging my downfall. And deliver me Lord I pray, from habits that are entrapping and enslaving me in actions that are detrimental to my spiritual health and walk.

Replace the thoughts that tempt and tease me with those that turn my focus on Jesus, and help me in all things and learn to say, "Thy will not mine be done." In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Be Wise In The Things Of God

Heavenly Father, as I look through the Bible at the great cloud of witnesses in both the Old and New Testaments, all of whom were pleasing in Your sight, it is my desire to live the life of faith that they demonstrated so beautifully, and to become wise in the things of God.

Lord, I want to know more of You, to gain a deeper knowledge of Your Word and to discover Your perfect will for my life.

Father, I desire to make a difference in this world and to live for You, even when I know that it will lose me the respect of neighbours and friends, and cost me very dearly.

Teach me Your ways I pray. Open the eyes of my heart to understand more of Your Word. Unblock my ears to Your gentle voice and open My eyes to see Jesus in all that I say and do. Thank You, Father, that Christ is both the power of God and the wisdom of God.

I pray that I may know more of the Lord Jesus in His humanity, and ask that I may be increasingly transformed into the likeness of His image, and live as He did in humble obedience to Your voice, and increasing in wisdom with every passing day. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Focus And Strength

Heavenly Father, I pray today that my spirit may be yielded to You completely and that throughout the day my focus will remain on You.
Lord, I thank You that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness and that as I depend upon You in thought, word and deed, You in Your grace, supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory. 
Thank You, that in Your I have the strength I need to face the day, the wisdom I need to inform my choice and the grace I need to live godly in Christ Jesus, no matter what difficulties or problems may manifest themselves.
Lord, I know that without You I can do nothing, but I praise and thank You that I can do all things through Christ, Who gives me the strength. Praise His holy name.

Prayer For A Retentive Memory

Dear heavenly Father, You know the struggle I am having to remember and retain the things that I have learned in my personal study-time as well as my work situation, and how it is becoming such a worry to me. I just want all cast all these cares and concerns onto You, because I know this is what You have told us to do – and I DO trust You to be there to help me through this difficult and distressing situation – because You have promised.

Lord, I am asking for Your help today. Show me why I am unable to recall to memory things that I have learned and help me also to overcome this memorization problem

Lord, I know that You are able to correct this memory loss – but if there is something that You want to show through it or teach me.. I pray that I will be open to the leading of Your Holy Spirit and that He will show me anything that will help to address inability to remember and retain information. I trust Your word and ask that in Your goodness and grace You will help address this memorization issue speedily – and I will give You all the praise and glory,


Prayer To Be Led By The Holy Spirit

Heavenly Father, how I thank You for my salvation, which You have given to me as a free gift of grace by faith in the Lord Jesus. Thank You also, that Your Holy Spirit has made me alive in Him and placed me into the family of God and the body of Christ.

Thank You, that He has set His seal of ownership upon me and taken up residence within my heart, so as to empower me in my spiritual walk, as He gradually transforms me into a lovely likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

I pray that the Holy Spirit would lead and guide in all things, and that I would learn to listen to the gentle promptings of His voice, as I read Your Word or commune with You in prayer.

Give me grace to recognise His still small voice as I search though the scriptures each day, and furnish me with the wisdom I need to discern Your spiritual nudges, through godly Christians, who may be prompted to offer direction or give me advice.

May I maintain an open heart and develop a teachable spirit, and I pray that may I walk in Your ways and live a life that is well pleasing to You, and which glorifies my Father in heaven. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Focus At School

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would help me to concentrate on my studies and to focus on the work that I need to carry out, so that I may do well in my course work and in the end of term exams.
I pray that I may develop a greater enthusiasm for my studies and develop a desire to work hard and to perform well. I pray that I will not become weary, but ask that I may learn to focus on the task at hand and to complete each activity with conscientious care.
Thank You for the opportunity to develop my skill and understanding in my various classes and activities I am taking, and help me to make the best use of every hour, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Alzheimer

Loving Lord, we ask You to hear our prayer for those with Alzheimer’s disease and pray that You would grant them You perfect peace in their heart and a loving and secure environment in which to live, where they can be properly cared for, cherished and looked after in a safe and secure environment - with dignity and human respect 

We pray that those whose minds are in the process of shutting down would not become fearful or disoriented  -  and that those whose memory has already become closed off to their nearest and dearest, would be granted His perfect peace deep within their soul and may the joy of the Lord flood their hearts. 

We ask for Your blessing and grace on all who care for patients or relatives with Alzheimer’s disease, knowing that this sort of degenerative condition can be extremely taxing and frustrating. Give each care-worker and every family member the strength, patience and grace to deal with this type of severe memory loss, in Jesus name we pray,


Prayer When All Around Me Is Changing

Loving Lord, there is so much happening in my life at the moment. Changes seem to be taking place in every area of my life, friends and neighbours have moved far away, my loved ones have passed on, tensions seems to be surrounding me on every side. But my hope and trust is in You.

As I step out into the future, in the face of all the changes and challenges that are taking place all around me, I pray that You will continue to be with me to lead and to guide, to help and to protect, to comfort and support. Lord, I cling to You for You are the Rock of my Salvation, my Defence and my Defender.

Thank You, Lord, that in this world of flux and change, You are the same yesterday, today and for ever. Thank You, that You are with me in all the changing scenes and situations of my life and thank You that You are coming back soon, to take all who trust in Your name to be with You forever. I cling to You Lord, for my hope and my future is in You alone. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Recognize And Resist Temptation

Dear Lord Jesus, I know that my flesh desires to do what is contrary to the leading of the indwelling Holy Spirit of God, and that the new life in Christ, which I received when I was born again, is constantly in conflict with the old sin nature, which was severed at the cross but which still seeks to rule my life. Lord, I know that sin is certainly crouching at my door and seeking to devour me, but I do believe that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world, and that in the power of the Holy Spirit I am able to resist the many temptations that entice towards sin.

Help me to recognise when temptation is knocking at my door and enable me to act immediately, so as to resist its influence and gain the victory, which only comes through Christ.

Help me not only to recognise temptation, but to capture each and every tempting thought as it enters my mind and to hand it over to You in prayer and praise, knowing that Your grace is sufficient to meet every temptation, when I am yielded to You.

Lord, I pray that not only will you enable me to recognise and resist temptation, but may I grow in grace and in the knowledge of You as I seek to carry out Your will for my life in the power of the Spirit. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Spiritual Awakening And Growth

Dear Father in heaven, I have been drifting for too long in my spiritual walk and I know that I need a spiritual wake-up call. I pray that by Your grace, You would help me to waken myself up from this spiritual slumber and turn from any spiritual laziness and indifference I may have shown towards You. Rekindle the smoking embers of my faith and hope, my trust and obedience, I pray.

How I praise and thank You that by grace You sent Your Holy Spirit to indwell my heart and that my body has now become a holy temple of God. Forgive me Lord, for the times I have ignored this truth and have neglected to live this out in my life.

Forgive me for the many times I must have grieved or quenched Your work in my life, and renew a right spirit within me, I pray. Help me Lord, to put away my carelessness or attitude of indifference and may I grow in grace and in a knowledge of You, knowing that this is Your will in the lives of each of Your children.

Uphold me with Your righteous right hand and keep me ever looking to Jesus, Who is both author and finisher of my fatih. This I ask in His name, Who died for me so that I might live with Him in glory,


Prayer For Focus At Work

Heavenly Father, Your Word tells us that the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of those that mock and ridicule God, is a blessed man indeed and Father, it is my desire to live my life as unto the Lord and to carry out my work in a godly way, keeping the Lord Jesus as the central focus of my heart, day by day.
I thank and praise You for my job, and pray that I will not compromise my faith in any way, but that all I say and do may be done to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Those With Short Term Memory Loss

Heavenly Father, there are many people who are suffering with short-term memory loss and many different reasons for their suffering.. and so we lift up each one to You and pray that in Your grace and mercy You would intervene in their lives and bring healing to each one in every area of their lives - spirit soul and body 

Whether it is abuse of drugs and alcohol or sleep deprivation.. depression and stress, a deficiency in their diet or even a stoke, head injury, or accident, You are the  one who created our bodies and You are the one who knows everything that is needed for health and wholeness.. and to bring back their precious memory.

We pray that You would give the medics the wisdom and skill to correctly diagnose the cause of memory loss and to know what to do to treat and the correct it, so that they may be returned, to full health and strength. This we ask in Jesus name,



Prayer Of Thanks For The Holy Scriptures

Thank You, Father, that by Your Spirit You caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. Teach me I pray, by the power of Your Spirit to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest all the truths that are contained within it pages.

Develop in me a heart that delights in Your Word, a mind that retains its truth and a will that seeks to apply all the important lessons it contains.

Give me wisdom and discernment to recognise any distortions of Scripture or false teachings that I may come across, and help me not to follow a wrong path or to be swayed by any persuasive arguments, but help me always to be guided by Your Word of truth, as You have promised to all who love your Word.

Grant me courage and grace to speak out Your Word of truth to all who may cross my path today, and I pray that in Your strength I would speak Your word of truth and love. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Staying Focused

Dear Father God, I pray today that I will yield myself completely to You, so that You may use me in whatever way You choose. I pray that You will provide me opportunities to demonstrate to others, both in word and in deed, how much You mean to me.
Give me wisdom to know what to say, and the sensitivity to speak the truth in love. I pray that I may be bold enough to proclaim the gospel of Christ clearly and truthfully, and I ask that many seeds may be planted through my actions and attitude as well as my words.
Thank You, Father, for sending the Lord Jesus to be my Saviour. May I never lose focus of the amazing grace that caused Christ to die for my sins on Calvary’s cross, and may I never tire of sharing this beautiful truth with whomever You place in my path. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Our Loved Ones With Memory Loss

Heavenly Father, it is so hard to come to terms with the realization  that our loved ones have been struck down with some sort of dementia or loss of memory. And Lord it seems even harder to have to accept that the person You loved so dearly has become a stranger in Your midst.. with little or no recollection of who you are. 

We pray for all who are having to go through this painful experience, and the grief and loss they feel, as the one they loved so dearly has become estranged and distant from them. We pray for strength and support  for all who are having to mourn this tragic loss, despite their physical presence.. and ask that You would comfort and strengthen all in this difficult situation. 

But we also pray for those who have lost their memory and the internal confusion and difficulty that must go with losing ones memories..  forgetting who you are and not even recognizing those that are your close loved ones. We pray that You would draw very close to all who are suffering memory loss at this time, and we pray that You would touch the inner reaches of their heart and mind and give them the special comfort and precious peace that only comes from You. This we ask in the name of Jesus – our Saviour and God,


Young Persons Prayer For The Future

Lord, thank You for bringing me into Your family and that I have been taught Who You are. Thank You, that You sought me out and saved me. Thank You, that Your banner over me is love and thank You for all the many blessings and opportunities that You have provided for me in my life so far. 

Be with me Lord, as I face an unknown future. Teach me more of Yourself and give me an opportunity in my life to serve You, in whatever place or work You call me.

Lead me and guide me into all truth I pray, and as I face all my tomorrows Lord, I want to ask that You would show me more of Yourself. I pray that I may know more of You, that I may know Christ. This was the prayer that Paul the apostle prayed at the end of his life and Lord, I want to pray this at the start of my life as well. 

Give me a teachable spirit and as the future opens up for me, keep me from the ways of the world, but help me to cling ever closer to You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Those That Getting Married

Dear Lord, I lift up this wedding and thank You that in the beginning You designed that men and women should become one in the bond of marriage. I lift up all Christian marriages and pray that each husband and wife would remain faithful to the other, and also to You Lord, in a world where the holy bond of matrimony is so quickly being eroded away.

Protect those that are married from the temptation that inevitably comes to all who are seeking to live a godly life that is pleasing to You. Keep them from developing the world’s mindset that is increasingly seeking to devalue the established laws of God with man-made alternatives.

Protect the marriages of pastors and Church leaders and indeed, all Christian marriages. May they be true witnesses to the truth of Your Word not only in the wider world but in the privacy of their own homes, and may the love of the Lord Jesus be very evident in each life as they seek to grow in grace and in a knowledge of You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Peace In A World In Turmoil

Heavenly Father, I come to You today knowing that the world seems to be a melting pot of stress and anxiety. The world seeks after peace and yet Lord, we know that there is no peace outside of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Look down in pity on those that do not know You and who have foolishly turned from the true and living God to the false promises of peace from fallen man and corrupt governments.

Thank You, that You are a good God Whose yoke is easy and Whose burden is light, and yet there are many who have been taught lies and untruths about Who You are. Lord, there are many that have been brought up in an environment of hatred and violence who have not heard of Your name or have been fed a tissue of lies about the Lord Jesus Christ, and yet He is the only hope for true peace in this world. Lord, I pray that in Your grace You would convict many of their need of the Lord Jesus and that many would be saved from the jaws of death.

Look down in mercy on those that are unsaved in this warring world and turn their hearts towards the Lord Jesus, their Saviour and the only Prince of Peace, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer To Walk In The Spirit

Father God, my delight is to do Your will and I pray that I may learn to walk by means of the spirit, more and more with every passing day. Your Word assures us that if we walk in the spirit, we will not fulfil the lust of the flesh, and will be walking according to the will of the Father and living in prefect submission to the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Keep me I pray looking to Jesus, walking in spirit and truth and trusting You with my whole heart. I pray that in all things I would seek Your face, listen to Your gentle promptings and respond to Your still small voice of conscience. Help me to live a godly life, where I esteem others as better than myself.

Keep me from engaging in any form of conflict, but rather may I exhibit an attitude of grace and forbearance, that only comes from You.

Teach me day by day to walk in the spirit, to live in the spirit and to pray in spirit and truth. Use me dear Lord, as You will, in the furtherance of Your kingdom, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Focus On God

Gracious Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You that Your mercies are new every morning and that Your goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life.
Help me never to lose sight of the enormous price that You paid on the cross on my behalf, and I pray that Christ may remain the centre and the circumference of my life- focus, every moment of the day.
I pray that in weakness You would be my strength, in sickness You would be my health, in sadness You would be my joy and in every circumstance of life You would be my blessed hope and the rock of my salvation.
And Lord, I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart may always be acceptable and pleasing to You. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer For Mom's Memory Loss

Dear Lord, I love my Mom so much but it is so sad to see the way that she has been losing her memory over the last months, and is getting to the point where she is becoming so confused that she often does not remember our names or even recognize who we are. 

Lord this degenerative process and loss of memory is so painful.. and at times I just want to sob my eyes out as my own precious Mom is becoming so frail and vulnerable. And yet as I watch her I also have a heart filled with thanksgiving and praise, that You ordained that she would be my mother and I would be her child – and I praise and thank You that the day is coming when we will be together with glorified bodies and living in Your presence. Thank You for the blessed hope that we have in You, and the glorious day when You have promised to wipe away all our tears from our eyes and heal all our pain.

How I praise and thank You for that blessed hope.. but in the meantime I ask that You would give us all the grace and patience to love my precious mother through her failing memory and may Your joy and peace remain in her heart 


Prayer For Strength To Face The Future

Loving Lord, You are our hope and our strength in time of trouble. You are our ever present help in this difficult world and Lord, I know that You hold the future in the palm of Your hands and I trust You.

Thank You, that You are always there to provide for my needs and to protect me from the storms of life. I pray that no matter what the future holds, that You will remain there beside me. I know Lord, that no matter how difficult things become in this world that You have promised never to leave me nor forsake me, but I also know that in this world we will have tribulation and trials, and I pray that You will be with me through all that I face in the future.

You are my hope and You are my strength. You have promised that that no matter how difficult life becomes, Your grace is sufficient for all my needs. Help me to rely on You no matter what problems and difficulties arise, for my hope is in You. 


Prayer For Strength And Peace

Father, I believe that You are the One Who gives strength to Your people and blesses them with both peace and grace, and I thank You for the many times that I have received from You the strength to continue and the peace of mind to retain my trust in You, even when things of life seem to be in an utter turmoil.

Continue to provide me with Your perfect peace of mind that passes man’s understanding, and provide me I pray, with the strength to face the difficulties in life that can so often causes our hearts to fail for fear of what is coming on the earth. In the power of Your Spirit, give me I pray, the strength to stand firm in the evil day, knowing that Your grace is sufficient for all eventualities, for Your strength is made perfect in my weakness and in my dependence upon You.

Lord, the world is certainly causing the hearts of many people to tremble, but I pray that my faith in You will stand firm to the end, that my peace in You will never be shaken and that You will give me sufficient strength to deal with every eventuality that comes into my life.

Though the mountains may be shaken and though the hills may be removed, yet I pray that my unfailing love for you will not be shaken and Your promise of peace will not be removed. Thank You that my strength and my peace is in You alone. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanks For Spiritual Strength

Thank You, Father, for the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit, Who testifies with our spirit that we are Your children.

Thank You for His ongoing work within each one of our lives, and thank You that He has quickened us from the dead, established us in Christ, sealed us in Him, placed us into His body and is skilfully building us up as living stones into a holy temple in the Lord.

Thank You, Father, that Your Spirit teaches us all things, guides us into all truth, is able to purify our hearts and cleanses our minds, when we hand every thought captive to Him, in willing surrender.

Lord, I thank You that no matter what difficulties and dangers flood our hearts and invade our lives, there is nothing that can separate us from Your love and grace.

Give us I pray, that sufficient strength that You have promised to all your children who are facing problems and danger, and let us never forget that greater is He that is indwelling each of Your children than the enemy that is in the world. Endue us with spiritual strength and fortitude as we face the future, strong in the knowledge that we have a heavenly home, secured for us in heaven. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For A Fruitful Christian Life

Thank You, Father, that I have been born again and made a new creation in Christ. Thank You, that I am part of Your family, accepted in Christ, indwelt by the Holy Spirit and that You have started a good work in my life.
Thank You, that You have promised to finish that good work that You have started in me and I pray that I will be open to hear Your voice and ready to submit to Your will, more and more with each passing day.
Lord, I know that in myself I can do nothing and that only as I abide in Christ and depend on Him can the Holy Spirit make my life fruitful. I pray that I may abide in You daily and bear much fruit so that through it Your name may be glorified in me.
Let me decrease in my own eyes and in the eyes of others, and may the Lord Jesus increase in all I say and do, until I am nothing and He is everything. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Those With Dementia

We come before You Lord to lift up those that are suffering with dementia and the families that are supporting them through this serious and distressing disease.  It must be traumatic to begin to realise that ones memory is beginning to fail and heart-rending for those that are left to care and support their loved ones with dementia, through their process of physical and mental degeneration.

Pour Your love and grace into the hearts of all those that are affected by dementia and memory loss, and we pray that You would supply all their needs according to Your riches in glory. Bless all who care for those with this debilitating disease and supply them with an abundance of loving patience, gentle graciousness and an inner strength as they support and care for their loved one, day by day.

Lord in Your loving–kindness and great compassion we pray that You would bestow Your tender mercies, sufficient strength and inner peace on all who are today involved in one way or another with dementia.. and uphold each one with Your righteous right hand we pray, in Jesus name 


Prayer Against Stress And Anxiety

Father, I come before You today as I feel weighed down by the increasing numbers of burdens and battles, stresses and strains that seem to be building up in my life.

Lord, I know that You are faithful and true, and I pray that You would take from me each and every heavy burden that I am carrying today, just as You have promised. Lord, I give You each stressful situation, each hurtful word and every difficult circumstance of life that seems to be bearing down so heavily upon me.

You have said in Your Word that Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light and that when I cast all my cares upon You and lay all my burdens down at Your feet, I will find rest for my soul. Lord, I need that rest now, for I am weary and heavy-laden, but I am looking to You for my trust is in You.

Enable me to rest beside Your still waters of refreshment and sleep in Your arms of comfort. Give me I pray, that perfect peace that only flows from You to those that have their mind stayed on You. Keep my heart and mind focussed on Jesus I pray, and help me not to be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication make my requests known to You, with a thankful heart.

Thank You for You are a good and faithful God. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Be Led By The Holy Spirit

Heavenly Father, how I thank You that by faith in the Lord Jesus, Your Holy Spirit has made me alive in Him and placed me into the family of God and the Body of Christ.

Thank You, that He has set His seal of ownership upon me and taken up residence within my heart, so as to empower me in my spiritual walk, as He gradually transforms me in to the lovely likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. I pray that the Holy Spirit would lead and guide me in all things, and that I would learn to listen to the gentle promptings of His voice, as I read Your Word or commune with You in prayer. Give me grace to recognise His still small voice as I search though the scriptures each day and the wisdom to discern Your spiritual nudges, when godly Christians are prompted to offer direction and give me advice.

May I maintain an open heart and develop a teachable spirit, and I pray that I may walk in Your ways and live a life that is well pleasing to You, and glorify my Father in heaven. I ask this in Jesus' name, Amen

Prayer For A Spiritual Walk And Fruitful Life

Heavenly Father, You are the Potter and I am the clay. Christ is the true Vine and I am a simple branch that seeks to abide in my Saviour.  I pray that as I rest in Him day by day, so Your Holy Spirit would carry out a good work in me, so that I may bear much fruit to Your honour and glory.
May I abide daily in Christ and remain in Him and He in me, so that the Holy Spirit may perform unhindered, the necessary transforming work within my heart, so that I may bring forth acceptable fruit at the proper time.
May I be willing to learn the lessons of life that You would teach me and be ready to accept that Your pruning knife and corrective rod is the means to perfect who I am in Christ, and make me more like Him.
I pray that I may be a fruitful branch that bears much good fruit to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Accident Victim With Memory Loss

Oh Lord, We come to You to lift up all those who have been involved in a vehicle accident and are having to face the devastating consequences of long-term memory loss and on-going physical pain

We ask for Your comfort, grace, strength and support for all who are having to completely rearrange their lives and rethink their future, as a result of such a traumatic misfortune. Draw close to each one we pray, whose memory has been affected, and we ask that You would be very close to all who have had to suffer in this way. We pray that they might find You to be their ever-present help in time of trouble and know Your presence with them – each moment of the day. 

Look down in pity and mercy we pray - not only on the victims whose lives have been changed so cruelly, but on all family members and friends who have been severely impacted by such a devastating blow. Give them wisdom to know what to do and the grace to face the future with confidence – knowing that through it all.. You have promised to never leave them nor forsake them. 

Supply each one with Your sufficient grace and may they discover through this experience an intimacy with You that they might otherwise have missed – this we ask in Jesus name,


Prayer To Wait On The Lord For Renewed Strength

Dear Lord Jesus, at times I feel so weary and tired as I seek to carry out the duties and tasks of each day. Help me Lord, to step aside from the business of the day and to spend time simply waiting upon You, for You have promised that those that wait on You will renew their strength, they will mount up with wings as eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Lord, too often I try to do things in my own strength and only when I grow weary does it occur to me to take steps to consciously abide in You and to cast all my cares upon You. Teach me Lord, to truly abide in You, moment by moment, and to learn to wait for You as my first option, rather than as a last resort.

Show me I pray, what it truly means to wait on the Lord, and to abide in You moment by moment. Help me Lord, to cast all my burdens on You and to learn to wait on You in every situation. Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Rest In You Perfect Peace

Help me Father, to take You at Your Word and not to worry about the things of this life. Lord, I confess that I do have a tendency to get worried about the little things in life and yet I know that this is demonstrating a lack of trust in the truth of Your Word, for You have promised to supply all our needs according to Your riches in mercy.

Help me Lord, to put my trust in You day by day. I know that You have told us, not to let our hearts be troubled and to trust in You in all circumstances of life. Help me Lord, when fear starts to well up in my heart, to turn it over to You straight away, to fix my eyes on the Lord Jesus and to rest in Your promises of peace.

Thank You for all that You have provided for me throughout my life, my life and my home, my family and friends, my health and strength, the many benefits that You shower on me day by day. Most of all, thank You for dying for me on the cross so that I may live forever with You in heaven. I do love you Lord, and I pray that in the days that lie ahead, I would turn to You as soon as the first negative thought crosses my mind and ask that You would replace it with Your prefect peace. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Spiritual Awakening In Me

Heavenly Father, forgive me for the time I have spent far away from You, and become preoccupied with in my own wants, needs and necessities. Forgive me for the times that I have only sought You out, when I have had a problem or discovered a need.

Thank You, Father, for being faithful and always listening to my prayers, even on those occasions when I know I was not being faithful to You.

Thank You, Father, that You remain faithful to Your Word and to Your children, for which I praise and worship you. Renew my spirit within me I pray. Revitalize my trust and faith in You, so that I may serve You as You deserve, in humility of heart and willing obedience. May the living waters of life revive my dry and dusty soul, and plant me again I pray, beside Your still waters and the refreshing fountain.

Rekindle within a spark of wonder of Who You are and light up a flame of love in my heart that has become dim and flickering, because You are my God, Who has redeemed my life from the pit and set my feet on the rock of my salvation. Rescue me I pray, from the parched wilderness and dryness of spirit, into which I have wandered and lead me along the path that You would have me to go.

Awaken within me that spiritual fervor that only comes from You so that may I live from this day forward preoccupied with things that delight Your heart and will forward Your plans and purposes in my life and the lives of those around me. I ask this in Jesus' name, Amen

A Prayer To Remove Hindrances To Fruitfulness

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would remove any areas in my life that hinder me from being fruitful in Your service. Thank You, that You have given me everything that is needful for godly living and a fruitful life.
I praise and thank You for the engrafted divine nature that I received when I was born from above, which enables me to escape the corruption of this world system and empowers me to overcome the desires of the flesh.
Deliver me from the many daily temptations and keep me I pray, from being swayed by the deceit of the enemy who masquerades as an angel-of-light, and yet is a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
Search my heart for any hidden sin that may hinder my spiritual growth, and discover in me any areas that need to be cut away at the root, which are preventing me from living a truly fruitful life. And I pray that You would finish the good work that You started in me, so that I may be fruitful in Your service, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer To Overcome Despair

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would help me to overcome the negative feeling of despair that I often find myself to be falling into, when I am thinking about all that is going on in the world around me.. and yet I know that You have promised to go before and behind me - and be with me in all the problems and difficulties of life.

I pray that I may learn how to overcome the negative feelings of despair I have, when I start thinking about all my problems and how I am going to manage. Help me to look to Jesus to lift my weary spirit I pray – for I know in my heart, that the only peace and rest to be found.. is in You.

Keep me I pray from becoming overwhelmed by feelings of despair but rather help me to look to Jesus as the anchor of my soul as soon as any negative thoughts start to enter my mind. May I learn quickly to take each thought captive to Christ, and give Him the cares and worries that cause me to fall into despair.   

Help me I pray to anchor my thoughts on whatsoever is true, and good, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable, and help me to think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise, so that all feelings of despair do not have a foothold in my heart – this I ask in Jesus name,


Prayer To Persevere In Sufferings

Loving Heavenly Father, help me I pray, to be still in Your presence and to wait patiently for You to act in my life, rather than fervently praying that You will sort out my problems in my time and expecting You to act in my way.

When I am beset with evil doers or when situations in my life cause me to become frustrated and impatient, or when trials and sufferings knock at my door, help me to wait for You to act in Your own time and in Your unique way. I know Lord, that suffering in this life produces perseverance, endurance and patience - and patience develops the strength of character that You desire in each of Your children. And character helps us to build up a loving, trusting faith and confidence in You.

Keep me lowly before Your throne of grace, and when difficulties arise in my life, enable me to persevere,by Your grace, so that I may grow in the patience that so honours Your name.

Thank You, Lord, for the lessons that You are teaching me. May I develop a teachable spirit, to Your praise and glory.


For Patience When Answers To Prayer Are Delayed

Help me Lord, to be still in Your presence and to wait quietly and patiently before You as did the Psalmist. Many and precious are the promises You have given to Your children, and I desire to rest in them by faith and to abide in You moment by moment, to the praise of Your holy name.

I thank You Lord, that You hear all the prayers of Your children and that before we call, You have promised to answer. I also thank You that You are teaching me specifically that even though the answer may be long in coming, that through it You are developing in me a patient trust in You and establishing an even firmer faith in Your Word, for Your Word is true and You are a faithful and merciful God.

Thank You, Lord, that Your Word is becoming deeply rooted within my heart. I pray that I will not faint when answers are delayed, but rather that I will quietly and patiently rest in Your unfailing promises, as Your Holy Spirit does His work within my heart. Increase my love and dependence upon You so that I may become more like the Lord Jesus in every area of my life, especially in the area of patience as I trust in Your perfect timing. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Provision

Dear Father in heaven, I do bless and glorify Your name for Your graciousness towards me and for Your day by day provision You have faithfully provided for me and my family all our lives. Thank You that you are always faithful to Your promises of provision.

Lord, it is a great comfort to know that You know everything about me and that You know when I sit or stand. You know the needs I have before they arise, and You faithfully set in motion the answers to my prayers even before I call. And Lord, even though the answers to my prayers may sometimes be delayed, I so often see Your hand of blessing in so many other ways. Thank You for the way that You have used difficulties and delays to perfect and develop my trust in You. And Lord, although I do not always understand when things do not work out the way that I expect, I do thank You that You have always been there to provide for my needs in Your time and in Your way.

Keep my heart ever thankful for Your gracious provision and loving kindness towards me, and may I grow in grace and come to know You more and more in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Thanks For The Spirit Inspired Scripture

Heavenly Father, we thank You that by Your Spirit You caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning.

Thank You, that Your Word is able to furnish us with all the wisdom we need, which has led us to saving faith in Christ, and reconciliation with God. Thank You also, that in the power of Your Holy Spirit, You have promised to guide us into all truth. Teach us all that we need to know and train us we pray, to live godly in Christ Jesus.

Enable us to apply Your Word in our hearts by faith, so that by Your Spirit we may carry out the good work that You have prepared for us to do, in Your power and to Your glory. Help us to treasure Your Word in our hearts and to meditate upon it day and night, knowing that all Scripture is inspired by Your Spirit and is profitable for reproof and correction and for training in righteousness.

May the Word of Christ may dwell in us richly, and that in the power of Your Spirit You would search deeply into the inner recesses of our hearts and minds to discover any area that is displeasing to You, and to enable us to correct it, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For A Fruitful Spiritual Harvest

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your call on my life and I bless You that You have entrusted me in this small corner of Your vast vinyard.
I pray that I may be a worthy labourer and readily turn my heart and hand to whatsoever task I am called upon to carry out.
I pray that my work in this place may be fruitful, but I also ask that You would give me godly patience as I wait for the land to yield its harvest, knowing that the sown seed of the gospel of Christ can take much time to take root, to grow and to mature.
May I not seek for earthly commendation or the applause of others in this work that I am called upon to do, but may I  seek only to work faithfully and diligently while it is still day, knowing that the night is fast approaching when no may can work.
Take my life and work through me so that there may be an abundant, spiritual harvest, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer In Times Of Despair

Heavenly Father, in times of despair I need to draw closer to You. Help me to develop the attitude of the apostle Paul, who had to face such terribly difficult circumstances, and yet was able to say with confidence, “I am hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; I am perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed”.

Instead of allowing myself to descend into hopeless despair, help me to remember that suffering in this world produces patience and perseverance, which developed into a godly character and spiritual maturity – so help me through the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow in grace and patience,  to Your praise and glory.

I know that this life in many respects is a preparation for the next and Lord I want to finish the race set before me and carry out the plans and purposes You have for me - even though I know that there are likely to be trials and difficulties along the way. 

Provide me I pray with the grace I need to press on for the high call of God in Christ Jesus.. and in Your strength, may I replace those times of unwanted despair with a season of hope and joy in the Lord – this I ask in Jesus name, 


Prayer To Overcome My Emotional Temper

Loving Lord, I am very susceptible to getting frustrated and irritated over little things, which can often develop into full blown anger where I lose my temper and my inner peace. Lord, I confess that at these times, I generally blame the other person or the situation in which I find myself. In my heart, I like to pretend that this is my personality and that it will always be like that, because of who I am. And yet Lord, I know that this lack of patience on my part is simply a display of my old sin nature, which I know is displeasing to You.

Lord, I don’t want to succumb to this sort of behaviour and so I am asking that in Your grace, You would help me to overcome my quick temper and emotions, and help me instead to dress myself in the patience and humility that only comes from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord, I pray that You would help me to recognise when my emotions are building up into frustration or when I am started to become irritated inside. Help me I pray, to hand over these feelings to You immediately, and enable me to grow in grace and to develop a patient spirit and humility of heart.

Thank You for listening Lord. In Jesus name I pray, 


Prayer For The Spirit's Help And Guidance

Heavenly Father, how I bless Your holy name for the wonderful work that Your Holy Spirit is doing in each of Your children's lives as You mold and make us into the people that You would have us to be.

Thank You for the convicting work that You did in my life and for the maturing process that continues to take place today, as I yield to Your ongoing teaching, training and corrective programme within me. Provide me I pray, with Your daily help and guidance and may I learn the many lessons that You are seeking to teach me, as You continue to comfort and correct.

May I be willing to learn all that You would teach me and may I be increasingly sensitive to Your warnings and promptings.

Give me I pray, ears to hear Your still small voice and a heart that is willing to walk in the path that You would choose for me to follow. May I be willing to go where You lead, do what You would have me do and give up that which You choose to remove from my life, even if I don't understand.

I pray that in the strength of Your Spirit, I may learn to say ,"Thy will be done, no matter what the cost" and give me the courage to accept Your will for my life. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus,


Prayer For A Fruitful Harvest Time

Heavenly Father, we praise and thank You for Your bountiful goodness and loving-kindness to all people, and for Your gracious promise, that while the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat summer and winter, day and night will not cease.

Thank You that You give the rain in due season and the warming sun to swell the grain and to ripen the fruit. We pray that we may reap the rich reward of Your grace and goodness at the right time of harvest.
We ask Your blessing on the labour of our hands and pray that the ground will be abundantly fruitful and that the fields will produce plentiful crops.
Protect the tender shoots and little buds as they quietly sprout, ripen and burst forth with goodness and growth, and we pray that we may have a fruitful harvest with a productive yield, and we will give You all the praise and all the glory. In Jesus' name we pray,

A Prayer For Dealing With Despair

Dear Father God, the world is becoming so evil and cruel, and there are so many difficulties and dangers we are having to face.. and life is becoming so burdensome at times, that I find myself falling into despair - for fear of what is happening in the world today 

Please look down on me and my loved ones. Bless us and protect us I pray. Pour out Your unconditional love on us all.. and fill our hearts with Your perfect peace and amazing grace. 

Help me to hold on tightly to Your precious promises and help us all to be strong and very courageous. Thank You that You are the Lord  our God - Who goes before us and behind us and promises to be with us and to take away all our problems and heavy burdens. 

Thank You that You have promised to be with us always – even to the end of the age. Thank You that You have given us an assurance that You will NEVER ever leave us nor forsake us. Keep me I pray from falling into the trap of despair, for I know that there is nothing to be gained by it – but rather help us not to fear or be dismayed, but to trust You in all things – this I ask in Jesus name, 


Prayer For Grace To Listen To Other People

Dear Lord Jesus, I want to walk in spirit and truth, to walk humbly before You and to learn to be graciously patient, especially when I am with other people. Lord, I want to live a life that is honouring to You and to fulfil the role that You have given me to do within the body of Christ.

Help me to be quick to listen to other people and not always be the one that wants other people to always listen to me. Help me to listen in love, not only their needs and hopes and fears but to listen to their advice and their opinions. May I be an encouragement to them, someone who lifts up the other person and considers their needs before my own.

Help me to really listen to what they say and not to be waiting for an opportunity for me to discuss my opinions or display my own intelligence. Give me the grace and patience to be a good listener I pray, so that I may demonstrate the love of Jesus to all around me. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Follow The Example Of Jesus

Dear Father God, thank You for sending Jesus, Who was the great example of a man Who walked in spirit and truth and Who waited upon God. A man with a servant-heart and a desire to do Your will. Thank You for Jesus, Who throughout His life, demonstrated Himself to be a person that would wait on You in every situation and do only those things that He heard from You.

Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit, I pray that I too may learn how to wait on You and quietly rest in Your will. Lord, I want to be emptied of self so that I may be filled with You.

Thank You that Jesus is our worthy example as well as being our Redeemer and Saviour. And because Jesus is now my life, I pray that I may live as He did;

A life that is led by the Spirit.

A life that walks in spirit and grace.

A life that seeks to do Your will.

A life that waits in patient expectation on You.

For to You belongs all power and wisdom and majesty and strength, and without You I can do nothing. Help me to follow the example of Jesus and it is in His name I pray,


Prayer Of Salvation

Dear God, I believe that You sent Your only begotten Son Jesus Christ, to die on the cross, so that by believing in Him I can be forgiven of my sins, and be redeemed because His innocent blood was shed for me.

I believe that it is only through His death on the cross and resurrection that I can be made right with You.

I confess Lord, that I am a sinner and in need of a Saviour. I believe that Jesus Christ was the sinless sacrifice that died to pay the price for my sins and I believe that He is the only person who is qualified to die for me, for He alone lived a sinless life and died as an innocent victim.

Thank You for loving me enough to send Your only begotten, sinless Son to become a Man, so that He could offer Himself as the perfect Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world. Thank You for loving me and for dying for me. Help me to live a life that honours You, in thought, word and deed.

Father, I repent of all my sin and I turn away from them to Christ. I pray that You would keep me holy and set apart for You as I seek to live for You. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Saviour,


Prayer For A Fruitful Marriage

How we praise and thank You for bringing us together in love and marriage, and we pray that in every way our life together may become increasingly fruitful.
Help us we pray, to honour our marriage vows in both the good days and those times that prove to be most difficult, so that our love for each other and for You may be strengthened and reinforced with every passing year.
May we be ready to encourage one another, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, and help us to be quick to forgive and eager to consider the needs of each other before our own personal hopes and desires.
May our life together be honouring to You and become increasingly fruitful as we dedicate our marriage and future into Your hands. This we pray in the precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord,

Prayer For Moments Of Despair

Loving and eternal Father, how we need You every minute of the day.. especially in times of trouble and moments of despair  - but You are the God of all hope and our heavenly Comforter, and I pray that You would fill me with Your joy and peace in believing, which is the right of all Your children. I pray that my hope and trust in You may abound and multiply by the power of the Holy Spirit, dwelling in me. 

I pray for Your blessing, protection and encouragement in this increasingly harsh and cruel world.. and that Your comforting presence and perfect peace would replace any moments of despair, when my spirit is faint; my soul is downcast and imaginations of my mind start to overtake my rational thinking. 

Guard and protect my mind I pray and may I learn to take every thought captive to Christ, so that I may rise above my problems and pain of life.. rather than dwelling on the difficulties, dangers and challenges of life. Thank You Father that You are the One Who goes before me and has promised that You will never leave me nor forsake Me. Help me to look to Jesus and rest in Him.. so that I will not be dismayed.. in Whose name I pray…


Prayer For A Thankful Heart.

Thank You, Lord, that You know all my needs and necessities of life, and thank You that You delight to provide for each of Your children day by day. I praise You that You are willing and able to make all grace abound towards each one of Your children, so that we have all sufficiency in all things and for every good work.

Teach me Lord, to pray for all my needs with a grateful and thankful heart, and keep me from using prayer as a lever to get my own way, but rather may I come to see prayer as an opportunity to pray into Your will, so that Your will for my life becomes my own will and prayer and petition.

And Lord, when I pray for the things that I think I need, help me not to miss Your alternative and better provision. Give me discernment to see and gratefully accept all that You have purposed for me with a heart that overflows with thankful praise for Your goodness and grace towards me.

Teach me to pray according to You, my gracious Giver and Provider, before I look for the gifts that You are so willing to drop into my lap. Thank You that You are my Father and thank You for your never-ending and never-failing love for me. Teach me to love You Lord as You deserve, for You alone are worthy. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Accept Jesus As Saviour

Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God came to earth to be the Saviour of the world, and that by His death on he cross, He paid the price for the sin of the world, so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.

Thank You for Jesus and thank You for my free gift of salvation. Thank You that by believing on His name, I am forgiven of my sins and and brought into sweet fellowship with my heavenly Father.

Thank You, Lord, for sending Your Son to die on Calvary's cross in my place. Thank You that His innocent life was sufficient to pay the full price for my sin, and the sin of the world.

Lord, I turn from all my prideful sins and from everything that is dishonoring to Your name, and pray that I would grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus, until I come to a spiritual maturity, as day by day the Holy Spirit seeks to transform my lowly body into the likeness of Jesus.

Thank You, Father, for Your wonderful gift of salvation and thank You that by believing I am now Your child. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Fruitful Meeting

Heavenly Father, we join together to lift up this meeting to You and ask that in Your grace it would be a useful, fruitful and productive time together.
We pray that we will be united in purpose, maintain our focus on what is important, and that we would make good use of our time, gifts and resources, as we come before You to seek Your direction and will.
Give each one of us wisdom and grace during this time together, and may we look to Jesus to guide our thoughts, direct our discussions and influence our decisions, and may He alone be glorified in all that we say and do today. This we ask in the name of Jesus,

Prayer Against Despair

Loving Father I pray against the despair that I feel when life gets too difficult and ask that in Your grace You would replace any feelings of gloomy hopelessness with Your peace and joy in Jesus. I pray against the continuous storms of life that seems to drain our hope in You ..and leaves us storm-weary and worn-out, and yet I know that You have promised to supply us with Your sufficient grace, according to Your riches in glory. 

I pray that when my mind is in turmoil that You would help turn my eyes upon Jesus and look to Him.. and when doubts fill my mind that You would replace them with precious words of truth from the Holy Scriptures. Help me not to look at the visible circumstance, which can so quickly trigger a feeling of despair, but rather may I recognise and embrace Your wider purpose in my life – which I know is to transform me into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus. 

Thank You for Your many precious promises and I pray that may I not fear the unknown, knowing that You are an ever-present help in time of trouble and that You have promised to be with me.. in every area of life and in all circumstances. Thank You that You are my God and Saviour,


Prayer For Trust In Christ Alone

Dear Lord Jesus, I love You Lord, and I desire that my trust remain in You alone. I want to trust You in every area of my life, and I pray that my trust in You permeates into every part of my being. Lord, I want to trust you in all things so that nothing touches my life that does not have You right there with me.

Lord, help me to trust You for all that I need, my daily needs and my spiritual needs. I want to rely on You and You alone, and not put my trust in my own frail and foolish abilities, for without You I can do nothing, but I can do all things through Christ Who gives me the strength. May nothing in heaven or earth or under the earth usurp Your central position in my life, I pray.

Lord, I want to trust You in every situation and every season of my life, for You have promised to take all things, whether good or evil, and use them together for good, not only for my good and the good of others, but also so that Your name may be glorified through it.

Lord Jesus, I love and I trust You and my hope is founded on You alone. You are my God and Saviour, praise Your holy name. 


Prayer For Financial Provision

Dear Father in heaven, thank You that You are my God and my Shepherd and that You lead me beside still waters. Thank You, that You restore my soul and thank You that in You I have lacked no good thing.

Oh, forgive me for the times when my faith in Your gracious provision wears thin and I start to take thought for my own needs instead of casting all my cares upon Your shoulders. Thank You that when my faith does start to tremble at the knees, You remain faithful to me, for You are a good and a gracious God and I love You.

Lord, You know the difficult financial position I am finding myself in and Lord my faith feels as if it is wearing thin, for although I know that You can provide for me, little seeds of doubt keep flooding my mind.

Father dear Father, I cast all my care on You. All the cares and financial concerns that I am currently facing. Lord, I cast every one at Your feet. I confess that there is a part of me that just does not know what to do and how I am going to get through this difficult patch in my life. Nevertheless, You have promised in Your Word to supply all our needs and necessities according to the riches of Your grace, and so I cast all my burdens, including this financial concern on You.

Thank You that You are a God that hears the cries of Your children and thank You for the answer that I know is speeding on its way. Help me not to miss Your answer, knowing that You so often surprise us with an answer that we do not expect. And so, to You be all the praise and honour due, in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanksgiving For My Salvation

Thank You, Father, for sending Your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ to come to this earth and to be born into the human race, over two thousand years ago, so that by His death and resurrection we might be able to look to Him as our Redeemer.

Lord, I believe.

I believe that He took the punishment that I deserve, in His body on the cross, when He suffered and died so long ago. I accept that I am a sinner and I understand that the penalty of sin is death, eternal separation from God and all that is good and lovely, honorable and perfect.

And so I thank You Father for Jesus. I thank You for the wonderful plan of salvation that includes even me, and I ask for Your forgiveness of my sins, for I confess You as My Saviour and have come to trust You as my Lord.

Thank You, that the Lord Jesus Christ did all the work of salvation Himself on my behalf, and there is nothing else for me to do, except to believe in His name and receive Your free gift of grace, the everlasting gift of eternal life, which You purposed for all who trust in Jesus.

Thank You, Father,


Prayer For A Fruitful Relationship

Loving Lord of heaven and earth, we thank You for the benefits and encouragement we gain from the friends You place in our lives and the relationships that we are able to develop during our earthly walk.
I thank You for the good friends and different relationships that I enjoy today, and for the joys that each one brings in their own special and unique way.
May I never take my friends for granted or become indifferent in the relationships I have built up over the years, but rather may I increasingly value each of the people that You have placed in my life. May we build up and strengthen each other in the bonds of love and peace which we have in Jesus.
May each of my relationships become increasingly fruitful, and may they be anchored on a firm foundation of godly love and genuine trust. Bless all my friends, and may each of my relationships become increasingly fruitful, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Friend In Despair

Dear Lord Jesus, You are our ever-present help in times of trouble.. and our consolation and comfort, for in You are all the answers that we all need in our lives, which is why I come to You to bring my friend before Your throne of grace – as they seem to be spiralling down to the point of despair.

Lord You know the problems and pain they are going though in their lives, but it is so sad to realise that they have almost lost all hope.. and seem to have given up in desperation.. as nothing seems to be going right in their lives – and so I ask that You would meet them at their point of need and provide help and encouragement – so that they may come through this difficult period in their life, .                                                                                          

I pray that this feeling of desperation will soon pass and that they will be prevented from doing anything foolish, which might cause harm to themselves or cause harm to others. Pour out Your tender love and compassion on them I pray and send help to them speedily.. in their hour of need – this I ask in Jesus name,


Prayer For Trust In Every Area Of Life

Loving Lord, You are my confidence and my blessed assurance. You are the Rock of my salvation and the strength of my life. My hope rests in You for You are my faithful Shepherd and the Song that rejoices my heart.

Thank You, that Your promises are sure and that your grace is sufficient for all my needs.

Thank You, that Your mercies are new every morning, for You are a faithful God.

Thank You, that You are my heavenly Father Who loves me and cares for me.

Thank You that You are my precious Saviour Who died for me and gave me new life.

Thank You that You are my holy Comforter who gently leads me in the path of righteousness and guides me into all truth.

Loving Lord, I lay my life before You for I trust in You completely. I pray that You would continue to keep and to care, to guard and to guide, to support and to strengthen in every avenue of my life, for my trust is in You, my God and my Saviour.


Prayer To Be Shown My Spiritual Gift

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for sending the Lord Jesus to live and die for me, and thank You for bringing me into Your family because I have trusted Jesus as my Saviour. Thank You that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and that You have sent Him to indwell my heart and to lead and guide me into all truth. I pray that You would take my life and use every part of me, to Your praise and glory.

Father, I know that the Bible tells us that we all receive a gift from You, a spiritual gift, and I understand that this is very special and different from my own natural talents or my own acquired abilities. Lord, I don’t really know what is the difference between the true spiritual gift given to me by the Holy Spirit when I was born from above, and what are my own natural talents and abilities.

Lord, I pray that You would use all that I am, my own abilities and my talents as well as the spiritual gift or gifts that You, in Your grace, have seen fit to bestow on me, but I also pray that You would open my understanding to the special spiritual gift that You have bestowed on me by Your grace.

Show me I pray, what is the special spiritual gift that You have given me to use to the benefit of the body of Christ, and I ask that You would make it truly known to me and that You would use it to encourage and edify my brothers and sisters in Christ, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For The Spirit’s Fruit Of Patience

Thank You, Father, that for most of my life You have been teaching me the principle of waiting, and I pray that You would continue to do so. O Lord, so many times in my life, I have asked that in Your grace You would equip me with a gentle, God-like patience, that does not seek to hurry up the process of Your spiritual harvest,  but waits for the planted seed to germinate and to grow.

And yet, I continue to recognize within myself an impatience to see Your work completed. Thank You for the Biblical picture in the Word of God, where the farmer waits patiently and yet expectantly for the seed to sprout and swell, as the early and latter rains fall in their appointed season and as the sun shines its warming rays over the dormant crops.

Help me more and more to apply this patient expectation to my own life, where hope does not die and where forbearance does not deteriorate into despair.

Keep me I pray from giving up, but endow me my Father, with patient endurance and a passive yielding to Your prefect will, in every part of my life.

May I be content to say Thy will be done, and whether or not You choose to reveal the final answer to my persevering prayer, I pray that I may rest content, knowing that You do all things well. I ask this in the name of Jesus, and to His glory,


Prayer For A Fruitful Week

How I thank and praise You Lord, that I am in Christ and He is in me. Thank You, Father, that You are the husbandman, Jesus is the true Vine and I am branch. Help me to abide in Him moment by moment so that I may be a fruitful in Your service and glorify Your holy name in word and in deed.
Lord, I place this coming week into Your hands, not knowing what circumstances I may be called upon to face. But in Your grace I pray that You would direct my path, guide my actions, influence my attitude and guard my motives, so that it may be a fruitful week and a time which brings glory to You.
I pray that this week, I may diligently seek You in all things and trust You for all the need and necessities of life, not relying on myself but living in utter dependence upon You, knowing that this is honouring to Your name and Your will for all Your children. This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ my Saviour and King,

Prayer For Deep Despair

God I need You – if You are there please God help me.  I feel just overwhelmed with a darkness and a despair that seems to cover me like a shroud and stifles my breathing - I hurt Lord so deeply. Please help. I feel overwhelmed and perplexed and Lord I don’t even know why I feel like this or even how to pray, but please Lord, I ask for You to help me and save me from being completely crushed in spirit and soul.

There is a Psalm about a good Shepherd and I need You to help me like a shepherd would help a sheep in difficulties - The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Please Lord, be my good Shepherd and help me I pray. Lead my by the quiet waters and please restore my soul as You have promised.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Thank You that You have promised to be with me even when I am in deep despair and thank You that You are always there to comfort me and help me – no matter what troubles and difficulties I am having to face.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Thank You that You have promised to supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory and thank You that there is nothing that is going on in my life that You do not know about and care about..

Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Thank You Lord that Your mercies are new every morning… Help me to trust You even when I feel alone – because You have promised to be my good Shepherd and your promises never fail,


Prayer of Thanks for My Wedding Anniversary

Thank You, Father, for the wonderful gift of marriage between a man and a woman that You established in the beginning. Thank You, Lord, for our marriage. And Lord, we both praise You for this special wedding anniversary that we have reached together. We pray that this happy time of rejoicing may be filled with the joy of the Lord, as we face the next stage of our lives together.

Thank You, for the gift of life and love and all the blessings that You have bestowed on us during our union together. We bless Your for bringing us to this special anniversary day and for Your faithfulness in guiding us through the pleasure and the pitfalls of our lives, and for leading us through the many obstacles and opportunities that You have put in our path. 

Thank You, for lifting us up when we were down, comforting us when we were in sorrow, forgiving us when we were wrong and always being there for us, not only in times of joy but also in the pain of life.

Continue to shower Your grace and blessings upon us Lord, and may Your love and peace prevail in our home. Supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory, and we commit our lives together into Your hands, knowing that You have scheduled every day of our lives, individually and together. May our marriage be one that glorifies Your name. In Jesus' name,


Prayer To Be Used By God To Edify The Body

Heavenly Father, thank You that You have graciously given each of your children gifts and graces that can be used to edify and encourage our brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ.

Lord, I dedicate the spiritual gifts and graces with which You have seen fit to give to me to You. I dedicate what I am to You, and pray that I may be used by You in a ‘body ministry’ to other saints of God, so that I may minister to my brothers and sisters in whatever way You choose to use me. May we all be mutually edified and encouraged and bring glory to Your name.

Fill me I pray, with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and take my life as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable in Your sight. Use me I pray, to forward the gospel of grace in whatever why You choose. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Praise And Thanks For Our Salvation

Heavenly Father, thank You for opening my eyes to the truth of Salvation, that only the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, 2000 years ago, can pay the price for my sin. Thank You, that by believing in Him I am forgiven.

Thank You, that He became the Sacrifice for my sin, so that by believing in Him I can be redeemed from death and receive forgiveness of sins.

I praise You for the incredible exchange that took place at the cross. He took my sin and gave me His righteousness. He died in my place so that I could live with You forever.

Thank You, that I have been delivered from the domain of darkness and eternal separation from You and have been transferred in the the kingdom of Your dear Son.

Thank You Father, for this wonderful transaction, which is Your free gift of Your grace to all who believe, and yet a price which cost You so dearly. Thank You that by His punishment for my sin, I have been pronounced righteous in Him and am seated with Him in heavenly places.

Help me to walk in the light as He is in the light, and may the light of His countenance be reflected through me to others, so that they too may come to trust in the only begotten Son of God and receive forgiveness of their sins. I ask this in His dear names sake,


Prayer For A Fruitful Year

Heavenly Father, thank Your for Your many blessings, Your sufficient grace and the way that You have directed my path. You have faithfully sheltered me when I strayed from Your will, and graciously corrected me when I went astray.
I pray that Your grace and mercy would continue to abound in my life and that I may have a fruitful year where the Lord Jesus Christ increasingly becomes the focus of my life, the desire of my heart and the only one in Whom I rest my hope.
Forgive me for the times when I have stepped outside of Your will, but I ask that You would continue to work in my life and finish all that You have started in me, just as You have promised.
I pray that in this coming year I may be filled with the fruit of righteousness, which Your Holy Spirit has promised to carry out in me, so that I may daily be transformed into the likeness of the Lord Jesus and live a life of abundant fruitfulness, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Financial Despair

Oh Lord I feel pretty desperate over my deteriorating finances. I know that I have been careless with my money and unwise in some areas, but I have got to the point where I don’t know what to do or  which way to turn, and the future looks incredibly bleak.

Please Lord help me to get through this difficult financial crises in my life.  I feel my situation is utterly hopeless. Help me to turn my life around and give me a fresh start I pray. God, my only hope is You and although I know that I do not deserve Your help, I ask that in the name of Jesus that You would hear my plea for help.. and guide me through this desperate time in my life.

I have been wrong to try to live my life relying on my own ability and cleverness and I confess that I have not trusted You as I ought and have followed the path that I thought best for me. Forgive me for my rebelliousness towards You and bring me through this feeling of despair and desperation I pray.  Set my feet on the secure Foundation - and I will praise You for You  are a faithful God. Thank You Lord




Prayer For Christ To Build His Church

Loving Father, I pray that You would use the spiritual gifts and spiritual graces that You have bestowed on me for the furtherance of the gospel of grace, so that I may become one with my brothers and sisters in Christ as together, we draw closer to You.

Lord, I know that Your Word tells us that it is Your desire that all Your children are united in the spirit of love and the bond of peace, through Your Word, so that as believers we may be united in body and spirit, a body of believers where Christ is exulted, to the glory of His name and for the furtherance of the gospel.

Lord, I know that there is nothing that man can do to achieve this task and that when we try to build Your church in our own fleshly strength or based on our own worldly wisdom, it is doomed to fail, for the Lord Jesus alone is the head of the Body and He it is Who has promised, through His Spirit, to build His Church and to provide the increase.

Use all those that You have called to be pastor teachers and evangelists, to faithfully furnish and equip all God's people for the work and service for which each one is called and for the furtherance of the Gospel of Christ.

May each of Your servants be fully furnished and spiritually equipped to carry out to completion the work and service that You have given us to do. Strengthen and build up every member of Christ' body, so that we may be united in spirit and truth. In Jesus' name,


Simple Prayer For Salvation

Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner and in need of salvation. I believe that You came to earth to seek and to save people who are lost in their sins, and I believe that You died on the cross as the substitute for my sins.

I believe that You took the punishment that I deserved for the sins that I have committed, and forgave me all my sins. I believe that You died for me and that You rose again from the dead, and that whoever believes in You will not perish but have everlasting life.

I trust in You and I place my faith in You. Thank You for dying for me, forgiving my sins, making me clean and covering me in Your own perfect righteousness. Thank You for all that You have done for me.

I receive You into my life as my Saviour and I choose to follow You and serve You all my life. Thank You for hearing my prayer,


Prayer For All Round Fruitfulness

Lord Jesus, I pray that I may grow in grace and increase in Christlikeness day by day. I pray that in every area of my life I may be more fruitful and learn to grow more like the Lord Jesus Christ, with each passing day.
Lord, I know that there is much within me that needs to be rooted out, refined and removed and I ask that You would examine my inner heart to discover any areas of my life that need to be hammered on the anvil of Your corrective love.
Search me Lord, and examine my heart and my attitudes, and may I keep my old fleshly self and the old sinful nature nailed to the cross of Christ, and learn to walk in spirit and truth more and more.
Help me I pray, to depend on you without reservation, so that my life may become increasingly fruitful in each area that is lacking.
May I decrease in my own eyes so that Christ may increase in me, for I know that it is only as He lives in me and I in Him that I will become the fruit-bearing branch that honours you. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Help In Despair

Thank You Father that You are a God Who is an ever present help in time of trouble.. and we come to You today knowing that there are many men and women who are living in deep despair, and who have lost their hope in life, and have no one to turn to for assistance. 

Lord we lift up each one to You, and pray that You would reach out and give help and support to all who are despairing and in deep distress, for whatever reason it may be.

Lord we ask You to pity those that are living a life that seems beset by insurmountable problems and who are desperately crying out in their heart for somebody – and yet have not realised that Jesus is the only One Who can give them the help they need in their despair.

Lord, only You can lift these despairing people out of their pit of desolation and set their feet on the road to life.. and so we pray that many would find their consolation in Jesus and discover that He is the true light at the end of their tunnel of despair and that He is the only One Who can turn their sadness into joy – in Jesus name we pray,


Prayer For Depression To Lift

O Lord God, life has become such a struggle and I find that my faith in You is being seriously challenged, but Lord, I know that Your Word says that You are there for me all the time, and that You would never leave me to struggle alone. Please help me to turn my thoughts to You every single time this black depression tries to descend upon me. Please bring to my mind those Scripture that tell the truth of Your love and grace.

Be with me Lord, at those times when doubts of Your love for me rise up in my mind, and help me to reaffirm in my heart all that You have done for me, throughout my life. When my faith is threatened by those negative thoughts that say that You could never love me, let me remember that You loved me so much that You died to save me and have clothed me in Your perfect righteousness.

When assurance in my salvation and eternal security starts to waver, help me to recall that You loved me so much that You sent Your only begotten Son to die for me and pay the price for all my sins and help me to reaffirm the truth in my heart. Thank You, Lord, for Your great love for me.

When I find myself wandering far from You and little murmurings rise in my heart, that You cant love me as much as other people because things are so difficult in my life, prevent me from dwelling on such lies which come from the pit, and help me dwell on You. You alone are good and gracious and faithful and true.

And Lord, when depression is set to invade my peace, help me to claim the promise that Your grace is sufficient for me, and help me to trust You in all things. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Couple’s First Wedding Anniversary

Loving Lord, we do thank You for this couple and for the joy of their first wedding anniversary. We celebrate this happy time and pray that You would continue to bless and keep them in their holy union together.

Thank You, for the testimony of love and faithfulness that shines forth from their union, and we pray that You will bless and honour their life together in the days and years that lie ahead.

We pray that with the passing years, their love for each other and for You may grow and develop. We ask that You bless them with many more such wedding anniversaries, and pray that as year succeeds to year, they grow in grace and in love for each other and for You. Bless their home we pray, and ask that You would uphold them with Your mighty right hand. In Jesus' name,


Prayer To Keep Me From Spiritual Pride

Father God, You alone are worthy to receive all honour and might and majesty and power and glory and honour and blessing, for you have created all things and You have made us for Your pleasure and to Your honour, and so I come today to offer myself to be used of You. Thank You, Father, for the spiritual gifts that You have given me. Lord, I know that today there are many evidences all around us that the spiritual gifts that You have graciously given to many in the Church, seem to be abused in the same way that they were misapplied in the church at Corinth.

Lord, I pray that You would use my spiritual gifts as well as my natural abilities to Your praise and glory and not for my own personal use or pride, and Lord, I accept that spiritual gifts are not necessarily an evidence of spirituality. Nevertheless Lord, I pray that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus. May I grow spiritually and become mature in the faith, so that my spiritual gifts may be used as befitting a mature man or woman of God.

Humble me if necessary Lord, for I do not want to become puffed up with pride, knowing that You have been bestowed so much grace and generousity with the spiritual gifts that you have given to me. Help me to rightly use all that You have given me wisely and appropriately, and keep me ever low at the cross and broken before You.

Father, I praise and thank You for every spiritual gift I have, and I prayerfully dedicate each one back to You, so that they may be used as You would have me use them, to help and encourage other believers in these difficult times and to lift up Your name – for I desire that You increase in every area of my life and that I decrease, until it is not I, but Christ that lives in me and works through me.

Help me I pray, to discover the proper way to use my spiritual giftings, and I pray that You would teach me how exercise all my spiritual gifts, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,


Salvation Prayer

Dear Father God, I know that there is nothing that I could do to merit my salvation or to gain Your forgiveness. Thank You, that You have offered me the free gift of salvation, simply by trusting in the Lord Jesus as my Saviour..

Thank You, that Jesus chose to pay the full price for my sin and that You have accepted His death on the cross. Thank You, that He was willing to shed His blood at Calvary, and die on my behalf.

Thank You, that by His death and resurrection He has washed away all the sin in my life and has cleansed my stained and guilty heart, making it clean and pure, and as white as snow. Thank You for this wonderful free gift of Salvation and the knowledge that there is nothing left for me to do except to believe in Him as my Saviour.

Thank You, that I have not only been forgiven and cleansed of all my sin but He has also covered me in His own perfect righteousness and given me eternal life, with a special place reserved for me in heaven for all eternity.

There are no words that can express my love and gratitude for this amazing free gift of grace, and all I can say is thank You. Thank You Father God for Your amazing love and grace. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Fruitful Day

Heavenly Father, thank You, that I am Your child, accepted in Christ and called to be fruitful. I ask that today I would live every moment of my life as unto You, bringing forth spiritual fruit that is pleasing in Your sight.
Thank You, that Christ is the source and supply of my life and that without Him I can do nothing. May I live in total dependence upon Him in thought word and deed, so that today may be a fruitful and truly blessed day.
May I be filled with the fruit of righteousness as I live in loving dependence on You alone, and may the fruit of the Spirit be manifested in all I say and do, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Hope In Despair

Lord I know that only You can give hope in despair, joy in pain and peace in a shattered heart, and I am in such desperate need and deep despair.. I just don’t know which way to turn - and in my desperation I am asking You to help me. Please Lord HELP Me and show me what to do. My life is in such a mess and everything that can go wrong has gone wrong - and I don’t know what to do or which way to turn.

Please help me. I know that I cannot go on alone and I need You to carry me through.. and I know the Bible says that You have promised never to leave me or forsake me and that  Your arms are underneath me and all around me and that You are holding me tightly with Your righteous right hand.  Thank You for that..

Show me what to do. Help me to get through this difficult time and turn my life around I pray.. I am sorry for all my sins and know that I have no right to come to You for help.. but I also believe that You have said that all who trust in Jesus as Saviour can come to You to ask for help in time of need – and Lord I trust in You - I repent of all my sins and place my life and my future in Your hand and ask You to have compassion on me and lift me out of this pit of despair - and restore hope and joy and peace in my heart I pray – this I ask in Jesus name,


Prayer For Help In Times Of Financial Hardship

Dear Heavenly Father, we are living in troubling times and things are getting more and more difficult for me and my family financially. Lord, at times, when I think about the future, I am filled with fear of what is happening in the world today. Lord, I also know that as Your children, You have not given us the Spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Father, I know this is true in my heart and yet in my experience, I so often allow all the fear of my own financial difficulties to flood my heart.

Help me Lord, to take every fearful thought into captivity and to give it to You, for You have promised to carry all our burdens and to supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory. Help me not to try in my own strength to sort our my failing finances, but to rely on You and to trust in Your never-failing promises.

Lord, I am only one of many of Your children who are facing severe financial hardship, and at times I wonder how You can possibly supply everything we all need in a world that seems to have gone out of control, a world that seems to be grinding everyone down into the ground, but I trust You and lay my needs at Your feet. I pray that in Your Own way and Your Own time You will supply my needs, and that You would give me the strength to simply trust in You and to lay all my financial burdens at Your feet. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Grateful Thanks For The Suffering Of Christ

Father of all mercies and grace, how I bless and thank You for sending Your Son to endure the degrading humiliation, cruel suffering and unjust reproach of those He came to save. Thank You for Jesus and thank You for all He endured for my sake, for had He not taken the cruel punishment for my sin, which I so justly deserve, I would be eternally separated from You my Father, and that is too shocking a thought to imagine.

Thank You for sending Jesus to be born as a man. Thank You that though He was Your only begotten Son, He became our gracious example, and humbled himself and learned obedience from the many things that He suffered throughout His life. Thank You for His wonderful example of learning obedience by the things that He suffered and for dying on the cross for the sins of the world, and for my sins too. My heart rejoices in reverent praise to You my God, and my grateful thanks will resound throughout eternity. Praise His holy name.


Prayer For Fruitful Life

Heavenly Father, it is my desire to live a fruitful life in Christ. Keep me from walking in the counsel of ungodly men and women. May I keep away from the path of sinners and not be influenced by those that scorn the truth of God’s Word. Rather, may I delight in Your Word and meditate on its truths day and night.
May I develop a fruit-filled life, looking to Jesus day by day. May I depend on His sufficient grace, trust His Word moment by moment, and maintain my hope in Him alone, Who is the author and finisher of my faith, and Whom to know is life eternal. In His precious name I pray,

Prayer For Someone In Despair

Loving Lord I lift up to You all those that are going through a season of despair and desperation, and pray that You would meet each one at their particular point of need – and knowing that Jesus is the only answer to every problem in life, we pray that You would make Yourself known to each one, in a new and very special way. 

Lord, You came to heal the broken-hearted and to set at liberty those that are captive to sin and Satan.  And despair is like a prison door that shuts the needy man or woman away from their only source of freedom and healing.. that can meet their deepest need, and so we pray that You would break the chains that bind each person that is despairing today and in need of deliverance.

Lord, You are the source of all comforts and the consolation of all those that are needy, and Yours is the only peace that delivers them from the bondage of their inner turmoil and deep despair. Lift up each one from the gloom of what entraps them and open the eyes of their heart to the One Who died for them on the cross and rose again.. so that He could carry them through the darkest hours of life and bring them safely through this increasingly evil world into the light of life that only He can supply  - this we ask in Jesus name,


Prayer For Money To Support My Children

Dear Lord Jesus, I bring my aching heart to You and especially my need to support and provide for my children. Lord, as the economy seems to be increasingly fragile and so many people are finding themselves in great financial difficulties, I ask that in Your grace You would look down in pity on me and my children and supply all that we need.

I think of the widow, whose pot of meal was never empty and the little cruise of oil did not run dry, and I know that You are a God Who provides in so many different ways for each of Your children.

I pray that whatever way You choose, that my daily needs and those of my children will be provided by You. Lord, I know that You have said that before they call I will answer, and You already know my need for today, and so I am trusting You to provide what we need today. And though it may not be by giving me a little cruise of oil that never runs dry, I pray for Your provision today for all we need. Thank You that You have heard my cry. In Jesus' name I pray,


Sinners Prayer For Redemption

Dear God, I have sinned against You and against my fellow man in thought and word and deed. I have no right to approach You in and of myself, but I have been told that Jesus Christ is Your only begotten and eternal Son and that He humbled Himself becoming a real man, a perfect sinless man who never sinned and fulfilled every Law that God the Father requires of all humanity. I have been told that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the price for my sins – all my sins – all my past, present and future sins – all my overt and hidden sins – all my sins, every single one - and that He willingly gave up His life on the cross so that anyone (including me), who would believe on His name, would not perish as sinners deserve, but be given the free gift of eternal life.

Lord, I was told that Jesus did this for me and that all I have to do to receive Your forgiveness is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and I will be saved, eternally saved, and given a new life in Christ. Lord, a lot of this is hard for me to understand but I do believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and that He rose again on the third day, has ascended into heaven and is sitting at the right hand of the Father, and that one day He will come back to take all who have trusted in Him into heaven to be with Him forever.

Lord, I do not deserve to be forgiven of my sins, but I ask that in Jesus' name Who even died for me, that for His sake, You would forgive me and redeem me and give me the new life that You have promised to those who believe in Him. Teach me how to live as You would have me live. Teach me Your will for You life.

Dear God, I don’t understand why Jesus would do this for me, but I believe with all my heart that He did and I thank You that You are faithful and just to make me one of Your children, as a free gift of grace, by faith in Him. Forever I will glorify and thank and praise You for what you have done in my life.



Prayer For Those That Are Suffering

Dear Lord, thank You for the many precious promises in Your Word that reassure us that the various sufferings that we face today are but for a short time, and are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us in the eternal ages to come.

Thank You, that the pain we must endure is but for a season, and will give way to joys that are unspeakable and full of glory, knowing that we have been promised an eternal rest, when all tears will be wiped from our eyes.

All glory be to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of all mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those who are in any trouble with the comfort that we ourselves receive from the Lord, how we praise Your holy name. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Fruitful Womb

Heavenly Father, You are the Giver of life and children are a heritage from the Lord and a precious gift from our Father in heaven, to be nurtured in the truth of God’s Word and to be raised in an atmosphere of holy reverence and godly love.
We pray for those that desire to have a baby in their lives, and ask that You would look with grace on the deep desire of their heart.
Father, Your Word says, “ the fruit of your womb will be blessed,” and we pray this prayer for all who long to have a child. We pray that You would open the womb of those that desire this precious gift of life. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Help In Times Of Despair

O Lord God, I feel weak and weary, helpless and hopeless. Darkness seems to have invaded my very being. Lord God, at times I just want to give up in despair, as a black depression slowly descends on me and there seems little that I can do to stop it.

And yet I know that this is not Your will for my life, for You came from heaven to give us light and hope and You have said that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness.

Be my strength I pray in my weakness. Be my light in my darkness. Be my hope in this deep depression and be that perfect love that casts out the fear and pain that I have in my heart, which so often tries to put its icy fingers around my throat. Give me a sense of Your presence and Your closeness, and pour into my heart that peace You promised to all Your children, that passes understanding, I pray. 

Lord God, I cry to You at this time of depression in my life, for in my heart I know that You alone are my only hope. Lift me Lord from this crippling depression, and draw me back into close fellowship with Yourself. I truly believe that when my mind is thinking about You, that depression has little opportunity to invade my peace. Help me to keep my mind on You and Your many precious promises. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Help To Supply Those In Need Today

Dear Lord, there are so many around the world today who are in great need, many who do not have the money to pay for the basic necessities of life and times are getting increasingly harder. Lord, there are many who are without food, and many without work or the opportunity to earn enough to supply for the needs of their families, and there are others who are ill or unable to work and are suffering severe lack.

Lord, I come to You and ask for Your pity and providence to be poured out on all who are suffering such hardships today. You have promised to supply the needs of Your children and I ask that in Your mercy and loving-kindness, You would meet the needs of all those that suffer lack today.

Thank You, that You always have mercy on us. I ask You to fulfil now Lord, the desires and petitions of all Your people who are in such need, according to Your mercy, and give them the grace to persevere under such difficult circumstances. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanks For All The Redeemed

Heavenly Lord and Gracious God, I want to thank You with all of my heart for the glorious plan that You purposed before the creation of the earth – that You would redeem sinful man by sending the eternal Son of God to become the prefect Son of Man, Who was willing to live a sinless life and to die a perfect death so that all who believe on His name would not be condemned but have eternal life and be made a part of God’s eternal family as His heavenly people.

Thank You, that Jesus became the sinless Lamb of God, “Who takes away the sin of the world”. That You, that God the Father is reconciling the world to Himself and no longer counting our sins against any of us who believe in the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, but rather is clothing us in His own spotless robe of righteousness, as His amazing gift of grace, which is received through simply believing on His name.

Thank You, for the multitudes of men and women that have received this amazing gift of grace. Thank You, that You have redeemed me along with all who were lost in sin and heading for eternal hell and everlasting separation from You, but who believed the message of salvation and trusted Christ as Saviour.

Thank You, that You now look on me as if I had never sinned, simply because I was placed “In Christ” the moment I believed on Him and was received into the family of God, and made an heir of God and joint-heir with Jesus Christ Himself. Thank You that there is no condemnation on any who have trusted the finished work of Jesus on Calvary’s cross.

Lord, the more I contemplate Your great grace, Your unconditional love, Your prefect righteousness and Your long-suffering faithfulness, I am overwhelmed by what You have done for me. But I thank and praise You that I have joined that mighty cloud of witnesses that have been born of the Spirit in the Church-age, as part of Christ’s body,and look forward to the day when we will all be together in Your presence for ever and ever.


Prayer To Endure Fiery Trials

Father, I want to lift up all my brothers and sisters in the Lord throughout the whole world, knowing that we are united together in Christ, through time and into eternity. Lord, the fiery trials and severe persecutions that are coming on so many of Your children, in so many parts of the world, are becoming increasingly intense and horrific, and I lift up each and every life that is facing the terrors that wicked men are perpetrating on so many of Your people. Father, each one is a member of Your family and we are all Your children and united together in the Body of Christ.

Look down in pity on all who are facing such fiery trials and persecutions. Help and support, protect and save, comfort and succor, and encourage and strengthen each and every one in their time of trial, and keep them we pray, from the hand of their enemies whose hatred against You is being poured out on so many of Your children.

May they find courage to stand fast in this evil day and may they receive Your sufficient grace in abundant measure. Multiply the grace to endure and may they find encouragement, assurance and hope in the knowledge that however intense their trials and troubles, they are but for a moment, but will produce in them a glory that vastly outweighs the present torment they are enduring, knowing that they are participants in the suffering of their Saviour. This I ask in the precious name of Jesus,


Prayer To Overcome Gluttony

Heavenly Father, I confess to You that I have become what can only be described as greedy and gluttonous and am ashamed that I have allowed my compulsive eating habit to become so out-of-control.  I am so ashamed of my life and so sorry that I have allowed this obsession with food to take such control over my life, and it causes me much shame and heartache.
Forgive me I pray, and help me Lord to break free from my over-eating. Help me to overcome this eating disorder I pray, for I know that without Your help and strength I will not be able to permanently break free.
I was reading the Bible Lord, and when I read that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, it made me realise that my gluttony has wider implications than I had realised, for it shows a shocking disrespect for You and for the body that You have given me.
Lord, I know that Your grace is sufficient to for all my needs, and that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness, and Lord, my weakness has to do with eating  too much food, but I do believe that Your grace is sufficient to help me though this, and so I pray that You would give me the grace and help to me to break free this sinful habit of ungodly gluttony.
Thank You, Lord, for Your promises of sufficient grace and mercy to help in this time of need, and I ask for Your daily guidance to overcome and strengthen my resolve to step away from over-eating into temperance and grace. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Sinners Redemption Prayer

Dear God, I believe that Jesus was God incarnate, holy God Who became perfect Man. I believe that He died on the cross to pay the price for the sin of the world, and I believe that He died to forgive my sin. I believe that He rose again to break the power of sin and death in my life, and that by believing on Him, my sins are forgiven, truly forgiven, and I am born into God’s family. I believe that I have been forgiven as a gift of God’s grace, simply because I have trusted Christ as my Saviour. Thank You, God.

Lord, I do thank You that You died for me. Thank You, that You loved me enough to lay aside Your heavenly glory to become a man and identify with my sin so that by believing on You I may be identified with Your righteousness. Thank You, God.

Lord, I desire to turn from my sinful ways and turn to Christ. Help me to live as You would have me live. Teach me Your ways and may I grow in my faith, and God, I pray that I become more and more like Jesus. Thank You, God.

Lord, give me a teachable spirit so that I may grow in grace and grow in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Teach me I pray, and give me wisdom to know what is right and what is wrong. Thank You, God. In Jesus' name,


Prayer To Be Used To Help Others Who Are Suffering

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your loving-kindness and heart of sweet compassion, and thank You that in my times of deep distress and suffering, You have gently brought other people alongside me, to walk with me through the different seasons of my life, to comfort and encourage, to help and to advise. Thank You for all those whom You have used to draw near to me, to be Your hands to help, Your arms to support and Your heart to love. Thank You that You never forsake us nor leave us comfortless, but so often send showers of refreshment through Your many faithful witness and other avenues of support.

Thank You, Lord, that You truly are the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, and I pray that just as You have used many of Your children to draw alongside me and accompany me through those troublous times, that You would take my life and use me as a vessel of comfort and solace to others, who are facing similar difficulties and are themselves in need of comfort and help. Use me I pray, to comfort others who are suffering affliction, with the godly comfort with which I myself has been comforted by You. I ask this in the name of Jesus,


Prayer For Deliverance From Gluttony

Deliver me I pray, from my over-eating, which I confess can only be called “gluttony”. Lord, I know that this is a habit that I have allowed to develop in my life, which has almost become an obsession, and I pray that in Your grace You would enable me to break free from my eating compulsion and receive full and lasting deliverance.
Lord, I have used food as a comfort and as a prop when I have felt alone and miserable, and it is causing my weight to increase which makes me more miserable and causes me to want to eat more, and Lord, I am in a bad state, and am asking for Your help in this.
I pray that in Your love and grace, You would deliver me from this horrid cycle of comfort eating and help me to gain a healthy balance in what I eat, so that I eat food in order to live rather then live in order to eat food.
Help me I pray, to have the resolve to eat and drink wisely and in a manner that is honouring to You, for the Bible tells us that whether we eat or drink, we are to do everything to Your honour and glory. Help me to honour You in all I do and especially in my eating. This I ask in Jesus' name,

My Daily Prayer For My Business

Lord, I know that unless the Lord builds that house, it's builders labour in vain. Watch over all I do in my work today Lord, and I pray for all those whom my life will touch today, through this work into which You have placed me.

May I be a worthy worker, who has You as the director of my business and the one that oversees all my activities and transactions. Give me wisdom today in all the decisions I may need to make. I pray that I may demonstrate honesty and integrity in all my dealings, whether it is my relationship with people or my dealings with financial matters and the material side of my work.

Lord, I know that without You I can do nothing, but also You have promised that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So Lord, I rely on You to bless my business as You see fit. I pray Lord, that my business may thrive with You at the helm. I pray that in all things, You will lead and direct my business path. May You be glorified in my business dealings. I pray this in Jesus' name,


Prayer To Redeem The Time Left

Heavenly Father, I thank You that You sought me out and saved me by the mighty power of the blood of Jesus. Lord God, I have spent so many years pleasing myself and not paying attention to Your call on my life, and I realise that I have wasted so much precious time.

Forgive me I pray, for the selfish and rebellious way I realise I have been living, and I pray that in Your grace and mercy, You would allow me to redeem the time that I have wasted. Lord, I know that I can never relive the time that has gone, but I pray that You would give me the opportunity to live my life as I should have lived, to live the rest of my life as Your bond-servant, to submit to Your leading and guiding, to focus the eyes of my heart on the Lord Jesus, and to be led by Your Spirit to do only those things that are pleasing in Your sight.

Help me to use the time I have left wisely. May I not grow weary of well-doing, but rather may I run the race of life as Paul did, to win the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Take my life and let it be separated and consecrated for You alone. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For God's Comfort And Strength In Times Of Need

Father, how I thank You that Jesus is my good Shepherd and is there to comfort and strengthen in times of suffering, sadness, pain and loss. Thank You, that Your rod and staff sustain and keep me, no matter what season of life I am passing through and no matter how difficult the times become.

I praise You Lord, for You are my strong tower, into Whose everlasting arm I flee for protection and safety, for You have pledged to uphold me with the right hand of Your righteousness. Thank You, that in the midst of suffering and distress, You have undertaken never to leave me nor forsake me, and when I face times of loneliness and isolation, Your promised grace is sufficient to carry me through.

Lord, I know that as Your child I am indeed blessed to be able to rest in You as my daily companion, my faithful comforter and my wise counsellor. Thank You for bringing me to this point in my life and for so patiently teaching me the lesson of Your never-failing faithfulness.

Use me I pray, to give like-comfort, companionship and counsel to other lonely and lost little lambs, who also need the strength of their good and faithful Shepherd. And continue I pray, to uphold and teach me more of Your comfort and strength, grace and love. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Victory Over The Sin Of Gluttony

Loving Lord, I need Your help to bring my eating habit under control so that I may be freed from excess eating and enabled to get my weight under control.
I ask that You would help me to gain the victory over this sin of gluttony, for I know that without Your sufficient grace and help I will not be able to curb my excessive appetite.
Lord, it is my desire to live a life that is honouring to You, and I cry out to You to help me Lord, for without You I can only fail. But thanks be to God that I can do all things through Christ, Who gives me the strength.
Lord, I am seeking You with my whole heart and I realise that what is impossible for me to achieve in my own strength is possible with You. Help me to eat my food with integrity and in a manner that is pleasing to You, and prevent me from finding excuses to over-indulge, knowing that to do so is not only lying to myself, but also to You.
Father, as I come before You to ask for victory over my sin of gluttony, I thank You for what You are doing in my life and pray that as I discipline my body to eat appropriately, so I may also live in holiness and righteousness in every area of life. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Fellowship With Other Believers

Thank You, Father, that I am Your child. Thank You, that I am positioned in Christ by grace through faith in Him. And thank You, Father, for placing all those who have trusted Christ as Savior into union with our Lord Jesus Christ, and made us brothers and sisters in Him. Thank You, that we are members of His Body and are being built up together as Your holy dwelling place.

Father, as the wickedness in this world seems to be increasing and the love of many has grown so cold, I pray that You would unite the members of Your body together, in loving fellowship and earnest prayer for one another. May we be united together in the bond of love and peace, holding each other up in prayer, as we walk in the light of the glorious gospel of grace and watch for Your soon return. I ask this in the name of Jesus, 


Prayer For Self-Control Over Gluttony

Heavenly Father I come to You to pray for self-control, which is one of the precious ‘fruits-of-the-Spirit’. Lord, I am overweight and know that I eat more that I should, which demonstrates that I am lacking in this beautiful gift of self-control.
Lord, I know in my heart that there is no satisfaction in food, (or anything else for that matter), and that my gluttony only exposes the idolatrous nature in me, for which I repent. I am asking that in the power of Your Holy Spirit, You would help me to become a more self-controlled person in my eating habits. 
Lord, I know that I am not able to live a godly, self-controlled life in my own strength but You have said in Your Word that You have provided all I need to live godly in Christ Jesus. Help me I pray, to appropriate all that I have in Christ, to walk in spirit and truth, to mortify this appetite for food and to depend on You to deliver me from this bondage to sin.
I pray that You finish the good work in me that You started when I first believed in the Lord Jesus as my Saviour, and I will give You all the praise and glory. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Guidance Today

Heavenly Father, I bow my knee before You in prayer and praise. Lead and guide me today in all You say and do. May I walk in spirit and truth today and be sensitive to Your gentle guidance.

Help me I pray, to fix my eyes on the Lord Jesus, knowing that without Him I will quickly stray from the path that is best for me. Lord, I believe that You have scheduled every day of my life, and I do not want to stray from the path that You would have me take.

Help me to be faithful to You and to willing go along the path of Your choosing, knowing that it may conflict with my own desires and wishes. Develop in me a heart that delights to do Your will so that the longings of my heart are brought into line with Your plans and purposes and Your will for my life.

Let my eyes always be looking to You, and keep me from the looking at the storms and difficulties of life, knowing that You are with me to lead and guide and to uphold me to Your praise and glory.

Thank You that Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life and I desire to do only that which is pleasing in Your site. In His name I pray,


Prayer For Deeper Fellowship With The Lord

Heavenly Father, how I thank You that the light of the glorious gospel of grace has shone into my heart. Thank You for the illuminating power of Your Word that has lit up my pathway.

Help me day by day to walk in the light of Your love, knowing that You are the light of the world and in You there is no darkness at all.

Keep me walking in the light as You are in the light, so that I may be a reflection to all of Your goodness and grace, to all with whom I come in contact. Help me to live in the light of Your love so that I may enjoy sweet fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ, knowing that the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord cleanses us from all sin.

Wash away all my sin Lord, and put Your power within me I pray. Take me as I am and make me the person You would have me to be, and thank You that You are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. In Jesus' name,


Prayers For Grace At A Wedding Reception

Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, we are gathered here to celebrate this special day and thank You for the marriage vows that have been exchanged between the bride and groom.
We pray Your blessing on their shared commitment to each other, and pray that Your lasting grace and peace would rest on their future life together.
Thank You for the many friends and family members who have been able to support the happy couple in person, as they make their life-long commitment to one another, and for the fellowship that we are all enjoying around this meal table.
We ask Your blessing on this first meal that they will share together as man and wife, and pray Your continued blessing on their future life together. May You lead and direct their future path and may they always keep Jesus at the centre of their marriage, and rely on Him in all things.
Bless us all as we join together in this celebration meal, and may Your grace and love rest on each person that is present and each family that is represented here. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Spiritual Blessings

Dear Lord, You have told us that the man that does not walk in the ways of the world and refuses to be influenced by the trinkets that this world offers, but who puts their trust in You, is blessed indeed.

You also told us that the one who delights in You and meditates on Your Word is like a fruitful tree that is planted by the rivers of water. 

Bless me Lord, I pray, with love in times of hatred, goodness in times of hostility, peace in times of strife, hope in the midst of despair, faith in the times of testings and joy in the times of pain. For my hope is in You alone.

Bless me Lord, I pray, with those blessings that only come from You.


“How happy is the man who does not follow the advice of the wicked, or take the path of sinners, or join a group of mockers!”
(Psalm 1:1)

Prayer For Financial Breakthrough In Business

Loving Heavenly Father, I am really struggling in my business today. The economic climate has caused my thriving little enterprise to come to an almost standstill and I am finding that I am not in a position to pay some of my creditors. What is equally concerning is that a number of people owe money to me, but are withholding their payments, as they too are struggling.

Lord, I have no help but You and I thank You for all that You have provided so generously for me in the past. I come to You today and pray that in Your grace, You would bring a financial breakthrough to my struggling business, so that I will not go into debt while also being in a position to honour the payments that I too need to make.

Lord, into Your hands I commit all these difficulties to You. I am trusting in You Father. Lord, a verse in Psalm 37 comes to my mind today, "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." Lord, this is my testimony too. You have been very gracious to me throughout all my life, and I will trust You in this too. Lord, into Your hands I commit my future. 


Prayer To Overcome Today’s Difficulties

Father God, I know that the life-path I am treading is fraught with difficulties and problems, but Lord I trust You to lead and guide me through the maze of life, because You have promised to be with me to lead and to guide, to strengthen and to help.

Let me never lose sight of who I am in Christ and help me to trust You in all things, knowing that I am Your child and that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

Thank You, that You are my Shepherd Who has promised to lead and to guide, to protect and to uphold. Thank You, that you are my Defence and my Defender and that You have promised to be my ever-present help in those times of unexpected difficulties and trials.

Thank You, Lord, that You remain faithful and dependable, even when I stray from the path that You have graciously laid out for me. May I never forget that You are my firm Anchor and the steady Rock upon which I stand, and that no difficulty in life is to great that You cannot overcome. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Good and Genuine Fellowship

Heavenly Father, thank You that You have placed us into the family of God and have united us together in love and fellowship. Forgive us for the times when as Your children we have allowed the foolish issues of the world to mar our relationship with each other and with You. Unite us together in the bond of peace and knit us together in godly love, with each other and with You.

Guard our hearts and our lips and may we learn to think and speak in a manner that is pleasing to You. May we become one in practice and purpose, to the praise of Your holy name. May the Lord Jesus influence our conversation and may the Holy Spirit of peace knit us together in love as we look to Jesus, knowing that He alone is our Prince of peace.

Help us to be obedient to our calling and give us a desire to faithfully pray for each other and to consider the needs of others as more important than our own. May we who are a part of Your universal church be a force of good in our local community, and may we be faithful witnesses to those that are lost, so that they may see our love for each other and You, and glorify our Father in heaven. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Grace And Guidance

Thank You, Heavenly Father, that Your mercies are new every morning and that Your faithfulness never fails. Thank You, that You are interested in every area of my life and that despite my many faults and failings, You have promised to lead and to guide in all things. And thank You Lord, that You have promised to supply the sufficient grace I need in every situation of my life. 
Father, as I seem to have come to a bit of a stand-still in my life, I pray for Your grace and guidance to lead and direct in the days that lie ahead. You have promised in Your Word to be with me and to go before me, so that if I turn to the right hand or to the left, I will hear a voice right behind me guiding me, saying, "This is the way, walk in it."
Give me Your grace and guidance in the choices I need to make and direct my thinking, so that my firm resolve and final decisions will be in line with Your perfect will for my life.
Thank You, Father, that Your grace is sufficient and that no matter where I go or what I do You have promised to be with me. Thank You in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Christian Fellowship

Loving Lord, thank You for all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord, and thank You that You have made us one in Him and are building us into a spiritual temple of living stones, each with our own peculiar function, in the heavenly kingdom of God. Instill in each of our hearts an increasing thirst after holiness and righteousness, and give us an ever-deepening love for each other and for You.

Keep us I pray, from petty arguments and careless words and may we minister to one another in true Christian fellowship and godly love, in a body-ministry that exults You, where the gifts and talents of each member are used and valued in the edification of the others, to the praise of Your holy name.

Be glorified I pray, in each and every member of Your body, and use us all to be a witness of the love of Jesus to those who are lost. And Father, I pray that You would unite us in godly love and Christian fellowship, as we watch for the any day return of the Lord Jesus, in whose name I pray,


Prayer For Grace And Mercy Every Day

Dear God, I am asking that Your grace and mercy would continue to follow me all the days of my life, as You have promised in You Word. Teach me to understand Your ways and grant me wisdom I pray, to live my life in a way that is pleasing and honouring to You.
Thank You, that You are my Shepherd and how I praise You for Your day-by-day provision and for the comfort and joy that You have brought into my life.
Thank You for always being there for me, to lead and to guide, to protect and to comfort, even when I falter and fail. Thank You for Your rod of discipline and Your staff of comfort, which have proved to be such a solace in time of need.
Grant me Your mercy and grace to live my life to the full, and to carry out the work and witness that You have prepared for me to do. Refresh my soul and revive my spirit with streams in the desert, and continue to pour out Your bountiful grace and never-failing mercy, which is new every morning, great is Your faithfulness, praise Your holy name. In Jesus' name I pray,

Anniversary Prayer Of Thanksgiving

Heavenly Father, we praise and thank You for the privilege and gift of marriage and for the joy that comes from sharing our life together. We thank You Father, for bringing us to this anniversary day, where we remember the vows that we made before you, and pray that You would continue to bless our life together.

Lord, we pray that Your love would increasingly shine through our marriage so that as we draw ever closer in our vertical relationship to You, it may be reflected in our fellowship with each other and shine out to those beyond our home and family.

Lord, You have done great things for us and we praise and thank You for bringing us together and for being our strength and stay when times of difficulty arose. We pray that in the days that lie ahead, we may be used by You as a witness to the wonderful work you have done in our lives and may we be used to encourage others who are setting out on the beautiful adventure of marriage.

Continue to bless our lives together and may we grow ever closer to You and to each other in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Worldwide Love And Fellowship

Heavenly Father, in a world that is increasingly hostile to Christians, we pray that You would do a work in the heart and lives of each member of Your Body. Give us wisdom and strength as we face this time of increasing aggression.

Knit us together in love and fellowship we pray, and release into our hearts a deep desire to lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ, in intercession and prayer.

Perfect each and every member of Your church world-wide. Draw us ever closer to each other and to You and sanctify Your Church with the washing of the water of the Word, so that she might be made perfect and holy, without blemish and free from every spot and wrinkle.

Use each member of Your body to be a witness of Your grace and love, and knit us together in holy fellowship and sweet communion, so that the world may know that You are the Lord and we are Your children. Thank You, in Jesus' name,


Family Prayers For Daily Grace

Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You for our family and friends and the opportunity of joining together in this time of family worship as we lift up our voices in joyful praise and thanksgiving for all Your goodness and grace to us. Thank You for the opportunity to come before You as a family to offer up our intercessions and prayers.
Thank You for providing for our daily needs and the necessities of life, and for the many blessings that You shower over each one of us with such abundance. Thank You for our daily food, our home our health and the love that we share together. And most of all, we thank You for Jesus, Who died on the cross to pay the price for our sins and rose again the third day, breaking the power of sin and death in our lives, and how we praise and thank You for the indwelling Holy Spirit, Who leads and guides and protect us, day-by-day.
Forgive us for the times when we have neglected to keep Jesus as the central Person in our lives, and for the times when we have not shown the love of Jesus to one another.
Keep us mindful of the need to grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, and teach us all to walk in a godly way, to Your praise and glory.
Help us at home and in the wider world to be good and faithful witnesses to the good news of the gospel of grace, and may we individually and as a family reflect the love of Jesus in our lives to Your greater glory. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer for the whole world

Dear Father, Please help everyone in the whole world come to a saving knowing of Jesus Christ, and believe in Christ for everlasting life 

In Jesus Name


Anniversary Prayer To Grow Love And Unity

Heavenly Father, thank You that You have brought us together as man and wife, and thank You that we are celebrating yet another wedding anniversary, for which we praise and magnify Your holy name.

Thank You for the guidance that we have received through Your Word, and Lord, we pray that day by day You would develop in both our hearts an increasing desire to put on love, knowing that this is the perfect bond of unity and peace, when founded on the Lord Jesus Christ, our Rock and Foundation. May we both grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as together we walk in spirit and truth, and may our life become a shining example, where Christ remains the centre and circumference of our marriage.

Give us wisdom we pray, as we face the forthcoming year, and grant us to grow in love and unity one with one another and with You, so that we may be a demonstration of Your grace and mercy towards us. May our love for You and our faith in You bring glory to Your name. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer To The Lord Jesus Christ

Dear Lord Jesus, I believe that You are the Son of the living God, the promised Messiah of Israel and the only Redeemer of the world, and that You have a name that is above every name. I believe that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that You are King of kings and Lord of lords and that You alone are the one, true living God, Who is above all that is called god.

I believe Lord Jesus, that You left Your eternal throne in glory and came to earth as a baby, so that by Your perfect life and sacrificial death, You would pay the price for all my sins, so that by believing on You, I might be forgiven of my sins, clothed in Your righteousness and receive eternal life through You.

Thank You, that through all that You have accomplished by Your death, burial and resurrection, I too have life everlasting and victory over sin, Satan, death and hell. Thank You, that You died for my sins.

Thank You, that You have made it possible for me to be redeemed and transferred from the kingdom of satan into the kingdom of God. Thank You, that in You I have all that I need to ensure victory in this world, and in the world to come, life everlasting. Praise Your holy name, for ever and ever,


Prayer For Financial Grace

Heavenly Father, You have promised to supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus, and I come to You today as I am facing some difficult financial times and am asking You to furnish me with both the finances I need, and Your sufficient grace to go through this difficult time in my life.
Father, as I face this time of financial uncertainly I know that my only sure foundation is Christ, and I pray that I may rest securely in Him, and depend on Him in all things. Restore to me the joy of my salvation I pray, knowing that His grace is sufficient to see me through this time of trial for His strength is made perfect in my weakness.
Into Your hands I place my request for Your grace in this time of financial difficult. This I pray in Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Thanks For My Christian Parents

Loving Father, thank You for my wonderful parents and the love and support that they have given me throughout my life. Thank You, Lord, that You placed me in a family with parents that know and trust You, and for the example they have been to me throughout my childhood and into my adult life.

Thank You, Father, that they were chosen by You to be our parents and that You used them to bring me into a loving trust of Jesus, my Saviour. Protect them and keep them from all harm and danger, and grant them the health and strength as they get a little older.

Thank You, Father, for the joy of family life and the love and grace that I have received through being part my this family. Thank You that we are all one in Christ, and part of the heavenly kingdom throughout all eternity.

Give my parents the joy of drawing ever closer to You with each advancing year and Father, may I honour them in all things unto their lives end. I pray in Jesus' name,


Prayer For My Retirement

Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You for bringing me to this important point in my life, this point of my retirement. Father, in one way I find it daunting and yet in another way it is one of the most exciting times of my life.

Help me not to dread the thought of retirement but rather use it I pray, as an opportunity for me to be used in Your service, in whatever capacity You would choose, to carry out the good works, which You have prepared beforehand for me to do in Your strength and for Your glory.

I pray that You would give me the wisdom to push on different doors, and allow You to open any through which You would have me to pass.  I want to be in Your will and I desire to do Your purpose in my life. Keep me I pray, from trying to orchestrate a life in my retirement that is not under the shadow of Your leading and guiding.

Lord, I pray that You would take whatever time I have left in this world and use it to Your praise and glory. Bring into my life Christian friends, where we can find mutual edification, but also I ask that You would bring into my path the people to whom I can witness of the Lord Jesus Christ and His saving grace. Take every day of my life, from this day forward I pray, and live Your life through me. In Jesus' name,


Church Anniversary Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You that we are celebrating this church anniversary. We thank You that we are all One in Christ, and we pray that as members of Your body, Your Holy Spirit would knit us together in the bonds of unity and love.

Lord, You have promised that You are the One that would build Your Church and we ask that You would continue to equip each of us, both individually and corporately with the talents and gifts that may be used to Your praise and glory for the edification of the rest of the saints of God.

Protect us from the wiles of the enemy who seeks to destroy and cause divisions among Your body. Help us to be sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable and gentle one towards each other. Let us not be motivated by selfishness but in humility may we seek to regard the needs and necessities of others before our own.

Give wisdom to the elders and deacons and give wisdom to those that teach and a teachable spirit to those that listen. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all this day and for ever. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer To Follow In The Steps Of Jesus

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for the wonderful example of godly living, in humble dependence upon the Spirit of God and in loving obedience to the will of the Father.

Thank You, that by the life You lived and the death You died, that You set an example of how I too may live in spirit and truth, through humble dependence upon the Spirit of God and in loving obedience to the will of the Father.

Help me to live as unto You day by day and may I also be willing to suffer the indignity, indifference and injustice that exemplified Your life, so that like You, I too may learn obedience through the things that I may be called upon to suffer. May my life be a living reflection of You, and develop in me a pure heart of grace and love and a focussed mind, where You become the standard of my life. Give me I pray, a spirit of humility, as I seek to live as unto You, Lord Jesus, in the power of the Spirit and to the glory of God.

May the life that I live, the words that I speak, the attitude that I develop and the motives of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, my God and my Redeemer. May You be seen in me, as He starts to increase more and more in my life and as I decrease in importance, so that those with whom I come into contact will be drawn to You, Jesus, and be brought into a saving knowledge of You, to the glory of the Father. 


Prayer For Grace And Understanding

Heavenly Father, in a world that is becoming more and more alienated from You and increasingly critical of others people, I ask for Your grace and understanding so that I may live godly in Christ Jesus and not be adversely affected by the divisions and disunity that seem to be infiltrating the church body as well as the secular world system.
Father, I know that the Bible tells us that in these end days, the love of many will grow cold and it seems that we are living in the midst of a generation that has become cold-hearted, indifferent, unloving and disinterested in their fellow man.
Give me the ability to live in this world without being affected by its critical spirit, and give me the understanding and grace to love others as Christ has loved me, to consider the needs and desires of others as before my own and to value other people above myself, even when I am the butt of their criticism. May Jesus be seen in me in all I say and do, and may His love influence all I think and am. I ask this in Jesus' precious name,

Prayer For One That Is Drowning In Debt

O Lord, I confess that I have been unwise in so many of the financial decisions that I have made, which has caused me to get into debt. I have made many foolish mistakes, which have caused me to accumulate many bills which I am unable to meet. I have used credit unwisely and am accruing more interest due to my thoughtless actions.

I ask You Lord, to forgive my foolishness in building up such a mountain of debt, and to enable me to correct this enormous financial burden, which I confess is of my own doing and through my poor planning and inept financial skills.

I come to You Lord in my poverty, and ask that You would guide me through this difficulty and teach me to be more responsible both with my finances and my relationship with You, which I have neglected for so long.

Lord, I ask for Your help as I can do nothing without You and I thank You that You have heard my cry,


Prayer For My Unbelieving Parents

Father in heaven, I bring my dear mother and father to You, those who brought me into this world and gave me the gift of life. I do thank You for all the loving support and care they have given me throughout my life, but I am also aware that they do not know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour.

I do praise You that in Your grace You searched me out to become Your child, and gave me the gift of eternal life, but Lord, I long that my parents also come to that same saving faith in Jesus. The older they get, the more I realise that without You they have a sad future. Lord, whatever it takes, I pray that in Your mercy, You will give both of them the sort of Damascus Road experience that Paul had, before it is too late. Draw them to Yourself I pray.

Bring them, Lord, to an understanding of Who You are and what You have done for them - that You died on the cross to forgive their sins - and all that they have to do is to believe on Jesus as their Saviour.

Use me Lord in whatever way You choose, to point them to Christ. Let me not speak out of turn, but let me not miss an opportunity to share the gospel with them once more. Father, I honour them as my parents and love them dearly, but Father, save them I pray. Draw them with Your love, so that we may all be together in Your eternal home. In Jesus' name,


Prayer When Starting Retirement

Dear Lord Jesus, I have come to an important cross-roads of my life and I know that there are many unknown opportunities in the horizons of my life. I pray that You would take my hand and guide me along the path that You would have me to go.

Thank You, that Your Word has been a lamp to my feet and a light to my path and as I now step out into the unknown, I pray that You would continue to guard and guide the way that I take. Thank You, that You have scheduled every day of my life, including the unknowns in this retirement.

Lord, I pray that this may be a wonderful new beginning for me and not the end of the road, that is so often the case when retirement arrives. Help me to seize every opportunity that arises and to explore the skills and gifts that You have given me, so that they may be used to glorify Your name.

I trust You Lord Jesus, to be with me in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth and pray that I will submit day by day to the leading of Your Spirit and simply rest in Your love, knowing that You are my light and my life, my way and my end. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Live My Life To The Glory Of Christ Jesus

Thank You, Father, for the saving me and bringing me into Your heavenly family and thank You for the gift of grace through Christ Jesus my Lord. Father, as I read through Christ’s intercessory prayer for His disciples on the night that He was betrayed, and for all who were to come to faith through their witness, I pray that I may be willing to face all the life-challenges that I may be called upon to endure in this fallen world, and pray that in the power of the Spirit I may live a godly life that glorifies Your holy name.

May the gentle strength and humble obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ become increasingly evident in my life, as I seek to submit to the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit of truth in my daily walk, and may Christ’s deep desire to carry out Your will and to glorify Your name, become the hallmark of my life too, so that others may see the good works that You have prepared for me to do and glorify You, Father.

May I pursue righteousness and peace, godliness and faith, patience and humility, grace and mercy. In the name of Jesus and to Your greater glory,


Prayer For Grace And Wisdom

Loving Heavenly Father, thank You that You have given us all that we need for life and godliness, but Lord, I also pray that You would grant me godly wisdom and the sufficient grace to navigate my way through life, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
You have called us to be as wise as serpents and yet as gentle as doves, and so I ask for Your practical wisdom, gracious sensitivity and wise discernment so that I may be enabled to identify what is from You, and what is designed to trip up Your children in these end times, and even deceive the very elect of  God.
Father, I know that in these last days the Church is going to be flooded with the spirit of deception and many unbiblical teachings, and Lord, we appear to be in this position today. But I praise and thank You I am in Christ, Who has become for me the wisdom from God. I praise Your name that I am in Christ, clothed in His righteousness and redeemed by His blood.
Grant me I pray, that sufficient grace and godly wisdom that only comes from You,  so that I may live as unto the Lord in a world that has rejected You. Fill me I pray, with Your Holy Spirit, so that I may act justly in love and mercy, and walk humbly before You all the days of my life. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Financial Breakthrough

Loving Lord, You and You alone are the source of my supply and I come to You today. Please Lord, hear my prayer and help me address the money worries that I am currently facing.

Equip me Lord to put bread on the table and feed my children, and I ask that You give me the strength and skill to find work so that we do not lose our home or belongings. Thank You, Lord, 


A Young Child’s Prayer For Their Parents

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for my parents. I love my them both and I am glad that they are my mommy and daddy and I am glad that I am their child too. Thank You that they take care of me, and please bless them every day.

Please be with my daddy as he goes to work each day and keep him safe, and please bless my mommy who does such fun things with me.

Sometimes my parents have to discipline me when I do wrong things. I am sorry that I keep doing wrong things, I know that they are called my sins, but I am so glad that I know You Lord Jesus, and that You died for me on the cross to pay the price for all my sins and thank You that You rose again so that we could go to be with You in heaven.

Thank You, that You have given me my mommy and daddy to look after me and when I grow up I want to be like them and tell my children about You Lord Jesus. Please bless my mommy and daddy every day. 


Prayer Of Thanks For Retirement

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You with grateful thanks that You have permitted me to reach my retirement after so many years of service. Thank You for the health and strength that You have given me day by day to enable me to work, and thank You also for those that have been instrumental in giving me work and working alongside me.

Please bless all my work colleagues and bosses, my friends and those that have mentored me over the years. May each one be sheltered and protected by Your love and I pray that those that have resisted the gospel of grace over the years, will one day open their hearts to Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour.

Thank You for the skills that I have learned and the opportunities that You have put in my path throughout my career, and I thank You for the opportunities that You have purposed for me, that are yet hidden in the future.

Thank You for being with me throughout my working life and Lord, I pray that with You at the helm, You will continue to give me many more years in Your service, so that this time of retirement may continue to be an opportunity to serve You in spirit and truth and to draw ever closer to You, until I come to be with You in heaven.  In Jesus' name I pray,


Anniversary Prayer When Things Are Strained

Dear Lord Jesus, I just want to lift up my heart to you today as this is our anniversary, and yet Lord, recently things between us have become strained and difficult and I feel sad and confused and quite alone.

Lord, I don’t know where things went wrong and I don’t know how I could have done things differently, but Lord I am sorry for the part that I have played. I know that in many ways I have been selfish and wanted things my way, when Your Word says that we should do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider the other person as more significant than ourselves.

Lord, I ask Your forgiveness and pray that You would help me to start to live a life that is honouring to You. Heal my marriage I pray, and show me Lord, how I can bridge the gap that is widening between us. Teach me Your ways, lead me on a straight path and graciously teach me How to live as unto the Lord. In Jesus' name I pray, 


A Prayer Profession Jesus As The Only Way.

Thank You, Father, for the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ Your only begotten Son, and thank You for the simple truth that salvation is found in no other Person and no other Name, for there is no other person or name given under heaven whereby we must be saved.

How I praise You that in Your grace and mercy, You have brought me to this precious understanding that Jesus alone is the only Way to heaven and that no one but Jesus is able open the door into Your holy presence.

I believe that by His blood, sinners are able to have peace with God, through believing on Him and that in Him, those of us who have trusted Christ as Saviour, may be covered in the peace of God, which passes all understanding.

I believe that we who know Him as Saviour, have been set free from slavery to sin and the curse of death, and that the day is coming when every knee will bow before His throne and every tongue will confess that. “Jesus Christ is Lord”, to the glory of God the Father.

Take my life I pray, and use it as a witness to the truth of the gospel, that Jesus Christ is the one and only way to the Father, and may many come to faith in You in the days that lie ahead, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in the name of Jesus,


Prayer For Grace At Work

Loving Lord, I thank and praise You for my job and my place of work. You have been gracious in providing this position for me and I thank and bless You for always being there for me.
As I carry out my daily duty at work, I pray that You would lead and guide so that I may be a good witness to my workmates as well as the management. I pray that by Your grace I would bring the fragrance of the Lord Jesus into the work-place so that others would want to know the beauty of His Person and come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus.
Give me the strength and stamina to work well and produce of my best to Your praise and glory. Give me wisdom in the decisions I may be called upon to make and give me a gracious attitude, even in in the midst of those moments of stress and weariness.
Give me grace also to bear any ridicule and jokes that are sometimes made at my expense because of my trust in Jesus. May I learn to rejoice in everything, even on those occasions when I am treated differently or ignored due to my Christian faith, knowing that I am sharing in the suffering of Christ, Who loved me and gave his life for me.
Give me the courage and grace to share the gospel of grace to those who would listen, and may I be used by You to share the good news of the salvation. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For My Estranged Parents

Dear Lord, it is so hard to be estranged from the parents that gave me life and to know that they do not wish to see me or my family ever again.

Lord, I thank You for the life they gave me and the things that I learned from them. I also thank You that You found me and brought me into Your own heavenly family, for which I praise You.

Lord, I do ask that the day may come when we can be reconciled to each other and meet again in love and joy as families should. Nevertheless, whatever the future holds Lord, I pray Your grace and mercy would rest on their lives and that they too would come to know You as their precious Saviour. 

Keep them and bless them,Lord, I pray. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Those That Are Facing Retirement

Heavenly Father, I pray for the men and women who are getting near to their retirement and perhaps are growing weary as a result of the stresses and strains of the world, or who are concerned that during their post-retirement life they will be ill-equipped to provide for their daily needs.

Comfort and strengthen, all those that are in this situation. Draw alongside each one and create in them a vision of the future that You have for their lives, with You at the helm of their lives.

Motivate them to look beyond the world’s view of retirement, which so often devalues the older generation and help them to see that with You they have the rest of their lives to love and serve You in newness of love, as You lead and guide them in ways that they may never have imagined, to Your praise and glory.

Provide I pray, for all their needs and necessities of life, and draw each one into a closer fellowship with You in the years ahead. In Jesus' name,


Prayer To Understand The Enemy’s Strategy

Heavenly Father, we thank You that in Christ the victory over Satan, sin and death was won at the cross, and yet we know that until Christ has put every enemy under His feet, we are still engaged in spiritual warfare against the enemy of our soul. Keep us ever mindful of this truth.

Lord, we know that the weapons of warfare are not physical weapons of the world, they are not carnal or fleshly weapons, but are mighty through God to the pulling down of spiritual strongholds. Lord, we pray that You would teach us how to demolish spiritual strongholds in our lives and in the lives of others, and to do this Your way and not to try to do so in our own foolish fleshly strength. Teach us to rely on You alone, we pray.

Help us to understand the strategies of Satan who seeks to minimise our effectiveness by causing us to doubt Your Word, Your abilities and Your character, and who even seeks to get us to question who we are in Christ. Lord, I pray that my trust in You does not waver, for it is in Your power alone that the strongholds of Satan will crumble.

Keep us ever alert and aware to the advantage he gains over us when we are not prepared for spiritual warfare. May we be clothed in Christ, constant in prayer and sensitive to the leading of Your Holy Spirit so that we may overcome the enemy, not by might, nor by power but by Your Spirit. We ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus,


Prayer To Lift Up The Name Of Jesus

How we praise and magnify the lovely name of Jesus, Who set aside the glory He had in heaven with the Father before the world was made, to come to earth and be born as a man, so that through His perfect life and sacrificial death, sinners such as I may be redeemed from the pit of destruction, forgiven of our sins and have peace with God the Father.

Thank You, Jesus, that You made Yourself of no reputation and were born as a humble slave so that You could live a perfect life and become the sinless sacrifice for the sin of the whole world. Thank You, that you are the propitiation for our sins and that by believing in You we have been returned into sweet fellowship with the Father.

Dear Jesus, You alone deserve all our honour and glory and worship and praise, and I confess You as my Lord and Saviour, now and for evermore. Praise Your holy name.


Prayer For Grace To Forgiven As Christ Forgave

Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You that I have received forgiveness of my sins by grace through faith in Jesus and have redemption through the blood of Christ. Lord, You are so rich in mercy and grace, love and forgiveness, and I pray that I may be empowered to forgive others as Christ forgave me, unconditionally and without any resentment or hidden hurt.
Father, I know that in my own power I would not be able to forgive some of those that have caused me deep pain and anguish of heart, but Father, when I consider what Christ has done for me and how much I have been forgiven by You, I want to be able to forgive others in the same gracious way that You have forgiven me.
Give me the grace to forgive unconditionally, to forgive others as Christ forgave me. I ask this in His name,

Prayer Of Forgiveness For Abusive Parents

Dear Lord, my childhood was not the happy time that I would have liked it to be and my parents were certainly not the ideal example of parenthood, but Lord, I know that in their way they tried to do their best for us, but it always seemed to go sour.

Thank You, Lord, that in Your grace, You lifted me out of this difficult and abusive family life to faith in Jesus. I praise You every day that You found me and brought me into Your family.

Lord, I bring my parents to You. Life seems to have passed them by and they need to know Jesus as their Saviour. Lord, I know that You died for them as well and forgave every sin they have committed, for You are a gracious and loving God. I too want to forgive them for all that they did to me. I forgive both my parents, and thank You that in Your grace, You are taking me through a process of healing all the hurt and pain that I had to go through. 

Bless them both, dear Lord Jesus, and I pray that both of them will come to know You as their Saviour. In Jesus' name I pray,


For Vision and Understanding In Our Prayers

Father, we thank You that it is by Your Spirit that the strongholds of the enemy are routed and we pray that You would use our prayers and praises to seek Your will, so that the stronghold of the enemy in the lives of so many are weakened and torn down, for there are many that are subjugated by Satan’s cruel tactics, and we ask that by Your Spirit they may set free of the strongholds that ensnare and imprison their souls.

Lord, we know that one of the tactics that Satan uses against Your people is to allow doubts, questions and unbelief to rise up in our hearts. Father we know that You are unable to work though doubts and division, and so we pray that You would firmly fix in our hearts that deep assurance and quiet steady confidence in You.

Give us we pray, vision and understanding to know what to pray, when to pray and how to pray into Your will. Give us a single vision of Your will, a heart that is focussed on Jesus and the courage to pray into Your will in the power of the Spirit and not in the energy of the flesh.

Protect us from the strategies of the enemy who prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, but rather open our understanding to know Your will and to pray into Your will, so that the stronghold of the enemy are dismantled by Your Holy Spirit of power. We ask this in the precious name of Jesus, 


Prayer For Grace To Accept That I Am Forgiven

Heavenly Father, I know that the Bible says that I am forgiven by repenting of my sins and turning to Christ. I know that I am saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and yet I find that My thoughts constantly go back to my many sins and misdeeds and I find that I cant accept that I have been fully and unconditionally forgiven of my sin by You. I know that You have said that as far as the east is from the west, so far have You removed my sin from me, and yet I find that my joy in believing is often cut short as I doubt that it cannot possible be true.
Help me Lord, to believe what Your Word says about my forgiveness. Give me the grace to truly accept that You have forgiven all my sins unconditionally, past, present and future, and that my sins will be remembered no more.
Thank You, Lord, that I am forgiven. Thank You, Father, for sending the Lord Jesus to pay the price for my sins on the cross. I pray that in His strength, I may live my life for Him every moment of the day. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer For Financial Difficulties

O Lord, I need You to be with me in the midst of the mountainous bills that seem to come every day. I feel drained and frightened and I just don’t feel that I can take any more.

I want to be responsible with my money, but less seems to be coming in than going out and I am turning to You Lord, and casting all my burdens on You, for I have come to the very end of myself.

Lord, I ask that You look down on our home with pity and send relief in a way that only You can. Help each member of the family to find the work that will provide for the finances that we need, and let not my heart be troubled, O my God. I believe in You and I know that You are my Rock in time of trouble and in the name of Jesus I ask that You give me Your strength in the midst of my financial difficulties, for I know that Your grace is sufficient.


Prayer For My Divorced Parents

Loving Lord, I bring both my parents to You, and though it saddens my heart that they chose to go through a divorce, I still love them both and pray that You would be gracious to them and draw them both closer into Your loving arms.

As they each forge their own path through life, be with each of them to comfort and help, to lead and to guide. Be their strength in times of weakness, their hope in times of discouragement and their provision in times of need.

Thank You, Lord, for my parents and the good times that we had together. Thank You for all that they taught me and the training that they gave me in my childhood and youth. Father, as they go their separate ways from each other, I pray that You would be their ever present companion and comforter in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Safety From Evil Today

Dear Heavenly Father, You are my rock and my fortress, my hope and my shield. You are the One in Whom I rest and in Whom I trust, and I pray that throughout this coming day, You would encircle me in Your loving care and continue to protect me and all those I love, from the wiles of the enemy.

Protect us from the dangers of the day and the evils of the night. Thank You that You have promised to deliver us from “the snare of the fowler, and from any deadly pestilences”. Thank You that You are able to “cover us with Your feathers,” and lift us up on eagles wings. Thank You that You are our shield and our rampart.

Forgive me Lord, for those times when my faith wears thin and I try to sort things out in my own strength. Help me to place my complete trust in Your willingness and ability to save and protect us from all that would harm or destroy. Help me Father God, to learn to rest in You from this day forward, knowing that You are in control of my life and that the lives of those I love are safe in Your hands. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Be Strong In The Day Of Battle

Heavenly Father I pray for Your strength and courage – I pray that I would be strong in the day of battle. I pray that You would give me the strength and courage that only comes from You and You alone. I pray that like Joshua I would be strong and very courageous and not be afraid to face the enemies of my soul, nor be dismayed by the spiritual armies that encompass me round about.

I pray that You would break any stronghold of fear or doubt, shame or unbelief that weakens my walk and witness and that makes me so vulnerable to the wiles of Satan. Help me I pray to resist the devil and to take every thought, that starts to drag me down, captive.. and to hand it to You – for You have not given us the spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, self-discipline and a sound mind.

Lord I am aware that there are many forms of opposition – many strongholds that can keep our souls enslaved and captive and which prevent us from being strong in the Lord and in His mighty power in this evil day – but I pray that by Your grace and in the power of the Holy Spirit I would be strong in the day of battle and abide in Christ, Who is my Shield and Buckler, My Defence and my Defender – and in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For Grace To Be Forgiven

Dear God, I want to be forgiven. I don’t know what to do to be forgiven, but I want Your forgiveness, and so I am praying to You for the grace to be forgiven. I want to know that You have forgiven me all my sins. Please forgive me, God.
I have done a lot of wrong things, really bad things that don’t deserve forgiveness, but I have been told by my Christian friends that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the price for my sins, and God, I believe that He did. And I am sorry for all my sins. I repent of my sins, because I know that it was my sins that sent Jesus to the cross.
I cant quite take it in that all I have to do is to believe that Jesus died for me and that He rose again, and that by believing in Him for my salvation, You will save me by Your grace, forgive my sins and give me eternal life. Thank You, Lord.

Thank You, God, that by Your grace I am forgiven of my sins. In Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Thanks For Financial Blessings

Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, I do thank You for the way that You have supplied for all my needs throughout my life, according to Your promises. Thank You for the generous provision I have received from You on so many occasions, when no help was forthcoming.

I come to You today asking You to undertake for the financial needs I am facing today. I know that there are many people who are in a similar position to me who are facing increasing costs in their lives too, and I pray that You look down in pity on all Your children in need.

It says in the Bible that we do not have because we do not ask, so I am humbly asking Father that You visit the lives of every child of God that is facing a shortage of money or some financial hardship and ask that You would be our great Provider, as You have promised. This I pray in Jesus' precious name,


A Prayer To Bear Fruit

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You Lord, for I want to abide in the Lord Jesus and allow the lovely fruit of His life to be manifest in me.

Help me Lord, to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus, so that the graces that were seen throughout His life my develop within me. Lord, I know that it is only a life that remains in sweet communion with Christ Jesus, that will bring forth the sweet fruit of His Spirit. I want to be a person that reflects the Lord Jesus in my life, so help me to remain in fellowship with You day by day.

Thank You, that You loved me so much that You died for me. My love is weak but in You Lord, I know that my love will grow. I pray that it may bud and blossom into the promised fruit of the Spirit. I pray that my life may become a life that has Jesus as the centre, until I am nothing and He is everything.

Oh Lord, that I may remain in You, and that the fruit of Your Spirit may grow in me.


Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Protection

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for the promise that none can pluck us out of Your hand and none can pluck us out of Your Father’s hand either. Oh Lord, this world seems to be getting more dangerous and more violent with each passing year, but I do thank You that no matter what happens to us in this life, we are safe in Your hands for we have eternal life in You, simply because we are Your children.

Protect us Lord Jesus, and keep us safe as we go about our daily duties in this world. Lord, You have placed each one of us in the location where You would have us be and although we are surrounded by dangers and difficulties, we pray Your loving protection over all Your children.

Keep us ever safe in Your hands and use us Lord to give encouragement and care to others in dangers and difficulties. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Grace To Live As God Intends

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank You for my life and for becoming my Saviour. Words cannot describe how thankful I am to know that You were made sin for me so that I might become the righteousness of God in You. Although  I know that this is true it is hard to understand what I must have cost You in pain and suffering, but I praise and glorify Your name for I have been accepted in Christ and clothed in His righteousness, and I want to live my life as You intended man to live.
I pray, that I may be given the grace to live my life in total dependence upon You, to walk in spirit and truth and to submit my will to You. Help me to cast all my cares on You and not to try to sort things out in my own strength. Help me to walk as unto the Lord and to present my life as a living and holy sacrifice to You.
I pray, that Your thoughts and desires would become mine so that I may be given the grace to pray into Your will and to do only those things that are pleasing to You.
I pray, that I may be given the grace to die to self daily and to life to Christ, so that whatever I do and whatever I say may be filtered through Your love and grace. This I ask in Jesus' name,


A Prayer For Your Love To Shine Forth

Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, thank You that I am Your child. Father, I pray that my life may become so saturated with Christ Jesus, that people don't see me anymore, but see Jesus in me, to Your praise and glory.

Father, however I am treated by other people, I pray that Your love may shine forth in me. Whatever happens in my life, I ask that Your peace and joy would abide within me. No matter what difficulties I may encounter in life, teach me to be patient and kind in all my dealings with others and manifest the goodness and grace in me that only comes from You. However hard times may become, I pray that I may be gentle and self-controlled in my actions and attitudes. May I be a good and faithful servant, and Lord, I thank You that no matter what happens, even when I step away from You, You remain faithful.

Lord, I know that I cannot develop the fruit of Your Holy Spirit through my own effort or will, but only as I rest in Christ. Help me to abide in You I pray.


Prayer Of Protection For Those Facing Dangers At Work

Heavenly Father, there are many hidden dangers for so many in their work environment and many that are forced to accept work in some high risk work positions. Many of these jobs are so that the rest of us can receive the various services that we find so necessary in our highly technological age.

Protect those men and women that deliberately place their lives in jeopardy in order to help and service the rest of the community, soldiers, pilots and policemen and women, firemen and fishermen, builders and construction workers, those that work in nuclear power plants or other industries like the electrical engineering.

Lord, thank You for all the men and women who each day are facing some sort of danger. I ask Your loving protection around each one. Lord I lift each one that does not know You as the Saviour and pray that in a wonderful way You would not only protect them from the various dangers that they face but also draw many of them into Your kingdom. May many of them come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer To Break Any Strongholds In My Life

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the precious name of Jesus my Saviour, whose shed blood is all-sufficient and able to free me from the powers and strongholds that have enslaved me. In the name of Jesus, I ask that You would break the power of sin in my life and the enslavement to all and any developed strongholds in me. Thwart the evil plans and purposes that the enemy has toward me, knowing that You are stronger and that Your plan for my life is perfect freedom in Christ.

Lord, I am sorry that I have given Satan a foothold in my life and repent of the way I have allowed him to gain control of my life. Break his power in me I pray and fill me to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit. In my distress I call on the name of the Lord Jesus and stand fast on the promises that nothing can separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus my Lord. Break I pray, every stronghold in me, and may I live to Your praise and glory from this day forward for ever more. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Praise and Thanks For Our Salvation

Thank You, for opening my eyes to the truth of salvation, that only the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, 2000 years ago, can pay the price for my sin. Thank You that by believing in Him I may be forgiven.

Thank You, that He became the sacrifice for my sin, so that by believing in Him I can be redeemed from death and receive forgiveness of sins. I praise You for the incredible exchange that took place at the cross. He took my sin and gave me His righteousness. He died in my place so that I could live with You forever.

Thank You, that I have been delivered from the domain of darkness and eternal separation from You and have been transferred in the the kingdom of Your dear Son. Thank You, Father, for this wonderful transaction, which is Your free gift of Your grace to all who believe, and yet a price which cost You so dearly.

Thank You, that by His punishment for my sin, I have been pronounced righteous in Him and am seated with Him in heavenly places. Help me to walk in the light as He is in the light, and may the light of His countenance be reflected through me to others, so that they too may come to trust in the only begotten Son of God and receive forgiveness of their sins. I ask this in His dear name,


Prayer For Sanctifying Grace

Heavenly Father, I thank You that I am justified by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, but I desire to live a life that is set apart to You, to live a sanctified life that is honouring to Your name. Lord, I know that only as Jesus lives in me and works through me, will I be able to live the sanctified life that You desire, and grow in grace and mature in the faith as You Word instructs, and so I come today to ask You for sanctifying grace to live the life I have been called to live. I pray that You would pour out Your sanctifying grace in great measure, so that I can avoid what is evil and do that which is pleasing in Your sight.
I pray that my whole spirit, soul and body would be kept blameless before You, and that I would shun that which is evil, abstain from sexual immorality and walk blameless before You, in love. I also pray this prayer for all those that have trusted the Lord Jesus as Saviour, that they would develop a deep desire to be holy, for You are holy.
Thank You, that You have promised to work in all You children, so that we may be found blameless on the day of Christ Jesus.
I pray that You would give me the grace to be salt and light to those around me, and to break free from any sinful lust or worldly desires, so that I may be found blameless on that day when I stand before You. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For The Sick

Heavenly Father, I lift up those of your people who are sick. Visit them in mercies and compassion Lord, heal them. Take from them and from us all sickness and all disease. Raise up and comfort those who have lain long in diseases. Set free all those who are vexed with unclean spirits, those who are in prisons or in exile or captivity or held in bitter bondage, O Lord, set them all free and have mercy on them.

For it is you who looses those who are bound and sets up those who are cast down, the hope of the hopeless, the help of the helpless, the comfort of the weak-hearted, the harbor of the tempest-tossed.

To every soul that is in affliction and that is oppressed, give mercy, give rest, give refreshment, give help. And for us also, O Lord, heal the sicknesses of our souls, cure the sicknesses of our bodies, O physician of our souls and our bodies. Overseer of all flesh, heal us O Lord. 


Prayer For Persecuted Christians In Prison

Loving Father, I lay each and every one of Your children that are suffering as a result of persecution in prison or hard labour camps. Father God, please be very close to every single one that has been confined to prison for their faith, and pour out Your life-saving grace into each life and heart.

May Your Holy Spirit permeate their being with Your peace that surpasses all understanding, and may Your sustaining hope warm their aching hearts, knowing that they can draw near to you and that You are with them in the terrible ordeal that they are going through. Infuse them with a sense of Your closeness and presence, and may Your holy angels be ministering spirits that surround and support them every moment of the day and night.

Lord, I am sure that the doubts and fears that flood their minds during their capture must be shocking and far beyond what we, who have never had to taste such atrocities, can imagine. But in Your great love and mercy, pour in Your strength and support them with Your loving kindness and tender pity. May each one find in You the depth of peace and rest that their soul needs. Father, they are Your children and our brothers and sisters. Hold them closely in the palm of Your loving hands. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Prayer To Keep Our Armed Forces Safe

Father, thank You for the men and women that have chosen to enter the armed forces and to keep our country safe from the many perils and the increasing numbers of dangers, that are so prevalent in the nations of this world.

Protect each one I pray, in Your gracious love and especially those that are having to defend our country in a hostile environment. Keep them safe from harm, and from the dangers that inevitably shadow the lives of those who follow this career path, and return them I pray, back to their countries, homes and families.

And Lord, more than anything else I pray that You would make Yourself known to those men and women in the armed forces that do not know You as their Saviour. Convict each one of their need of the Lord Jesus, and may many come to a saving faith in Him, so that their eternal future is secure in this volatile world. Thank You, Father, and into Your hands I commit each one. In Jesus' name I pray,


Simple Prayer For Salvation

Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner and in need of salvation. I believe that You came to earth to seek and to save people who are lost in their sin and I believe that You died on the cross as the substitute for my sin.

I believe that You took the punishment that I deserved for the sins that I have committed and forgave me all my sins. I believe that You died for me and that You rose again from the dead, and that whoever believes in You will not perish but have everlasting life.

I trust in You and I place my faith in You. Thank You for dying for me, forgiving my sins, making me clean and covering me in Your own prefect righteousness. Thank You for all that You have done for me. I receive You into my life as my Saviour and choose to follow You and serve You all my life. Thank You for hearing my prayer,


Prayer For Special Grace

Dear Heavenly Father, I come boldly to the throne of grace in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, so that in Your loving-kindness and great mercy I may find the specific and sufficient grace that is needed to help in time of need.
Lord, the days are getting darker and I need Your abundant grace in so many areas of my life, knowing that it is only as I abide in Jesus by grace through faith, that I will be enabled to be fortified against every evil thought, word and work and live godly in Christ Jesus, to Your praise and glory.
I pray that I may receive grace upon grace as You have promised in Your Word, and am asking to be supplied with God’s grace so that sin will not gain dominion over me, but that I will become a vessel fit to be used in Your service and a channel of Your love and grace to all with whom I come in contact today.
May I decrease and Christ increase in every area of my life, until it is not I that live, but Christ that lives in me, to Your praise and glory. I pray in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Suffering Saints Worldwide

Our gracious God and Heavenly King, how we love and bless You for the grace that You pour out on Your children day by day. Thank You that we are Your children, and that You chose to humble Yourself by coming to earth, to die a cruel death on a cross, so that we might live in heaven with You, for all eternity.

Lord, we come to You interceding for our suffering sisters and brothers who have been caused to walk the path of persecution and pain for Your name’s sake. Work through the life of each one, that through them Your holy name be lifted up. Cause those that are inflicting such pain on Your body, the Church, to be brought to the place of true repentance. May they turn from their ungodly ways to discover the one true way to true forgiveness of their sins, and eternal life, through faith in Jesus Christ.

Thank You for the faithful witness of these dear, persecuted sisters and brothers in the Lord. Keep each one under Your banner of love, and may Your holy angels minister to all their needs so that they may know Your peace in their heart, a perfect peace that only You can give. And Lord, we pray that through the life-witness and testimony of each one You may be glorified. We commit each one into Your care. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Travellers

Loving Lord, I pray Your grace and protection over all those that are travelling today, by road or rail, air or water or even by foot, for there are many dangers that can cause accidents, so many of which could be prevented. Protect each person that is having to travel today and bring them safely to their destination.

Keep those that are transporting others or who in charge of other people’s journeys alert and focussed on their duties, and prevent any untoward accidents from occurring, so that lives may not be lost unnecessarily.

Lord, for those that are travelling that do know You, I pray that they would know Your constant presence with them. For those that do not know You as their Saviour, I ask that in Your grace, You would draw close to them and give them an opportunity to come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ, perhaps through a conversation they have with someone sitting next to them, or through a bill-board that may cause them to reflect on the truth of the gospel.

Lord, thank You that every journey is in Your hands. Watch over me today as well I pray, and all those that I love in our respective travels, and draw us ever closer to Yourself. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Hope To Be Saved From Pornography

Dear God, I don’t know what to do any more. I have been addicted to porn for so many years and I just hate my life. I have hurt so many people that I care about and I know that I cant go on any more, or at least I don’t want to keep on in this life-style, but I don’t know what to do or how to break free.

Someone told me that Jesus was the only way that I could break my life of pornography, but I don’t know how. Lord if You are willing, I pray that You would help me and show me how to break free of this disgusting life-style, which I feel it is a trap into which I keep falling.

I believe Lord. I believe that You died to pay the price for sin. I believe that You died to pay the price for my sins and I truly believe that it includes the sin of pornography as well as everything else.

Lord, I am willing to put my life into Your hands and ask that You would lead and direct me in the way to break this terrible habit. Help me day by day and moment by moment to keep my eyes looking to Jesus, and Lord, when that inner urge starts to stir, I pray that in Your mercy Your Holy Spirit would prompt my soul, so that I will grab hold of that thought and hand it right over to You. Help me to turn from every evil stirring within and start to focus on what Jesus did on the cross, to pay the price for my sins. Lord, I do believe that You can help me. I pray that You would enable me to break this habit and start to learn what true fulfilment is. In Jesus' name I pray,


Salvation Prayer

Dear Father God, I know that there is nothing that I could do to merit my salvation or to gain Your forgiveness. Thank You, that You have offered me the free gift of salvation, simply by trusting in the Lord Jesus as my Saviour.

Thank You, that Jesus chose to pay the full price for my sin and that You have accepted His death on the cross. Thank You, that He was willing to shed His blood at Calvary, and die on my behalf. Thank You, that by His death and resurrection He has washed away all the sin in my life and has cleansed my stained and guilty heart, making it clean and pure, and as white as snow.

Thank You for this wonderful free gift of salvation and the knowledge that there is nothing left for me to do except to believe in Him as my Saviour.

Thank You, that I have not only been forgiven and cleansed of all my sin, but He has also covered me in His own perfect righteousness and given me eternal life, with a special place reserved for me in heaven for all eternity.

There are no words that can express my love and gratitude for this amazing free gift of grace, and all I can say is thank You. Thank You Father God for Your amazing love and grace. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Sufficient Grace

Heavenly Father and gracious God, I ask that the power of Your presence would rest upon me and that You would pour forth Your sufficient grace over my life, so that I may abide in Christ Jesus day by day and bear much fruit to Your praise and glory.
Let me not look to my own fleshly strength and human abilities, but to the Lord Jesus alone, recognising that without Him I can do nothing, and yet knowing that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me with His resurrected life, through the power of the indwelling, Holy Spirit of God.
Thank You that by means of Jesus' death and resurrection, He won the victory over sin and death, and that as a child of God I am identified with that victory, which will provide me with the sufficient strength that I need to face every eventuality in life. 
Work in me I pray, so that I may accomplish all that You have purposed for me to do in Christ’s name, and thank You that You have promised to supply the sufficient grace I need to live a victorious life that is honouring to You. This I pray in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Our House Sale

Loving Father, I know that You are interested in every area of our lives and we find that we need to sell our house, and so we are placing this need into Your hands, knowing that You have told us to cast all our cares upon You, for You care about every situation of our lives.

Lord, we thank You for providing us with this home, but You also know the need to sell our home at this point in time, and want to place the entire selling process into Your hands, praying that You would be with us to lead and to guide during the entire sale.

Lord, You also know who it is that needs to move into this house and Lord, we are trusting You to guide the right buyers to see it, and we pray that at the right time they may be able to purchase our home.

Lord, into Your hands we commit our lives and our future. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Teenager Entrapped In Pornography

Dear God, someone showed me something, which started me on the road to excessive pornography, and God, I have struggled to break free but I always end up getting back into it. I don’t know what to do and I want to stop. God, I wish that I had never seen that first picture, because it seems to have lit a fire inside me that is burning my very heart out. Please help me I pray.

I know porn is evil and I know that many people of all ages are sucked into it, but every time that I try to break free from the habit, I return back again. God, I know that my parents would be shocked and saddened to know that I have this addiction to porn and ask that in Your grace You would show me what I should do.

Lord, I started to read the Bible, and I pray that as I read through, You would show me how I can break the habit permanently. I believe that Jesus is able to help break this addiction in other people, and I am asking You to help me to break it in my life too.

Lord, I have been reading Ephesians chapter 6, which talks about the armour of God, and although I realise that I have to make a choice myself to stop my involvement with porn, I am beginning understand that as I submit my will to the Holy Spirit, that by His grace, He will help me through this difficult time. Forgive me for the part that I have played in seeking after these disgusting things and may I learn how to live my life as You would have me live. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer Declaring The Glory Of God

The heavens declare the glory of God and the earth unites with them in a magnificent chorus of worthy praise, to Your holy name. But there should be no greater proclamation of Your grace and glory, no more worthy declaration of Your wonder and praise, than the worship that falls from the lips of sinners, saved by grace, for You have redeemed us by Your blood and clothed us in You own garments of righteousness. You deserve our ceaseless praise and glory throughout time and into the eternal ages to come.

We praise and thank You for Your great and precious promises. That seedtime and harvest, day and night, summer and winter will never fail, for Your mercy endures forever. You make Your sun to rise on the wicked as well as those that are saved, and You send showers of refreshing rain on the unjust as well as the upright. But Lord, there is no greater testimony of Your loving-kindness and patient-endurance than the opportunity to be redeemed by the blood of Your only begotten Son. A gift of grace that You are extending to the world of fallen man. Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honour and power and might, be unto our God for ever and ever,


Prayer For The Grace To Age Well

Heavenly Father, as the advancing years become increasingly evident in my sagging body, decreasing speed and dwindling strength, as well as my various memory lapses, I pray that You would give me the wisdom to embrace my advancing years with grace and enthusiasm, rather than view it as something to dread.
I pray that You would enable me to age with grace and embrace my senior citizen status with the desire to make every day count, and my old age and retired status to be considered as an advantage rather than see it as an affliction that has to be endured.
Help me to look to You increasingly for all my needs as the years roll by, and thank You that You have promised that Your grace is sufficient and is made perfect in my weakness. Thank You, that this world is not my home but that my citizenship is in heaven. But until that time when You take me to be with Yourself, I pray that I may be active in spirit, soul and body and live my life as unto the Lord. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer For Individual Persecuted Christians

Loving Lord, we live in an evil world and know that You are coming back soon for Your Church. Be with all those who are suffering persecution at the hands of so many that would destroy the truth of Your Word.

Help every man and woman, boy and girl that is going through some form of persecution today. May You guard and guide and encourage each one, no matter where they are. 

Give them the strength to remain firm in their faith, despite any physical, emotion or psychological pain they may have to endure for the sake of Jesus Christ. Protect and keep each one from harm and danger that stalks their path. Hide them under the shadow of Your wing, and support and strengthen them in the ordeals that they will be subjected to.

Let Your peace and joy and love reign in their hearts, and help them to walk humbly before You, as they identify with the sufferings that the Lord Jesus endured for them. And Father, may their lives, and possibly their deaths, be a fruitful witness. May the seed of Your love be planted in the hearts of their persecutors, so that their life may produce much fruit. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Those Addicted To Pornography

Heavenly Father, I have a couple of friends that have got into pornography and it grieves me as I can see the damage that it is doing not only to themselves but also to their families.

Lord, I just want to lift each one up to You and ask that in Your grace, You would meet each one at their point of need. Give me wisdom to know the best way to help each of my friends and keep me I pray, from falling into a similar destructive pattern of behaviour.

Lord, I pray that You would convict each of them of their need to repent of this behaviour and break free of this destructive and sinful addiction. I am sure that this horrible addiction to pornography is a destructive tool of Satan, who seeks to destroy and distort all that is lovely and pure, honourable and godly and encourage all that is evil and lustful.

Thank You, Lord, for I know that You are a God Who hears and answers prayer. Give me Your wisdom, so that I should know what to say if the need arises and also when to be quiet and leave the matter in Your hands. I ask that in Your grace, You would undertake in each of their lives to lift them out of this pornography and return them to the path of purity and grace. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Rejoicing To The Glory Of God Our Saviour

Worthy are You O Lord, worthy is the Lamb Who was slain, to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing! Father, there is nothing in heaven nor on earth that can compare with the amazing glory and grace which You have poured out, in untold and abundant measure upon this race of fallen man, than that which our Saviour Jesus Christ did when You sent Him into the world, to become the propitiation for our sins, and by Whose death and resurrection has redeemed us from the pit of hell.

There is nothing more beautiful nor worthy of our awe and wonder and eternal praise, than those glorified wounds in the body of Christ, which by Your grace have set us free from slavery to sin and Satan, death and hell.

Not only did You create us by the power of Your mighty hand, but by Your grace we have been bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus Christ. May we never become too familiar with all that our Lord Jesus Christ did on our account, when You sent Him to die for our sins and redeem our lives from destruction. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Gratitude For Teachers

Dear Lord, as I look back over the years, I want to thank You for the many teachers that You placed in my path and for the wonderful ways that so many of them have influenced me for good, down through the pages of my life.
Thank You for the way that some have equipped me to look at life, and encouraged me to reach out to fulfil the potential that was within and have enabled my hidden gifts and talents to blossom and flourish for the benefit of others and to Your glory.
Thank You for those that helped me to focus on the task at hand, even when it seemed tedious, knowing that I have been enabled to achieve goals that appeared to be beyond my grasp and achieve objectives that seemed out of reach.
Thank You for the teachers that taught me compassion and brought me into a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and thank You for those that led me deeper into the Christian life and even corrected me when I started to err from the truth.
I pray that You would use me to be a teacher and an encouragement to others whom You may place in my path. May I faithfully fulfil Your commandment to love as Christ loved us, and to offer my life to You as a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer Directly To The Father

Heavenly Father, we come to You today praying that You would graciously guide us as we seek to sell our home and move. Father we know that in Christ we can come directly to Your throne of grace to plead our cause and to ask for help in time on need.

Lord, we know that there are no magic prayers, special saints or spiritual words that we need to offer to You when we come to You in prayer with our requests, but to simply come with a heart that trusts You as our Father, a heart that knows that only through Christ and because of Him, can we approach Your throne of grace, for help in time of need.

We have come to a time of need and we come before Your throne of grace to ask that You would undertake for the sale of our home. Lead us Lord in the whole process of selling and marketing our house, and bring into our lives a buyer that is needing a home just like ours. Father, You alone have the power and the authority and so we place our trust in You.

Help us to fix our faith firmly on You knowing that, "except the Lord build the house we labour in vain," and in the same way, except the Lord sell the house our efforts are equally ineffective. Thank You, Lor,d for Your many and precious promises. In Jesus name' we pray,


Married Woman’s Prayer For Her Addiction to Porn

Lord, I am coming to You in deep shame and sadness, as I have allowed pornography to become an obsession in my life. Father, I am a ‘happily’ married woman and yet I feel that I am living a double life of pretence to my friends and friends alike. Lord, the guilt and shame is tearing me apart and I ask Your forgiveness and pray that You would help me to turn from my wicked and destructive way of self-gratification, into the ways of the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31.

Lord, I want to be a good wife to my husband and live a biblical life-style of purity and grace, and yet this is like a noose around my neck that is dragging me down at every step of my life. Help me Lord by the power of Your Holy Spirit, to break free of this addiction to pornography and to start to live a life that is pleasing to You.

Lord Jesus, with Your grace and strength which is supplied by means of the Holy Spirit, I pray that You would open up to me those Scripture that are about purity of heart. Help me to study how to be come pure in heart, for You have promised blessings to those whose heart is pure before the Lord. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Glorify God For Our Saviour Jesus Christ

Father, how we love to hear the wonderful angelic message to mankind, that You sent that first Christmas morning, when a heavenly choir sang its glorious refrain, “Glory to God In the Highest.. and peace on earth to men.” How we rejoice to recall the glorious reason that You gave Your only begotten Son, to be born into a race of sinners and to live a perfect life, so that by Your grace He would become the propitiation for our sins, and reclaim that peace between God and man that was lost in the garden, so many years ago.

Although that heavenly choir sang their joyful refrain some 2000 years ago, may the light of its glorious message of grace shine deep into the hearts of men and women everywhere, so that Jesus Christ may be lifted up in the hearts and minds of many, for Jesus Himself promised, “ if I am lifted up I will draw all men unto Myself.”

We pray that You would draw many into Your forgiving arms of grace and mercy.

May we never cease to glory in the eternal message of peace on earth and goodwill towards men, for You alone are worthy of all honour and praise. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer Of Gratitude For My Friends

Heavenly Father, how gracious You are to bring into my life my many precious friends, all of which have become so special to me in their own individual and unique way.
I feel so blessed to be surrounded with so many dear people that I love and care for, and for the knowledge that they also love and care for me too. And thank You for the support that I have so often received from different ones, during those times of difficulty and pain.
Thank You also, for the valuable lessons that I have learned even though some have been very difficult, and yet I have been have enabled through the loving support and encouragement of my friends, to grow spiritually and emotionally, and gain wisdom and insight in so many important ways.
Help me to be the sort of friend that is always there for others. An ear to listen, a hand to help and a heart to comfort. And help me to grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus, so that I may be His hands, His ears, His heart and His comfort to the many precious people that You have place in my life. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer For New Converts To Christ

Loving Lord, we lift up our brothers and sisters that are being persecuted in so many places in our world and in so many inhumane ways. Lord, we lift up all new converts, all those who have accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, knowing that they will have to face possible rejection and even persecution from family, friends and the communities in which they live.

Guide and protect them we pray, from all assaults of the enemy, in body soul and spirit. Lord, we ask that You would keep them from harm, and provide all that they need to sustain their lives. And Father, please provide the spiritual food that they need to grow in You and mature in their faith, so that their trust in You becomes strong and they are able to withstand the fiery darts of the enemy.

Give them the courage to face the future, knowing that You are with them and in them, and Father we thank You that You are growing Your church with the dear new converts to Christ. Be with them always I pray,


Prayer For A Christian Friend Who Is Selling Their House

Loving Heavenly Father, we bring before You our dear friends who are having to sell their home and move elsewhere, and we pray Lord that You would be with them every step of the way as they go through the difficult and distressing process of selling their home in such a stagnant housing market.

Give them we pray, Your grace and peace to face all that they need to do in selling their home, and we thank You Lord that they are Your children and that their lives are in Your hands too. We thank You that our dear friends know and love You, and we pray that as they prepare to move to a different place that You would be very close to them, to lead and to guide in every aspect of this house-sale.

We pray Father, that You would bring the right people into their path who need to purchase their home, and that You would be instrumental in every step that they need to take in the process of selling their house.

Lord, You were the One that told Jeremiah to buy a property in a non-existent housing market, and we trust You to lead and guide our friends as You did Jeremiah. Give them Your peace in their hearts and let them know that You are right in the middle of their house-sale.In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer Glorifying God For His Abundant Provision

Thank You, Father, for Your abundant provision and generous hand of blessing, which You lavish on each one of us day by day. You are a good and mighty God, Whose great compassion and tender mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness to us and to all men.

We praise You, we worship You, we glorify, we give thanks to You for Your great glory. We lift up our hands in worship and praise before You, for You alone are worthy of our reverential fear and humble praise.

But Father, not only do we praise and thank You for faithfully providing our daily needs, but for the amazing gift of Salvation which You have given freely, to all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, by grace through faith.

May we never cease to worship You in thought and in deed, and may our lives never cease to be lived in awe and wonder, knowing that the eternal Creator and almighty God of the universe should die to save a sinner such as I. Praise Your holy name, for ever and ever,


Prayer Of Gratitude For A Special Friend

Thank You, Lord, for blessing me with such a treasured friend and for the mutual joy and friendship we share together. What a wonderful privilege it is to share our good times together and to be there for each other, when sorrow or difficulties invades our lives.
Thank You for the wonderful love, care and encouragement we share with each other, and I praise and thank You Father that You are a relational God Who knows the importance of close friendships and special intimate relationships, which so enrich our lives, lifts our hearts and refresh our spirits.
I pray You would draw close to us both. Strengthen us in the inner man so that together we may grow in grace and in a knowledge of You. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For True Freedom

Loving Lord, we thank You for the freedoms that many of us have enjoyed for so long, but we also realise that there are many people around the world that are held in bondage and slavery. Indeed, increasingly the freedoms of the west, which we have enjoyed for so long, are rapidly being eroded.

Lord, we have placed our faith in the wrong things, for we know that there is no true freedom in this world, except in You, for man is intrinsically evil and the corrupting power for which many are grasping in today’s political arena is doomed to fail, when You are not central.

Lord Jesus, You said that Your kingdom is not of this world system, and we know that those that seek after political power in this world system have a lust for evil, and those that desire to change the world system under which we now live, through political means, are seeking to achieve freedom man’s way, rather than Your perfect way.

Father, we know that until the Lord Jesus comes to crush the powers that be (the world system that now rests in the evil one, Satan), there will be no true freedom. Help us not to hanker to change the world for the better through man’s ways, but rather let us trust in You alone - for in Your own time and in Your own way You have promised to set up Your world wide kingdom with the Lord Jesus at the helm. Keep us until then. Protect us from those that would seek to remove whatever freedoms we have. We pray as the Body of Christ. Come Lord Jesus. 


Prayer For Spiritual Discernment For The Church

Heavenly Father, protect and guide us we pray in these days of deceitful practices and increasing confusion in our places of worship, and give to Your children discernment to recognise the truth of the gospel of Christ and reject all teaching that is counter to Your Word.

Thank You, that You have given us all that we need for godly living and forgive us for the times when we have left the straight path of truth to drink at the enemy’s poisoned cisterns. Help us to discern truth from error and to stand fast in the faith of the Son of God, Who loved us and gave Himself for us.

Raise up we pray, an army of godly men who will teach the whole council of God, and give them the courage to stand against any false teachers that they may encounter. Help all Your people to be diligent in their study, wise in their choices and grant discernment to all who are seeking the truth. We ask this in the name of Jesus,


Prayer To Develop An Attitude Of Praise To God

Father, we live in an angry world of increasingly angry people, where our lives are filled with change and transition, and we seem to be moving into a dangerous society that does not resemble a world we once knew. More and more Father, we feel a need to cling ever more closely to You, with each passing day, knowing that You are a God Who never changes towards us.

Help us to fix our hearts and minds on Your eternal and unchanging truth and to wash ourselves daily in the cleansing flood of the water of the Word.

Protect us we pray, from those that would seek to undermine our trust in You and may we patiently endure the hardships that we may be called upon to face. Develop in me a true attitude of praise and worship, no matter what the circumstances, and help me I pray, to build myself up in the faith, looking for the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

No matter what difficulties and dangers I may have to face, I pray that in all things, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, I may draw ever closer to you, with a genuine attitude of praise and thanksgiving for all that You have done in my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of A Grateful Heart

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for loving me so much that You would come to earth and suffer and die so that I might be saved by grace through faith in You. Words cannot express the depth of gratitude and love that I have, knowing that You love me so very dearly.
As I look at the vastness of Your creation and realise the enormity of Your Person, I am astonished that You should care for me. How can it be that You died for me when I was dead in my sins and at enmity with God? 
Thank You, that You provide for me day by day and that when I am weak and fearful You hold me up. Thank You that You have promised to be with me always. Lord Jesus, there is no end to Your goodness and there is no end to my love and gratitude for all You are to me. Praise Your holy name for ever and ever, 


Prayer For Inner Freedom

Dear Heavenly Father, how I thank and praise You that You are our living Lord and loving Saviour. You hold the reins of the universe in the palm of Your hand. Thank You, that You are fully in control of all that is taking place in this fallen world, and that You have not simply left us without hope.

Thank You for our Salvation in Christ, and thank You Father, for the freedom I have in Him.

Thank You, that I have been released from this world system and can rest in You.

Thank You that nothing can happen to me that is not permitted by You, and that will not eventually be for my good and for Your glory.

Lord, as the temporal freedoms within the world are fading away, may my confidence rest in You and You alone. Give me Your peace that passes all understanding in my heart, Your peace, which alone can set me free from the worries and anxieties that this world affords. Thank You, that You are indeed my heavenly Father, my living Lord and my loving Saviour, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For Recovery Through Jesus Christ

Loving Heavenly Father, thank You that You sent Jesus to heal the sick, both sickness in the body and the sickness of the soul. Thank You that through His death and resurrection, Jesus broke the power of sin and sickness, of death and hell, and how I praise and thank You for Your tender love and deep compassion to all of us, who were dead in trespasses and sin and without hope in the world.

Thank You that Jesus is our eternal Saviour and great Physician and that He came to bear all our sicknesses, afflictions, suffering and pain.

I pray that You would come and visit me in my sickness, and that You would grant me relief and release from the illness that is eating away at my strength and causing me such discomfort and pain. Lord, I believe that Your power of old is ever new and that You are willing and able to make me well.

Grant me the grace and patience to wait Your timing, knowing that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Touch me today I pray, bring me back to full health and feed my heart with Your love so that I may draw ever closer to You with every passing day. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For A Clear Mind

Dear Lord, I desire to be clear-minded in a time when deceit and deception floods into our minds from so many quarters, and so I pray that I would learn to take every though captive, so that I may not be tossed about by the many winds of doctrines that can cause such confusion in our minds, and distort the truth of Your Word.

Father, I do not want to be swept into the world’s way of thinking, and pray that You would give me increasing and ongoing clarity of thought in my home, my work and in the general activities of life as well as my special times of devotion, payer and fellowship meetings with other believers.

Open the eyes of my understanding I pray, and give me real wisdom. Help me not to fall into a spiritual slumber but rather to remain alert and watchful, knowing that the days are evil. Thank You, Lord, that I am Your blood-bought child and that nothing can separate me from Your love. Give me the grace I pray, to stand fast until the day of Christ Jesus, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For Life Of Purpose

Heavenly Father, I thank You that Your perfect plans and purposes can never be frustrated and that You are working quietly in the background in order that Your divine will continues to progress towards its ultimate goal, as year succeeds to year.

I praise You that You have given me life and made me a new creation in Christ, and thank You Father, that You have a special purpose for my life too. Thank You, that by Your grace You are carrying out Your purposes in the lives of all Your children, that Christ is all and in all. I pray that this may be realized in my life too.

Enable and equip me I pray, to fulfill the plan and purpose that you have for me to do, and I ask that You would use each gift and every talent that You have graciously given to me, to Your praise and glory.

Help me to fulfill all that You would have me do in my life and may I be obedient to Your voice as I seek to carry out Your purpose for my life. May I rejoice evermore and pray without ceasing.

May I give thanks in all things as I hearken to the voice of Your Holy Spirit. And may I hold fast to that which is good, and abstain from all forms of evil, knowing that this is Your will for my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Gratitude For Answered Prayer

Thank You, Father, for Your goodness and mercy to me, which is new every morning, and for the wonderful answers to prayer for which I praise and glorify Your name.
Thank You, that I have access to the throne of grace, to find mercy and grace to help in time of need, and day by day I praise and thank You that You hear and answer the cries of my heart and supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory.
Thank You, Lord, for the simple things in life that we so often take for granted, the sun and stars, the flowers and trees, our daily food and clothing, my home and family and the peace and joy that comes from knowing You.
Thank You also, for sharing in my sorrows and joys, and for the sufficient grace and strength that we receive day by day. And thank You, Lord, for dying for me on the cross as my Redeemer, paying the price for my sins so that I may have Your life and live with You in heaven forever. May my heart be truly thankful and may I live my life in a manner that is pleasing to You, to Your honour and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer For Freedoms In Our Country

Gracious Lord and Heavenly Father, there are many struggles that people are facing today as our freedoms are increasingly being eroded. Keep us Lord under Your protection as we seek to live our lives as unto You.

Lord, how I long to live in a world that is truly free and liberated, but Lord, help me see beyond my own limited perception of what is true liberty in this world, and to understand that my desire to see this world governed by men of integrity and goodness, is a pipe-dream that can never be realised – for we are a sinful race that lives in a fallen world, which is currently being governed by Satan, who is called, ‘the god of this world.’

Father, help all who are Your children to understand that until the Lord Jesus returns to break forever the power of this fallen world system, there will be no peace or prosperity or freedom on earth.

Thank You, that Jesus is coming back soon to right all the wrongs. Thank You, that when Jesus returns, He will proclaim freedom to the captives, recover sight to the blind, and to set at liberty those who are oppressed.

Help all Your people to see this world from Your perspective and pray into Your will, knowing that only when Christ returns will the earth experience true freedom. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Spirit Empowered Discernment

Father, there is an ever-encroaching darkness that is spreading across our nation in particular and the world in general, and morality, truth and virtue are quickly being replaced with an evil and unbiblical society.

Bless we pray, and protect those that are seeking to uphold the truth of the gospel, and give each one spirit-empowered discernment and wisdom to follow the path of truth and to renounce the evils that are seeking to encroach, suffocate and confuse those who trust in Your holy name.

Thank You, that in the power of Your Holy Spirit, You have enabled and empowered all those that trust in Jesus as Saviour to stand firm. Thank You, that you have endowed us with the spiritual armour that we need to shun evil. Equip us with all that is needful to stand fast in the evil day. This we ask in the name of the Lord Jesus,


Prayer For A Purposed Filled Life.

Father, I know that you have a plan for each of our lives, and I understand that the main desire for every one of Your children is to know Jesus more and more and to live our lives in a manner that is pleasing to You and exults Your holy name.

Father, I know that Paul reminded us that as Your children we are to know You and the power of Your resurrection, and we are to fellowship in Your sufferings. I believe that the way we cope with the various difficulties and dangers, heartaches and sufferings, problems and pain, trials and temptations is connected to the fulfillment of the many plans that You have purposed for us, in our lives.

Help me I pray, to face the challenges of life looking to Jesus and relying on His sufficient strength and grace. Help me not to repay evil for evil, but to love my enemies, and to do good to those that despitefully use me.

Help me more and more to develop the beautiful fruit of the Spirit, and may an abundance of love and joy, peace and patience, kindness and goodness, faithfulness and self-control overflow from my life into the lives of all I meet, until Christ is formed in me and I live my life as unto Him. May I reflect Your purpose in my life from this day forward to Your praise and glory. This I ask in the name of Jesus my Saviour,


Prayer For Attitude Of Gratitude

Father, I want to lift up my hands and voice to worship You in thanksgiving and praise, for all the goodness and loving-kindness that You so freely pour out on me with every passing day.
Thank You for the grace that You supply moment by moment and day by day, and I pray that You would develop in me a true attitude of gratefulness and a heart that acknowledges the long-suffering way that You are working in so many area of my life.
Lord, I am so very grateful to You and pray that You would keep my heart filled with appreciation for all You have done for me. Develop in me a godly attitude of gratefulness so that I may never cease to praise You for Your gracious goodness to me and to all people.
May I learn to recognise that all the gifts and graces I have is a result of Your loving-kindness towards me, and may I never cease to lift up my hands and voice to You in grateful praise for all You are doing in my life. May the Lord Jesus be glorified I pray,

Prayer For The Recovery Of A Friend

Dear God, You are the giver of life and health and You are the healer of the sick and the suffering. I pray for a dear friend who is in distress with ill-health today, and pray that You would help them to come to a full recovery and restore them to wholeness, health and strength.

Lord, I do ask that You would meet my friend at their point of need, not only in their physical suffering but also in their spiritual sickness. Lord, my dear friend not only needs recovery of their physical health but recovery of their spiritual lack and the emotional pain that seems to be making their physical problem so much worse.

Administer all Your gifts of health and healing for body and mind I pray, and multiply Your blessings and grace towards them so that they may be fully restored and come to a deeper knowledge and understanding of You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Guidance Through Today

Heavenly Father, I bow my knee before You in prayer and praise. Lead and guide me today in all I say and do. May I walk in spirit and truth today and be sensitive to Your gentle guidance.

Help me I pray, to fix my eyes on the Lord Jesus, knowing that without Him I will quickly stray from the path that is best for me. Lord, I believe that You have scheduled every day of my life and I do not want to stray from the path that You would have me take.

Help me to be faithful to You and to willing go along the path of Your choosing, knowing that it may conflict with my own desires and wishes. Develop in me a heart that delights to do Your will, so that the longings of my heart are brought into line with Your plans and purposes and Your will for my life.

Let my eyes always be looking to You and keep me from looking at the storms and difficulties of life, knowing that You are with me to lead and guide and to uphold to Your praise and glory.

Thank You that Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life and I desire to be only guided by Him. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Embrace Your Purpose In Christ

Thank You, Father, that I am Your child and that I have a citizenship laid up for me in the heaven, and I am awaiting my coming Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You, that Your purpose for humanity is all tied up in Him, and that He is to be honored above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.

Thank You, Father, that You have put all things in subjection under His feet, and given Him as Head over all things to the Church, which is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all.

Heavenly Father, as a part of that Body, I pray that I may fulfill the work that You have purposed for me to do. I thank You Father, that Your will for my life is to transform me into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I pray that my life may reflect His grace and beauty in all I say and do.

I pray that I may willingly submit to the work of the Holy Spirit in my life, even on those occasions when I do not understand, and ask that all that is of me may decrease and all that is of Christ may increase, until He is all in all in my life, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in the name of Jesus,


Prayer Of Gratitude For Love

Thank You, Lord, for loving me so much that You sent Your only begotten Son to die on my behalf on a cruel cross and take upon Himself my sins. Thank You that He identified with my sinfulness so that I might be identified with His righteousness, by grace through faith in Christ. How grateful I am that while I was still a lost sinner Christ died for me.
How thankful I am Lord, that You searched me out and found me and brought me back into Your family, even though I was dead in my sins and at enmity with You. Praise Your holy name, for You are a good God and Your loving-kindness endures forever and I will be eternally grateful that You are my God and I am Your child.
Thank You, that You are my helper and healer. Thank You, that You are my refuge and strength and thank You, that You have surrounded me with people who love me dearly, and whom I love too. Lord, I do not deserve any of Your grace and goodness and yet day by day, You pour new and rich mercies into my lap and cover me with Your blessings. Praise God that You are the Rock of my Salvation. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For The Recovery For A Sick Child

Almighty and most merciful God, I bring before You this little child who is suffering such pain and discomfort, and I ask that in Your grace and mercy You would raise them back up into full health and strength and work a speedy recovery.

The Lord Jesus took little children in His arms of love and blessed them, and I pray that in a very special way You would put Your arms of love and blessing around this little one and minister to each need and every pain.

Little ones do not understand why they are feeling so sick, and I just ask that You would have compassion for this little child, and take away any fear and pain. Multiply Your grace so that they come to a quick and lasting recovery. 

Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name,


Prayer To Overcome Today’s Difficulties

Father God, I know that the life-path I am treading is fraught with difficulties and problems but Lord, I trust You to lead and guide me through the maze of life, because You have promised to be with me to lead and to guide, to strengthen and to help.

Let me never lose sight of who I am in Christ and help me to trust You in all things, knowing that I am Your child, and that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

Thank You that You are my Shepherd, Who has promised to lead and to guide, to protect and to uphold. Thank You that You are my Defence and my Defender and that You have promised to be my ever-present help in those times of unexpected difficulties and trials.

Thank You, Lord, that You remain faithful and dependable, even when I stray from the path that You have graciously laid out for me. May I never forget that You are my firm Anchor and the steady Rock upon which I stand, and that no difficulty in life is to great that You cannot overcome. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Prayer For The Church To Be Sanctified

Father, we pray that as members of the body of Christ, we may learn to be imitators of You and to walk in love with one another, just as the Lord Jesus Christ loved us and gave Himself as an offering and sweet-smelling sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.

Thank You, Father, that in Christ we are children of the light. May we walk in the light of the Lord, Who is the Way, the Truth, the Light and the Life. And Lord, we know that Your purpose for the Church is to transform each one into the likeness of the Lord Jesus, until He is all in all.

We pray that as members of His Body, we may walk in all goodness and righteousness and live lives that are honoring to You. Teach us we pray, to do only those things that are pleasing in Your sight, and we ask that every member of the body of Christ may be sanctified, set apart unto You and cleansed with the washing of the water of the Word of God, and made holy in thought word and deed.

We pray that the Church may be purified by the Spirit of power, so that she may be without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and blameless before You in love. We ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Gratitude For Food

Thank You, Father, for Your day-by-day provision and for supplying all that we need for life and health. Thank You, Lord, that our table is daily filled with so many good things, just as You have promised and that You faithfully provide for all our bodily necessities.
Forgive us for the times when we have been faithless or forgetful of Your generous provision and yet You have never failed to provide the sustenance that we need for our daily life. Lord, the blessings that fall from Your hand are good and gracious and we thank You that in Christ we lack no good thing.
Help us never to forget that all good things come from You and keep us from taking Your gracious provision for granted. Instill in each us a heart that is truly grateful and filled our mouths with praise and thanksgiving for our daily food.
We thank You for all You bountiful supply and ask that You would continue to give us our daily bread for our bodily nourishment. To You we give all the praise and glory, in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Home-Schooled Children

Lord, how we thank You for the gift of children. We pray that we may be equipped to bring them up to love and trust the Lord Jesus as their Saviour and to serve Him as they grow into adulthood.

Lord, we know that Your Word tells us to bring up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart form it. Lord, this is our desire for all our home-schooled children and we claim this promise from You. Oh Lord, that all our children may come to know You and to trust You as their Saviour.

Help us to keep Your Word in our hearts and minds and not to be intimidated by those that would seek to remove the Bible and all the wonderful truths its contains from the children of today. Guard and protect the hearts and minds of all our children, and may our homes be a place of security and peace, where the Lord Jesus is kept as the focus.

Lord, we truly want to teach our children in a sound and biblical way. Help us ground all we do on Your Word. May we talk of Your Word when we sit in our houses, and when we walk by the way, when we lie down and when we rise up. And in all things may You be glorified in our homes. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Those In Hospital

Heavenly Father, I bring to You the many people that have found themselves in hospital and pray that in a wonderful way You would minister to them through the doctors and nurses and all those that are there to help them in their recovery.

Lord, I pray that You would use this time in hospital to reach deep into the hearts of each these people, and help them to realise how fragile their lives are, and to cause them to consciously search for You with their hearts.

Lord, I pray that as healing and health comes to their bodies, that spiritual healing and wholeness would come to their souls, and that the time they have spent in hospital would become a spiritual wake-up call, so that they re-evaluate their lives and realise their need of Jesus as their Saviour. I pray that they would accept Christ as their Redeemer and King. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanksgiving For Jesus

Bless the Lord Oh my soul and all that is within me bless and praise Your holy name, for You sent Your only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay the price for my sins and to endure so much suffering and humiliation, on my account.

Thank You, that in Your love and mercy, the Lord Jesus took all the punishment for my sin and was subjected to no end of humiliation and reproach for love of those He came to save, and Lord that includes me. How I praise and thank You for this greatest of all miracles of Your grace.

What a joy to know that in dying on the cross, He broke the power of sin and Satan, death and hell, and is seated on the right hand of the Father in heaven, awaiting that time when He will accomplish His earthly mission and return to set up His kingdom on earth, where Israel will become the head and not the tail of the nations and all those that are part of the Body will rule and reign with Him, until all His enemies are under His feet and Christ is all is all.

Praise God for Jesus, and thank You that He is my Saviour and God. In His name I pray,


Prayer Of Gratitude For The Church Family

Lord Jesus, I am so grateful to You for the church family You have given me and for the love and encouragement that I receive from each member.
I bless and thank You that we are all members of Your body, and that we are all there to support each other in times of sorrow and joy as well as those seasons of sickness and health. How wonderful it is to know that we are all one in Christ and have that unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace and love.
I lift up the wider church family and pray that You would meet each one in their own particular time of need. I especially bring before You our brothers and sisters in Christ that have been rejected by their own family members due to their faith in the Lord Jesus. I am so grateful that the arms of love within the body of Christ stretch out to the four corners of the world.
Keep us all in a bond of unity, and may Christ be lifted up in the heart of each one. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer When Work Is Difficult To Find

Dear Heavenly Father, You have said in Your Word to cast all our burdens on You and the trust in You for all our needs. Father, I have tried every avenue and feel almost distraught as I have been unable to secure any work for many months, even though I have made so many applications. It is discouraging Lord, when no matter how hard I try, I cannot get any work and have not even been asked to attend for an interview. Please Lord, help me I pray.

Father, I want to be a good provider for my family and yet I am unable to get a job to secure sufficient for the bare necessities of life. I am crying out to You for Your help and grace in this situation. 

Forgive me if I have sought to do things in my own strength, but Father I come to You in my helplessness, and pray that in You pity and mercy, You would provide me with the job that I need so badly. 

I put my trust in You alone for You alone can help me. I pray that in Your merciful kindness, You would provide the job I so desperately need. To You be all the praise and the glory. In Jesus' name, 


Prayer For Guidance For The Day

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for bringing me safely to the beginning of this new day. Thank You for keeping me safe through the night, and I pray that today may be a day where I live and move and have my being in You. Lord, I pray that the words that come from my mouth, the thoughts that are formed in my heart and the motives behind all my actions, words and thoughts may be pleasing in Your sight and honouring to Your name.

Lord, I pray that You would be both my guide and my restrainer in all I do and say today, so that my words and deeds are not a work of my own flesh but are guided by the promptings of Your Holy Spirit. Help me Lord, to walk in spirit and truth, and keep me today so that my eyes are looking to Jesus and my ears are open to Your still small voice. Oh Lord, I pray that You are glorified in all I do.

Keep me I pray from all temptations, and deliver me from all the evils of the day. May today be a day when I learn more of You, so that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of my Lord and Saviour. Help me therefore, to walk humbly before You all the days of my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Thanks For Your Gift Of Salvation

Dear Father God, thank You for Your Son Jesus Christ our Saviour and for the salvation that we have received through trusting in His death on the cross and His resurrection. My heart overflows with grateful thanks and praise for His amazing sacrifice for sin.

Thank You, that He was sent to pay the price for my sins and the sins of the whole world. Lord, I simply want to live in Him and be rooted in Him. I pray that I may grow in grace, mature in the faith and to find my strength in Him.

There is no greater blessing that You could have given to us than the precious life of Your only begotten Son, so that in Him we may be redeemed from death and hell and receive forgiveness of sins and everlasting life.

I pray that I may live my life in a manner that glorifies You. I just thank You, Father, for Your amazing gift of salvation, and pray that many who have not accepted Jesus as their Saviour may do so before it is too late. This I ask in His dear names sake,


Prayer Of Gratitude My Graduation

Lord Jesus, I am so excited that my graduation ceremony is here and I want to place the whole day in Your hands and ask that You draw very close to me. Give me that perfect peace as well as an excited joy throughout the whole ceremony.
Thank You, Lord, for giving me this marvellous opportunity to study, to achieve my education goals and gain valuable life experience, which I pray will equip me in the days that lie ahead.
Thank You for granting me the focus and direction to complete my course of study successfully, and I ask that You would give me the determination to step out into life, trusting my future into Your hands, knowing that Your plan for my life is the very best path that I should take. 
Lord, I feel that this day is the first day of my entire future and I want You to take the central place in my life. I give You my grateful thanks for always being there for me throughout my life up to this point, and ask that You would lead and guide me in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name,

“I have no greater joy than this: to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
(3 John 1:4)

Prayer For Discipline Through Love

Dear Father God, I thank You for the opportunity to home-school my children. Please prepare me to teach and train and discipline my children both fairly but also in love. Give me a wise and understanding heart and may the grace and love of Jesus be ever present in our schooling.

Give me the sensitivity to know when to discipline and when to give in a little. Lord, I do not want to build up resentment in my children but Lord, I also want to train and discipline them wisely. Help me to reflect Your love and grace in all I say and do with the children, and may our home-school class-room become a place of fun, excitement and industry.

Be with us Lord, in our daily work and may we be guided by You every step of the way. Keep us all safe Father, and protect our home from any untoward dangers. Lord, please provide for all our home-schooling needs, according to Your riches in glory.

Thank You Lord. This I pray in Jesus' name,


Prayer To Find A Job

Dear Lord, You have promised that before we call You will answer and while we are still speaking, You will hear. Lord, You know the difficult situation that I have found myself in and I come to You again to ask that in Your grace and kindness, You would provide for me and my family with the job that I so desperately need. 

Lord, I know that there are many people in this same situation, but I am Your child and You have promised to provide for our needs according to Your riches in glory. Provide for me speedily I pray, with a job so that I may provide for the needs of my family. 

Open the door of opportunity I pray for me, so that I may not fall into debt and keep abreast of the household bills that seem to keep mounting. Have mercy on me I pray. Have mercy on my family and others that are in the same situation. Help Your children Lord. It says somewhere in the Bible that I have never seen the godly begging for bread. Father, I do not deserve Your kindness, but the Lord Jesus is my Saviour, and I ask that You would find me a job for the sake of Your dear Son, Who died for me and rose again so that I might become one of Your children by faith in Him.

In Jesus' name I pray, 


Prayer Of Thankfulness For Your Our Daily Needs

Dear Father God, I come before You with a grateful heart for the many blessing that You bestow on us day by day, and praise You that Your mercies are new every morning and You have provided for all our needs, and more besides. You are a great and generous God.

You are so good to all Your creation and have faithfully supplied all our needs, according to Your riches and grace, just as You have promised.

I love that hymn where it says, “count your blessings, see what God has done,” and Father, I do count the many blessings that come from You day by day. Please forgive me for the times when I taken for granted the many gifts and graces that come from You. I could not draw another breath unless You give me the strength, and yet moment by moment, I am being kept in Your love and sustained by Your grace. Praise Your glorious name, for ever and ever,


Parent’s Prayer Of Gratitude On Graduation Day

Heavenly Father, the past few years seem to have sped by and here we are preparing for the graduation of our precious child, who not so long ago was a helpless babe in our arms.
Thank You for this child that You gave us to care for and nurture, and as they face the unknown future we pray that You would draw very close to them and lead and guide in the days that lie ahead.
Our own hearts are a mixture of contrasting emotions, pride in their achievement, and concern for their future well-being. But we do pray that this graduation ceremony would be a special time of celebration and that nothing would mar the joy and excited anticipation we are feeling, despite the inevitable tinges of apprehension.
As our child reaches this important milestone in their life, we ask for Your continued presence to lead and to guide in all things. And as they step out into the unknown world of new responsibilities and life-challenges, we finally hand them completely over into Your safe-keeping, and ask that Your presence will accompany them. May they continue to grow in grace and draw ever closer to You with each passing day. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For The Leaders Of All Nations

Lord, I come to You today to pray for the nations of the world and their leaders and governors. Whether a nation is governed by a king or queen, a prince or president, a prime minister or some other form of governance, we pray for each one, that they may fulfil Your plans and Your purposes, in whatever they do, in their lands.

I ask Your blessing on those that are seeking to follow Your ways and I pray for Your pity and mercy on those that are deliberately defying You as the Creator God.

Lord, I know that You are the One that places rulers in their high positions of honour, and You are also the one that removes leaders from their elevated perches. I pray that in Your grace and mercy, You would look down on the nations of the world and intervene with those that are severely oppressing their own people.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and whether at a national level or in local governance, I pray Your blessing on those men and women that are seeking to follow Your way, as they implement their authority. I also know, Lord, that the opposite is true and that those who defy the living God will come to no good.

Have pity Lord, and convict the leaders of our nations to turn to You. Protect the people that are having to live in nations with a corrupt or evil government. And may the Lord Jesus Himself return very soon to set up His perfect kingdom in this world, when the earth will be filled with a true knowledge of You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Close Relationships In The Church

Heavenly Father, thank You for the many gifts and graces You give to Your children and for the people that come into our lives who mean so much to us. Thank You for the sweet fellowship we enjoy with brothers and sisters in Christ, and Lord, how good it is to walk when members of Your body live together in love and unity.

Deepen we pray, the bonds of fellowship within the body of Christ and may our hearts be knit together in love in Christ Jesus. Forgive us for the times when our fleshly natures have broken or damaged the precious relationships we have with each other in Christ, and keep us we pray, walking in love, knowing that we are a spiritual house joined together as one in Him.

Thank You, Lord, for those special people and relationships you have placed in my life with whom I enjoy a close bond of unity. May we encourage and edify each other as we wait for the any day return of the Lord Jesus in the air to claim His church for Himself. May we all draw ever closer to each other and to You as we see the day of Your return approaching. We ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanks For The Cross Of Christ

Dear Lord Jesus, how we praise and thank You for Your sacrificial death on the cross of Calvary and that to all Who believe in You, it has become the glorious tree of life. Thank You for bearing my sin and shame, and for extending Your arms of love so wide as to embrace me in those nail pierced hands.

Thank You, that Your blood that was spilled on Calvary’s cross, has washed away all my sin, cleansed me and made me whole. Thank You, that You rose again on the third day and ascended on high bringing eternal life and conquering death for ever.

Lord, it is a real mystery to realise that God Himself came to earth to die for me, but I believe it to be true. Thank You for being my Saviour.

Thank You for redeeming and saving me, and forgiving me and loving me. Thank You for coming to earth to die for me, so that I might be saved and come and live with You forever. Praise Your holy name for ever and ever,


Prayer Of Gratitude For Mothers

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for my Mom and for all the love and patience that she has tirelessly given to me throughout my life. I am so grateful for her and although I don’t often show her how much I love her, I do want to thank You with all my heart for blessing me with my dear mother.
Thank You for all the sacrifices that she has made for me on so many occasions, and for the way that she never seems to think about her own needs, but always tries to do what is best for me. And I am also very grateful for her faithful prayers for me, day by day, for I know that they have been instrumental in keeping me steady on those occasions when I might have gone astray.
I pray Your special blessing on my Mom and ask that You would guard her and protect her with good health. Fill her with Your comfort and joy, and may she grow ever closer to You in the days that lie ahead. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Our Own Nation

Lord, I pray for our nation and ask that You would look down on us in pity and mercy. Forgive us for the way that we have turned our backs on You in so many ways and bring us back as a people who seek to follow the ways of justice and peace.

Keep our land free from war and aggressions, from winds and earthquakes, from fear and confusion, and from other things that can cause hurt and fear and confusion. May we as a nation turn to You and call out to You in the day of trouble.

Be close to all our leaders and governors and give them wisdom and discernment as they rule this nation. May the decisions that they make be wise, and Lord, I pray that our nation would turn to You for Your wisdom and Your strength.

Be with all those that are oppressed and downtrodden and especially those that do not know You as their Saviour. May there be many that come to know You as their Saviour in this my country. I pray that the gospel may one day be preached in this land from shore to shore, openly and truthfully. Keep us from compromising Your Word of truth. Restore to this nation the joy of Your salvation and bring many to a faith in the Lord Jesus as Saviour. I pray in His name, 


Prayer About A Difficult Work Situation

Thank You, Lord, that You are my Father and I am Your child. Thank You that I have been washed clean and transferred into Your kingdom of light. Lord, I know that in this world we will have tribulation, but I thank You that You have overcome the world. Help me never to forget these important truths, even when times are tough and when difficulties and irritations seem to mount up on every side.

Lord, I bring You the thing that is weighing heavily on my heart at this moment, my situation at work is becoming so difficult. I am so grateful for the job which I know was from You, and for which I thank You with all my heart, but Father I am not utilising the training and talents, with which You have equipped me, and I ask that in Your grace You would lift me out of this demoralising position and open a door so that I may pursue the career for which I have been trained.

Lord, should it be Your will that I remain in this job, please give me the grace to continue on, for I know that Your grace is sufficient. Keep me ever looking to Jesus, knowing that this world is not my home, and may I be used to Your praise and glory in whatever place I find myself. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Grace In A Difficult Relationship

Heavenly Father, I bring before you this increasingly difficult relationship that I am in and pray that by Your grace, I may be willing to learn the lessons that You would teach me through this problematic time. Lord, I know that relationships are not always easy, but we seem to have slid into a constant cycle of hostility and accusations. Forgive me for the part I have played in developing this bitterness and ill-feeling between us, and I pray that You would help me repent of this wrong attitude, and turn right away from my own natural, fleshly reactions and start to walk in spirit and truth. Lord, I know that I cannot do this in my own strength but only in the power of the Holy Spirit. And so Lord, I pray that I may be willing to listen to Your promptings and to submit to Your training and chastening hand on my life.

Help me each day to lay my life before You and to search my own heart, so that I may identify any seeds of my own bitterness and hostility – and I pray that I may be honest in my assessment of my own faults and failings. Teach me Your way and endow me with wisdom, grace and counsel, so that the damage to our relationship may be repaired by Your grace. Help me to live my life as the person that You would have me be, and in a manner that is pleasing in Your sight.

Guard my heart and all that proceeds from my lips, and may my words be seasoned with salt and pleasing to the Father. Thank You, Lord, that You are a God Who hears and answers the prayers of Your children, and I pray that you would graciously renew a right spirit, within this relationship. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Thanks For My Salvation In Christ

Heavenly Father, thank You that You know all about me and that You even knew that one day I would accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Father, I don’t understand this, but I do believe it because Your Word says that it is true, and that before the world began, You knew all about me and predestined me to be Your child in Christ.

Father, the incredible privileges and tremendous blessings that are mine, simply because I have trusted in Christ Jesus are amazing, and I praise and thank You for all Your goodness and loving-kindness to me.

I pray that I may live a godly life that is pleasing to You, and that all I say and do may honour Your name, for it is such a privilege to be Your child and I want to serve You with my whole being. I ask that You would use me to tell forth the glorious gospel of grace to all whom You put into my path.

Father, so many are lost and weary, sad and sorrowing, discouraged and depressed, but I pray that many will come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and be adopted into Your family, and we will sing of Your praises throughout eternity for the amazing grace that You have shown to so many.

Thank You, Father, for adopting us into Your family and seating us together with Christ in heavenly places. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Gratitude For Parents

Dear Heavenly Father, how I thank and praise You for my parents who have been so faithful in loving and caring for me with such selflessness. I am so grateful that I was their child and that You saw fit for me to become part of their family.
I know that so often I have taken them for granted and have not been as helpful as I should, but their constant love and support throughout my life has become such a wonderful example of parenthood and I am so grateful for them both.
Draw close to them I pray, and surround them with Your loving arms. Bless them with both health and contentment and be to them a tower of strength, as the both are getting a little older. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer The Freedom In My Country

Loving Father, I thank You that I have been privileged to grow up in this country, and although many of our standards are being eroded, I thank You that for so long we have enjoyed the liberty and blessings we have received from Your hand in this land.

Thank You for the for my country Lord, for my family and friends and the freedom that we have enjoyed up to now. Keep Your hand on this my nation and give our leaders wisdom to see Your ways and to look to You for the direction that we, as a nation, need to go. But also Lord, help me to hold to the things of this world lightly, knowing that my true citizenship is in heaven, as part of Your heavenly kingdom.

Provide for those that are in need, feed those that are hungry, comfort those that are sorrowing, heal those that are sick and bring those that do not know You as their Saviour into a close and personal walk with Yourself. In Jesus' name,


Prayer To Stand Firm In Difficult Times

Lord, I come to You as Your child and bless You for bringing me into Your family and setting my feet on the solid ground of Christ Jesus my Lord. Oh Lord my place of work is becoming so very difficult as there are many that are picking on me, almost to the point of persecution, simply because I am a Christian.

Lord, I know that we are to count it all joy when we are placed in difficult situations and trials of various kinds, but at times it becomes so hard and I pray that in Your strength I will be able to stand firm on my faith in You and remain a true and faithful witness to the truth of the gospel.

Lord I pray that You would use me, even in this difficult situation to share the truth with my colleagues, and that I would not say or do anything that would discredit Your holy name. I pray that Your Holy Spirit would soften the hearts of my colleagues towards the Lord Jesus Christ, convict them of their need of a Saviour, and bring them at last to saving faith in You. Thank You that You died for me and rose again and I cast all my care upon You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Partner

Father God, I come to You in earnest pray asking that You would bring my future life-partner and “help-meet” into my life. Father, Your Word says that it is not good for a man or a woman to be alone and I ask that in Your grace You would provide me with the person Whom You have chosen to become my special life-partner and friend.

Prepare me I pray, in the days and months that lie ahead for this life-partnership, and help me to learn the importance of the biblical lessons, of thinking of others before we think of ourselves. Father, I know that my times are in Your hands, and I pray that I will not be impatient but learn to wait for Your best timing. Thank You, Lord, that You are a God Who hears and answers prayers. Keep me I pray in the centre of Your will in every area of my life.

Father, my dear desire is to have a precious life-partner, but in everything including this, I pray Thy will be done. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For A Deeper Spiritual Life

Dear Lord, I know that for some time my life has not been as it should have been. I have been going my own way and not growing in my spiritual life as I know I should. Forgive me, for I know that I have strayed far from the path that I should be following and have become carnal and worldly in so many ways, and Lord, I want to get back to a godly way of living and I know that I can’t do this in my own strength.

How I praise and thank You that You are my Father and I am Your child. I pray that Your Holy Spirit would search me and know me and work deep within my inner being to draw me into a closer and more meaningful fellowship with You, my Father, with each passing day.

May Your Holy Spirit work deep within my heart to refine me and make me more and more like the Lord Jesus Himself, so that I may grow in my spiritual life, so that the loveliness of the Lord Jesus and the beauty of His person may flow into me and be reflected in my life, to His praise and glory.

Take my life I pray, and use it in whatever way You choose, so that I may live a life that is honouring to You, in word and deed as well as action and attitude, to the praise of Your holy name,


Prayer Of Gratitude For Volunteers

Father, we offer our grateful thanks and praise for the army of volunteers that quietly yet faithfully offered their services for the wellbeing and support of others.
We ask Your special blessing on each one, knowing that they are the unsung heroes that receive little thanks for their valuable contribution and who are so often taken for granted by those that they freely serve.
Provide for the needs of each one, and protect them from those that might intentionally or unwittingly exploit their generous nature. We ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer For My Son In Prison To Be Saved

Heavenly Father, I come to You with a heavy heart as my son has recently been sent to prison and has been separated from me and his family for many years.

Lord, I know that prisons can be such hard and cold places and pray that in Your mercy, You would look down on him in pity, and bring him I pray, to full repentance. Lord, draw him to Yourself, so that he comes to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus.

I pray that this experience will not embitter him, but rather will cause him to rethink his whole life, lighten the darkness in his soul, and bring him into Your family. Keep him safe I pray, knowing that prisons can be places of uncaring brutality and return him to us in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Save A Failing Relationship

Dear Father God, there are so many marriages that are failing, which are leaving relationships devastated, lives fractured and hearts stricken with grief. And so today, I want to lift up all those that are struggling with a marriage relationship that is falling apart, and pray Your healing touch on so many who are facing separation or even divorce. I ask that in Your mercy, You would look down in pity and enable many of these fractured lives to be renewed by the touch of your mighty hand.

I lift up all that are in a marriage relationship, and pray that You would strengthen the bond of love and unity between them, so that their relationship may become stronger with each passing year. May forgiveness and grace, forbearance and peace become flowers in their heart that blossoms into the fruit of the Spirit in their lives, and may each husband and wife consider the needs of the other before they consider their own.

Establish I pray, healthy marriage relationships, which are grounded on biblical principles, where the Lord Jesus is the focus of their lives and the bedrock upon which their marriage is secured. May broken hearts and broken families be reunited in the love of Jesus, and may their children rise up and call their parents “blessed” as they see their parents honouring their Saviour, Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For A New God-Directed Life

Dear God, I know that this life is no more than a tiny fraction of time in the vast sea of eternity, and yet I know that I have spent too long being involved in the here and now, without properly preparing my heart for my eternal home in heaven.

Forgive me Lord, and help me to change the direction of my life and to start to live as unto You. Lord, I ask that You would help me to turn my life around, and that by Your grace You would direct my life and govern my future decisions.

Thank You, Lord, that I am Your child, by grace through faith. Thank You, that I have been raised into newness of life with Christ. Guide my priorities and help me to set my sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ is seated in the place of honour at God's right hand. Help me to set my mind on eternal things that are above, not on the temporal things of this earth, knowing that I have died with Christ, and my life is hidden with Christ in God.

Thank You, Lord, that You are faithful to all Your children, even when we prove faithless in life. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Gratitude For Work

Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for my work and I want to praise and thank You that You have graciously provided this for job me.
Thank You, that through my work I am enabled to provide for our daily needs and necessities, and I give You all the praise and glory.
I pray that I may work in my job in a manner that is honouring to Your name. Keep me willing and able I pray, to perform all the tasks and duties that are set before me, with integrity and diligence.
Thank You for the other workers and team members here, and I am grateful for the many lessons that You are teaching me through this position. May Jesus continue to be glorified in all I say and do in His name I pray,

Prayer For Revival In Our Land

Loving Lord Jesus, it saddens me to see the way that the gospel of Jesus Christ is being so compromised in our land. As a nation we seem to have moved so far from the true gospel of grace and our churches and fellowships seem to be embracing many alternative and compromised teachings that are not true to Your Word.

Revive this land I pray. Stir up the hearts of those that have come to trust in Jesus Christ, but who have been enticed to follow a different gospel or who have chosen to walk the way of compromised. Let those that are Your blood-bought children, be stirred in their hearts to seek the truth and to draw ever closer to the Lord Jesus. And Lord, for those who once trusted You but have now wandered far away, I pray that You will speak to their hearts, revive their spirit and draw them back into close fellowship with Yourself. Revive this land, I pray. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Renewed Life In Our Relationship

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You, that You are the One Who heals the broken hearted and sets the captives free. Thank You, that You are the one that knows every intimate detail about our lives, and Who sticks closer than a brother. Thank You, Lord, that You have promised never to leave us nor forsake us but desire to give all your children the peace that passes understanding, as we look to Jesus and secure our hearts upon Him.

Thank You also, that You were the one that instituted marriage and ordained that a man should leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and that she in turn would honour and submit to her own husband under biblical principles. Lord, I confess that our marriage has become stale and the spark of love between us has become dim over time, so that we have become cool towards each other and careless towards You. Forgive us for allowing ourselves to slowly slide into this state of lukewarm love for each other and indifference towards You.

And so I ask for healing in our marriage and a revival of the love that we once had for each other. Help us together to seek You, and to once again build up our relationship into a happy, harmonious unity where Jesus is returned to His rightful position in our lives. Father, I confess that because we have become careless in our relationship with You, our relationship with each other also suffered. Renew a right spirit within us both, and may we seek first the Lord Jesus and His righteousness, knowing that a marriage that is grounded in Him is the only way for a relationship to truly be blessed. We ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For A More Spiritual Life

Father in heaven, I praise and thank You that according to Your great purpose and divine power, You have granted us all that we need that pertains to godliness and righteousness. Continue to multiply your grace and peace on all Your children and keep me I pray ever faithful to applying the truth of Your Word in all I say or do.

I pray that my heart and soul may be consumed by You, and that I may be diligent in studying the Scriptures so that I may apply its truth in every part of my life.

I pray that not only my words and deeds are pleasing to You, but also the thoughts of my heart and the motives behind my thoughts are filtered through the Word of God, and tested by the indwelling Holy Spirit day by day. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer To Stop A Gambling Habit

Dear Heavenly Father, how we grieve for those that have become embroiled in the terrible habit of gambling and have allowed it to become such a harmful idol in their lives.
We lift up those we know who have been enticed into this destructive way of life, and pray that You would meet each one at their point of need, so that they may find the strength to walk away from this ruinous life.
Look down in love and pity we pray, on all who are shackled to this compulsive habit and ask that the chains that bind them to this destructive practice may be broken, and that in Your and grace and mercy they may be released from its iron grip.
We pray that Jesus Himself would minister to each one through the lives and witness of friends and family who know You, and we pray that in Your grace each one would be brought to a saving faith in Jesus, for only in Him can the power of sin and evil be severed. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer To Prepare For An Exam

Loving Father, as I get myself ready for my forthcoming exam, I ask that You give me the wisdom and strength to really get my heart and my mind properly prepared. Keep my mind from nervous distractions and give me Your perfect peace in my heart, as I make my make myself ready for these important exams.

Thank You, Lord, for giving me this opportunity to study. I pray that I will be equipped with the right knowledge and qualification for my exam.

Thank You, that You have been with me throughout this course, for my hope and strength is in You. And Lord, as I now come to the end of this particular period in my life, I pray that You uphold me with Your righteous right hand and guide me as I move forward in my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For The Many Inmates Who Are In Prison

Heavenly Father, I bring before You the many men and women who are incarcerated behind prison bars and been deprived of their freedoms, due to their many and various crimes.

Father, You alone know the heart of each one and the reason why they are imprisoned, and You alone are the One that can bring these men and women to repentance, and to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Father, You alone can convict these people of their crimes, and I pray for each one, knowing that You died to pay the full punishment for each of their sins. And Lord, although it is only right that men and women face the bitter consequences of their crimes, I pray that they will come to an understanding that in Christ their sins may be forgiven, and that each one will come to true repentance by trusting in the Lord Jesus as their Saviour.

I pray that You would send into the different prisons around the country and indeed the world, those who would minister to these prisoners in their need, and tell them of Christ and the wonderful forgiveness of sins that comes from Him alone. Have pity in each one I pray. In Jesus' name,


Simple Thank You Prayer

Dear God, I just want to pause in my daily routine to say thank You for all Your grace and goodness to me, and to simply tell You that I love You.


Prayer For Spiritual Discernment

Father, in a world where we are being fed so many untruths and distortions of Your Word, we pray that You would give all Your children true spiritual wisdom and discernment to judge between that which is good and that which is unwholesome.

Give us all a hunger and thirst after righteousness, and increase our spiritual appetites so that we may imbibe the milk of the Word and digest the meat of the Word. Equip us with godly discernment and spiritual awareness so that we may live a righteous life in Christ.

Father, we thank You for Your Word and all the inexhaustible truths it contains. May we grow in grace and in a knowledge of You and may we feed on Your Word by faith with thanks giving. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayers For My Gambling Habit

Dear Lord, I have got myself into a really bad state, and I can’t seem to break free from this gambling habit. It is causing me much distress as well as loads of problems and pressures at home.
It started off to help me fill the emptiness in my life, but it has taken hold of me and I know that there is no way that I can stop without Your help. Help me Lord, to break free from this compulsive, gambling habit.
I ask Your forgiveness for allowing this to take such a hold of me and for the pain and hurt that this has caused to others, and especially those that I love the most. I thank You for the people that You have put in my path to support and encourage me this this difficult time, and I ask that in Your strength You would help me to leave this life-style right behind.
Lord, I know that Jesus died to pay the price for all my sin and I know that only in Him can I truly break free, so I ask in the name of Jesus that You would give me the sufficient grace to leave this gambling life-style behind completely, and I will give You all the praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Loss And Deep Grief

O God, I come to You filled with hurt and sadness and even anger because of my great loss. Lord, I know that You have a plan for each of our lives, but I am in such pain and grief that it is hard to focus on the truth that You do care and that You have had to face deep grief and loss too. Lord, my hurt and pain runs deep and I feel that my heart is breaking. I ask you to touch my hurting heart.

I know, Lord, that You are the God of comfort and that You have been with me every step of the way. I ask You to draw ever closer to me at this time for I feel that my whole world has been shattered.

I find it hard when people who don’t understand try to say words that they think are comforting but sometimes it makes the hurt even worse and I feel hurt and so very, very alone.

Lord, I know it is true that in time the pain will lessen but please be with me, hold me close and steady me, for I know that without You I could not face another day, another hour.

I keep thinking about that song we used to sing when I was younger, never a heartache, and never a groan, never a teardrop, and never a moan, ever a danger but there on the throne, moment by moment He thinks of His own.

Hold me Lord I pray, and keep me moment by moment, 
Moment by moment I am kept in Your love,
Moment by moment I’ve life from above,
Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine,
Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine

Thank You Lord that You are my God,


Prayer When Going Into An Exam

Loving Heavenly Father, as I sit here waiting to take this exam, I ask that You would be with me throughout the entire time. Fill my heart Lord, with Your peaceful serenity. I pray that my mind may think clearly throughout the exam and that I may answer the questions well.

Lord, I pray that I may sense Your peace in my heart as I apply myself to the challenges of today. Enable me to focus my attention appropriately on each question, throughout the entire examination, and bring to my mind all that I have learned over the last months, I pray.

Thank You, Lord, that You are always there. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Those In Prison Ministries

Heavenly Father, I lift up the many people that have devoted their lives to ministering to men and women in our prisons and pray that you would use their life and witness to draw many into a saving relationship and faith in Jesus Christ.

Lord, I know only too well the path that has led each prisoner to be convicted of their crime and confined to a prison cell, but I pray that in Your grace and mercy, You would reach out to all such men and women. Send labourers into this harvest field to share the good news of the gospel of Christ.

Prepare each heart to receive the message of Salvation with joy and hope, and may many prisoners be brought into a saving faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thank You, Father, that there is no crime so great that You cannot forgive and no sin too big that it is beyond the power of the blood of Christ to cleanse completely.

Where there is a feeling of hopelessness in the heart of any prisoner or a doubt that God could ever forgive their particular crime, I pray that You would convict them of their need to turn to Christ for forgiveness and to believe on His redemptive work on the cross, knowing that He is willing and able not only to forgive all their sins, but to clothe each one in His own garment of righteousness, simply by believing in Jesus Christ as Saviour.

Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name I pray,


Simple Evening Prayer

Dear Father God, thank You for today and for being with me every step of the way. I pray that I may have a good nights rest and wake up refreshed in the morning to serve You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Fellowship With The Lord

Thank You, Lord, that You have called us into fellowship with Yourself and with Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Help me to make my time alone with You the most important priorities of my life.

Prevent me from becoming so distracted by the necessities of life that I forget to take quality time alone with You. Keep me low at the cross and humble before Your throne, and may my life be one that so reflects Your love and grace to others, that they may see the loveliness of the Lord Jesus flowing through every area of my life.

Keep me submissive before You in humble obedience to Your Word, and teach me to walk in the light of Your love. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer From A Compulsive Gambler

Dear Father God, I have sinned and become obsessed with gambling to the extent that it has become a terrible compulsion in my life, for which I am deeply ashamed and grieved in my spirit.
Lord, I know that there is nothing that commends me to You except that I come in the name of Jesus, and ask that in His name, I might be washed clean of this sin and made whiter than snow. Lord, I know that I cannot do this on my own but only in His strength, only in the power of His Holy Spirit.
Lord, I believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose again so that the power of sin might be broken in my life. I confess that I have wandered far from You, but I also know that You are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to anger and of great goodness, and I know that this life-style that has so enwrapped me is not Your will for my life. Help me Lord, to break free. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer To Maintain Trust And Hope

Dear Father, it is not always easy to think positively when we are surrounded by trials and tribulation and when our bodies are racked with arthritic pain. But I trust in Your unfailing love and grace and ask that You would be with me today, and help me to rejoice in the Lord always, knowing that You are my God and Saviour, Who died so that I might have life everlasting.

Keep me looking to Jesus, and trusting in His strength and grace to overcome any pain. When I consider that I once was lost but now am found, I bless You that my salvation is secure and I have a home and inheritance, kept for me in heavenly places.







Prayer To Be Prepared For Finals

Lord Jesus, I pray that you would be with me, to enable me to make the final preparations for my Finals. Lord, You have been my helper and my strength throughout this demanding programme of studies, and I pray that You will be close to me as I face the challenges that lie ahead of me as I approach the end of my time here.

Grant me the strength to face the inevitable pressures that will arise as I prepare for my final exams, and guide my studies as I prepare for this important period of my life.

Keep my mind focussed on what is important. Help me not to become distracted by peripheral activities or people, but rather help me to stay my mind on these exams and manage my time in a wise manner.

Lord, my life and my future is in Your hands. I pray that I may do well in these exams and may all I do in these exams be honouring to You. I will not fear, knowing that You have promised to hold my right hand. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Prayer For Christian Prisoners

Loving Heavenly Father, I pray for the many Christians who are being held in prisons, both at home and abroad, simply because they trust in the Lord Jesus as Saviour, many of whom have been falsely accused of crimes or deliberately set up to fall foul of the law, simply because they are believers in Your name.

Lord, I pray that You would be with each one in their imprisonment. Break any bonds of fear and bitterness, and may the love of Jesus be shown forth in their actions and attitudes, so that the people around them, recognise that there is something very special about them, and the God Whom they serve.

Set each one free, I pray, not only from their physical incarceration but also from their spiritual prison. Help them to rest in the Lord Jesus, knowing that in a small part they are participating in the fellowship of His suffering.

Use each one as a witness of Jesus Christ, and may many be drawn into the kingdom of God, simply because of their gracious love they display in their time of great difficulty. In Jesus' name,


Simple Morning Prayer

Lord Jesus, thank You for bringing me safely through the night and for waking me up to a new day. May I honour You today in all I say and do. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For A Closer Walk With God

Dear Heavenly Father, Your Word tells us that eternal life is knowing You and the Lord Jesus Christ Whom You have sent to be our Lord and Savior, and Father, I want to know more of You.

Help me to know You more and to love You better, and I pray that I may learn to spend more time simply sitting at Your feet, listening to Your Word and communing with You in Your presence.

I pray that You will capture my heart, teach me Your ways and draw me every closer to Yourself, so that I may learn more of You and the eternal truths of Your precious Word.

Give me a child-like anticipation and joy of coming into Your presence each day, an ever deepening awareness of the future inheritance that you have prepared for me in heaven that will never fade or spoil. Give me a closer walk with You I pray, and may my daily fellowship with You become my dearest priority in life. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayers For A Gambling Husband

Heavenly Father, I am grieved in my spirit and come to You with a heavy heart, knowing that my husband has become chronically addicted to gambling.
It started off quite innocuously, but has developed into a cruel and terrible gambling addiction and I ask that in Your grace, You would convict his heart of this dreadful compulsion, and help him to break free from his gambling habit once and for all.
Father, he seems unaware that he is hurting me and the family so deeply, and I pray that You would give me Your sufficient grace and strength to get through each day and to maintain some degree of sanity in our home.
Lord, I pray that whatever it takes that You would arrest his attention and bring Him to a realisation of what destruction this gambling habit has brought upon himself and his family. Please bring him to deep repentance before Your throne of grace, I pray. Convict him Lord, of His need of Jesus and give him the realisation that he must break free from his compulsive gambling habit. .
Lord, I pray forgiveness for the wrong things that my husband has done to me and the family, and I ask that You would protect us from any anger outbursts. Bring him to deep repentance, so that we may live our married life as You intended. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Students Prayer When Undertaking Exams

Dear God, I ask that You would be with me as I prepare for my exams. Thank You, Lord, for the wonderful educational opportunity that You have granted me, enabling me to undertake this course of study.

As I now prepare for my exams, I pray that You would be close to me and calm my nerves. Remove any anxious thoughts from my heart, so that I may approach this exam with a clear mind and a tranquil spirit.

Help me to do my best I pray, to answer the questions clearly and to express my thoughts lucidly. Calm my nerves I pray, and bring to my mind all that I have studied, so that I may be able to answer all the questions to the very best of my ability.

Thank You that You have promised to be with me in all things I ask that You stay very close in this exam. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For God’s Guidance And Protection

Heavenly Father, thank You that You are a God who keeps His promises to all generations. Thank You for the nation of Israel, through Whom You chose to bring us Your Word, Your truth, Your wisdom and Your only begotten Son, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord, thank You that although we are faithless, You remain faithful. Thank You, that the promises that You gave to Your chosen people, Israel, will not and cannot be broken, for they are all yes and amen in Christ Jesus. And Father, although as a nation Israel has sinned and turned against You and Your Son, Jesus Christ, nevertheless You are faithful to fulfil all the promises that You made to their forefathers, to Abraham and his seed forever.

Guide and protect the little nation of Israel, in a world that would seek to erase them off the face of the map and drive them into the seas, for You have promised to return to earth and to set up Your kingdom when that nation calls upon the name of the Lord, and cries, “Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.” Father, I pray that You would guard and protect the nation of Israel, both individually and nationally and hasten the time when they look on Him Whom they have pierced, and repent of their sins. Into Your hands I place the nation of Israel. In Jesus' name,


Simple Prayer When Feeling Lonely

Dear heavenly Father, thank You for reminding me that You are with me every moment of the day and that wherever I go, You are with me. Praise Your holy name,


Prayer For Times Of Refreshing With God

Heavenly Father, quiet my heart I pray, and help me to be still before You. And Lord, in the quietness of my mind and in the stillness of my heart, I ask that You would pour our the living water of Your Word to refresh my spirit and soul, and shower me with renewed strength, that only comes from You.

Thank You, that You have promised times of refreshing to all who turn away from sin and selfishness, and who have trusted the Lord Jesus as Savior.

Gladden my heart, refresh my soul and fill my mind with whatsoever things are lovely and of good report, and bring me into the unity of spirit and singleness of purpose with all who are called by Your name.

And Lord, I pray that as I am renewed in spirit and refreshed in my heart, that You would use me to be a vessel through whom times of refreshing is poured out to others, to the praise of Your holy name. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Strength To Stop Gambling

Lord God, I repent of my sin and this evil habit of gambling that has become so aggressive in my life, and I humbly kneel to ask for Your grace and forgiveness and for Your help to break free from this gambling habit, once and for all.
I have wasted so much of my life and squandered much money, and have nothing but regret to show for these wasted years. But I come in repentance for my foolish sin and seek Your forgiveness, asking that in Your great grace and mercy, You would help me to break free from this evil habit which has all but destroyed my life and my relationships with friends and family alike.
Lord, You know the debts that I have incurred due to this evil compulsion, and I know that I alone am responsible for what has taken place in my life, but I do ask that You would help me to break free from gambling and to once more gain control of my life and live within my means. Help me Lord. Help me I pray, to leave this life behind and to live the life that I know You would want for me.
I trusted You as my Saviour some time ago and have wandered so far from You, but I believe that Your mercy is great and Your loving-kindness towards Your straying children does not change, so help me I pray. In Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Support To Those Overwhelmed

Loving Lord and Heavenly king, I want to lift up some dear friends of mine that are going through much grief at the moment and are finding it so difficult to come to terms with all that has taken place in the last few days. 

I humbly ask that You would come to them and provide the comfort they need to come to terms with all that has happened. Give them the strength to face the reality that things will never be as they were.

Lord, I know that their grief seems to be overwhelming them and I am hurting for them, and do not know what to do to help – and so I am coming to You to in prayer, to ask that You will meet each of them at their point of need and help them to turn to You at this sad time.

I pray that as the day passes, Your healing touch will comfort and succour them in this time of distress and may this be a thing that causes each of them to draw closer to You, knowing that You alone can heal the broken-hearted and bring joy out of pain.

Thank You, Lord, for being there for me and into Your hands I place each one of these dear ones who have such sadness in their hearts. I know in Whom I believe, and am confident that You will bring good out of this situation. To You be all the praise and glory,


Exam Prayer For Mature Students

Loving Heavenly Father, it astonishes me that I am once again preparing to take an important exam, after having finished my normal ‘education’ so long ago. At times I feel that my mind is slowing down and the thought of sitting an exam is quite a daunting task. But Father, You led me in this direction and You have promised to be with me in all things, in every season of our lives. Be with me Lord, as I prepare for this exam and also as I go on to take it. 

I thank and praise You that You have given me this wonderful opportunity to forward my career with this course of studies, and I pray that You will be glorified as I move forward in my life and apply all that I have been learning.

Thank You, Father, for being with me up until now. I know that You have promised never to leave me, and to be my strength and stay in all things, for which I praise Your holy name.


Prayer For Peace In Israel

Loving Father, we are called to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Lord, we do pray that Your peace would one day soon descend upon that city of Jerusalem and spread across the whole nation of Israel, until the world is filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.

But Father, we know that there will be no peace in that land, nor indeed in any of the nations of the world, until the Lord Jesus comes to reign as King of kings, Lord of lords and Prince of Peace. And so Lord we pray Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus, come Thou long expected Jesus, come to set Your people free, come and to set up Your promised rule on earth, for Lord, we know that without You there can be no peace on earth and only an increase in the ragings of the nations against Your people Israel and Your holy city of Jerusalem.

The nations are increasingly raging against Your people and Your land, and Father we know that nothing can bring peace on earth, except the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to take up His rightful position as King of Israel and Saviour of the World.

Father, we pray that while there is still time that many may come to know and trust the Lord Jesus as the one and only Prince of Peace, both in the land of Israel and throughout the world. In Jesus' name we pray,


Simple Prayer When Frustrated

Lord, forgive me for so often trying to do things in my own strength. Help me never to forget that without You I can do nothing, but that I can do all things through Christ, Who gives me the strength. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Spiritual Fulfillment

Heavenly Father, You have placed eternity in the heart of man. You have put a desire within our spirit for holiness and righteousness and You have developed a thirst, deep within our being for a more intimate fellowship with the true and living God.

Lord, there is no-one but You that can satisfy the aching need in the heart of man. There is nobody but You Lord, that can quench the spiritual yearning I have for You. There is none but You that can satisfy the spiritual thirst I have for You and the deep yearning within to know You more

I lift up my hands to worship You and pray that You mould me into the person that You would have me to be. Father, You are the Potter and I am the clay and I pray that You would take my life and use it in whatever way You choose, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Gambling Friend

Lord Jesus, I lift up my friend who has got into real trouble through gambling and does not seem to be able to break free from the tremendous hold it has over them.
Lord, in Your mercy would You please convict my dear friend of the evil influence that this gambling habit is having on their life and those around them, and I ask that in Your grace You would give them an awareness that this is a sin, and that they need to break free from this compulsive habit.
Help me to be a supportive friend and give me the wisdom to know what to say and what to do in order that I may help them break free from this destructive gambling habit..
Lord, I know that only Jesus can free us from the bondage of sin, and I pray that You would truly convict them of their need to repent and turn to Christ. In His name I pray,

Prayer Of Comfort For The Grieving

Lord Jesus, I know that You are close to those that are broken-hearted and grieving in their soul and that You rescue those that are crushed in spirit. Draw near to Your many children who are facing times of sadness and loss, and draw each one ever closer into Your precious arms of love and support.

Thank You that You are wonderfully good to all who wait for You and seek You, and I pray that those of my brothers and sisters in Christ who, for whatever reason, are facing times of grief and hardship in their lives, that in Your grace and mercy You would draw very close to each one and gently carry them on Your shoulders, as a Shepherd carries a little lamb that has been torn by the briars.

Be close to all that are grieving today I pray, and flood their souls with hope, knowing that underneath are Your everlasting arms.

Give me a heart that is sensitive to those that are grieving, the wisdom to know when to speak words of comfort or when to keep silent. And Lord, I also pray that You would use my life to be a channel of encouragement and hope, through whom the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ will flow into their hearts, to heal and help.

Thank You, Lord, that You are a God that answers prayers.


Child’s Prayer When Facing An Exam

Dear God, I have got an exam and I am a bit frightened about exams because You cant talk to anyone.

I know that I can talk to You, but I am not supposed to say anything out loud. Please will You be with me in my heart and listen very carefully when I am talking to You in the exam, because I have to talk in my heart and not out loud.

Thank You for living in my heart. I love You, Lord Jesus.  


Prayer For The Safety And Protection Of Israel

Loving Father, I lift up the Jewish people and the nation of Israel to You in prayer, and pray for Your grace and protection to overshadow them as a people and as a nation. Lord, they are Your chosen people and the apple of Your eye, and yet there is an increasing drumbeat from the nations of the world to drive them in to the sea, that the name of Israel may be no more. Yet You have promised to make Israel into a great nation so that they are as numerous as the sand on the sea-shore and the stars in the heavens.

Guard and protect the nation of Israel, I pray. Give wisdom to their leaders, and guide them in the decisions they have to make in an increasingly hostile world. Protect them I pray, with Your mighty arm, and set a hedge of protection around their homes and cities, their families and their little ones.

I pray that You would thwart the evil plans and practices of their enemies, and prepare them for that terrible time of Jacob’s trouble, when Jerusalem becomes a burdensome stone for all nations and when the entire world turns upon the little nation of Israel.

Thank You, Father, that You know the end from the beginning. I pray that many would come to trust You as their Lord and Saviour, so that as a nation they will call on the Name of the Lord and return to the God of their Salvation. In Jesus' name, 


Simple Prayer For Protection

Dear Lord, be with me today. Keep me from evil and protect me from all danger. Draw me ever closer into Your arms of love.


Prayer For Christians Worldwide

Father, we thank You for the testimonies of the great company of brothers and sisters throughout the world, who are redeemed by the blood of Christ and members together of His Body.

Unite us together as one in prayer and praise, and may we be sensitive to the needs of one another and daily lift one another up to Your throne of grace, so that we may find mercy and grace to help in these difficult times of need and necessity.

Protect and provide for each member of the Church and lend Your support, encouragement and strength to all that are facing the increasing trials, tribulations and persecutions that are so prevalent in our world today.

Help us all to walk in the light as You are in the light. Draw us together in love, unite us together in fellowship, and sustain and strengthen each one of us in our Christian walk. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Joyfulness

Heavenly Father, in a world that has so many difficulties and dangers Lord, it is so easy to allow my heart to become weighed down with pressures and overwhelmed with problems, and yet You have promised that the joy of the Lord is our strength and I thank You that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness.
I pray that I may keep my eyes fixed firmly on the Lord Jesus and live in total dependence on Him, in the knowledge that He has overcome the world, and has promised to give us His joy and peace in our hearts.
Thank You for Your abiding love. I pray that I may learn to fully abide in You and You in me so that Your joy may be in me. In Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Thanks For The New Creation

Heavenly Father, You have filled the world with beauty and good things and we rejoice to behold the wonderful work of Your hand.

Keep me ever thankful for Your generous provision and mindful of the great sacrifice that You offered, when You gave Jesus to be the sacrifice for the sin of the world.

Thank You that I am a new creation in Christ and that He is my Lord and Saviour… by grace through faith in Him.I look forward with expectation and anticipation of the soon return of the Lord Jesus for His Church and pray that I would be ready to meet Him – My Lord and my God.




Prayer For Christians In Israel

Heavenly Father, I pray for all those in Israel who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Messiah and Saviour and I pray that in Your grace, You would use them to be a true witness of the love of God and of the forgiveness and Salvation that only comes through His only begotten Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.

I pray that individually and as the body of Christ, the Church would be used by You to be a light to lighten those in Israel whose eyes have been blinded to the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ, and I pray that many Jewish men and women would come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus.

Lord, I know that You are the God of Israel, the Rock of their salvation, and their promised Redeemer, and that You have promised to one day give them the true inheritance in their land as promised to their forefather Abraham, when Jesus reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords over all the earth.

Lord, I pray for that time when as a nation they will accept Christ as their true Messiah, and so all Israel shall be saved, but Lord in Your grace and mercy, I pray that You would use Your Church in Israel to witness to Your people Israel, who do not know the Lord Jesus, so that many come to know Him as Saviour, very soon. In Jesus' name,


Simple Prayer For Wisdom

Dear God, You have said in Your Word that if we lack wisdom You will give generously to all those who ask. I pray that You would give me wisdom to discern what is bad and wisdom to seek after that which is good, for Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Worldwide Love And Fellowship

Heavenly Father, in a world that is increasingly hostile to Christians, we pray that You would do a work in the heart and lives of each member of Your Body. Give us wisdom and strength as we face this time of increasing aggression. Knit us together in love and fellowship we pray, and release into our hearts a deep desire to lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ, in intercession and prayer.

Perfect each and every member of Your church world-wide. Draw us ever closer to each other and to You and sanctify Your Church with the washing of the water of the Word, so that she might be made perfect and holy, without blemish and free from every spot and wrinkle.

Use each member of Your body to be a witness of Your grace and love, and knit us together in holy fellowship and sweet communion, so that the world may know that You are the Lord and we are Your children. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Opening Prayer For Joy

Loving Father, we thank You for this time together. We pray that Your joy and peace would rest upon us, and that we would be filled to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit, during this time together.
Thank You, that when few or many meet together to glorify You, You are right in the midst of us and we pray that our time together would be productive and honouring to You.
Increase our love for one another and for You. Instil in our hearts the hope of our salvation, and surround each one of us with Your love and joy. We ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer For The Government Of Israel

Heavenly Father, I lift up the Prime Minster of Israel and the whole Kenesset, knowing that the Jewish nation are Your people and that the world at large seems to be turning their back on Israel as a nation, as prophesised in Your Word.

Give those in government the wisdom to make the right decisions and protect them I pray, from those that would seek their destruction. Lord, I pray that many in the government would seek Your face and prepare the nation to turn back to You as the only true God and only Protector of their nation, land and people.

I ask that You would continue to bless Your people with an understanding of the times, and I pray that many will come to hear the gospel and turn to Christ as their Messiah and Saviour.

Protect the government, those that are in the armed forces and those that are living in vulnerable places in the land and I pray for that day when Israel as a nation will turn back to seek Your face and come to recognise Jesus Christ as their God and Saviour. Father, I pray for the day when peace comes at last to that land, when Christ returns in power and great glory to set up his kingdom and I plead that many will come to recognise Who Jesus is and to trust Him as Saviour. In Jesus' name, 


Simple Prayer For God’s Guidance

Lead me Lord today in Your righteous ways. Teach me Your ways, and may I know You more and love you better with each passing day. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Restoration In Marriage

Dear Heavenly Father, my marriage is falling apart and I feel helpless and hopeless and I don’t know what to do. Lord, I feel powerless and just ask You to please restore my marriage. Bring us back into a loving relationship with each other and with You.

Lord, I confess that I have fallen so far short of how I should have behaved and do not deserve a second chance, but I ask Lord that in Your grace You would restore again the joy we had at the beginning and help us both to move forward in our marriage and help us to live in a way that is pleasing to You.

Heal the wounds we have both received from each other and revive and restore us so that we may move forward in our lives and life together. Lord, You have promised to heal the broken-hearted and I pray that in a wonderful way You would restore my marriage. In Jesus' name I pray,


Closing Prayer For Joy

Heavenly Father, we rejoice in Your great wisdom and strength and thank You for being an ever present help in time of need. We ask that as You send us out from this place, we have a joyful expectation of what You are going to accomplish in each of our lives, and ask that You would remain close to each one in the days that lie ahead.
May the Lord bless us and keep us as we draw closer to Jesus. We pray that He would fill our hearts with love and joy, and keep us rejoicing in the Lord and in the power of His might, so that we may be strengthened in the inner man, equipped to do Your service. In Jesus' name we pray,

Prayer As I Set Out On A Journey

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You that You are my ever present help and Companion, no matter where I am or where I go. Lord, as I set out on my travels, I ask that You would be with me to guard and to guide me through every part of this journey.

Keep me I pray, from all harm and danger, and I pray that You would go with me Lord, and encamp around me and stay close to me as I continue on my way. Give me travelling mercies I pray, and bring me safely to my final destination. Be with me Lord, and give me Your peace and rest in my heart.

Lord Jesus, I place myself in Your safekeeping as I journey on my way. Thank You for Your never failing mercies which are new every morning. In Jesus' name I pray,


Christian’s Prayer To Quit Smoking

Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, my Saviour and I thank You that He died to pay the price for my sins and to set me free from the power of sin and death. Lord, I particularly come to You today to seek Your face on this habit of smoking, a long-time habit that I have found so difficult to break.

Lord, I know that I am not condemned because of my smoking, nevertheless it is a habit that I truly want to break and have come to You to pray that You would give me Your grace and strength to help in this time of my need.

Lord, Your Word says that I can do all things through Christ Who gives me the strength, and I pray that You would indeed give me the strength to completely stop smoking and also to remove the desire that I have to light up. Lord, I know that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and do not want this habit to be a master over my body and my will, but rather I want You alone to have first place in my life and within my body.

Give me the grace I pray, to enable me to stop this habit completely, and to have the desire to smoke eliminated from me. I will give You all the praise and glory, in Jesus' name,


Simple Prayer Of Dedication

Heavenly Father, I come to You in lowliness of heart and poverty of spirit, and pray that You would take my life and use me to Your praise and glory. May I decrease and may you increase in every area of my life, and may I become a living sacrifice that is pleasing to You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Family Restoration

Heavenly Father, thank You that You care for all of Your creation and all of Your children, but Lord, there are so many areas in our home and family life that are gong wrong that it seems that our whole family is about to implode.

Father, I know that we have all made mistakes. I know that have made mistakes and ask Your forgiveness. We have all made some foolish choices, but Father I know that You are in the business of restoring those that are hurting and mending those that are broken, and I pray that You would restore our broken family at this time.

Lord, I come to You for guidance and help to restore our family’s relationships. I pray that we would renew our love for each other and may the respect that we used to show to one another return. Restore the family unity we once enjoyed and may we all look to You to lead and guide us as we move forward in our relationship with each other and with You. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Intercessory Prayer For Joy

Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, thank You for the joy and peace that I have in trusting You. Right now, I lift up my brothers and sisters in Christ who are going through difficult times or feeling alone or discouraged.
Father, I pray that Your love would fill their hearts, that Your peace would flood their inner being, and that they may overflow with Your joy and hope in believing, by the power of the Spirit, and to Your praise and glory.
Help each one to enter into a deeper dependence upon You and come to a closer communion with the Father. I pray that Your peace which passes all understanding, would guard their hearts and that they would find their joy in You, knowing that the joy of the Lord is our strength. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Safekeeping In My Travel

Lord, as I set off on my travels, I pray that You would be with me and remain close to me as my travel companion as I go on this journey, just as You walked with Your two disciples along the road after Your glorious resurrection.

Fill my heart with Your peace and joy, and remove any anxious thoughts I pray. Guide me Father, and keep me safe throughout my travels, even when I am passing through rough and difficult terrain. Provide for all my needs as I journey, and protect me from all dangers, seen or unseen. And may I reach my journey’s end, knowing that You have been my ever present travelling Companion and Helper along the way.

Thank You, that I am safe and under Your protection no matter where I may go, confident that You not only know the way but that You are the Way and the truth and the life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Sufficient Grace To Stop Smoking

Loving Father, I come to You to pray that You would help me to give up smoking. Father, in my heart I feel that I am not being a good witness to those around me, and although I know that there is no sin in smoking, nevertheless my heart desires to quit this habit, in order to help to be an encouragement to others who are also struggling with the habit of smoking, both believers and non-believers alike.

Lord, I pray that You would take away the desire to smoke and replace it with more and more of a desire to know You more and to draw ever closer to You in the days that lie ahead. Lord, I believe that You are willing and able to give me the strength to quit and to You be all praise. In Jesus' name,


Simple Prayer For Healing

Heavenly Lord, You know and understand the health difficulties that I am struggling with and the pain that I am experiencing. Thank You, that Your grace is sufficient for all my needs and thank You, that Your hand of blessing is forever upon me. Reach out Your healing hand to me, as You did in times past, knowing that You are still mighty to save. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Spiritual Restoration

Forgive me Father God, I have realised that I have become so engrossed in my own affairs and interests that I have wandered far away from You and my life seems to be pretty meaningless.

Thank You, Lord, that in Your grace You have sustained me thus far, but I know Father that I need to get my life back on a spiritual level. I do thank and praise You that in Your grace You have got my attention and made me realise my need to return back into a right relationship with You.

Thank You for sustaining me even when I had wandered far from You, and thank You that Your steadfast love never ceases and that Your tender mercies are new every morning. You are a great and faithful God. Help me I pray, to get a proper perspective on life and I ask that You would restore the joy of my salvation. Help me to keep my eyes looking to Jesus my feet firmly planted on the road of righteousness and peace. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Joyful Hearts

Father, in a world where there are so many difficult situations, troubled times and hurting hearts, we lift up those that are going through grievous times and entrust them into Your care. We pray that You would sustain them with Your sufficient strength and pour into their hearts the joy that only comes from You.
Thank You, that the joy of the Lord is our strength and that You have promised that Your grace is sufficient for all eventualities. Keep us all with our hearts fixed on You and instil in our hearts a joyful disposition so that we may bring comfort and cheer to those around us, and be salt and light to those that are facing troubles or difficulties. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Safe Travel During A Vacation

Loving Father, I thank You that You provide us with times when we are able to stand aside from the business of the world. It was You Who took Your own disciples aside to rest awhile, and I thank You for this vacation, so that I too may take time apart and gain physical refreshment and renewal. And not only physical Lord, but emotional and spiritual refreshment too.

As I set out on my vacation, I ask that You give me travelling mercies. Be with me Lord, as I set out on my journey and keep me from any unforeseen dangers or accidents that would cause anxiety or difficulties. Watch over me and protect me I pray, wherever I may be, whether among the busy crowds or during those times of quiet solitude.

I pray that this may be a time when I am replenished in body, mind and spirit, so that I may return home refreshed, renewed and ready to return to my daily work. Thank You, Lord, for Your generous provision. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Help With My Smoking Addiction

Dear Lord, I know that my smoking has become sinful because it is has such a strong hold over me. Lord, I confess that I have allowed my smoking to take over, and to rule my life, even allowing it to dictate to my God-given volition and will, and Father I know that this in not Your will for my life. I want to change and to give up smoking and ask for Your help in this matter.

So Lord, I humbly come to You asking to put my life into Your hands, so that it is Your will that is done in my life. Lord, I want what You know is best for my life and I know that being addicted to smoking is not what You would will for me. And so, into Your hands I surrender myself. I surrender my will to smoke into Your hands, and pray that moment by moment and in the power of Your Holy Spirit, I will give every desire to smoke into Your gracious hands and take captive this destructive craving. Thank You for loving me so much that You died to break the power of sin in my life, including this ungodly addiction that is so ruinous.

May Your will be done in my life. Give me the desire and the will to stop this addiction, and thank You Father, for hearing my prayer and for always being there for me. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Purity Of Heart And Humility

Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus Himself said that those who are pure in heart are truly blessed, but Lord I know that of myself I can never attain the standard of purity that You require. Lord, I know that only as I allow the Holy Spirit to live in me, work through me, teach and train me will I come to that purity of heart that only comes from You, as I am conformed into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus.

Lord, for too long I have been smugly comparing myself advantageously with others around me, and believing that I was pure in Your eyes. But now that I have come to realise that the only standard to which You are comparing me is the Lord Jesus, I humbly kneel before You, at the foot of Your throne and ask your forgiveness for my self-indulgent pride and ego-centricity. May I look to Jesus and live as He lived in spirit and truth, seeking only to do Your will and to live a life that honours You.

Search my heart and purify my thoughts, and may Your indwelling Holy Spirit identify any pride and self-importance that is lurking within. as You conform me day by day into the likeness of the Lord Jesus. Help me to make the right choices in my life, the choices that honour You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Restoration In Every Area Of Life

Heavenly Father, I feel I have wasted so many years of my life pursuing wrong things and getting involved with worldly activities, fleshly pursuits and the various temporary things of life, while neglecting the important spiritual issues, that are eternal and lasting.

I ask for Your forgiveness and pray that in Your grace You would restore to me the years that the locusts have eaten, the years that I have foolishly wasted.

Lord, I want to be a good and faithful servant when I stand before Your throne, and I know that most if not all of the good works I have done are likely to be burned up, knowing that I have been striving in the flesh instead of resting in You and letting Your Holy Spirit live and work through me. Restore to me the heavenly joy and inner peace that has been evading me. Help me to focus on the eternal rather than the temporal and from this day forward, may I start to live my life in a way that you would have me live. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Christmas Joy

Lord, as we enter the Christmas season, we want to take time to thank You for sending Your Son to be born as a baby and to become our Saviour, so that He can bring peace into the hearts of those that believe, and joy to those that find their hope in Him.
Lord, we know that only in Him is true peace and lasting joy to be found, and as we sing the Christmas carols and choruses this Christmas season, we pray that true joy would come into the world, and that many would find their peace. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For The Anxious Air Traveller

Loving Lord, I pray that You would be with me as I plan and prepare for this forthcoming journey. Lord, You know that I get anxious when I have to travel far from home, but this is a journey that I need to make.

Lord, I pray that You would guide me as I collect all the paperwork and pack my bags. I pray that I would not forget any important documents or any other necessities that I may need while I am away.

Lord, I pray that there will be no delays in the journey to the airport. I pray that I may find the right terminals and checkout, and that You would be with me as my ever present Helper. Give me Your peace in my heart as I have to go through the different check-points. And Lord, I pray that You would keep us safe as we take off and land. Oh Lord, I ask that it may be an enjoyable flight, despite my being a little nervous of flying. Thank You, Lord, that You will be with me throughout the whole journey. May I be filled with Your peace throughout the whole time.

Should there be someone that I sit next to that needs to know about You Lord, give me the courage to speak the truth about You. Thank You that You have promised to be with me wherever I travel. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Those That Are Addicted To Smoking

Heavenly Father, I bring before Your throne of grace all those that are seriously embroiled in any destructive addictions and particularly those that have become addicted to smoking.

Lord, I know that anything that is able to overtake a person's will and cause them to become physically or emotionally dependent on it, is not Your will for their life, for our dependence and sufficiency is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Lord, I know that in their own strength, no one will be able be set free from a smoking addiction, but Your grace is sufficient to deal with any addiction, and Your strength to overcome the obsession with smoking is made perfect when people are prepared to hand over their addictions to You and to surrender their obsessive habits into Your safe-keeping.

Father, I pray that You will be gracious to all those that are seeking Your face on this matter and who are prepared to turn their smoking obsession over to You and move forward in their lives in Your strength, by the power of the Spirit. In the name of Jesus I pray,


Purity Prayer, For God To Search My Heart

Heavenly Father, I long to be like Jesus and know that in myself I will always fall short of His standard of perfection and purity, but Lord I pray that You would examine my inner heart and secret thoughts and identify in me those areas that need to be rooted out, so that Christ may live in me and work through me to Your greater glory.

Give me the grace to recognise any impure areas in my life that need to be rooted out, and make me willing to engage in the painful process of having all that dishonours Your name cut away by the Holy Spirit’s scalpel of truth. Help me to keep the eyes of my heart fixed on Jesus Christ my Lord, and grant me the purity of heart and integrity of spirit that is becoming of a vessel fit for Your use.

Begin to search me today O Lord, know my heart, and see if there is any impurity of heart, evil intent or prideful thoughts. May I be willing to be stripped of everything that is not of You, so that I may be pure and holy in Your sight. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Restoration For The Years I Have Wasted

Father, I repent of the years that I have wantonly wasted. I desire to turn away from my misspent years and return to You with all my heart, and get back into a right relationship to You.

Lord, I know that I do not deserve to have this prayer answered, but I ask for the sake of Jesus Christ, Who died to pay the price for my sins that You would look down on me with pity and mercy and that You would forgive me of my sins and give me back those years I have lost, when I was walking in unbelief and wanton ignorance of Your love and grace towards me.

I know that I do not deserve Your kindness, but You are a good and gracious God, long-suffering and of great kindness. I pray that You would restore those lost years and ask that You would enable me to start to live a life that is honouring to You. I ask this in the name of Jesus,


Prayer For Inner Joy

Heavenly Father, I desire joy in the inner man, and Your Word warns us to be on our guard against all kinds of greed and covertness, knowing that life does not consist in the abundance of our possessions, but on our deepening relationship with You. And so I pray that I will be kept free from this toxic attitude of heart, which can too often steal our joy in the Lord and break our close communion with You.
Thank You that in Your presence is the fullness of joy, for You alone are my abiding hope and in Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Keep me looking to Jesus and away from the enticements of this world, and may Your joy and peace flood my inner being, knowing that the joy of the Lord is my health and strength. In Jesus' name,

A Prayer for Deep Abiding With My Heavenly Vine

Dear Father, Who art in heaven, thank You that You are my heavenly Husbandman and that You tend my life with such care and concern. Cleanse me and prune me, and take away anything that you discover in me that does not glorify Your holy name.

Thank You, Father, that I am a heavenly branch that is united to my heavenly Vine, the lovely Lord Jesus Christ. May His life flow through mine as sap flows through the branch that is engrafted into its parent stem. Fill me with His fullness so that I may live and move and grow and bear fruit as I abide more and more in Him. In Jesus' name,


“"I am the true vine, and My Father is the vineyard keeper.”
(John 15:1)

Prayer For Nurses And Nursing Staff

Dear Heavenly Father, how I thank You for those men and women who have dedicated themselves to nursing the sick and dying, and I pray that You would give them strength and grace as they tend to the ailments, injuries and sicknesses of so many people in their care.

Give them the strength and courage to be able to face the many hurts and health problems of those that come into their clinics or hospital, and I ask that You would give them wisdom and patience to tend to the sick with kindness, and to be able to minister graciously to those that are facing problems or severe illnesses.

Father, I pray that You would bestow on them the strength, dedication and skill that’s needed to face the many challenges to their nursing training and skills, especially when they are weary or tired. And I pray that You would use those nurses that are Your children to be a true witness to Your love and grace. In Jesus' name,


Purity Prayer To Flee Fornication

Dear Lord God, I seek a true inner purity that only comes from You and I come to You, knowing that I stand unclean, impure and wretched before Your perfect throne of purity and truth. Lord, I ask Your forgiveness for the way that I have not honoured You with my body, knowing that I have engaged in many impure acts and unchaste thoughts. I confess that I am unworthy to even kneel before Your perfect presence, and yet I do understand that Christ died to pay the price for all my sins and all my impurities. Thank You, that by believing in Jesus Who died to pay the price for all my sins, You have washed me clean from every dishonouring act. Thank You, Father.

Help me Lord, to flee fornication and all the accompanying evils that flow from illicit sexual relationships and unclean thoughts, knowing that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who dwells in me and lives within my heart. Help me to keep my outward actions and inner thoughts pure before Your eyes, whether I am in the public view or hid in a secret place, and away from the gaze of the world’s eye.

Purify the eyes of my heart and help me to keep the focus of my mind on the Lord Jesus, and develop in me I pray, thoughts, words, deeds and motives that are pure in Your sight and that will honour Your Holy name. In Jesus' name I pray,


“Flee from youthful passions, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.”
(2 Timothy 2:22)

Prayer For Godly Obedience

Thank You, God, that You are my Saviour. Thank You, Father, for Your Word of Truth and thank You, Lord, that You desire to transform all Your children into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus, as we depend on You for all things. Father, I want to live a godly life and live in humility of heart and in obedience to Your Word.

Lord, the eyes of my heart are on You and my confidence is in Your Word. Inspire, convict, teach and correct me I pray, through the Scriptures, and may I develop a teachable and correctable spirit, in submission to the leading and guidance of Your Holy Spirit.

Help me to look into the mirror of Your Word and let its truth search out areas in me that need to be rooted out. May I grow in humble obedience to Your ways and help me to reflect the love of the Lord Jesus in my walk and word. I ask this in Jesus' name,


A Prayer Of Joy

Heavenly Father, how I bless and thank You for the glad tidings of great joy that were given to all people, through that angelic host so many years ago. Thank You for Jesus, and the joy and peace that floods the hearts of all who have believed in Him, the rock of their Salvation.
Eternity is too short to praise and magnify Your glorious name for all Your goodness and love towards me, and to all who are called by Your name, for in You is the fullness of joy.
Help me to share this joy of knowing Jesus with all those who You place in my path, and I pray that throughout the world there may be many sinners today who are saved by grace through faith in the shed blood of Christ Jesus, so that they too may experience the joy which is freely available to all who believe in the gospel of grace. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Fruitful Life

Fill me, Father, with Your Spirit of the Vine, Christ Jesus my Lord. May I bring forth fruit, more fruit, much fruit to glorify Your Holy name. I pray in Jesus' name, my precious heavenly Vine,


“so that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing [to Him], bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God.”
(Colossians 1:10)

Nurses Prayer To God

Dear Lord, thank You for the great opportunity You have opened up for me to tend those that are sick and to nurse those that are ill. I pray for Your strength and wisdom to deal with the many different kinds of health difficulties and emotional problems that people are facing today. 

Lord, I want to be used by You to minister to those that come into my care and pray that You would give me the right words to say to those that are hurting, and the right treatment to those that are suffering.

Help me to be able to give hope to those that are worried and comfort to those that are sorrowing. Help me to lift up those that are weary and be compassionate and tender towards those that are upset.

Help me to be both compassionate and encouraging to all who cross my path and may my life demonstrate the joy of the Lord to all with whom I come in contact. I pray that I may be a real blessing in their lives and draw me ever closer to Your heart of love, as I continue in the work into which You have graciously placed me. In Jesus' name I pray,


Purity Prayer To Reflect The Love Of God

Thank You, Father God, that I have been made clean through the blood of my Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank You, that my sins have been washed away forever, and I pray that as I live the Christian life I may be continuously cleansed through the washing of the Word of God, for Your Word is pure and wholesome, Your Word is light and life. Sanctify me by Your Word of grace I pray.

Help me to look deeply into Your Word of truth, knowing that the more that I am washed and cleansed by the written Word of God, the more I will come to see the lovely face of the living Word of God, my beautiful Saviour, Jesus Christ my Lord.

I pray that my heart and mind may be purified daily by the cleansing flood that comes from You, and I pray that rivers of living water may flow from You through me to others, so that I may reflect the love of God in my life and point others to Christ. May the face of Jesus my Saviour be the only thing that others see in me, for I must decrease so that He may increase. I ask this in Jesus' name,


“about everything. Set an example of good works yourself, with integrity and dignity in your teaching.”
(Titus 2:7)

Prayer For An Obedient Heart

Father, we are not of this world system but have a heavenly inheritance, reserved for us in heaven, and so I pray that I will not longer be conformed into the pattern of this world and squeezed into its mould, but day be day be increasingly transformed into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Help me to take every thought captive and to surrender my heart and life to You in true obedience and godly humility. May we who are Your children be drawn closer to each other and to You as You do a good work in each of our lives. Build us up into a spiritual house I pray, where Christ is the cornerstone and may Your indwelling Holy Spirit, prompt and guide us, encourage and train us.

Lord, I surrender all I am to You today and pray that I may walk in newness of love and humble obedience all the days of my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Joy In Life

Loving Lord, how grateful we are for the many joys in life that You in Your grace have bestowed on us in such abundance. Thank You for the simple things in life and those that we so often take for granted, for flowers and food, for mountains and streams, for our senses and the many joys that we gain from seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching.
Thank You for the joy of friends and family, for the sun and rain the seasons and the many phases of the weather that bring such variety, refreshment, warmth and healing. Thank You for the joy of singing praises to You, and thank You, Father, for the Lord Jesus in Whom is the fullness of joy. In His name we pray,

Nurses Prayer - For Guidance And Grace

Dear Father God, please guide me as I begin my work today, I pray. Inspire and grant me Your grace and wisdom with all those that are sick and suffering, and use me to be a light in a darkened world and refreshment to souls that are weary.

Give me the grace to deal with whatever I may encounter today, and help me to be use of You to minister healing and help to hurting people, both physically and in other ways.

Use me I pray, to be Your hands, and help and guide me in the things that I should say and keep me I pray, from speaking out, when quietness would be more appropriate. I look to You as my help and guide in Whom I place my trust. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Purify My Heart Unto God

Purify my heart O Lord my God, for I love and trust You and desire to be set apart unto You, in holiness and righteousness all the days of my life. I desire to be holy for You are holy and You have called all Your children to be set apart unto You, and to be refined in the refining fires of Your purifying love and unimaginable grace, so that we may come forth as pure gold in Your sight.

Lord, it is my chief desire to be set apart unto You, “holy unto the Lord,” and ready to do Your will. Lord, I cannot do this in my own strength, but only in the power of the Holy Spirit, Who alone can take my bruised and bloodied heart and change me from the inside out to become more and more like Jesus. May I like Him, walk in spirit and truth and help me to seek to do only those things that are pleasing in Your sight and honouring to Your holy name. Guide me into all truth. Help me to lay aside all the encumbrances of this world that hinder my pursuit for purity. I ask this in the name of my precious Saviour, Jesus Christ my Lord,


“God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
(Psalm 51:10)

Prayer For A Trusting Obedience In Christ

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank You for dying for me on the cruel cross and I praise You Lord, for Your glorious resurrection from the dead and all that it means to me, a sinner who has been saved by grace through faith in Christ.

Help me I pray, to trust You no matter what I am called upon to do. Give me the will to step out in faithful obedience on those occasions when I am called to say or do something that is outside of my comfort zone and to follow in the path of those like Queen Esther, who was called for such a time as this.

Help me to step out in faith and not to fear that which I am called upon to undertake, knowing that we have not been given the spirit of fear but of power and love and of a sound mind. Keep my heart open to Your promptings help to grow in my faith, and obedience to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Joy In Work

Dear Lord, thank You for my job and workmates, and thank You that I am able to provide for all my needs and nescessities and those of my family.
Lord, I want to carry out my work each day to honour You and so I not only ask that You would continue to provide me with the strength, wisdom and grace I need to fulfil the many tasks and duties I am required to do each day, but that I may carry out my responsibilities with an inner peace and a joyful disposition, to Your praise and glory.
Thank You that the joy of the Lord is my strength, and I pray that my work colleagues and all with whom I come in contact may see the love of Jesus flowing through me and desire to have the joy that of knowing Him as Saviour brings, so that they too may be drawn into saving faith in Him. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For All Believers

Loving Lord, thank You that Jesus came to die for the sins of humanity, and those that trust in Him will not be condemned but have eternal life. Thank You, Lord, that all believers are part of Your body, that You bought us all with a price, and that our citizenship is in heaven with You for evermore.

Lord, I bring every member of Your Body to You in prayer and Lord, I pray that as the day gets increasingly more evil, that You will guard and guide all those that have been purchased with the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sanctify Your body Lord, sanctify Your Church I pray with the washing of the cleansing water that comes from Your Word. Purify all those that are Your children. Help each one to draw ever closer in these difficult days so that they may be presented to You a holy Church, a sanctified Body, without any stain or wrinkle or any other sort of blemish. May Your church be set apart for You, perfect and blameless in all things.

Draw every one of Your children closer to You in thought and word and deed, to Your praise and Your honour. In Jesus' name I pray,


Nurses Prayer - For Nursing Colleagues

Father God, I thank You that You have brought me into this great profession of nursing and I pray that You would be with me today and with all my nursing colleagues. Give each one of us the strength and gentleness we need to deal with the many and varied duties we will be called upon to face today.

Lord, I ask that You would give me and each of my nursing colleagues the patience, wisdom and the grace to deal with the people with whom we will come in contact today and an understanding of how to deal with the varied ailments and illness that they are facing. Give each of us a gentle attitude and the ability to allay unfounded fears, calm troubled hearts and support those that are weary and afraid.

Help us all to demonstrate a genuine care for our patients and may our actions and attitudes give the reassurance and comfort that so many seek. Help us to understand the fears that so often flood the minds of the patient who come under our particular charge, and I pray that You would give me an opportunity to share forth Your love, both by my words and in my actions. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For My Unborn Baby

Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You for the little baby that is growing in secret, inside of me. Lord, this is such a wonderful miracle and I give thanks and praise for what You have done in me.

Lord, we truly are fearfully and wonderfully made and to realise that You have scheduled every day of our precious baby’s life already is a wonderful thought. I pray Lord, that You would protect this little one as he or she is being prepared to be born into the world. Place Your hand of blessing upon them and I pray that they will grow up to know and love You, Lord Jesus.

Prepare me too Lord for parenthood, and give me wisdom and grace as I get ready for the day when a new little life will be born into the world. Thank You for giving me the privilege of being the parent of this little baby. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Spiritual Wisdom And Obedience

Lead me Lord, in the righteous path that You would have me go and help me not to rely on my own human knowledge and strength, but help me to depend implicitly on Your godly wisdom and power, knowing that we do not fight against flesh and blood but against principalities and spiritual powers in high places.

Lord, I know that I am not to live by worldly might or fleshly power but by Your Spirit, and so help me I pray, to stand against the evil tactics of the enemy and to withstand his fiery darts and satanic strategies. Endue me with the spiritual wisdom to fight the fight of faith in my life, and may I obediently stand firm in the evil day, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith as I abide in Him and He in me. It is in His name that I pray,


Prayer For Joy Of The Lord

Loving Lord, as the world situation seems to get worse by the day I cling to You more closely than ever before and thank You that You are in control of my life, and that nothing can separate me from the love  of God, which is in Christ Jesus my Lord.
Father, flood my heart with Your perfect peace that passes understanding and may I be immersed in Your joy, knowing that the joy of the Lord is my strength for today and my bright hope for tomorrow, for I know that when I am weak, then I am strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
But Lord, I ask this not only for myself but for all those that I love and for all my brothers and sisters in Christ, many of whom are facing various difficulties and escalating dangers in these increasingly problematic times.
Thank You, that as Your children we can all cling to Your faithful promises which are new every morning. Thank You, for the joy of being in Christ. Thank You, that the joy of the Lord is our strength. In Jesus' name,

A Nurses Prayer In Difficult Times

Dear Lord, give me an understanding heart I pray, and a fill my lips with words of comfort and encouragement, as I deal with the nursing duties that I am called upon to do, and especially Lord, when I am confronted with uncooperative patients or unsympathetic doctors.

Be with me I pray, as I care for the patients in my charge today, and I ask that You would guide my tongue from hasty words. Give me grace and wisdom, when I am called upon to deal with the irritations of patients that complain and make me sensitive towards those that try to hide their fears behind a mask of indifference.

Let Your love shine through me today, and pour Your compassion into my heart, so that I may bring comfort and joy into the lives of different people today.

Lord, I pray that I may do my very best today, simply because You are there to lead and guide in all things. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For My Unborn Grandchild

Heavenly Father, I do praise and thank You for my children and for bringing them safely to adulthood, and what a joy it is to know that this thrilling gift of new human life has been given to my own child, as we wait for the birth of their unborn baby, my own little grand-child.

How wonderful to realise that this, as yet unborn treasure, is a gift of God’s grace to our family. How precious to realise that this little baby is created in Your image, for which I thank and praise You.

Guard and protect I pray, this little life from all dangers and complications as he or she is being formed in the womb, and I pray that Your hand of blessing and grace may rest upon the whole family. Lord, I just want to say thank You for this little grand-child and for the joy that has already flooded our hearts as we wait in anticipation for the day when this new little person will join our family circle. In Jesus name,


Prayer For Daily Obedience

Dear Heavenly Father, I want to live godly in Christ Jesus and I ask that You would help me to develop an attitude of obedience to Your will and an increasing trust in Your Word.

Help me to grow in grace, and to develop the right godly practice and scripture purpose in life, so that You are lifted up in my heart and glorified in all I do.

May I learn to praise You without ceasing and to develop an attitude of prayfulness – and help me to be obedient to carry out all that I am called to do as a child of God – so that You increase as I decrease.


Prayer For An Abiding Joy

Heavenly Father, what a comfort to read of the prophets of old who despite the difficulties and dangers that they were called upon to face, were able to rejoice in the Lord and trust in Your never-failing faithfulness.
I pray that like them, I too may receive Your abiding joy and discover like them, that the joy of the Lord is my strength and that the peace that comes from You is an abiding peace that enables me to overcome all difficulties of life, in the power of Your Holy Spirit.
So fill my heart with Your abiding joy so that I may rejoice in life’s circumstances, in periods of plenty and during those seasons when I have very little, in times of hardship as well as those times of great sufficiency.
Thank You, that I am Your child and You are my Father and sovereign Lord. May my heart rejoice in good times and in bad, and may Your abiding  joy and perfect peace find residence in my heart, as I rest in Your love and trust in Your unfailing goodness. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For People Who Love The Lord Jesus

What a wonderful friend and Saviour You are Lord Jesus, for You have carried our grief, paid the price for our sin and have bestowed on us the riches of Your grace, simply because we have trusted the Lord Jesus as Saviour.

Lord, we deserve nothing and yet You have seated us in heavenly places in Christ. We are members of the household of God and citizens of heaven. And thank You, Lord, that You given us the indwelling Holy Spirit as a down-payment for our glorious inheritance in Christ, and that during our sojourn in this world You are our ever present help in time of trouble.

Pour into the hearts of all our brothers and sisters in Christ, Your perfect peace that transcends our limited understanding. Where there are trials, may we find our rest in You. Where there is discouragement, give each one Your hope. Where there is sadness, supply Your joy to each of Your children, the joy that only comes from You, for the joy of the Lord is indeed our strength. And Father, may Your love flood into the hearts of all those that are called by Your holy name.

Where there are temptations, give us Your strength to withstand in the evil day, and when we are heavy laden, may we cast all our cares upon You, knowing that You care for so deeply. Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer To Sell Out Home In A Stagnant Market

Father, we bring the sale of our home to You, knowing that the failing economy, many foreclosures and a dearth in the housing market is causing the sale of our house to be very difficult.

But Father, we trust in You and place our home and our future lives into Your hands. Lord, we ask that You would bring the right people to purchase our home at the right time. We want to trust You in all things and pray that no matter what happens, we will keep our eyes fixed and focussed upon You.

Lord, You know our needs and the fears that surface at times and I ask that Your peace would flood our hearts as we rest in Your promises to be with us in all the difficulties of life, including this house sale.

Lord, into Your hands we place our home and our future. Help us to trust You in all things. In Jesus' name we pray.


Prayer Of Thanks For My Unborn Baby

In the name of the Lord Jesus, I bring my unborn child to You Lord, and thank You for this gift of grace that has been granted to me. Lord, You have heard my prayers as you did Hannah in the Bible, and have granted me the privilege of bringing a new little life into the world. I pray that my pregnancy may be free of complications and that my little baby will be born perfectly healthy and complete.

Lord, I pray that your hand of grace would be on this child, not only in the womb but once he is born. May he come to know and love You Lord, and grow into a strong and healthy little child who comes to know the Lord Jesus as his Saviour.

Father, I thank and praise You for all the great things that you have done for me, and for all the things as yet unknown that You have in store for us all. Lord, I love you and stand in awe of the wonderful miracle of life that is growing inside of me and I lift up my hands to praise Your glorious name. 


Prayer For My Son’s Personal Holiness

How I thank You for my son and the joy that he has brought into my life, but Lord know that this precious child of mine has been entrusted to me by You and I pray that You will enable me to bring him up in the fear and nurture of the Lord.

I pray, that he will come to know and love You more with each passing year and that he will grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus. I ask that You will work in his life to conform him into the image and likeness of the Lord, so that it is Christ that is living in him and working through him.

Keep him I pray, from the lust of the flesh and the enticements of the world and give him a deep and ongoing love of Your Word and a desire to know the truth of Scripture. Lead him into the paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. Help him to stand fast in the evil day. This I ask in the precious name of Jesus, who died that we might live,


Prayer For The Joy Of Companionship

Thank You, Lord, for the joy of companionship and thank You, that You have placed dear friends and Christian companions in each of our lives. What a joy it is to meet and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
But thank You also Lord, that we have such a wonderfully faithful friend in Jesus, who is our never-failing companion, and Who has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. Thank You, that He is with us in every season of life and will never fail us, even during those times when we are forgetful or foolish. Thank You for the daily comfort and precious companionship of the One Who will never let us down.
Thank You, that in Christ we have received newness of life and become a new creation in Him. What a friend we have in Jesus, what joy to know His companionship throughout our earthly life, all praise to His name.

Prayer For Those That Are Lost And Without Hope

Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, I know that it is not Your will that anyone should perish, but that all should come to faith in Jesus Christ. But Lord, there are so many that are dead in their trespasses and sins, separated from You Lord, because they have not trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as their one and only sacrifice for sin. Look down in pity on all those who have not come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus.

Lord, I pray that Your Holy Spirit would convict many men and women of their sin, and their need to trust the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Open many hearts we pray, to accept that only the blood of the sinless Lord Jesus is good enough to pray the price of humanities sins.

Help them to understand that only the righteous Son of God and the perfect Son of Man, the Lord Jesus Christ, was good enough to pay the high price required for the redemption of the world. That only His blood was could wipe away the guilt of us all. 

Be merciful Lord, and bring many who are unbelieving into a right relationship with Jesus, so that they too may receive the joy of Your Salvation. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For An Unborn Baby To Know Jesus

Praise Your name and thank You Father, for the little baby that is about to be born. Lord, we pray that you would protect this little infant that is being knit together in their mother’s womb, and we pray Lord that You would undertake for a safe delivery at the right time.

Thank You, that You know every intimate detail of this little life and we pray that by Your grace You would open the best path for this little one to take. May this baby grow up to know and love the Lord Jesus, which will make them wise unto salvation, as did young Timothy who was taught the holy Scriptures at the knee of his mother and grandmother.

We pray Your protection and grace for this little baby who is shortly to take their place in the world, and ask that they may grow in wisdom and understanding, finding grace and favour with man and God.

Guard and protect both mother and child as the day for delivery draws ever closer and keep them from all the perils and dangers of this life, looking to Jesus in Whom is life and light and help and wholeness. We ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For My Son In Time Of Trouble

Thank You, Lord, for my son and I place him into Your blessed hands at this time of trouble, and ask that You would help him to face this season of difficulty with courage and a hope in Christ that will not be shaken, even though the storms of life are raging all around.

I pray that he will keep the Lord Jesus as the anchor of his soul, and that he will maintain both an unwavering trust in Your Word, and a quiet, restful state of mind, despite the mountainous difficulties he is facing and hurtful people that seem to have invaded his life at this time.

May he find his strength in You, together with an abiding peace and deep comfort. Prevent him I pray, from trying to take matters into his own hands in these troublesome times, but rather may he discover Your perfect peace in his heart and gain sufficient strength from Your Word, as he rests and remains in Your love. This I ask in the name of my Saviour, Jesus Christ,


Prayers For Joy And Laughter

Dear Lord Jesus, there are so many sad and troublesome things to face in the world today, which too often cause our hearts to become weighed down with difficulties and doubts, but I pray that Your joy would fill my heart and strengthen my soul, and that times of joyful laughter would replace those seasons of weeping and hardship.
I pray that in Christ, I may be clothed in strength and dignity, wisdom and grace and that I may be enabled to laugh in the storms and not to fear the future, knowing that my times are in Your hands. You have promised to draw near to each one of us, and be with us in every circumstance of life that may come our way.
I pray that Your joy and laughter may flow through me to others who are facing similar difficulties and hardships, and that together we may maintain an ever deepening trust in You, as we look for Your any day return to take us to be with Yourself. This I ask in Jesus' name,

A Prayer For My Sick Child

Loving Lord Jesus, You are the good Shepherd of the sheep and You are the One Who carries the little lambs in Your arms and gently cares for those that are weak and afraid. Lord, it is so hard to watch a child in distress and feel helpless to aid them, but I pray Lord, that You would safely carry this little child and tend for him/her as only You can.

I lift up this precious child to You, and ask for Your healing power to permeate through their frail body and return them to radiant health and strength. Relieve all the symptoms of this unpleasant illness that has invaded this little body. Guard my child from danger and may he/she respond to Your healing touch on their life.

Thank You, that You are a God Who cares and loves little children and that You hear and answer prayers. Keep this precious lamb enfolded in Your arms and resting on Your bosom. Raise him/her back to full health I pray, and we will give You all the thanks and praise for You alone are worthy.


Prayer to God - My Saviour And Provider

Father, I come before You humbly to ask that in Your grace and wisdom You would enable us to sell our home and to move to the place to which You are calling us to go.

Lord I know that Jesus Christ alone is our mediator between God and man, and it concerns me that so many people consider praying to saints or reciting ‘incantation’ type prayers to try to help sell their homes. Father, I confess Christ crucified as my only Saviour and one and only Mediator, and it is in His name alone that I come to You today to pray that You would guide us as we come to sell our house.

Give us wisdom as we put this house into the hands of a selling agency, and we pray that You would go ahead and prepare the way for the right person to come at Your time and in Your way to buy this house. Lord, You know my needs and those of my family and it is to You alone that I cry at this time and plead for your grace in time of need.

Lord, I pray that Your will be done in this part of my life, and that You would give me the strength and wisdom to trust You in all things, for You alone are worthy. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Blessing For Unborn Child In The Womb

Heavenly Lord, You are the author of life and we pray Your blessing and protection over this little life that is developing in its mother’s womb. We pray that you would grant an uncomplicated pregnancy and a healthy birth and we bless You for the beauty of new life.

Guard and protect the mother and fill her heart with longing and expectation as it draws closer to her time of delivery, and instil in her a sense of wonder and awe at the miracle of life that is being formed within her body.

Give grace we pray to the father, who by Your favour has fathered this child. Grant him strength, wisdom and the courage to engage in all godly responsibilities toward his family. May he lead his family into the path of righteousness, becoming a genuine example of man of God.

Draw near to each one and may this little life that is soon to take up his or her position within the home and family, be nurtured in the things of God and come to trust the Jesus as Lord and Saviour, in Whose name we pray,


Prayer For The Gift Of Knowledge

Heavenly Father, You have told us in Your Word that if anyone lacks the knowledge and wisdom that we need, we ought to ask You in faith, because You have promised to give liberally to all who come to You, trusting Your promises.
Lord, there are so many things that I do not understand and so much that is happening in our world, that I come to You to ask for that precious gift of wisdom and knowledge. Your Word says that Your people perish for lack of knowledge, and I pray that You would supply me with all that I need to live the life that You would have me live, in spirit and truth, being as gentle as a dove but yet being as wise as a serpent.
Enlighten my understanding and provide me with the knowledge that I need each day, so that I can step out into the future, confident that I am in Your will. Lord, I just ask that You provide what I need day by day, trusting You to oversee all my choices and praying that You would guide me along my life-path, to Your praise and glory.
As I search the scriptures daily, I pray that You would teach me Your ways and empower me to stand firm in the evil day, knowing that Your grace is sufficient for every eventuality that I may have to face. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Friend Selling Their House

Thank You, Father, that you are interested in all the affairs of the lives and futures of all Your children, and Lord I bring before You my dear friends who are seeking to sell their home. I pray that they will cast all their cares upon You and not to become anxious about selling their home, knowing that You are in control of every part of their life. Help them to maintain their trust in You at all times, knowing that selling a house in this present economic climate can become quite a worry, when we do not cast all our burdens upon You.

Help them not to be anxious about anything, but in prayer and supplication may they present their petitions before Your throne of grace and make their needs known to You, with thanksgiving in their hearts, knowing that You are the One Who alone directs our lives and knows the desires and needs of our hearts and lives.

Maintain their trust in You I pray, throughout the entire house sale, and I pray that Your hand of blessing would continue to be on them, leading and guiding them in the decisions they have to make in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Thanks For My Work Colleagues

Heavenly Father, I want to lift up all of my work colleagues to You, and pray Your grace and blessings on each one. Thank You, that you have placed me alongside these men and women, and I pray that You would give me the wisdom and words to glorify God in all I say and do. May the attitude I display towards each of these work colleagues be kind, gracious and seasoned with salt, so that I may honour Your holy name.

May I be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is in me when asked, and I pray that my life may be a true witness to Your grace and loving-kindness. Lord, I know that as Your child, my life is to be an open letter that speaks of You. Give me wisdom to know when to open my mouth and when to remain silent, and keep me I pray, from displaying actions and attitudes that would discredit Your holy name.

Thank You, Lord, for those of my workmates that already know You as Saviour. May they grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But I also lift up those colleagues of mine that have not accepted Jesus as their Saviour. I pray that many may come to trust in the finished work of Calvary and the blood of Christ Jesus our Lord, and turn to You as the their Saviour. This I ask in the name of Jesus,


Prayer Of Dedication For My Baby Son

Heavenly Father, I come to You with thanksgiving in my heart and praise and bless You for the birth of my baby son and the great joy that he is to us.

Thank You for the heritage and gift of children, and like Hannah in the Bible, I want to dedicate my precious son to You Lord. I consecrate his little life to You and pray that You would give me the wisdom to bring him up to know and love the Lord Jesus as his Saviour.

I give him to You Lord, and thank You that you have lent him to me for the first and vital season of his life. Protect him I pray, and keep him from all forms of evil. May he grow up to be a mighty man of God in the days to come. This I ask in the name of Jesus,


Prayer Before Studying

Heavenly Father, prepare my heart I pray, and help me to be diligent in my studies. I ask that my mind would be receptive to the truths that I am learning, and that I would be able to retain and recall what I am reading, and come to a deeper understanding of all that I am learning.
Give me a keen desire to study, a heightened understanding of what I am learning, and develop in me the ability to remain alert in spirit, soul and body during this time of intense concentration. And Lord, I pray that You would develop in me a teachable spirit, an enquiring mind, and the ability to apply what I am learning in my life. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For The Church - The Body Of Christ

Loving Father, thank You that we are Your children and have become joint-heirs with Christ Jesus, simply because we believed on His holy name.

Be with the Church Lord, for we have become united with You and are now all members of Your body. Lord, I pray that the Church of God may become one in unity with Christ and with each other, just as You Lord are in loving fellowship with the Father.

May we hold to the things of this world lightly, knowing that our citizenship is in heaven. Keep us from hankering after the things of this world, but rather may we find our peace and joy and rest in You alone.

Give each member a loving thankful heart and one that lives in willing submission to each other, and to You. Sanctify Your Body I pray, and wash each one of us clean with the water of the Word of God day by day, so that we may one day be presented to the Father without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. Help us Lord, to live out our lives in a way that is pleasing to You. In in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Vindictive Work Colleagues

Heavenly Father, You know the very difficult time I am having at work and of the work colleagues who are so unkind and so difficult, who are seeking to do all they can to cause me problems and to discredit me in front of the management. Father, I come to You in prayer to ask for Your grace and strength so that I may face this ongoing barrage of daily criticism and cruelty with the spirit of Christ Jesus my Lord.

Father, I know that the Lord Jesus told us to love our enemies and to pray from those that persecute us and despitefully use us. Help me to have a forgiving heart and to pray as Jesus did on the cross about those that were crucifying Him, “Father forgive them…” Spark in my heart Your spirit of forgiveness and Lord, I do truly ask Your blessing on them. Lord, I pray that they may come to know Jesus and that the hatred that they have in their hearts towards me may turn to a love for Jesus, and result in salvation for their souls.

Give me wisdom to know how to respond. Keep me from displaying fear or anger, but rather, may I show gentleness of spirit and grace in action that only comes from You. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient for this trial, and may You be glorified as I face these work colleagues in Your strength. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For My Son To Accept Christ As Saviour

Heavenly Father, I lay the future of my son before You and pray that in a wonderful way the Holy Spirit may convict him of his need of You and I pray that he may come to know You as his Lord and Saviour.

Lord, I love my son so much, but he has not taken the step to ask You into his life and seems to be disinterested in the things that are eternal. Father, he has been infected by much that is in the world today, and it grieves me to know that my son does not know You Lord, as His Saviour and Friend.

I pray Lord, that whatever it takes, that You would work a mighty work within His heart. I pray that he will come to a realisation of his need of a Saviour and the need to have his sins forgiven. Thank You that You died for my son on the cross, and I pray with my whole heart that he will not reject You forever, but will be brought to his knees before You, repent of his sins and acknowledge You as His Redeemer.

Father, I pray that whatever it takes that You would work in the life of my son to draw Him into Your heavenly kingdom. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Retain Biblical Knowledge

Dear Heavenly Father, I love Your Word and I thank You for the wisdom and understanding that You have graciously given me.
I love reading the Bible and learning of You. It thrills me to talk of Jesus with others, and gossip the gospel of grace, but I often find that I cant recall biblical truths that I have been taught and scriptural references that I have read.
Lord, I pray that You would help me to retain, remember and recall the biblical knowledge that I have, and be able to recall the lovely truths of Your Word that I have been shown. Help me to recall scripture verses and retain biblical truths, and teach me more of Your love and grace. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer For The Men And Women In The Military

Lord, thank You for the men and women in our armed forces. I pray Your protection over each one as they carry out their various duties in defence of our country. Wherever they are in the world, I pray that You would lead and protect them from all the forces of evil.

I pray Your protection over each individual and every regiment and crew. May they be equipped to carry out their duties in a manner that is pleasing to You. 

I pray that those that are in authority over military matters, would make their decisions based on Your truths and be kept from implementing worldly philosophies and unbiblical attitudes on our troops.

Be with every believer in the military who has accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. I pray that the actions that they are required to make, will not compromise their trust in You.

I also pray that those who have made a commitment to live their lives as unto You, will be able to witness to all those who are living and working alongside them. Keep each one safe, and may each one grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanks For Baptism In The Spirit

Thank You, Father, that I am born again and that You have saved me form sin and death, through Christ Jesus my Lord, that I have been born from above in spirit and truth.

Lord, I just want to thank You for the wonderful things that took place the moment that I trusted in Jesus as Saviour.

Thank You, that You transferred me from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Your dear Son.
Thank You, that I am accepted in Christ Jesus, Your beloved Son and have been clothed in His righteousness –
Thank You that I have become a child of God and been made a joint-heir with Jesus.
Thank You that in Him I am seated in heavenly places and that I have become eternally secure, having been given eternal life, by faith in Jesus Christ my Saviour.
Thank You also for the understanding that the moment that I was born again, Your Holy Spirit baptised me, once and forever, into the body of Christ, that He placed me eternally into that body of believers that is called the Church.
Thank You for this precious baptism into Christ and may I learn to grow in grace and in a knowledge Him Who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Fill me day by day with Your Spirit. Lead and guide me in the days that lie ahead and thank You that in Christ I am saved by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone and that He did it all and it is finished. In Jesus' name I pray,


“For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body-whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free-and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.”
(1 Corinthians 12:13)

Prayer For Me To Work Nearer Home

Heavenly Father, I do thank you for graciously providing this job for me so that I in turn can fend for my own family, but Lord, it means that I am having to work far away from my home, with long spells apart from family, and this is placing quite a strain on all of us.

Lord, it was You who instituted marriage and You were the one that ordained that a man and woman would live together and be united as one, but we are constantly separated and this is hard to bear. Please look on our situation and I ask that You would move me to a job closer to home, which will enable me to spend more time with the family and not to be apart for so long at a time.

Keep me patient as I wait Your good and perfect time and give me I pray, Your sufficient strength. Keep us ever looking to You as the rock upon which our life and family is founded. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Fulfilment In Life

Dear Father, You are my fortress and my dwelling place in Whom I find rest and contentment. Before the mountains were brought forth or the earth was formed, You were and are and always will be the eternal I Am, from everlasting to everlasting, for there is no God like unto You. Your wisdom is unsurpassed and Your loving–kindness is new every morning.

What is man that You are mindful of him when a thousand ages in Your sight is but a day in Your economy, for the span of our lives is swept away in a moment in time and passes quickly away like the morning dew. And yet You have put eternity into the heart of man and breathed Your own life-breath into our spirit.

Praise Your name for we are fearfully and wonderfully made and every day of our lives is scheduled by You and recorded in Your book of remembrances. You know my very thoughts and search out the paths I take and all my ways are known to You.

Help me to live as unto You, and to do only those things that are pleasing in Your sight. May I run the race of life set before me and keep my eyes on Jesus moment by moment, so that I may fulfil Your will for my life to Your praise and glory. This I ask in the name of the Lord Jesus,


Prayer For Bible Knowledge

Loving Lord, I desire to learn more of You and have a heart and mind that is focussed upon Jesus. I long to grow in grace and in a knowledge of Him, and so I pray that You would develop in me a deep desire to diligently study Your Word and learn to apply the truths and principles within my own life, to Your praise and glory.
But Father, I don’t just want to have a head knowledge of biblical statistics, but a heart knowledge of biblical truth and godly love. I want to live my life in a way that is pleasing to You, and be used by You as a witness to Your grace and goodness, as a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable unto You.
Help me to read and retain all that I learn from Your Word, and may I learn to live like the Lord Jesus, in total dependence upon You, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Those That Are Away From Home

Loving Lord, I bring to you all those in the military who are serving away from their homes and families. Protect each one I pray, and keep them away from the temptations of the flesh, which can be so destructive and enticing, when they are far from home and missing their loved ones. Guard and guide each one in the decisions they make, and keep them from becoming hard and cynical in the tough training and life in which they are required to participate.

Bless each one and protect their families while they are separated in the defence of their countries. Bring each one back home into the arms of their loved ones, I pray.

Lord, for those that do not know You, raise up men and women and friends and strangers if necessary, to share the gospel with them. I pray that many in the military forces, both in this country and abroad, come to trust the Lord Jesus as Saviour. In Jesus' name, 


Prayer For My New Life In Christ Through Water Baptism

Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You with my whole being that I was baptised into the body of Christ when I was born into the family of God. Thank You for the wonderful opportunity to declare my new-found faith in Christ and my new life in Him, by going down into the waters of baptism as an outward sign of death, and coming up out of the waters as an outward sign of the inward change that took place in me at my rebirth.

I pray that as I prepare my heart to be baptised, that my baptism may be a true outward declaration to the world of my inwards change of heart and status in Christ, Who lifted me out of the miry clay and has seated me together with Christ in heavenly places.

Lord, may my water baptism truly demonstrate to the world the beautiful spiritual baptism that took place the moment I first believed, when I trusted Christ as Saviour and was born again by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I pray that going down into the baptismal waters may demonstrate to all that I have been crucified in Christ and died to the old life with Him on the cross. And may this water baptism demonstrate to all concerned that I have risen-up into newness of life in Christ Jesus my Lord.

Praise You Holy name! In Jesus name I pray,


“Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the pledge of a good conscience toward God) through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”
(1 Peter 3:21)

Prayer At The Start Of The Working Day

Heavenly Father, thank You for this new day and for the opportunities and challenges that will inevitably come my way. Lord, I pray that You would be with me in all I say and do, and help me to be a light shining in a dark place, where the Lord Jesus is seen in me.

Keep my mind alert and give me wisdom to know when to speak and when to remain silent. Guard the choices I make and may I rely on the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit, for Lord I know that You know the best plan for my life and I trust You to carry it out to its completion.

I ask Your special blessing on each of my work colleagues, and if an opportunity arises to witness about the truth of Scripture, help me to be ready to speak, slow to anger and able to share the truth of the gospel of grace, willing and ready to give an answer for the faith I have in You. Be my guard and guide in all things and may today be a day when You are glorified in my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For An Abundant Life

Thank You, Father, that Christ is the good Shepherd of the sheep and that in Him we have life and we have it in great abundance.

Thank You, that the Lord Jesus gave His life so that through Him, we might have newness of life and fullness of life, and thank You that He is the One that cares for each of His own and that there is nothing that can snatch us out of His hand.

I thank You that no matter what difficulties or dangers I face, the life I have in Christ is a superabundant life, with eternal consequences.

Thank You, that only in Christ does my earthly life have true meaning and I pray that the life that I now live in this body of flesh may be lived by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me. I pray that this life may be honouring to You, in thought word and deed. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Knowledge At Work

Father, I thank You for my work, knowing that You created us to live useful and productive lives, while providing for the needs and necessities of our families as well.
So many things in my work life are changing, and knowledge and professional skills constantly need to be updated and improved, and so I ask Lord, that you would equip me with the necessary knowledge, training and skills so that I can continue to carry out my work load productively and to the best of my ability.
Bless the labours of my hand. Protect and provide I pray, for my family, and may I be used by You to show the love of Jesus to my managers, colleagues and work-mates, so that Christ is glorified in all I do. This I ask in Jesus' name,

A Prayer Of Preparation For My Job Interview

Loving Father, I have been called to a job interview and I ask that You guide me in this important appointment.

I pray, Lord, that You will help my mind to be clear, give me wisdom as I make the necessary preparations, and remain with me, for in You is my trust. Fill me with Your peace and remain in my heart throughout the whole process, I pray.

Lord, if it is Your will, may I find grace in the eyes of the interviewing team, and to You be all the praise and glory.


Prayer Of Thanksgiving

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that we who trust in the Lord Jesus as our Lord and Savour and are all part of your heavenly family, will one day be spending eternity together with You in our glorified bodies, when You will wipe away all tears from our eyes.

Thank You for the love and support that we are able to share together as we rejoice in our wonderful Salvation, and look forward to our eternal position in the heavenly Jerusalem in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Thank You, that through the work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, our sins have been forgiven. Thank You that in Your grace, You have clothed us in His righteousness and seated us together with Christ Jesus in heavenly places. Thank You that when we are tired and weary, we may come to You for rest and thank You that no matter what problems and difficulties overtake our lives, You have promised to be with us always, even to the end of the age.

Thank You that You have promised to supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory. Help us individually and collectively to encourage, edify and uplift each other as we wait for that wonderful day when Jesus will come to take us to be with Himself into heaven. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Persecution At Work

Father, I do thank You for the privilege we have in coming to Your throne of grace in prayer, so that we may seek You for help and comfort in time of need. Lord, I come to You today and lift up my work colleagues in prayer, who have singled me out as a target for persecution, simply because I believe in Your name. Lord, we are called to bless those that persecute us, to turn the other cheek, to bless and not to curse and so I ask Your blessing on each colleague who is doing all they can to bully and shame and humiliate me. Give me Your strength and grace to face this persecution each day and enable me, by Your Spirit, to love them and not to hate them, to bless and not to curse.

Father, I know that much can be wrought through prayer and I recognise that this is a spiritual battle that needs to be fought on my knees, and so I ask that by Your Holy Spirit You would turn this difficult situation into victory against the enemy, who seeks to destroy and isolate us. Lord, however long it takes, I pray that You would turn the hearts of those that are persecuting me, and warm them with the Spirit of truth. Convict them I pray, of their need of a Saviour.

Father, in my heart I know that the sarcasm, humiliation and persecution that I receive is in reality hatred against You and the Lord Jesus. Thank You, that You have deemed me worthy to fellowship in Your suffering. Turn this situation I pray, into one that glorifies Your holy name. In Jesus' name,


Prayer To Live In Newness Of Life

Father, we live in a world that is tainted by sin and a world that is becoming more and more evil, but I thank You that I have been made a new creation in Christ, and have been given a new life in Him.

I thank You that despite the difficulties I face in this God-rejecting sinful world, that my inner man is being renewed day by day, by the power of Your indwelling Holy Spirit.

I praise and thank You that although this mortal body is perishing and will one day die, that in Christ I have been given eternal life and am enabled to mount up with eagles wings and overcome all difficulties through His sufficient strength.

Keep me from being conformed to the pattern of this world, and help me to live in newness of life until my life’s end. I pray that I may be transformed by the renewing of my mind and enabled to test and approve what God's good, pleasing and perfect will is, in all I say and do. To Him be all praise and glory.


Prayer For Knowledge In School

Heavenly Father, we pray for schools and families whose children attend the different educational establishments, and we ask that You would look down in mercy and grace on both staff and pupils in the various schools, colleges and places of learning in our country and throughout the wider world.
We pray that truth would be taught in our schools, and that true knowledge and godly wisdom would become increasingly evident in the lessons and lectures. We pray for those students whose faith may become undermined by the wisdom of the world, and we ask that You would hold these young people steady to the Biblical knowledge and the unchanging fundamentals of life upon which we stand.
Direct and govern the schools and educational establishments of our land, and equip both staff and students with a knowledge and understanding of God’s Word and a desire for the truth. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For God’s Support In An Interview

Dear Lord, help me I pray, to be composed and calm as I go into the interview room. Keep my mind clear and my heart at peace as I face this challenge, and help me to answer the questions clearly and without hesitating or fumbling over my words.

Lord, You know that I am quite nervous about this interview as I really hope I will be appointed, but I ask that I may rest my soul in You, for You are my strength and my sufficiency.

Thank You that You are interested in every area of our lives, and I pray that You will be with me through out this interview.


Prayer For Wisdom And Growth At Work

Heavenly Father, thank You, that I am in Christ and that I am not of this world. Thank You, that I am seated with Christ in heavenly places and that my home is in heaven. Thank You, that I am Your child. And Lord, knowing that I am in the world but not of the world, I ask that You would give me the grace and wisdom to live in such a way as to glorify Your name in all I say and do.

Help me Lord, to pray for my work colleagues with a biblical mind-set. Help me not to despise the shame or ridicule that I am having to endure, but rather, I pray that I may demonstrate the sort of spirit that Christ Jesus my Lord showed when He learned obedience by the things that He had to suffer.

Lord, You know that there are problems at work, but I pray that I would face them in a manner that is pleasing to You, so that I may grow in grace and mature in the faith. Teach me Your ways and may I rest on Your faithful promises, no matter what hostility I receive from my work colleagues or any other area. Keep me ever looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer To Live The Resurrected Life

Thank You, Lord, that at Calvary’s cross we were saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of our sins. And thank You Father that because of His glorious resurrection we too have been given a new life in Christ, the fullness of His life in ours, the abundant life of Christ within, the hope of glory.

Thank You that the sting of death was removed forever when Christ rose from the dead and because He lives, we too will live with Him in heaven eternally. Thank You, that the power of Satan was thwarted fully, finally and once for all, and that in Him I have the resurrected life of Christ as my portion.

Help me I pray, to live that resurrected life in Christ. Keep me from walking according to the course of this world, but in spirit and truth, may I yield my life to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and present my body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto You.

Thank You, Father, that I have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but have received Your Spirit of adoption, whereby I can call You Abba, Father. Thank You, that although I was once far away from You, I have been brought near by the blood of Christ Jesus and received this glorious gift of Salvation. I pray that in His power, I may live the resurrected life in spirit and in truth, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For The Knowledge Of God

Heavenly Father, I am fearfully and wonderfully made and when I read that You know the very thoughts of my heart before I even think of them, that You knew all about me when I was in my mother’s womb and that You have scheduled every day of my life, it fills me with awe and wonder at Who You are. I am bewildered and yet humbled to know that the God of the universe knows me so intimately.
Lord, I long for a greater knowledge of You, a growing understanding of Who You are and a closer relationship with You. And so, I pray that in Your grace and mercy, You will give me an ever deepening knowledge of You, and a purer understanding of Your gracious ways and holy character.
Teach me how to live as You would have me live, and may all I say and do be done as unto the Lord, to Your praise and glory. Use me in whatever way You choose, and I pray that  Christ may be seen in me. It was John the Baptist that said, “I must decrease and He must increase,” and I pray that will be the experience in my life, until Christ is all in all. In Jesus' name,

Prayer for God’s Will To Be Done

Dear Lord, thank You for the opportunity for this interview.

Lord, I want Your will to be done in my life, so I want Your will to be done in this interview. If this is the right job for me Lord, I pray that the post will be offered to me, but if this is not for me then Lord, I ask that You close the door, for I do not what to be outside of Your perfect will for my life.

Help me to prepare myself to be the best that I can be for this interview, and thank You that no matter what the outcome, I may rest in the knowledge that I remain in the centre of Your will for my life.

Thank You, Lord.


Prayer For Children Of Military Personnel

Dear Lord Jesus, I bring before You the lives of all children who have one or other of their parents serving in the military, (or both).

Lord, I know that having teaching and training from both parents is such an important part of a young child’s upbringing, and I ask that You would protect each one from any of the emotional disturbances that can surface when children are apart from one or more of their parents, for prolonged stretches of time.

Jesus, I ask that You would be close to each and every child, for I know that children are very special to Your heart of love. I pray that homes that are in this position, will be saturated with Your love, so that children do not feel rejected or afraid. I pray that in Your grace, You would draw such children into a close relationship with You, so that many come to trust in You as their Saviour.

Protect parents of military children, and give them wisdom and love in the way that they treat their children when they return for their leave. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer To Be Good And Faithful Witness To You

Dear Lord, how we praise and thank You, and worship You for Your greatest of all gifts, in sending the Lord Jesus to be our Saviour and Friend and for dying in our place on the cross, to pay the price for our sins.

Thank You that when two or three are gathered together in Your name You are there in our midst. And thank You Father, for the many blessings that You shower over each one of us day by day. Give us grateful hearts and a willingness and desire to share with others the grace and mercy that You have showered on us day by day, without measure.

Help us Lord, to demonstrate Your great love and grace to all those that cross our paths today. May we be ready and willing to be faithful witnesses of You and to give an answer for what we believe, so that many may also come to know You and to accept Jesus as their own personal Saviour and friend, because they saw Him in us.

Help us to edify and uplift other members of Your body and in all things to be Your hands and feet, Your eyes and ears and Your heart of love in all we say and do today. In Jesus' name,


Prayer To Honour You At My Place of Work

Dear Lord, thank You for placing me in this particular position in my work and for the colleagues that you have seen fit to put alongside me. I pray that in all things, my life and my work will be a witness of Your grace and that I may honour You in the workplace, in all that I say and do. I pray that by Your grace, my work may be carried out efficiently, effectively and thoroughly, and I pray that in all things I may act wisely and fairly so that the name of Christ Jesus is not dishonoured by me.

Thank You for the gifts and abilities that You have given me and for the opportunity I have had to gain additional qualification and knowledge, which I may use to serve my employers better. I pray that all I do, in word and deed, may be pleasing to You O Lord, and of benefit to those with whom I work. I pray that You would underscore and oversee the many projects with which I am engaged, and may I demonstrate to others a life that is led and guided by the Holy Spirit of God.

Grant me a happy and gracious disposition in my work, and give me I pray, the wisdom I need for every decision I make. May the light and love of the Lord Jesus shine through me so that all with whom I come in contact today, desire to know the One in whom I have believed. May all I do be done faithfully and joyfully, and may I value all those who cross my path today. I ask this in the name of Jesus,


Prayer To Live A Consecrated Life

How I praise Your name, knowing that in You is life and light, and that I have been given the free gift of eternal life, in Christ Jesus my Lord. Lord, I know that there is nothing in me that merits this precious gift of grace, which is mine simply by faith in the Lord Jesus, but You certainly deserve my everlasting worship, praise and thanksgiving, for You alone are worthy.

Lord, I know that as Your child I have been called to be in the world, but not to be a part of the world and that I am called to live by faith and not by sight. To simply trust Your Word, for Your word is truth. I pray that I may wholly consecrate my life to You, spirit, soul and body, and give You the honour due to Your holy name.

Search my heart Lord I pray, and identify in me any areas of carelessness, pride, selfishness, indifference or wrong thinking that need to be corrected. Give me a proper spirit of humility I pray, and lead me in the paths of righteousness in utter dependence upon You all the days of my life. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Attaining More Knowledge

Heavenly Father, how precious to know that You are our God. Lord, I just want to know You more and to love You better. It is the yearning of my heart to know more of You and to grow closer to You with every passing day.
As I read Your Word and study the Scriptures, I pray that You would help me to embrace all that You would teach me and I ask that You would develop in me a teachable spirit, which is quick to hear Your voice speaking to me and ready and willing to respond to the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit in my heart.
It says in Your Word that Your people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, and Lord, I pray that You would help me to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest all that You would teach me in the Scriptures, for I want to be able to give an answer for the hope that is in me, and I desire to share the truth of the glorious gospel of grace with all I meet. Into Your hands I give my life, and pray that I may live each day to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For My Forthcoming Job Interview

Dear God, I thank You that I have been given this job interview. I am feeling quite nervous as I really need this job so that I can support my family. I pray that You will calm my nerves and give me Your peace in my heart. Help me to ready myself for the questions they will be asking me.

But God I depend on You. You have always been there for me in the past and I believe that You will continue to be with me as I face this upcoming challenge. Thank You that I can trust in You, and I pray that You will help me to get ready for this interview, knowing that You have promised to be at my side, every moment of the day.

I ask that You help me to relax in the interview and answer the questions with wisdom and honesty. I pray that I may be favourable in their eyes.

Thank You that You are my Lord, and that I am Your child. How blessed I am to know that You are in all the events of my life and that You have scheduled each day of my life, including this interview. I will trust in You and not be afraid.


Prayer Of Thanks For The Grace Of God

How we bless and thank You Father, for the great grace and love that You have poured out abundantly on mankind by sending Your only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sakes, so that by believing in Him we may be forgiven of our sins and receive Your free gift of eternal life. How we praise You, our God and Saviour.

Thank You, that our whole Christian life is flooded with Your grace, for not only have You saved us from eternal death and the shocking consequences of our sins, but You have broken the power of sin in the life of each of Your children. We do not have to be slaves to the sin nature anymore, but are free to walk in newness of life, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. How we praise Your holy name.

And Lord, what great hope we have in our eternal future, our heavenly home, our eternal life and the abundant riches of Your grace, for You have promised to change our lowly bodies to become just like unto Your glorious resurrected body, for all eternity. All of this is because of Your amazing and wonderful grace, for which we rejoice and praise You. Hosanna to Your wonderful name, for all Your goodness and loving kindness towards us.

We lift our hearts in humble thanks for the glories of Your grace, for which we will praise You through time and into eternity. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Christians That Are Downcast

Loving Lord, I come to You specially today to lift up to Your throne of grace all those that are downcast and distressed, and those that are lonely, needy and weary. Lord, I pray that Your loving care, comfort and help will surround each one, and I ask that You would become very real to them, in this time of difficulty or loneliness.

Bring into the life of each one someone who would share the love and joy of the Lord Jesus, someone who would lift up the spirits and hearts of each man and woman today. Someone who would show the love and kindness of Christ to any who has become lost in the difficulties of this world and find themselves alone or friendless.

Refresh their hearts and souls I pray, with the truth that You love them so much that You died for them and that You have promised to comfort and succour each one in times of need. Let them see that they are not alone, but that You are an ever present help in time of troubles and that the difficulties of this life are but for a short time. Help them to know that You are ever at their side, working in them a wonderful glory that will last forever!

Use me Lord I pray, to be a light to those in need, refreshment to the weary and an encouragement to those that are downcast. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Colleagues At The Start Of A Day

Dear Lord, I lift up my hands and heart to You this morning as I start to prepare myself for another day at work. I ask You to lead and guide me in all I say and do, and by Your grace, may I bring glory to Your name throughout this day. Look down I pray, with grace and mercy on every one of my work colleagues as they travel to and from work and as we spend the day working alongside each other, in our various tasks and duties.

Lord, I bring each one of my colleagues to You this morning, thanking You for the life of each one and the part that they play in our work together. Thank You also, for those who have made a commitment to You as their Saviour and I pray that together, we may demonstrate the love of the Lord Jesus as we carry out our daily tasks together.

Lord, I particularly lift those of my work colleagues who have not yet accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour and plead Your pity and mercy over them. Lord, I know that it is not Your will that anyone should perish but that all come to a trusting faith in Jesus, and Lord, I am praying that Your will be done in each and every life. Convict every one of their need of salvation, Lord. Please give me wisdom to know when to say something about You and when to remain quiet. Bless this day and all with whom I share it, and may Your will be done in my life, from this day forward and for evermore. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Confess All My Worry

Heavenly Father, I confess that I often worry about things, and like so many others, I find that I often fret unnecessarily about things that are happening in my life.

I ask for Your forgiveness and pray that You would help me to change my heart, so that my worry changes to trust, and any fretfulness is replaced with Your peace and assurance.

I truly want to believe Your Word, knowing that in so many places in scripture, we are reminded not to fear but to cast all our worries and concerns on You, and Lord that is the desire of my heart. Please change my heart from one that is fretful to one that depends entirely on You for all things.

I pray that Your love and grace would flood my inner soul, and that fears and fretfulness would evaporate like the mist of the morning, as I steady my gaze on the Lord Jesus and place my trust in Your unfailing grace. Help me to seek You first in all things and trust in Your unfailing promises. in Jesus' name I pray,


Prayers Seeking Knowledge And Wisdom

Heavenly Father, the things that are happening in the world today are waxing worse and worse, just as the Bible said would happen in these end times, and we look to You to know what to do. Lord, we look to You for knowledge and wisdom at a time when all that is connected with God and godliness is being so severely attacked, and is so quickly being eroded away.
Father, we know that the Bible is Your Word of truth, and yet throughout the nations it is losing its authority and respect, and being replaced with secular humanism and an anti-God agenda. Father, we know that the Lord Jesus is coming soon to judge the nations with righteousness and truth, but we pray that as we wait for His any day return, that You would grant us Your knowledge and wisdom to know what to do and how to behave in a world that is spiralling out of control. We pray that Jesus will come soon. In His name we pray,

A Prayer To Prepare My Mind

Dear Lord Jesus, I am about to face a challenge and quite a daunting one, as I have been called to an important interview. For this, I bless You and thank You for hearing my prayer and enabling me to be given this opportunity.

You are the one that cares for all our needs and necessities, and I pray that You will be with me as I begin to prepare myself in body, soul and spirit for this meeting. I pray that with Your help, I may be the best that I can be as I attend the interview.

Help me to prepare my mind for the questions that I am likely to be asked, and also enable me to compose my heart so that I am resting in Your strength and not my own. Give me nights of good rest and sleep I pray, so that I am bright and alert for this meeting, and also prepare the panel that will be interviewing me I pray, so that they will show understanding and fairness.

I know, Lord, that all things work together for good to those that love You and are fitting into Your purpose. I pray that You will use this interview as an opportunity for me to draw closer to You as I depend on You in preparing myself for this life-changing challenge.

Thank You, Lord, for all Your goodness to me,


Prayer For Grace In A Difficult Relationship

Loving Father, thank You that day by day we are being conformed into the likeness of the Lord Jesus, and for the work that You have promised to do in each of our lives.

Lord, You know the increasing difficulties that I am having with this particular relationship. You know my weaknesses and my failings, and You know only too well that I find it more and more difficult to be civil when we are in each others company. But Lord, I know that this inner turmoil that I have is not Your will for me. I know that Your desire is that the grace and love of the Lord Jesus flows out from me to others, not only to those that are easy to get along with, but especially to those that are the most difficult.

Help me to rest in You and to hand over this difficulty to You, for You have told us to cast everything that troubles me onto You. Teach me Lord, to respond in a way that You would desire.

Change me Lord. Change my whole attitude and change my heart so that it is Your grace that streams out from me, rather than my own negativity. Lord, I know that without You I cannot change, nor can I be the person You would have me to be. But as I remain in Christ and abide in You, and as I take every negative thought captive and give it to You in prayer, I pray that Your great grace would be formed in me. In Jesus' name I ask this prayer,


Prayer For A Newly Married Couple

Heavenly Father, how I thank You for the beautiful gift of marriage, and today Lord, I lift up a dear couple to you, these newlyweds who have made their pledge to each other, and before Your throne. I pray Your special blessing on their holy union.

Lord, may You be lifted-up in their lives and in their home, so that in the days that lie ahead the precious bond of marriage may be strengthened and their love for each other and for You, grows and blossoms. 

As they start out in married life, help them to talk together, and to You, and help them to share their joys and sorrows with each other and to keep You at the centre of their marriage.

May each develop the grace of seeking the best for the other and thinking of their spouse as more important than themselves. And Lord, I pray that You would help them to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer To Be Able To Sleep At Night

Heavenly Father, too often I lie awake at night and find that am unable to catch hold of sleep, because my mind continues to toss and turn over all the problems of the day which seem to swirl around my mind, when I know that I should be sleeping soundly.

Lord, I know that You have fashioned our bodies in such a way that they need a daily cycle of rest, refreshment and rejuvenation, and I pray that You would enable me to hand over all my worries and concerns to You day by day, and especially when I lie down to sleep at night-time.

Thank You, Father, that as my heavenly Shepherd You have promised to lead me beside the still waters, to make me to lie down safely in green pastures, to restore my soul and to give me Your beloved sleep in its proper time.

Thank You, Lord, for the many precious promises You give to all Your children, and I pray that tonight and in the days ahead, that I will both lie down and sleep soundly on my bed at night in peace, for You alone can make me to dwell in safety. This I ask in the name of Jesus,


Prayer For Those Addicted To Drugs

Dear Lord, You are a loving God and we praise and thank You for all Your goodness to us and to all men. We bless You for our lives and for all the joy and grace that You so readily bestow on all Your creation.

But Lord, we lift up an increasing number of men and women who suffer from drug addiction, and pray that You would provide them with the grace and strength to reach out to You for the necessary help and guidance that they may need, as they take the important steps to recovering their physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Give those that are addicted to drugs the will, perseverance, courage and ability to take the first step to regain their health and wholeness. Comfort and strengthen friends and family members that are affected by those that are trapped in drug addiction.

Give courage and hope to all who are seeking to break its demonic hold over the lives of so many, and may the power of Your love and grace transform their lives, knowing that Jesus Christ alone is able to break the power of drugs, return a soul into freedom and bring beauty for brokenness. This we ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Wisdom With Money

Dear Lord Jesus, You said in Your Word that if anyone needed wisdom they were to ask You and You give it freely to all who ask. I come to You today to ask for wisdom, especially in my dealings with money and finances.

Lord, I do not have a lot of money or savings, but I have always had sufficient, for which I praise Your name. However, the price of all the necessities of life seem to be rising and I ask You to give me wisdom on how to spend my money wisely.

Lord, I know that however much or however little I have in my purse I can always spend it on something, and I think it was Proverbs that says that money is like a wild animal that needs to be tamed.

Give me wisdom, Lord, to use the money I have wisely, to be generous without being foolish, to be liberal without being imprudent, to give willingly when prompted by You without feeling obliged to give to everyone in need.

Thank You Lord,


A Frustrated Teenagers Prayer For God’s Grace

Oh God, I know that You love me and have forgiven me and all that, and I know in my heart that some of my outbursts are not good. But Lord, I am so frustrated as no one seems to understand me or what I need.

Lord, I do thank You that You do not hold anything against me and that all my sins have been forgiven in Your amazing sea of forgetfulness. I guess I also know that my behaviour towards - well everyone, and the way that I allow my frustration to build up and explode is really wrong and not pleasing to You.

Lord, I know that I need You in my life because I know that there is no one but You that can sort out this frustration in me. It is causing tension with my family and with my friends as well, and I know it needs to be sorted out.

Lord, I need Your grace in me, right deep inside me. Show me, Lord, how I can be the sort of person I need to be. Help me to develop the right sort of relationship with all the people in my life. And also Lord, I ask that You would show me the right way to react when things start of get me down and I feel frustrated. Thank You that You really do care about me, and thank You, for I know that in the power of Your Holy Spirit, I can become the person You would want me to be. In Jesus' name, 


Prayer Of A Newlywed Couple

Dear Lord, we thank You for bringing us together in love and as we have kneeled together to make vows to each other and to You, we ask that You would be with us through this wonderful and exciting journey through life, as man and wife.

Lord, we want You to direct and govern our lives together, and we pray that we may build each other up and strengthen the other rather than tearing each other down with careless actions and hasty words. Help us to guard our tongues and conduct our lives in a godly manner. Help us to keep our eyes and hearts faithful to each other and to You, and may we learn to live and move and have our being founded on Christ, Who is the founder and finisher of our faith and our only help in time of trouble.

Teach us to listen to the other, to pray together and to respond to each other with wisdom and grace. Help us to construct a transparent wall of trust between us and to wear the inner garments of grace and love, patience, wisdom and joy. Yhis we ask in the name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour, 


Prayer For Holy Spirit Illumination

Dear Lord and God, I thank and praise You for Your Word, the Holy Scriptures, and for the promise that Your Holy Spirit will guide me into all truth. Give me a teachable spirit so that I may learn all that You would teach me in Your Word and prevent me from falling into deceptive teaching or false doctrine.

Lord, I ask that by Your Holy Spirit, You would open my mind to the truth and give me discernment so that I am not tossed about by every wind of doctrine. Thank You for what You are teaching me in Your Word and give me a thirst to read, mark learn and inwardly digest all that You would have me learn.

Lead me in the path off righteousness and guide me into all truth for Your holy names sake. Help me to come to a deeper knowledge of the Lord Jesus, so that I may grow in grace. Keep me from pride I pray, and may I walk humbly before You all the days of my life. I ask this in the precious name of my Saviour, Jesus Christ my Lord,


Prayer For People Who Worry

Heavenly Father, I lift up those friends of mine and other church members that I know, who have not yet learned the beauty and peace that comes from casting all our cares upon You and simply resting in Christ, but who seem to spend much of their time and effort in worrying over the circumstances of life, rather than handing everything over to You in prayer.

Thank You, for showing me how dishonouring it is to You when we spend our time worrying, knowing that You have called us to cast all our cares upon You and to trust in Your unfailing love.

Thank You, for opening my understanding through Your Word, that worry not only robs us of our joy and peace in the Lord, but is rooted in the sin of unbelief.

Thank You, for providing me with a better understanding that You alone are the One that will replace foolish worries with divine wisdom. You alone provide the peace that passes understanding when our minds are stayed on You, rather than fretting on those things that You have promised to undertake on our behalf.

So open their understanding I pray, that all who are Your children will truly learn the joy and peace that comes when we give all our worry to You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Heal Drug Addiction

Heavenly Father, You are our God and Maker, and I cry out to You in desperation to ask that You would help those who are trapped in the destructive web of drug addiction. I pray that in Your grace and mercy, You would help and heal all who are affected by this dependency upon drugs or medication.

Reach out Your strong arm to lift them out of the miry clay I pray. Release them from the trap into which they have become ensnared. Draw them into the arms of Jesus, and convict them of their need for Him.
Comfort all those that have loved ones who have become drug addicts and all who have been adversely affected by drug addiction, especially parents and spouses, children and those whose life has been negatively affected by this debilitating and destructive habit.
Lord, in Your grace I hand each and every one over to You, and ask that in Your pity and mercy You would heal all who have become addicted to drugs. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For All Newlyweds

Thank You Father God, for marriage. I lift-up to You all those that are married, and especially those that have been recently married, the newly-weds, knowing that marriage is instituted of God, but also knowing that the world at large is at enmity with You and seems to have waged war on the sacred establishment of matrimony and family life.

Give wisdom to all Christian couples and especially those that have recently become newlywed, that they give heed to the truth of Your Word and demonstrate the joy that comes from living a life as unto the Lord.

Help them to trust in You as their God and Saviour and to keep You at the centre of their marriage. Help them to live in humble obedience to Your Word, and may they demonstrate the love of God and the wisdom of His Word to the world at large, in all they say and do.

Help all newlywed Christian couples to establish and maintain the kind of marriage that is pleasing in Your sight, where the husband loves his wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her, and where the wife is gentle and submissive to her husband, the encourager, support and helper as laid out in Scripture. And use them to be a light to others whose marriages may be fraught with difficulties or disintegrating due to sin.

Bless all newlyweds today. May they grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus Christ, throughout the course of their marriage to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For God To Open My Heart To His Truth

Dear Lord, I pray that You would open my mind to the truth of Your Word by means of the Holy Spirit. Open my eyes to see Jesus. Open my heart to love Him more and more. Open my will to do only that which is righteous in Your sight so that Your name may be glorified.

Keep me I pray, from presumptious thoughts of my own importance and give me more understanding and illumination of Jesus. Give me a deeper understanding of what it meant for Him to come to earth and set aside His glory and live a perfect life, so that He might die on the cross as the perfect sacrifice to pay the price for my sins. Lord, give me an understanding heart to truly understand what this meant for You and the tremendous cost. I scarce can take it in.

Enable me to hear Your still small voice speaking in my heart, and open my eyes to see Jesus in every page of Your Word. Open the eyes of my heart my Father, and show me more and more of Jesus I pray. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For God’s Promise Of Perfect Peace

Loving Lord, You have given us peace with God through the blood of Christ Jesus our Saviour and the forgiveness of sins, and have promised us the peace of God to guard and govern our hearts, in every circumstance of life.

Keep me Lord, from allowing my heart to become discouraged, dismayed or afraid, and help me to take every troublesome thought that vexes my mind captive, and to hand it straight over to You, knowing how destructive and deceptive it is when a heart is not secured on the promises of God’s Word.

Keep the eyes of my heart firmly fixed on my Lord Jesus, for I know that whoever looks to You is kept by the mighty power of God, for nothing can shake the one that is founded and secured on Christ, the solid Rock.

Thank You, Lord, for the promise of perfect peace that You leave with all Who know and love You as Lord and Saviour, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For Those Addicted To Drugs

Loving Lord Jesus, we lift up all those who are suffering today from some form of addiction to drugs, whether they are prescribed medicines from a doctor, or unlicensed drugs that have been gained illicitly – all addiction is detrimental to health and wholeness and Lord, we want to lift up all who are addicted in one way or another.
Lord, we believe that You were sent to heal those that are broken and damaged, crushed and hurting, in bondage to drugs or addicted to some form of medication, and we plead Your grace and mercy over such people and pray that You would meet each man or woman at their particular point of need, and deliver each one.
Raise up those that would stand in the gap in prayer, and bring friends and relatives who will be supportive to those that need to be liberated from their drug dependence or addiction. Into Your hands we commit each one, and thank and praise You for all that You are going to do in these lives. In Jesus' name we pray,

May Your Name Be Glorified Through My Prayers

Loving Lord, thank You, that You are dwelling in me and I in You, and that You have equipped all Your children with this wonderful privilege of prayer. Thank You, that the death of the Lord Jesus Christ opened up the way for us to come boldly to the throne of grace, and to offer prayers to You in time of need.

Lord, teach me to pray in a way that my prayers are effective and full of power, both with men and with You Father. 

Heavenly Father, there are so many souls that are lost in their trespasses and sins and weighed down by sorrow and care, so many Lord are facing an eternity separated from You. Teach me Lord, the best way to pray for these people who need You.

Father, I know that it is not Your will that any person should perish and be separated from You forever, and so Lord I bring a lost world to You and lay that Scripture before Your throne of grace. I pray that in Your mercy, You would convict many in this lost and dying world of their sins, and their need of a Saviour.

Bring many I pray, to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus, so that Your name will be glorified in their lives, not only in this world, but in the ages to come. I pray this in the wonderful name of Jesus my Saviour and King,


Prayer For Grace, Guidance And Illumination

Prepare my heart Lord as I come before You today and I pray that You would give me a spirit of wisdom and understanding. Lord I pray for illumination of Your Word and that You would open my eyes to the truth of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ and the great sacrifice He made for me at Calvary.

Thank You for all that You have done for me and Lord.. It is my desire Lord, to be used in Your service and to walk in Your ways – and so I come to You Lord as for Your guidance in my path through life and for illumination of Your Word, so that I may be used by You in the service of others and to the glory of Your name. Lord, I don’t know which way to go and I ask You to guide my thoughts and prayers and to open my heart to all that You are showing me.

Guide me Lord in the direction You would have me go. Illumine my heart with a deeper awareness of Your precious Word and give me the grace to love You more and serve You better in the place where You have placed me in Jesus name I pray,


Prayer For Christian Unity

Thank You, Father God, that we have been raised into newness of life in Christ and have become one with Him and members together of His Body, which is the Church.

Help us all to set our hearts on things above, knowing that Christ Jesus is seated on the right hand of the Father and we are positioned in Christ, and seated together with Him in heavenly places.

Help us all to die to self and to the things of this world, and may we learn to live godly in Christ Jesus. Help us not to be enticed by sinful desires, impurity, greed or ungodliness, but rather may we strive for Christian unity among ourselves and consider the needs of others, before our own.

May we individually and collectively put on the new nature of Christ and be renewed daily, in our hearts and minds, so that in the power of the Spirit we may become more and more like Christ, clothed with His tender-heartedness, mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

Help us all to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace, and may our lives be a living example of Christ Jesus our Lord, Who lives in each one of us, and in Whose name we pray,


A Prayer For Drug Deliverance

Dear Lord, I thank You that You care for people like me who have gone so far astray from the way of truth. Thank You, that You have never given up on me despite my addiction to drugs. Thank You, that I can come to You to seek for deliverance and know that You will not turn me away. Thank You, that Your mercies are new every morning and thank You, that You are faithful and true to Your Word, even when we prove faithless.
Lord, I know that Your Word promises a way of deliverance to all who seek You and I believe that in Jesus is found healing and wholeness, salvation and security, deliverance and joy. And Lord, I ask for You to deliver me from these drugs and free me from being in bondage to this cursed addiction.
Help me I pray. Save me Lord and set me free from these drugs on which I have become so dependant. Give me the means to break loose from drugs and the ability to see it through to the end.  I know that on my own I will fail but Lord, I do believe that in Christ I can be set free. Help me Lord in Jesus' name,

Prayer To Pray Like Jesus Prayed

Loving Father, teach me to pray like Jesus prayed, from a heart that is in union with You day by day, so that in all things I am praying into Your good and perfect will. Lord, I pray that my prayers may be a sweet incense rising to Your throne of grace, and that through my prayers Your name would be lifted up on high and glorified.

Loving Lord, so many times I find that my will to pray is so weak and that my ability to pray is influenced by the desires of my own heart, which I realise may not be Your will, or could even conflict with Your good and perfect will.

Teach me to pray aright. Teach me to pray into Your good and perfect will and keep me from praying fleshly prayers, that have been formed in my own heart and are not in perfect union with Your plans and purposes.

Lord, at times my flesh is weak as I come to Your throne of grace in prayer. But I ask Father, that You would renew a right spirit within me and give me the power to pray in spirit and truth, in a way that is pleasing to You.

Thank You for the wonderful pattern of prayer that I have in the Lord Jesus. Teach me to pray as He did, only those things that are righteous and pleasing in Your sight. I ask this in Jesus' holy name,


Prayer For A Christ-Centered Marriage

Thank You, Father, for our marriage and life together. Lord, I still feel so new to married-life and know that there is so much more that I need to learn, but in Your strength, I pray that our love for each other and married life together will become one that glorifies You in all we do.

Lord, thank You for all You have been teaching me over the past months, that marriage is truly a giving partnership. Continue I pray, to open my eyes and my heart to what it really means to be married for life, for better or for worse.

Thank You for showing me the importance of not always expecting my own way, and I ask You to help me grow and develop into the sort of spouse You would have me be.

Keep us both from selfishness and self-seeking attitudes, and help each of us to honour the other above ourselves. Help us to love and to submit to the other in the truly biblical sense and to value the type of humility and gentleness that was seen in the life of the Lord Jesus Himself.

Keep us Lord, ever under Your wings of protection and may we be drawn ever closer to each other and to You day by day, as we seek to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus together. I ask this in Jesus' name


Prayer For Illumination And Light

Lead me Lord in the way that I should go, and guide me Father by Your Word of Grace and Spirit of Truth into a deeper understanding and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Who is the light of the world, and Who illumines the path of all that trust in His saving power. Help me Lord, to look to Jesus, Who is the lamp to my feet and the light to my path.

Thank You that in Christ, I have all that I need for every area of my life, for in Him and through Him we are promised to be able to accomplish far more that we can think or imagine. But Lord, I desire more. Show me more of Him I pray. Open my understanding to know more about Jesus, to know Him more fully and more personally with each passing day, for in Him is all light and life and hope and peace.

More and more and day by day, I pray that the light of the glorious gospel of grace may shine down into my heart, illumine my mind and engage my will to see more and more of Jesus, knowing that as I walk in the light as He is in the light, we will have fellowship one with the other. Praise Your name forever and ever,


Prayer For Church Unity

Dear Heavenly Father, You have called us to be Your children, Your church, Your body, and have made us members of one another and joint-heirs with Christ.

We pray for grace and unity in the Church, and ask that You would help us all to live in godly fellowship and brotherly love, and may we be united as one in Christ.

Give us tender hearts, and may we edify and encourage each other as we fellowship together in the Spirit, knowing that when two or three are gathered together in Your name, there are You in the midst.

Help the whole church of God to live together in joyful harmony and sweet unity, and may we learn to work together with one mind and one purpose, to lift up the name of Jesus and to point people to the Rock of our salvation.

Keep us from selfish ambition and foolish arrogance and may we become humble in spirit, thinking of others as better than ourselves, as we look to the Lord Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith and our perfect pattern for living in Christian unity, as befits Your children. We ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayers For Drug Addiction Recovery

Heavenly Father, I look to You to help me in my recovery from drug addiction, knowing that my help comes from You alone. You made me and scheduled every day of my life, and I know that on many occasions I have stepped outside of Your will for me, but I pray that in Your grace and mercy You would heal me of my addiction to drugs and help to place my feet on the road to recovery.
I trust You Lord, and know that You are worthy of all my praise and worship and I thank You Father, for the many blessings that You have bestowed on me. Most of all, I thank You that You have always been there to support me with Your everlasting arms, even when I have been running from You and turned my back on You. I praise You, for You are a faithful God whose loving kindness and tender-mercy is new every morning.
Strengthen me I pray, as I seek to be freed from my drug addiction and hold my hand I pray. Uphold me Lord, with Your righteous right hand, and keep me resolved to break free from drugs, knowing that without You I can do nothing, but that in Your strength and power I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. Praise His holy name.

Prayer When I Don’t Know What To Pray

Dear Heavenly Father, I feel so weak and foolish when I come to You in prayer as I often do not know what I pray, or how to form the thoughts of my hearts into words that make sense. 

But Lord, it is a comfort to read in the scripture that the Holy Spirit is there for me in all my weaknesses, including those times when I find it hard to pray. Thank You, Lord, that even when I don't know what to pray for or what God wants me to pray for, the Holy Spirit will somehow pray for me in an inexpressible way. Thank You for this great comfort to my soul.

Help me to pray in a way that is pleasing to You Lord, even when the words will not come. Help me to hate what is evil and cling to what is good. Help me be kind to others in love, and honour other people above myself. Please Lord, help me to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer, even when I don’t know what to pray.

Thank You heavenly Father, for the work of the Holy Spirit in my life, and for the privilege of being able to come to You in prayer, even when I say nothing. Praise Your holy name.


Prayer To Be Guided Into All Truth

Heavenly Father, I come to You in poverty of spirit, to seek Your face during a time when the truth of Your Word seems to be being attacked on every side, and few seem to know or understand about the truth of Scripture. Father, it is sometimes hard to know what is true in a world when everything to do with God is being attacked, not only in the secular arena but in many Christian ministries as well.

You promised that Your Holy Spirit would guide Your children into all truth, especially those that seek You with all their whole hearts and Lord, I want to seek You and know You more and more but Lord, I do not want to be influenced by wrong doctrine or false teaching.

Keep me I pray, and guide me in my life as I read Your Word and study the scriptures. Prevent me Lord, from being swept into the many false doctrines that are sweeping through Christendom today. Give me a discerning heart I pray, and help me to find a teacher that will teach me the whole council of Your Word of Truth so that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank You Father, in Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Have The Scriptures Illuminated

How we praise and thank You for the holy Scriptures which You have caused to be written for our learning. Thank You for Your written Word, which reveals to us the living Word of God, in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You that in Him has been revealed all wisdom and grace, all knowledge and understanding, all truth and hope, all life and light. And thank You Father, that in Him You have spoken to us, Your children.

Father, we now pray that you would illumine our minds more and more as we look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Open our eyes to see wondrous things in Your Word of truth. Open our ears to hear Your still small voice speaking to us the Words of life. And open our minds and cleanse our thoughts so that Your Holy Spirit may guide us into all truth. May we be increasingly willing to submit to His gentle promptings, so that He may guide us into Your way of peace. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Unity As One

Father, we come together to pray as one, that we may be as one, just as the Lord Jesus prayed that we who are His Body, may be one with Himself, in the same way that You and He are united together in love and purpose.

Father, we join our spirits together with Your Holy Spirit and pray that as Your Church, the world may recognise that we are united together in love, because we are one with You Who is perfect love, and Whom to know is life eternal.

Keep Your Church we pray, from discord, disunity and division, for a people that allow conflict or strife to fester, will surely fail and fall in their calling.

Keep us focussed on You, motivated by the same purpose and united together under the same banner of truth. And may we seek to preach the gospel to all people, in season and out of season, as we look to the Lord Jesus as our federal Head and singular Saviour.

Bind our hearts together in love we pray, so that unsaved men may see Jesus in us, and desire to know how they too may receive eternal life though Christ Jesus our Lord, to Whom be all praise and glory for ever and ever, and in Whose name we pray,


Prayer For A Son On Drugs

Lord, it is my prayer that You would free my son from the drugs that have become almost an addiction to him and which have almost broken the family apart and caused us all such pain and distress.
Father, You know the anger that seems to lurk within him and the explosive outbursts that are so difficult to cope with. Lord, He needs Jesus in his life and the indwelling Holy Spirit in his heart, and I ask that You would convince him of his need for Jesus, and convict him of “sin and righteousness and judgement,” just as Your Word has said. Bring Him I pray, to recognise that this addiction to drugs is not Your will for anyone and is likely to end in tragedy if not dealt with soon. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Protection Against My Enemies

Heavenly Father, I come to You knowing that my chief enemy is Satan and the demonic forces of evil in the spiritual realm, and I know that their ultimate aim is to demolish my trust and dependence on You and cause me to distrust Your word of truth.. Keep me focussed on the Lord Jesus Christ moment-by-moment, knowing that only in Him do I have all that I need to stand fast in the evil day.

Help me day-by-day to be clothed in the spiritual armour that is Your privileged gift to all Your children. May I walk in spirit and truth, peace and righteousness – as led and guided by Your Holy Spirit – and I pray that I never forget that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. 

Thank You that I am Your child and I pray that in Your strength I may resist the devil and all his evil works. May I remain spiritually alert, knowing that he is a roaring lion who prowls around seeking whom he may devour Lord, because I been justified by the blood of Christ  - how much more shall I be saved and protected by the blood of Christ, in these evil times in which we live. 

Examine my heart I pray to see if the enemy has any foothold in my life and discover in me any works or ways that are not totally under Your authority and control.. and may I with repentance and godly sorrow seek Your forgiveness and change my ways.. so that I may walk daily in spirit and truth and to Your praise and glory – in Jesus name,


For Patience In Prayer

Loving Lord Jesus, thank You that You are a God Who hears and answers all our prayers, even those prayers where an answer seems to be a long time in coming. Thank You, that You hear and respond to all Your children who come to you in humility of heart, not relying on our own abilities or our own worth, but only on the merit and righteousness of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Teach me Lord, to be patient in my prayers and to learn to wait quietly and trustingly for Your perfect timing, knowing that in all things You are teaching and training me to be more Christ-like in all my works and ways, including my praying.

Lord, teach me to pray according to Your perfect will, and I pray that however long I need to wait, I ask that You would teach me to be patient in my waiting and to trust Your Word for all that You have promised. 

Thank You, Lord, that I am Your child and that You are my Father. Thank You that through Jesus, I can cry out, "Abba, Father," knowing that I have full access to Your throne of grace, when I come to You in weakness and humility of heart. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Prayer For The Truth To Be Exposed At Work

Loving Father, I have found myself in a situation at my work where the truth is being hidden and a tissue of lies are being told by those that are in management and leadership positions. Lord, I don’t really know what to do or how to handle this matter, but I know Lord, that people are being hurt and in my helplessness, I simply want to hand this matter to You, and pray that You would expose the evil works of darkness and all those that are involved.

Give me wisdom I pray, to know what to do. Prevent me from doing or saying anything that will aggravate the situation or cause more distress, but also I pray that in Your grace You would sort out the situation speedily as it is having far reaching effects on me and many of my work-mates.

Lord, I lift up each of my colleagues that are being affected and pray that You would meet each one at their own point of need, both those that are engaged in the lies that are being spread around and those that are being hurt as a consequence.

Thank You that You are interested in all areas of our lives and as the God of truth, I pray that You will hear and answer my prayer in Your own time and in Your own way to Your glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Spirit Of Cooperation And Unity

Father, we live in a world that is at enmity with all that is godly and there is much antagonism against the Lord Jesus Christ, and against all that are called Christian and seek to live godly in Him.

Give us a spirit of love, cooperation, togetherness and unity, and help us to consider the needs of the whole body of Christ, knowing that we are aliens in this present world and fellow citizens together, with all the saints of God’s household.

Build us up together in a spirit of co-operation and grace we pray, knowing that we are being skilfully fitted together into a holy temple in the Lord. Established as one on the firm foundation of the apostles and prophets, with the Lord Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone.

Help us to faithfully serve one another in love and to strengthen, encourage and edify each other, so that we may move forward in our service for You, in a spirit of co-operation and unity in all that You have called us to do. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For A Daughter On Drugs

Lord, it breaks my heart that my beautiful daughter has somehow become involved with drugs and she has almost become a different person with her mood swings, depression and anger. Lord, this is not what I want for my daughter and pray that You would help her to reverse this terrible addiction, which has had such a devastating impact on all our lives.
We love her so much, and I know that Your love for her exceeds our own (if that is possible) and I pray that in Your grace and mercy You would help her to break free from this addiction to drugs and medication, and that You would help us to give her the help and support she needs during this most difficult time.
Give me wisdom I pray, to know what to do and how to help with her. I feel at a loss to know what to do, but my eyes are on You Lord. Visit us all with Your peace I pray, and restore the joy and happiness we once had. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer To Pray For My Enemies

Loving Lord, I so desire to follow Your command to love my enemies, to pray for those that persecute me, to do good to those that hate me, to bless those that curse me and to pray for those that mistreat me and I ask that in Your strength and grace I would learn to live my life according to Your will.

I understand that the real enemy that I face is not the flesh and blood of men and women that I so often come up against in life, but the battle I face is against a spiritual enemy and forces of evil that are in the heavenly realms – and that Satan and his evil  forces are my true antagonists, who encompasses me about on every side and seek to shipwreck my faith.

Thank You for the spiritual armour that is mine in Christ and I praise You that in Him I have all that I need to stand fast in the evil day, knowing that the weapons of our warfare are not that that are used by the world, but are divinely powerful spiritual weapons, which are designed to destroy the fortresses of evil and to demolish of strongholds of Satan.

Father I pray that You would rescue those that are under the dominion of Satan and bring them out from the satanic, kingdom of darkness into the glorious kingdom of Your dear Son. I ask that You would make known to them the wonderful riches that are in Christ. I pray that each one may come to saving faith in Christ Jesus, so that they may be at peace with God and have the peace of Christ reigning in their hearts. 

Give me wisdom and discernment to know when to act, what to say, how to pray and when to remain silent. May all I do be according to Your will and I ask that in all things Your Holy Spirit would lead and guide, in Jesus name I pray,


Prayer For A Child Caught Up In Addiction

Dear Lord Jesus, our heart is breaking with grief because our precious child has gone down the route of addiction. They have left home and are now living rough in the streets and seem to have become an entirely different personality. Lord, we have not seen them now for many months and we are filled with great sadness. But we are trusting You Lord to work a miracle.

Look down Lord Jesus in pity on our dear child, convict them of their wrongdoing and restore a right mind within them. Protect them Lord, from the dangers that surround them and bring them home Lord we pray.

Lord, there is nothing that we can do but to trust You, and we do trust You Lord to turn our child right round and return them home. Into Your hands we commit this great sadness and pray that the return of our precious prodigal will take place very soon, and we will give You all the praise and glory,


“Help me, Lord my God; save me according to Your faithful love”
(Psalm 109:26)

Prayer Of Thanks At Bedtime

Loving Father, thank You for being with me throughout today and for Your hand of blessing on my life. Thank You, for the way that You have led and guided me throughout this day, and I pray Your loving grace would rest on all that I have done – may it be to Your praise and glory.

Loving Lord, You are my strength and my sufficiency and I pray that as I settle down for the night, that You would enable me to drift into a deep and quiet sleep and a peaceful rest. Remove any little tensions that may have built up over the day, so that I may wake refreshed in the morning and ready and willing to do Your bidding.

Guard my unconscious thoughts Lord, and cover me with Your love. Draw me ever closer into Your loving arms. In Jesus' name, 


“The Lord will send His faithful love by day; His song will be with me in the night- a prayer to the God of my life.”
(Psalm 42:8)

Prayer For Truth In Our Country’s Leadership

Lord Jesus, I come to You astonished and saddened by the many lies that are being perpetrated in some of the highest corridors of power in the land, and it seems that no one can or will do anything to address what is effectively a clamp-down on truth.

Father, for too long I have allowed the evils that seem to be swamping our world in general and our country in particular to wash over me, but Lord there are so many evils that have ravaged our people, and goodness and truth seem to be a thing of the dim and distant past, especially the truth of Your Word.

Lord, forgive me for not opening my eyes earlier to what is going on, but I pray that You would use me now to lift up my brothers and sisters in prayer, who are being aggressively attacked, ridiculed and even persecuted for righteousness sake, for speaking the truth.

Look down in pity on Your children and on all who are being systematically targeted by a government that is causing increasing number of people to find themselves in severe hardships, having lost their homes and families, their livilhood and dignity.

Lord, I know that nothing is going to change the downward spiral that we are currently facing, but Lord, I pray that despite the disasters we face, that You will bring good out of evil. I ask Lord, that the lies that are being perpetrated in some of the highest corridors of power in the land will be the tool that will bring many people to salvation in Christ Jesus and bring them to trust in the eternal truth of Your Word. I know that until You come to set up Your millennial kingdom on earth, nothing will breach the tide of evil that is sweeping over our land. Have pity on us and our country and guide us into all truth I pray. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For A Cheerful Giving Heart

Lord, I thank You for what You have given me, so many blessings that I cannot begin to count them, they are without number. Lord, I pray that You would develop in me a giving heart that glorifies You, a cheerful heart that desires to give back to You a small measure of the over-abundance that You have poured into my lap.

Father, there are times when I worry about giving and times when I hold back from giving because I have a nagging in my mind that if I give away too much I may render myself without sufficient. Lord, in my heart, I know that this attitude that I have developed is not pure, nor is it founded on true biblical principles, and so I come to You now to ask You to change my heart in respect to giving, so that it more truly reflects a heart that pleases You.

I ask that You would give me wisdom to know what to give, when to give and whom to give to. Change my attitude towards giving I pray, knowing that all things come from You and it is from the over-abundance of the bountiful supply that You have graciously poured into my lap, that I am giving back to You. Give me I pray, a giving heart, a generous heart, a grateful heart. Develop in me a heart that is filled with thanks and praise to You, for all that You have done for me. Hear my prayer, Lord. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Brotherly Unity

How we praise and thank You for the diversity of gifts and graces within the body of Christ and the beautiful variety and variance of the characters, personalities, peoples, interests and activities that are represented throughout the whole Church of God.

May brotherly love and godly gentleness be the precious garment with which we are all clothed, and may we be of one mind and united in spirit and humble in heart, having the same love, and working together with one intent, united in purpose.

May we focus our thoughts on what we all hold dear, and may we be united in the essential doctrine of Christ and yet demonstrate grace and liberty on those ideologies and dogmas that too often have caused splits in the Body, rather than encouraging brotherly love and gracious liberty.

May we put aside our personal agendas and any exclusive churchmanship maxims that may give rise to ungodly, unnecessary or schismatic arguments. And may our Lord Jesus Christ, Who shed His blood on the cross and rose again to give us life, be the one to Whom we all focus our gaze and in Whose name we pray,


Prayer For A Child On Drugs

Lord, I bring my child to You with such a heavy heart, knowing that the precious child You blessed me with has become caught up with drugs and their life is spiralling out of control. Help us Lord I pray, to know what to do, and show us how we can help to stem and  to stop these drug-related activities.
Wherever the blame for this situation lies, I pray Lord, that You would help us to address it so that our child is able to be freed from this drug-related trap. I pray in the name of Jesus that You would step into this situation and whatever it takes, I pray that You would convict our child of the need to call out to You for help, for You alone have the power to help and heal their life.
Give me the strength I pray to support my child, in prayer or therapy or any other way so that they may be enabled to leave this drug-related past behind, and step out into the future having been freed from this bondage. And help me to trust in Your many precious promises and not lean on my own understanding. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Powerful Prayer Against Evil Enemies

Father I know that the real enemies that I face are spiritual principalities and powers and mighty spiritual wickedness in high places.. and I know that the people who rise up against me are simply the tools that are being used against me by these spiritual beings.. who seek to shipwreck my faith and cause me to lose heart and doubt Your Word, but in the mighty name of Jesus I pray that their strongholds may be smashed, and that I may be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, as I face every enemy onslaught.

Thank You for the spiritual armour that is mine in Christ and I pray that every moment of the day I may be covered in His great protection that You have provided for all who have trusted in Christ as Saviour. Thank You for the breastplate of righteousness and the shoes of peace.. the helmet of salvation and the belt of truth. Thank You that in Christ I have all that I need to stand firm against the schemes of the devil and the forces of evil. Thank You for the shield of faith which is able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the enemy.. and how I praise You that my main weapon of attack is the Word of God, which stands fast for ever and ever.

In the name of Jesus may I stand firm through prayer and praise in the evil day and be alert with all perseverance -  and having done all.. may I still stand firm in Christ – Who has won the victory over every spiritual force and every evil enemy. Thank You Father in Jesus name,


Prayer For A Sick Friend

O God, I have a dear friend who is very ill and I feel so helpless. Father, we are fearfully and wonderfully made, for You formed each of us in our mother’s womb and fashioned each of our bodies and You know where this particular problem lies.

Father, I know that there is nothing in my friend’s body that You do not know about and nothing that is beyond Your ability to heal, and so I lift up this dear one to You.  You know the source of the pain, and Your healing touch still has its ancient power. I pray that You will heal this child of Yours and raise them back to full health and strength, and we will give You all the praise and all the glory.

Please give me words of comfort and encouragement as I seek to advise them in difficult days that lie ahead. I also ask that You provide for all their needs, according to Your loving-kindness. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Those Addicted To Drugs

Oh Lord, I come to You to pray for all who are weighed down with some form of addition. Lord, You are the One Who came to set the captives free and to release the sinners from the chains that bind them. So I lift before Your throne of grace all those that have become addicted to drugs.

Lord, I know some personally and others that I know nothing about, but You know everyone that is enchained by the curse of drug-addiction. Look with compassion on all that are ensnared by any form of addiction, and send help and freedom to all who would accept help. Lord, I pray that they may be released from this imprisonment and returned to a life that has dignity and meaning.

Give wisdom to their family members and those that care from them, that they may be given the support and help to put them back on the road to recovery. Endow them with patience, understanding and perseverance, knowing that this can take time to address.

More than anything Lord, I pray for their salvation. You died for every drug addict and it was Your love for them that caused You to die on the cross of shame that they might be lifted up and seated with Christ in heavenly places. Save them Lord, in Jesus' name I pray,


“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!”
(1 Corinthians 15:57)

Prayer To Cast Off The Niggles Of The Day

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You that You have kept me safely through another day. Forgive me Lord, for the wrong thoughts and attitudes that I have allowed to trouble my mind today. Forgive me Lord, for the times that I have allowed pressure to take away the perfect peace I have in You.

Lord, I hand the irritation of the day over to You and pray that I may rest quietly in Your loving arms. Help me not to permit any of these daily pressures to affect the refreshing sleep of peace that You give to all Your children.

I am sorry that I have allowed the little niggles of the day to unsettle my heart and disturb the peace that I have in You. I pray Lord, that I will not retain any wrong or damaging thoughts in my sub-conscious mind, but rather Lord, I ask that my heart may be washed with the water of Your Word and filled with healing balm of Your love and truth. Thank You that Your Word is life and light. 

Into Your hands I commend myself Lord, as I settle down to sleep. Wake me up tomorrow I pray, ready to serve You, for Your mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness. In Jesus' name I pray,


“casting all your care upon Him, because He cares about you.”
(1 Peter 5:7)

Prayer For All Who Reject The Truth Of God’s Word

Heavenly Father, I lift up all those who have rejected the truth of Your Word and are seeking after the humanistic ways of the world. Lord, I know that Satan is the father of lies and his great desire is to lead many away from the path of truth in Christ Jesus. I ask Lord, that You would thwart his malicious plans, and use the satanic agenda and the humanistic lies that are hurting so many people, to be the very instrument that will cause many to question the values that they have held dear, and to turn them from their worldly ways and seek the Lord Jesus while He may be found, for He is the One and Only Truth and He is the Way and the Life and the Light, and He is the only Hope for mankind. 

Raise up I pray, an army of prayer warriors that will be prepared to seek Your face and to stand in the gap for those that have been swept into the lies of the humanistic agenda. May the truth of Your Word become a beacon of light to those that are in need of a Saviour, and I pray that the lies of the enemy will be exposed so that many that are heading for an eternity of separation from the Father, may be swept into the kingdom of His dear Son, to Your praise and glory.

Your Word is truth. May the truth of Your Word ring in the ears of all who are perishing and bring many perishing people to salvation. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Become A Giving Person

Loving Father, I come to You today with grateful thanks for the gifts and promises that so readily stream in my direction from You. So often Lord, my foolish heart is filled with worry and anxiety and I find myself looking at the problem of my supply instead of looking to You as my generous Supplier. Please forgive this lack of trust in You, for I know that You have promised to supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory, for which I thank and praise You.

Lord, I want to be able to hand over each and every one of my worries to You, and to develop a generous and outgiving personality that keeps my eyes on Jesus, rather than continuing to be the “worrier” that I have become. I know that this does not honour Your name and I so desire to walk in the paths of righteousness and become a person with a generous heart that flows from Your own generosity, a grateful heart that is full of trust and thanks to You, Who have done so much for me.

Lord, I know that I cannot change my nature myself, but I do know that in the power of the Holy Spirit I can take my worries and anxieties captive and hand them over to You, turning them into purposeful praise, knowing that in all things You are the supplier of all I need. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer To Cleanse My Heart From Pretence

How I praise and thank You Father, that You know the inner thoughts of my heart, and the areas within that need Your refining tool and cleansing touch.

Forgive me for the mask I so often wear, and the carefully designed pretence that prevents others from seeing my true self. Lord, You know my heart, and the motives behind my thoughts, and I confess that I need Your inner cleansing. Create in me a clean heart oh Lord, and renew a right spirit within me, I pray.

For too long Lord, I have lived a lie, by hiding a range of inner hurt and damaged emotions behind a smiling face, when my heart is bitter, unforgiving, angry and full of pain.

Change my heart from the inside and heal these hurts I pray. Remove all the offensive impurities within, that are so offensive to You, and fill me with Your peace and Your joy, so that in spirit and in truth, I may show forth Your love to others.

Thank You, Lord, that a changed heart and a changed life only comes from You. Father, I desire to surrender all that I am to You. Take my life and live through me. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Loved Ones On Drugs Or Medication

Loving Lord, it is so hard to see loved ones that have become reliant upon or addicted to drugs, and too often no amount of advice, warnings or pleadings is sufficient to get them to halt this destructive habit.
Lord, I place all our loved ones in this situation into Your hands, knowing that You alone can help to cure them of this dependency on drugs and medication. You have asked us to cast all our cares and worries upon You and Lord, this is what I am doing, as I just do not know what to do anymore.
I give these dear ones into Your gracious keeping, and ask that You meet them at their point of need. Help each one to break free their reliance on drugs without any detrimental side-effects. Free them I pray, once and for all from their on-going dependence on drugs. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For My Enemies At Work

Lord, You know the great difficulties that I am facing at work and how my Christian faith and trust in Jesus has caused me to be unfairly discriminated against and abused.. and I seem to have amassed so many that are against me and everything that I hold dear..  and so I ask for Your protection, wisdom, grace in this very difficult work situation.

Change the hearts of those colleagues at work who see me as their enemy, and take away the blindness and resistance that they seem to have to the truth of the glorious gospel of grace. Bring each one into a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and help me to do good towards them despite their unkind words and actions.

I pray that Your peace would guard my heart and reign at work and that You would give me wisdom, especially in those difficult times when things really start to get unpleasant. And through it all I pray that You would be glorified and that Your perfect peace and joy would be my strength – this I ask in Jesus name.


Prayer Against The Temptation To Return To My Addiction

Dear Lord, how I thank You for Your grace towards me, for you have lifted me up out of the pit that my life was in and have set my feet on the rock of my Salvation, which is Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. Thank You for freeing me from the shame and sin of my addiction, which has robbed me of so many of years of my life, and caused me to lose not only my home but many of my friends and family as well.

Lord Jesus, there are those that would seek to entice me back into the shadow from which I escaped and are trying to almost blackmail me into returning back to my life of crime and debauchery – but I have been set free and I do not want to return. Keep me from temptation on those occasions when I feel alone, and protect me from the pressures that I have been put under on certain occasions to return.

Lord I know that all my past sins have been forgiven and that I am clothed in the righteousness of Christ Jesus. Keep me walking in the path of holiness and protect me from those that are still slaves to their addictions. I pray, Lord, that You will rescue those of my friends that are still enthralled in the world of addiction. I ask this in Jesus' name,


“No one undergoing a trial should say, "I am being tempted by God." For God is not tempted by evil, and He Himself doesn't tempt anyone.”
(James 1:13)

Bedtime Prayer For The Lonely

Loving Heavenly Father, as the night is fast approaching, I pray that as I climb into bed I may rest my weary soul in You, and allow all the business of the day to melt away. Help me Lord to find my rest in You, as I keep my heart abiding in You.

Lord, so many things are changing in my life and at times I feel so lonely, as those that are nearest and dearest to me have been taken from me, for one reason or another.  Lord, I know that You have promised to be with me every moment of the day and night, but somehow the night time makes me feel more on my own.

Hold me close Lord Jesus, and as I face the long night of darkness, I pray that I may sleep securely knowing that You are by my bed every moment of the night. Thank You, that moment by moment I am kept in Your love. 


“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand.”
(Isaiah 41:10)

Offertory Prayer For Gifts And Giving

Almighty God and everlasting Father, we thank You that You are our bountiful Provider and for the many gifts that we enjoy so freely from the fruit of the earth. May we be wise servants and faithful stewards with the many blessings that we have received at Your hand. May we take of what You have given to us with a grateful heart, and cheerfully give back to You a small portion of the abundance of Your grace, that we have received at Your hand.

Keep our hearts ever thankful towards You, and give us a tender compassion for those around us that are hurting or in need. May we be willing to share our portion with others and may we show forth the love of God in our lives, with a cheerful and gracious disposition, especially to those who are disadvantaged and needy.

Accept our offering of prayer and praise and thanksgiving for all that You have given to us, and receive we pray, these small tokens of our love, knowing that all things come from You and we offer back to You of the bountiful goodness that You have given to us. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For A Heart Cleansing

Thank You, Father, that though my sins were crimson, the blood of Christ has washed them white as snow. Thank You, that though my sins were many, they were placed on the spotless Lamb of God, Who took the punishment I justly deserved. And unworthy though I be, thank You that I have been clothed in Christ’s perfect righteousness, and declared justified, in Him.

Thank You, that the Lord Jesus was prepared to be identified with my sinfulness, so that I in turn might be identified with His glorious righteousness.

Father, I recognise how much you have done for me, as a free gift of grace, and ask that You continue to examine me, and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I pray that You would do away with all my self-will, my passion and my pride, and purify my heart I pray.

Thank You, Father, that there is now no condemnation or accusation against me. Thank You for Your wonderful love and great forgiveness, and from this day forward may I never cease to praise You with my whole heart and to live my whole life for You. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Brother On Drugs

Dear Lord, I bring my brother to You whose reliance on drugs and addiction to medication is causing me and the family serious concerns and sadness.
Lord, we really don’t know what to do and we seem to have run out of ideas and suggestions and there is no one but You to whom we can turn.
Lord, he is prone to mood swings, sometimes seeming depressed and at other times hyper active, and yet at other times is only able to sleep, sometimes for the best part of a day. Help us we pray to help him. Release him Lord, from this unhealthy reliance on drugs. Heal him of the negative effects that they are having on his physical and mental health and return him to normal health and strength. In Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Forgiveness For Enemies

Heavenly Father, how I bless and thank You for the goodness, grace and forgiveness that You have extended to me. I pray that You would develop in me a genuine spirit of true forgiveness towards others, knowing what grace and mercy You have showered upon me through Christ. Lord I want to follow in the example of Jesus and be tender hearted and full of forgiveness towards others, knowing how much God in Christ has forgiven me.

Help me to speak the truth in love and to never to repay evil for evil but rather to show love, grace and mercy towards my enemies and to pray for those that are unkind and spiteful.  Endow me with a spirit of love for my enemies.. for I know that this is not something that I can do on my own – it is not something that I can do without Your sufficient grace and strength.

Thank You that in Christ I have all that I need for life and godliness and that in Him I have all that I need to forgive others as Christ forgave me  - and so Father forgive my enemies I pray, and bring them all to saving faith in Christ – in Whose name I pray


Prayer For Accountability In My Christian Life

Loving Lord, thank You for Your written Word which contains all that we need as unbelievers to be forgiven of sins, as well as all that we need as Your saved children, to live godly lives in Christ Jesus.

Father, I realise that in Your grace You have excluded no one from Your gift of Salvation, but You simply hold us accountable to believe in Your precious Son. But now I understand that You also hold me accountable to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus, by faith in Christ and not by trusting in my own abilities, if I am to become a mature believer in Christ.

Lord, I want to grow in my Christian life and to live my life as unto the Lord. Teach me Your ways and guide me with Your Holy Spirit. Lord, I want to be accountable to You in my Christian life. Give me a teachable Spirit and a desire to apply all the truths that I am learning, for I desire to do Your will in my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may be repaid for what he has done in the body, whether good or bad.”
(2 Corinthians 5:10)

Prayer For God’s Will To Be Done On Earth

Heavenly Father, we read in Your Word that, “where there is no vision the people perish – but blessed is the one that heeds instruction.” Father forgive us for seeking after our own limited, human vision rather that seeking after Your godly and eternal vision.

Forgive us for seeking to place our trust in our own limited view of what we consider is important in our lives and the world in which we live, rather than seeking after the purer perspective of Your eternal plans, for only when we have come to an understanding of Your purposes for the world, can we in honesty and in humility seek for godly wisdom and a godly vision.

Lord we pray, “Thy will be done on earth – Thy kingdom come..” for in so doing we recognise that without the Prince of Peace returning to rule and reign over this world, there will be no rest for humanity and no lasting peace that passes understanding.

Teach us to learn Your vision and to pray into Your will, not only in our personal lives and those of our loved ones, but help us also to come to a deeper knowledge of Your greater vision for the future of mankind, when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. Help us to soak our hearts in Your perfect desire for mankind, and to understand Your greater purpose for humanity. Give us the wisdom to pray into Your vision, for only as we align our minds to the mind of Christ and our will to the will of the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit, will we pray effectively.

In Jesus' name,


Offering A Prayer Of Faith

Heavenly Father, You are our only Supplier and Supply and it is upon You that we rely entirely. We are living in a difficult world, in a society that is facing increasingly precarious economic difficulties. The money for which we work is becoming sawdust in our pockets and the prices of the simple basics of life are escalating out of control, and Lord we have no one but You upon whom to rely and we are trusting You for our provision today.

Lord, we believe Your Word is true and that You have promised to supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory. Thank You for the amazing example of the Israelites in the wilderness, who received sufficient manna for the day as a promise from You, and Lord we believe and know that Your promises are no less true today than they were in those distant days gone by.

Help us to walk by faith and not to be swayed by the mountainous problems that surround us on every side. Help us to live by faith and not by sight, and trust You to provide sufficient provision for our daily need. Help us to read Your Word and reckon it to be true and not to doubt Your promises. Help us to trust You entirely in these increasingly precarious times and look to You with childlike trust, knowing that You are our Supplier and Supply. We ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Soul Cleansing

Father God, be gracious to me I pray, according to Your loving- kindness. Father, my sins are heavy against me and my soul is troubled for the many wrongs I have done against You, and for the many evil thoughts and unholy attitudes I have allowed to influence my heart and rule my life, for far to long.

I have sought to condone my wrongdoings, and ignore the voice of my conscience within, and I ask Your forgiveness for my foolish pride, in ignoring the gentle promptings of Your Holy Spirit.

Forgive me I pray, and restore to me the joy of Your salvation, for You have promised that all who truly confess their sins will be forgiven and returned back into a right relationship with You, and cleansed from all unrighteousness.

Lord, the sacrifice of my heart is brokenness before You, my soul is truly contrite and my desire is to return into a right relationship with You. I know that the consequences of my wrong choices may remain with me for a long time, but I ask that in Your grace and mercy You would forgive my sins, cleanse my soul and restore me into a right relationship with Yourself, and my heart will rejoice in God my Saviour, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For Sister On Drugs

Loving Jesus, I don’t know what to do as the sister I love so dearly is on drugs and she has become almost addicted to them. It is so sad to see her and I know that this is not Your will for her life. I pray that You will open the door for her to be helped, perhaps through rehab or in some other way.
Lord, I know that addiction to drugs can be almost impossible to break, but I trust You Lord and know that You have the power to break all the evil influences in our lives that are causing Your children distress and destroying lives, and I believe that You can help my sister to be healed and made whole again.
I lift up all my family to You Lord, knowing that my sister’s reliance on drugs is hard for us all to bear, and I pray that in a wonderful way, You would restore the joy we shared in our younger days. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer To Foil Enemy Activities

Prayer To Foil Enemy Activities

Dear heavenly Father, we live in such evil days that I pray against all enemy activities that are bing done in secret, which are designed to harm  and to destroy others. Protect Your people we pray, bring the attacks of the enemy to nothing and foil all the plans and purposes that are harmful to others..

Lord we know that it is not Your will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance in Christ, and so we pray for the souls of those that are bound by the lies and deceit of the enemy and who are being manipulated by the deception of the evil one.

We ask that in Your grace and mercy those that have been blinded to the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ by the activities of the enemy would be brought into a knowledge of the saving gospel and come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour – we ask this for His praise and glory and in Jesus name,


Prayer For Guidance While In A Different Country

Dear Lord, I ask You to guide me and give me wisdom as I move away from my family and my home country to work in a foreign place. I ask You to be with me in all that I do as I face the challenge of learning to live and work in a different culture with different standards and beliefs. Enable me to adjust to the differences, but not be caught up in the things of this world.

Give me wisdom and discernment as I meet new people, and help me to be both cautious in my dealings as well as kind in my actions. May I walk in the path that You have called me to go and not stray from Your guidance.

Provide I pray, all my needs and necessities and provide me with health and strength as I face the challenges before me. May I be the best that I can be in the place that You have called me to go.

Be with all my loved ones that I am leaving behind and keep them safe in the arms of Jesus day by day. Bring us back together in Your way and in  Your own good time. I ask this in the name of my Saviour, Jesus Christ,


Prayer For Spiritual Accountability

Loving Lord, I realise the importance of spiritual accountability in my own Christian life. I pray that You would raise up godly men and women of faith, who would keep me accountable. Help me not to balk at the thought of accountability, but rather to embrace it and learn all I can from the wise council of those that You place in my life. I pray that together we would grow in grace and obtain wisdom in time of need.

Lord I pray that You would provide me with someone, perhaps even a prayer partner, who I could pray with and enjoy fellowship with. May we build up a relationship that enables us to be transparent in our Christian walk. May we give each other guidance with sensitivity and maturity, for our mutual encouragement and reciprocal counsel.

Lord, I know that the enemy is prowling round as a roaring lion, seeking to devour all those that do not hold themselves accountable to You, leaving them vulnerable to his evil attacks and spiritual discouragement. Help me Lord, to be the person You would have me to be. Give me humility of heart and a spirit of grace as I seek to do only those things that are righteous and appropriate in Your sight. In Jesus' name I pray,


“I tell you that on the day of judgment people will have to account for every careless word they speak.”
(Matthew 12:36)

Prayer For The Spirit Of Wisdom And Revelation

Heavenly Father, I ask for the spirit of wisdom and revelation that You are pleased to give generously to all Your children, who come to you seeking Your face with all their hearts. Strengthen me in the inner man, and give me the grace and vision to be a participant in the furthering of Your plans and purposes in my life and in my prayers. I know that in Your wisdom, You have purposed a time when Christ will complete all that You have purposed for humanity, and also that in Your grace You have given us the opportunity to become participants, in praying into Your will.

Lord, forgive me for so often praying with limited understanding about the many things that concern us in our world in general, and in my own individual life in particular. Give me a vision of Your plan for mankind, and make me a perceptive praying partner in seeking Your face. Give me an understanding heart and nurture in me the desire to plead Your cause, in these increasingly difficult days in which we are living.

Give me that central vision that has been in the heart of God, before the foundation of the world, where God in His wisdom decreed that all those who put their trust in Christ would become one with Him until Christ is all in all.

Give me an understanding heart and teach me how to pray into Your perfect will, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Giving Of Tithes And Offerings

Heavenly Father, thank You that we are living in the dispensation of grace and that we are not under the old law of the spirit of death but under the new law of the spirit of life. But Lord, I feel called to give a tithe to You because I love You, and I want to do this as a thank offering for the grace and love which You have shown towards me.

Accept I pray, this small token of my love and gratitude for loving me enough to give Your life for me and die a cruel death on the cross, that I may live - and for taking the punishment that I justly deserve and then clothing me in the righteousness of Christ, an honour which I do not deserve.

Thank You, Lord, for the amazing grace and steadfast love and mercy that You have poured out on me in such abundance, and help me never to become complacent or lukewarm towards You, but rather to live in perpetual awe and wonderment for the gift of life that You have given me as a free gift of grace, by simple faith in Christ Jesus, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer Of Thanks For Spiritual Cleansing

Father God, how I praise You that the Lord Jesus is not only my Saviour Who died on the cross to redeem me from eternal separation from You, and rose again the third day, to share His life with me, but that He is also my heavenly Advocate, Who is my representative before Your throne of grace and Who by Your mercy is defending me against the accuser of my soul.

Thank You, that He not only identified with my sin and paid the redemption price, but that He also covered me with His robe of righteousness and caused me to be made blameless in Your holy eyes, by grace through faith. I am not worthy to gather the crumbs under Your table, but You are the ever-living Lord of mercy and grace, Who has reached down to adopt me as Your child.

I can do nothing but praise Your holy name and offer You my heart and life to be a living sacrifice, separated and holy unto the Lord. May You be glorified in my life, and may I never cease from praising You in spirit and in truth all the days of my life.

I pray that I may grow in grace and in an ever deeper knowledge of my Lord and Saviour, Whom to know is life eternal and in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For Husband On Drugs

I come to You Lord in the name of Jesus, to lift up my husband in prayer, knowing that he is getting increasingly reliant on drugs. They started in an attempt to help him through a difficult patch, but Lord, I know that he is now almost addicted to them and it is having a bad effect on his health and personality.
Lord, please release my husband from this reliance on drugs and in the name of Jesus, I stand against all the evil influences that these drugs are having on him, and ask that Your grace and protection would surround him.
Into Your hands I release my husband, and ask that You would give us both the strength and wisdom to know what to do, so that the bad effects that the drugs he is taking can be reduced or if possible removed. Lord I know that You are able to deliver him for his reliance on drugs. Help my unbelief I pray, as You did that man in the Bible so many years ago. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer For New Job Opportunities

Dear heavenly Father, You are my Saviour and Lord and You are the one Who has scheduled each day of my life from the very beginning. You are the Author and Finisher of my faith and You are my Provider and my Protector.. and Father, You also know the dear desires of my heart and the need in my life of a new job opportunity and direction. 

I pray that in Your goodness and grace You would broaden the horizons of my career, expand the boundaries of my life and open up a brand new job opportunity for me.. in the place of Your choosing., which will enable me to step out in  a new direction in life – so that I may forget the things that are behind and push on to new horizons and a renewed perspective.

Thank You that You have directed my path to this point in life and I ask that You would lead and guide in all things. Help me never to forget that all that I am and all that I have has come from You, and that You are my sufficiency in all things – thank You in Jesus name,


Prayer For Personal Healing

Heavenly Father, I know that my times are in Your hands and I also believe that You care about everything in my life. In Your sovereignty, You are not surprised by anything that happens to any of Your children. I believe that You make all things work together for the good of us that love You. I believe that You care for each one of us with a perfect and holy love.

I come to You today because my health has been deteriorating with some ailment that has not been diagnosed. I am not sure what to do, but I know that You understand everything about me. I believe that You know exactly what I need to bring me back to full health and strength and I am trusting You in this time of illness in my life.

Please God, I ask for Your healing touch on my life, and pray that You would bring to my attention the treatment that is best suited for my condition. Please direct me in the way that I should go at this difficult time in my life. Thank You, Father, in Jesus' name I pray,


“Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me, and I will be saved, for You are my praise.”
(Jeremiah 17:14)

Prayer For Personal Accountability

Lord Jesus, it says in Your Word, examine Yourself to see it you are in the faith. Lord, I realise that this is not talking to unbelievers but to all of us who are Your children in Christ Jesus. Lord, help me to examine myself, and all that I am learning from You and Your Word, so that I truly may say with conviction, "I know in Whom I have believed and am walking in the path on which He has placed me." 

Keep me also from critical thoughts of others, and prevent me Lord, from having a spirit of control, or by pretending to hold others accountable to You, when the beam in my own eye is greater than the speck that is in my brothers’ eye. Keep me humble before Your throne of grace.

Thank You for all my Christian friends and family. Keep us all walking close to You in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name I pray,


“So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.”
(Romans 14:12)

Prayer Of Thanks For My Wife

Heavenly Father, thank You for my wife and all that she means to me. Thank You for bringing such a good woman into my life to be my helper and friend as well as my lover and comfort.

Thank You for her love for You Lord, and I pray that day by day our marriage may become stronger so that together we may grow in grace, and that our mutual love for each other and for You may blossom into the marriage partnership that You desire for each of Your children.

Bless our lives together, and unite us in a closer bond of unity with each other so that together we may stand shoulder to shoulder as we carry out the life-work that You have given to us, to the glory of Your name.

Forgive us those times when we have allowed the niggles of life and the foolishness of our sin natures to sour the special relationship we have with each other, knowing that the enemy seeks to instil disunity in Christian lives and marriages. Help us instead, to quietly and humbly apologise for our own short comings and change our thinking, so that we consider the needs of the other before our own.

Thank You for the precious blessing of my wife. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanks For My Christian Friends

Heavenly Father, I thank You for the wonderful Christian friends that You have brought into my life, each one so precious to You and each one who has brought such joy and encouragement into my life.

Father, I thank You for the gifts and talents that each has been endowed with and the way that each one has brought something new and unique into my life. I ask Your special blessing upon each one, and pray that together we may grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, as we fellowship together around Your Word and encourage each other in the trials and difficulties that we are all facing at this time.

Breathe Your love and grace into the heart of each one and draw us ever closer to each other and to You. Help us to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Purity In The Church

Heavenly Father, we confess the sins of the Church, both individually and collectively, for as Your Body we have not loved You as we ought nor have we followed You as faithfully as You desire.

We have sinned and done so many wrongs and often acted in prideful and rebellious ways, and have not paid heed to Your righteous instruction. Lord, as Your Body on earth and as ambassadors of heaven we have not kept our garments spotless, but have gone our own way and followed our own desires and impulses, there is no health in us, and we are ashamed of the filthy garments that, as Your Bride we are wearing.

Look down on us in compassion and forgiveness we pray, and purify our hearts and cleanse us of all our faults, both individually and collectively.

You have promised that the good work that You have started in each of Your children will be completed in the day of Christ, and ask that in Your grace You would wash us and cleanse us and purify each one of us so that as Your people we may become without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, so that at the appointed time we may be presented to Jesus as a pure and radiant church, to His praise and glory. This we ask in His precious name,


Prayer For Wife Who Relies On Drugs

Heavenly Father, I love my wife but am grieved to discover that she is becoming increasingly reliant on drugs and it is having a really bad effect on her, on our family, on me and on our relationship. Lord, in Your mercy and grace, please help her I pray, and show me how I can support her through this difficult and distressing time, so that she may be freed from the bad effects that these drugs are having.
Lord, I know that this is a problem that many women are facing, and I know that there are many other husbands like me that are facing the same difficulties of broken hearts, destroyed lives and damaged relationships, and so I lift up all men and husbands who like myself, find themselves in this same situation.
Show me Lord what to do, I pray. I am looking to You and relying on You to help me in this time of need. I ask this in humility of heart and brokenness of spirit, knowing that You alone have the ability and power to bring us through and to free her from the reliance she now has on these drugs. Thank You in Jesus' name,

Prayers For Starting A New Job

Thank You Lord for this new job and I am excited about starting it, and pray that You would give me the grace to settle in well and adapt to the different environment and the new challenges I will be facing.

I thank You so much for the wonderful way that You opened up this job opportunity and answered my prayers in such a gracious and amazing way – and thank You that You will be with me, every step of the way.

Help me to be well prepared both physically and mentally and Lord I pray that You would use me to be a blessing to others – but I also know that going to a new job as a professing Christian may also have some difficulties.  Give me grace to face any confrontations or prejudice.  Praise Your holy name and may You be exalted in my new work, in  Jesus name,


Prayer For Healing And Wholeness

Dear Lord, I know that You are a God Who heals all manner of sickness and illness through the power of Your Holy Spirit. I ask that by His power, You would send healing and wholeness to all who are afflicted at this time with illnesses and diseases.

Send comfort and strength at this time of difficulty. In Jesus' precious name,


“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will exist no longer; grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer, because the previous things have passed away.”
(Revelation 21:4)

Prayer For Corporate Accountability

Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, I do thank You for the family of Christ into which You have placed me and the loving fellowship that we enjoy together. As we study Your Word and seek to encourage each other in our little gatherings, I pray that the Word of Christ would dwell in us richly.

Help each of us to be willing to learn and also recognise the need to be accountable to each other as well as to You, as we seek to grow in grace corporately. Bless those that You have seen fit to equip each of us, and I pray that those who have been graced with the gift of teacher may motivate us all to be willing learners of You.

Lord, I know that one day I will stand before Your Bema judgement seat and I long to hear You say, “well done good and faithful servant.” I pray that in the days that I have ahead, I would draw close to You, and to my brothers and sisters in Christ, as together, we await that glorious day when we stand in Your presence, face to face with You. 

Thank You, in Jesus' name, 


“So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.”
(Romans 14:12)

Prayer To Encourage My Wife

Thank You, Lord, for the gift of my dear wife. Lord, I know that a good and virtuous woman is worth more than rubies and precious stones. Help me to be the husband that You would have me be, to encourage her and love her as Christ loved the church, and to think of her needs and wishes before my own.

May I be a encouragement in her life and her covering of protection from the evils of this world. Help me to be sensitive to her needs, knowing that I have often not realised that some of my actions and attitudes have come across as uncaring. 

Lord, teach me to be a good husband, a man that is prepared to lead and to listen, a man that is prepared to carry out my duties, both wisely and lovingly, for I desire to take on the role that You have ordained for me in our marriage, in a manner that is well-pleasing in Your sight. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For My Special Friend

Dear Lord, I praise and thank You for my special friend and the bond of friendship that has developed between us. Lord, it reminds me of the precious closeness that David had with Jonathan or of the deep affection that Ruth and Naomi built up between them, and I thank You from the bottom of my heart for this dear one that has become so special to me, particularly at this time of my life.

Lord I lift up my dear friend to You and pray Your grace and love would surround and protect them and that showers of Your blessings would descend upon them. Lord I pray that they may grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and I ask that they draw ever closer to You with Your unbreakable cords of love and grace.

Strengthen, encourage and unite us together more and more as together we become increasingly rooted and grounded in You. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ my Saviour,


Prayer During A Time Of Fear

Dear Heavenly Father, You tell us so many times in Your Word to “Fear Not” and so often I find myself allowing my imagination to run wild, causing worry and anxiety to rise up in my heart, for fear of what is happening in the world today.

Lord, I know that You do not want us to allow fear to overtake us, but rather that we rest in Your love and allow Your peace to fill and flood our troubled hearts, and I know that Your Word tells us very plainly that You remain sovereign in our lives and also in the world situation too.

Thank You, that You are my refuge and strength, my rock and high tower. Thank You, that You have promised to give us Your perfect peace in our hearts, when we focus our minds on You. Help me I pray, to learn to look beyond the difficulties in life to You, and help me to claim the many precious promises that are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus.

Thank You, that You have promised never to leave us nor forsake us, and thank You that You are an ever present help in time of trouble. And Lord, I pray that You would embolden my heart when my spirit is flagging, knowing that You have promised that Your strength is made perfect in our weakness. Praise Your holy name.


Prayer For Avoiding Drugs

Father God, I don’t deserve Your grace and mercy, but I ask in Jesus' name that You would enable me stay away from drugs and those who would seek to draw me back into the destructive world of drugs and drug abuse.
Lord Jesus, I know that I am weak and that in my own strength I could so easily be drawn like a moth to a flame, if I did not have You to sustain me and support me.
Lord, You have promised in Your Word that Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Lord, help me to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus. Help me to take every thought captive and give each one to You, and help me I pray, to lean on You from this day forward, knowing that I can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Job Seekers

Heavenly Father, I want to lift up the many men and women who are seeking jobs in this very difficult economic climate – and especially those that I know personally, who are finding such difficulty is securing a job. 

Lord You are the One Who can know every sparrow that falls to the ground and You are the One Who knows the various needs of every job seeker. .. so open the doors of opportunity to those who are in need we pray, and particularly for those who have families to support, and who may be getting discouraged and depressed. 

Look down in mercy on the many job seekers and may many use this difficulty that they are facing to be the cause of looking to You in faith – trusting in You in a way that they have never done before. Be gracious we pray, in Jesus name, 


Prayer of Thankfulness For Health And Strength

Loving Father, I just want to thank You for the wonderful way that You have kept me in such good health for so many years, and protected me from so many troublesome diseases.

You have lifted me up when I have been down, supported me through times of weakness, and You have also healed me when I have succumbed to a bed of sickness.

Keep me, I pray, in good health and strength. Let me run and not grow weary, and may I be used as a comfort and support to those that are not so fortunate as I. In Jesus' name,


“Dear friend, I pray that you may prosper in every way and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”
(3 John 1:2)

A Prayer For Maturity

O God my Father, I want to be a mature person. I am not certain what maturity is, but I know when I act childishly and of this I am ashamed.

Help me to bring my emotions under the control of the Spirit. Help me to check on my loud talk, my insistence on having my way, my fears, doubts, and other things which stand as evidence of my immaturity.

I do commit myself anew and afresh to You. Help me to be a glory and not a shame as I profess Your name.

For His sake, I pray,


Prayer Accountability In A Christian Home

Loving Lord, You have placed us all in families and have, by Your own authority, established Your own statutes and laws. Thank You for placing us all in families and for my own family, in particular.

Thank You for the clarity with which You have taught us in Your Word, how the family that is seeking to do Your will behaves, and the role that each of us holds within our own special family unit.

Thank You Lord, that You are our Father and have authorised the man of the home to take the place of authority, as the head of the family, just as You Yourself are the Head of the family of God. May the men who are in this responsible, role behave in a manner that is pleasing to You, by treating their wives with love and respect and their children with loving discipline and wise counsel. May they each become men after Your own heart as they assume their God-given role in their own homes.

May wives be gentle and gracious and willing to act in the crucial role of helper that You, Yourself have graciously placed them. May they reflect the great love that Christ had for the Father and the sweet gentleness of the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus demonstrated in His own life, by submitting graciously to the Father’s will and desiring to do only those things that are pleasing to Him. Give wives wisdom, and may they grow in grace more and more, as they walk in the steps of the lovely Lord Jesus Christ, Who was so full grace and truth.

Thank You for the heritage and gift of children, who are a gift from God, a gift that has been lent from the Lord. May these children respect their parents and recognise the privilege they have in being part of a godly family unit.

Loving Lord, thank You for my dear family. Into Your hands I commit my family. In Jesus' name,


“For the time has come for judgment to begin with God's household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who disobey the gospel of God?”
(1 Peter 4:17)

Prayer For My Friends At Church

Heavenly Father, how good it is when Christian brothers and sisters live and grow together in union with each other and in love with the Lord Jesus. I thank You for every member of our church and the friendships that have developed between us.

May we individually and collectively be filled day by day with a knowledge of You, and may we all grow together in love and be filled with all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that together we may walk worthily of the Lord and live godly in Christ Jesus.

Keep us from all foolish arguments or bitternesses, which can so often destroy the gracious fellowship that You desire of all Your children. Bind us together in love, by the power of Your Holy Spirit and give each one the gifts and graces that are needed and as You see fit, so that together we may minister to each other as we unite together to worship You. We ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer To Overcome Fear

Thank You, Lord, that we are not to fear, knowing that You are with us in every activity and circumstance of life. Thank You for Your promise to strengthen us and uphold us with Your righteous right hand.

Thank You, that You have said that You will never to leave us nor forsake us and thank You Father, that You have redeemed us with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and that we are Your children, forever.

Thank You that our lives are hid with Christ in God, and that because of His great and precious sacrifice we are accepted in Him and clothed in His perfect righteousness.

Thank You, that no matter what difficulties arise in life You have promised to be there to uphold and rescue us, and thank You that You are ever faithful and that Your loving-kindness and tender-mercies towards us are new every morning. Praise Your holy name. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Overcoming Drugs

Dear Lord, I feel I have made such a mess of my life and have allowed drugs to take possession of me, which I now confess is a drug addiction. I know that this is not only dangerous to my health and distressing to those that I love, but I realise now that it is very dishonouring to You.
Thank You, that You are there for me and have never given up on me. Thank You, that You died for me and that Your blood has cleansed me from all wrong and unrighteousness, even this drug abuse that has caused me and those close to me, such pain and distress.
I pray, that You would give me Your sufficient grace, which You have promised to all Your children, and ask that You would help me to break free from this destructive drug use. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Cleanse me I pray with the blood of Christ, so that I may be clean and freed from this enslaving habit, and fully and finally be enabled to overcome drugs in my life. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For A New Job Offer

Loving Lord You are my Father and You have promised to supply all that we need according to Your riches in glory – and You know my need for a new job at this time.. and so I ask that in Your grace You would provide me with a suitable job, which would pay sufficient wages to provide for all my needs and those of my family.

Lord You told us to ask and it would be given and I have been seeking and knocking on a number of different doors and pray that You would lead me to the right place and open the right door for me. I ask that in the near future You would find me a suitable job where I can use my skills, abilities, training and experience.

I know that the job market is not good at the moment, but I also know that You are a God of miracles, Who is able to carry out the impossible in any one of our lives… and I pray that You would move speedily into my own job seeking experience, and work in a wonderful way  - and I will give You all the praise and glory, for You alone are worthy,


Prayers For Those That Are In Need

Dear God, I know that it is Your will to help those that are afflicted, to support the weak, to provide for the widows and orphans and to help those that are in need.

Use my hands to be of service to those in need, and use my voice to speak words of healing and encouragement to those that are afflicted and in distress. Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' name,


“For the oppressed will not always be forgotten; the hope of the afflicted will not perish forever.”
(Psalm 9:18)

Prayer For Determination To Make Each Day Better

Father God, we are so slow to understand Your ways. We so often act like awkward children playing a game we do not understand, or one that is beyond our years.

Your ways are higher than our ways. So often we feel they “are past finding out”.

And yet, O God, we know your love for us is greater than all our sins, mistakes, blunders and errors. Please Father, give us keener perception and greater determination to make each day better than the day past.

In Christ’s name,


Prayer For Friends At Work

Dear Heavenly Lord, I thank You for my place of work and I come to You today to lift up each of my friends at work in prayer to You. Lord, I know that there is nothing that is a mistake or a coincidence in Your economy and I believe that You have placed me there for a specific purpose. Help me to find that purpose out, in the lives of all with whom I work.

Help me Lord, to demonstrate Your grace and friendliness towards my friends at work and may I conduct myself in a godly and friendly manner towards each and every one. Help me also to be able to share Your Word at my work and be ready and willing to give an answer for what I believe. Lord, You know each of these friends at work so much better than I do and You know the hurts and the pain that each one is carrying. Put Your words in my mouth so that I may speak into whatever situation is heavy on their heart, and may You use my simple witness to speak words of comfort and help to those in need. And Lord, I pray that Jesus Himself may be glorified in my life, such that many come to see their need of Jesus as their Saviour, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For A Reverential “Fear” Of The Lord

How we thank and praise You Lord that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, the well-spring of knowledge, the fountain of life, pure and enduring forever, and that whoesover puts their trust in You will not be put to shame.

I pray that I may learn to love You and reverence You more and more, to trust in You with all my heart and to lift up Your holy name. I pray, that I may delight myself in You and not lean on my own understanding, knowing that You are a great God Who causes all things to work together for good, to those that love You and are called according to Your plans and purposes.

Help me to be still before You, to humbly worship You in spirit and truth and to develop a reverential fear of the Lord in every area of my life. I pray that I may exalt You in my heart and mind all the days of my life, for You alone are worthy. Teach me I pray, how to honestly and joyfully reverence Your holy name in all I say and do. This I ask in the name of Jesus,


Prayer For The Leaders Of Our Country

Heavenly Father, we praise and thank You that You are the most High God Who rules in the kingdom of men. You set up leaders in their various offices and remove them by Your mighty will.
Father, we lift up the leaders of our country and all those that You have set up in places of authority to rule and govern our nation, both political and religious, and we pray that they would rule our land and the many institutions with wisdom and integrity.
We pray that each one would carry out their various responsibilities with honesty and for the benefit of the nation. Clothe each one with righteousness and justice, and we pray that all selfish ambitions would be laid aside, and that Your plans and purposes are fulfillled for the well-being of all citizens. 
May Your ways be known in our country and Your name be lifted up in the corridors of power. Guide our country we pray, into the ways of peace, justice and truth. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For My Husband’s New Job

Thank You Father for my husband’s new job and we give You all the praise and glory for answering our prayers and opening the door for this new and exciting employment.

Please bless this new work and I pray that my husband will settle in quickly and happily in his new position, and will be enabled to fulfil the many requirements he will be called upon to do and to overcome all the obstacles he may find in this new position. I pray that he would not only fit in well in this next step of his career, but be viewed with grace and favour by both the senior managers and other work-colleagues.

Give him the vision and ability to quickly recognise what needs to be tackled and the potential to act quickly and effectively. Help him to excel in all he does and grant him wisdom and ability to face any new and difficult challenges with confidence, wisdom and grace. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient and I praise and thank You for this next step on our life-journey together  - in Jesus name,


Prayer For Christian Brothers And Sisters

Dear God, the only source of healing and hope and the one fountain of peace, look down in pity and mercy on Your many children who are facing adversity and afflicted by the miseries that this world system is imposing.

Provide for the needs for all those that are called by Your name who are facing financial hardships and health problems. Enrich them with Your heavenly hope, nourish them with all Your goodness and bring each of them safely into their promised home. In Jesus' name I pray,


“With every prayer and request, pray at all times in the Spirit, and stay alert in this, with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.”
(Ephesians 6:18)

Prayer Of Forgiveness For Past Disappointment

Loving Lord, please help me to let go of all the disappointments of the past and to forgive those that have hurt and disappointed me so deeply. Keep me from all bitterness Lord. I know that I am holding resentment in my heart, and that this is destructive to my own peace and my relationship with You.

Lord, I am finding forgiveness so very difficult. Help me I pray.

Lord, I know that only in Your strength can I truly forgive those who have hurt me in the way that Christ forgives me. I understand that I can only forgive others as I allow the forgiveness of Christ to flow through me. He even said, “Father forgive”, to those that crucified Him on the cross, so help me to forgive in that same way, I pray.

Loving Lord, I know in my heart that forgiveness is a choice that I have to make. Help me to make the right choice. Help me to choose to let forgiveness flood my heart, so that I am not nursing grievances within, and so that healing of my own heart can start to take place.

I ask this in the name of Jesus,


Prayer For My Praying Wife

How I thank You for the love my wife has for You Lord, and for the quiet strength she demonstrates in her prayerfulness. Thank You for the example she is to me and to others, of a woman who has placed Jesus at the rightful centre of her life, and home.

Lord, there was a time when I did not understand and was a little confused, irritated and even jealous of her prayer-life, but Lord, thank You for showing me the amazing gift that I have received from You in the person of my praying wife, and also for the amazing grace and gift of prayer that You have bestowed on her. 

Lord, just as her prayers have so often sustained me as I have faced some of life’s difficulties, I now lift up my precious wife to You in grateful praise asking that You would sustain her and encourage her in her prayer life. Be her rock and support, especially in those times when she may become weary of well-doing. Show me Lord, how I may be supportive toward her and thank You Father, for giving me my praying wife. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Friend Who’s Wandered From Christ

Dear Lord Jesus, I come to You with a heart broken and full of sadness, knowing that my dear friend has gradually been drawn back into the world and seems to have forgotten the commitment that they made to Christ some time ago, and all that He did at Calvary to save us from our sins.

Father, I neither know what to say or what to do to help, but we seem to be drifting further and further apart, almost to the point that there is a barrier erected between us. Oh Lord, my heart is so sad and I ask You in Your grace and mercy to help in this time of need. Look down on this dear friend and I pray that you would reach down and turn their hearts back to You.

Lord, I know that this must grieve Your heart so much more than mine and so, by Your grace, I pray that whatever it takes that You would draw them back to Yourself. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, who died that we both might live, bring back this straying sheep to Your fold and into Your arms of love. In Jesus' name,


Prayer To Remove Fear About Death

Dear Heavenly Father, at times I become quite fearful about the prospect of death and dying and Lord, I pray that You would help me to overcome this fear and enable me to see death from a heavenly perspective.

I know Lord, that it says in Scripture that the death of Your saints is very precious to You and that it is better to be with You in heaven. I also thank You for Your promise that death has lost its sting and that the grave has lost its victory, through the glorious resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, for which I praise and thank You.

Father, I do thank You that You are my caring Shepherd and that even when I have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I do not need to fear, knowing You are with me every step of the way, to comfort and support.

Help me not to fear but rather, may I rest my soul in You and trust that in all things, even in death, You will fulfil Your promise to be with me always and to carry me through, to the end.In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Our Government

Father, we thank and praise You for the many blessings You have bestowed on our nation, blessings that we don’t deserve but which You have showered on us in Your grace and mercy.
But Father, we know that our country seems to have lost its way and our government seems to be spiralling out of control, and we have no one to look to but You. We pray, that You would look down on our country with pity and great mercy, and we pray that our government would be convicted of their need to turn once again to You for wisdom to govern this once great nation in a way that is honouring to Your name.
We pray for each of our leaders and lift them up to You, praying that they would look to You both individually and collectively, so that our nation may be governed according to Your plans and purposes. But if as a nation we are to face Your displeasure because we have turned from Your statues and disobeyed Your laws, we pray that You would be merciful, and we ask that in Your grace many of our leaders would to cry to You for salvation and help. This we ask for the sake of our Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord,

Prayer For Learning A New Job

Dear Lord, I thank You for my new job but I know that it is going to be very demanding as there is much to learn and less time that I would hope is being allowed for me to become as proficient as I would like.

I ask for Your grace and wisdom as I seek to come to terms with all the additional skills, training and expertise I need to acquire to become competent.

Help me to learn quickly and proficiently and may I find grace in the eyes of the management and may the quality of my work in this new job give a good Christian witness to my bosses and colleagues and be honouring to You – this I ask in Jesus name,


Prayer Of Provision For All God’s Children

Spirit of the living God, refresh and sustain me with Your goodness, so that I may be a vessel that is fit to do Your bidding. Break me of my self-will and mould me into the person that You desire me to be, that I may be a witness to Your grace and speak boldly of Your great salvation. Help me to be ready always to give an answer for the hope that I have in Christ Jesus, my Lord. In His name I pray,


Prayer For Volunteers To Go…

Heavenly Father, we know that You have called us to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into the harvest field, for people to go and proclaim the gospel of grace to those who have not heard of Your great salvation, to go and make disciples and teach the truth of the gospel of grace, to go and demonstrate the love of God, Who sent His only begotten Son into the world, so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.

Father, we pray that You would put it into the hearts of many of Your children to answer this call to "Go" – to volunteer to be Your hand and Your feet and to tell the truth of Your great sacrifice of love.

We pray that You would call many to volunteer to work, knowing that the night is fast approaching when no one can work. May their lives produce a great harvest, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Those Who Have No Friends

Dear Heavenly Father, You created us to be social beings and You designed us to build up special relationships and friendships with those that pass along our way, sometimes family members and at other times strangers that simply walk into our lives or cross our path, and who remain bound up with us for the rest of our time on earth.

Lord, I lift up those who do not have any special friend or who desire to have someone significant or important in their lives, not simply as a marriage partner but a friend, a kindred spirit, a special person with whom they can build up a trusting relationship, and who will share in their joys as well as their sorrows. Look down in pity on those that have such a longing in their hearts and give them the desire of their heart, so that together they can encourage and edify each other in the faith, and unite together in praise and worship with the God who in His loving-kindness drew them into each others lives. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus,


Prayer Of Repentance And Acceptance

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me. Thank You for sending Your only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to die on the cross to pay the price for my sins. Thank You, that You did not turn away from mankind when through sin and rebellion we turned away from You and sought to live independently of You. Thank You for not giving up on the human race and thank You Father, for not giving up on me.

Father, I admit that I am a sinner and have no right to approach Your holy Presence, except in and through the blood of Jesus Christ Who died to pay the price for my sins. I repent of all the wrong deeds that I have carried out in my body and all the lustful thoughts that I have committed in my mind.

Father, I admit that there is no goodness in me, except that which comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to stop going my own way, trying to live my life without You and I want to turn back to Christ Jesus, Who paid the price for my sins. Father, I pray that I may learn to live in complete dependence upon Him, for I know that it is only in Him that I can live a godly life

Thank You, that You are a forgiving God, long-suffering and of great goodness. Thank You, for forgiving my sins and may I walk in newness of life from this day forward. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayers For World Leaders

Loving Father, at a time when there is increasing unrest and growing fear of what is coming on the earth, we bring before You the leaders of the various nations of the world, and pray that in Your grace and mercy You would intervene and help those that are suffering so greatly in so many nations.
We pray that world leaders would seek after wisdom and justice, mercy and truth, freedom, godly grace and a desire to know You more and more. We pray that those that are deliberately opposing Your will and pushing an anti-God agenda, would be removed from their office and that their plans and purposes would be exposed, and become ineffective.
We grieve for those that are living in war-torn countries of where there is much blood-shed, corruption and unrest in their governments, and pray that in Your pity and grace You would intervene, by removing corrupt leaders and replacing them with those of integrity.
But Lord, we also know that until the Lord Jesus returns as Prince of Pease to set up His millennial kingdom, the current unrest, wars and rumours of wars, corruption and distress will continue. And so we pray that You would be merciful to those that are suffering due to the increasing unrest and fear that is sweeping the nations of the world today. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Clearer Vision

Heavenly Father, give us wisdom we pray to know what You would have us do and discernment to know what is the desire of Your heart for our lives, so that we may align our thoughts to Your thoughts and our will to Your perfect will and purpose.

Keep us we pray from following after our own, natural human wisdom or being influenced by the ways of the world but rather may we learn to base our decisions on Your will and Your purpose and be ready to follow Your guidance and direction.

Grant us a clearer vision we pray and lead us along the right path we ask, in Jesus name,


Prayer Of Protection Those With Dementia

Heavenly Father, look down in pity and mercy on all that are suffering with the illness of dementia. Father, we know that although our loved ones may not recognise the family and friends who love them dearly, Your Holy Spirit can commune with their human spirit in a unique and Godly way, which must be very precious to Your heart. Thank You, Father, that in the power of Your Holy Spirit, You can touch the heart of those that have lost the memories of those that are their nearest and dearest.

Father, I ask Your protection on those that are suffering with this debilitating mental disease and pray that You will minister to the emotional and spiritual needs of those we love, with all forms of this mental illness.

Comfort those that feel excluded from a loved one with dementia, in the knowledge that Your grace is sufficient. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Hope In My Disappointments

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You pleading for You to restore my soul, revive my heart and lead me along the right path for the future, for so much in life has become a disappointment and I know that I have strayed far from You.

Thank You, Lord, for reminding me that my citizenship is in heaven and that the things of this world will only cause me disappointments and distress. Help me to hold lightly to the things of this world and it's enticing possessions, but keep my heart focussed on Jesus, knowing that He will never disappoint me or fail me.

Refresh my weary soul I pray, and may I be like a tree that has been planted by the flowing rivers of life. May I sink my roots deeply into You Lord Jesus, knowing that my hope is in You alone. Fill me I pray, with all hope and joy, and may I draw ever closer to You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Protection Of Young Volunteers

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would raise up an army of willing volunteers to be called to go and enter into Your service, and to go wherever You choose to lead them. Lord, I do ask for Your special protection to surround all those that answer this call, that they will not be exploited by bogus ministries of false teachers, but that You would guide them to the place where You would have them be, and to the work to which You have called them.

Provide for the needs of those that have volunteered to Your call, and I pray that You would lead and guide them in all things. I ask Lord, that You would not only provide for the bodily needs of this life but that You would provide for their spiritual needs aswell. Draw them ever closer to Jesus as they complete the task to which You have called them. In Jesus' name, 


Prayer Of Thanks For A Special Woman Friend

What a gracious God you are and worthy of all our praise and worship, for You are the God who created us to enjoy fellowship with one another and with You, and You formed us to be relational beings with both emotions and feelings. Thank You, Lord, for the wonderful friend that You have brought into my life, by Your grace. She has been such a joy and encouragement to me, and I have been able to see Your hand of blessing in our friendship from the very beginning, knowing that You were the one that drew us together in the first place and allowed such a beautiful relationship to develop.

Lord, I do thank You for her, for she has been such a blessing to me and I praise and thank You for the wonderful things that You are doing in her life, by Your grace. Thank You for her grace and wisdom, her gentleness and devotion to You. Lord, she truly is an inspiration to me and I pray that You would continue to bless her and use her, strengthen and protect her, comfort and refresh her, and use her in the corner of Your field where You have placed her. May she grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus in the days that lie ahead and keep her looking to Jesus, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer Repenting And Dependence

Dear Lord Jesus, I confess my sins. I confess that I am a sinner and that I need You in my life. I turn to You in repentance and ask You to forgive my many sins. I have not lived as I should and I have not loved You as You deserve.

I believe that You came to earth to live the life of a man, that is completely dependent upon God, and in so doing to demonstrate to us all what it truly means to walk in spirit and truth.

Lord, it is my desire to learn to live my life in full and total dependence on You, surrendered in body soul and spirit, in the same way that You lived Your life in full and total dependence upon the Father.

Thank You, Lord, for dying as my substitute so that I might live the life that You created me to live, in utter dependence on God. Thy will be done in my life I pray, and I ask that in Your strength I may live as unto the Lord, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name.


Prayers For United Nations

Father, we come to You to pray about the United Nations knowing that they are pursuing an agenda that is so often counter to the truth of Your Word, and at times seems diametrically opposed to godly principles. 
Father, we recognise that many of their programmes and policies are couched in issues like sustainable development, global warming, global consciousness, and civil liberties, and we begin to realise that behind much of their agenda is a spirit of control.
Father, we know that You are in full control of all that takes place in our world, and that members of the United Nations can do nothing that is not permitted by You. We pray that You will expose anything that is designed to undermine godly principles in our lives, and pray that You would remove anyone who abuses their power or is seeking to place people under bondage or manipulate the world’s resources for their own personal advantage.
Lord, we know that the time is short and that the Lord Jesus will return to take the Church to be with Himself very soon, but we pray that in Your grace, You would alert those Christians that have not yet recognised the serious implication of these UN subtle policies that are being implemented and which are designed to enslave the world, eliminate state sovereignty and bring in the false religion of the Anti-Christ.
Father, the world needs judgement, but we plead that in Your wrath You would show mercy, and we pray that many would repent of their support of the UN and come to saving faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, before it is too late. We ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Spiritual Vision

Father, You are the immortal, invisible God, Who has promised to lead and guide all those that are called by Your name.. and You have undertaken to  give godly wisdom and vision generously to all Who come to You asking in faith – knowing that You have promised never to turn us away those that ask in faith or to find fault when we come to You trustingly and in humility of heart.

I come now to pray for spiritual vision and to ask You to lead and guide me in the days that lie ahead…trusting You to fulfil all the desires petitions of Your servant as may be best for me – to Your praise and glory.

Open my eyes to see Your will for my life and keep me from following after my own natural inclination or allowing my fluctuating emotions to dictate my decisions – but may I be led by Your Spirit to do only those thing that are pleasing in Your sight and which are best for me – for I believe that only as I seek to live godly in Christ Jesus will purpose for my life be fulfilled to Your praise and for my eternal benefit. This I ask in Jesus name 


Prayer for Struggling With Anger

Dear Lord, You know how I struggle with anger in my heart and how I still have hatred toward those that have hurt and abused me in so many ways. Lord, my anger is so deep within my soul that I sometimes feel my head is going to burst.

I know, Lord, that there is no way that I can control my own anger for I have tried and failed so many times. I can manage for a while and then I feel as if I am about to explode from within. I know I need to deal with the very root of my anger. Help me Lord.

Lord, I know that the only way to deal with my anger is to keep my heart and my thoughts focused on You, Who took the punishment for all my sin, all my anger, all my hatred.

I know that forgiveness, true genuine forgiveness toward those that have hurt me so badly is the way to deal with the root of the problem. Help me to say as You did on the cross, "Father forgive them," and to keep my heart looking to You.

I confess my anger Lord and ask for Your forgiveness. Create in me a clean heart, forgiving heart, I pray,


Cleansing Prayer Of A Careless Christian

Dear Father, I come to You in humbleness of heart knowing that I have wandered so far from You and have not loved You as I ought.

Lord, I confess that I slipped back into the ways of the world and allowed the lusts of the flesh and the enticements of the world to draw me right away from You. Lord, I have neglected my fellowship with You and I know that my actions and attitudes must have grieved Your Spirit. Lord, I confess my sins and ask for Your forgiveness for my foolish ways and inconsiderate actions, not only to others but to You Lord Jesus.

Wash me clean Lord I pray, and cleanse me of my sins. Search out any wicked ways in me and renew a right spirit within my heart. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation that I once enjoyed and loved.

Thank You, Lord, that You remain faithful even when we are unfaithful to You. Thank You, Father, in Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Relief Workers And Volunteers

Heavenly Father, the world is reeling from the effects of different storms and quakes and the many disasters world-wide, that can so quickly and unexpectedly shatter the lives of so many people and communities.

I not only pray Lord, that You would send volunteers into places that need help to cope with the disasters that they are facing, but I ask that You would prompt Christians to hear the call and take the gospel with them into these places that have been so devastated by a disaster.

Lord, I know that we live in a sinful world and that the whole of creation is groaning, as we wait for the Lord Jesus to return to set up His coming kingdom, but Father, I pray that You would use these disasters for good, by sending volunteers into such places where they may tell of the good news of Jesus Christ and bring many to faith in the Sacrifice that Christ gave on the cross to redeem all who would believe on His name. Lord hear my prayer, in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanks For A Special Male Friend

Lord, thank You for friends and friendships and for the wonderful way that we have been designed by You to interact and compliment each other, and to be there to quietly support and encourage in times of sadness as well as joy. Father, I do thank You for this very special friend that you brought into my life at a time when he was most needed, and for the close bond of fellowship that has been growing between us ever since.

Lord, I lift up this treasured friend of mine and thank You for the great blessing that he has been in my life, and for the wisdom and discernment that You have been gracious to bestow on him. I praise You for the way that You have been using and moulding him, training and equipping him, preparing and strengthening him to carry out Your plans and purposes in his life, to Your praise and glory.

Thank You for his faithful witness, personal testimony, understanding heart and spirit of encouragement, and thank You Father, for the unique contribution he is making to the furtherance of Your kingdom. May he grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus and may he be enfolded in Your love and peace and hear You say, "well done good and faithful servant." In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Deep Repentance

Lord God, You alone are worthy to be praised for You have created us by Your mighty power, redeemed us by Your precious blood, and You hold all things together.

Lord, I know that I have sinned against You and have acted in rebellious and wicked ways, by turning away from Your commandments and ignoring the truths that are contained throughout the Scripture for my instruction, training in righteousness and well-being.

I have not listened to Your Word and have turned aside from Your voice. I have ignored Your many calls to holiness and I stand before You poor and wretched, naked and ashamed.

Lord God, according to Your grace and mercy, I ask for Your forgiveness. Keep Your promise to me, Your child I pray, and wash away my many sins. Help me to put the past behind me and enable me to walk into the future with a desire to do Your will and to live godly in Christ Jesus.

Thank You, Lord, that Your mercies are new every morning. Thank You that even though I have been so faithless towards You, You have remained faithful towards me. Cleanse my heart from within I pray, and renew a right spirit within me. May I walk in holiness and righteousness from this day forward. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Stress Over Health

Heavenly Father, You know what the doctor has said and I feel quite stressed-out about my health, and come to ask You to heal me speedily, I pray.  
Lord, I have knowing for some time that my health is not good, but I feel quite shocked and worried, and I pray that in Your grace You would touch my life and my body and give me the healing that I need.
I pray that You would also calm my mind and give me peace in my heart. I know that my times are in Your hands, but it is quite daunting to know that my health is so poor.
Show me what I can do to help my health to recover speedily, and in Your grace I ask You to heal me Lord. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer For A Heavenly Vision

Father how I thank You that my citizenship is in heaven, from which I also eagerly wait for the return of my Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ 

Help me never to lose the excited anticipation I have when I consider the joy of Your soon return to take Your Body, (the Church), home to be with Yourself forever. Thank You Father  for the seal of the Holy Spirit and the promised inheritance of all the saints, which has been reserved for us in heaven. 

May I never lose sight of the joy that awaits us. May I eagerly seek You with all my heart every day of my life  and I pray that I will always choose to live godly in Christ Jesus to Your praise and glory.

May I be obedient to the heavenly vision that You have placed within the heart of each of Your children and may I never lose the thrill of its anticipated arrival, but watch eagerly and wait patiently for the vision to come – and though that glorious,  heavenly vision it may tarry… let me never be weary of watching and waiting – this I ask in Jesus name,


Prayer For Help With My Anger And Resentment

Heavenly Father, I ask You to examine my heart, for there is a well of anger and resentment deep within my soul and I keep drawing on that bitter water, rather than drinking daily of the waters of life that flow into a heart that is looking to Jesus.

Examine my heart Lord, and root out all the bitterness and resentment that is so deeply rooted within me. Search the inner depth of my soul and expose all my suppressed hurt and resentment, for it is only in You that I can be set free of the pain deep within.

Thank You, Father, that You forgave all my sins at the cross of Calvary and I believe that You paid the full price all my sins, including all the anger in my heart – anger that still surfaces too frequently from time to time. I pray that in Your grace, You will free me from all traces of anger and create in me a heart of love and forgiveness, so that I may grow more and become more like Jesus,


Prayer From A Prodigal

Lord, I have grieved Your Spirit and have lived an unholy and unrighteous life-style. I am not worthy to be part of Your family. But Lord, according to Your loving-kindness and tender mercies, I pray that You will cleanse me of my sin and wash me white as snow, in the blood of the Lord Jesus, my Saviour.

Lord, I acknowledge my sin and my rebellions ways. Loving Lord, Your Word has promised that if I confess my sin You are faithful and just to forgive me and to cleanse me from all my unrighteousness. Lord, I do confess that I wronged You in so many ways, and pray for Your forgiveness.

Teach me Lord, to follow Your ways from now on. Restore me into fellowship with the Father, I pray. Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanks For Hospital Volunteers

Heavenly Father, thank You for our hospitals and the wonderful way that You have used many volunteers to share the gospel of grace, the love of Christ and the truth of the forgiveness of sins to those that are sick, suffering and in need.

Multiply the numbers of those whom You call into this valuable work, knowing that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

Lord, I also know that in many places in the world, it is much more challenging to share the gospel, especially in hospitals, surgeries and medical centres, but Father, I pray that You would protect all who are part of the army of volunteers who are called into this service, and pray that You would give many opportunities to tell others of the love of Christ, and to share the good news of the gospel of grace, so that many may be brought into the kingdom of God. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Healing For A Sick Friend

Heavenly Father, I lift up my dear friend who has contracted a serious illness, and Lord, You know better than I the difficulties and problems that this is causing. Help us all to turn to You in this time of deep distress and surround my dear friend I pray, with Your comforting arms of blessing. Pour into all our hearts Your peace that passes understanding. Strengthen our hearts, and calm the fears of all concerned, with the blessed hope that we all have in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Lord, I place the life of my dear friend into Your safekeeping, and pray that Your hand of blessing would carry us all through the coming days and weeks. And Lord, I ask that Your healing touch would be upon this dear one, whom we all love so deeply.

Lord, Your healing hand has not lost its power and Your arm has not lost its strength, and so I pray that You would reach out and flood healing into the broken body of our friend and that You would bring wholeness to their soul. And Lord, we all praise You that no matter what the outcome may be, Your grace is sufficient for all our needs and that Your love for each is never-ending.

Comfort and bless this dear friend of ours and may each of us know with assurance that You are in control, and that nothing can happen of which you are unaware. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Faith, Repentance And Salvation

Loving Lord Jesus, You have loved me even though I have not loved You. I admit that I am a sinner and I know that there is no other way to have my many sins forgiven except through Your blood, that was shed at Calvary.

I believe that You died for me and that You took all the punishment for my sins that I justly deserve. Lord, I repent of all my sins and pray that You would forgive me all my trespasses.

Please come into my life. I receive You as my Saviour for You promised that as many as receive You and believe on Your name, You will give the right to become sons of God. Lord, I believe and want to follow You as My Lord and Saviour, from this day forward.

Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Stress Over Finances

Loving Lord Jesus, I don’t know what to do as my finances are not improving and I feel incapable of getting myself back onto the road to financial recovery. In fact Lord, it seems that the more that I try to help myself the more financial difficulties I seem to have to face.
I know Lord, that You hold the future and that our times and our finances are in Your hands. I pray that I would be enabled to accept this truth in my heart and not just know it as a fact in my head. I know that You have promised to be our help in time of need, and I just find it difficult to trust You, and so I come to You Lord to say I am trusting in You to help me get through this difficult time and ask that You would help me to learn to cast all my cares and worries on You and to trust You in all things.
Help me to depend on You and not to try to always fix things myself, and help me to learn the truth that Your grace is sufficient in all things.
Teach me Your ways I pray. Teach me to have real faith in You, faith that is able to say, "Thy will not mine be done." Faith that depends on You no matter what difficulties I may be facing. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Blessing For New Mothers

How we rejoice today as we seek Your blessing on the new mothers who have just entered the threshold of motherhood and started their journey through life with a precious new-born, that has been granted by Your goodness and grace.

We praise You for the heritage and gift of children and the joy and happiness of bringing a new little life into the world. We ask Lord that You would pour out Your special blessing on all new mothers today and grant them wisdom and grace, patience and godly love as they begin the process of nurturing and encouraging, teaching and training their precious child.

May they grow in grace and make it a priority to place Jesus in the centre of their home-life, knowing that, when You are in Your rightful position that Your grace and blessing will flow in rich abundance.

May the Lord bless and keep every new mother and may His face shine upon each one and give them peace in their soul and joy of the Lord in their heart, in Jesus name we pray,


Prayer To Be Set Free From Anger And Bitterness

Loving Lord, I place that anger and bitterness that I too often harbour in my heart at Your feet and pray that in Your grace, You will expose all that is causing the bitter poison that is lodged within my heart to surface so often, and set me free from it, I pray.

Lord, I confess all my anger and bitterness, and know that when I allow this to surface in my heart it breaks the fellowship we have together. I know that when I confess my anger, You are faithful and just to forgive the outbursts of anger in my heart and to cleanse me of all unrighteousness, for which I praise Your name. But Lord, I desire that I am set free from this pollution within my heart, so that the root of anger shrivels within. I ask You to examine me and root out all that is not pleasing in Your sight

Thank You, in Jesus' name,


Prayer For God To Change Me

Dear Lord, I often spend my time worried and unhappy about things that may never happen, and yet I know that this is not only wrong in Your sight, but it is affecting me and my relationship with my friends and family.

Change me Lord, from the inside out, so that I do not fret and worry about things that may never happen, but help me rather to focus my mind on what is good and lovely. Enable me to give others the support and encouragement that they need, and not always expect others to address the needs and concerns that I have.

Lord, I know that I can never change on my own, but I know that when I allow You to work Your good work through me, I will show forth Christ’s love in my life, rather than my own selfishness. Lord, I know that without You I cannot change, but I praise You that I can do all things, including changing my attitude, through Christ Who gives me the strength. Thank You, Lord, for Your everlasting grace towards me. In Jesus' name I pray,


For Prayer Volunteers To Pray In Your Will

Heavenly Father, I ask You to raise up a great army of praying men and women, prayer warriors, who will seek your face day and night to discover how to pray into Your will and for whom to pray.

Raise up a mighty army of prayer volunteers, who will give their lives to seek Your face and to pray into Your will in these increasingly dark days.

Raise up men and women who will humbly and faithfully seek Your face, so that they know how to lift up the needs of the people of the world and the governments of the nations. And Lord, bless these people who are quietly acting as “watchmen on the wall” – prayer volunteers who are being used by You, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanksgiving For Friends

Thank You, Lord, for the blessing of friendship and for the circle of love that surrounds all those who trust in Your name. Thank You, for the gift of fellowship and for the bonding of all those who have trusted in the Lord Jesus as their Saviour.

Thank You for the blessings we enjoy and for the love and grace that flows like a river between us, when our hearts have been made clean before the Lord and we look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Help us to laugh with those that laugh, to weep with those that mourn, to celebrate with those who are joyful and to comfort those that need us to share in their pain.

Build us up in a bond of love and friendship. Protect and provide for those friends of ours that are needy. Nourish and enrich all our lives with the Word of truth and the Gospel of grace and may we grow ever closer to each other and to You. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer To The Prince Of Peace

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You that You are the Prince of Peace. Thank You that You not only calmed the raging storms on the sea, two thousand years ago, but that You are still able to calm the stresses and distresses within my heart, and I praise and thank You that You have taken up residency within my life, in the person of the Holy Spirit.

Thank You, that my life has been exchanged for Your life, and that my sinful unrighteousness has been replaced with Your perfect righteousness. Thank You, that I not only have peace with God through the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus Christ, but that I have Your promise of an abiding peace, within my heart, when my mind is stayed upon You.

Keep me I pray, from being overwhelmed by the ragings of the world and the tempestuous storms of life, and help me at all times to abide in Your love and to cast all my problems and cares upon You.

Thank You, that You have overcome the world and that I can rest securely in You, knowing I have not been given the spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. May Your name be glorified in my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Stress In The Family

Dear Heavenly Father, there is such a lot of stress in our family and I just pray that it would simply stop. It seems that never a day goes past without someone getting stressed out, and we are all getting so weary and worn out.
Please help our family I pray, to get on with each other and Lord, I do pray that the build up of stress and tension would stop, and that we start to live with each other in the way that You meant families to live.
Lord, I love my family and I know that this is not good for any of us to be in this constant state of pressure and nervous tension. Give me wisdom I pray, to know how to deal with this in the future and to know what to do and to say, or what not to say, to help the rest of the family release their stress, so that we may learn  to live together in godly unity. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer Of A Mother Who Lost Her Son

Heavenly Father, I kneel before You grieved in my spirit and with deep pain in my heart, due to the loss of my son, whom I loved so dearly and who has been taken from me so cruelly.

Father I know that he is in Your presence now, but I have been left with a gaping hole in my life that is hard to express and impossible to explain.. and yet I know that You grieved over the death of Your dearly beloved Son, Who gave His life as a ransom for others so that we might believe in Him and be given life everlasting – and in my heart I know that there is no-one who understand the loss of a son like You and there is no one who can comfort the heart of those that are grieving more than our heavenly Father – for  You are the God of all comforts, Who comforts us in all our afflictions and pain.

Lord I know that there are others also who are going through this same, deep sadness and loss of their sons too,  and I want to lift each and every one up to You and pray that You would comfort every mother and father who has had to go through the devastating loss of their son. 

Thank You that Your grace and pity is beyond our understanding and that Your peace can calm each aching heart and still the troubled mind of all who are grieving.. and we pray that in a wonderful way You would meet the needs of each one at this time of loss, and draw them into a closer walk with Yourself - this I ask in the name of  Your own, dearly beloved Son – Jesus Christ my Lord,


Prayer For All Who Struggle With Anger, And Unforgiveness

Loving Father and heavenly Lord, I know that prayer is simply the breath of helplessness being nourished on the bosom of the Father. And so Lord, I come to You lifting up the many men and women that have such a struggle with the bitterness and anger that lurks deep within their soul, and who are helpless to deal with this disease without You Lord.

Father, You alone are the one that can address their need and sever the root of their anger, for it is only as one abides in Christ that the fruit of His Holy Spirit can grow and displace the ugliness of anger and bitterness within.

Bring those that do not know the Lord Jesus as Saviour into a saving faith in Him, so that they can know that their sins are forgiven forever and that You paid the price of all. And for those that know You as Saviour, I pray that they come to understand that it is only as we yield to Your Spirit and admit our inabilities to deal with the fruit of evil in our heart, that You will guide us into the paths of righteousness, unforgiveness and love.


Prayer To Change My Home Situation

Loving Lord, with the pressure of life and the ‘need’ for instant actions in just about everything that touches our lives, I am finding that my family and I seem to be like passing ships in the night. We are all so caught up in our own needs and problems and work, and the business of the day, that we have precious little time for each other and even less time Lord, for You.

Lord Jesus, I know that this is not how You designed the family to function and I ask You Lord, that in Your mercy, You would help each one of us to change the way we think. Help us to change our priorities, and not to set aside what is really important for what we consider is urgent. Lord, I pray that You would change us individually and as a family as a whole, so that we live our lives in a manner that is pleasing to You.

May we put You in Your rightful place in our home, as the Head of our home, the welcome listener to each of our conversations and the honoured guest at each of our meals.

Lord, I do thank You for my home and my family, and I pray that we become united as one as in our desire to change our home situation so that it may better reflect the way that You would have us live our lives, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Take Your rightful position Lord, and guide us all I pray. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Guidance In Choosing My Vocation

Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me to this point in my life and for always being there for me, even during those periods of my life when I have neglected You or ignored You or not paid attention to You as I ought. Forgive me my negligence and please listen and respond to my prayer. 

Lord, I have come to the point in my life when I need to make the important decision on what vocation to follow. Please give me guidance and wisdom as I seek to discover the path that would be the best for me to follow.

Lord, I don’t know which way to go or which path to follow, but I pray that in Your grace You would open up the door through which I should go. I am trusting my life into Your hands and pray that whatever vocation I finally follow, that You will be with me to lead and to guide. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Protection In A Hostile Environment

Heavenly Father, You are my hiding place and the rock of my salvation and I come before You today and thank You that You have promised to be with me wherever I go, and to guide me in whatever I do. Lord, as I set out on my journey through today, I pray that I may walk in Your ways and would hear Your still small voice gently prompting me in the direction You would have me to go.

Keep me under the shadow of Your wing and grant me protection Father, from all the perils and dangers as I step out into the unknown of “today,” knowing that You have scheduled each day of my life and nothing can happen to me of which You are unaware.

Lord, You know the dangers that I may face today in this hostile environment in which I live, but I am placing my trust in You. I know that the angel of the Lord encamps round about them that fear Him and delivers them. Thank You that You are with me even when I walk through the blackest valley for my trust is in You. May You be glorified in all I say and do today. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For God’s Peace Within

Father, You have called me to be still before You, to rest in Your love and to patiently bear the cross that is set before me, knowing that You are not only at my side every moment of the day, but dwelling deep within my heart.

Help me to depend on You in all things, knowing that nights of sadness will soon be turned into mornings of joy, when You are by my side. Keep me from fretful thoughts and foolish imaginings, knowing that You are my best and heavenly Friend, my Shepherd, my Provider, my Defender and the Rock of my salvation.

Draw me every closer to Your heart of love. Quiet my spirit, still my soul and instil in my inner being Your perfect peace that passes all understanding. Help me I pray, to be still and know that You are God, my God in Whom I trust. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Stress Over Being Sued

Dear Heavenly Father, I am so concerned that I am now being sued and I feel so helpless and alone. Lord, I pray that You would be with me as I face this court case and ask that in Your grace, You would soon vindicate me and bring this unpleasant incident to a final and positive conclusion.
Lord, You know the exact circumstances of these proceedings and why this legal action has been taken against me. And You also know the motive behind all that is going on and what I ought to do.
Lord, I pray that this legal action will be dropped speedily, but if not, I pray that You would help me to face it with wisdom and integrity. I ask that You would give me the grace that I need to go through this, knowing that You have promised to be with me from beginning to its conclusion. In Jesus' name,

Prayer for Mother in Surgery

Thank You Father that You are the Giver of life and the Restorer of health and that Your healing touch is still as powerful today as it was during the time when Jesus walked the earth, and laid His hands on those that were sick and healed them. And so we ask that Your blessing and grace would rest on our mother as she is facing surgery and pray that You would remain very close to her throughout the whole operation 

We ask that You would be with the surgeon as he performs this surgery and provide him with the skill and dexterity to carry out the operation without any medical complications or other unforeseen difficulties. We also lift up the rest of the nursing staff and other medics that will be involved.. and pray that there will nothing to impede the operation from going smoothly and successfully.  

We pray that as our mother faces this surgery that Your peace, which passes human understanding would guard her heart and her mind so that she is enabled to rest in Your unchanging love and not be disturbed or upset by all that is happening.

Be with us too as we await the outcome of the operation and may we all experience Your sufficient grace and keep our eyes looking to Jesus, knowing that He has promised to be with us through every problem of life – thank You in Jesus name,


Prayer Of Confession For Anger Harboured In My Heart

Loving Lord, I confess that there is much bitterness and anger in my heart, and I come to You knowing that there is nothing that I can do to rid myself of this suffocating handicap in my life.

Search me within Lord, and expose all that is not pleasing in Your sight. Help me to find a closure to the deep rooted anger which seems to be rooted in a deep-seated unforgiveness.

Forgive me Lord, for the pain I have caused, for I know my anger has hurt so many people. Yet I realise that my sin of anger is directed against You and it is against You alone that I have sinned in this way.

Also, I pray that You will create in me a forgiving heart towards all those that have hurt me so deeply. And knowing that the Lord Jesus forgave me so many sins, I confess that I too should forgive others, just as God for Christ’s sake forgave me all my sin.

Thank You that in You I have victory against all my sin, including my anger – for in Christ the power of sin has been broken in my life because I trust in His name.

Thank You Lord. I trust You to take away all the anger within me and fill me with Your perfect peace, for You have promised to keep all in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You.


“There is no soundness in my body because of Your indignation; there is no health in my bones because of my sin.”
(Psalm 38:3)

Prayer To Live For God In My Future Work

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank You for the gifts, graces and talents that You have given me and for the love and encouragement that I have received from my family, friends and my brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank You that I am Your child and that I am born again, in Christ, and a part of Your heavenly family.

In You grace, I pray that You would take me and use me in Your service, and help me to find a vocation where I can be used to glorify Your name.

Show me the way that You would have me to take and teach me the path along which You would lead me, and Lord, make me willing to follow You into the vocation of Your choice at the expense of my own, for in all things I want Your will to be done in my life.

Search my heart my Lord I pray, and if there are things in my life that need to be shed or discarded, bring them to my attention, for it is my deep desire to do only those things that are pleasing in Your sight.

May my life from this point forward be pleasing to You in thought, word and deed, and may I die to self so that I may live to Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For Safely And Protection On Our Journey

Loving Lord, thank You that You are with us through all the twists and turns of life and that wherever we go, You have promised to be with us and have given us Your assurance that Your presence will accompany us to lead and to guide, to protect and to help. Father, as we set out on this journey today, we ask that You would travel with us.

Keep us alert to the difficulties and dangers that we may encounter along the way, and undertake we pray, that nothing unforeseen may delay or hinder our journey, whether it be mechanical, the weather or any other unforeseen problem. We also pray that we would be kept by the power of God in the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace, and that this may be a journey where You are lifted up in our thoughts as well as well as our prayers.

Thank You, Lord, that in all things we may come to You and offer our prayers and petitions to You, knowing that You hear and answer all Your children. Thank You, in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Peace Into Old Age

Father, You are great and mighty and worthy to be praised, for You have promised to carry me, to sustain me and to hold me steady even into my old age. Thank You that in You there is nothing in life for about which I need be concerned, for I am safe in Your hands, knowing that You will uphold me with Your righteous right hand.

Speak Your perfect peace into my heart I pray, in the midst of the troublesome circumstances in which I find myself, and keep me resting in Your love and abiding in Your precious peace, in the strong assurance that You are mighty to save in every season of life.

Thank You for the thrill of childhood, the experience of youth and the lessons of adulthood. And now, as I face the twilight years of my life, I thank You Father, for Your never failing promises and Your ever present sustaining power.

Flood my mind with Your peace I pray, and enable me to sleep at night in tranquillity of heart, knowing that the angel of Your presence is with me throughout the hours of darkness. Praise the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Baby Being Born

Dear Heavenly Father, what a joy the birth of a new little baby brings and we thank You for the safe delivery of this little life, and ask You to pour out Your special blessing upon them and the whole family.
We thank You for the gift of children and the joy that they bring into the lives of so many, and we offer You this new-born baby and entrust their little life into Your safe-keeping.
Guard and protect this little one, we pray. Enfold them in Your love and grace, and we ask that in Your grace and mercy, that the light of Your love would shine into their little life and that one day they would come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.  In Jesus' name we pray,

“This is what the Lord, your Redeemer who formed you from the womb, says: I am the Lord, who made everything; who stretched out the heavens by Myself; who alone spread out the earth;”
(Isaiah 44:24)

Prayers For Broken Mother-Daughter Relationship

Heavenly Father, we have come to understand that there are many  families that are experiencing a broken mother-daughter relationship and yet the bond between a mother and her daughter is such a blessing and should blossom into a most special affinity and closeness– and so we lift up all those that are facing this sort of distressing family rift, and ask that You would bind up any brokenness and pain in these hurting women, so that a beautiful affinity between them may be renewed and strengthened.. in the days to come.

We pray that any confrontation that has been caused by emotional stress, a lack of understanding, or a disconnection between the generations may be healed and strengthened by Your goodness and grace. We pray that when a mother-daughter relationship has been fractured that both parties would seek to discover areas in their own life where they can make changes.. so that each can start to recognise the needs of the other, and in so doing develop the special closeness between a mother and her daughter, which can be so rewarding.

We pray that in the many mother-daughter relationships that are going through such difficulties, that Jesus may receive his rightful place in each of their lives, knowing that He is the only one who can heal our hurt and restore the years that the locusts have eaten. Thank You in Jesus name,


Prayer That I May Know Him More

Lord, I love You and want to know You more and more. I long that I may become increasingly intimate with You my God and Saviour.

Give me a thirst for You with every passing day, and may I settle for nothing less than the very closest relationship with You as I press on to the high calling of becoming just like Jesus.

Draw me nearer to You precious Lord, and keep me moment by moment wrapped in Your grace and love. 


Prayer For Protection From Danger In The Night

Thank You, Father, for the many precious promises we have from You. Thank You, that you have promised to be with us and to keep us no matter where we are or how far we roam. Lord, You know that it is necessary for me to have to go out into this dark night and I pray for Your protection and grace. I ask that You would keep me from all perils and dangers of this night, for the love of Your only Son my Saviour Jesus Christ.

Thank You, that there is nowhere that I can go that is beyond the perimeter of Your protection and as You promised in Your Word, wherever I go, Your hand will guide me and whatever I do, your right hand will hold me fast. Thank You, that no matter how dark the night may be, the light of Your love is ever present with me, for You are the Light that brightens up the darkest places and will shine the brightness of Your presence before my face, to lighten up the night around me. Praise Your holy name. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Peace In A Hurting World

Heavenly Father, as turmoil and terror throughout the globe seems to increase with every passing day, as the world’s hatred of You increases and as man’s animosity towards Your children continues to grow, we long for that promised time of peace on earth that will only come when the Prince of Peace Himself sets up His millennial rule in Jerusalem.

Forgive us Lord, for we have strayed so far from Your righteous laws and have discredited Your perfect statutes and glorious commandments, in a world that is calling evil good and good evil, and there is no health in us.

Help us to continue to demonstrate Your love and grace towards all with whom we come in contact, and look down in pity on all who are lost and blinded by the lies and deceit of the evil one.

Give wisdom and discernment to all Your children as we travel through this hurting world, and may Your peace that passes understanding flood the hearts and minds of all Christians. Equip us all to share the good news of the glorious gospel of grace to all who are searching for a ‘peace’ that only comes from You. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For A Baby’s Chronic Illness

Father, we bow before You in reverence and fear, asking for Your healing touch on the life of this little child. We are concerned Lord, about this chronic illness and pray that in Your grace and mercy, this little baby might be quickly healed and speedily nursed back into full health and strength.
Comfort this little one and ease the suffering and discomfort that they are going through, and we pray that the distressing symptoms of this chronic sickness would soon be reduced and that the baby returns to normal health, in every part of their body.
Give the doctors the wisdom to treat this illness correctly and quickly. Strengthen and help the parents and all who are involved in the nursing care and give them all they may need to continue to look after such a sick child. May they be able to lay all of their worries and concerns down at Your feet, knowing that You are the God Who cares for little children and You are a God Who heals.
May Your peace that passes understanding guard the hearts of the parents in the days that lie ahead, and we will give You all the praise and all the glory. In Jesus' name,

“My soul, praise the Lord, and do not forget all His benefits.”
(Psalm 103:2)

Prayers For A Mothers Of Twins

Loving Lord, what a joy to have twin babies and we praise You for both these little lives. We lift up their mother and her precious duo in prayer and ask that Your grace and blessing would be poured out on them all in rich abundance.

Lord it is a double blessing to have two babies, and we praise and thank Your for the joy that these twins have brought to their parents and to all their wider family and friends. We pray that You would care for them and protect them throughout their lives and keep them free from all danger and harm. 

Father how we thank You for the lives of these little twins – they are a blessing from above and the work of Your hands and we pray that they will be brought-up to know and love the Lord Jesus and to come to trust Him as their Saviour. 

We ask that You would give strength and grace to their Mom as she prepares to adapt her life and routine to care for these two little ones.  We pray that You would uphold her with Your righteous right hand, equip her with the wisdom and understanding, and provide her with the sufficient grace and patience to gently teach and train the precious twins in the way they should go – in Jesus name we pray,


Prayer To Grow In Grace And A Knowledge Of Jesus

Gracious God and heavenly Father, what a joy and privilege to be called Your child. I long that Your Spirit works deeply within my heart so that I may grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I humbly pray that You will increase my desire to know You more and to love You better. Please continue to supply me with the grace and strength to abide in Your love, so that I may show forth the beauty of Jesus in my life, more and more.

May my life and all I say and do, be honouring to You and draw me ever closer to Your heart of love. In Jesus' name I pray,


Mother’s Prayer For Her Children

Dear Lord Jesus, how I praise and thank You for each of my children and I pray that You would give me the wisdom and grace to bring them up in the fear and nurture of the Lord Jesus. May each one come to a full and free salvation in Jesus as their Saviour, and so Lord, I place each of my children into Your safe and secure hands.

Father, I ask that as they grow and develop into young adulthood, that I may teach them the things of God and that they may be quick to know You and to learn to love and trust You. And Lord, as I seek to bring up my children in the way that they should go, I ask You to develop in each one an interest in the vocation to which You will one day call them.

Give me wisdom as I teach and train them, and give them a desire to understand the area of study that will one day be the vocation that You have prepared for them.

May each of my children grow up know and love You and learn to listen to Your voice, and I pray that in Your grace You would gently lead them down the path that is best for them. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Protection Against Evil

Heavenly Father, You have promised that when we dwell in the secret place of the most High and shelter under the shadow of Your wings, You will guard and guide us, protect us and keep us, for You are our refuge and our fortress and You alone are the one in Whom we place our trust.

Thank You, Lord, that no matter where I go Your hand leads me, and Your right arm upholds me, for You are before me and behind me, You are above me and below me, You are at my right hand and also at my left. And You are within me, indwelling in my heart by the power of Your Holy Spirit, Who is my ever present Help in time of trouble.

Father, I pray that You would protect me and my family from all the evils that are lurking nearby and from those that would seek to harm us. Uphold us and keep us safe from all the evils that encircle our lives. Put Your hedge of protection and safety around us we pray, and place a guard at our doors and protects us from all that pass by our gate. And Father, keep our hearts from fear but rather, fill us to overflowing with Your perfect peace that passes all understanding. Thank You, that You are indeed our refuge and strength. You are that ever present Help in time of trouble, therefore in Your strength we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the middle of the sea, for You are with us wherever we go. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Inner Peace In A Time Of Trouble

Heavenly Father, as I read the newspapers and watch the breaking news headlines on the TV screen, I recognise that troublesome times are here, and men’s hearts are failing for fear of what is taking place in the world.

Lord, I know that unless my hope is in You, I too will find that worldwide events that are currently taking place will cause me to faint from fear. Keep my heart fixed on You I pray, and keep me looking to You each moment of the day and help me to trust implicitly in Your Word.

Overshadow me and all those I love with Your love and grace, and draw each one of us into an ever deepening relationship with Yourself and a ever deepening desire to know You more and to serve You better with each passing day. This I ask in the precious name of Jesus,


Prayer For A Baby’s Minor Illness

Loving Lord, this little child is sick and I pray for Your healing touch on their life. Lord, You are the God Who heals, You are the great Physician and You know exactly what is wrong with this baby and what is needed to restore their health. I pray You would place this little life back on the road to recovery and restored health.
Lord Jesus, I believe that Your touch still has its ancient power to heal, that Your love for little children is still as strong as ever, and that by Your loving-kindness and grace, You can restore this babe into good health and clear up this minor illness speedily.
Lord, You have proved to be faithful and true so many times in my life and I have trusted Your Word, which tells us that You heal all our infirmities. Lord, I believe that Your healing power is still just as effective on this little baby’s illness as it was on the daughter of Jairus and the man with a withered hand. Pour out Your healing strength I pray. In Jesus' name,

“But I will bring you health and will heal you of your wounds- [this is]*The bracketed text has been added for clarity. the Lord's declaration- for they call you The Outcast, that Zion no one cares about.”
(Jeremiah 30:17)

Army Mom’s Prayer for Her Soldier Son

Heavenly Father, how I thank You for the joy I have found in this son that You gave me.. and how quickly the years have passed.. and he has grown into a man and a soldier.

I thank You for the joy I have had as I have watched him grow from his babyhood and infant years through his teenage time to manhood  - and Lord my thoughts are somewhat divided as I realise that he is now in the services - a man called to serve his country and fellowman in this important and uncertain military position.

Lord I give him into Your hands and pray that You would lead and guide him, protect and support him as he takes up his position as a soldier and protector of this green and pleasant land of ours.

Father I know that he has not always been as close to You as I would have liked, but I pray that You would use this time in the army as a opportunity to draw him back to Yourself and renew his commitment to You. I pray that he  may grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus, knowing that all who are in Christ have nothing to fear in this current evil world – for we are one in Christ. Into Your hands I commit my son in Jesus name. 


Prayer Of Deliverance From Spiritual Apathy

Loving Lord, I ask You to deliver me from any spiritual apathy and luke-warmedness that has crept into my life almost unseen, as I have drifted away from Your arms of grace.

I know in my heart that I have left my first love, the Lord Jesus Christ, and have neglected the things that I ought to do while doing all the things that I should not have been doing.

Lord, I ask Your forgiveness.

I come to You now in sorrow of heart, knowing that I have wasted such precious time, as I recall the beautiful fellowship we once enjoyed. But Lord in Your grace, I ask that You restore me and refresh me and renew a right spirit within me. Revive my flagging spirit with the breath of life from Your Spirit of joy, for in You is life and joy and love for evermore.

Thank You Lord, that when I am faithless, You remain faithful and true forever. Praise Your holy name,


Prayer For Christian Woman Facing Death

Loving Heavenly Father, How I thank You for the life of this dear sister in Christ and for the love she has had for You. You have carried her safely through so many difficulties and have always been the Rock on which her sufficiency has been founded.

Loving Lord, as she draws ever closer to the time when she will be welcomed into Your presence, I pray that You would flood her with the joy of the Lord in the inner recesses of her soul and that the beauty of Your perfect peace, which passes understanding, would be a sweet fragrance to her, as You guard her heart and mind, in Christ Jesus. 

Keep her Lord, from any pain or fear of the process of dying, knowing that the passing of Your saints is so precious in Your sight. Thank You for her lovely life and the joy and encouragement and hope that she has been to so many of Your children. Hold her closely Lord Jesus, and may she soon be released into Your presence and hear You say, "well done My good and faithful servant." In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For The Protection Of Persecuted Christians

Heavenly Father, we lift up before You the many thousands of Christians around the world who are being cruelly persecuted, abused, tortured and killed and there is little or no outcry about the atrocities that are been perpetrated against so many world-wide. Father, we pray for Your protection from the psychological exhaustion and emotional fear that so many are going through, and we pray that Your Holy Spirit would draw so close to them and protect them. Give them the spiritual strength to endure under such inhumane regimes.

Guard and guide them we pray. Provide for them and empower them to know and experience the love of God, and give them the strength to remain firm in the faith. Enable them we pray, to be fruitful witnesses of the love of Christ, despite the evils and atrocities that are being perpetrated against them. And Father, we ask that they would so grow in grace that they may be able to forgive their persecutors and demonstrate the love of Christ towards those who are dead in their trespasses and sins.

May Your mighty hand of protection be upon all that are suffering in this manner and give them the fixed assurance that God will right every wrong in His own time and in His own way. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For A Good Night Sleep

Heavenly Father, I pray that as I go to bed tonight that You would give me a peaceful nights sleep and help me to wake refreshed, ready and willing to do Your will.

Thank You, that You have given us this blessed time when our bodies and souls have an opportunity to be renewed, revived and revitalised. Keep me throughout the night-time hours under Your protection, and may the angel of Your presence encamp around me tonight, for I love and trust You to keep me from all evil.

Grant me Your perfect peace in my heart, and give me such a knowledge of Your closeness Lord, that I may rest securely, sleep soundly and sense that blessed assurance of Your love and grace surrounding me. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer For A Baby’s Life Threatening Illness

Oh Lord our God, this life threatening illness has wreaked havoc on this little baby and it is so distressing to see them so very sick. There is no one but You to whom we may turn, and so we come to plead Your intervention in this sickness, and ask that You restore them to full health and strength.
Lord, give grace to the parents, knowing that this life threatening sickness has caused them so much concern and worry, and we ask Your special comfort to surround them and Your strength to support them so that they may not be tossed about by many negative thoughts, but be enabled to care for their child with clarity of thought and wisdom.
Remove all the pain that this little one is suffering, and keep both parents and child from fearful thoughts. May they set the thoughts of  their mind on You, trusting their precious little baby into Your safe-keeping, and may the peace of God guard their hearts and Your reassuring comfort flood their soul. This we ask in Jesus' name,


“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart, my portion forever.”
(Psalm 73:26)

Prayer For Mother Of Soldiers

Father, we ask You to bless all the mothers and families of soldiers who have had to wave their sons or daughters goodbye.. as they take this important and uncertain step into adulthood, and we pray Your peace and comfort as they wave them goodbye in this increasingly tumultuous world.

We pray that You would look down in love and pity on each one and  on all who have been left behind and are having to wait for weeks and often for months without having news of their loved ones.

We thank You for the faithful services of all our service men and women, knowing that each one has a mother, wife, husband or family members that had to wave them goodbye, and we ask that You would minister to each mother and all other relative of soldiers who have committed their lives to serve in the armed forces – and we pray that You would graciously sustain all who are left a home – often waiting anxiously for news of them or in the hopes of their safe return.

May they turn to You for their comfort and strength and we pray that You would draw each one closer into Your arms of love during the time that their son or daughter is far away – this we ask in Jesus name.


Prayer For Injured Veterans

Heavenly Father, thank You for the men and women who have served our country in one or other of our armed forces and I particularly bring before You today those who have fallen sick, been injured or have suffered some long-term health or emotional problem, through the traumas that they have had to experience while serving abroad.

Father, I know that You alone are the one that can heal the heart as well as the body. Only You can cure the inner pain as well as ease the other injuries, and I lift each one up to You and pray that in Your grace and mercy You would meet them at their point of need.

For those that know You as their Saviour, I pray that You would strengthen them in the inner man and give them the peace of God in their hearts that passes understanding. For those that are unsaved, Lord I pray that they may come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Saviour and that in Your grace You would minister to each and every need as You see fit. I ask this in the name of Jesus,


Prayer For Protection At Work

Dear Lord, thank You that You are with me throughout each and every day and night, and thank You that you never leave me nor forsake me. Lord, You know my work situation, that there are hidden dangers and various health and safety issues that require me to be very vigilant, and I ask that You would keep and protect me (and all those with whom I work), from any and all unforeseen dangers, accident or emergencies.

Thank You, Lord, that You have promised to be my protection and shield. Thank You, that You are before me and behind me, to inspire and to guide. Thank You, that You are my God and I am Your child. May the light of Your prescence shine on me and enfold me today in all the duties I am required to do. Thank You for the assurance that there is nothing that is beyond Your notice and abilities, and that I am kept by Your mighty power. Thank You, in Jesus name,


Prayer To Get To Bed At A Good Time

Dear Lord, You were the one that made the moon and the stars to shine by night and gave us the beautiful hours of the night in which to replenish our strength, repair our bodies and refresh our souls.

Help me I pray, to take advantage of this God-given time, when the weariness of the day gives way to a peaceful night’s sleep and the general renewal of our of minds.

Help me I pray, to get to bed at a wise time and not to retire to bed too late. Help me to use this time to full advantage and not to sit up into the small hours of the morning, but gain full benefit of a complete nights rest, so that I may wake refreshed and get up early, to Your praise and glory.

Help me I pray to get to bed at a good time. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer For My Unborn Baby

Loving Lord, I am so excited as the day for the birth of my unborn baby gets closer. I just want to ask You to continue to keep and protect this little one in the womb, and I ask that I will have a smooth and uncomplicated delivery.
Father, I do thank and praise You for this precious little life, and I ask that in Your grace, it may be born fit and healthy and free from any abnormalities,  and that in the days that lie ahead, all will go smoothly and without any difficulties or complications.
I do thank You for answered prayer. I thank You that this baby was conceived and that the pregnancy has passed with few problems, and I continue to ask that You would be with us every step of the way, and I believe that this baby will be born at the time that You have appointed.
Thank You, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and I praise and thank You that the day is getting closer when we will hold this new and long awaited arrival in our arms. Thank You Father, in Jesus' name,

“I prayed for this boy, and since the Lord gave me what I asked Him for,”
(1 Samuel 1:27)

Prayers For Mothers Who Have Miscarried

Heavenly Father, we come to You to lift up the many women who have had to face the devastating realisation that the baby that they were carrying is no more. We lift up every woman to You, knowing what a depth of grief and sadness these mothers experience when the baby that they were so looking forward to has been lost… when the little life that they were expecting has been miscarried.

Lord You are the God of all comforts and we pray that Your special grace and solace would flood the hearts of all women who have lost the baby that they were carrying – a loss which fills each one with such grief and pain and bewilderment 

Give them Your strength and courage and we ask that each one would reach out to You and take their sustenance and strength from You. Breathe into each hurting heart Your sweet kiss of hope and Your warm breath of love.. and may they cling fast to You more than ever before – trusting You to bring them through this dark period of their lives – and open up a future where their tears are changed into laughter and they sadness is changed into joy. This we ask in Jesus name 


Prayer For Peace Of Mind In This Troubled World

Loving Lord, still my heart and quiet my soul before You I pray, that may I learn to wait upon You and hear Your still small voice. Let Your perfect peace flood my mind, for You are my strength and my sufficiency. You are my all in all.

Protect my mind I pray, from the clamour and intrigue of this world system that so often fills my heart with fears and deflects my thoughts away from You, so that I may rest in Your arms of love and be filled with Your perfect peace that passes understanding.

Help me to take every thought captive, and when the difficulties of this complex world seek to manipulate my attention away from You, may I fix my mind on Jesus, knowing that He is the Author and Finisher of my faith and my Prince of Peace, in Whose name I pray.

Thank You Lord, for Your promise that You will keep us in perfect peace when our minds is centred in You.


Prayer For Dying Grace – For Myself

Dear Lord Jesus, You know that my life is drawing to its close and I thank You, Lord, that You have been with me through every stage and scene of my life. How I praise and thank You that when I grew fearful, You were always there to calm my troubled breast. When I was lost, You came to me and found me and carried me home on Your loving shoulders.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You have always been my sufficiency. I have stood on that promise where You said, "My grace is sufficient for My strength is made perfect in your weaknesses." Lord, I know that I am soon to come to my heavenly home and I need Your strength and special grace today.

Lord, I feel so weak and a little afraid as I know that my life is ebbing away, and although I know that the final outcome is that I will be standing in Your glorious presence, I need Your sufficient grace Lord, Your dying grace to sustain me as I face the final curtain of death.

Thank You that in Christ, death has lost its sting and the grave has been robbed of its victory in my life, and the lives of all that trust in Your name. For You are my strength and stay, You are my light and life. Thank You that Your grace, Your dying grace, will carry me home. In Jesus' precious name I pray,


Prayer For Veterans Day

Heavenly Lord, I bring before You the men and women who have been called to serve our country in the armed forces, on land, sea and in the air, and who have spent much of their lives participating in the protection of our shores and land, from the enemy that would seek to do us harm. Thank You, for the selfless way that so many have been used to maintain our freedoms through their courageous acts, both at home and abroad.

Thank You for each one. Bless them abundantly, and I pray that You would be their strength and stay, and that You would graciously supply them with all they need to continue to serve our country in a retired capacity.

And Lord, for veterans and those in the armed forces that do not yet know You as their Saviour, I do pray that You would draw near to each one and make Yourself known, so that they may come to trust in Jesus as Saviour and come to be a soldier in the army of the King of kings and Lord of lords, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Protection

Thank You, Father, that You are my Shepherd and I am under Your watchful eye and protected by Your gracious hand. Thank You, for the care and protection that You show towards me with each passing day. Lord, at times I feel weary and worn, and sometimes I feel quite alone, despite the many people that surround me.

Look in grace and pity on me for I am Your child, the sheep of Your pasture, the little lamb that needs to be carried moment by moment on Your shoulders. Lord, my eyes are looking to You to provide and to protect, to lead into green pastures and to feed beside the still waters.

Thank You, that no matter what difficulties arise in my life, my hope and my trust is in You. Thank You, that I have nothing to fear when You are with me. Thank You Father, in Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Overcome Sleep Disorder

Heavenly Father, You know that I suffer with an ongoing sleep disorder and it does not seem to be improving at all. I come to You humbly, to ask that You would look down in pity on my situation and grant me the healing and strength I need to get a good night’s sleep.

Lord, I find myself going to bed and worrying that I will not get to sleep and it turns into a vicious circle and so I ask that You would quiet my mind, still my heart and comfort my soul.

Father, I do not know what to do but You have said that we are to cast all our troubles and problems on You and so tonight, I cast all my cares upon You and pray that You would do a work in me to enable me to overcome this unpleasant sleep disorder, and I will give You all the praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For The Unborn Diagnosed With A Problem

Lord, we have been deeply shocked to discover that out little baby has been diagnosed with a medical problem and we come to You to ask that in Your grace and mercy, this little baby will be born healthy and strong and with no problems at all.
Father, we know that You schedule every day of our lives and that You know each one of us intimately, even before we are born, and You know the problem this little baby has been diagnosed with. We ask for Your intervention and that You would touch the baby in the womb, here and now, and heal any abnormalities or deformities that may have been diagnosed.
Lord, into Your hands we give this baby, and desire to trust You in all things. Help us to pray into Your will for this little life. We ask that in Your grace and mercy, You will bring this unborn baby to full term and that a healthy baby will be the result. In Jesus' name,

“Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think-according to the power that works in you-”
(Ephesians 3:20)

Prayers For Suffering Mothers

Loving heavenly Father, You were the one who created mothers to be the one that bring children into the world.. but through the introduction of sin there is often  suffering and pain at childbirth – but we know all to often there is much more pain and suffering ahead, as the children they bear, change from the sweetness of infancy and the fun of childhood into rebellious teens.. and adult children that cause their parents much additional pain and heartache.

We lift up all those who have had to watch helplessly as their child has become rebellions and disobedient.. or has become attracted to the wrong company; been involved with addictive behaviours or engaged in some other destructive conduct. And we also know that many mothers have had to watch helplessly as their child has been overtaken with some incurable disease or been killed by a freak accident or some unknown cause.

Lord, we lift up this group of mothers whose children have caused them to go through so much suffering and pain – for whatever reason, and we pray that You would touch their hurt and heal their hearts. Bring back the prodigal; heal the sick; help the afflicted; deliver the needy; comfort the hurting heart and give them hope we pray.

Lord there is probably not mother that has never had to suffer pain through the children they have bourn – and so today we lift up all suffering mothers, and pray that You would draw near to each one and make this a day when many mothers discover a peace that only comes from You as they draw closer to Jesus, in Whose name we pray,


Prayer To Keep Me From Being Too Busy

Dear Lord, at the start of this day, help me to keep the eyes of my heart on You, and may I not sacrifice what is really important for what I perceive to be urgent.

Help me not to be too busy to forget to look at all the beauty that surrounds me in the world that You have created. Help me not to be so much in a hurry that I miss listening to Your still small voice.

Keep me I pray from ‘busy-ness’ and may I draw ever closer to You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For End Of Course - Final Examinations

Dear God, I am shortly to face my final exams at the end of this course of study and I pray that You would be with me every step of the way, as I prepare for this daunting landmark in my life.

Continue to be with me in all my studies and coursework, and enable me to retain and apply all that I have learned so that I may be well equipped not only to face these exams, knowing that I have worked hard, but also to be prepared for the future, in whatever direction You should lead me

Dear God, I thank You that You have supported me through this whole course of study, for I know that without You I could never have reached this final hurdle. Be with me I pray, every step of the way and I offer my life to You to do with as You will. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Unbeliever Close to Death

Loving Lord, I know that those who trust in You have eternal life in Christ, for which we will be eternally grateful, while those that do not trust that You are the One and Only perfect Saviour, Who took the punishment for their sin, will be eternally separated from You – and Lord, this is a terrible thought.

Lord, I bring this person to You who is so close to death and plead Your mercy on their soul. Lord, I pray that by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in His great grace and mercy, You would draw very close to them and convict them of their sin and their need for a Saviour. Convict them Lord, of the righteousness of Christ, which alone can redeem lost sinners from eternal separation from God, and of the terrible condemnation that will fall on all who do not believe on the name of the only Begotten Son of God, Who gave His life a ransom for many.

Lord, it is not Your will that any should perish, but that all should come to trust in Jesus as Saviour, who shed His life-blood for them too. Lord, I pray that whatever it takes, You would show them that it is not too late to turn to You and confess the Lord Jesus as Saviour. Oh Lord have mercy I pray. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Injured Veterans

Father, we remember the families of the many veterans who have paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives, in the defence of their home and country and also for those veterans who have been seriously wounded or have sustained permanent injuries, that have left them disabled and unable to continue their military career.

We ask that You would be mindful of the needs of the families and loved ones of those that have died in the call of duty, and also for those who have lost their career due having become disabled or injured during the course of their military career.

We pray that You would show grace and mercy on each one and that You would supply them with all that they need to face an uncertain future. Draw each one into Your arms of love. Convict those who do not know You as their Saviour of their need of salvation, and grant all those that are Your children the perfect peace that only comes from You. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer Of Protection For Israel

Heavenly Father, we lift the people of Israel up to You in prayer, knowing that they are surrounded by many foes and enemies that seek to destroy their nation, so that the name of Israel is remembered no more. But Father, we know that You have a plan and a purpose for Your ancient people, who will one day look on the Lord Jesus Christ whom they have pierced, and mourn over Him when they come to the realisation that He was indeed their true Messiah.

Thank You, Father, that You have not finished with Your people Israel, but have a wonderful future planned for them, which was promised to their forefather, Abraham. Thank You, that You still have a mission for them to complete, and that You have promised to enable them to finish the work that You called them to do, to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God to the whole world, in the power of Your Holy Spirit and to the praise of Your holy name. Thank You, for the precious promises that You have given to the nation of Israel, that through them all the families of the earth will be blessed.

Protect them we pray, in this increasingly hostile world. Guard and guide their leaders in the difficult decisions they have to make, and we pray that You will open their eyes to deeper understanding of Your wider plans and purposes for them, and for the whole world. Lord, we ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Messiah and King of Israel and Saviour of the world,


Prayer With Children At Bedtime

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for being with me today and for the fun and food and happy time I have had today. Thank You for loving me and for caring for me, and thank You for my family and friends.

Please continue to take care of me and be with me as I go to sleep, and bless all my friends and family. Look after us throughout the night and be by my side when I wake up, I pray.

I am sorry for the things I have done wrong today and ask You to forgive me. Thank You, that You never stop loving me even when I am naughty. Help me to be good. Help me to listen to my parents and obey them, and help me to listen to the wisdom of other grown-ups too.

Thank You, Jesus, for dying for me on the cross to take the punishment that I deserve for my sins and thank You for rising again so that I can go to heaven to be with You forever. Thank You Jesus,


A Mothers Prayer For Her Premature Baby

Heavenly Father, the baby that has been growing within my womb for these many months is now in an incubator fighting for life, and I feel numb and utterly helpless.
Lord, You know the joy and excitement and also the tears and grief that we have gone through these last few weeks and months, and that our emotions are shot through with so many fluctuating feelings because of this unexpected and premature delivery. I pray that in Your pity and grace, You would touch the life of my precious little one and spare their life, and bring them through into full health and strength.
Lift the heavy burden from my heart and help me to come to terms with what has happened, and I pray that I may be able to accept that nothing happens that is not in Your permissive will. I ask that You would give me the strength, day by day, to cope with this unexpected set of circumstances.
Protect my baby from any other form of infection or illness, and may this little body be strengthened through Your mighty power with each passing day. Give the doctors and nurses the skill to do all that is needed to care for my baby, and give me the sufficient strength that only comes from You. May Your peace reside in my heart, knowing that all things work together for good to those that are called according to Your good purpose. Thank You, Father, in Jesus' name,

“For You are my hope, Lord God , my confidence from my youth.”
(Psalm 71:5)

Prayer For Single Mothers

Loving Father we know that there are many reasons that there are single mothers in the world today, who are having to bring up their families on their own..  and we lift up each one to You today.

We know that no matter what the reason for their single status and no matter what tragedies, disappointments or foolish choices may have cast a shadow over their lives, we know that it is Your desire that all come to faith in Jesus and turn from sin to Christ and live as unto the Lord 

We pray that You would meet each single mother at her particular point of need. For those that have been abandoned, bereaved, neglected, hurt or abused in any way.. we ask that You would draw very close to each one. For those that have never accepted Jesus as their Saviour we pray that they would come to saving faith in Him.. and for those that may have wandered far away from Your loving arms, we pray that You would restore to them the joy of their salvation, in Christ

Provide for the needs of widows, orphans and the many single mothers that are finding difficulty to in providing for the needs of themselves and their children and we ask that in Your grace You would supply all their needs, according to Your riches in glory and for Your praise and glory – we ask this ins Jesus name.. to Whom be all honour and glory, world without end,


A Morning Prayer Of Thanksgiving

Thank you, Father, for the many benefits I have today.

Thank You for my life, for drawing me to Yourself and bringing me into Your family, as a child of God.

Thank You for saving me, for dying for me on the cross and rising again so that I too may have life everlasting.

Thank You for a good night’s rest and for the opportunity of serving You today. Thank You for the health and strength that I have.

As I begin a new day, I thank You that Your mercies are new and fresh every morning, great is Your faithfulness.

Thank You Father for loving me. May Your love shine through me to others that they too may know the wonders of Your grace. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Reconciliation In Our Marriage.

Dear Lord, my marriage has almost fallen apart and I hardly know when things started to go wrong. Things have become increasingly difficult and fraught and the love that we once had for each other seems to be dying. I hate the thought of divorce and was shocked when it was first suggested.  I come to You Lord, asking that You guide and direct us both in this increasingly hurtful situation.

Lord, I don’t want us to separate or get divorced. I pray that in some wonderful way You will use this as a wake-up call for us both to seek You with all our hearts, and to change the way we treat each other. I pray that we may begin to apply proper biblical principles in our marriage, rather than dragging each other down by what we say, or don’t say.

Lord, I know that by my attitude and actions, I have not been the husband/wife that You would have wanted me to be, but rather have not considered my spouse in the way that would please You.

I pray that it may not be too late for reconciliation and ask that in Your grace and mercy, You would enable us both to move forward together, by placing You in Your rightful position as ultimate head of our family.

Protect the innocent parties in our failing marriage and forgive me for all my foolish actions. Make me the man/woman that You would have me to be. In Jesus' name I pray,


Husband’s Prayer For His Unsaved Wife

Dear Father God, You tell us in You Word that it is not Your will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and to faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour. Thank You, Lord, for my salvation but I want to offer up my heartfelt prayers and supplication, for the salvation of my wife.

Lord, I did not realise the importance of being unequally yoked to an unbeliever but now I am beginning to understand the tremendous difficulties that arise when one spouse is an unbeliever. But I love my wife Father, and it breaks my heart to think that she does not have the promise of eternal life.

Father, I ask that You would convict her of her need of Jesus and bring her into a saving relationship with Yourself. Give me the wisdom and strength I pray, to share the gospel with her, not only in what I say but in how I live.

Lord, You have promised that whatsoever we ask in the name of Jesus will be granted, as long as it is in line with Your will, and I know it is Your will that my wife should be saved, so I ask You to work a mighty work in Her life and draw her into a relationship with Yourself. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Prayer Of Protection From Satan

Heavenly Father, thank You that I am Your blood-bought child, and that nothing can snatch me from Your hand, for You are my Saviour and I have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Your dear Son, Who is the light of the world. Thank You, that I have been forgiven of my sins and covered in Christ’s own righteousness, and thank You that I have been baptised into Christ and set free from slavery to sin and Satan, for which I praise and thank Your holy name.

But Lord, I also know that Satan is a roaring lion who prowls around seeking whom he may devour, and Lord, I know that he truly is the evil prince of darkness, who delights to disguise himself as an angel of light and seeks to deceive many people. Lord, I understand also that He seeks to destroy the faith of many and to deceive others into false teachings and doctrines of demons as he sows seeds of disruptive deceit and evil into the hearts and lives of many. But Father, I thank You that greater is He that is in me that he that is in the world. Thank You, that by the blood of Christ He is a defeated enemy. But Lord, I pray that You would protect me and those I love from His fiery darts and evil attacks. Enable me to resist Him and all His deceptive ploys, and may I walk in spirit and truth, covered by the blood of Jesus my Saviour and remain safe in Him, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer To Watch Over Your Children Tonight

Father, as the shadows of evening draw across the night sky, I thank You that I am part of Your heavenly family and that throughout the world there is always someone that is lifting up their hands and heart to praise and worship You.

Lord, tonight I give thanks for my brothers and sisters worldwide and lift each one up, praying that You will be all that each one needs. And Lord, as I settle down for the night and lift my hands and heart to You, I pray that You would give me and all Your children the rest and refreshment that we need in the hours of darkness so that we may be ready and prepared mentally and spiritually to face the rigours of the day.

Watch over those that are sleeping, renew those that are weary, refresh those that are tired, heal those that are sick, feed those that are hungry, pity those that are affected and protect those that are in danger. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour,


Prayer When on Holiday From Work

Loving Lord, we thank You for times of rest and relaxation and the opportunity to refresh our spiritual and bodily batteries. I remember that in the Bible the time that You took Your disciples apart from their busy ministry activities to “come apart and to rest awhile”, and it is wonderful that You grant us similar opportunities to take time to be reinvigorated and revitalised, both mentally and physically.
During this time away from my work place I ask that You would release any conscious or unconscious stresses or strains that I may have built up over the past months, and help me to switch off my mind from the urgent things that may be mounting up at work, so that I may return reinvigorated and better equipped to face the responsibility on my return.
Thank You for this time away from work, and I pray that this will be a time of great refreshment and renewal and a special time Lord when I draw even closer to You. In Jesus' name I pray,

A Single Mother’s Prayer

Loving Lord, I know that You have ordained that families consist of two parents, but I find myself alone with no loving partner as I would desire.. and a future that seems lonely and bare. I pray for Your strength and guidance to provide for me and my children, for I know that I can not manage to do this alone. I am depending on You Father to support me through this difficult time.. and ask that You would uphold me with Your righteous right hand, every step of the way. 

Heal the wounds that have bruised my heart, comfort my soul and  let Your perfect peace guard my mind. Forgive me for the things that I have done wrong and for the wrong choices that I have made. Thank You that Your forgiveness is as wide as the ocean and that You do not hold my sins against me, but have washed them clean through by the precious blood of my Saviour,  Jesus Christ our Lord.

Grant me grace and wisdom as I seek to rear my children in the fear and nurture of the Lord in a world that has become so antagonistic towards everything that is connected with Jesus.  Provide for my physical and social needs I pray, as well as for my spiritual and emotional  needs. Give me the strength and vision to move forward in my life in the knowledge that You have promised never to leave me nor forsake me – and thank You that You have taken responsibility for feeding and clothing us with all that we need – I trust You Lord Jesus and thank You for Your many precious promises.

I pray that You would guard and protect the hearts and minds of the children and that You would draw us closer together and nearer to You. Provide the sort of quality time we need with each other so that we do not drift apart but establish a lifetime love and respect for one another. Give me the courage and grace to face the challenges that will inevitably face me as a single parent and may my philosophy be such that I cast ALL my care upon You before I try to deal with it in my own strength - knowing You have promised to carry all my burdens and to give me Your perfect peace in my heart when my mind is stayed on You – this I ask in Jesus name 


A Waking Up Prayer Of Praise

Dear Lord Jesus, as I open my eyes in the morning, I praise You for bringing me safely through the night and giving me this fresh, new day ahead of me, in which to draw closer to You.

Thank You for the refreshment of sleep, and the joy and opportunities that a new day brings. I pray that You will lead and guide me through today and give me wisdom in all that I say and do. May I be given the occasion to tell others of Jesus, either in word or deed. I pray that I may be a good witness to You and that the love of the Lord Jesus is seen in me.

Keep me from the temptations that so quickly crowd into my busy life, and may today be a day that I grow in grace and in a knowledge of You, more and more,


Prayer Of Thanks On My Birthday

How I thank You Lord, for the wonderful gift of life that You gave me. What a privilege to be born into this world and to be given life. Thank You for all my family, my parents and children and all the friends that I have come to love over the years, many of whom are with You now in glory. Thank You for Your many mercies and blessings that are new every morning. How great is Your faithfulness to those that love You. 

Thank You most of all, for sending Your precious Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to come to earth as a little baby, so that He could live His life as an example to us all on how to live a life that is pleasing to You. But I thank You especially Lord, that He came as my Saviour, who laid down His life for me, and became the finished sacrifice for the sin of the whole world, which He paid for in full with His own life-blood. Oh Lord, thank You.

Lord, as I face another year, I ask that You would be with me to lead and guide. Give me the strength and wisdom I need as I pass through the inevitable challenges that this year will bring. And I pray that day be day, You would draw me ever closer into Your loving arms, so that I may know You more and love You better. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For An Unsaved Spouse

Thank You, Lord, that You always hear and answer the prayer that is asked in faith and in accordance with your will, and Lord I lift up my wife to You now, knowing that she has not accepted Jesus as her Saviour and we seem to be drifting further and further apart from each other, as our whole outlook on life has become so very different.

Lord, I know You are full of mercy and goodness and I pray that You would change the heart of my wife so that she develops a deep desire to know You and to trust You and to follow You.

I pray that You would use me to be an example to my spouse. Give me wisdom to know how to respond to some of her negativity and give me the mind of Christ I pray, so that I may respond in spirit and in love, accordance with your will. Lord, I pray that my wife will one day be saved. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Protection From False Teachings

Heavenly Father, there are so many false teachings and doctrines of demons that are flooding mainline churches today, and I pray that You would give me discernment and protection from all those, (whether knowingly or unknowingly) who are distorting the word of truth and the gospel of grace.

Give me wisdom and understanding as I read Your Word, so that I may be enabled to discern what is biblical truth and what is a distortion of that truth. Father, Your Word tells us that in the last days there will come times of great difficulty, where love will wear thin and people will be become proud and arrogant, abusive and unholy, having an outward appearance of godliness but denying the truth of the gospel. Protect me I pray, and all those I love from being influenced by such evil distortions, and keep us under Your promised protection, by Your grace.

Protect our hearts and minds from all those who distort the truth, and keep us all covered in the love of God, and protected by the blood of Christ, as we wait for His any day return. He alone is able to keep us from stumbling and to present us blameless before the presence of His glory with great joy. In Jesus' name we pray,


My Prayer For Today

Dear God, I pray that today I may be quick to praise You in all I say and do, and slow to criticise. I pray that I may be quick to encourage others rather than complain.

I pray that I may be slow to get angry or discouraged, and may I have a heart that is quick to forgive and not criticise or condemn. And God, I pray that I may also be generous in my giving and not selfish with the things that are mine.

Grant me today to be a real encouragement to all I meet, and help me to keep my tongue from any foolish words which might hurt or discourage. Thank You for the life that You have given me today. I pray that I bring honour to Your name today. In Jesus' name,


Our Daily Prayer In Our Marriage Together

Loving Father, thank You Lord for the multiplied blessings there are in marriage, and that You made us male and female and united us together in love. Thank You for my wonderful life-partner, whom I see as a gracious gift from You.

Thank You, Lord, for bringing us together in love and for the joy we find in our union with each other and our fellowship with You. I pray that You will continue to draw us closer to each other, to unite us together in love and friendship and to build up our relationship with each passing day.

Keep us faithful to the vows that we made to each other and to You when we first became one in our beautiful and holy union. Strengthen our marriage day by day, we pray, and during those times of trials and difficulties, may we cling closer to each other and to You in love and patience, respect and kindness, integrity and forgiveness.

May we keep You as the head of our family union and seek to do only those things that are pleasing in Your sight. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer To Love As Jesus Loved

Heavenly Father, more and more I come to understand what the Lord Jesus meant when He said that He is one with the Father, and prayed that His disciples may be one. I see that love is a precious union of heart and a sweet communion of spirit, and just as the Father and Son emanate the same powerful love, so we too are to have that same beautiful love developing in us, by the power of the Spirit.

Lord, I pray that the body of Christ may become united as one, and abound in the unity of the spirit more and more in love, not compromising truth but showing a genuine concern for one another. I pray that individually and collectively, we may live godly lives in Christ Jesus and seek to encourage and edify one another, seeking to be of the same mind and having the same godly love for each another.

I pray that we may be united in spirit and in purpose, and that we do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but rather with humility of mind regard the needs of the other as more important than our own. This I ask in the name of Jesus, Who died for us all.


Prayer For A Greater Serenity Of Heart

Dear Father God, at times I get agitated and worried, angry and hurt and I find myself nursing a variety of pains and worries, which prevents me from abiding in You, accessing Your peace and resting in Your love.

Lord, I know that there have been many times when I have reacted in an ungodly manner and hurt others as well as myself. Grant me a serenity in my heart to trust You in every area and activity of my life, and help me to keep my mind fixed on You, so that I may experience the perfect peace that only comes from above.

Forgive me for the times when I have tried to be independent of You rather than trusting Your Word and depending on You alone. Keep me humble before Your throne of grace I pray, and give me peace and serenity in my heart.

Let me be willing to trust You in every area of my life and an inner assurance that You are in full control, and give me serenity of spirit to exhibit Your peace in my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Restful Holiday

Father, I thank You for the opportunity to take a holiday and be enabled to have a complete break from the daily rounds and the many responsibilities and routines that govern our lives.

It is such a joy to have this break, and I pray that it will be a time of rest and refreshment where I am enabled to go quietly through the day without having to plan for the many ‘workaday’ things that have become the norm in my busy daily schedule.

I pray that during this holiday, I will enjoy both spiritual and physical renewal, and find rejuvenating rest for my mind and spirit as well as enjoy relaxation and respite for my body as well. Thank You, Father, in Jesus' name,


A Prayer For My Spouse

Dear heavenly Father, I thank You for the spouse with which You have blessed me, and pray that we may continue to grow together in love with every passing day. I pray that our marriage may be filled with trust and love and that You would supply us with an abundance of Your grace in our lives, and peace in our hearts.

May we always seek to be kind and compassionate one with the other. May we be ready to listen and to bear each other’s burdens with gentleness of spirit and cheerfulness of heart.

Help us to be sensitive towards each other's weaknesses, forgiving towards each other’s faults, encouraging towards each other’s strengths and to share each other’s burdens with patience and wisdom, as we place the other's well being before that of our own.

Help us to grow more in tune with each other as each year passes and bless us with an ever-closer union, as together we look to Jesus, to be the rock on which our marriage is founded. 

Thank You Lord and I pray this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For My Daddy’s Birthday

Thank You, Lord, for my daddy and the joy he has been in my life. Thank You for the loving support he has gave me as I grew up, and for his example of godliness, patience and trust in You. Thank You, that You placed me into his family and chose him to be my father.

Continue to lead and guide him into all truth, and help him to continue to be a wonderful witness to others of Your mercy and love. May he grow in grace and continue to show forth kindness and encouragement to all he meets.

Lord, as he faces another year, I pray that You would be with him to strengthen and support him. Be his sufficiency and bless him with daily strength. May Your joy be his strength, and I pray that You would enfold him in Your loving arms, for with each passing year he is becoming more weary and less able to look after himself.

Lord, I pray that as we celebrate yet another birthday with him, that it may be a very happy time of reunion with the family and blessed fellowship with one another, and with You Lord Jesus. 

Thank You Lord,


Prayer For A Separated Unsaved Wife

Dear God, thank You for saving me, and Lord, although my faith in You has had a big positive impact on much of my life, it has had a negative impact on my relationship with my wife.

Father, You know that my wife and I have grown so distant since I trusted in Jesus, and now we have become separated, and she is even seeking a divorce, which is causing me much distress. Father, although it saddens my heart so much, I just want to leave this pain in Your hands, and ask You Lord to heal the hurt that I feel, for Your grace is sufficient. I also ask that You would soften her heart towards You.

Lord, I pray that if it is possible, You would bring us back together and reunite us into our marriage relationship, but no matter what happens between us Lord, I pray that she may one day come to trust in the Lord Jesus as her Saviour, and be brought into Your heavenly kingdom. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer of Thanks For God’s Steadfast Love

I praise and thank You Father, for Your steadfast love towards me. Thank You, Lord, for Your never-failing faithfulness, comfort and grace which is new every morning and refreshed every day. Thank You, that You are a God Who cares for each and every one of Your children and graciously carries and tends for all who trust in You.

Though I am poor and needy, thank You, Father, that You hear and answer my cries. You send help in time of trouble, provision in time of need, strength when I am weary and comfort when I am in distress. Thank You, that You carry me in Your everlasting arms of mercy and grace and I praise Your holy name that Your grace is sufficient for all my needs, and made perfect in my weakness.

Heavenly Father, Your steadfast love towards me is very precious and I love You, and yet my love is very weak. I pray that You would help me to love You more and more with every passing day. In Jesus' name I pray,


The “Serenity” Prayer

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would give me the serenity to accept the things that I am unable to change, the courage to alter the things that I can and the godly wisdom to know the difference between the two.

I pray that my heart my be filled with a calm tranquillity and a peace of mind that only comes to those who fully trust in You and who submit to the leading of Your Holy Spirit.

Thank You for giving me the indwelling Spirit of peace and I pray that I may be used by You as a vessel of comfort and grace, as I remain fully submitted to You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Those Alone At Holiday Time

Dear Heavenly Father, the holiday season can be quite a trial and even a deep sadness to many people, especially those that are alone at this time, perhaps having lost a loved one through death or divorce or for some other reason.
Draw very close we pray, to those that are alone and lonely over this holiday time. May they discover closeness in their relationship with You that perhaps they did not enjoy before.
Thank You, that You are a God Who is able to sympathise with all our weaknesses, disappointments and difficulties, knowing that You have walked this earth before us and have been tested in similar ways, so that You understand what it means to be alone and isolated.
Comfort the lonely, console the grieving, support the weak, give grace to the afflicted, and reassure those who have allowed fear to invade their peace, with the certainty that You are their ever present help in time of trouble. This we ask in Jesus' name,

House-Wife’s Prayer For The Coming Day

Dear Father God, the day is just beginning and I have many little duties that need to be attended to. I pray that I will glorify You in the daily round of activities to which I need to turn my attention today.

May I prepare the family meals today with a grateful heart for Your generous provision. Be with all those that are facing hardship today and I ask that in Your mercy You provide for their needs too. Thank You, that You have promised to provide for all our needs according to Your riches and grace.

I want to thank You for the home that You have provided for my family and me. I pray that as I clean and tidy up today, I will be diligent in my duties and work with a heart of praise to You and for Your multiplied grace towards me. In Jesus' name,


Birthday Prayer For A Boy

Dear Father, thank You for this special day that You chose to be the birthday of this dear child. Lord, You scheduled every day of his life from before he was born and have watched over him. Oh Lord, how we rejoice to see him growing up day by day and reaching another milestone in his young life.

Watch over him I pray, and look down on him with Your love and favour. And Lord, I ask that as he faces a new year with new opportunities and challenges, that You would enable him to grow in wisdom and favour with God and men, as he learns to trust in You with each passing day.

Bless him Lord, and guide him. Draw him into true saving faith in Christ Jesus. Protect him from all harm and danger, watch over him each day of his life, both at home and at school, and lead him into all truth. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For All Teachers

Heavenly Father, we bring before You all the teachers throughout this land of ours, and pray that You would guard and guide them in the vital responsibility of educating a new generation of children and young people.

We confess Lord, that as a nation we have sought to keep God out of the classroom and separated from school and learning, and we acknowledge that this has only been to our own detriment and a great disservice to the children that are being educated in our school system.

Lord, we pray that You would challenge the hearts of our educators to recognise that vulnerabilities of children and to balance discipline with dignity and control with care. Help teachers to be conscious of the need for constructive criticism rather than destructive faultfinding and to offer a motivating environment which embraces fairness, honesty and integrity with appropriate praise. A learning environment where trust is nurtured and not exploited.

Lord, we pray that You would raise up teachers with godly standards and unbiased teaching techniques, and we pray that our classrooms and teachers return to the godly principles, which our forefathers held dear. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer To Revive Love In The Church

Heavenly Father, we only have to look to the church at Ephesus to see how easy it is for Christians, both individually and corporately, to leave our first love and to allow the love that we had for You and for others, to wear thin and to grow cold. Father, forgive us for the way that we have allowed this to happen throughout the whole Body of Christ, which has all too often become a place to criticise our brethren or slander others who do not think exactly as we do.

Revive us Lord, and may the love that so permeated the early church, where we discover that Christians loved in thought word and deed, begin to spread once again throughout the Body of true believers. May we return to a time when love within the Church of God begins to shine forth, as we become salt and light to a needy world.

Forgive us Father, that our love for You and the Lord Jesus has worn so thin. Rekindle a fire of love that sweeps through the Church today, so that in the essentials of our faith we may have unity, in the inessential things we may display liberty, and in all areas of our Christian life may we demonstrate true godly love. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer To Be Shod With Serenity And Peace

Father, Your Word reminds us, "how beautiful are the feet of those that preach the gospel of peace." I pray that in Christ I may wear the sandals of serenity and walk the pathway of peace.

Help me to be spiritually minded and to walk in a manner that is worthy of the calling to which I have been called. May I step out in lowliness of heart and meekness of spirit, and help me to clothe myself in patience and kindness, and consider others needs above my own.

I pray that in Your strength, my life may show forth the fruit of righteousness and grace and help me in all things to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Conquering Loneliness

Loving Lord, I feel so lonely at times, so very alone, though I am often surrounded by crowds of people, but I also realise that the more I concentrate on my loneliness, the more alone I feel. I feel sorry for myself and become depressed and down, and I know that this is not the way that You created us to be.
Lord, I ask You to show me how to conquer this loneliness. Help me not only to cope with loneliness but to conquer it. I know that You have said that You are with us all the time, and that You have promised never to leave us nor forsake us, and I believe Your Word is true.
Help me to rise above all the negative feelings that loneliness brings, and all the negative elements that come with it. I pray that I may be enabled to embrace my loneliness in such a way that my life honours You, and becomes an encouragement to others who may be facing similar lonely feelings. In Jesus' name I pray,


Birthday Prayer For A Girl

Thank You, Father, for this precious little lady. We praise You for the love that she has brought to so many, in her young life. Lord, I ask that You would be close to this little one, as we celebrate another year, another birthday, and may today be a very special day that she will remember for many years to come.

Thank You for her life and the joy that she has brought to so many people. Lord, it is strange how quickly time seems to pass and I pray that as she grows up and matures into womanhood, that You would be close to her and draw her into true saving faith in Christ Jesus. Give her grace and wisdom, and may she be filled with the love and joy of knowing You. And guide her into all truth I pray.

As she embarks on the next step of her journey through life, I pray that You would guard her and guide her, and keep her from all dangers and evils. Draw her ever closer into Your heart of love I pray. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Christian Teachers

Father, we lift up all Christian teachers, especially those that that are seeking to deliver an education in the public school system, which has increasingly been developing an anti-God agenda. Give them courage and wisdom to teach the truth and to be wise and discerning when they are challenged by a system that has effectively closed the door to the truth of God’s Word.

Watch over all those that are Christian teachers who are being targeted by those that would seek to silence the voice of truth. Keep them looking to You for their strength and may they remain strong in the in the Lord and in the power of His strength. We pray that You would uphold them with Your mighty right hand in the challenges that they face in this fallen world.

Grant each one discernment and wisdom and fill them with the peace of God that passes understanding, especially when faced with the inevitable stresses, strains and challenges of the current education system. Use them we pray, to stand as a true witness to the Lord Jesus, not only by what they teach but in the way that they conduct their lessons, with fairness and grace, encouragement and wise counsel. This we ask in Jesus' name and to His glory,


Prayer To Love Difficult Neighbourhood Like Christ

Dear Lord, I pray that I may love others with a Christ-like love, and that I may show compassion on those who live in my neighbourhood. Father, I know that I need Your love and Your patience in this area as I have some quite difficult neighbours who are causing some problems here. Lord, change my heart to a heart that loves as You loved. Change my attitude to look with compassion on my neighbours, rather than with irritation of distain. Help me to view them as You do, dead in their trespasses and sins, estranged from God and in need of a Saviour.

Lord, help me to take each negative thought that I have about them captive, the moment that it arises in my heart. I know that this is pleasing to You and I know that this is what You desire of all Your children. Create in me a heart of gentle love and kind compassion and show me how I may witness of Your love, both with my actions as well as my words. Keep me from a self-righteous attitude towards them, for I know that I too was once estranged from You and in Your grace and mercy You picked me up and saved me.

Father, I pray that each one may come to a saving faith in You and that You would change me to be the neighbour that You would have me be. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For An Inner Serenity Of Heart And Mind

Thank You, Father, that the Lord Jesus is my serenity and my peace. Thank You, that in Him I can cast all the worries, mental stress and cares that cloud my heart into Your hands, for You have promised that You will take care of all our burdens if we will simply place all our anxieties on Your shoulders.

Thank You, Father, that the Lord Jesus is the heavenly Peacemaker, and I ask that the perfect peace of God and the supreme serenity of the Lord Jesus may rule in my heart and mind so that it overspills into the lives of all with whom I come in contact today. I ask this in Jesus' name, 


A Prayer In Times Of Loneliness And Depression

Lord, I feel so lonely at times that I am becoming more and more depressed. I find that I am trying to fill my life with activities and people, which do not address the root issue of my loneliness or what I am going through, and which leave me even more depressed.

Lord, I know that You have promised to help the afflicted and set free those that are all alone in families. I pray that You would do just that in my life, so that I may rediscover the joy of my salvation and overcome the depression that sweeps over me so often, when I find that I am on my own and have no one to talk to.

You have promised to help the afflicted and to comfort those that are hurting. Turn Your loving-kindness towards me at this time I pray, comfort my hurting soul and renew a right spirit within me. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Marriage Restoration Prayer

Dear God, it was You Who in the beginning said that it is not good for a man to be alone and so You brought forth woman to be his helper and companion, his comfort and friend. And Lord I thank You for the beautiful institution of holy matrimony.

Father, today I come to You in sadness and distress because my marriage is facing some serious challenges and our love for each other seems to have waned into disinterest and mistrust.

Help us Lord to restore our marriage, and bring us back to a place where we were so happy to be in each other’s company. Forgive the careless words and the foolish actions we have both engaged in and restore to us the beauty of the love we once had, I pray.

Fill us both with Your love, and give us the wisdom and strength to rebuild our marriage with the strong bond of unity and grace that is only found in You.

Thank You Lord for hearing this prayer,


Prayer For A Fruitful Life In Christ

Dear Lord, it is my desire to be fruitful in my life. I know that fruitfulness means that I need to abide in You, just as You have commanded all those that are Your children, so that the Father may be glorified in my life.  

I ask that I may be a vessel through whom You would be pleased to work, so that I may bear much good fruit of the Spirit, and not produce dead works of the flesh in my own strength. Lord, I do not want to be a barren branch that lives for my self, but one that grows in grace, matures in the faith, and comes to an ever deepening knowledge of You day by day, knowing that it is only as I rest and abide and remain in You, that You are enabled to carry out Your good work within me.

Lord, I know that without You, I can do nothing. Even the good works I try to do in my own strength are as filthy rags to You. Search my heart Lord, and point out those things that are not pleasing to You, for I desire to be a clean vessel in Your service. Help me therefore, to confess all the things in my life that may be blocking sweet fellowship with You. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Prayer For Sunday School Teachers

Dear Father in heaven, how I thank You for those that have been called by You to minister to the children and young people in our Sunday School classes.

I pray that each one would be filled with the Holy Spirit and have a deep desire and ability to guide the young people in their charge, into a thorough knowledge of the Word of God and the plan of Salvation. Give them the ability and understanding to guide the young people they teach along the Christian pathway, with doctrinally sound teaching.

I pray that each teacher will recognise the vital role they play in the spiritual development of those in their charge, and of the important role and responsibility they have, in laying a firm and sure spiritual foundation for their lives.

Equip each one I pray, with a desire to study Your Word for themselves, so that they too may grow in grace and increase in their knowledge and love of the Lord Jesus. And I pray that by their example, the children and young people that they teach will also develop a desire to have their own personal walk with the Lord Jesus.

And so Lord, I pray that you would use each one to encourage the children they teach of the importance of reading the Word of God, studying the Bible and learning the Scriptures for themselves, so that they too may mature in the faith and be enabled to stand firm in a world that seems to have forgotten the God Who created them. May these Sunday School classes be places where the Lord Jesus is lifted high. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For A Loving Relationship At Home

Heavenly Father, I thank You for my family and bless You that You placed me in this home. Thank You for the parents You gave me and the friends and family that You have placed in my life. Help us to draw ever closer to each other in the bond of love and fellowship, and may You become the central focus of our home, our hearts and our family more and more with every passing day. And I pray that the influence of Your love and grace in our lives, will reach out to all with whom we have to do.

May our hearts be united in love for You and may there be Christian harmony, one with the other. Help us to develop more and more a biblical perspective in our home, serving and being served, loving and being loved and looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, the unseen guest at every meal and the silent visitor to every conversation.

Help us to be ‘real’ in our conversation and honest in our hopes and fears, and help us to listen to each other with genuine interest and encouragement. Develop in us the same mind that was in Christ Jesus, and may we learn to live in godly harmony together, not being selfish or self-important but gracious, courteous and thinking of the needs of others before our own, and Lord, may Jesus be welcome into our home every moment of the day. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer To Know Jesus Better

Dear Lord Jesus, I long to know You more and more and have a deep yearning in my soul to draw closer to You, Lord. I know so much about You, Your birth in Bethlehem, Your ministry to hurting and oppressed people, Your crucifixion, burial and resurrection and your present ministry, where You are seated on the right hand of the Father in heaven. But Lord, I want to know You personally and intimately and to be identified with You in every area of my life.

Help me I pray to identify with You. To identify with Your death, so that I may die to self and live in newness of life. Lord, it was Paul that prayed, “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering, and being conformed to His death,” and Lord, I pray that too. And what is more Lord, I also want to be able to say with him, “that I consider everything loss for the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.”

Help me day by day to grow in grace and in a knowledge of You, until I can say, "it is not I that live, but Christ who lives in me." I ask this in His precious name,


A Prayer When Feeing Lonely

How I thank You Heavenly Father, that You are there all the time and have promised never to leave me nor to forsake me. What a great comfort it is to know that no matter where I am or what I am doing, I can call upon You, day or night, knowing that Your ears are ever open to my cries for help.
Lord, You know that there are times when I feel so very lonely. I feel that no one I know seems to understand or even cares. I realise that they all have their own problems and interests, but even those that I am closest to do not seem to understand me or show any interest in me.
Lord, I know that part of the problem is that I am focussing on myself and my own needs, instead of realising that many other people are probably feeling much the same as me, and have no one to talk to and no one who understands them.
Help me Lord, to turn the eyes of my heart toward You every moment of the day and away from myself, knowing that only You can provide the fellowship and intimacy that I crave for, and that it is You alone Who can flood Your perfect peace into my heart and reveal Yourself to me in a new and special way. Thank You for being my Comforter and Counsellor. I pray that I may draw close to You in a way that I have never known before, so that Your comfort and grace may flow through me to others who are going through a similar loneliness. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Comfort For The Divorced

Dear Lord Jesus, I am sad that I have had to go though the sadness of a divorce, and pray that You will comfort me.

Thank You, that no matter what has happened and what I may face in the future, You are always there to lead and to comfort, to help and to provide. Thank You, that You know all the ins and outs, the ups and the downs of our various lives.

Father, I am Your child and I place my life anew into Your hands. I ask that You grant me the grace to foster a loving heart of forgiveness, the comfort to still my anxious heart and the strength to keep on keeping on through this sad and difficult time of divorce.

Strengthen my heart I pray, and enable me to get on with my life with You at the helm of my little boat. Give me wisdom to trust You to beautify my inner heart, so that it does not harbor any bitterness or jealousy.

I ask this is the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for me on Calvary’s tree. In Whose name I pray,


Prayer Of Thanks For My Dear Father

Dear Lord and Father of us all, how I bless and thank You for placing me in my family and for the blessing of my dear father, who gave me life.

Thank You for the joy and fun that we have shared together over the years, and for his wonderful example and trust in You. Thank You for his wisdom, his patience and the many lessons that he taught me as I was growing. Thank You for his strength in times of difficulty, his wisdom in times of trouble, his honesty in times of correction, his gentleness in times of pain, and thank You that he taught me about Jesus from being a child.

As he is advancing in years, I pray that You will be with him and take care of him. Keep him from all harm and danger and prepare his heart for the day when he will see You face to face. I pray that on that glorious day, he will hear You say, "well done good an faithful servant." 


Prayer For Neither Poverty Nor Riches

Heavenly Father, I want to thank You for Your grace and mercy to me and towards all people. Lord, I hesitate to approach You on the subject of wealth, for Lord I know that there is much abuse of wealth, not only in the acquiring and accumulating it, through suspect ways or shady means, but in particular in praying to You for to provide wealth, especially by those who lead people astray - often suggesting the use of a prayer formula, to effectively twist Your arm to provide the prosperity they think they deserve, rather than seeking for You for the provision they really need.

Lord, as I come to You with my request, I pray that You would guide my prayers with wisdom as I pray to You for “wealth.” Lord, I do not mean an obscene amount of wealth, but rather that You would provide me with sufficient means so that I do not become discouraged with my poverty and lack.

Lord, I know that You have promised to provide for the needs all Your children, but I find myself in a situation where I hardly know which way to turn regarding my finances. And the temptation to acquire some money in an ungodly way or by dishonest means is ever before me. Lord, there is a verse in the Bible where someone prays, “Give me neither poverty nor riches.

Lord, I too come before You to ask that You would graciously supply me with sufficient wealth, but also I pray that You would keep me from the greedy attitude that is so prevalent with those who have great abundance.

Lord, in all things I lay myself in humility at You feet, knowing that I am helpless to properly provide for my needs and those of my family. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Brotherly Love Towards Others

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your deep love towards me and thank You for sending Your only begotten Son, my Saviour Jesus Christ to suffer on the cross for my sake, so that my sins could be forgiven and that I may live with You for ever in heaven. Lord, I know that I do not warrant Your love and yet You have showered unconditional love and grace towards me through Christ, for which I praise and thank You.

But Lord, You desire all Your children to love others as Christ loved us, but my love is poor and weak and is far removed for all that You desire of me. Fill me I pray, with the love of Christ that I may love others in the same way that Christ loved me, so that as Your love pours into my soul, I may be used as a conduit for Christ’s love to stream out to others with whom I come into contact.

Help me to demonstrate Your love, not only to those that are lovable, but also to those who lash out at me through pain or anger, disappointment or loss. May the love of Jesus be manifested in me, and may the love of Jesus be distributed, by grace through faith, to all with whom I come in contact. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Know God

Father, I am not worthy to gather up the crumbs under Your table but You are a gracious God, whose nature is loving and merciful and in Your wisdom You have unveiled the building blocks of Your very character and revealed Yourself to us, within the pages of scripture.

Thank You for Your incomparable grace, in that despite my unworthiness You have lifted me up out of the miry clay and set my feet on the rock of my salvation and seated me in heavenly places in Christ.

I pray Lord, that in the power of the Holy Spirit, You would endow me the spirit of wisdom and understanding, so that I may know You more and love You better, with every passing day. I pray also that the eyes of my heart may be illumined by Your Word of truth, so that I may know more fully the hope to which I have been called.

Give me a deeper understanding of what it actually meant for You to die on the cross for my sins. Give me a deeper reverence for Who You truly are. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Those Who Are Lonely

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You today to lift up those that are lonely and who feel deserted or left alone by those they love, and pray that in Your grace and mercy You would draw near to all who are broken-hearted or crushed in spirit, and deliver them from the difficulties and troubles that they are facing today.
Draw very close to them Lord. Enfold them in Your loving arms, quiet their hearts and bring into their lives that perfect peace and gracious comfort that only comes from You, for You have promised to place those that are lonely in families and You have promised the widow that, “your Maker is your husband.”
Lord, for all whose hearts are aching and alone, I pray that You would draw close to them and make Yourself known in a very special way. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Wisdom To Use My Wealth Wisely

Dear Heavenly Father, You have blessed me with much abundance of wealth, and I do thank You for all that You have so graciously provided for me. Lord, I want to thank You with all my heart and ask that give me great wisdom to know how best to use this wealth, that I believe has been entrusted to me from Your gracious hand, and for which I praise and thank You.

Help me not to be selfish in the use of my wealth and also I pray that You would prevent me not to be foolish either, for I believe that this is a resource that can be used for both good and evil. Lord, I pray that You would help me to use this abundance that You have lovingly bestowed on me, wisely and to Your greater glory.

Lord, I know that there are many people who seek out wealthy folk with a wrong intention and I ask that You would give me great discernment with all those whom I meet. Give me wisdom Lord, to use my wealth wisely. In Jesus' name, 


Prayer To Find Love With A Soul-Mate

Heavenly Father, I have fallen in and out of love with so many people and yet in my heart, I know that You have created us to love and to be loved, with a deep and lasting love that is a mirror of the depth of love that Christ has for the Church. Father, You have demonstrated to us, through the Lord Jesus Christ, the tremendous depth of love that You desire in each of Your children, a love that flows from You to us, a love that should flow through us to others.

Develop in me the depth of love that loves as Christ loved. And Lord, I pray that I may be permitted to share that love with a true and lasting soul-mate. Father, I have fallen in and out of love before, but I pray that I may develop a new and extraordinary depth of love that comes only through You, so that at the right time You would bring into my life that kindred-sprit and soul-mate, whose love for me is only exceeded by their love of You. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Who loved me, and gave His life for me.


Prayer For A Deeper Knowledge Of Jesus

Father, thank You for Your Word which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path and thank You Father, for the Lord Jesus Christ, the living Word made flesh, Who has life in Himself and is the light of the world in Whom is no darkness at all.

Lord, more than anything else, I desire to bathe in that light of the Lord Jesus so that the light of His love and grace may shine through me to others, especially at those times when the circumstances of life seem to be particularly gloomy and dark.

Father, You have called us to be lights in the world, reflecting the glory and light of Christ and I pray that I may become His reflection, so that men may see my good works and glorify my Father in heaven.

Lord, I know that this requires me to decrease to nothing so that He may increase in everything and become all in all. Father, I pray that whatever it takes, that You would purge out anything that diminishes the light and love of Christ in me, so that Jesus is lifted up high in my heart and life, and may my self-life become so translucent and unclouded that Christ may be seen in me, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Loneliness In Marriages

Dear Lord, You created us male and female and designed us as relational beings, to live together in a marriage partnership, and yet we know that there are many who discover themselves to be lonely and often unloved or even rejected in their marriages.
We pray for all those that are suffering this sort of loneliness, whether it is from rejection, carelessness, abuse or disinterest, and pray that Your comfort and peace would fill their hearts and that Your very presence would comfort their souls.
Restore what has gone sour in such marriages we pray, heal the brokenness and isolation and comfort each aching heart, and we ask that You would draw them back into sweet fellowship with one another and come to know You in a deeper and more meaningful way. This we ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Comfort In Time Of Tragedy

Dear God, I am crying out to you in my loss and deep grief. I am confused and don’t understand why my life seems to be in such turmoil and pain, but I look to You for comfort and strength to see me through.

My eyes are looking to You Lord Jesus, and I am praying that I might understand why this terrible tragedy has hit. I am trusting You, Lord, to give me the strength to face the inevitable difficulties that will come in the wake of this dreadful catastrophe.

Calm my troubled heart I pray, and pour into my heart a peace that only comes from You and a strength to keep going in this time of distress. Though my heart is breaking and I feel utterly crushed in spirit,my eyes are looking to You and I will hope in my Saviour to carry me through in Your everlasting arms of comfort and peace.

I believe that Your mercies are new every morning and that You will show me Your mercy and comfort today. Although I feel that I have been walking through the valley of the shadow of death, I know that I need fear no evil for You are with me. Lead me Lord, into Your way of peace. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For A Father Who Is An Alcoholic

Dear Father God, my heart is so sad for my father and I am very concerned about the way that he has become such a heavy drinker. I know that he has had a very difficult life and that he is using his drinking habit to cover up a heart that has been bruised and badly scarred, but Father, his alcoholism is causing him so much harm and hurt, and I grieve for the life that he is forging out for himself.

Dear Lord, would You help him to become free of this terrible addiction to drink, and show us what we can do to help and encourage him to become free from this curse that is not only ruining his own life, but which has such negative repercussion in our home as well.

Lord, I love my father, but we are becoming desperate and are turning to You to help us to help him to break his addiction to alcohol.

Most loving Father, I am so sad about my father's life. I suppose I will never know all that happened to him along the way and I can never even imagine what inner pain his drinking is covering up, but it hurts so much to see him trapped in this pattern. And, as frustrated as we are, we will all enable him somehow. Please help us all be healed. Help us to take the steps we need. Help my father come to see his powerlessness before this addiction. Let him turn to You alone for help.


Thanksgiving Prayer For The Life Of The Deceased

Dear Heavenly Father, it is always hard to say goodbye to those that have died, for we know that they will be missed by so many who are left behind. But Lord, You also remind us that the death of Your saints is very special to You and we want to join together to thank You for life of this Your child, who was such an encouragement and wonderful witness of Your love and grace.

Thank You, Lord, for the blessings of this special person, whom we all remember so fondly, but who is now at rest in Your loving embrace. Thank You for their life and the many happy memories that we all share.

We pray that You will be a special comfort, to uplift and care for those that will feel the greatest loss. Help us to remember that although we are separated for a time, we will all rejoice one day when we stand together in Your presence. Thank You that the brief night of weeping will pass very quickly, and we will all be rejoicing in Your presence on that glorious morning when we will all be reunited in the hope that is set before us. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer To Be A Good Steward of My Wealth

Lord, I know that that is a principle that is frequently seen in the Bible, that we “reap what we sow,” and I also know that some unscrupulous people have suggested that this can be used as an almost magical formula that anyone can apply to ‘prayer’ which I know to be very unbiblical.

Lord, I want to ask You to give me an understanding of how to sow biblically, so that in due time I may reap to Your glory, whether it is my money, my time, my talents, my gifts or simply myself. Lord, I want to make the best use of all that You have graciously given to me, not for selfish reasons but to glorify Your name, for all that I have comes from You and I am simply seeking to give back to You what You have generously given me. Lord, I simply desire to be a good steward and a faithful servant, with all that You have given me.

Lord, I don’t know how best to use what You have given me. I don’t know how to sow as You would have me to do. I know that I have made many mistakes in the past and so I come to You today to ask You to teach me Lord. Teach me how to number my days and make best use of all that have received from Your hand of blessing, including my money, my time, my talents, my gifts and myself.

Lord, into Your hands I give all I have and pray that in due time it will be profitable. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer When Love Has Failed

Dear Lord, I have been hurt very deeply by someone who I thought truly loved me, and we wanted to spend our lives together, but they have caused me deep pain and left my emotions in tatters. Lord, at times I have felt that my heart would break and have been finding it very difficult to come to terms with the fact that love has failed.

Restore my brokenness I pray, and send Your comfort and strength into my soul, as I try to pick up the pieces of my brokenness and begin to face the future once again. Lord, I know that I cannot do this in my own strength, but only as You carry me in Your loving arms and pour Your healing and comfort into my broken soul. Help me to leave this disappointing time of sadness behind and look to a future with fresh hope and expectation, knowing that in You is the fullness of joy and from You alone comes the only true love that can fully satisfy the heart that is hungry for love.

I pray that I may allow the healing process of Your love to begin to mend my brokenness, so that in Your time and in Your way You would bring the person of Your choice into to my life, for You are the Lord of Love, and have given us the capacity to love others and to be loved by them. Help me to pray, "Thy will be done," in this area of my life and teach me how to love You as I ought, and give me the capacity to love others in the same way that You have loved me. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Know The Truth

Heavenly Father, give me a deeper knowledge and understanding I pray, of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Way and the Truth and the Life, and Whom to know is life eternal.

Father, You promised that in Christ we would know the truth and that the truth would set us free, and You also promised that the Holy Spirit would guide us into all truth. Lord this is my desire, to know the truth, to know the Lord Jesus better, and to know Him more and more abundantly.

Father, it was Pilate who asked the question, what is truth? But Your Word makes it perfectly clear that the answer to that question is Jesus. He is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and I pray that I may know Him more intimately with each passing day.

The enemy seeks to hide or distort the truth, through deceit and lies, but I pray that You would give me wisdom and discernment to know when the truth of Christ is being twisted or misrepresented. Help me increasingly to know Him more, and the power of His resurrection, being made conformable unto his death, for I have died and my life is hid with Christ in God. Praise His holy name.


Prayer For Loneliness In My Marriage

Loving Lord, my heart is breaking as I feel so very lonely and alone in my marriage. Father, I know that this is not how You ordained marriage to be in the beginning but I feel so unloved, unwanted and isolated that my heart is breaking and I just long to have a normal relationship with my spouse, whom I love dearly, but who seems so distant and far removed from me.
Lord, we seem to pass as ships in the night and I don’t know what to do except turn to You and pour out my grief to You, Who calls each one of us to cast all our cares upon You and to lay all of our burdens down at Your feet.
Loving Lord, I know that You can do anything and I know that it is not Your will that marriage partners become so estranged from one another, and so I pray that in Your grace, You would touch both our hearts and work a mighty work of grace in our lives and show us how to rebuild our marriage on the only secure foundation, which is Jesus. This I ask in His precious name,


Prayer Of Comfort For Bereaved Parents

Loving Father, I lift up these parents who have so recently lost their precious child. You understand the grief that they are going through, because Your own dear Son was crucified and died on the cross.

You are our gracious God of Comfort and You understand our grief and sadness in a way that is beyond our comprehension. Comfort the heart of these parents I pray, as they mourn the loss of their child. Fill them with Your peace and hope. Thank You that underneath them are Your everlasting arms which are always there to hold and support and comfort.

Use me I pray, to be a comfort and help in their time of trouble. Please give me the right things to say to them, and the wisdom to know when to remain silent. Give them a deep awareness of Your presence that is with them every moment of the day. Draw them closer to each other and to You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Forgiveness For An Abusive Father

Loving Father God, I come to You today to lift up my father in prayer. Lord, You know better than anyone else how difficult and abusive he was towards me and towards others as well. You know the suffering, pain and ridicule that I had to endure at his hands, for so many years.

My hurt and anger towards him is tinged with pity and sadness, because we were not able to have the sort of loving relationship that a child should have with his father, and this is of great sadness to me. I know Lord, that in his own way he tried to do his best, but he was so eaten up with bitterness and anger that he was unable to express it in any other way.

Forgive my father I pray, and help me to forgive him as well, truly to forgive him and not to hold any resentment against him, for I know that is not only destructive to me but has ongoing repercussions with those I love.

Forgive my father Lord and heal him, and I pray that one day he may come to hear that Christ died to pay the price for his own sins and rose again to break the power of death in the life of all that believe. I pray that my father would hear this and accept Jesus as his Saviour. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Saviour and Lord, 


Prayer About Wealth And Poverty

Father, I know that we are not promised wealth in Your Word, indeed Lord, as I read Scripture it appears that the Bible warns against seeking after wealth and the accumulation of wealth, and abhors all forms of dishonest practices, and yet in this world it seems that we are encouraged to seek after wealth and too often we hear preachers telling us that wealth is a sign of God’s favour, while poverty is a sign of His displeasure.

Keep me Lord, from poverty and help me Lord, to be content with what You have given me and thankful in all situations in which I find myself. Keep me from becoming embroiled in the pursuit of wealth, for I know that I could all to easily be enticed into seeking after wealth at the expense of my spiritual growth.

Father, I want to follow Your call to lay up treasure in heaven and not get swept into the world’s thinking, for I truly believe that unless one is very careful and wise, wealth can become a thorn in the flesh and begin to be a master instead of a servant.

Keep me Lord, with my eyes heavenward, knowing that my future lies in the reward in heaven and not the wealth of this world system. Provide all I need and may I develop an attitude of gratitude for all that You have so graciously provided for me as I sojourn in this world and as I wait for that day when You will call me home to be with You for ever. Thank you in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Guidance In A Lifestyle Change

Heavenly Father, I feel that I am stepping out onto the threshold of a completely new beginning with a total change in my lifestyle. Lord, I know that this is a wonderful opportunity that You have graciously opened up for me and I pray that You would be with me to lead and guide, as I seek to become accustomed to so many changes in my life.

I pray that You would remain ever close to me, and that I do not stray far from Your side or become lukewarm in my attitude towards the things of God. Help me to keep my eyes firmly fixed on Jesus and to trust all I say and do into Your capable hands. Provide I pray, all that I need to carry out the tasks and duties that I am called upon to do with grace and courage, and I pray that my joy would be firmly fixed in Jesus and that I may be strengthened with all power from above. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Unbelievers Salvation

Dear Father God, we pray for the salvation of men and women throughout our world that have not come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord, we know that it is not Your will that any one should perish but that all should come to faith in the Lord Jesus as their Saviour.

Father, we lift the lost to You and pray that in Your long-suffering mercy, You would draw close to each and every one. We pray that the light of Your love would shine into their hearts, and that the truth of Your Word would convict their inner soul of their need of a Saviour.

Thank You for sending Christ Jesus into the world to be born into the human race and live among us. Thank You, that He was willing to die on the cross for sinners, to give His life as a ransom for many, so as to provide salvation for all who would believe in Him as Saviour.

We plead Your gracious mercy on all unbelievers today and ask that You would snatch them from the jaws of evil and bring them to saving faith in Christ. This we ask in His precious name,


Prayers For Healing Loneliness

I come to You Heavenly Father, in a time of great loneliness and pain, and pray for Your healing touch upon my life and the sufficient grace to face each day.
I ask for Your comfort and peace, especially during those moments of intense loneliness when I feel so incredibly alone and helpless. I long for just one person to show a little love and care, and yet the people that I know are too busy with their own lives to notice the intense pain that I am going through. Help me not to be bitter by their lack of love, but rather use it I pray, to mould me into the person that I know You want me to be.
Thank You, Lord, that no matter who forsakes me or displays disinterest in my life, that You are a faithful and ever-present friend, Who has promised never to leave me nor forsake me, and that no matter what difficulties or problems I may face, You are always there to love and to care, and to support with Your sufficient grace.
Touch the hearts of all those who like me, are facing loneliness. Comfort all our hearts. Give us the joy of Your salvation and help us all to look to Jesus during those times of loneliness. And I pray that You would help us to grow in grace, so that we may be enabled to show comfort and succour to others who are facing times of great loneliness and pain. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Comfort For A Dying Mother

Dear Lord Jesus, my mother is getting increasingly frail and weak and it is distressing to see her becoming so infirm and helpless. Comfort her I pray, as she lies on her bed of sickness, and give her Your perfect peace in her heart.

I ask that You would send comfort and support to all those that love You, and may this time of illness be a time that draws each member of the family back into a closer walk with Jesus.

Thank You for my mother and for all that she means to me. I ask that You comfort my heart too, and give me the strength to care for her as she waits to be called home to be with You in glory. Thank You, in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Unbelievers Husband

Loving Father, I lift up my unbelieving husband to You and pray that You would honour my desperate pleading for his salvation, and help him I pray, to realise his need to accept Jesus as his Saviour and commit his life to You.

I pray that Your Holy Spirit would convict him of his sin and the eternal consequences that he faces outside of Christ. I pray that he may come to a saving faith in Jesus and that You would fulfil the plan and purpose that You have for his life. Open his eyes I pray, and bring him into a living, vital and intimate relationship with Jesus.

I pray that You would give me the grace and wisdom to live a godly life that honours You and teach me to be the sort of wife that will cause my husband to be intrigued to know You, Whom to know is life eternal.

Father, I entrust his life into Your hand and pray that You would honour this heart-plea. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Prayer For The Lonely

Lord Jesus, the world is full of lonely people who are weary and burdened, alone and afflicted. Be gracious to each hurting soul I pray. I ask that many would find their comfort and succour in You, Who came to earth to carry our burdens, heal our brokenness, and set us free from life’s bondage. Thank You, that You have promised to give Your precious rest and perfect peace to all who look to You.
Fulfil Your many promises to those that are lonely and afflicted, I pray. Set the lonely in families free as Your Word has decreed, and lead the prisoners forth with singing! And Lord, You have promised that even though mother, father and all our loved ones forsake us, You will never ever leave us nor forsake us. Thank You for the many precious promises that are specially for those that are lonely, and I pray that You would meet each one at their very point of need. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Thanks For Comforting Words

Heavenly Father, thank You for the comforting words that are in the Word of God.

Thank You that Your grace is sufficient for me today.

Thank You that You have the strength for all the tasks that I will meet today.

Thank You that Your hand is guiding me and Your love is surrounding me every moment of the day.

Thank You today and every day, in Jesus' name,


Prayer For All Mourners

Dear Lord, You are the Father of all mercies, Who cares for all Your people with an everlasting love. You are the God of all comfort, Who consoles all those that are suffering the death of a loved one. You are the God of all peace, Who has promised to pour Your perfect peace into the hearts of Your children who are going through the pain and suffering that the loss of a precious loved one brings.

Oh Lord, I pray that You would become their strength in this time of loss, their hope in this time of bereavement, their joy in this time of sorrow, and their perfect peace in the turmoil that their hearts must be facing.

Thank You that the sting of death has been broken forever, and the curse of the grave has been destroyed through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. He has broken forever the power of death and hell, for all who trust in His name. 

Speak into the hearts of all Your children that are mourning at this time, and let them not mourn as those that have no hope. And Lord, for those that do not yet know You as the Saviour Who died for them, I pray that they will come to know and accept You as their Saviour and find their perfect rest in You. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Prayer Of Thanksgiving

Dear Father God, I am just coming to You today because I just want to sit in Your presence, bathe in Your beauty, rest in Your love and to simply to spend time alone with You.

Lord, I do not have any specific prayer to offer to You, except to say that I just want to be with You because I love You. Lord, I just want to flood my mind with the wonder of Who You are and to rejoice in Your glory and grace. Lord, at times I am overwhelmed by Your loving-kindness and tender mercies towards me. I don’t understand it but I praise You with all of my heart

At times Lord, I am awestruck to realise that the God of the universe has chosen to take up residence in my frail body and that You want to have a close and personal relationship with me, to walk with me in the cool of the evening and to rest in the arms of each other, simply because You love me. Words are insufficient to convey the wonder of Who You are, and I thank You for being my Saviour and for loving me as You do. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Beginning A New School

Dear Lord Jesus, we are moving to a different place and I am going to have to start at a new school and leave all my friends and the familiar places that I liked. I don’t really want to move and feel a bit uneasy about having to make a completely new start in completely different surroundings. Lord, please take away this feeling of insecurity and fear, and I pray that You will be with me as I start this new school.

Help me to fit in and make some good friends, and help me as I adjust to the new surroundings and different teachers and styles of teaching. Lord, I pray that You will bring some good Christian friends into my life that are supportive and encouraging. And help me I pray, to be able to deal with all the new course work that I have to deal with May I work hard and settle in quickly and easily.

Thank You, that You have promised to be with me no matter where we go. Help me to place my trust in You completely and trust You in all things, for in You I have my trust. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Unbelieving Spouse

Heavenly Father, Your Word says that Your kindness leads us to repentance. I pray that You would convict my spouse of the need to turn to Christ and to turn away from the enticements of this world.

Thank You, that in love You sent the Lord Jesus to become the sin sacrifice on Calvary’s cross for all who would turn from sin and trust in His name. Thank You Father, that You desire all men and women to be saved, including my spouse, and I pray that You would do the impossible in our marriage.

Thank You, Lord, that no one is beyond Your saving grace and thank You that the Holy Spirit is working in the lives of the unsaved to bring them to saving faith and convict them of their need of salvation. Work in the life of my spouse I pray, and Lord, I pray that whatever it takes You would bring them to saving faith in Christ. In Jesus' name,


Prayer of Thanks For His Sufficient Grace

Father, we are so blessed to be called Your children and to have Christ as our Saviour. Thank You for sending Him to die on the cross to pay the price for our sins, and thank You, that His resurrection life is ours by grace through faith in Him.

Thank You, that He is the wisdom of God and the power of God, and that we have been given a new life in Christ, so that in His grace and mercy we have become more than conquers through Him Who loved us, and gave Himself for us.

Thank You, that we have been given all that we need for life and godliness and that no matter what difficulties or dangers we may be called upon to face, we have an assurance that His grace is sufficient for all our needs, for His strength is made perfect in our weakness.

In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For A Dying Christian Friend

Dear heavenly Father, my dear friend who is closer to me than a brother or sister, is fast approaching the time when You will gather them in Your arms and take them home safely, to the heavenly shore.

Thank You, Father, for their life and witness and for their great love for You. Thank You for the encouragement they have given so many over the years, and for the gracious spirit that marked the way they have walked.

Lord, I know that their one joy and delight is to be with You forever, but it means that we will be left alone here. I know we will not grieve as the world grieves, for our hope and trust is in You, but I know we all will miss them so much. I will miss them so much Lord, for they have been such a sweet fragrance in my life, and the lives of so many with whom they fellowshipped.

Enfold them with Your love, dear Lord, and I pray that at the right time they will close their eyes in this world for the last time, only to open them to see You. How I worship You for all Your goodness and loving-kindness. Thank You, Father, for the privilege of having such a godly friend for so much of my life.

In to Your hands I commend this precious one - my dear friend, who has been closer to me than any brother or sister.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Strength In Planning A Funeral

Dear Lord, thank You that You are our refuge and strength and that You are ever close to those that mourn. Oh Lord, I do pray that You would give us the help and wisdom that we need at this time, as we face the task of having to make all the arrangements for the forthcoming funeral, while at the same time trying to come to terms with our sad loss.

Lord, there seems to be so much to do and so many people to contact that I feel a little overwhelmed by all that has to be done. I pray that You would lead and guide as we set about making the arrangements for funeral.

Hold us all close in Your loving arms, and provide us with all that we need to carry out this daunting task. Thank You, that You have promised to support us in our weaknesses as we cast all our cares upon You.

Give us Your peace that passes human understanding and the patience to deal with all those with whom we need to come in contact. Thank You, Lord, that Your everlasting arms are always there to uphold and strengthen and support and sustain. Praise Your holy name that You are a Saviour Who cares for each one of Your children. Thank You Lord Jesus,


Prayer Of A Woman Who Is Alone

Loving Father, I thank You that You are with me all the time and am so grateful for Your many precious promises that You will never leave me nor forsake me, and that Your everlasting arms are forever upholding me day by day and moment by moment, but Lord, times I feel so very alone, so isolated and helpless, with no man in my life to deal with issues with me, like sorting out tax returns or dealing with those little fiddly things, when the drains get blocked-up or the boiler stops working, or the toilet seat breaks!

Lord, I don’t want to complain, for You have provided me with so much love and care throughout my whole life, but Lord at times I do feel so alone and so I pray that You would draw ever closer to me with every passing day and that You would not only equip me to deal competently with all the little fiddly things in life on my own, but also that You would fill the empty void that I feel, being a woman alone.

Thank You for the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ that I do have, whether far away or nearby, and thank You also for the members of my family that are so dear to me. Lord, help me to develop an attitude of gratitude day by day and moment by moment, for what I do have, rather then concentrating on my lack.

Help me to rejoice in the joys of my life rather than centring in on life’s woes. Thank You most of all for dying for me on the cross and rising again the third day, and that by believing in You, I have eternal life and the hope of a heavenly future with You in heaven. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Prayer When Beginning A New Job

Dear God, praise Your name that I have been so blessed to be invited to start this new job, and I thank You that You have heard my prayers. Lord, I am excited about the prospect of starting at this new place of work and I ask that You would prepare me in every way for the challenges that lie ahead. Lord, I know that we are called to do everything in life as, “unto the Lord” and although in the past I have not always done so, I pray that as I take up this new position, You would help me to live and work in a way that truly honours You.

Lord, I don’t know what the people will be like that I will be working alongside, but I pray that You would use me to be salt and light in this new position. And Lord, I also pray that by Your grace there may be one or two work colleagues who know and trust You. Lord, I know that in everything we should praise and thank You, and so I praise and thank You Lord, for the provision of this new job. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Unbelieving Son

Father, I thank You for my son and the joy that he has brought into our lives, but Lord my heart aches for him to come to faith in Jesus, and I pray that You would bring my precious, unbelieving son to a saving faith in Christ.

Thank You, that You loved the world so much that You sent Your own, dearly beloved Son to be the propitiation for our sins and for the sins of the whole world. Thank You, that whosoever believes in Christ Jesus will not perish but have everlasting life.

I pray that eyes of my dearly beloved, yet unbelieving son, would be opened to the truth of the glorious gospel of grace and that He would turn from his sin to Christ and be born into Your eternal family of God. Into Your hands I entrust my son whom I so desire to be saved, and pray that in Your mercy You would guide him into all truth. In Jesus' name,


Prayer of Thanks For Your Amazing Grace

Lord, it is through Your amazing grace and incredible love that I am who I am, a sinner saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus my Lord and Saviour.
Thank You, that I have been set free from the law of sin and death by the Spirit of life, Who indwells my heart and Who teaches me Your truth and knowledge, for You are a faithful and gracious God Who is rich in mercy and love.
Thank You, that I have been redeemed by Christ and am fully justified in Your eyes because He was made sin on my account, and paid the full price for my sin. How I praise You that by God’s grace, I have been brought back into fellowship with God.
Thank You, that Christ is raised from the dead and has become the first-fruit of those that rise, and that I am a partaker of His eternal life, through time and into eternity. Thank You, that there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus. Thank You in Jesus' precious name for Your amazing grace,

Prayer of Comfort In A Time Of Loss

Dear Lord Jesus, I feel so alone. I have lost my friend and partner of a life-time and it is quite daunting to know that I will never see them again – on earth.

I want to thank You for always being there for me. Thank You, that You are with me in all the sadness that I am going through. May I rest in Your arms, knowing that no matter what happens, You are always there to be my comfort and guide.

I pray that when those dark times come when sadness wells up wthin my heart, that You will be there to comfort and help. Thank You Jesus,


Prayer For A Child That Is Dying

Loving Lord Jesus, our most gracious Saviour and friend, our hearts are breaking as we watch this precious little one in such pain and slipping away from us so quickly. Oh Lord, we commend this little life, which has been such a joy and a blessing to us all, into Your strong and loving hands.

Lord, what joy and laughter and fun we had together and Lord, what courage has been shown to we who are adults, knowing that their life hung in the balance, between life and death.

Lord, we know that you are a God who can turn death into life, yet we also know that this precious one, whom we love so dearly is facing the gate of death. Should this be the time that you take them home to be with Yourself, please God, grant comfort and strength to us all and especially the parents, who are feeling such deep grief.

Thank You, that this little life has come to know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, and I pray that You will stay very very close as the time approaches for the parting of the way, at least for the time being, until we all meet once again in the heavenly mansions that You have prepared for us all.

Loving Lord Jesus, I commend this little one into Your loving arms. Carry Your little lamb home gently, I pray,


Prayer Of An Older Woman

Dear Lord, the march of time is become increasingly evident in my face and body, it is sometimes hard to accept that I am getting older and losing my youthful bloom. Lord, I know that the things of this world are vanity and yet I also know You created women with an inner desire to be beautiful. And yet, I know that Your Word clearly says that it is the woman that fears the Lord that shall be praised, for she shall be endowed with a special beauty that only comes from You.

Keep me Lord, from foolishly wishing that I could regain my youth, but rather help me to rejoice in my advancing years and allow the beauty of the Lord Jesus to shine through all I say and all I do. Help me to grow in grace and in knowledge of the Him so that my actions and attitudes are a reflection of His loveliness.

Thank You, Lord, that my citizenship is in heaven and that the day is coming when each one of us will cast of our old bodies like a garment and be clothed in the glorified body that You have promised to all that love and trust You as Saviour. In the meantime, may I glorify You in my body, soul and spirit, knowing that this old body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. What amazing grace that You should come to dwell in me, praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me praise His holy name,


Prayer Of Thanks For My New Life In Christ

Dear Heavenly Father, my heart is full of joy and thanksgiving that I have trusted in Jesus as my Saviour. Thank You, Lord, that you died to pay the price for my sins. Thank You, that You went to the cross for me and took all the punishment that I deserve. Thank You, that You forgave me of my sins as a free gift of Your amazing grace. I praise and thank You for coming to earth as a Man and living a perfect life so that You could become the sacrifice for sin, the sacrifice for my sin, without which I would have remained dead in my trespasses and without hope in the world.

There are no words that are adequate to explain my thanks and praise to You. But Lord, I thank You for this new beginning, this fresh start when I can step out into the world, knowing that I have been saved and have been accepted into Your family as a child of God. Lord, I want to learn more and more about You and ask that day by day, You would open up my eyes to see You and my ears to hear You. Open up the scripture so that I may come to a deeper knowledge of You.

Thank You, Lord. Thank You for being my Father, and thank You for my new life in Christ which I have received by grace through faith. Thank You, that nothing can ever separate me from Your love, and thank You that I have an assurance that I will one day see You in heaven and know You, even as I am known. In Jesus' precious name,


Prayer For Unbelieving, Prodigal Daughter

Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, it is with deep sadness that I come to Your throne of grace today, to find strength and grace to help in this of deepest need. Father, the precious daughter that You saw fit to add to our family is moving further away from You and I am grieved that she does not know the Lord Jesus as her personal Saviour and Lord, and seems to have dismissed all that we taught her in her early years.

Look down on our dear daughter in pity and mercy I pray, and draw her back to Yourself with cords of love and grace. Convict her of her foolish choices she is making and convince her of her need to return into Your arms of loving forgiveness.

Bring into her life godly friends and wise councillors and remove any rebellious leanings she has towards the things of God. Give me the right words to say when appropriate and endow me with the wisdom to keep silent at other times, and in Your grace bring her into a saving knowledge of Jesus and renew a right spirit within her I pray. In Jesus' name,


Prayers To Show Grace To Others

What a privilege it is to be called a child of God and to have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God’s dear Son, simply because of God’s amazing grace, which has been poured out on me in abundance, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, my Kinsman-Redeemer, Who became a sin-sacrifice in my place, so that I could be made right with God.
With all my heart, thank You, Father. I am not worthy to gather up the crumbs under Your table, and yet You have clothed me in Christ’s righteousness. Thank You for Your amazing grace in making me a child of God, and a partaker in the high, heavenly calling.
As an ambassador of heaven, I pray that I may reflect Christ’s beauty and grace to others. I pray Christ may be seen in me so that others may be drawn to Him, and I pray that I may decrease in the sight of others so that He may increase in every area of my life. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Comfort Prayer For The Abandoned

Almighty God, You know everything that happens in our life, and You understand how difficult it is when someone you love has gone and left you all alone.

Jesus, I am in that position right now, and I dread the thought of having to face the future all alone, without the support of the one that was closest to me.

Please wrap Your arms of protection and comfort around me at this time and help me not to become bitter and depressed, but rather to use this as an opportunity to learn the lesson that You would have me to learn.

Father, keep me from an attitude of resentment but rather look down in pity on the one that has left me. I pray that in Your grace You would draw them into a right relationship with Yourself.

Thank You, Father, for always being there even when others are not. Help me not to be carless with the feelings of others, but rather to show the love of Jesus in all I do. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Mother That Is Close To Death

My loving heavenly Father, I know in my heart that the time for me to say goodbye to my precious mother is getting very close. I know her time in this world is nearing its close, and so Lord I pray that You will remain so close to her. I love her so much, and it pains me to see her so close to death.

Lord, I don’t want to say goodbye, yet it pains me deeply to see her suffer so and slowly fade in strength. I pray that You will give me the courage and grace to face the inevitable. But also help me, Lord, to use whatever time I have left with my dear mother, to make her the time we have left together as special as possible.

I do thank You Father for giving me my mother. She has been very special to me in so many ways. She taught and trained me, corrected me and helped me and was always there for me when I needed, even on those occasions when I was not very grateful.

Her love for You Lord Jesus is so special and something that I will remember all my life. Thank You that she was the one that taught me about Jesus and how he died on the cross to take the punishment that I deserved, and that He rose again and is coming again to take us to be with Himself in heaven. Thank You, Father, for my mother.

Be with her every breath I pray, until You take her to be with Yourself. Thank You.


Prayer To Keep Focussed On Jesus Christ

Heavenly Father, I praise Your name that I am a new creation in Christ and a member of His body. I thank You that He came to earth to die on the cruel tree so that I could be raised up into newness of life and abide with Him forever, in heavenly places.

Help me Lord, to keep my eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus and focussed on His victory. Help me to take every thought that enters my mind captive, so that it is not tainted by the ways of the world. Help me not to allow my attention to be diverted away from the things that are eternally important to the temporal things of the world, which are quickly fading away. Help me Lord, to focus on You as I wake in the morning, as I rest at night, and throughout the business of every passing day.

Lord, I desire to grow in grace and mature in the faith. Help me not to lose heart or to grow weary with well-doing. but to set my heart on things above, and be ready and willing to give an answer for the glorious hope that is in me. In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, 


Prayer To Get Out Of The Mess I Have Made

O Lord, forgive me, for I have been foolish and unwise in my life in so many ways and have got myself into many problems that I hardly know where to turn. Please give me the courage and wisdom to admit where I have been wrong, not only to others , but to myself and especially to You.

Lord, it is so easy to seek to justify some of the things that I have done, but in my heart I know that I have been careless in my relationships and my home life, and must have grieved Your Holy Spirit many times. Lord, I know that this has had a detrimental effect on me and especially my relationship with You, and I don’t want to go on like this any more. Lord, I confess my faults and ask for Your gracious forgiveness .

Lord, help me to take every thought captive and to admit my faults quickly and turn immediately to You. I believe that You have had to bring me to this sharp halt in my life, and although it is very painful, I pray that You will forgive me and allow me to get back into fellowship with the Father. I want to walk in Your ways and confess that I have been acting in a prideful manner and have not done the things that I ought to have done. Thank You, that You have never given up on me and thank You for Your never-failing grace. Help me to walk in Your ways from this day forward I pray. In Jesus' name,


Prayer At The Beginning Of A New Day

Thank You, Lord, for bringing me safely through another night and into the beginning this new day that You have made. Lord, I have no clue what today will bring, but I pray that this may be a day when you are lifted up in my life, a day when I walk in spirit and truth. Prepare me Lord, for all the eventualities that may happen. Help me to stand fast and to be salt and light to all those with whom I come in contact

Lord, I place today in Your hands and trust You to direct my day until I place my head back onto my pillow of sleep. I ask that whether in busyness or in quietude, Your will be done. Whether I am surrounded by crowds of people or remain in the solitude of my own company, I ask that You would be there to direct and govern. I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my inner being, would be pleasing and acceptable to You throughout today, and may Your will be done in my life to Your honour and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Prayer For Godly Grace

How I thank and praise You for the everlasting life that You have given to me by Your wonderful grace and love. May I grow day by day to be more like You, full of compassion and kindness. Saturate my heart with Your love so that I may love You more with every passing breath, my Jesus.

Thank you for Your Holy Spirit, Who is making me to be more like You Lord Jesus. I want to reflect Your grace and Your beauty in thought, word and deed. I ask that I may devote my time and heart to reflect on all You are and all You have done for me, so that You are magnified more and more in my life, so that the beauty of my Lord Jesus may be seen and reflect in me. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Grace And Peace In Hard Times

Heavenly Father, I come to You once again to draw on Your sufficient grace which You have promised to all Your children, and I pray that You would give me Your perfect peace, to guard my heart in these very difficult days.
Throughout my life, I have come to You in time of hardship and You have never let me down. Thank You, that the length and breadth and height and depth of Your grace is beyond my understanding, and that Your perfect peace is beyond my comprehension, and yet You provide both grace and peace to all whose mind is stayed on You.
I pray that I in my weakness I would know Your strength, in my sadness I would know You joy, in my pain I would know Your healing touch, and in these hard and difficult times, I pray that I would know Your amazing grace and Your perfect peace deep within my soul. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Mother’s Prayer Following A Miscarriage/Stillbirth

Oh God, my Father, I am aching with grief as the little child that I was carrying in my womb is no more. Lord I don’t understand why this has happened and I feel numb with pain and sadness.

We prayed so long for a little baby and were so full or joy when I was pregnant, but to have this happen is the most devastating blow that could have happened and my heart is breaking.

I know that there is a purpose for everything that happens in our lives, but at the moment I can't see any purpose for this pain and grief that I am facing. Help me Lord to keep trusting You, knowing that out of all evil You have purposed good.

Hold me close Lord I pray, and carry me in Your arms of grace. Help me to face the future with You Lord, and to trust You to bring good out of this pain.

Lord, I am going to trust You in this even though I do not understand. I am going to trust and not be afraid. Thank You, Lord, that You promised to wipe away every tear from our eyes. Into Your hands I commit my future.


Prayer Of Love And Dedication To God

Heavenly Father, thank You that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and that You knew me even before my mother conceived me. Thank You that You know all about me and that there is nothing hidden within, about which You do not know. 

Thank You for loving me so much that You died for me on the cross, and thank You that You rose from the dead and broke the power of sin and death in my life. Oh Lord, You gave me life when I was physically born into this world and then You gave me spiritual life when I was born-again into Your family, by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to thank You with all my heart for being my Saviour and forgiving my sins, for redeeming my life from destruction, and lifting me up out of the miry clay and setting my feet on the Rock of my Salvation. Lord, I desire to dedicate all I am to You, to live my life in humble submission, looking to Jesus, trusting Your Word and obeying Your commands.

Lord, I want to live by faith and not by sight. I want to walk in spirit and truth to Your praise and glory and not to simply satisfy my own personal wants and wishes. Give me grace to live a life that is well-pleasing to You and may I become a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto You. Search my heart I pray, for any areas that are not pleasing to You and help me in the power of Your Spirit to be holy, for You are holy. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Prayer For Spiritual Maturity

O God my Father, I pray I would be a spiritually mature person. I am not certain what spiritual maturity is, but I know when I act childishly and of this I am ashamed. Help me to bring my emotions under the control of the spirit.

Help me to check on my loud talk, my insistence on having my way, my fears, doubts, and other things, which stand as evidence of my immaturity.

I do commit myself anew and afresh to You. Help me to be a glory and not a shame as I profess Your name. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Daily Grace And Strength

How I praise and thank You Father, that You are a God Who is mighty in strength and Who fully understands the frailties and fears that we face in our daily lives. And so, I come to You to ask for Your abundant grace and never-failing strength, so that I may face life’s difficulties with confidence, knowing that Your grace is sufficient to deal with every eventuality, for Your strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.

How I praise You that Your good purposes towards Your children never change. Thank You, that You have promised to finish a good work in me and to carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus, to Your praise and glory.
Give me Your grace and Your strength I pray, to face all the issues I may encounter today, with a heart that is willing to pray, “Thy will not mine be done.”  Help me to be a living sacrifice unto You, which I know can only be achieved as I die to self daily and live moment by moment for Christ, to Whom be all praise and glory, and in Whose name I pray,

Prayer For All The Children In This Category

Loving Lord Jesus, You reached out Your arms of blessing and said, “let the little children come unto Me for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

Lord, we ask You to bless each child, and may each one be kept safe and secure in Your arms of love and grow in grace and come to a mature understanding of the glorious gospel of grace.

May each child that has written, be a special jewel in Your heart, and may they grow into mighty men and women of God, who love You with all their heart.

Thank You Lord for each one. In Jesus' name we pray,


A Fireman’s Prayer For Today

Dear Lord, You have placed me in this responsible job and I pray that You will give me the courage to face whatever difficulties arise to today. As I am called to tackle the suffocating flames and smoke that so quickly engulf peoples’ homes and lives, or called to assist in so many accidents and problems that befall so many people, I pray that You will be with me, to lead and to guide.

Give me an alert mind and a sensitive ear that can trace a person who may be been trapped in the fires of destruction. Give me wisdom as I have to make those spilt second decisions that can so often result in the death or life for someone that is trapped. Give me the courage to face whatever dangers and difficulties may arise for the team today, I pray.

Protect us all Lord, as we face the day. May my life be a true witness of Your grace and compassion in whatever situation we find ourselves in. And may I personally draw ever closer to the You, for You alone are my strength and my sufficiency. In Jesus' name I pray,


Opening Prayer For Prayer Meeting

Thank You, Lord, for bringing us together to join with each other in prayer and praise before Your throne of grace. We praise and thank You for the privilege we have of placing our prayers and petitions, our intercessions and thanksgiving, our request and pleadings before You, and ask that You would lead us and guide us in our prayers.

Lord, we ask that we would not engage in vain repetitions or fleshly pleadings but become so in tune with Your heart that we are both enabled and empowered by Your Holy Spirit, to discover those issues into which You would have us pray about. Lead and guide us we pray, so that we are equipped to plead Your will and to partner with Your eternal purposes and plans through our prayers.

Keep our hearts focused on You and may our praying be guided by Your Spirit so that we truly touch the throne of grace, not because of who we are, but because we approached You humbly and with clean hearts, seeking only to lift Your name and glorify Your person, so that You increase and we decrease, for You alone are worthy. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer At the Beginning Of A New Year

Thank You, Lord, for the beginning of a new year and as we step out into the unknown future, we pray that You would be with us, leading and guiding us, teaching and drawing us ever closer to each other and to Yourself. Thank You that Your steadfast love never ceases and that Your mercies are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness, O Lord.

Father, we know that these times in which we live are becoming fraught with difficulties and increasingly stressful, and yet Father our hope is in You, for You are our faithful God Who has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Father, as we step onto the threshold of a new year, with it's inevitable problems and pain, I place my hand into Yours Lord, and trust You to lead me along the right way that I should go, for I know Father that there is no safer place to be than walking in fellowship with You.

As we step out into the unknown future, I offer my life a living sacrifice to You. May I be used for Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Prayer For Spiritual Growth

Heavenly Father, You have called us to grow in grace, to increase our understanding of Jesus and to develop a close and intimate relationship with You. Lord, this is what I desire to do, and I pray I may come to know You more and more each day.

Thank You, Father, for the Bible, which is written to help me understand Your Word of truth, and thank You for the indwelling Holy Spirit, Who has promised to guide me in the way that I should go.

I pray that I may learn to walk in spirit and truth so that I may mature in my Christian faith as I study the Bible and learn to live godly in Christ Jesus. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayers Grow In Patience And Grace

Heavenly Father, I know that it is good for us to wait quietly for You to work out Your good purpose in each of our lives, yet I know that so often I find myself becoming restless when things go wrong or when things do not go according to my plans. Lord, please teach me how to rest in You and to be able to wait patiently for You to carry out Your good purpose in my life.
I know that too often, my patience seems to wear thin and I get irritable or angry and I know that this is not honouring to You. Teach me I pray, what it means to wait patiently for You to work Your good pleasure in my life.
Keep me from my own strivings and stresses and give me the grace not to get impatient if things do not happen according to my own expectations, but in everything may I learn to rest in Your love and to wait patiently for all You have for me in every circumstance of life. Thank You, in Jesus' name,   

A Prayer For Humility

O Lamb of God, who, both by your example and precept, instructed us to be meek and humble, give me grace throughout my whole life, in every thought, and word, and work, to imitate your meekness and humility. Mortify in me the whole body of pride; grant me to feel that I am nothing and have nothing, and that I deserve nothing but shame and contempt, but misery and punishment. Grant, O Lord, that I may look for nothing, claim nothing; and that I may go through all the scenes of life, not seeking my own glory, but looking wholly unto you, and acting wholly for you.

Let me never speak any word that may tend to my own praise, unless the good of my neighbour requires it; and even then let me beware, lest, to heal another, I wound my own soul. Let my ears and my heart be ever shut to the praise that comes from men.

Give me a dread of applause, in whatsoever form, and from whatsoever tongue, it comes. Deliver my soul from this snare of hell; neither let me spread it for the feet of others. Whosoever perishes thereby, let their blood be upon their own head, and let not my hand be upon them.

O giver of every good and perfect gift, if at any time you please to work by my hand, teach me to discern what is my own from what is another’s, and to render unto you the things that are yours. As all the good that is done on earth you do it yourself, let me ever return to you all the glory. Let me, as a pure crystal, transmit all the light you pour upon me; but never claim as my own what is your sole property,


John Wesley

Prayer For Visa Processing And Application

Loving Lord, I am in the process of applying for a Visa and I ask You to be with me throughout this whole process. Help me Lord to be careful, so that I complete the forms correctly, wisely and without any mistakes. And Lord, give me the patience to wait Your perfect timing.

Lord, You know that reason that I need to get this visa processed and I ask You to look favourably on my application. I pray that You will look graciously on me and as I prepare to go far from my homeland, my friends and family, and I ask that You will give me the courage I need to step out into this new life. Guide me as I make preparations for the task in hand.

Comfort my parents and family as I prepare to travel to work abroad, and I pray that You will be very close to them, knowing that they will find it difficult to have me living so far from home. I pray that in Your grace, You will enable me not only to keep in regular contact, but to be able to visit my family from time to time.

Thank You, Lord, for this opportunity, and I pray that at the right time my visa will be granted. Thank You Lord.


A Prayer For Fireman

Dear Father God, thank You for the firemen and women that are so often called upon to protect us from the dangers of fires and accidents that can happen in our lives so quickly. Thank You for the unselfish way that they put their lives on the line, in order to save those that may be trapped by a burning inferno that can so quickly endanger lives.

Protect each one, and give them the courage and strength to tackle whatever dangers may occur on their watch. Help them Lord, and keep them safe when they are engulfed in the choking smoke and flames. Enable them to quickly locate any victims that may be trapped or even unconscious.

Lord, thank You for those that have already come to faith in the Lord Jesus. Uphold each one by Your mighty power. But I also pray for those firemen and women that may not know You as their Personal Saviour and plead on their behalf, that You would draw each one into a saving faith in Jesus Christ, Who gave His life as a ransom for theirs, so that they might gain eternal life. 

Thank You Lord for hearing and answering prayer. In Jesus' name,


Opening Prayer For A Christian Conference

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for the opportunity to come together as Your people, meeting under the banner of Christ and to lift up His name in this venue. May Your name be lifted up and may those that are called to speak be led and guided by Your Spirit of truth, as we worship together at His feet.

We thank You for all the different speakers who are giving of their time to share with us the truth of the glorious gospel, and we ask that Your Holy Spirit would direct and govern each of them.

May each one challenge us in a new and different way, so that we are prepared to look at our own Christian faith and examine our walk with the Lord to see where our spiritual life is lacking. And we pray that we may have the courage to address any needs we identify within our lives. We pray that You would lead and guide us in all things, and to You be all the praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer To Strengthen Family Bonds

Heavenly Father, I pray that the light of Your countenance may shine into the lives of each member of my family, and that together we may draw ever closer to each other and to You, as side by side we work to overcome the challenges and difficulties that are part of every day living, and which can so often rise up as a barrier and hindrance in our relationship with each other and with You. Strengthen I pray, that relational bonds that bind us together, and fill each one of us with the love of Jesus, for it is only as we draw closer to You in godly love that we will be equipped by Your Holy Spirit to reach out to each other in the spirit of unity.

Lord, it was by Your decision and will that we were born into this family, and although it is often said that we may choose our friends but not our family, nevertheless Lord, You were the one that chose us to be a part of this family unit, and You desire that each one of us are also a member of the wider body of Christ Jesus our Lord. Bind us together in love I pray, and forgive us all for the ways that we have not honoured Your name in our home as You deserve.

Help us to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave each of us. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God shine in our hearts, from this day forward and for evermore. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Prayer Of Thanks For Godly Mentors

Thank You, Father, that You have guided me through my life and blessed me with various spiritual mentors along the way. Thank You for the men and women You have used throughout my Christian life to teach and encourage me and to share their godly wisdom as well as their gentle correction.

Give me an understanding heart and a teachable spirit, so that I may take to heart the spiritual lessons that You would have me learn, and may I be used by You to fulfil the good works that You have prepared for me to do. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayers For Grace And Guidance

Heavenly Father, teach me to number my days and give me the wisdom and grace to make every day count. May each passing day be an opportunity for me to draw closer to You, and help me to realise how very transient life is.
Keep me looking to Jesus moment by moment and grant me wisdom, guidance and grace in the daily decisions I may be called upon to make today, for I understand more and more that every one of my steps needs to be guided by You.
Continually guard and guide me as You have promised, and lead me into the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient for all my needs and necessities, and may I walk in the paths of righteousness all the days of my life, to Your praise and glory. This I humbly ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Healing For Heal My Mother

Loving Lord and Father of all comfort, I come to You in the name of Jesus, to lay my mother at your feet, knowing that she has been so unwell for such a long time. I ask Lord, that You heal her of whatever it is that is troubling her. Free her I pray, from the pain and confusion she is going through, and restore her to full health and strength, for You are the God Who heals and cares.

Thank You that You love and care and comfort all Your children, and I ask that You will give my dear mother the peace in heart that only You can give. May she know that underneath are Your everlasting arms of comfort and that You have promised never to leave her or forsake her.

Help my dear mother speedily I pray, and I will give you all the praise and glory due to Your name.


A Fire Chief’s Prayer

Thank You, Father, for placing me in the responsible position as Fire Chief, and for the many men and women that You have placed under my charge. Keep my eye focussed on You Lord, as there are many duties and responsibilities that require me to remain alert and aware on every occasion, knowing that precious lives so often depend on the decisions I make. Give me wisdom I pray, and understanding to discern what needs to be done on each occasion.

Bless each member of my crew that are under my jurisdiction. May I be wise and fair in my dealings with my crew and with others, knowing that the stress of the job can have a severe toll on the lives and emotions of those that have made fire fighting their chosen career.

Thank You for my own family. Be close to them day by day, knowing that my position causes much strain on us all, especially when I am obliged to keep unsociable hours for the good of the community. Keep us all strong in the faith, and I pray that we all may grow closer to Jesus through the twists and turns of life.

Thank You for my life Lord, and help me to be a good witness to others as I go about my duties. May all I do be pleasing in Your sight, so that Your name may be glorified in all I do. In Jesus' name I pray,


Opening Prayer In A Christian Business Meeting

Lord, we gather together around this table today and ask that You would direct and govern all the decisions that are reached at this business meeting.

Lord, we invite You to be present in all our dealings and decisions and ask that You would guard and guide our business practices so that we do not dishonour Your name. Lord, we pray that You would enable our business to prosper and pray for wisdom in our discussion today and grace to say, Thy will be done.

We thank You for the way that You have guided us thus far, and ask that You would graciously continue to bless our business and our relationships, our colleagues and all with whom we have to work. Lord, we pray that You would remain at the helm of our ship and at the forefront of all our business practices. To You be the praise and glory, in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Fathers To Fulfil Their Spiritual Headship

Heavenly Father Who caused all the Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning, open the eyes of the fathers of Christian families everywhere to their God-given position of leadership in their own family unit. Father, we know that the family unit is the foundation upon which the truth of Your laws are founded, and that a family that prays together and lifts up the Lord Jesus Christ into His rightful position in each of their heart, is the family that functions in godly unity and has it's priorities secured in You.

May the foundation upon which Christian marriage and the family unit are established, remain as firmly rooted in the homes of believers today as it was when God first walked with Adam in the garden, in the cool of the evening, and ordained that a man and his wife should become one flesh and together they should live in the bond of unity and love, and be fruitful in spirit and in deed.

Help the men who are husbands and fathers of Christian families today to become the godly men they were created to be, and may they start to re-establish their God-ordained position as head of their own families, and become men who will courageously lead their wives and children into deeper spiritual knowledge and understanding of their Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ, in Whose name we pray,


A Prayer For Spiritual Fruitfulness

Heavenly Father, we are called to abide in Christ, to rest in His love, to remain connected with the Lord Jesus and to depend upon Him in all things, knowing that He alone is the true and living Vine, so that our lives might bear much fruit and glorify our Father in heaven.

I pray that by the power of Your Holy Spirit, I may remain firmly connected to Christ and willingly submitted Your perfect pruning knife, so that any part in me that is not of Christ, may be trimmed away, so that I may be enabled to grow in grace and mature in my Christian walk.

Root out any bad attitude, foolish thoughts or wrong motives that may start to formulate in my mind and which may hinder my growth or infect my spiritual life. Help me I pray, to take every thought captive to Christ, so that I may become a fruitful branch and bear much fruit, to the glory of God the Father. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Unbelievers To Come To Faith In Jesus

Dear Lord, it is not Your will that anyone should perish but that all should come to faith in the Lord Jesus. Father, there are many hearts that are cold towards Your dear Son, for sin has infected the soul of every man and woman – and yet in Your love You continue to reach out to whosoever will believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Lord, all they have to do is to trust that Jesus died to pay the price for their sins and rose again the third day, to break the power of sin and death in their life, so that all who believe may have eternal life.

I pray Lord, that in Your grace and mercy, You would convict the hearts of many today of the evils of sin, of the price that the Lord Jesus paid for their sins and of the judgement of condemnation on all who do not believe in the only begotten Son of God as Saviour.

Father, I pray that many souls may be convicted of their need of the Lord Jesus today, and praise You for every person that will place their trust in Him.


Prayer At Christian School Board Meeting

Loving Heavenly Father, You are our gracious God and we pause before the start of this school board meeting to lift up our hearts to You in prayer and thanksgiving for all Your many mercies to us throughout the past months and years, and to seek Your face as we prepare to make plans for the future of our school

We pray that You will give each one of us here present today, the wisdom to discuss the many important issues fully and to make our decisions wisely. We thank You that You have guarded and guided the development of the school for so long, and confess that today we are facing increasing pressures from outside, to conform in ways that go against so much of what Christianity stands for. Lord, grant us wisdom to move forward in a way that does not discredit Your name.

We lift each member of staff to You and each child as well as every member of the board, and ask You continued blessing over each and every life and that they would seek Your wisdom and guidance, courage and strength in all issues and areas that touch their lives. Keep us ever humble before Your throne and give us the integrity to stand up for what we believe, in Jesus' name.

So into You hands we place this meeting, trusting You to lead and guide our meeting tonight and protect our school in the future, to Your praise and glory. We pray this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Family Fellowship

Father, we pray that the homes of Christian families today, may return to the foundational bedrock of their Christian faith, where Christ is the focus of their hope, where prayer and praise become the daily delight of each member of the household, and where godly principles and practices become the standard and not the exception. Lord, we recognise that the foundations of family life and godly living are being eroded at the very core, by those that would seek to undermine godly principles and replace them with doctrines of demons, pagan practices and devilish devices. But Father, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said that He would build His church and that the gates of hell would not prevail against her.

Strengthen we beseech You, Christian families today, and may they be drawn back into closer communion with You day by day as husbands and fathers resume their rightful place as the God-ordained head of their household, and their wives adorn the virtuous apparel of the godly and submissive wife. Where children learn respect and obedience to their parents, and when Christ is honoured at every meal-table and reverenced at every bed-side.

Hear oh Lord, the desires and petitions of Your servants, and may the Christian families of our nation and throughout the world, be united in family prayer, family praise and family fellowship with each other and with You. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,


Communion Prayers For Youth

Lord, we pray that You would still our minds and quiet our hearts as we approach this communion table today. We ask that You would draw each one of us into ever closer fellowship with Yourself, as we partake together of the bread and wine, in grateful remembrance of what You did for each one of us, on Calvary’s cross.

Help me Lord, to approach this communion table with reverence and godly fear, as we share together in the bread and the cup. Lord, we remember how on the same night that You were betrayed You took a piece of bread, and blessed it and broke it, and gave it to Your disciples and said. “eat this in remembrance of Me.”

We also remember how You then took the cup and told them. “this is the new covenant in My blood, do this in remembrance of Me.” Lord, we partake of this bread and drink this cup in remembrance of what You did on our behalf, on Calvary’s cross, and praise and glorify Your holy name.


Prayer For The Loss Of A Child

Father, I ask for Your comfort and peace for these dear people who are grieving the loss of their child. Lord, this little one was brought into the world and placed into their family, and now they have to go through the sadness of losing such a treasure.  My heart is breaking for them.
Lord, You know the pain and grief that they are going through, and You understand the sadness and confusion they are facing, which must be tinged with so many unanswered questions as to why this had to happen to them.
Draw very close to them, for You are the God of all comforts, Who has promised to comfort each one of us in all our afflictions and pain. Minister to their needs and Lord, despite the sadness that they are going through at this moment I pray that this would draw them into a place where they cast all their burdens and pain onto You and trust You to bring them through losing this child. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer In Grateful Thanks For My Husband

Thank You, Lord, for my wonderful husband and for bringing this person whom I love so dearly into my life. I just want to praise You that we are together and that he loves and cares for me in such a special way. Thank You that You have given him to me, both to love and cherish for the rest of our days.

Enable me to be the wife that You would have me be, both submissive and encouraging, a helper and comforter, a confident and a friend. With each passing year, may we grow ever closer to each other and to You.

Dear God, I thank You for my husband. I thank You for letting this man come into and complete my life. I delight in making him happy and caring for him. I am so grateful for how he loves me and cares for me. You know that there are days that we get on each other's nerves, but today, I'm so grateful that this man completes my life and that You have given him to me to love and cherish all the days of my life.


Prayer Of Reflection On The Past Day

Loving Lord, as the day is coming to an end, I want thank You for being with me in all that has taken place today. I also want to lay the whole day before You, asking that you would show me if there is anything that I have done to hurt or harm another person unknowingly, or if I have done anything that is displeasing in Your sight, or quenched the work of the Spirit in me, so that I may turn away from such things in the days that lie ahead.

Lord, I desire to do Your will in all things. I pray that You would cleanse me of any wrong thoughts or attitudes that may have surfaced in my heart today. Wash me in Your cleansing flood, I pray.

Thank You, that You are a God who forgives our transgressions when we are willing to confess them to You, knowing that such cleansing before You immediately draws us back into sweet fellowship with Yourself.

Give me a good nights rest I pray, and may I rest quietly in Your loving arms in the knowledge that in Christ, I am eternally secure, due to Your amazing grace, for which I praise You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer About An Unexpected Death

Heavenly Father, I know and believe that our times are in Your hands, but Lord it’s so often such a shock to us when a dear loved one meets with a sudden or unexpected death, through an accident or perhaps due to some unforeseen tragedy, which takes the life of someone long before it would be expected.

Lord, I bring before You today those who are having to go through such a tragic loss, and pray that You would be very close to each one that is in mourning today over such a loss, and are perhaps confused or even angry that such a devastating occurrence has overtaken them, without any apparent warning.

You are the God of all comfort Who comforts us in time of need, and I pray that for those that are facing such a difficult trial today. Uphold them and draw very close to them. Raise up I pray, the right people to minister to them and to be a genuine comfort and support at this time of tragedy and grief.

Lord, I don’t understand why our loved ones should suddenly be removed from us through a sudden, unexpected death, but Lord I trust You to soothe away the hurt in time, for shall not the God of all the earth do right? In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Protection Of The Family

We come before You our God and Father, to pray for Your protection and provision for homes and families throughout our nation and for the sanctity of family life, which is being gradually eroded away. Bless us with Your love, and favour all those Christian families that are seeking to live godly in Christ Jesus. Provide for their needs, protect them from all harm and danger, enfold them in Your grace and favour and cover them in the shelter of Your wings. We ask that You would ensnare all those that are seeking to undermine the family values that are built up on biblical principles, and protect the hearts and minds of parents and children alike from satanic deceptions and from the schemes and entrapments of the enemy.

Bring to light the hidden works of darkness that can cause such untold disunity and distress to family life, and may parents unite together as one in prayer and praise to You, as they teach and train their children in the ways of the Lord. May Your grace and your favour be upon men and women, husbands and wives, parents and children as together they seek the things of God in a home that chooses to serve the Lord. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer Before Communion

Loving Lord Jesus, I come before You now and confess that You alone are the living God, You alone are worthy of all honour and praise, for You set aside Your heavenly glory and came into this world as a man, to redeem lost sinners from the curse of the law, and I praise You that I am included in Your gracious forgiveness.
Thank You, that You willingly offered up Your body to be the sacrifice for my sin. Thank You, that Your body was broken for me, and that Your precious blood was shed to pay the full price for all my many sins, and not for me only but all who would trust in Your name.
Lord, I kneel before You in humble submission, as I partake of the bread and wine, and I do this in remembrance of You.

Prayer For Loss Of My Father

Lord, today is tinged with both sadness and a strange sort of comfort as we say farewell to my dear and precious father, who has been such a support to us all over the years.
Thank You for giving me my dad, and for all that he has meant to me throughout my life. As I think back over all the things that he taught me and for the many lessons of life that I have learned from him, it rejoices my heart, and yet Lord, I know that I am going to miss him so very much.
Be close to all of the family today Lord. I know that we are all going to feel his passing in different ways and I pray that You will draw close to each of us and provide the comfort and strength that we all need as we finally come to terms that we will no longer see him down here. But thank You that he knew the Lord Jesus as his Saviour, and we rejoice to know that he is now in the presence of the Saviour he loves. Thank You Jesus,

Prayer To Find A Loving Husband

Dear God, It says in the Bible that it is not good for a man to be alone and Lord, it is not good for a woman to be alone either. You made us to be joined as one and to be united in love, and I pray that you will bring into my life a loving husband that is just right for me, a husband that I can cherish.

Lord, You made men and women to be joined as one in the bond of marriage, and I pray that You give me a good and godly man that will be able to be my spiritual protector. Please give me patience, Lord, to wait for Your good timing.

Thank You Lord,


Prayer For Grace At The End Of The Day

Heavenly Father, as the day is drawing to its close I ask that Your continued love and presence be with me and with all that that are Your children in Christ. Guard us through the long hours of darkness this night I pray, and keep us safe from all harm and dangers that may try to cross our threshold.

Give us I pray, an untroubled night of rest and quietness of heart. May we be refreshed and renewed in body, soul and spirit as we rest our weary hearts in You through the hours of the night.

Lord, I pray that by Your great grace and mercy, You would grant us untroubled sleep so that we may rise up in the morning strong to do Your bidding. May we all rejoice for the dawn of a new day, knowing that Your mercies are new every morning. In Jesus' name,


Prayer About A Violent Death

Father, I bring before You those that have had the devastating experience of having someone close to them that they know and love, suffer a sudden, violent and needless death. Lord, how I grieve for those that are having to experience this right now, and I pray that in Your grace, You would look down with pity and mercy and meet them right at their point of need.

Lord, You are the one Who was sent to heal the broken-hearted and comfort those that mourn and are heavy-laden. You are the One Who promised that Your grace is sufficient for every eventuality, even for those having to face the sudden and violent death of someone close to them. Draw near to them I pray, and lift them up into You arms of love. Carry them during this time of suffering and grief, for You have promised that underneath are Your everlasting arms.

Lord, as I lift up in prayer those that are having to come to terms with the sudden and violent death of a loved one, I pray that You would use this tragedy to be the thing that starts to draw each suffering soul into the tender arms of their Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Prayer For Unbelieving Members Of The Family

Heavenly Father, we thank You for all our family members that have found peace with God, and who through the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross, have made peace with You, and passed from the kingdom of darkness into the light of the glorious gospel of Christ. Lord, there is no greater joy than to know that our loved ones are born from above and are in union with Christ,  members of the body of Christ and united as one in the Church of God.

But Lord, the glorious joy of loved ones saved by grace through faith, is counter-balanced by the deep sadness of those members of our family who have stubbornly refused to accept Your free gift of grace, or through ignorance or pride have walked away from Your precious promise of eternal life in Christ.

Look with pity and mercy on each and every member of our family who has rejected Your gracious offer of salvation. Convict and convince them of their need of Jesus in their lives, and bring them we pray, to the foot of the cross until they recognise that there is salvation in no other name, for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved. Father, in mercy and grace, do whatever it takes to draw each member of my family into saving faith in Jesus Christ, to Whom be all honour and glory, both now and forevermore,


Prayer For The Communion Bread And Cup

Thank You, Father, for this precious time of reverent reflection on all that Christ did for us at Calvary. And as we partake of these hallowed symbols at this holy communion table, we humbly take this bread and bless it and break it, and eat it in remembrance of you, for Your own dear body was broken for us. May we continue to feed on You in our hearts, by faith and with grateful thanks from this day forward, and may we walk worthy of our calling in Christ Jesus and live a life that is honouring to You.

And Lord, may we also come to You today in grateful remembrance of what the Lord Jesus Christ achieved on Calvary’s cross for all or us, when He shed His precious blood on the cross, to pay the enormous price of our sin, and became a ransom for many.

We share this cup of blessing in His name, remembering how He Himself took the cup in the upper room, as the hour of His crucifixion drew near and said, "this is My blood which is shed for many – do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me."

Thank that for this holy sacrament and may I never approach the communion table in an unworthy manner, knowing that as often we eat this bread and drink the cup, we proclaim the Lord's death until His coming again, in great glory and majesty. Praise Your holy name.


Prayers For Loss Of Brother

Loving Lord, I grieve for the loss of my own dear brother, and as I consider the passing of time and all that has happened between us over the years, it makes me increasingly aware of the frailty of our humanity and the speed with which our mortal life is racing past.
I do thank You for the special times I had with my brother, but his loss has been a sort of wake-up call to me, and my sadness at losing someone so close to me, who was equally a special life-long friend, is tinged with the realisation that all life is incredibly fragile and fleeting, and the brief span of time that we all have is so transient, and needs to be valued and not taken so much for granted.
Lord, help me to number my days and make the best use of every minute that I have left. Help me also to value the friends and relations that I have, for none of us know the day or the hour of our own death. Lord, I know that I am going to miss my brother, but I thank You that one day we will stand together before Your throne of grace. But until that day, I pray that I may live my life in a way that is honouring to You. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Help To Live With A Difficult Husband

Oh dear Father, I come to You weary and worn with little hope of things ever getting better. My marriage, which started out so well has become a nightmare and I don’t know what to do. Whatever I try to do to please my husband seems never to be right, and I find at times I am in the depths of despair and discouragement.

But Lord, I made my marriage vows before You and promised to love and to cherish until we were parted in death. In my heart there is nothing I long for more than that my marriage would work and that my husband and I were united in love.

Nothing is impossible to You Lord, and so I ask that You help me in this difficult marriage. Teach me Lord to become the wife I always wanted to be. Change me Lord I pray, into the woman that You would have me be, and break down the invisible barrier of mistrust that seems to divide us. Help me to love my husband again Lord, with the love that flows from You and bless our marriage I pray. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of An Engaged Couple

Loving Heavenly Father, we come to You together on this special occasion of our engagement, giving You our grateful thanks that You brought us together, in love. Keep us united in love to each other and to You, and help us to keep You in the rightful place in our hearts and in our lives.

You are the God of love and we thank You Lord, that You have caused such a deep love for each other to develop between us. We want to dedicate our future together to You, Lord. Be with us Lord, as we grow closer together, and as we make our plans for the future, we ask that You would guide us and direct us in all our decisions. Lord, we desire to be pure in Your sight and chaste in each others company, and pray that you would keep us from temptation.

Unite us in love and peace and teach us Your ways as You guard us and guide us. And just as You poured out a special blessing on the young couple in Cana of Galilee, we pray that You would bless our union, bless our engagement. Bless us Lord, from this day forward and for evermore. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer Of Helplessness After Tragic Death

Oh Lord, I have neither words to speak nor the strength to stand and I come to You grief-stricken because of this terrible tragic loss. All I can cry is Abba, Father. All I can ask is, Why?

Lord, You know the shocking facts of this tragic death and You know the deep despair I feel as I now have to face the future without this precious person. Lord I feel so shocked, so alone, so abandoned, so helpless, even though I know within my heart that You are there with me, and have Your loving arms all around me. Draw me very close to Yourself at this time Lord I pray. I need You. 

Oh Lord, I feel so empty, so hollow, so numb and even afraid of the future. Lord, I don’t know what to do or where to turn, except to look to You and plead that in Your grace, You will help me to get through this and bring me out the other side. Lord, I have no-one but You. 

Help me Lord, to come to terms with this tragic death and help me I pray, to face the future with courage. And Lord, although I doubt that You will ever fully answer my question, “why”, yet I pray that You will give me an understanding heart. Help me to come to terms with what has happened. Be my comfort, my strength and my hope in Whom I trust. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Wives In Their Family Role

Heavenly Father, we bless and thank You for the role You have purposed for women and for woman-hood in the life of the family. Thank You, that You created Adam in the image and likeness and God and from his side You created woman to be his help-meet and his comforter. Thank You for the institution of marriage, where a man is to leave his father and mother and to cleave unto his wife, so that they become one flesh. And we pray that the allotted roles and biblical responsibilities for both men and women, may be applied in their homes and families, so that together they are rooted and grounded in godly principles.

We particularly pray for the role of wives and mothers and thank You for the guiding principles that Your Word provides in establishing the graces and virtues that are so becoming of a godly woman. We pray that You would visit the hearts of all Christian women. May they clothe themselves in humility and love as they submit to their own husbands in truth and love, and live out their life as the virtuous women, whose price is above rubies.

May Jesus be the focus and first-love of all godly women, so that each may become a woman after God’s own heart. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer To Prepare For Communion

Lord, as I come to partake of the bread and the wine, I come in meekness of heart and humility of spirit, knowing that I cannot approach You in my own righteousness, but only because of Your great goodness and gracious mercy, in sending Your only begotten Son, to die on the cross in my place and to pay the price for my sin.

Thank You that You are a tender-hearted God, and that Your nature is always to show mercy to those who are justly deserving of Your wrath and punishment.

As I partake of the symbols of bread and wine, I eat and drink in remembrance of Him Who died for me and rose again, knowing that He has become to me, both my meat and my drink. Help me to live in newness of life and to walk worthy before You all the days of my life. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Loss Of A Pet

Dear Heavenly Father, You made such a beautiful world and filled it with so much loveliness. Thank You for the animals and birds, and particularly for the pets that mean so much to us and which help to brighten the lives of so many people.
But Lord, You know that too often the lives of our pets pass away long before we do, and it is so hard to say goodbye when a faithful and much-loved animal is finally laid to rest.
So as we say our goodbyes to this special animal that we have all grown to love so much, I ask for Your loving-comfort to fill each of our hearts, knowing that we all are feeling an aching void inside.
Look down especially I pray, on all those who may be going through a similar heartbreak of losing of their own pet, especially I lift up those people that are old and lonely or infirm and isolated. Draw close to all who are mourning the loss of a pet today. May this be a time when each one of us draws closer to You, with grateful thanks for all Your goodness and grace to us. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For My Husband Who Is Facing A Lot Of Stress

Dear Father, You are the God of peace, Who heals all our ailments and cares for all those that love and trust You. Lord, You know the many pressures my dear husband has been facing, from both his work and from the family, and Father, I am concerned that it seems to be affecting his health. Lord, this additional stress seems to be making my husband irritable and I know that he is finding it increasingly difficult to sleep at night.

I know that You care about each of Your children and are interested in every area of our lives, and so I pray that You would ease the stress and pressure that seems to be mounting up in our lives and quickly remove it, and please Lord, help my husband to rest in You and to cast all His care upon You, day by day.

Thank You, Lord, for being there for us and I pray that You would hold us both in Your arms of love. 


Prayer For Those That Are Engaged To Be Married

Dear Lord Jesus, I pray today for all those that have made the choice to become engaged and spend their lives together in the union of marriage, which You Yourself ordained and blessed. Lord, I pray that You would help all betrothed couples to recognise the sanctity of the promises that they have made to each other, and give them grace to forsake all others and cleave only to each other, for as long as they live, as You ordained.

Give them wisdom and guidance as they start to make their future plans together, and provide each of them with the wise counsel from godly counsellors, so that they may have all that they need to equip themselves for a future together, when they become united as one.

Lord, in a world where the sanctity of marriage is becoming so unpopular, I pray that You would renew a deeper understanding and reverence for the true meaning of marriage, to all engaged couples. Bring each to a deeper understanding that Christ’s love for the Church is a beautiful picture of what marriage for every Christian couple should be.

In this period of engagement, I pray that You would prepare each one for tremendous changes and challenges that their marriage will bring. Help them to overcome all the difficulties that will arise as they adapt their single status into a meaningful marriage partnership. May they grow closer together in love with each other and with You, day by day. In Jesus' name,


Prayer To Let Go After A Sudden Death

Heavenly Father, I come to You knowing that I have to pick up the pieces of my life after this devastating blow, which has left me shocked and grieving. Lord, I don’t understand why this sudden death had to happen. But Lord, I am looking to You and trusting You to see me through this time of deep and bitter sadness and loss.

Lord, I think that the hardest thing is that we never were able to say, “good-bye” properly, There were many things that were left unsaid between us and this has left a deep sadness within my soul. I feel as if my bones are crying out and my breath seems to remain as a lump in my centre of my body. A heaviness seems to weigh me down. But Lord, I know that Your grace is sufficient for Your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Lord, I claim that strength now as I confess my own insufficiency and weakness.

Lord, I ask You to be with me and to help me simply, let go. I know Lord, that one day we will certainly meet again, for we are both Your children. Help me to see this as a short-lived period of separation which will one day blossom on a most glorious reunion, when You will wipe away every tear from my our eyes, and we will both stand before You in our heavenly home.

Lord, I know that there are bound to be many times when memories and sadness will sweep over my heart, but into Your hands I commit my heart and soul and body, praying that You will never leave me nor forsake me, as You have promised. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Deliverance From Sinful Habits

Heavenly Father, I come to You humbled in heart and in submission to Your Holy Spirit, knowing that I have indulged in sinful habits and have turned a blind eye to the evil habits in which I have been dabbling. Lord, I ask Your forgiveness and want to turn right away from all that has captured my soul, and live a life that is pleasing to You and righteous in Your sight.

For too long I have winked at my own sin and pretended that it is ok, but I want to be honest before You and renounce the sinful habits that I have enjoyed for a season, but which leave such a bitter taste in my mouth once the initial rush of pleasure has gone.

Lord, I know I have sinned against others for which I ask Your forgiveness, but most of all I have sinned against You and I know that I am not worthy to tie Your shoe-laces or eat the crumbs that drop from Your table, but You are faithful to fulfil Your promises to me and have brought me into Your family and my heart just wants to praise and thank You. Help me from this day forward to live a life that pleases You. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Short Prayer For Communion

Dear Lord Jesus, You were wounded for my transgressions, bruised for my iniquities and died on Calvary’s cruel cross to pay the redemption price for my sins.
As I come to this communion table today, I kneel before You in grateful remembrance of what You did for me at Calvary, with a heart full of humble thanksgiving.
I confess I have not loved You as I ought and I have not loved my neighbour as myself, and so I ask that You would cleanse me of all my wrongdoings and self-centred thoughts. Thank You, that I have been washed in the blood of the Lamb and clothed in Your own righteousness, by grace through faith. I praise Your name for ever and ever,

Prayer For The Loss Of An Adult Son

Lord, You gave me this precious son of mine for a season and with it the great responsibility and joy of guiding him through his childhood years and into manhood, and now I find that I am having to entrust him back into Your loving arms.
Lord, I do thank You for the joy he has given me over these special years of his life, and the pride I had as I watched him spread his own wings as he started to make his way in life, growing in favour with You and with so many others too.
Lord, I ask You to hold me close in Your own loving embrace, as this is such a pain to have to say goodbye to my dearly beloved son. I know that his life was only entrusted to me for a season, that our times are in Your hands, and that You have scheduled each day of our lives, but I did not expect that he would be called home before me.
Pour out Your loving comfort and strength to me Lord, and to all of us who feel his loss so acutely. May we draw closer to each other and to You as we say our farewells for a season, as we wait for that blessed hope when once again we will all be reunited in Your heaven. May Your peace and joy and hope in believing, comfort us all at this time. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer About A Husband Who Is Into Pornography

Oh Lord God, my heart is deeply grieved and I can scarcely bear to bring the pain that I am carrying to You in prayer, but Lord my husband has been secretly involved in sexual fantasies and pornography and my heart is breaking. Lord, I don’t know which way to turn, but I come to You seeking Your strength and courage.

Lord, there is part of me that wants to walk away from my marriage and never see my husband again, and yet I also know that what he needs is my support and help – but Lord, I am not sure that I have the strength or the courage to be the support that he needs. But I know, Father, that with Your help and Your grace, I can be the supportive wife needed to help him through this distressing period of our lives. 

Lord, I place my husband and this terrible addiction he has into Your loving hands. Give me wisdom to seek the help that he needs and I pray that with Your help, he may be able to break this evil habit that has been tearing our lives apart. Restore Lord the years that the locusts have eaten, and may we come through this experience a stronger couple and be enabled to put this sad episode behind us, I pray.


Prayer For All Addicted To Gambling

Loving Lord, I bring before You those that are addicted to gambling. I pray that in Your grace, You would help each one to break this destructive habit and rebuild their lives with You at the centre. Lord, I know that gambling is a shocking addiction that breaks up friendships and families and causes lives to be destroyed and relationships to be severed.

Father, I ask that in Your grace You would look in pity that those that are caught up in the gambling habit, and draw them into saving faith in the Lord Jesus, so that their lives may be rebuilt and renewed in Him.

All forms of addiction are from the evil one whose purpose is to kill and destroy, and the enemy is certainly using gambling to try to destroy lives. But I pray that in Your grace, You would take each life that has been damaged and broken through gambling, and draw each one back to Yourself and into a true and saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Loving Lord, be with all those that are addicted today and rescue them quickly from the evils of gambling. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Prayer To God In Time Of Great Sadness

O Lord God, we come to You at this time of great shock and grief and ask that in Your grace, You would shed Your peace and comfort to all who are mourning this death that was so sudden and so very unexpected.

Lighten our darkness O Lord we pray, and comfort our sorrowing hearts. Pour Your peace that passes all understanding into the hearts of all that are grieving and shower the assurance of Your love on all, at this time of sadness.

Lord, we are not to grieve as those who have no hope, those that have not trusted in Christ as Saviour, for our hope and trust is in You and our eyes are looking to You for strength, encouragement and comfort at this time of great sadness.

Lord, it is at a time like this that we suddenly begin to realise the great frailty of life and the brief portion that we are permitted on this earth. Cause all who are grieving here today to take stock of our own individual lives, and help us to be wise to number our days. Help us to live our lives as unto the Lord, knowing that at any time You may choose to call us home as well.

Thank You, Father, that our times are in Your hands and there are no sudden deaths in Your economy. May we live wisely from this day forward and use us we pray, to be a comfort to others who may experience similar times of great sadness. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Deliverance From Enemies

Dear Lord, I ask You to hear my prayer and to listen to my cry for help. Lord, I know that in and of myself I am not worthy to approach Your glory, but I know that in Christ I may come boldly to Your throne of grace, to find help from You in time of need. Lord, I am in a time of need now, and ask Father, that You would deliver me from all my enemies and from those that are seeking to harm me. Lord, I trust in You and I know that You are mighty to save and Your Word promises that You are faithful and true.

Lord, there are many problems that are surrounding me at the moment and each one has the potential to overwhelm me, but I am looking to You for help and I am trusting in You for my deliverance. Teach me the way that I should go and deliver me from the many ‘enemies’ that are surrounding and threatening me. Help me to rest in You and to cast my problems and burdens at Your feet, for You are my God in Whom I trust. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Before Receiving Communion

Thank You, Father, that You have promised to hear the prayers and petitions of Your servants and to nourish us with the body and blood of Your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Help me to prepare my heart as I partake of the bread and wine, which are the two beautiful symbols of Christ body broken for me, and His precious blood shed for me.

I am not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under Your table and yet You stooped down to save a wretch like me. And so I kneel in homage before You, in grateful remembrance of Your body broken and Your blood shed. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For The Loss Of A Baby

Dear God, why oh why? I only had my baby for such a very short time, and now my little one has gone. My sense of grief and loss is such that it surpasses normal sadness, for this little life was taken away so early that it seems so senseless. Lord, I don’t understand.
For my part, I feel pain at my loss and anger that it should not have happened and could been prevented. I feel helpless to do anything and have such a deep-rooted sense of not understanding. But so often we don’t understand the reason that things that happen in life, do we? Lord, I really don’t understand, but please help me I pray.
Who else can I go to at this time except You Father God. Who else understands what it is to lose a child that you love and care for so dearly, but You faced deep sorrow too and You were well acquainted with bitter grief, for You lost Your own dearly beloved Son in such a cruel and senseless way, on Calvary’s cross.
Lord, I don’t understand but I do want to trust You, knowing that You will one day wipe away every tear from our eyes. Help me to come to terms with my loss, and although I know that I will never completely forget my pain, I pray that through it I may grow in such a way that I may become a support to others who are going through similar sadnesses and are experiencing their own deep sense of loss. So Father, into Your hands I commit my life. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Dying Servant

O God the Father, Father of the spirits of all men; O God the Son, who has washed away our sins by his own blood, and who by his resurrection has brought life and immortality to light; O God the Holy Ghost, Regenerator, Sanctifier and Comforter of your saints—have compassion now, we ask you, upon the low estate of your servant lying in the extremity of sickness.

We commend unto you his soul as into the hands of a faithful Creator and most merciful Savior. Wash him in the blood of the Lamb from all guilt. Finish in him your perfect work of sanctification, enduing him plenteously with every grace, rendering him complete in all the fullness of Christ. Though his flesh and his heart fail, be the strength of his heart and his portion forever.

Give your peace to him, and do not let his heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Having gone and prepared a place for him, come now again and receive him unto yourself, that where you are there he may be also.

And graciously comfort us who mourn. Silence the murmurings of our rebellious hearts. Enable us to say with your servant of old, “The Lord gave, and the Lord takes away, blessed is the name of the Lord.” Make us mindful of our own mortality, and teach us so to number our days that we may seriously apply our hearts to that heavenly wisdom which may in the end bring us to life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, your only Son our Lord,


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Prayer To Stop Disunity And Restore Unity In My Family

Loving Father, I come to You knowing that You are a God Who hears and answers prayers. I ask Lord, that You would visit each member of our family, which has become so disunited and critical of each other, and restore the joy of Your salvation in all of our hearts.

Lord, we know that times are difficult and that stress often play a part in foolish disputes and disunity in a family or home - but in times of trouble we should remain closely united as a family unit, as well as keeping close to You.

Thank You, Lord, for every member of my family. Minister, I pray, to each one of us in a unique and wonderful way. Touch each of our hearts and help us to stop our foolish squabbling and become united together in thought and deed.

May Your Spirit of peace and hope fill each of our hearts as we recognise that our hope is in You alone. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ,


Prayer From A Distraught Gambler

Oh God, my life is being destroyed with my gambling addiction, and I am so caught up in it that I know I cannot stop on my own. Lord, You know how badly this has affected my home, my family and my finances and friends. I have lost everything and everyone I care about and I am at my wits end. Lord, please help me to stop this destructive and evil habit and release me from its chains of bondage. Help me God. I can do nothing myself. I am impotent to help myself. You alone Lord can help me, and I am relying on You. Please, please forgive me for the way that I have behaved. I realise that I have been making gambling the god in my life in place of You. Forgive me Lord. 

Lord, I do trust You and I know that my sins were all forgiven at the cross, but I also know that for a long time I have been out of fellowship with You. I have behaved in ways that I should not have done. I have done things that have grieved and hurt Your Holy Spirit. I know I have displeased and angered You in so many ways. Lord, I acknowledge my sins and realise that it is against You that I have sinned. I come to you in humble penitence and pray that You would help me cut free from all the gambling cords that have entrapped me so tightly.

Lord, I want to be free of my gambling and turn my life around with Christ at the centre. I know that the responsibility to stay out of casinos and to refuse to participate in any form of gambling is my own responsibility, nevertheless Lord, I ask for Your strength and Your help to keep this resolve firm and sure, day by day and moment by moment.

Thank You that You have promised that Your grace is sufficient, no matter what difficulty we find ourselves in, and Father, I trust that underneath me are Your everlasting arms to uphold and heal. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Unity In The Body Of Christ

Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to be with us, to live in us and to guide us into the way of peace and truth. We pray You would grant all those that are Your children, the spirit of wisdom and unity, so that we may be one, even as You are one with our Lord Jesus Christ, and He with You.

Enable all those that are part of the true Church, the body of Christ, to walk worthy of the calling whereby we have been called, and to live and work together in love and unity. Use us individually and collectively to reflect the love of God, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, so that we may be fruitful branches, and bear much fruit to the glory of God and to the praise of His holy name

Teach us how to live together in unity, and fellowship with one another. Lead us into the paths of peace and righteousness, so that we may be well pleasing in Your sight.

Teach us how to love one another as Christ loved us, and keep us from doing anything out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but rather teach us humility of heart, so that we consider others before ourselves. Help us to be slow to anger and quick to forgive as we abide in You and You in us. This we ask in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,


Prayer Of Deliverance From Fear

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your greatest gift of love, in sending the Lord Jesus to die for me on the cross and that in so doing, He demonstrated His tremendous love for me. Lord, I know that I am saved and secure in Christ, but Lord so often my mind gives way to many different kinds of fear, fears within and fears without, and sometime I find that fear seems to overwhelm me, and yet You have told in Your word that perfect love casts out fear.

Lord, I know that Your love is perfect and my love is weak, but it is when I am weak that the fears seem to flood my heart and overwhelm my soul. And yet Your Word says that when I am weak then I am strong. Help me Lord, to combat this fear and to rest my weary frightened soul at Your feet. Help me Lord, to understand these comforting words and to know how to apply them in my life.

Teach me how to walk in spirit and truth, and help me to take every fearful thought captive and hand it over to You in prayer and praise, the instance that it arises in my heart. Enable me in the power of Your Holy Spirit, to allow Your strength to be made perfect in my weakness, knowing that the Holy Spirit of God Who indwells me is greater that all the combined worries, anxieties, fear and problems that I have, put together. Thank You, that in Jesus I can find my strength and my deliverance. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer After Receiving Communion

Lord Jesus, what a privilege to be able to come before Your throne of grace and partake of the precious sacraments of bread and wine, in remembrance of Your atoning sacrifice on the cross of Calvary.

Thank You for dying for me on the cross and paying the enormous price for my sins, so that I may be forgiven of all my faults and receive Your indwelling life.

May I never forget the enormous price that was paid on my behalf. May I never forget that I have been bought with a price, the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. May I live for Him from this day on, knowing that Your body was broken and Your blood was spilt for me,

Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For The Loss Of My Mom

Heavenly Father, it has been so hard to finally come to terms with the fact that my precious Mom has finally passed away and losing her this way has been so difficult. My Mom had become such a special friend to me and there has never been a time when she was not there for me, to encourage and support as well as advise and correct, and now I feel somewhat disorientated to realise that I will never see her again this side of eternity.
Lord, I know that we all have to face death one day, but I am finding it quite hard to say goodbye. Please help me to come to terms with her death and get to the point where I can look back and celebrate and rejoice in all that she was to us all, and allow the deep feeling of loss to be replaced with a godly peace and joyful memories.
Lord, I do thank You for my Mom and for all that she meant to me. Thank You for her life and her selflessness, her wisdom and encouragement. May the lessons that I learned from her be reflected in what I say and do, and I do thank You that death is not a final separation but that in Christ, we will one day be reunited. What a wonderful realisation that not even death can separate us from our loved ones when we are all in Christ.  Thank You that You are my God and Saviour. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For My Whole Family – That We All Know Jesus

Dear Father God, thank You so much for my family and for making each one a part of my life. Lord, I praise Your name for each member of my family that knows and loves You and has placed their trust in the Lord Jesus as Saviour. How it rejoices my heart to know that they are secure in You and are bound for heaven. Fill each of us with Your grace and goodness, and may we learn day by day to cast all our cares upon You.

Lord, I also know that there are those that I love that have not yet placed their trust in Jesus and others that have grown weary of the Christian life and have wandered back to worldly activities or selfish pursuits. Reach out Your arm of love to each one and draw them back to You.

Lord, I know that it is not Your will that any of my family should perish, and I long to know that one day we will all be together in heaven. Convict every member of my family of their sin and bring them to a saving faith in Jesus, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer Of The Body Of Christ

Gracious Lord, we thank You for Your love and forgiveness to each one of us, and praise and thank You that we are Your children and have been born into Your heavenly family. Lord, we pray for unity in the body of Christ, that we may show forth true godliness of heart and gracious contentment in our actions and attitudes towards each other and to You.

Lord, we have nothing to commend ourselves to You, but You have clothed us in Your own righteousness. May each one of us be swift to run from those things that are displeasing to You, but rather to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness.

Help us Lord, to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace in our homes and church communities, and give us grace we pray, to diligently seek after all those things that are well-pleasing in Your sight, so that we may live in unity, one with the other, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray, 


Unbelievers Prayer Of Deliverance From Sin

Dear God, I am a sinner and I know that I have broken many of Your laws. Forgive me I pray. I did not realise how sin separated me from You, but I do now and I am so sorry that I have been so sinful and rebellious towards You. Thank You for sending Jesus to die for my sins and for taking the punishment that I justly deserve. Thank You, that Jesus delivered me from the punishment I deserve and thank You, that He rose again which means that He has broken the power of sin and death in my life, so that I too may not face eternal separation from You but live with You in heaven forever.

Thank You, Lord, that You have given this to me as a free gift of Your grace and all You asked of me was simply to believe that You died for my sins. I am overwhelmed to realise how much You love me, enough to die for me. Thank You for delivering me from sin and saving me. Thank You with all my heart. Help me not sin anymore, but to live a life that is pleasing to You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Abortion Healing

Oh Lord, I had an abortion thinking it was for the best, but the grief and guilt I have felt ever since I took that decision has haunted me, and I feel so ashamed of myself and riddled with guilt, by allowing a little life to be taken in this way.
My heart is so heavy and I find that I am not able to think about anything else and realise more and more that it is against You Lord, that I have sinned and done this great wrong.
Lord, I feel broken inside and pray for Your healing and comfort. You have promised to mend the broken-hearted and to set those that are captive to guilt and shame free, and Lord, You have promised forgiveness and restoration to all who come humbly to Your throne of grace and confess their wrongdoing. My hope is in You, for You alone can restore the joy of my salvation.
Thank You, that You are a forgiving God, Whose mercies are new every morning and that You that You have promised to carry all our guilt and burdens, and so I hand this over to You today, and ask for the healing and restoration that only You can give, and the grace to forget what is past and move on with You as my guide. I ask this in Jesus' name,

“Lord my God, I cried to You for help, and You healed me.”
(Psalm 30:2)

Prayer For The Loss Of A New Born

Oh Lord, we come to You to pray Your peace and hope into our broken hearts. We all are deeply saddened by the death of this precious little child who hardly had time to enter into the world before being snatched away from us all, and our hearts grieve at having to say goodbye before we had a proper chance to get to know this precious little babe whom we all loved so dearly.
The question that seems to be buzzing round each of our heads is why? Why did this have to happen Lord? I guess confusion and pain and even a sense of anger are some of the emotions that have been throbbing through our heads, and although we will probably never understand the reason, we do ask that You would minister into each of our hearts and pour into us Your own special comfort, peace and hope for the future.
Lord, though it is so so hard to say goodbye, we pray that we may release this little new-born into Your faithful keeping. May we release the pain of this untimely death into Your hands and allow our hearts to finally say goodbye. And Lord, although the loss of this precious one is real and our hearts are shrouded with grief, may we trust this babe into Your safe-keeping, knowing that in Christ we will one day be reunited, and You will wipe away all tears from our eyes. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For My Grandbaby Who Is Due To Be Born

Oh Lord, what a joy all my children have been to me and I bless You for placing each one in my life. And how I rejoice to know that one of my own dear children is shortly to bring a new little life into our family circle.

Oh Lord, I am so excited and yet have the normal ‘butterflies’ in my tummy, as the day gets ever closer. Father, I pray that You will keep both mother and baby safe in Your arms, and Lord, I pray for a safe delivery of my new little grandbaby. May the doctors and nurses that attend the delivery be skilled at their job and may this little one be born at the time that is best.

Praise Your name for this new little life. Praise Your name for we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Keep this new little member of the family ever under Your gracious protection, and I pray that the day will come when they trust Jesus as their Saviour. This I pray in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Unity In The Church Family

Father, we praise and bless You for every member of Your Church family throughout the world, and for the diverse ways that You graciously use each one to fulfil the particular role that You have purposed for them, in Your wider plans and purposes.

Thank you, that we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and Your own special possession. Thank You, that we are stones being built up into a glorious dwelling-place, a Temple fit for our God, so that we may proclaim Your praises with our lips and in our lives. You have brought us out of darkness into Your wonderful light and we praise and bless you for your grace and mercy towards us and all people.

What a privileged people we are and how we bless and thank You for making us one with each other, and in union with Christ Jesus our Lord. Stir up in our hearts a desire to be in unity one with the other, under the banner of Christ our Head. Sanctify us with Your truth and keep us ever looking to Jesus, Who alone is the Way to God, the only Sacrifice for our sins and the only Mediator between man and God, Whom to know is life eternal and in Whose name we pray,


Prayer For Deliverance From A Worldly Mindset

Dear Heavenly Father, You know that I trusted in the Lord Jesus many years ago and the joy and love and excitement that I felt in those days has gradually leaked away. I feel so far away from You, estranged from the God who created me and the Saviour Who died on the cross to pay the price for my sins.

Lord, it is as if I have been covered with a worldly and fleshly shroud that has caused me to wander so far away from You, that I have become more like the world than many that are in the world. Forgive me Lord, for wandering so far from You. Forgive me for being pulled so far away from You and back into the ways of the world. Forgive me for my worldly ways and my fleshly desires. Forgive me for leaving my first Love, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Deliver me I pray, from the life into which I have now become so embroiled and return to me the joy of my Salvation. Deliver me from this fleshly mindset that has swamped the heart of Christ, from Whom I gained such joy and peace. Lord, I kneel before You broken-hearted and truly sorry for all my sins and rebellious ways. I want to turn away from all these fleshly lusts and look to Jesus, Whom I know is the only secure Deliverer from all that I have become so embroiled in. Thank You, that even though I have proved so faithless You have remained Faithful and True. Cleanse me and wash me and renew a right spirit within me, and may I sing to Your praise and glory until my life’s end. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Mothers Considering An Abortion

Heavenly Father, we lift up the many mothers who are today considering an abortion, and pray that in Your grace You would direct them to make a godly and wise decision.
Lord, You know the individual circumstances of each and every woman, and the many arguments they may be using in their decision, of whether of not to abort the babe in their womb.
We pray that You would send godly councillors, wise advisors and caring friends to come alongside them and offer them guidance, hope and comfort, and we ask that in Your grace You would give them reassurance in their hearts, that abortion is not the answer to their problem, and recognise that You are the Author of life and hope.
We pray that You would convict many to discard their thoughts of aborting their baby, and trust You to lead and guide in the future choices they make. This we ask in Jesus' name,

“For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother's womb.”
(Psalm 139:13)

Prayer For The Loss Of A Parent

Dear Heavenly Father, it is so hard to finally say goodbye to a parent. I never really thought that the time would ever come that my father or mother would die, and it has caused me to reflect on what both my parents meant to me.
Oh Lord, as I look back over the years, I realise that I could have done so much more to show how much I loved them and how much they meant to me, but instead I too often took their love and sacrifice for granted.
Forgive me my carelessness towards them, but I thank You with all my heart for giving me the parents I had. I know they also made mistakes but Lord, what a joy to have a parent such as mine, and I thank You for the precious memories I have as I look back over my childhood and later life.
Lord, I know that I am going to miss my parents so much, and I pray that You will help me to come to terms with the fact that although they are not with me in person, that the lessons that they taught me and the love that they showed me will remain with me throughout life. I pray that I may continue to apply the lessons they taught me and give You grateful thanks that in Christ we will one day meet again. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For The Difficulties Of Life My Son Is Facing

Dear God, I am so worried about my son. Things in his life have gone from bad to worse, not only at home but further afield, as the pressures of life seem to be bearing down, hard on him. Lord, he is losing the happy disposition he once had and has started to become moody and depressed. Lord, I ask that in Your grace, You would come into his life and meet him at his point of need and restore the joy he had as a younger man.

Lord, I ask You to help him through whatever is causing him these difficulties in life, and help me Lord, to be one that he is able to turn to and confide in, rather than shutting me out of his pain, when all I long to do is to help and encourage him through his problems.

Lord, I know that at one time he knew You, but he now seems so far away from God that I despair that maybe he has not come to a saving knowledge of You. Yet I know that even when we become faithless You remain faithful. Draw him back to Yourself I pray, and build him up until he becomes a mighty man of God. I pray this in Jesus' name and to Your glory,


Prayer For The Future Spouse Of My Grandchildren

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the lives of each of my lovely grandchildren that You have so graciously brought into my life. They all give me such joy and pleasure, for which I praise and thank You.

Lord, You have scheduled every day of their lives, and I pray that as they grow up into adulthood You would continue to lead and guide, to instruct and to correct. Father, I also pray that You would develop in each one a heavenly perspective and a true understanding of the Christian life and spiritual maturity, so that they grow in grace and in a right relationship with You.

Bring the right spouse into the life of each of these dear grandchildren of mine I pray. In Your grace I pray that they be granted the husband or wife of Your choice, so that together they may become a threefold cord with You, which is not easily broken.

Thank You, Lord so much, for every one of my grandchildren. Into Your hands I commit each one. May they sense Your calling on their lives, so that they develop into mighty men and women who love You deeply and trust in You implicitly. In Jesus' name I pray,


“I prayed for this boy, and since the Lord gave me what I asked Him for,”
(1 Samuel 1:27)

Prayer For Forgiveness After An Abortion

Heavenly Father, we lift up all those women and mothers whose hearts are aching because of their decision to have an abortion and who are now riddled with guilt, because of their choices.

We also lift up those whose freely chose to abort their babies, based on their own selfish attitude, thinking that a baby in their life would spoil the prearranged plans they had made or inhibit their desired destiny.

We pray Your mercy and forgiveness over each one and ask that in a very special way You would come alongside each woman who has made a decision to terminate their pregnancy. Meet each one at their very point of need.

Comfort those that are grieving, support those that are weak and convict those that have rejected the sacredness of a human life. Bring each one we pray, to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus, and an assurance of Your gracious forgiveness. This we ask in Jesus' name,


“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace”
(Ephesians 1:7)

Prayer For Children Who’ve Lost A Parent

Loving Lord, You are the one Who said, "suffer the little children to come unto me," and today we specially think of the many children who have lost one or more parents due to illness or accident, or even due to desertion, suicide or imprisonment.
Father, today we lift up all those who have lost a parent, or have been parted from them for whatever reason, and we pray that Your special comfort and grace would be extended to these children in their time of loss and trauma. We ask that You would draw close to each one and help them to come to terms with losing one of the most important people in their life.
We pray that their loss and grief would not be overlooked by other adults, but that You would provide the right people to minister to them and to supply the appropriate comfort and support during this time of loss. May each child come to know You as their Heavenly Father, and receive from You the comfort of a loving parent, so that they may grow into emotionally stable adults who have come to trust You as their Saviour and Friend. This we ask in Jesus' name,

A Prayer For Worry About Cancer

Dear Lord, I am so worried as I have been diagnosed with cancer and I am frightened. I know that You are a God who can heal, but I pray that whatever happens in my life, You will give me Your peace and Your strength to face the future, knowing that all things work together for good to those that are Your children. Lord, I am Your child and I trust You in all areas of my life, including this illness. Thank You, that I can cast all my worry on You,


Prayer For Wisdom As I Prepare To Leave Home

Lord, my plan is to leave home as I know that I am becoming a drain on my parents in these difficult times, and I want to be able to support myself and help them in whatever way I can. Give me wisdom as I make my plans. Help me find the right place to live and provide a good job for me I pray. And Lord, please help me to be able to leave in such a way that my parents do not feel that I have deserted them, but rather that this is the best thing for us all.

Thank You for my parents who have both been such a support and encouragement to me throughout my whole life. I want to thank You, Lord, for both of them. I pray that I may honour them in my future path.

Thank You Lord,


Prayer For A Grandchild Who Has Gone Astray

Dear Loving Lord, how grieved I am that my precious grandchild whom I love so dearly has chosen to walk away from you and to seemingly forge a future without God in their life.

Lord, You know that this dear grandchild has been taught the truth of Scripture from the cradle and has been covered in pray from many quarters, even before being born. And Lord, You know that as a child they were taught the truth of the Lord Jesus and even made a commitment at an early age to accept You as their Saviour. Father, it grieves and saddens me and I plead with You to intervene in their life and bring them back to You.

Father, I know that nothing can snatch Your little lambs from Your hands or Your Father’s hands. I trust You Lord, that You will keep Your hand upon my grandchild so that they return into Your loving arms of forgiveness.

Thank You, Lord, that even we become careless and unfaithful to You, You never give up on us. Lord, I trust the future of my grandchild into Your hands and pray that whatever it takes, You would draw them back into the way of truth. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Church Unity - In Love

Heavenly Father, how it must grieve Your Holy Spirit that we have caused such barriers and divisions to be established within the body of Christ and yet it was His prayer that we are one in unity of spirit, one in the bond of peace, one in fellowship and love towards all those that are called by Your name.

Forgive us of our unbiblical prejudices and un-Christian principles. Forgive me of my own biases and unloving attitude that I have towards other believers that do not conform completely to my own developed perspective of what a Christian should be. Forgive me for being too quick to criticise other brothers and sisters in Christ, and for being too ready to declare our differences and denounce them as unfit for fellowship, rather than seeking to discover our similarities in Christ, and rejoicing that our citizenship is in heaven.

Help me Lord, to love others as You have loved me.–To love without prejudice or bias. Help me to be ready and willing to love the unlovable and to consent to be loved by others I would likely dismiss.

Bind Your people together in love, in the unity of sprit and the bond of peace. Guide us all into all truth, knowing that You are no respecter of persons, and that all who trust in Your sacrifice at Calvary are forgiven sinners, citizens of heaven and accepted by the Father, in the Beloved. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Healing After An Abortion

Loving Lord, I come to You and confess my sin of abortion, and ask that Your healing grace would touch my heart today. The remembrance of it is eating me inside and I need Your healing grace and loving forgiveness.

I cast this great burden onto You, knowing that You have promised to heal those that are broken-hearted and to bind up the inner wounds of those that are hurting.

I know that the consequences of our wrong choices can bring much pain, but I also know that You are a God Who has promised to forgive and heal all who come to You with a contrite heart and that You will remember our sins no more.

Forgive me Lord, heal my life. Create in me a clean heart I pray, and renew a right spirit within me. This I ask in Jesus' name,


“Then your light will appear like the dawn, and your recovery will come quickly. Your righteousness will go before you, and the Lord's glory will be your rear guard.”
(Isaiah 58:8)

Prayer For Loss Of My Spouse

Oh God, I am hurting and my grief is almost more than I can bear. Losing my spouse has been the most devastating event that has ever happened to me and I feel that I can hardly draw another breath because my loss is so acute. Lord Jesus, the loss of my spouse has caused a gaping hole in my life, which has become so acute that I seem to have be permanently numb through the pain of it all. Help me, I pray.
It seems as if all my life and strength has been drained from me and I feel so alone and so very, very lonely as well. I begin to realise how much we relied upon each other, and now I am alone and nothing seems sufficient to fill the gaping void. But Lord, I know that You came to comfort the broken-hearted. You came to lead us beside still waters and to gently carry up upon Your shoulder during those times when every ounce of strength has failed. You came to give beauty for ashes and to renew our strength with Your sufficient grace and Your never-failing love. Please help me to come through this sad time, I pray.
Refresh my soul and renew my spirit within me. Be my light in this dark period of my life, and may the light of Your love shine on my path and lighten the heaviness of my load.  Thank You that You are my Saviour and that I can rely on You when there is no one else for me. Thank You in Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Friend Under Attack

Loving Father, I have a friend whose character is being attacked and falsities are being said about them. I am concerned for them, as this is a difficult and painful thing to face, but I am also concerned that the worry of all that is going on in their life will be detrimental to their health.

I pray that You will give my friend Your peace that surpasses comprehension, and that in Your time and Your way You will diffuse this unpleasant attack. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer To Learn The Lessons Of Suffering

Father, I thank You for the beautiful example of the Lord Jesus Christ, who Himself learned obedience through the things that He suffered, and in Whom we see the perfect example of a Man Whose suffering and death brought great glory to the Father and salvation to a lost and dying world. Thank You, that Jesus chose to willingly face intense suffering and persecution in His life, so that by His sacrificial death on the cross, He might pay the ransom price for sin.

Help me to learn the lessons of suffering that are so evident in the life of the Lord Jesus, Who though He knew no sin, was willing to suffer for the greater glory of God and for the benefit of so many others. Thank You, for opening my understanding to the fact that although suffering for righteousness sake may be difficult to bear in the short tem, yet God in His grace and wisdom will use it for His glory and for our eternal benefit. May I be found obedient and faithful in the things that I may have to suffer for righteousness sake. May I suffer in this life, to the glory of God the Father and for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ Who suffered and died for me so that I too may live eternally. In His name I pray,


Prayer Of Repentance Following An Abortion

Heavenly Father, You know all that I have done in my life, and how I have skirted around the issue of my abortion, dismissed the significance of this sin in my life and tried to pretend that it was no big deal.

But Lord, I now confess to You this terrible sin and realise increasingly that it is detestable in Your sight to abort a new little life. I confess my wrongdoing and grieve to think of the unborn baby that I chose to terminate in my womb.

I confess my sin and repent of my casual attitude and ask for Your healing touch on my life. Help me to release this painful memory to You and to accept that Your promise of forgiveness to all who repent of their sins and turn to Christ.

Thank You that You paid the price for all my sins at Calvary and that You have promised to remove them as far as the east is from the west… Thank You in Jesus name,


“For godly grief produces a repentance not to be regretted and leading to salvation, but worldly grief produces death.”
(2 Corinthians 7:10)

Prayers For Loss Of Uncle

Oh Lord, it is so hard to say good-bye to such a dearly loved uncle. I thank You, Lord, that He is removed from all the pain and sufferings of life and is now rejoicing in heavenly places with Jesus and all the saints of God, but I miss him already and I know that his passing is hard for all the family, and so I ask Lord that You would give comfort right now to all who are missing him, as much as I am.
Thank You, that he was my uncle and thank You for all the things that I have learned from him. Lord, we had such good times together and I am so grateful for all good advice that he has given me over the years.
Do give Your comfort and strength to the rest of the family as I know that there are those that will miss him greatly, and grieve for his passing, as they don’t know Jesus. So I pray that through his death those members of the family who are unsaved, would draw their comfort from Jesus, and come to know Him as their personal Saviour. Thank You, in Jesus' name,

Prayer About A Letter That Is Causing Worry

Dear God, I remember reading in Your Word that one of the kings of Israel had a very disturbing letter. He was so worried that he laid it our before You, and asked for Your help.

God, I have received a terrible letter as well, that has caused me so much worry and so much pain. Lord Jesus, I don’t know who to turn to, but I am laying it out before You and asking You to support me through this difficult problem that I have to face.

Thank You that I can come to You, and thank You that You are the same yesterday, today and forever. Intervene I pray on my account, and may justice be done in this issue, to Your praise and glory. I am trusting You in this and place my letter before You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer To Keep Me From Fear When Times Are Hard

Lord Jesus, I come to You because when I look at the hard times that we are facing, my heart seems to fail as I don’t know which way to turn, except to You. Thank You, that You have always been there for me, and thank You that you have always come through with Your help in time of need. Always at the right time and always in the right way.

Keep me from fear of what tomorrow may bring, knowing that I do not need to be afraid or fearful, because You have promised to supply all my needs according to Your riches in mercy.

Thank You, Lord, for Your Word which has so many beautiful truths and wonderful promises. It tells me that You are always there to help when times are hard. Thank You for this scripture from the Bible, which someone gave me today,  "do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." 

Thank You for this lovely truth and for the many promises that You have given to all Your children. May my heart rest in You Lord, and keep me from fear in these difficult times. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Gratitude For All Of God’s Gifts

Oh Lord our God, what a joy it is to open my eyes in the morning and to remember all of Your loving-kindness towards us all, and for the many gifts and graces that we enjoy day by day.

Thank You for shelter from the cold, and for the rest and refreshment that is gained with a good nights sleep. Thank You for the joy of opening my eyes to a fresh day, where Your mercies are new every morning. What a wonderful and faithful God You are.

Thank You for my health and my home. Thank You for my family and my friends. Thank You for the many good gifts that You have been pleased to bestow on all Your children. Oh, thank You that You are my Father and that Christ Jesus is my Saviour. And thank You Lord, that I have the indwelling Holy Spirit to lead and to guide, to comfort and help. I am never alone because You are ever by my side. Praise Your holy name for all the good gifts that You have graciously given me, in such rich abundance. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer At The Start Of A Vacation

Thank You, Lord, that there is nowhere that I can be where I am not able to pour out my heart to You and know that You are there to help and to sustain me, to lead and to guide. But Lord, I particularly ask that You would be with me as I start my vacation. I pray that I would use this time wisely so that I at the end of my break, I will be refreshed and rejuvenated and knowing more and more of You.

Lord, I pray that I would take time to fix the eyes of my heart and the ears of my mind onto Jesus, Whom to know is life eternal, and to take time to read Your Word and to allow it to wash over me and to renew my tired spirit and my weary soul.

Help me to wait upon You as I start my vacation for Lord, I know that Your Word is life and health for those that wait on You. Lord, help me to spend quality time alone with You, knowing that all who wait upon the Lord are assured that they will rise up with wings as eagles. They will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Perseverance In This Life

Lord, we thank You that You are our God and Father, and You alone are worthy of all our honour and praise, because You have picked us up out of the miry clay and set our feet upon the Rock of our Salvation, Who is Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank You, that You have the words of eternal life and thank You for Your precious promise that nothing in heaven or on earth is able to separate us from Your love in Christ Jesus our Lord. You alone are worthy of our allegiance and love and we praise You, that we may rest securely in You arms, knowing that You have the Word of eternal life.

Lord, as we navigate through this world of sin, thank You that You have promised to be with us, no matter what difficulties and dangers may cross our paths. Keep us we pray, from all perils, problems and persecutions that we may encounter and may we remain firm to the end and enabled to persevere in the midst of all our trials. Thank You, that there is no situation in life that is outside of Your jurisdiction and that You have every circumstance covered by Your sufficient grace. Lord, as we steer our path through this sin-sick world, may we keep our confidence in You and place every need into Your hands, knowing that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. We ask this in the name of Jesus,


Prayer For Women Planning An Abortion

Heavenly Father, we know that every good and perfect gift comes from You and that children are a special heritage from the Lord. But Father, we also know that the enemy of our soul seeks to kill and destroy all that is from You, and especially the lives of little babies in the womb.

And so we lift up all women who may be planning to have an abortion, or who have been deceived into thinking that this is a woman’s right, rather than a sin against their creator God, and we pray that You would create in their hearts a desire to do what is right and a realisation of the evil that surrounds the practice of abortion, that they themselves are considering

Bring into the life of each mother those that would give godly counsel and change the hearts of those who have already made a decision to go down the route of abortion.

Instil in the heart of each woman a deep love for the baby they are carrying, and we pray that many may be prompted to turn from their planned abortion and look to the Lord Jesus, for the grace do what is right. This we ask in Jesus' name,


“For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother's womb.”
(Psalm 139:13)

Prayers For Loss Of Wife

Loving Lord, losing my wife is so hard and I feel so alone and helpless right now. I know Lord, that death is not the end for those that trust in You, but it is still hard to have to face a life without my dear wife at my side. I know there were some occasions when I took her for granted, but she meant so much to me and her life was such a beautiful reflection of the Lord Jesus, and now that she has gone, I realise the big gap that she has left.
Keep me Lord from self-pity, which seems to be the emotion that is surfacing quite a lot, and replace it with a thankful heart for the good times we had together. Give me a spirit of peace I pray, and hope in believing, knowing death is only a door through which we all will one day pass.
Thank You for the time that we did spend together, and I ask You to give me respite from the sadness I feel, renewed hope in Christ’s promises and fresh insight into all that I am in Christ.  
Comfort my heart, knowing that we will one day meet up again on the heavenly shore and may I live my life looking to Jesus. This I ask in His name,

Prayer Of Gratitude For My Home And Family

Loving Heavenly Father, I lift my hands up to You in gratitude for my home and for the family, into which You have so lovingly placed me.

You Lord, have filled our home with so many blessings. And even when times have been tough and the circumstances of life have been very difficult, You have blessed me with such a loving family, which is becoming more and more of a blessing with each passing day. How I thank You Lord Jesus, and bless Your holy name.

Thank You, Lord, for my parents who have been so supportive of me, not only in my early years, but also as I have grown older. I pray Your blessing on both of them and also on the wider family too, my aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, nephews, nieces, cousins and grandparents. All of whom have been a blessing in their own special way.

I especially thank You for my spouse and the joy of seeing our own children born into the world and growing up into responsible adults. And Lord, for the miracle of seeing the birth of my own precious grandchildren. What a joy this has been, and how I praise You for all Your goodness and mercy to me.

Lord, thank You for all those who are in the wider body of Christ, my brothers and sisters around the world, who have become such and important part of my eternal family. Thank You for the wonderful joy of knowing that we will all be united with You in love in heavenly places in the days to come, when we are given our glorified bodies in the eternal state. There are no words that are sufficient to express the gratitude I have Lord, but thank You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Direction During My Vacation

Lord, I do thank You for providing me with a job, but I also want to say thank You for this welcome vacation and pray that it will be a time of real refreshment and relaxation.

I pray that I will make the best use of the time I have, and as I take this break from the busy schedule that is demanded of me from my work, I pray that my body will be relaxed, my mind renewed and spirit refreshed. I know Lord, that it can be quite difficult to suddenly change from a busy active work schedule to the slower pace of a vacation, but I do ask You to help me adjust from the very beginning so that I may make the most of the time that I have.

Let my heart and soul be open to You and Your leading, and I pray that this may be a time when You become more real to me. This I ask in Jesus’ name, 


Prayer For Fathers Mourning An Abortion

Loving Lord, we lift before You the fathers of aborted babies and the emotional trauma that can often affect them, knowing that they are often excluded from the decision to terminate a pregnancy.

We pray that You would be close to those who have been left emotionally distraught and grieving for the little life that they were denied.

We pray Your comfort upon all men who have been affected by abortion in this way, and ask that You would give solace and succour to all who are grieving for the son or daughter that they will never see. This we ask in Jesus' name,


“Blessed are those who mourn, because they will be comforted.”
(Matthew 5:4)

Prayers For Loss Of A Cousin

Oh Lord, it is always so hard to say good-bye to those that we love and care about, especially when we were close. I know that I am going to miss my cousin so much, and so are the rest of the family. And so Lord, I do pray that You would give each one of us Your comfort in our hearts at this time of such sadness.
Lord, I know that death is a thin veil of temporary separation for those that love You, and I thank and praise You that as Your children we will meet up again one day, but it is still hard to have to realise that we will never be together in this life again, so please flood all of our hearts with Your never-failing comfort and give us Your strength to move forward, knowing that You feel deeply for our loss and that You care for each one of us.
Thank You for the good times that we spent together, and help us to celebrate a lovely life rather than mourn a life that has passed. Help me to give You thanks for the great love we shared. Thank You for the life of my cousin and I pray that You would put Your loving arms of comfort around us all and draw every member of our wider family into a closer walk with You. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer Of Thanks For My Grandma

How I thank You Heavenly Father, for my dear, dear grandmother. She has always been such a special support and encouragement to me, especially as I was growing up and finding out about life and living. She has given me so much of her gentle wisdom and good advice, never being judgemental, but always fair and kind.

Thank You for the wonderful example she has been throughout my life of a godly woman who loves Jesus first and foremost, and for the unique way that she lovingly gently nudges me to turn to You, in all the circumstances of my life. Thank You for placing her in my life. Thank You, that I have had the opportunity of learning so much from her, for her knowledge of the Scriptures and her delight to turn to You in prayer, day by day.

Lord, now that she is getting older, I pray that You would keep Your loving arms around her and protect her from harm. Guard and guide her, protect her and provide all that she needs. Draw her ever closer to Yourself. In Jesus' name,


Vacation Prayer - To Reassess My Spiritual Walk

Forgive me Lord, for the many times that I seem to forget or ignore You in the midst of my busy working life, when I am rushing from one important issue to another or find myself consumed with getting the job done, rather than resting my anxious thoughts on You.

Lord, I know the importance of quietness, of resting in You and being still in Your presence, and I pray that You would use this vacation to help me reassess my relationship with You, so that in the future I am able to look to You and depend on You, rather than on myself. Teach me Lord, how to rest in You rather than wearing myself out with my own self-effort.

Thank You for Your loving patience with me. Thank You for having waited for me to come to this important decision and for prompting me to do so, for I know that my priority in life is to get right with You and to keep You at the centre of all that I do.

Teach me Lord, to be quiet before You. To be still in Your presence and to cast all my burdens upon You, even those that I have while at work. Search my heart I pray, during this quality time I have with You over this vacation period, and may I emerge from it more ready and able to cast all my burdens upon You, knowing that you are interested in every area of my life, including my working life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Christians To Persevere In Troubled Times

Thank You Father, that Your grace is sufficient for all Your children, including those that are facing severe persecutions and dangers in so many parts of this war-torn world. But Lord, they are all our brothers and sisters in Christ and we are all one in Him, and the pain that individual believers are suffering becomes a corporate distress for the Body of Christ. And so Lord, we lift up all those that are having to contend with so many dangers and difficulties in foreign parts of the world.

Comfort and strengthen each precious person who is suffering for righteousness sake. Draw very close to each and every one so that in Your strength they may persevere in these troublesome times, and in so doing bring glory to Yourself and serve as a faithful witness to those that are lost in their sins, of Your grace and goodness. Support all those who are grieving for righteousness sake we pray, perhaps due to the loss of a loved one or severe deprivation. Comfort and succour each hurting heart and keep each one firm in the faith they have in Christ Jesus our Lord. Thank You, Lord, that there is not one of Your children who is lost to Your eyes of pity, and we lift each and every one up to You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Emotional Healing And Strength

Oh Lord, I feel that both my heart and my life has been shattered into a thousand pieces and I don’t know what to do or which way to turn. I feel that I have no strength left and that everything in my life has become an utter failure. Have mercy on me I pray, according to Your great goodness and abundant grace.

Lord, I know that Your Word says that You will give strength to the weary and hope to the distressed and I feel both weak and in distress, and ask for Your help and strength.

Help me to wait on You, abide in You and rest in Your love, because I know that You have promised that those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength and rise up with the wings as eagles.

Thank You also, that You have promised to heal the broken-hearted and restore those that are hurting. Heal my shattered heart I pray, and restore to me the joy of my salvation. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayers For Loss Of A Grandchild

Dear Heavenly Father, what grief and sadness has overtaken us as the loss of out precious little grandchild. Oh Lord, never did we expect that we would live to see such a sad day and our hearts are overburdened with such a great loss and such a sense of sadness.
Give me the strength and courage I need to support my own precious child who is having to face this shattering loss in their life. Help me to be Your heart of love reaching out to them, to comfort and support, as they face the loss of their dearly loved child, and my very precious grand-child.
I know You collect all our tears in a bottle and will one day wipe away all our hurt and pain. Keep us looking to Jesus. Keep us trusting in Your unfailing-mercy. Keep us from grieving as the world grieves, knowing that one day we will all meet together in Your presence.
Give us all the grace and strength to face the future, knowing that all things are being used for our eternal benefit and to Your greater glory even though at this time of deep darkness we just don’t understand. Into Your hand I commit all those that are dear to me and thank You that You are my God. In Jesus' name I pray,

A Prayer For Our Country

Lord God and Heavenly King, You alone are the Lord of the earth and King of the universe, and You alone can revive and restore the United States Of America and bring us back under Your own Sovereign rule.

Give our President, together with his advisors and the whole of his administration, the wisdom and grace to turn from the ungodly path that they are following, and may they set this nation back on the path of trusting in God.

Motivate all our congressmen to strive for integrity and wisdom in all the choices and decisions they make, and may those that are entrusted as judges and lawmakers, likewise act in righteousness, impartiality and integrity as they work for the benefit of all people, and to the honour of Your holy name.

Heavenly King, we place our nation at your feet, and pray that we may once again serve You as a nation. May Your will be done in the once greatest nation of the world, the United States of America.


“for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.”
(1 Timothy 2:2)

Morning Prayer From A Grandmother

Dear Lord Jesus, I do thank You for my lovely life and for the wonderful way that You have promised to be with me each day. Thank You, for bringing me safely through another night and for the gift of a new and wonderful day. Great is Your faithfulness. 

Lord, I pray that as I prepare to get out of bed and get washed and dressed, that You would strengthen my legs and be my support as I go about my daily duties. Give me I pray, the strength to busy myself in my little kitchen and keep me from any dangers that may arise.

Be with me I pray, as I go to and from the shops, and I ask that in Your kindness You would put those people in my path Whom You choose. And help me to be a worthy witness of Your grace and kindness to all I meet, not only in what I say but in the way that I think and act.

Thank You for my wonderful children and for each of their lives, and thank You especially Lord, for the precious grandchildren that You have placed in my life, and for granting me the joy of seeing them start to grow up and develop into the little characters that have so blessed my soul. Lord, endue them with Your heavenly grace, enrich them with a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus, may each one grow in grace and in a knowledge of their Saviour and finally Lord, bring each one home to rest securely in Your everlasting arms.

Lord, I am not getting any younger, but I trust You to carry me on eagles wings and give me a song of praise in my heart throughout the day. May I rest in Your love and abide in Your grace until You choose to take me to be with Yourself, for my times are in Your hands. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name I pray,


Christian Teacher’s Vacation Prayer

Thank You, Lord, for the joy of teaching and learning as well as the challenges it offers. Lord, I pray that You would guard and guide each of those who have attended my lessons this past term, and pray that each one will come to a knowledge of and understanding You. And Lord, I pray that each one comes to saving faith in Jesus.

Thank You also for school vacations and the opportunity to ‘recharge’ our batteries, and for the precious times of refreshment that school vacations offer. I pray that You would use this period away from school and its responsibilities, to be a time of refreshment and renewal, not only for my body but also, for my soul and my spirit too.

I pray that this vacation will bring me to be even closer to You, that it will enable me to re-examine my priorities and principles, my purpose and my perspectives in life. I pray that this will be a time when my mind will be refreshed, so that I am able to return to the classroom renewed and refreshed and ready to face the challenges of a new term.

I pray this will be a time when I draw ever closer to Jesus, my Saviour, and that this may be a time when I grow in grace and have opportunity to listen intently to Your still small voice and to rest in Your promises. I pray I can just be still and know that you are God. Thank You for being my Saviour. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Perseverance For All Soldiers Of Christ

Father, we praise and thank You for the great example of men and women of faith, who down through the ages have become such beautiful examples of those who in Your grace, were able to stand fast in the evil times, in which they lived. And we also want to lift up all those today, who like them are seeking to live godly in Christ Jesus and who like them, are facing times of increasing difficulty.

Thank You for the example of these faithful folk who remained steadfast in their faith and patiently endured many difficulties, despite the overwhelming trials they were called to face. Help us like them, to stand firm in the wicked times in which we live and may all those who seek to live godly in Christ Jesus remain steadfast in the faith and persevere as faithful soldiers of Christ, as together we run the race that is set before us in Your power and strength. In Jesus' name,


Prayers For Healing Emotional Wounds

Lord, the pain is so deep that I hardly know how to pray. Please examine my inner being and reveal to me any areas of unresolved emotional pain, resentment or unforgiveness. Touch me I pray with Your love, and begin the precious healing process within, that only You can accomplish.
Flood me with Your healing and wholeness, and if there are areas in my heart that need to be confessed, or for which I need to repent, I pray that You would bring them to the forefront of my mind and set me free from the bondage of this deep and traumatised hurt.
I know that the Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit, and I simply want to rest in Your love and allow Your streams of healing and strength to flood my heart my mind, my body and my soul.
Thank You, that You are the divine Physician and the God who heals all our pain. Keep me under the shadow of Your wing and to You be all praise and glory for ever. In Jesus' name,

Prayers For Loss Of Daughter

Heavenly Father, my heart is grieving over the loss of my precious daughter. Father, I don’t know how to pray or even what to pray but I know that You have promised to comfort those that mourn and to give Your special succour and strength to all of Your children in their times of deep sorrow and affliction.
Please put Your comforting arms around me at this time, I pray. My darling daughter has been taken from me before her time and I am left to sorrow over her departure. How can I bear this grief that has cut at my heart, and yet I know that our times are in Your hands. Her times were also in Your hands and I do believe that even in this, You will bring about some good from this sadness.
According to Your abundant loving-kindness and tender mercy, I pray that You will overshadow me with Your great compassion and grace so that I may face the future knowing that each day is a gift from You, to be spent in Your will and for Your greater purpose. Thank You that You weep with me and I thank You also, that Your promised joy will come in the morning. In Jesus' name,

Prayer To Calm My Worried Soul

Dear God, I am plagued with things that are going wrong. I am worried about my job and my family, my finances and my relationships. Lord, everything seems to be crashing in around me at the same time and I am simply coming to You as I have no where else to turn.

I know that You are the God of Peace and Love, and I come to You because fear of the future is causing me to worry and fear. I know that it is not Your will that Your children are distressed about the things of this life. I know that You have told us not to fear and yet it is hard when life is becoming so difficult.

Help me, Lord, not to be so worried. Help me to fix my mind on You rather than the concerns of life. Help me to trust You in all these difficulties, knowing You will carry me on Your shoulders. Thank You, Lord,


Prayer For Strength To Persevere

Dear Lord, I know how important it is that we are strong in the Lord and in the strength of Your power and to know that we are not fighting against a physical enemy but an evil and powerful spiritual enemy, whose chief desire is to shipwreck the witness of those that are united with Christ and render them powerless against the wicked schemes and strategies of the devil. Give us a greater understanding and awareness of the enemy’s tactics and help us to realise the importance of covering ourselves completely in our spiritual armour, so that we are spiritually prepared and spiritually equipped to stand firm against their evil plots and ploys.

May all who seek to live godly in Christ Jesus, stand fast on God’s Word of truth and put on the breastplate of Christ’s righteousness. May we walk in His ways of peace, in spirit and in truth, and help us to protect ourselves by grace through faith, as we resolutely stand firm on the many facts of God’s Word. May our thoughts and minds be protected from the deceptive lies and wicked deceit of the enemy, as we cover our heads with the helmet of Christ’s Salvation, by grace through faith. And may we wield the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God with wisdom and understanding, as we stand firmly grounded on the Rock of our salvation.

Keep us humble before You Father, and may we persevere in continuous, earnest and pleading prayer, knowing that in Christ the enemy is already defeated and in Him, we are called to remain steadfast in the faith, by the power of the Spirit and to the glory of God. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer In Time Of Bereavement

Father, there are times when bereavement hits each one of us and sometimes the pain of losing a loved one leaves us numb and grieving, and so we lift up all those who have been recently bereaved and who are having to come to terms with the loss someone who was close to them. We lift up all who have recently lost a family member or a close friend or colleague, and pray that You would draw very close to them.
We pray that You would strengthen them and give them the comfort and solace that only comes from You, and we pray that each one would recognise their deepening need to turn to Christ, Who is the God of all comforts and Who comforts us in our affliction, sadness and pain.
Heal those who are broken-hearted, give strength to those that are grieving, and for those who do not yet know You as their Saviour, we pray that this would be a time when the truth of the glorious gospel of grace would shine into their hearts, so that they may become partakers of Your perfect peace and heavenly joy, in the knowledge that death is simply the doorway into Your glorious presence. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For God’s Promise Of Peace

Times are hard Lord Jesus, and my soul is getting troubled and afraid, and yet I know You told us never to be dismayed or troubled. Keep me I pray from thoughts that vex my mind, for I know Lord that they are destructive to my soul and serve no positive purpose.

Lord Jesus, I know that only You can bring true peace to our troubled hearts. Thank You for the precious gift of peace that You have promised to Your children. Your peace is so different from what the world has to offer - You have promised that You will keep all in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You. Keep the eyes of my heart firmly fixed on my Lord Jesus.

I ask this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, my Saviour,


Prayer For My Unsaved Grandma

Dear Lord, I just want to bring my dear Grandma to You. Lord, she has always put off making a commitment to follow You and to trust in Jesus as Saviour, but Lord she is advancing in years and probably does not have much longer in this world. Lord, I want my beloved granny to be with us in heaven and up to now she has been very resistant to the gospel of Christ.

Lord, I pray that You would convince her of  her sin and convict her of her need of a Saviour. I pray that she may turn to Christ before she leaves this world, knowing that if she refuses she will have to face eternal separation from You, Father.

Lord, I love my grandmother and I know that You do too. I also know that it is not Your will that anyone should perish but that all should come to repentance. Please Lord, visit her and I do pray that she will accept the Lord Jesus as her personal Saviour, before it is too late. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Perseverance In Daily Trials

Help me Lord, to come to a greater understanding of the reason for the inevitable trials and tribulations that pepper down on the lives of all people, but especially those that are Your children, who find it hard to understand why their Father in heaven seems to have turned a deaf ear to their repeated pleas for help. And yet Father, as I reflect on all that the Lord Jesus did for me and how You reached down when I was dead in trespasses and sins and lifted me out of the miry clay and clothed me in Christ’s righteousness, I see Your gracious patience towards me and it causes me to wonder in amazement that You should take such time and effort with a person such as me, who is not worthy to unloose Your shoelaces.

Lord, I pray that You would direct my heart to see more and more of Your love towards me and of Christ’s gracious perseverance, as He lived a perfect life, in order that He could be made the sinless sacrifice, to pay the price for my sins. Thank You that despite the times when I have not listened to the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit in my life, and have taken a dead end road of my own choosing and failed over and again to learn the lessons that you would teach me, that You have always been there to pick me up. Thank You for Your gracious patience towards me when I have doubted Your Word or grumbled about my lot in life and thank You Father, for remaining faithful towards me when I have proved faithless toward You, and must have quenched or grieved the work of the Holy Spirit in my life.

Father, it is as I reflect on Your gracious patience towards me for so long that I begin to understand more and more the reason for those inevitable trials and tribulations that pepper down on the lives of Your children. It is so that we may grow in grace and in a knowledge of You. Help me Lord to see You in the difficulties of life and seek to persevere through every trial, so that I may grasp all that You would have me learn. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Those Needing Emotional Healing

Heavenly Father, we live in a fallen world and are surrounded with so many men and women as well as boys and girls, who have suffered emotional damage or are going through emotional abuse, and I just want to take a few moments to lift up all those that are experiencing this type of trauma, and pray for Your healing touch on their lives.
Lord, You know every one who is in need of emotional healing and the hurt and pain that they are going through, and I ask You to meet each one at their own point of need. May they find their strength, support, comfort and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Refresh those that are weary, strengthen those that are weak, help the afflicted, deliver the needy, comfort the sorrowing, heal those that are hurting and draw very close to all who are in need of emotional healing. This I pray in Jesus' name,

Prayers For Hair Loss

Heavenly Father, thank You that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and You know everything about us, even the very hairs on our head are numbered,  but Lord, You know that my increasing concern is that my hair seems to be coming out at an alarming rate, and it is causing me some significant distress.
Lord, I ask that You would stop this rapidly developing hair problem and I pray that I may find the right solution so that this distressing loss of hair, which is progressing at such an alarming rate, would be halted and would also be reversed.
Lord, if there is anything that I am eating or doing that may be a cause of this, I ask that You would bring it to my notice, and if there is anything that I should or should not be doing, that You would bring show me very clearly. Please Lord, in Your grace and mercy, I ask that You would heal me of this hair loss and allow my hair to once again grow healthy and strong. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Peace From Inner Turmoil

Dear God, I have so much in going on in my life that I don’t know which way to turn. I come to You, broken in spirit, to ask You to calm my inner turmoil. I have tried to sort things out in my own way, but it is all futile, so in my poverty, I come before You Lord and submit to You, asking You to grant me peace of mind and a quieting to my soul.

Please give me Your peace and Your strength. I know that without You I can do nothing, but I also know that Your peace is poured into the hearts of those that trust in You with all their hearts. Lord, I trust You now and give my life and future into Your hands,


Prayer For My Grandma’s Bed Sores

Dear Lord Jesus, my dear grandmother has been confined to bed as she has lost the strength in her legs and is having to spend a lot of her time in bed or sitting in a chair. Lord, this has caused her to have some really bad bedsores on her back and Lord, I know they are so painful, even though she does not complain about them.

Please Lord, I ask that You would heal them. Help us to find the right ointment so that they may be healed, and give us wisdom as we try to look after her and keep her as comfortable as possible with these nasty bedsores.

I do thank You for my grandmother who is such a gentle lady and who has been such a wonderful encouragement to me as I have been growing up. Be close to her Lord, heal her Lord I pray, and thank You for her life and witness. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Perseverance Under Family Criticism

Heavenly Father, we know that so often it is the members of our own families and household, and those we dearly love who are the ones who are most often hostile to our love for You and our witness of the glorious gospel of grace. Lord, You know the verbal accusations and other forms of criticism and ridicule we so often have to endure from our nearest and dearest and ask that You would give us the wisdom and strength to endure such trials, and to demonstrate the love of Jesus in our responses, so that You may be glorified and they may be irresistibly drawn to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord, we ask that You would guard the spiritual pulse of our inner heart and pray that You would give us the grace to persevere under this constant barrage of family criticism. Give us the wisdom to know when to speak and when to remain silent, and may our love for You eclipse any intimidation we may feel from family criticism and ridicule, and give us grace to remain a faithful and true witness to You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Visa Interview

Heavenly Father, I come before You today, knowing that I have been contacted to attend a visa interview. I pray that You would go before me and be with me throughout the whole process.
Give me wisdom as to how I should answer the questions, and I pray that You would remove any obstacles that may cause an unnecessary delay in the processing of this visa application.
I know the many problems that can arise during such an interviews, but I trust that in Your mercy, and ask that I would find grace in the eyes of the interviewers, so that the visa authorisation will be completed speedily.
Father, I know that nothing happens that is outside of Your authority and control and I thank You for the confidence I have in You, knowing that You will be with me during this interview, to lead and guide. And so into Your hands I place this need, in Jesus' name,

Prayers For Job Loss

Lord Jesus, we are facing increasing numbers of men and women who are finding it difficult to obtain a job and keep it, due to the ever-growing unemployment figures,  while there are others who are continuously concerned that the job they have is insecure, knowing that any day they may be facing a permanent and devastating job loss.
Lord, this adds to the stress on individuals and on their families and we pray that many would turn to You and seek You, knowing that You alone are the One in whom they can find a permanent solution, true security and lasting peace of mind.
Lord, as a nation and as a world we have turned our backs on You and having sown a national ‘wind’ we are in the process of reaping a world-wide ‘whirlwind,’ and Father, You alone are the answer to our individual, community and national problems.

May we repent of our sins as individual Christians who have wandered far from You and allowed the things of this world to influence our relationship with You. May we repent as Your Church and body of Christ, for we have compromised the truth of Scripture and turned a blind eye to the evils that have infiltrated our places of worship.

May we repent as a nation and turn back to the Lord our God, and may we look to You to be the one and only source of our hope, knowing that only when the Lord Jesus returns will the problems of life be finally put right. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Direction In Life

Loving Father, You have promised to lead me and to guide me through ever step of my life. I am coming to you now Lord, because I am facing a decision that I need to make and I am not really sure which way to go.

In my heart Lord, I know that if I am seeking You first in my life and walking in spirit and truth, then You will be there, guiding my every step and leading me in the path that is best for me.

Give me peace in my heart as I make this difficult choice and may I live my life as is pleasing to You. Thank You, Lord, that You have promised to be with me every step of the way. May I walk and live in a way that is pleasing to You,


Prayer And Praise During Advent

Dear Heavenly Father, at this time of the year when the Church remembers the first coming of our Lord and Saviour into the world, we want to lift up our hearts and voices in prayer and praise to You, for sending the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to be our Saviour, so that through his blood we may be brought back into a right relationship with Yourself and receive the gift of eternal life – by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

At this time, our thoughts are especially drawn in remembrance to the wonderful time, so long ago, when God in His grace sent the eternal Son of His love into the world to become the propitiation for our sins. How we rejoice when we recall that He set aside His glory and great majesty to take on the form of a man and be born into this world as a tiny baby, in such humble circumstances.

Lord, in a world that is become more secular, I pray that the people of God who are called by Your name would take time to reflect with awe and wonder on this amazing truth, and to prepare our hearts for the time when Jesus Christ will return again in power and great glory at His second Advent.

Purify our hearts we pray, and sanctify our lives so they we may serve you in newness of life, not only in this special season of Advent but every day of our lives,  until You come to take us to be with You forever. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Spiritual Strength, Perseverance And Endurance

Heavenly Father, in Your strength I pray that I may run the race that is set before me with patient endurance, looking to Jesus, Who is the author and finisher of my faith, and the solid Rock upon which I stand. Father, I recognise that this is a spiritual race and the strength and stamina I need is not physical but spiritual - spiritual strength, spiritual perseverance and spiritual endurance.

Help me to lay aside anything and everything that hinders my spiritual progress, diverts my attention from the goal of my calling or inhibits my witness for the Lord. Thank You for the example and encouragement of the many men and women of faith, who have run the same spiritual race before me. And may their faithful witness give me encouragement and determination to follow in their steps, empowered by the strength of the indwelling Holy Spirit, to the praise and glory of God.

Sustain me I pray, and each of Your children who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus, and may we all take up our cross daily, and endure the trials and tribulations that cross our path. May we do this for the heavenly joy that is set before us, knowing that Jesus Himself walked this way before us and has broken the power of sin and death in our lives, so that in His strength we too may receive the spiritual strength, perseverance and endurance run the race that is set before us. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Visa Approval

Loving Heavenly Father, I thank You that You are in control of every situation of our lives and that You know every one of our needs, as well as the dear desires of our heart.
Lord, You have promised that, “before they call I will answer”, and so I am calling on You today to please answer this prayer request of mine for my visa application to be approved.
Lord, You know how important it is for me to get this application approved and You understand the difficulties that have arisen, as well as the problematic delays that so often happen when seeking visa approval.
I pray that in Your grace and mercy, You would allow this application to be approved quickly and without delay. Thank You that You are a God Who hears and answers the prayers of Your children when  we come to You with open hands and a humble heart. I pray in Jesus' name,

Prayers For Loss Of Home

Heavenly Father, we are undergoing the worse housing crisis in living memory and I know that none of us are exempt from the possibility of our homes being forcibly taken away from us due to foreclosures, mounting debt, natural disasters, banking collapses and even from unscrupulous people and unethical governments.
I grieve for all who have lost their home in one way or another, or who are going through the process of having their home ripped away from them and their lives turned upside down. Lord God, You are our Provider and You have promised us Your protection and provision, and we ask that You would look down in pity and mercy on all who are facing the loss of their homes. We pray that You would undertake in a wonderful way to intervene in their lives, and provide for their individual needs.
We pray Your blessing on our own home and family, and place our own lives and futures into Your gracious hands. May we look to You in every eventuality of life, praising You for Your goodness and and depending on You in all things in the difficult days that lie ahead. We ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Unbelievers At Advent Time

Dear Lord, what great hope and mystery surrounds this lovely time of the year, when the body of Christ specially remembers the first advent of our Lord Jesus with such anticipation. That wonderful time when You came into the world, so many years ago, as the King of Israel and Saviour of the world.

Lord, I know that it is not Your will that anyone should perish but that all should come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Who alone can save a dying world, lost in trespasses and sins.

Open the eyes and the hearts of those that are lost in their sins and blinded to the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ. Visit those I pray, who have not yet accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Convict those who have their attention fixed on the temporal things that are passing away. Lord, at this time of Advent when the people of the world are so busy in making preparation for a secular Christmas, I ask You to convict many hearts of their real need of Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

Bring many to a deeper understanding of the real meaning of Advent and Christmas. Help them to come to realise that this is a time of hope, as we remember when the eternal God became the perfect Man, and was born as a baby to die on a cross for the sins of the world. Help them to understand that He lived His life in the shadow of the cross, so that sinful man could be forgiven, by simply believing on His name. Look down in pity on all who do not know the Lord Jesus as Saviour, and may many be saved at this time. In Jesus' name,


“And say: "Save us, God of our salvation; gather us and rescue us from the nations so that we may give thanks to Your holy name and rejoice in Your praise.”
(1 Chronicles 16:35)

Prayer For Patient Endurance To The End

Loving Lord, I thank You for the many witnesses of the faith who have demonstrated that Your power and might is sufficient for all the dangers and disappointments, suffering and pain that we may encounter on our spiritual progress through life. Thank You for the lessons You have taught us through the unparalleled witness of Your servant Job, the severe and sustained trials and tribulations that he endured and the glorious outcome at the end of his journey, when he was able to cry out in humility of heart, I have heard of You with my ears but now I have seen You with my eyes with my spiritual eyes of understanding.

Father, I know that there is much about my journey through life that I do not understand, but Lord I trust You, for You have scheduled every day of my life and there are no dangers or disappointments, suffering or pain of which You are unaware, and which You will not use for Your greater glory and my eternal good. I pray that even though I do not understand the reason for so many of the difficulties that I have to endure, that You will provide me with the sufficient grace I need to persevere to the end. Lord, I believe that my times are in Your hands and I trust You to bring me through to a final and triumphant conclusion.

Strengthen and uphold me in the power of Your Spirit, and sustain and comfort me I pray, so that in all things I may patiently endure to the end to Your praise and glory. I humbly ask this in the name of Jesus,


Prayer For Visa Release

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for the way that You have led me so far, and I ask Lord that You would undertake for the soon release of my visa, which is taking so long to go through the application and approval process.
Lord, we don’t understand the reason for the long delay, but trust that You will intervene in this matter, and allow the papers to be released in time for the proposed visit abroad.
Lord, You have promised that those that put their trust in You will not be disappointed. Hear my petition I pray, and allow the visa to be released speedily, and we will give You all the praise and all the glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayers For Loss Of Hope

Heavenly Father, I cling to You knowing that my heart feels dry and empty as if my hope is draining away, but I thank You that You are there for me in times of trouble and distress, and I pray that You would hold me fast during this period when all hope seems to be evaporating away.
Lord, I know that Your promises are true and that You are with us in the midst of our troubles and trials, our fears and failings and our doubts and difficulties, our brokenness and our bitterness. Help me to cling fast to Your promises, to rest in Your love, to rekindle my hope and to rebuild my joy and my strength in the Lord.
Lord, I believe that losing my hope in You is really a temptation of the enemy, so help I pray, not to lose heart but help me to remember that in Christ I am being renewed day by day by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Help me not to try to rely on myself but to let go and allow You to work Your will in my life.
Develop in me strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, knowing that Your mercies, grace strength and hope are new everymorning, for which I praise Your holy name. In Jesus' name,

A Daily Prayer For Perseverance

Father, I bless and thank You for a brand new day and for the fresh opportunities and challenges that this day will bring. Thank You, that Your mercies are new every morning and I pray that I will walk worthy of You today and be a faithful witness in thought, word and deed, demonstrating a Christ-like attitude to all with whom I come in contact.

Keep me ever-focussed on You Lord, and keep my heart steadfastly trusting You for all my needs and necessities. Help me not to function in my own strength, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. May I stand firm in the truth of the gospel of grace, and remain steadfastly looking to Jesus, trusting in Him to supply His sufficient strength for all occasions. Teach me all that You would have me to learn today and give me the courage and strength to press on toward the goal for the upward call in Christ Jesus. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Employment Visa

Loving Heavenly Father, I thank You for the wonderful opportunity You have given me to work abroad and thank You for the amazing way that You have opened up this job for me. You are worthy of all my praise and thanks.
I pray that You would now undertake for the approval of my employment visa application. I ask that it would be processed and approved speedily and without any obstacles or unnecessary delays.
I pray that You would prepare me for the work that I have been called to do and that You would equip me in every way to carry out this assignment to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayers For Tragic Loss Of Life

Heavenly Father, we come You to lift up this tragic loss of life and pray that You would draw very close to those that have been left behind and are in grief and disbelief, and we pray that You would draw very close to all whose spirits are mourning this tragic loss of life.
Lord, draw very close to those that are broken-hearted, confused, needy or in any way afflicted by what has happened, and give them Your peace and hope in their hearts.
Comfort each one with Your love, strengthen each one by Your grace, draw close to those whose hearts are breaking and may each one lean on You and take their hope and strength from You, Whom to know is life eternal. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For God To Direct The Path I Take

Dear Heavenly Father, I know that You have promised that if I acknowledge You in all my ways, You will direct my path and make them straight. You have also promised to keep those in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You.

Help me not to be afraid or discouraged when the way I take gets steep and rugged, for with You as my guide I need fear no evil.

Order my steps today I pray, and uphold me with Your righteous right hand, for only with You at my side may I go in safety,


Prayer To Overcome Adversity

Heavenly Father, I thank You that You are my God and Saviour, and I bless You that You take and use every circumstance of my life to help me to mature in the faith, to grow in grace and to become the person that You would have me be. Lord, too often the circumstances of my life do not reflect my personal choice, but more and more You are showing me that Your ways are best for my life, and I do thank You for all that You are teaching me through the many adversities that I have had to face, for I recognise that through them You are drawing me ever closer into Your arms of love.

Help me I pray, to gain a greater understanding of Your perfect perspective on my life. Give me patience in all my adversities, and help me to recognise Your guiding hand and Your loving patience towards me. I pray that I will not be overwhelmed or overcome by life’s difficulties, but use each one I pray, to teach me more of Your character, love and grace. Please make me increasingly willing to be changed into the person You would have me be, to Your greater glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Exit Visa

Gracious Heavenly Father, we pray that You would grant the exit visa we so desperately need to get out of the country to go through without any problems.
Lord, You know the dangers that we face here and we pray that in Your grace, You would enable this request for an exit visa to be granted without any further questions or delays.
Lord, we are trusting our lives into Your hand and pray for Your mercy and strength. This we ask in the precious name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ,

A Prayer For Memory Loss

Dear Heavenly Father, it is so distressing to watch those that we love suffering from memory loss, so they are not even able to remember their spouse or family members. Lord, the anguish that this causes is so intensely painful for everyone involved, and so we lift up all those that are having to care for friends and family members who are suffering from Alzheimer's disease or some other form of memory loss.
Pour out Your mercy and grace on all that are afflicted in this way, and give patience and comfort to those that have to watch as their loved ones gradually becoming estranged from them. Give them a deep sense of Your presence, and endue them with courage to face the loss that this condition brings upon all that are affected.
Lord, draw close to those that are having to go through the process of grieving their loss, while having to continue to care for their dear one. May Your perfect peace fill their heart and may they be strengthened by Your sufficient grace, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,

Prayer To Hear Your Still Small Voice

Loving Lord, I want to put my hand in Your hand as I step out into the unknown. I ask that in your love, You will close every door that You would not have me walk through, and open whatever door You would have me take. I trust You to watch over every step I take in life, and to lead me in Your paths of righteousness and goodness.

As I travel through the journey of life, grant that I may have a teachable spirit and ears that are open to Your still small voice. I want to be able to hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit in my spirit. I pray that I may hear Your voice telling me, this is the way… walk in it. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Encouragement For Our Pastor

Loving Lord Jesus, we are so blessed to have the pastor that You have brought to our congregation. Thank You for him and his family. I pray that as he faithfully delivers Your Word to us all week by week he will be encouraged to know that he is fulfilling Your commission to go into all the world and teach the gospel, in a very special way.

Strengthen his walk with You Lord I pray, as he studies the Bible and prepares to deliver the truth of Scripture to all of us that gather week by week, to be fed from Your Word. And I pray that You would send him little encouragements from his congregation or other believers, with whom he comes in contact, as well as opening up the Scriptures more and more to his own understanding as we all seek to mature in the faith. 

Thank You Lord for our dear pastor.


Prayer Of Thanksgiving For All You Mercies

Loving Lord, I come to You with a thankful heart and just want to lift up my hand to praise Your glorious name for all Your goodness and loving-kindness to me. Thank You for Jesus and my eternal salvation.

Thank You for my life and all the joys that You have given me, my friends and my family, my home and my daily provision. How precious to know that Your mercies are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness, Father.

Thank You for the Bible and all the many precious promises it contains and for the many promises that have been fulfilled in my life day by day. Praise Your name, for no matter what comes my way, You have gone ahead to prepare the way. Accept my thanks and my love. In Jesus' precious name,


Prayer To Overcome Addiction

Father God, I come to You in brokenness of spirit and deep need, knowing that for too long I have been out of Your will and out of fellowship with You, as I have allowed this addiction to overtake my life, and have been trapped under its power. Lord, I know that it is not right to be so consumed and addicted, and so I come to You with a broken heart and a penitential spirit to plead for Your forgiveness and grace, and to ask for Your help for I know that nothing but the power of Jesus in my life can break this enslaving addiction.

Lord, the fear that wells up in me as I project my life into the future, has caused great concern and despair to flood my heart, but I know that You have not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and a self-disciplined mind, and Lord, although I have strayed far from You, I am Your child and I ask that You would rescue me from this addiction and enable me to overcome the hold that it has on my life.

Thank You, Father, that You have promised Your perfect peace on all who keep looking to Jesus and I ask that in Your grace, You would lift me back out of this place of addiction and establish me back on the Rock of my Salvation. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Prayer For Strength In Loss

Lord, it was You that made us in Your image, with emotions and feelings, and I am hurting so much because of this loss. Lord, I feel utterly bewildered by all that has gone on and hardly know which way to turn. I just need Your strength to uphold me in this time of such enormous loss and such overwhelming grief.
I know that the Bible says that underneath are Your everlasting arms, and Lord, my pain is so deep that I really need Your grace and strength to comfort and succour me at this time. I ask You to draw very close to me and let me feel Your presence alongside me, in this difficult time of such great sadness.
Give me peace in my heart and comfort me I pray. Lead me by still waters and restore my soul. Keep my faith from faltering, hold me close to Your heart of love, and bind up my brokenness. The Bible says that You came to heal up the broken-hearted and refresh the soul of those that are hurting. Lord, today I ask that You would help and strengthen me in this time of loss. In Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Guidance For A Friend In Need

Dear Heavenly God, I have a dear friend that is going through many problems in their life and do not know which way to turn. Lord, I pray that in Your mercy and love, Your Holy Spirit will reach out to comfort and guide.

Take away all strain and stress that seems to be flooding his (her) mind, and lead them in a straight path into the arms of the Lord Jesus.

I pray that in Your grace and mercy You will be their comfort and guide, and draw them into the everlasting arms of Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer To Break The Obsession Of Gluttony

Dear Heavenly Father, I have suddenly realised that eating has become a true obsession with me and I am quite shocked to realise the damage that this gluttony is doing to my body and to my relationships, including my relationship with You Lord. I ask that You would help me to break this insane craving for food, and to remember that in all things, including my eating habits, my life should glorify You.

Help me Lord, to be wise in what I eat, and I pray that by Your grace You would show me those foods that are detrimental to my body and that cause my moods to fluctuate so dramatically. I realise that so often it is not only my body that is affected by this obsession to eat, but my emotions are being influenced, causing me to become angry or depressed and even lazy.

Lord, I know that when You are put in Your proper place in my life, other things including this gluttony will also be put in the right perspective. Help me Lord, and guide me to take stock of my eating habits and to break this obsession with eating and I will give You all the praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer On Overcoming Bitterness

Father, I confess that my life has become filled with bitterness and the thoughts that so often have been flooding my mind are like toxic poisons that eat into my very being. Lord, I know that this excludes me from any form of right thinking. I have found it so difficult to understand why my prayers seem to be ignored when the circumstances of my life have become so burdensome and heavy.

Father, I confess that the difficulties that seem to have hit me all at one time have caused self-pity to flood my soul and a root of bitterness against You has even started to grow within my heart, which has frankly shocked me. I realise that I am the only one that is being damaged by this destructive attitude and pray that in Your mercy, You would change my heart back to one that trusts You, instead of one that doubts Your goodness.

Help me Lord. I come to You humbled in heart and seeking You to change my focus from an obsession with myself and my own problems, to a correct Christian focus on Jesus and all that He has done for me. Lift me out of this pit of bitterness that I have dug for myself, and renew a right spirit within me I pray. Cleanse me I pray, and give me the grace to turn back to You with a heart that truly trusts and depends on You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Help With Visa Interview

Lord Jesus, I ask for Your help with my visa application and interview. There are so many complicated things to do that I am afraid that I will complete it, only to find that I have done it incorrectly.
Give me wisdom and understanding to fill it out correctly the first time and not to make any mistakes, and help me to prepare for the interview.
Guide me in all that I say and help me to trust You throughout the whole process, for You have promised to help us in our weaknesses and to supply all our needs, according to Your riches in glory. Thank You Jesus,

Prayer For A Sudden Loss

Loving Lord, we come to You in shock and grief over the suddenness of this tragic loss. Father, our hearts are confused and our minds are bewildered and saddened by this unexpected loss.
Please draw very close to all who are affected and we pray that Your perfect peace which passes understanding, would calm each heart and that You would provide necessary comfort and solace to those that are still in such deep shock.
Give wisdom to those that are ministering to the men and women who are so heartbroken by this shocking incident, and we pray that in Your own special way You would draw close to each person and that many would be drawn into a closer walk with Jesus. In His name we pray,

Prayer To Follow The Will Of God

Dear Lord, give me an undivided heart, so that I may walk in Your truth in confidence all the days of my life.

Teach me Your will, as You hold me in the hollow of Your hand.

Help me, in all situations of life to be willing and say, as the Lord Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, "Your will not mine be done." In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Confession For My Gluttony

Father God, I confess that I have not honoured You with my whole body, soul and spirit, but have rather indulged in greediness and gluttony, which has become a thorn in my flesh. Indeed Lord, I confess that I have become a slave of my eating habits and I pray that You would help me to break these habits that are so dishonouring to You. I know that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and I truly want to offer my body as a living sacrifice that is holy and pleasing to You Lord.

Loving Lord, I know that I cannot do this in my own strength, but I know that by the power of Your Spirit, You can break this bondage within. Lord, I acknowledge that the power of sin and death in my life was broken at the cross of Christ Jesus my Lord, and I come to You in my helplessness and pray that You would enable me to break this gluttony that is destroying my life.

Lord, help me I pray. Change me into the person that You would have me be. In Jesus' name,


Prayer To Overcome Disappointments

Father, work deeply in my heart I pray, to help me to accept the disappointments in life that I have been facing recently, as You slowly and graciously unfold the plan and purpose that you have for me. Help me to accept any and all disappointments that I may have to face with a trusting heart that does not question “why”. Teach me to pray, “Thy will be done” in my life, just as the Lord Jesus prayed when He faced the disappointments and pain of His coming crucifixion. Give me a submissive heart that humbly bows before Your will in my life, especially when I don’t understand.

Lord, I know that You have purposed that the way that we deal with the disappointments and distresses in life, in some wonderful way is used by You to glorify Your name. Lord, I don’t understand how this can be, but I do pray that You would give me the grace to accept each and every problem and pain of life with godly grace and a trusting heart, and use it I pray, to Your praise and glory. I ask this in the name of Jesus,


Prayer For Fiancé’s Visa Approval

Dear Lord Jesus, I ask that You would intervene in a wonderful way for my fiancé’s visa approval, which seems to be taking such a long time, in getting the necessary consent.
Lord I confess that I am afraid that something will go wrong that will prevent approval from being granted, which would cause us both so much heartache, and so Lord I ask that You would grant that it will go through this vetting process, without any further problems or delay.
Help me to trust You in this matter. My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak, and too often fear rises in my heart that approval will be denied, but I know that You are in control and pray that it will be granted speedily.
Help us both to rest in You and allow Your perfect peace to flood our hearts, as we wait for the proper approval, trusting You to undertake. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Faithfulness In Ministry

Loving Lord, we desire in this ministry to lift up the lovely name of the Lord Jesus, and to glorify our Father in heaven. Bless our ministry we pray, and may Your Holy Spirit lead and guide all we say and do. May we be changed more and more into the image of Jesus as we seek to follow His command, to love as He has loved us.

Protect us Lord, from the wiles of the enemy who would seek to destroy the good work that You are doing. Build us up in the unity of the Spirit and may we be transformed more and more into the likeness of Christ by the renewing of our mind, day by day.

Keep us Lord, from following our own fleshly pursuits, but rather may we be guided by You in all the areas of this ministry work. Provide for all our needs, knowing that You are One Who has promised to supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory.

Guard us, guide us, keep up and use us as You see fit. In Jesus' name we pray,


Food Addicts Prayer For Weight Loss

Lord, forgive me, I have become addicted to food. I never thought this was possible but I have discovered that my excessive eating and obesity is simply a result of being addicted to food.

Lord, I want to change my life and make it count for You and while I make food the god of my life, I know that You are not in Your rightful position. Thank You for bringing me to an understanding that my weight problem was much more than simply eating too much food, but has become a substitute for You in my life.

Lord, I have no right to expect You to help me in this addiction, but I know that You are a gracious God Who forgives His children when they recognise their sin, confess their faults to You, turn from their wicked ways and place You back in Your rightful place.

I realise that during the time that I have made food the god in my life, my relationship with You has been suffering. I now realise that I have been out of fellowship with You Lord, for a long time. But You are a gracious God, Who has promised that if Your children confess their sin, in the quietness of our heart, You are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, which places us back into a right relationship with You.

Thank You that I have restored my fellowship with You Father, by simply admitting my sin. Help me now to overcome this weight problem I have, and I will give You all the praise and all the glory. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Increasing Generosity

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for all Your loving kindness and grace towards me, for Your day by day provision for all my needs and necessities and for the many blessings that You shower on me so abundantly each day.

Lord, I pray that You would give me a loving spirit and a giving heart towards others. Help me to become increasingly grateful for all I have received and help me to be more and more generous towards others with all that I have. Lord, I know that all I have is Yours, keep me from selfishness.

Lord, I know that I can never begin to out-give You for all that You have provided me through time and into eternity, but help me Lord I pray, to develop such generosity of heart that it is pleasing to Your heart and honouring to Your name. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Overcome Fear

Heavenly Father, we live in a world that is becoming increasingly evil and which can fill our hearts with fears and terror when we see what is happening in the world around us, but I praise You that You have promised to uphold all Your children with Your righteous right hand when we are faced with all sorts of horrors and dangers, and that no matter what we may have to face in this life, You will always be with us to comfort and succour. Thank You Father, that Your plans and purposes for mankind will eventually be fully realised.

Father, we have no clue what personal difficulties any one of us may have to face, but what a comfort to know that You have overcome every form of evil. Sin, Satan and even death itself have already been overcome by the blood of Christ Jesus, Who has given us His life everlasting.

I thank You that You are a faithful and ever-loving God, and I pray that when the icy fingers of fear start to clasp around our throats, that the warmth of Your love and grace would melt away all our fears as we look to Jesus, our Saviour and friend, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer At A Communal Fellowship Meal

How we thank You Father, for the opportunity to meet together for fun and fellowship with other members of the body of Christ, around a table of plenty, filled with the many blessings of Your bountiful abundance.

We thank You for the food that is being shared, and for those that have lovingly prepared these offerings on this table, and we ask Your blessing on each one, as we meet together for a time of refreshment and fellowship.

Thank You for all Your many blessings and gifts that You provide for each of us, day by day. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer To Be Used By The Lord

Heavenly Father, I thank You for the pastors and ministries that You have provided to teach me Your Word and to be a support and encouragement in my Christian life.

Help me to be willing and prepared to be used by You to minister to others, to encourage the body of Christ and to edify those that are called my Your name.

Thank You that You have given to each one gifts, abilities, talents and treasures according to Your grace and I pray that You would use all that I am and all that I have to be an offering, a living sacrifice to be poured out in the service of others and to the glory of Your name.


A Prayer For Forgiveness

Father God, I kneel before You knowing that I have sinned against You in so many different ways. In what I have said and done, as well as in the dirty thoughts that flood through my mind. I know that I am a sinner and as such, I was the cause of the Lord Jesus being crucified on the cruel cross to take the punishment that I justly deserve, to pay that price for my sins. Lord, I know that I am unworthy to come before You, but I ask Your forgiveness of all my sins, for the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ Who died for me at Calvary.

Wash me I pray, in the purifying blood of Jesus. Cleanse me from all my sins. Fill my heart with righteous thoughts and clean desires, for I no longer want to wallow in the cesspit of sin that has for so long separated me from You. Thank You, Lord, that You have promised that all who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour will have their sins forgiven forever. Praise You Lord, for Your grace and mercy on me, a sinner saved by grace. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Prayer To Produce The Fruit Of The Spirit

Heavenly Father, how we pray that our lives would show forth the beautiful fruit of the Spirit, which is rooted and grounded in godly love, and produced in a life that is walking in spirit and truth.
I pray that the life of Christ may guard my spirit and rule my life and that I may truly be submitted to the leading and guidance of Your Holy Spirit. Teach me I pray, to walk in spirit and truth, to live as unto the Lord, to depend on Your sufficient grace, and in Your strength, to fulfil the new commandment You gave to the Church, to love others as Christ loved us.
My love is weak and poor, but I pray that in Your mercy You would fan into flame a Christ-like love in my heart, and develop in me a deep and genuine love for all my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I pray that I would take every opportunity to demonstrate Your love to others, in action, attitude, mood and motive, and to show forth Your love not only with my lips but in my life, by giving up myself to Your service, and by walking in holiness and humility of spirit all the days of my life, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer For Guidance As I Minister God’s Word

Loving Heavenly Father, Who causes all the Holy scripture to be written for our learning, open our hearts and minds I pray, so that we are willing to hear and understand all that Your Holy Spirit has to teach us today.

May we read, mark, learn and inwardly digest, all that You have graciously condescended give us in Your Word. Help us not only to be hearers of Your Word, but those that take and apply all that we learn from You in our lives, to Your praise and glory.

Guide me I pray, as I seek to minister the truth of Your Word. Give us all ears that are ready to listen and hearts that are willing to learn, and may we all be fed from the living Bread, Who Himself came down from heaven to be our Saviour and Lord.

I ask this in the name of our precious Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord,


Prayer Of Thanks For Our Dinner

Dear Heavenly Father, we are gathered together around the dining table in friendship and fellowship to partake of the many blessings that You have bestowed on us all, for which we are truly thankful.

Thank You, Father, for Your gracious provision, day by day. Provide for those in need we pray, and look down in compassion on those that are hungry today. Please bless this food that we are about to share together and we pray that You would bless it to our bodies, and use us in Your service.

Give us ever-grateful hearts for all the many gifts and graces that You provided for us all in such abundance, for which we praise Your holy name. In Jesus' name, 


Earnest Prayer For Forgiveness Of Sins

Father, the weight of my sins weigh heavily on my conscience and I know that there is no righteousness in me. I come to You pleading for Your great mercy, and repent of all the many sins that I have committed against You so grievously. Lord, I confess that in my pride and arrogance I even joked about Your existence and blasphemed You in word and deed, and yet I discover that You sent Your only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to be the only acceptable sacrifice that could pay the price for my sins.

Lord, I kneel before You broken in heart for the wrong that I have done against You, and beg for Your grace and mercy on a pitiful sinner, who has come to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that He is my Saviour and Redeemer. Wash away all my sins I pray, and cleanse both my mouth and my thoughts from the filth that has poured fourth from my blackened heart. Lord, I come in humility of heart and brokenness of spirit, and pray and thank You that in Your mercy You sent Jesus to be the price for my sins. Thank You for Your promise that all who believe on Him would not perish but have their sins forgiven and receive the free gift of eternal life. Thank You, that I have been saved by Your grace, simply by trusting in the blood of Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer For Spiritual Fruitfulness

Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You that by grace through faith I am Your child. Thank You, that I have been positioned in Christ, and placed in union with Him, Who is the true and living Vine.
Thank You, that I have been covered in His righteousness and that Your desire for me is that I am fully conformed into the very image and likeness of Your dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as I abide in Him, and He in me, so that His very character and nature may be gradually formed in me.
Help me I pray, to be spiritually fruitful and to abide in Jesus day by day. Thank You, that as the heavenly Gardener You are graciously pruning me through the truth of Your Word and shaping me into the person You would have me be.
Cut away anything in my life that hinders my spiritual growth, and help me to learn the lessons that You would teach me, so that I may grow into the likeness of the Lord Jesus and bear much fruit to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,

Dinnertime Prayer For Those Who Are Hungry

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your gracious provision to us day be day and for the many blessing of Your grace, of which we all partake each day. But Lord, I know that there are many people in the world today who are hurting and hungry, and I bring before You all those people in need or who are facing hunger and food-shortages.

Provide Lord, for each of Your children, and look down in pity and mercy on them that have insufficient food or are facing famine. I lift up those that have severe financial and social difficulties and who are unable to provide even the basics of life for themselves and their families.

Look down in pity on all who are hungry, both in body and spirit. Provide for both their physical needs and spiritual food. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus,


Prayer For A Generous Heart And A Wise Spirit

Heavenly Father, open my eyes to see all the generous provision that You have given to me throughout my life. Thank You for the material and financial blessings that You have given me and help me to continue to trust You for my provision, even when times are hard.

Help me to be wise with all that You have given me and teach me from Your Word how best the use the gifts, talents and finances that You have entrusted to me, to Your honour.

Keep me Lord, from both poverty and from excessive riches, but may I develop a generous spirit and a wise heart to share what I do have wisely with those in need, as You would lead and guide. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Forgiveness From A Guilty Sinner

Father God, thank You that You are the One that pardons guilty sinners, like me who are unworthy to so much as approach Your perfect righteousness. By rights, I should be excluded from Your presence forever, for I am guilty of so many of my sins and should stand condemned and exposed before You, who is a perfect and holy God. And yet in Your grace and mercy, You reached down from heaven to save a guilty sinner and sent Jesus to die on the cross so that by believing on Him, I would not perish but have everlasting life.

Thank You, Lord, for Jesus, Thank You for dying on the cross and shedding Your blood for me. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For An Engagement Ceremony

Heavenly Father, we thank You for this joyful engagement ceremony and praise You for the close bond of marriage which was ordained by You, to bring together a man and a woman in holy matrimony.
We thank You for bringing this couple together in love, and pray that You would direct and govern their lives together. Draw them closer to each other in the bond of godly love and fellowship, and remain close to them in the future decisions and choices that they will make in their life together.
Be with us now Lord, as we join with them in joyful celebration of their commitment to each other, and we pray that You would bless us all during this special engagement ceremony.
Guard and guide their future together and may Your grace and blessing shine down on them in untold measure today, and in the days that lie ahead. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Discrimination In My Giving

Dear Lord Jesus, I pray that whether I have a little or a lot You, would take what I have and use it to Your glory. When times are hard, help me not to be tight-fisted and when I have plenty, give me wisdom in sharing all that you have given to me.

Help me to be discriminating in my offerings and develop in me the joy and cheerfulness in giving that is so pleasing to Your heart.

I pray that You would direct me in any offerings and gifts I may make and give me the wisdom to recognise a real need from one that is feigned. Loving Father, there are so many ministries today that are actively asking for money and finances. Direct me I pray, to give wisely and give me discernment to know who to support and who to avoid. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Forgive Others

Father, there are certain things that have recently happened to me that have been so painful that I am finding it quite difficult to forgive others, and yet I know that this is Your will for each one of Your children. I know that forgiving others in our hearts has a beautiful secondary function, of opening up our hearts and lives to Your warming love and perfect peace.

Lord, I want to forgive others, but there seems to be a sort of blockage that is causing me to hold fast to my anger and hurt. Please Father God, in Your goodness and grace, would You please help me to forgive fully, freely and forever so that I may be released from this sharp pain of unforgiveness, which seems to be holding my heart in an icy, iron grip.

Lord, You have promised in Your Word that Your grace is sufficient for every trial and each difficulty in life, and I trust that this means that Your grace is sufficient to bring me to that point of genuine and gracious forgiveness. And so I cast this unforgiveness at Your feet and pray that You would forgive me for holding onto my unforgiving heart for so long, knowing that in Christ Jesus You have forgiven me so much. Thank You, Lord, for dying on the cross for me and for forgiving all my sins. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient for me. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Engagement Ring

Heavenly Father, we thank You for this joyful engagement celebration and the commitment that these two people have made to each other, to spend their lives together, as husband and wife.
We come to You today, to celebrate their decision and consecrate their future into Your hands, and we ask for Your special blessing on this engagement ring, praying that he who gives it and she who wears it would recognise that significance of this important symbol, a life-time of loving commitment to one another.
We pray that Your blessing would rest upon them throughout this engagement period, as they plan for their future life together. We ask that this may be a time when their love for each other deepens and grows, as they cement their future happiness on You. This we ask in Jesus' name,

A New Christian’s Sad Prayer For Her Husband

Dear God, neither my husband nor I were saved when we were first married and things were pretty good between us. But now Father God, I have become born again and become a new Christian, a new creation in Christ, and it is causing strife between us.

It grieves me Father, that the love we once shared has become so sour, simply because I have started to trust in the Lord Jesus as my Saviour. My husband thinks I am soppy and is not interested in anything I say about Jesus, and is starting to get quite angry about it.

Please help me Lord. Help me to be strong and help me to grow in my faith and not to give up. Help me to somehow tell my husband of the good news of the gospel of grace. I want him to know that the Lord Christ died for his sins and took the punishment that he deserved, and that He rose again on the third day and broke the power of death in the lives of believers. The gospel is so wonderful and I just long that he comes to faith too.

Please Lord, I know that nothing is impossible for You to do, and I ask that you show my husband the truth. I pray that one day soon he will be saved, like me. I pray this in Jesus' name, 


Prayer For Understanding To Pray Into God’s Will

Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, the trials and difficulties that surround us, seem at times to take up so much of our thoughts and prayers, but Lord I ask that You would give me a deeper understanding of how to pray into Your perfect and eternal will, for You have put eternity in my heart and I desire to pray in unity with Your Spirit and in line with Your will.

Teach me Lord, how to focus on my prayers on Your wider plan for man and all that You have purposed for the world, and give me a deep yearning to join my pleadings with Your perfect plans. May I seek first Your millennial kingdom rule on earth and Your eternal kingdom rule in the eternal ages to come.

It was the Lord Jesus Who said, “My will is to the will of Him Who sent me and to finish His world,” and Lord, I pray that You would develop in me an increasingly deep desire to carry our Your will and purpose in my life and prayers, and the understanding and discernment to know how to pray.

May You be glorified in my prayers and may my prayers and pleadings be aligned to Your will. In Jesus' name I pray,


Child’s Prayer For Forgiveness

Dear Lord Jesus, I am sorry that I have been naughty and disobeyed my parents. I know I should listen to them but sometimes I don’t want to and then I get into trouble. I don’t want to disobey, but sometimes I do and I know that it makes them mad, and then they are mad with me and I am mad back at them.

Dear Jesus, please forgive me for disobeying and help me to listen to my parents next time and to do what they tell me to do. Thank You that even when I am naughty You still love me, even though I know that it makes You very sad, when I don’t do as I am told to do.

Thank You, Jesus, for dying for me on the cross and thank You for taking the punishment for my sins when I am naughty. Thank You, that You rose back to life again and went to heaven so that I can be forgiven and go to heaven too. Thank You, that you never stop loving me even when I do disobey and help me to be good in the future. Thank You Jesus,


Prayer For Engaged Christian Couple

Lord, we come before You now to ask Your blessing on this engagement, and pray You will pour our Your grace and favour on this Christian couple, in the commitment that they have made to each other and in their desire to consecrate their future relationship to You.
We pray that in the days and months that lie ahead, You will prepare their hearts and minds for the sacred institution of marriage to which You have called them, and we thank You Father, that their mutual love for each other is founded on their sincere love for You.
We pray that you would continue to bless and guide them with each passing day, and to honour and keep them, as they plan their future together.
May the light of Your love shine on them today and throughout their future together. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Children In Hospital

Loving Lord Jesus, You were the one Who encouraged the little children to come to You and placed Your hands on them to bless them. Lord, I bring the many children that are in hospital tonight, facing so many different sicknesses and illnesses.

Draw very close to each little life that is facing hospitalisation, and give them courage and peace in their hearts. I pray You would bring each one quickly back to full health and strength.

Give the doctors and nursing staff and all those that are involved with their wellbeing during their time in hospital, patience and skill as they treat each little life. And I ask that You would comfort the families of children and especially other siblings and parents, knowing that separation from home and family can be a frightening experience for all concerned. Guard each one and be with each one, and draw them closer into the arms of the Lord Jesus. 


Prayer For Wisdom And Understanding In All Things

Thank You, Father, for the wonderful way that we have been created in Your likeness and for the amazing way that our bodies and minds function. Lord, I pray that You would enable me a deeper understanding of You, Your will, Your ways and Your person.

Teach me what You would have me do in the place where You have planted me. Help me day by day Lord, to fix the eyes of my heart and the gaze of my understanding on You. Use my hands and my feet to lift and carry others, and may I walk in the paths that You have set before me and not stray from Your will for my life.

Lord, I pray that the thoughts of my mind would be continuously upon You, so that I may speak only those things that are pleasing to You and think only those thoughts are honouring to Your name. I ask this in the name of Jesus,


Prayer Of Strength For The Weary

Father God, how wonderful to know that You have provided all that is necessary to live a godly life in Christ Jesus. Your grace truly is sufficient to supply whatever needs and necessities we may have to face, and thank You that no matter how difficult the circumstances that arise in our lives, nor how lonely the path may be, Your grace is sufficient for Your strength is made perfect in our weakness.

I pray, that You would provide all that I need to face today and that You would renew my spirit within me as I rest in Your love. Strengthen me in every way I pray, emotionally, physically and spiritually, and thank You, Father, for Your wonderful promise that, "they that wait upon You shall have their spirit renewed and mount up with wings like eagles." Thank You, Lord, and praise Your holy name that You are my strength and my God. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Engaged Daughter

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the precious gift of our lovely daughter, and praise You Lord for the many joys that parenthood has brought.
Thank You for the privilege of allowing us to watch her develop into a beautiful young woman, and that in Your grace, You have seen fit to bring this special man into her life, and to draw them together in the bond of love.
Lord, as they take this next important step in life and pledge their love to each other, we pray Your special blessing on their engagement, and that their betrothal will be an extra-special time when they draw closer to each other, and to You. 
May they never forget the importance of the commitment that they have made to each other, and we pray that they would continue to love and serve You in their future life together to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray,

Prayer For Those In Hospital During The Night

Loving Lord, I pray for all those that are in hospital tonight and who are facing long nights away from home with little sleep and who are bereft of their families and home comforts.

Be close to each one in hospital tonight, especially those that are finding sleep and rest so difficult. Be near to those that are frightened or disorientated, and may Your peace and hope fill many hearts tonight.

Lord You are the God of comfort and rest, and I pray that You would pour out that peace and comfort and joy that only comes from knowing You, onto those in hospital tonight. I pray there will be open hearts tonight, ready and willing to come to Christ Jesus as Saviour, so that You can pour that perfect peace that passes all understanding into their hearts and minds tonight. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus,


Prayer To Be Kept From A Judgmental Spirit

Heavenly Father, I ask that you would give me an understanding and discerning heart. Help me to be slow to get angry but quick to response to the needs, disappointment and problems that others are facing.

Keep me Lord, from developing a judgmental spirit that can so often jump to the wrong conclusions, and prevent me from speaking too hastily, which can so often cause sadness and pain to those that are in need and trouble.

Lord, I want to be used by You as a channel of blessing and too often I speak out of turn and do not show the loving compassion that I want to show. Teach me Lord, how to relate to people and I pray that You would change me from the inside out to be the person that You would have me to be. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Prayer Of Strength For Service

Thank You, Father, that You are faithful to equip all those whom You call into Your service, so that they may carry out and complete the work that You have prepared for them to do. Lord, You know my own limitations and inabilities and I pray that in the power of the Holy Spirit, You would furnish me with the necessary skill and graces to fulfil all that You would have me do.

Thank You, Father, that You are the same yesterday, today and forever and just as You went ahead of so many of Your saints of old and furnished them with the abilities and capacity to fulfil the tasks that they were given, so too I pray that You will graciously carry out Your good purpose in my life. And Father, just as You promised to be with both Moses and Isaiah in the work that each was called to do, so I trust You to strengthen and support me in all that You have set before me. And may I do everything as unto the Lord. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Those Getting Engaged

Heavenly Lord, thank You for drawing this couple together in love, and for the betrothal commitment that they have made to each other. And so we lift them up to You, and pray for Your blessing on their engagement and future life together.
Guide their choices and plans in the days that lie ahead. Strengthen and uphold them as together they make arrangements for their wedding day. Give them wisdom and understanding of the commitment that they have pledged to each other, and may they find great joy and deep contentment in their love for each other.
May Your love and peace undergird them and Your Holy Spirit lead and guide them. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For All Those Working In Hospitals

Dear Father God, thank You for all those that have chosen to work in our hospitals and clinics so that they may help others who are seriously ill or needing some specialist health care.

Bless the nursing staff and doctors, and all those that make up the different medical teams, the various therapist, anaesthetists and surgeons, as well as the admin staff and ancillary workers. Bless each staff member, all of whom are so vital to the smooth running of our health centres and hospitals.

Give each one the wisdom and patience to work in this stressful environment, and may Your quiet calmness and peace settle in their hearts, as they work together to care for all their patients.

May our clinics and hospitals be truly caring environments and prevent those who work in them from becoming impersonal or disinterested in those for who they care, but rather may the love of Jesus show forth in each one. I pray that many of our hospital staff who do not yet know You, may come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Thank You, Lord. 


Prayer To Be Taught To Pray With Understanding

Lord, teach me how to pray with understanding. Teach me I pray, how to pray into Your will, to pray in spirit and truth, to pray as You would have me pray.

Lord, I ask that as I come across various difficulties that people are facing that I hear with Your ears, see with Your eyes and understand with Your heart so that I may speak and pray into the situation as You would have me pray. In Jesus' name I pray,


Our Engagement And Betrothal Prayer

Gracious Heavenly Father, we come to You with joyful hearts and grateful thanks for the beautiful way that You have brought us together in love, and pray that as we make our betrothal pledge to each other, that You would bless our time of engagement.
We pray that as we leave our single status behind and move forward to the day when we will be fully united in holy matrimony, that You would bless our time together, and that it would be a period when we would draw even closer in faithful love to one another, and also to You.
Grant that we may be loyal in our commitment to each other and learn to love one another with godly wisdom and open truth. Fill our hearts with grace, goodness, gentleness and kindness towards each other, and prevent any foolish jealousies, unnecessary pretences or unfounded distrust for the other.
Help us to found our future together on biblical principles, and may we never lose the first love and initial enthusiasm we discovered in each other. May we grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord and Saviour together, in Whose name we pray,

Prayer For Those In Hospital Emergencies

Dear Heavenly Father, I bring before You the many people who have been admitted into hospital today, facing emergency operations or who have been rushed into hospital due to some serious illness or accident. Be with each one, and may Your love and peace strengthen and help each one at this traumatic time.

Be with the families and friends of all who are going through the sudden shock of seeing a loved one being rushed into hospital, and may they find their strength and support in You.

Comfort each heart and dry each tear I pray. Support those that are weak and who are crying out in pain or confusion, and Lord, I pray that in Your grace, You would draw many to discover their hope in You.

Send Your perfect peace that passes understanding into those that trust in Your Son as Saviour, and may this be a time that draws them ever closer into Your arms of love. In Jesus' name, 


Prayer To Understand The Word Of God

Heavenly Father, thank You for sending the Lord Jesus to be my Saviour and for dying for me on the cross and paying the price for my sins. Thank You for giving us the Word of God that so beautifully opens up Your plan of redemption for mankind, and thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to live in me and to lead and guide me into all truth.

I pray Lord, that You would give me a deeper understanding of Your Word, Your plan for Israel and Your plan for the Church. I pray that as I read and study the scriptures, that my heart would be flooded with Your light, so that I can understand all that You would teach me. I pray that my understanding would cause me to live in a way that is honouring to You, and that I would draw closer to You with every passing day.

Father, I pray that You would open the eyes of my heart as I read, study and meditate on Your Word, so that I may see You more clearly and love you more dearly. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Prayer For Holiness Of Heart

Dear Heavenly Father, You are a holy God and I desire to be holy too. Set apart unto You, and living my life in a manner that is worthy of You and pleasing to You.
Search my heart I pray, and if there is any cherished sin lurking within, I ask that You would search it out and destroy it, for I know that only the one that has clean hands and a pure heart may stand in Your presence.
Purify my heart, cleanse my inner thoughts and examine the very motives behind my acts and attitudes, for I desire to live in holiness of heart. If there is anything that is displeasing to You in my life, I ask that in Your grace You would root it out, so that I may live in godly holiness all the days of my life, clothed in Christ’s righteousness, separated unto You and walking in godly love. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For All Who Are Suffering With Cancer

Loving Heavenly Father, I am coming to you of behalf of so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ that are suffering with cancer. Lord, I place each one into Your loving care and pray that in Your grace, You will comfort their heart and soothe away all anxieties.

Strengthen each one as they face a future which may be fraught with difficulties. Give them the peace that only comes from You, and I pray that You will uphold each one with the strength of Your mighty arm.

Give those that are treating and caring for these dear children of Yours, the skill and wisdom to do what is best in dealing with this destructive illness.

Father, I pray for healing of the body and health of the mind, but most of all I pray that through this trauma that has struck each life, You will draw each one of your children closer to the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray,


New Hospital Patient’s Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus, I come to you a little confused and a little afraid as I have had to be admitted to hospital and Lord, I am a little frightened and apprehensive as well. Support me I pray, and be with me through all the tests and things that I have to go through, and Lord, I ask that I would be able to return home soon.

Be with my family I pray, and all those that I love and keep them from worrying. And Lord, I also ask that You would be with the other patients in this ward as there seem to be many people that are lonely and even seem lost.

Help me Lord, to rest in Your love and abide in You during my time in hospital, and help me to get a good nights rest here, for my hope is in You. Draw me ever closer to Your heart of love and give me Your peace and hope in my heart. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Prayer For Personal Holiness

Thank You, Father, that You have called me out of darkness into Your marvellous light and set me free from slavery to sin and released me from bondage to fear. 
Thank You for breathing the new resurrection life of Christ into my very being, and for taking up permanent residence within my heart. Lord, I want to be led by Your Holy Spirit and to walk in spirit and truth. I want to live a godly life and to develop personal holiness, but I do not really know how to. 
Lord, I come to You incapable of being able to live a holy life myself and humbly ask You Lord, that You would teach me to be holy and show me how You would have me live. Open my eyes to see what You would have to do. Unblock my ears so that I may hear Your still small voice, and give me a teachable spirit to learn all that You would teach me. I know that alone I can do nothing, but in Christ, Who is my life, I can do all things. In Jesus' name,

Prayer As We Move Into Our New Home

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for guiding us to this new home and for Your constant hand of blessing on us and on our family. We pray that Your peace and love will be poured out in great abundance on our home, and that You would be ever present with us, within its walls

Protect us we pray, from all the evil and dangers of this world and guard and guide us along the future path that You would have us take.

May Your constant love stream through the windows of our new home and into the hearts of all that live or visit here, and may the warmth of Your grace and Your perfect peace be our every present comfort in time of need.

Thank You for all Your loving-kindness and grace towards us as we dedicate this home to You, and pray that in Your grace, You would use it to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray,


A Prayer For Forgiveness

Lord, I know that the nation whose God is the Lord is a blessed nation indeed, and yet I know that the nations in general and my own nation in particular, have turned their backs on You who made us and redeemed us with the precious blood of Your only begotten Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.

We have failed miserably as we sought to live our lives apart from You. We have fallen deeper into moral decay and degenerated into a spiritual void that only You can lighten and heal. Convict us Lord both individually and nationally of our need to turn to You, for You alone are the answer to our shocking downward spiral. I pray that individually and nationally we may turn from our sins, repent of the way that we have walked away from the fountain of life and carved our stagnant cisterns in the putrefying rocks-pools of fallen humanity. May we look to Jesus as our health and healer, for there is no health in us.

Look down in pity on us, for we are lost and miserable offenders, who deserve not your pity but Your judgement. Create in us a clean heart, with purified thoughts and a penitent disposition. Father, we do not deserve Your mercy but Lord, I plead Your pity over our hopeless nations and pray that You would restore to us the joy of our salvation, according to Your great mercy and loving-kindness. Help us all to repent, return and remember all that Christ has done on the cross of Calvary for every member of the human race. Lord, turn the hearts of sinners to their Saviour so that they may be delivered from this sin sick world. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For All Our Grandchildren

Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of my precious children and what a privilege it is to see my grandchildren growing up and learning about You. Thank You, Father, for each little life and I lift each one up to You Lord, and pray that by Your grace and love You would surround them with Your love throughout their lives.

Guard and guide them all I pray, and uphold and protect them. May each one come to know You Lord, as their personal Saviour, and may they all come to a deep understanding of all You are and all that You have done for them. Oh Lord, I pray most earnestly that each one would accept You into their hearts and lives as their Lord and Saviour.

I pray that as they grow into their teens and become young adults, that You would keep their hearts and minds turned to You and trusting in Jesus for their every need. Protect each one from the philosophies and mindset of the world that are so contrary to the truth of Scripture, and may each one grow in grace and become strong in their faith as they develop in wisdom and discernment.

Protect them from the evils of this age, keep them from temptations, and help them to live godly lives and to develop as responsible adults who will teach their own children the wonderful truth of Salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord. In His name I pray,


A Prayer To ‘Be Holy As God Is Holy’

Heavenly Father, Your Word commands us to, “be holy as You are holy”, and I know that in and of myself I cannot live in true holiness of heart, except as the Lord Jesus lives His life in me, and the Holy Spirit carries out a life-transforming work in me.
Thank You, that I have been born into Your family, united together with Christ and am one with Him. I pray that increasingly, His nature and character may be developed in me, until I can say as Paul did, “my old self has died and been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives His resurrection life in me and works through me.”
I ask that You would continue to root out all of me that is counter to what You desire from me, and I pray that You would increasingly transform me into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus, day by day.
Lord, I know that this is not an easy prayer to pray and it will likely cause me much pain, but I believe that this is the will for each of Your children, and so I come to You today and say, Father, Your will be done in my life. Give me I pray, that desire and grace to become a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto You, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

A Christian’s Prayer For My Terminal Cancer

Dear God, You are the Father of all mercies and God of all comfort. Comfort me I pray, as I face this unexpected cancer, which I have been told is now terminal.

Though I don’t understand why this has happened, I do believe that everything that takes place in the lives of each of Your children, has a wider purpose in Your plan for our lives. Give me courage to hold onto the truth of Your Word, for I know Your plans for me are all for good.

Help me to face the future with courage and peace. Lord, there are many things that I had planned to do which now seem to have simply evaporated, but I pray that in the time that I have left you will hold me steady and help me to face the future with great courage and in the knowledge that You are my ever present help in times of trouble. I ask this in the name of Jesus, 


Prayer For Mercy For The Nations

Father, You alone are the almighty God Who is abounding in mercy and loving-kindness. Father, You have shown great patience and long-suffering to so many people down through the centuries and yet we know that Your justified and perfect wrath will one day fall on the nations of this world if we continue to disobey Your laws and turn our backs on the God of our Salvation and His anointed Christ and Saviour Son.

Lord, we have strayed far away from Your ways and have become like a flock of straying sheep without a shepherd. Lord, we have become a rebellious people and we have followed the devises and desires of our own hearts and indulged in the sinful lusts of our fallen flesh. We are not worthy to be called your children. Lord, we confess that we have offended a holy God and we have disregarded Your holy ways. We have been quick to follow in the paths of unrighteousness and have wandered far away from the road of righteousness, that You in Your grace have designed for us to walk in, and Lord, there is no health in us, nor do we deserve Your pity or Your kindness.

But Lord, You have proved down through the centuries that You are a forgiving God and a God of tender-kindness. Slow to anger and of great long-suffering mercies. Oh Lord, we confess our faults and failings, our sins and our rebellions prideful hearts and we pray that You would restore us.

Forgive us Lord, and teach us Your ways. Raise us up again to be a nation that loves and trusts You, and Lord, we pray that one day very soon, You would send You Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to come and take up His eternal rule on earth. Lord, we pray for that day when the earth will be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.

Lord, in Your justice remember mercy we pray. Pity Your creation and draw many out of the miry clay back into Your arms of loving forgiveness. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Motherhood

Lord, we thank You so much for mothers and for role of motherhood, and we pray for all mothers today, that You would fill their hearts with grace and love, and endue them with strength, patience, wisdom and joy.
We pray for all mothers today, and thank You for the gentle protection, wise counsel and godly correction they so often provide to their children and we pray that they would be given the grace to bring up their children in the fear and nurture of the Lord.
Thank You for the wisdom and guidance we have received from our own mothers, and for many selfless actions that they so often take on behalf of their children, and which so often goes unnoticed, unacknowledged and un-thanked.
Draw close to all mothers we pray, and fill each one with with Your love, guide and direct them as they carry out the roles and responsibilities of motherhood. Draw them into close loving fellowship with their families and with You. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For My Family As I Am Face Cancer

Dear Lord Jesus, You have called us to come to You when we are in trouble or heavy laden and You will give us rest, hope and comfort. I come to You today, knowing that I have a been diagnosed with cancer that is so far advanced that I have been given but a short time to live. Lord, this is a shock and yet I want to trust You through it. Give me the courage I pray.

Give me the strength and courage to leave this evil cancer in Your hands, knowing that You have scheduled every day of my life and this is no surprise to You.

Be with my dear family, as I know that their hope seems to be shattered and they are in deep distress. I ask Lord, that through my illness You will draw each of them that I love into a saving faith and full fellowship with Yourself.

I pray that You would heal me, but whether I live or die, I lay my life into Your strong hands, and thank You that I am Your child.

Thank You that I can come to You and there find rest for my soul. 


Prayer Of Blessing At House Warming

We do thank You Lord, for bringing us into this home that You have graciously provided for us in so many ways. Thank You for all the loving support that we have received from so many people who have helped and supported us in many different ways, to move into our home and settle into this place.

We are gathering today to offer our heartfelt thanks for Your gracious provision, and to pray Your blessing and peace on us and on our home and neighbours. May Your presence abide here with us and may it be a place of welcome to all who may enter within. And Lord, we pray that Your name may be glorified here.

Abide in each room we pray, and may the sunshine of Your warming love enter into the hearts of all that come through the door. May this always be a place that is open and welcoming to others. Guard us from the strategies of the evil one, and may Your Holy Spirit of grace hover over our home and pour out Your manifold blessing on us. In Jesus' name we pray, 


Prayer For All People, For Kings And Governors

Heavenly Father, we are called upon to offer supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for all people, including kings, presidents and princes, and indeed for all those that are in high positions of power in local and national government and other nescessary positions of authority.

Lord, we pray that You would look down in grace and mercy on those that are governing the nations of the world, and our own nations in particular. Guide those who are responsible for making national decisions and establishing national and local laws, so that as a nation we honour Your name. And guide us all in Your grace so that we may honour You in our nation, and live quiet, peaceful and godly lives that are honouring to You.

Lord, we ask that You would oversee the decisions that are made in high places and especially pray that you would frustrate discussions and decision that are made in secret places, which are outside of Your desires for our nation. Thwart the plans of unscrupulous men and women we pray, and turn them for Your greater good. Look down we pray on all kings, presidents, princes, and those in authority over the nations, may Your will be done, Your kingdom come, to Your praise and Your glory. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For My Child’s First Day At School

Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You for the heritage and gift of children and for bringing my own precious child to this important milestone in their life, their first day at school. 

Lord, I pray that You would be with them and that You would be there every moment of the day to care and protect. Take away any fears or concerns they may have, and develop in them a desire to make new and exciting discoveries.

Give the teachers wisdom and grace to help and cherish each child so that they may settle down and enjoy all that comes with constructive learning. I pray that my own precious little one will make friends and not feel lonely.

Help me Lord, not to be concerned, but to leave my child in Your hands, knowing that You have promised to be there every moment of the day. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Mother's Day

Heavenly Father, we thank You for our mothers who untiringly love and care for us with every passing day, but today Lord, on this important “Mother’s Day”, we specially want to lift up all mothers throughout the land. Thank You for the very special role they play in the lives of their children.
Thank You for the selfless love they so often show and for the grace and encouragement they are able to give us, as well as their correction, wisdom and counsel.  Thank Your for the role model they so often provide to us and to others, and for the many sacrifices they willingly make on account of their children and families.
We pray that the influence that they exercise over their children would be godly wisdom, seasoned with salt and bathed in prayer. We pray that You would provide the necessary health and strength they need to care for their families in their demanding task, and that You would grant each one multiplied grace, as they seek to carry out the many roles and responsibilities each within their own homes. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer for Healing of Cancer

Loving Lord, I know that nothing is impossible with You and nothing it too difficult for you to do. I know that you have healed many diseases and sicknesses and You have promised to be my Healer too.

I pray for Your healing touch on my life and the cancer that is now beginning to spread through my body.

Lord, I don’t know how to pray and at times I just feel unable to pray, but I lift my heart to You and pray that in Your time and in Your way You will touch my body and heal me of this disease.

Give me courage Lord for my hope is in You,


Prayer For My Persecuted Brothers In Christ

Heavenly Father, thank You for all my brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. Thank You that You have given us all a new life in Christ and have made us members of His Body, the church. It is wonderful to realise that I have members of my heavenly family in every corner of the world, and that one day we will all meet together, in heaven at the feet of Jesus. Praise Your name! 

Lord, I also know that many, many Christians around the world are suffering severe persecution. Gross and wicked things are taking place to many who trust in Jesus as Saviour. I know that it must break Your heart as it does mine when we hear of the terrible atrocities that are taking place in so many different countries.

Father, I pray that in Your mercy, You will protect them from the evils of this world and be with them throughout all the terrible ordeals that so many are facing. Guard and guide them and keep them from harm. Protect the children of our Christian brothers and sisters, that are so very vulnerable.

And Lord, for those that face death for the name of Christ, give them I pray, the grace to know that You are with them every step of the way. May they all receive Your crown of life that is promised to all who give up their lives for the sake of Christ.

In Revelation the martyrs under the alter pray, “how long?” and Lord, we join with them to say, “ Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.” In Jesus' name, 


A Mother’s Graduation Prayer For Her Daughter

Loving Lord, how I thank You for my for precious daughter and what a joy she has been in my life. You formed her in my womb and breathed Your life into her tiny form. You helped me as I taught and trained her through her infant day and early years. I have watched her grow into the lovely young woman that she is today, and thank You for the privilege of being her mother.

Today Lord, I bring this dear daughter to You, as she prepares in excitement for her graduation ceremony. May it be a time that she will clothe herself in mature womanhood as she steps out onto the frontier of life.

Lead her Lord, in Your path of righteousness and love. Guard her and guide her through the ups and downs that will shadow her path. Bind her heart to the truth of Your Word, keep her under the shadow of Your wing and may she move out into life with a scriptural foundation that will not be shaken.

Bring up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. Lord, I claim that promise for my precious daughter. May she continue to grow in grace and in a knowledge of her Lord and Saviour, until her life’s end. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Prayer For A New Class and School

Loving Lord, I give my child into Your hands today, and every day, as they set off on this new journey of discovery, as they start a new school today.

Father, you know all the little fears and troubles that can flood the mind of a young child in unfamiliar surroundings, and I pray that you would give me the wisdom to prepare my little one beforehand so that they are not faced with any unforeseen events for which they have not been prepared and which could frighten them. Lord, I do ask that You would be close by, for they have been taught from being very young to trust You and to tell you the things that scare or confuse them. Lord, I pray especially during these early days, that they will pass with no problems, but that You would guard their little heart and be an ever present help throughout the whole day.

Lord, I pray for the teachers too, that You would give them an understanding heart and a caring disposition. I pray that they may be quick to identify and deal with any of the little problems that may arise during the day, knowing that they can so quickly become mountains in the mind of a child, unless they are dealt with quickly and quietly.

I pray that as I deliver my child up into the care of another day, that Father You would remain close to us both. I pray that I would know Your peace in my heart, and have that peace and assurance that you will be encamped round about my child every moment of the day. And so Lord, into Your hands I give my child today. In Jesus' name,


A Prayer Of Help For Obedience

Father God, Thou art the only true God and Thou art the only God men have ever been taught about, Who condescends to love His people as a father.

Help us, O God, to be obedient children, but help us also to cast out of our hearts and minds all things that might hinder us in a whole and holy love for Thee.

As Thou didst love the world, help us to love. As Thou didst give Thyself for us, help us to give ourselves for Thee.

For Christ’s sake,


Prayer For Mothers-In-Law

Dear Father God, thank You that You were the one that instituted the role of the family in our lives, where children are brought up in a secure home, and where loving parents provide for their children in a safe, secure and nurturing environment.
Thank You also for the wider family and today Lord, I particularly want to bring before You the role of mothers-in- law within the family unit.
Sadly Lord the role of “mother-in-law” has too often become a target of cruel jokes and yet I praise You for the grace and wisdom of this special person within the extended family, who can be such a source of encouragement and wisdom, both to the parents and to their grand-children.
Give grace and wisdom to all women who have been called into the important role of Mother-in-law. Endue each one with godly virtue and gracious wisdom, so that they may to know when to offer wise counsel, while having the discernment to know when to quietly withdraw.
I pray that You would curb any critical attitude they may have towards their daughter-in law or son-in-law, but rather I pray that the role of mother-in-law may increasingly become a be a source of great help, valued encouragement and gracious wisdom. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Blessing For Christian Graduate Students

Loving Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of life and the wonderful privilege of knowing You. Lord, at this time of graduation we bring before You all these young lives that will soon be graduating.

Lead and guide all those that are called by Your name and have accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Father, we pray that each one remains firm in the truth that they have been taught throughout their youth and may each one grow into Christian maturity and come to know the Lord Jesus more and more with each passing day.

As life opens up before each one and the temptations of the world seek to entice them away from the road of righteousness, hold each one steady, and may Your Holy Spirit be an ever-present help in time of trouble, and an ever-present comfort in times of difficulty.

Thank You for each life and each family that is represented by these Christian men and women who are soon to graduate, and may their lives be a wonderful witness to all those with whom they come in contact. Keep them safe from harm in the arms of Jesus, we pray,


Parents Prayer For A First Day at School

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank You that I can always turn to You, and Father, today it is quite difficult as I am about to leave my little child at a new school for the first time. I think that my reservations far exceed those of my child, and so I pray that You would be with them throughout the day as their caring Shepherd and Lord, be with me so that I may rest in You too.

I pray that they will not get lost in the school corridors, or forget which is their classroom. I pray that they will not lose any of their equipment or feel frightened when they are not sure what to do or where to go. I pray that they will find friends in their class and that You will keep them from worrying if they have not got exactly the same equipment as the other children may have.

I pray that You would give the teacher a gracious attitude towards each child. Give the teacher the wisdom and compassion to notice any one that may be fearful or afraid. Lord, more than anything I pray that You would be with each child throughout the day and that this experience may be a stepping stone in the journey of life, which will be overshadowed and undergirded by you, every step on the way.

Give me courage to let go of my own children and to trust them into Your perfect care. May this be an opportunity for us both to draw ever closer to you with every passing day. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Against Getting Cancer

Dear God, I know a number of people I care about who are suffering with cancer and I am frightened about getting cancer myself. I am coming to You to ask that You keep me from getting any type of cancer in my body.

Please take this fear of cancer away I pray. I want to trust You, and I ask that You would heal those that do have cancer and help them to overcome this horrid disease and to put their faith in You. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer To Take Every Anxious Thought Captive

Father, we are told to consider the wonderful way that You provide for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, knowing that we, who are Your children, are so much more precious to You than they are. Why do I become anxious, when I know that all I have to do is to trust You? Why do I spend so much of my time worrying about so many things in life? I know that You have promised to be our Healer, our Provider, our Shepherd and our Peace, and You have been these and so much more to me, and yet Lord I am prone to anxiety and care.

Help me Lord, to take captive each anxious thoughts that crosses my mind as it arises in my heart, and give it over to You as You have instructed. Help me to, "take every anxious thought captive,” the moment it passes like a shadow across my heart. Help me to hand it over to Jesus, instead of allowing it to revolve around my mind, causing anxiety in my soul to increase.

Help me to consider the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, and the heavens and the earth and all that You have made by the strength of Your mighty power, knowing that Your same mighty power is available to all Who trust in Christ as Saviour. Help me to consider Jesus and all He did for me at Calvary. And help me to take every anxious thoughs captive, and rest in Him. 


“Can any of you add a cubit to his height by worrying?”
(Luke 12:25)

A Father’s Graduation Prayer For His Son

Heavenly Father, how I thank You for the life of my son and for bringing him to this important milestone in his life, a graduating ceremony that ends such an important period of his journey through life, and gives way to the twists and turns that he will inevitably face in the future.

I pray that he will apply all that he has learned up to now, and that You would continue to teach him Your ways and to guide him along the path that You would have him go. Give him wisdom in the choices that he will have to make, and I pray that he will have sound judgements in the challenges that lie ahead of him.

I pray that he has learned the lessons of responsibility, integrity and grace that he has been taught throughout his life, and that what he has learned will manifest itself in the direction that he chooses to go. Keep him steady in his faith and may he maintain his trust in You, especially when he starts to be bombarded with the inevitable temptations and taboos in life, that cause so many young people to go astray.

As he faces a working world, I pray that he will maintain his trust in You. I also ask that with the many additional responsibilities of life he now faces, that You will guide him socially, financially and spiritually in all things and that he will turn to You as his Guide. Help him Lord, to stand fast in the faith in which he has been grounded from being a little boy and keep him from being influenced by unethical business practices or any unhealthy social contacts.

I pray that he will turn to You in all his needs and necessities, and that in Your time and in Your way You will bring a godly wife into his life, so that together they my stand firm against the tide of humanity that seeks to swamp all those that trust in You.

Father, thank You that You are my Father and for giving me the privilege of being a father to my own son. I pray that in his adult life He will keep You as the Rock upon which he is grounded, and his ever present helping time of need. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For The First Day At School

Loving Lord ,I give my child into Your hands today, as they set off on this new journey of discovery on their first day at school. Father, may all go smoothly for them and indeed for all who will be in the class today. I pray that You will undertake for the little things that can so often go wrong or cause little ones problems or worries.

Father, I have sought to bring up my child in the way they should go and diligently taught them the truth of Scripture and that Jesus is their Saviour Who died for their sins and rose again, so that by believing on Him they will receive everlasting life. I have taught them to turn to You for all their needs and necessities, but Lord at times I feel that the current school system has strayed so far away from the truth of the gospel and I am concerned that they are not led away from all that they have learned throughout their early years of their life.

So Lord, I pray that you would protect my child’s heart and mind as they attend this new school. Bring Christian teachers and other children into their lives who have the same Christian values that we hold so dear. Protect my child’s mind and may their trust in Jesus be strengthened and grow as they start to attend school.

Lord, You have promised, that if we train up a child in the way that they should go, when they are old they will not depart from it. I claim this promise today and every day, and ask that You would help me to reinforce the truth of the gospel in the days that lie ahead. I pray that my little one will grow strong in the faith, and that their school education will help to reinforce rather than weaken their trust in the Lord Jesus, in Whose name I pray,


Child's Prayer For My Mother

Dear Lord Jesus, I love my mom and thank You giving me to her. Thank You for all she does for me and the food that she makes.
Thank You for giving me the best mom in the world. Please bless her every day and help her in all that she does.
Thank You, that You died for me on the cross to forgive me and rose again so that we can all be with You in heaven. Please bless us all. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Healing Of Breast Cancer

Dear Jesus, my friend has developed a lump on her breast and is concerned that this might be cancer. I ask You Lord Jesus to comfort and help her and to guide her, as to who she ought to go and see and what to do about this concern that she has.

I know that You have said that if we ask anything in Your name You would do it. I ask You, Lord, to visit my friend at her point of need and minister to her and give her courage, as only You can – and Jesus, I ask that this lump may go right away.

I also pray that You will use me to be a comfort and support at this worrying time and I pray that we both learn to rest in You and to trust You in all things, knowing that You care about every part of our lives and our bodies.

Thank You that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and I pray for Your healing touch on my dear sister in Christ, that this lump will go away quickly, and we will praise Your name.

I ask this prayer in the name of Jesus,


Prayer To Be Anxious For Nothing

Lord, You have told us in Your Word to be anxious for nothing, and I know in my heart that I am anxious about lot of things. And what is worse, I pretend to others that I am not worried, when in fact I am anxious about everything. I know such striving is not Your will for my life and I pray Lord, that You will show me how I may live my life resting on Your promises of peace and rest.

You said in Your Word not to be anxious, but pray instead about everything and to talk to You about what I need. You told me also to have a thankful heart for all that You have done in my life. Lord, I am coming to You this very moment to tell You that I long to stop being so anxious and to ask that in Your grace You would keep me from all anxious thoughts, and give me Your peace that passes understanding.

I also pray that You will help me to keep my mind fixed on Jesus, so that when any anxious imaginings starts to surface in my mind, I may immediately turn my thoughts onto You, and thank You for all that You have done for me, and for the many promises that are all Yes and Amen in Jesus Christ.

Thank You, that You are a God who listens to our heart cry and answers our prayers. In Jesus' name,


“Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”
(Philippians 4:6)

My Graduation Prayer To God

Dear God, how wonderful it is to have reached this graduation ceremony and I thank You that You have been with me throughout my education. Lord, may it be a time of great fellowship and fun for all of us, (students and teachers as well as friends and family), and thank You for all the good friends I have made and for all that I have learned as I have worked my way through this time of schooling.

Thank You for the skills that I have acquired and the teachers that have taught me so tirelessly. Thanks for all my friends and family that have been so supportive and for the for many lessons that I have learned.

Lord, it is an exciting and yet a daunting thing to realise that a whole chapter of my life is just about to close and a new phase of life is beginning. Be with me Lord I pray, as I step out into the unknown, and ask that You would lead and guide me through all the ups and downs of life that are likely to accompany me along this untried journey.

Lord, keep me close to You. I have been warned how easy it is to get sucked into the world’s way of thinking and behaving and I don’t want to find myself drifting into the ways of the world. Thank You for my parents and for the amazing support they have been throughout my life. And so Lord, here I am about to graduate, but I pray that You will continue to be my guard and guide, my teacher and instructor along life’s way, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Youngsters Starting A New School

Heavenly Father, I continue to thank You for my children and the different stages that each one is passing through, and Lord, I pray that as they pass through each season of their education, You would be there to lead and guide and to protect and sustain.

Keep them safe today as they start a new school and a new class with new teachers and children, and Lord knowing that they are stepping out into the unknown, I pray that You would be with each of them, to watch over them and protect them from harm. Lord, I pray that they will not be harmed by unkind or careless words from other children or staff, and that they would demonstrate a truly loving spirit as they keep their eyes on You.

Protect them from both staff and students who seek to undermine the faith of Christians in a new school, but rather give them the wisdom to be able to answer wisely and not to be intimidated or threatened when their faith is challenged, as seems to be happening more frequently these days. 

Keep them from worldly ways and the enticements of the flesh, and guard and guide their walk and protect their faith in Christ their Saviour, especially when they are challenged over what they believe. Protect them from those that would seek to bully them for their faith. Bring into their lives other Christian staff and students and give them the strength and wisdom to walk day by day with You and to be drawn closer to You every day. In Jesus' name, 


A Prayer Of Thankfulness For God's Love

Is it possible, O God, possible that you can love such as I?

Yet I know it is true. If I allowed myself to doubt your love, all would be lost.

Thank you, God, thank you for loving me. Help me never to betray such wonderful love.


Prayer For A Mother Giving Birth

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that the time has arrived for this new little life to be brought into the world and that the long months of waiting is almost over. How precious is each little life, and I thank You for this miracle of creation and love.
Thank You, that You have brought this pregnancy safely to its full term. I ask that this precious little babe would be delivered safely and without any complications, for either the mother or her baby.
I never cease to wonder at the miracle of life that secretly grows and develops within the womb, until the moment arrives when for new life to be born into the waiting world. Thank You for new life, Lord.
I pray You would be close to all mothers-in-waiting. Calm all fears, undertake for all their concerns and may each on know Your presence as they enter this beautiful state of motherhood. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Our Summer Holiday

Thank You, Lord, for the times of refreshment and opportunities to go away on a holiday, so that we may be renewed in body soul and spirit. And Lord, we particularly thank Your for this lovely summer holiday time, and pray that You would be with us as we spend time away from the hustle and bustle of the work-a-day week and take time to rest awhile.

Lord, it was You Who reminded Your own disciples that they needed to times of refreshment and from the stresses and strains of the day, and we thank You for this opportunity to enjoy different and new experiences. May our time away be one of warmth and love and filled with fun and fellowship. May our hearts overflow with Your joy and peace and may we fill our lungs with laughter.

Watch over our journey as we travel and protect us from all difficulties and dangers. May we rest in You and return refreshed in body soul and spirit to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Wisdom For Our Rulers

Heavenly Father, we know that You are the Lord and God Who appoints and removes those in authority. Father, we bring before You our own nations and pray that You would raise up and put down those men and women in our own nation that will further Your plans and purposes in our nation and throughout the wider international perspective.

Give wisdom we pray, to all those that You have appointed to be the governors and rulers of our own nation in particular and throughout the whole world in general. Give us wisdom to understand the times in which we live, and prepare us for all that we may have to face in the in foreseeable future.

Loving Lord, we know that there are many places of darkness and wickedness. Many nations that have adopted an anti-God agenda and that many of Your children are living in nations that are facing severe persecution and dangers. Thank You, that He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world, and we pray for all our brothers and sisters throughout the nations that are facing any from or persecution, because of the faith in Jesus Christ. Give them courage and uphold each one with the power of You might right hand.

Lord, we know that the nations in general and the leaders that You have placed in control are for the most part turning their backs on the true and living Way, and progressing the people in their lands down a path towards Your wrath and their destruction.

Look down in pity on all peoples throughout the nations. Search the hearts of all people we pray, and draw those that are seeking You into a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Pity the people of the nations, and we pray that despite the mounting grief and tragedy in so many places on earth, that Your will be done, and that You would save many people form the jaws of death and destruction by the might of Your power. Lord, You are our God and we trust You. Shall not the God of all the world do right? Yes indeed, praise Your holy name,


Prayer For Stress At Work

Heavenly Father, You know the concerns there are at my place of work, and the stress it is causing to me and all my colleagues, and I just want to hand it over to You, because I know that it is not Your will for any of Your children to be plagued with these sorts of stresses and worries.
I do thank You for giving me this job so that I can properly provide for my family, but the increasing tension which is being caused by the numbers of cut-backs and lay-offs, together with the extra work-load that is being placed on those of us that are left, is causing a lot of uncertainty and a wave of anxiety seems to have permeated through the work force as well as the managers.
Lord, I know that my times and my future is in Your hands and so is my job, and I ask that You would keep me from all unnecessary worry and stress about redundancy or my increasingly work-load. Father, I hand all my stresses to You. My hope and my trust is in You, because You have promised to supply all my needs, according to Your riches in glory. Praise Your holy name. 

Prayer For Our Christmas Holiday

Loving Father, we thank You for the birth of Your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God and the perfect Son of Man, Who was born in a stable and lived His whole life in humble obedience to Your will. Thank You, for sending Him to be our Saviour and to die on the cross to pay the price for our sins.

Lord, at this Christmas time, we pray for all those men and women who do not know You as their Saviour, and pray that in Your mercy and grace You would convict many of their need of a Saviour.

Lord, we know that the world seeks peace and yet there will never be any peace in this world until Christ reigns in power. And there will never be peace within the heart of man until the Lord Jesus takes up residence in a believing heart. Continue to carry out Your convicting work in the hearts of the nations we pray, especially during this Christmas time, and may many come to know You as their Saviour. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For A Stressful Day

Heavenly Father, today has been stressful from start to finish. It feels as if I have been a magnet for problems and frustration, and whatever I said or did caused problems to others and distress to me as well. Lord, I feel exhausted, frustrated, stressed out, and far from You.
Father, I know that this is not how my life should be lived. I know that You have promised to give us Your perfect peace in our heart when our mind is focused on You, but Lord, I guess that my mind has not been ‘stayed on You today!’ I admit that I have allowed the stresses and strains of the day to manipulate my mind instead of handing all my worries and stresses to You.  And so I hand today over to You, knowing that You alone can soothe away this stressful day.
Help me to rest in You love and give me a good nights sleep, and I pray that in the morning I will remember to place the issues of the tomorrow into Your hands and not try to deal with everything by myself. Thank You, Father, that Your mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Help In Time Of Need

Loving Heavenly Father, You created all things and by Your power all things hold together. According to Your riches in mercy, I pray that You would help me through this very difficult time of my life.

Lord, You know that I have problems within the home and difficulties within the family, as well as financial problems and relationship problems, all of which seem to have hit me hard, at the same time. Lord, I don’t know what to do, but my eyes are on You because You have promised to be my help in time of need.

Strengthen me by the might of Your power and help me not to look at the circumstances of life but on You. For I know that Your grace is sufficient for Your power is made perfect in my weakness.

I ask Lord, that I am not overwhelmed by all that is going on, but rather that You would take my life, every part of it, and cover it with Your great grace. Lord, I know that You are able to do the impossible in our lives and are able to do abundantly more than we can ask or think. I place all my troubles on You, for You have promised to carry me and help me in time of need. I ask Lord for Your help in Jesus' name,


Prayer Before Studying The Bible

Dear Lord, thank You for Your written Word and the mighty truths it contains. We pray that in the power of Your Holy Spirit, You would open our hearts and minds to the truths that You wish us to see.

Prepare our hearts and open our minds we pray, and give us a teachable spirit that is receptive to all that You would have us learn today. Open our ears to hear Your voice speaking to us and remove any preconceived biases that we may have developed in this particular passage of scripture.

Guide us into all truth and prevent our own internal voices from speaking out of turn or drowning out the still small voice to Your Holy Spirit. And should we stray from the truth of this passage, would ask that we would not retain any error but rather that we would remember the truth. May we grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus today. Feed our hearts, by faith, with thanksgiving we pray. In Jesus' name,


A Prayer To Know Your Grace In My Life

Help me O God, because like all the children of men, I need your daily grace. Yesterday’s blessings can encourage but will not take care of the burdens of today.

May I know Thee as the Shepherd of my life and eternal soul. May my fears be dissolved by faith in Thee and through the power of Thy love.

Help me to love and manifest the spirit of love under all circumstances to all people. May my life be a glory to Thyself, a help to my fellow-man and rewarding to me.

In Jesus’ name,


Prayer For Stressful Situations

Heavenly Father, I am surrounded by stressful situations and at times, it feels as if I am drowning in the problems and difficulties of life. At times, I just don't know what to do or who to turn to, and yet I know that my hope is in You and that You have promised to carry all my stresses and problems. You even encourage us to cast all our burdens on You and lay all of our stresses down at Your feet, so that You can carry them for us. Thank You, Lord, for Your never failing grace and faithful help in time of need. Help me to turn quickly to You, instead of trying to sort things out on my own.

Forgive me for the way that I keep allowing the stresses of daily life to build up before giving them over to You. Help me Lord, to take every problem and hand it straight to You, the moment that it rears its ugly head in my mind.
Help me to take every worry, every problem, every stress and every thought captive the moment that it begins to form in my mind, and hand it to You, for You have promised to carry our burdens and calm our troubled minds. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer To Have Healthy Children

Dear Lord, I know that children are a heritage and a gift from You. Lord, I am longing to have a baby and I pray that I may be blessed with many children.

I am Your child, and I pray that in Your love You will bless me with my own children, so that I may raise them up in the fear and nurture of the Lord.

Fill my womb I pray, with a healthy baby, and I will give You all the praise and all the glory.

Thank You Lord, I know that You are a God that answers prayers. I pray this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Those In Need Of A Job

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You today in real need of employment and am getting concerned as I have been out of work for some time, with few opportunities of securing any job.

You know the responsibilities I have, and I ask Lord that You would guide me to the right job. I know that there are many people who are in the same situation as I am in, and at times Lord I get quite discouraged. Please help me Lord not to be anxious, but to know that You are working all things according to Your good plan. Lord, at times I feel I am not part of Your plan, and yet I know what the Word tells us, that You will work all things together for good to those that love You, even my jobless position.

Help me to trust You in all things and not to fret or become too discouraged. I know we are to live by faith and not by sight. Help me Lord to trust in You. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer In Times Of Weakness

Lord Jesus, I pray that You would listen to my prayer, for I am weak and helpless and have no one but You to turn to in my time of trouble. I feel so lost and so alone and I hardly know which way to turn. My body has become so weak and my eyes are red with weeping, and things are so difficult that I ask You to show me Your mercy.

Keep me I pray, from going under and giving up. You are my God and I have trusted You. Lord, You have promised to be with me to help in my weakness and to carry me when things become too hard. You have promised to carry me and I am asking for Your help. 

Lord, I am Your servant and have trusted You in times past. Come to my aid in my time of weakness I pray, and carry me in Your arms of love. I lift my heart to You Lord all day long, and trust You to help as You have promised. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For The Light Of The Gospel Of Truth

Heavenly Father, shine the pure light of Your Word of truth into our hearts today and open the eyes of our minds to comprehend the nuggets of truth that are contained within this precious passage of Scripture.

Thank You for Your Word. Your Word is truth and life and health and light. It is nourishment for our souls and refreshment to our spirits, and Lord, we desire to study Your Word through the guidance of Your Holy Spirit, so that we grow in grace and spiritually mature in the faith, as we press on toward the goal of our high calling, striving to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus.

As we study Your Word, may Your name be exalted and lifted up, for You alone are worthy of praise and worship for You alone are holy and good, gracious and of great mercy. Open our eyes to see Your truth. Open our ears to hear Your voice. Open our hearts to receive what You have for each one of us, and open our lips to speak only that which glorifies Your name. In Jesus' name we pray,


A Prayer For Strong Love For God

O Lord, when you said to your disciples, “One of you shall betray Me, they each asked, “Lord, is it I?” I pray, O God, for a love so strong that I will never betray Thee.


Prayer For Holiday Stress

Dear Lord, I know that the holiday season is supposed to be a time of relaxation and enjoyment, but I find a whole range of emotions welling up inside me, as the holiday approaches, and I almost find that I am in a panic, with all the preparations that need to be dealt with. 
Lord, I know that holidays should be a time of celebration and joy and yet too often, I feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with all the things that have to be done, both before and during the holiday, and I find that I constantly worry that everything will be alright. Lord, I know that this is not what You want for Your children, and I ask for Your help in the approaching holiday season.
Lord Jesus, You have promised that Your strength in made perfect in our weakness and that Your grace is sufficient for all the circumstances of life, including this holiday-time. Keep me I pray, from any anxiety and stress during this holiday time, and help me to rest in the knowledge that You have everything in control and that Your grace is sufficient for me. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer To Become A Little Family Unit

Dear Lord Jesus, we are hoping to start a family soon and I long to be a mother holding a little baby in my arms to love and to cherish. Bless me I pray with a healthy pregnancy, and give us both the wisdom to be good and wise parents.

May Your will be done in our lives and help us to fulfil our purpose in life by becoming a little family rather than just a couple. O Lord hear my prayer,


Prayer For Those Looking For Job

Dear Lord Jesus, I come to You as I am looking for suitable employment, and pray that You will guide me as I try to look for vacant posts and apply for suitable positions.

Lord, I am Your child and my life belongs to You. I pray that You will use my life in the work that You have prepared for me to do.

Grant me wisdom as I start to write and apply for jobs, and I pray that I may find grace in the eyes of the employers.

Go before me I pray, and open wide the door through which You would have me travel, and please shut tight every door that is unsuitable in Your sight. Lead me Lord, along Your chosen path and may I be sensitive to Your voice saying, "This is the way, walk in it." 


Prayer For Help When Being Falsely Accused

Help me Lord, and save me from those that are seeking to destroy me. Show me Lord, what You would have me to do. Lord, I want to trust and obey You and to rest my weary soul on You and not rely on my own strength, for there is nothing I can do. I come to You on my knees imploring You Lord, to stand up as my Champion and Defender.

Lord, I find myself into deep trouble for I have been falsely accused and no one seems interested in helping me or able to do anything. And Father, some have even turned their backs on me and are accusing me of falsities.

Lord, You know the truth and I ask that You would vindicate me. Have mercy Lord and help me. Turn Your heart towards me and have pity on me I pray. You are my Advocate and my Helper in time of trouble, and I pray that You would rescue me speedily. Show me Your goodness for the sake of Your holy name, for I trust in You. I pray in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanks For My Hope In Christ

Father, I want to praise and thank You for the living hope that I have in Christ Jesus my Saviour. Thank You, that He is the same yesterday, today and forever and that I have been placed in union with Him. Thank You for the confident assurance I have in Him, knowing that my eternal future is secured for me in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus my Savour.

Thank You, that my hope in firmly anchored in Him and eternally secured to Christ, the Rock of my salvation, and I pray that day by day I may hold fast to the blessed hope that is set before me: looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith, knowing that my Lord Jesus Christ is the mainstay of my soul, and Who is both sure and steadfast, faithful and true. I praise and thank You for my wonderful hope in Christ, Who died for me so that I might have an abundance of hope in this world, and in the ages to come, life everlasting. To Him be all praise and glory, world without end,


Prayer For Moving Stress

Dear Lord Jesus, there seems to be so much to do as we prepare to move and so little time to get everything done, that I find that I am exhibiting what can only described as, ‘moving stress’. And Lord there is so much expense that is connected with moving, and deadlines to be met, that I am beginning to stress about the cost of this move as well.
Please dear Lord, please calm my troubled mind and fill me to the brim with Your perfect peace that passes understanding. Undertake for all the many preparations that need to be made, the deadlines we have been given and all the various costs that will have to be met.
Give us Your grace as we seek to undertake all that has to be done, like the evaluations, carriers, advocates and all the other little things that need to be covered. Help us not to overlook anything, but gently calm our hearts and take away all the stresses and strains of moving we pray, and may we depend on You and not on ourselves in all things. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer After A Miscarriage

Dear God, I feel so sad as I have had a number of miscarriages. Each time I have been pregnant, I have lost the little baby that I was carrying. I hurt inside.

I feel so sad and pray that You will heal the hurt and enable me to conceive in my womb and carry a baby to full term.

Give me the strength and courage to try again for a baby, for Lord this is what I desire so much. Thank You that You are a God that hears and answers prayer,


Prayer For Those Who Have Lost Their Job

Loving Lord, we are living in a time of much need and economic hardship, and there are many today who are facing the shock of having lost their job, with little hope of securing a new position.

Father, this causes such deep emotional pressure and severe financial hardship at any time, but when the economic climate is so depressed, it has such a serious knock on effect on relationship with loved ones. Look down with pity I pray, on all that are having to come to terms with joblessness. Look on these people with compassion and in Your mercy, I pray that You will provide for their needs and secure for each one a new position.

Lord, I know that this can happen to any of us and none are exempt from such a devastating loss, but You have promised to supply all the needs of Your children,  and I ask that in Your mercy You will supply all that is needful.

Bring good out of evil Lord, and may the loss of a job be the thing that draws each one into the arms of their Saviour. Save and supply the needs of all who are facing a future without a job I pray,


Prayer To Be Guided Into All Truth

Lord, it was You Who caused all Holy Scripture to be written for our learning. Teach me today in the power of Your Holy Spirit, the truths that You would have me learn.

Lord, I know that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Feed me on Your Word I pray, and make me hungry for the living Manna that came down from heaven, the heavenly Bread of Life and true and living Water, Who alone can bring us into our eternal inheritance. 

May the Spirit of all Truth open my mind today as I read and study Your Word. May I be willing to be led into all truth and to be taught what is the will of the Father in my life. And give me a willing heart and the opportunity to share with others the pearls of truth You would teach me today. In Jesus' name, 


Prayer For Hope In God

Heavenly Father, my hope is in You alone as I face the many storms of life that constantly seem to be battering at my door, with increasing intensity. Lord, they seem like billowing waves beating against everything that has spelled security in my life up ‘til now, and causing me to realise that without You I would be overcome in a moment of time. Help me Lord, to look to You and maintain that hope that I have in You, knowing that without You I am nothing, but with You at the helm of my life I have all I need to stand firm in the faith.

Lord, thank You that by Your grace I have been made a new creation in Christ and thank You for the promise of hope that is set before me in Him. Thank You, that my hope was founded on You the moment I first believed, but forgive me Lord, for over the years I know I have drifted far away from You as I tried, in my own strength, to be the captain my own life and negotiate through its little surges and swells by my own skill and cunning. Lord, I ask Your forgiveness for being so careless with my relationship with You, for You alone deserve my praise and thanksgiving for You alone are the source of my life and the sphere of my hope. You are the faithful Shepherd of the sheep and the Rock upon Whom my hope is founded. Lord, I pray that as the intensity of life’s storms increase all around me, that I may cling ever closer to You, and rest all my hope upon You, for You alone are worthy. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Stress In School

Dear Lord Jesus, You know how worried I get about school and how often I feel so stressed-out about attending, that I feel quite sick and ill, and sometimes even get ulcers in my mouth. Lord, You know how often feel intimidated by the other students and worry that they wont like me, and I know that You also understand how difficult I find some of the lessons. Please help me Lord.
Help me to give my worries to You. Help me to trust You to bring the right friends into my life and help me not to feel intimidated by others, for You have shown me that their rudeness and unkindness is so often because of their their own insecurities and worries
Lord, I know that I am truly blessed to have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus, and I know that it is wrong for me to allow the pressures of school-life to be exhibited as stress reaction. So teach me I pray, how to cope with stress and use it to my advantage and to Your glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Deeper Understand Of God’s Word

Heavenly Father, Who through the power of the Holy Spirit caused all holy scripture to be written for our learning, we pray that we would diligently study Your Word, read, mark, learn and inwardly digest all that You have graciously provided for us, so that we may come to a knowledge of salvation and Your will for our lives.

Open the eyes of our understanding and prepare our hearts by the power of Your Spirit, that we may receive Your Word with much joy and rejoicing and may we leave tonight having a deeper understanding of Who You are.

May we like Job, wonder at Your glory and majesty as we unfold the precious truths that are contained within its pages and may we say like him, "I have heard of You with my ears but now You opened my eyes to spiritual truths and understanding that I never had before." This we ask in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ,


Prayer For A Living Hope

Thank You, Father, that my eternal future is built upon Christ Jesus, my Lord and I pray that I may hold unswervingly to the hope I have in Him, knowing that He Who died on the cross to pay the price for my sins, and drew me with His cords of everlasting love into His family, is faithful to complete the good work that He started in my life, for His Word stands fast for ever and ever.

May I never forget on Whom my hope is founded, knowing that He became sin for me so that I might become the righteousness of God in Him. May I stand firm on the confession of my faith and develop a living hope that stands fast in the day of trouble, knowing that in Him I can face all that this life throws at me. My hope is indeed built on nothing less than the Lord Jesus Christ and His righteousness. Thank You for the living hope I have in Him. In His name I pray,


Prayer For Stress In Marriage

Heavenly Father, our marriage is becoming increasingly stressful and I hardly know where we went wrong, but it seems that we are both getting increasingly tense about so many little things that we are taking it out on each other, and Father, I fear that unless this pressure in our marriage is addressed, we will drift further and further apart.
Lord, I know that life is never easy and unless we cope rightly with life’s pressures, we become victims of stress which can so often lead to depression or even worse. Lord, please help us both us to address the mounting stress in our marriage in the right way, Show us what we need to do individually and as a couple to bring us through this stressful period, and help us both to depend on You to guide us along the right path into the way of peace and unity.
Forgive me for not seeking Your help sooner but Lord, if there are areas in life that we need to address in order to reduce the stresses in our marriage, please show men and give me the wisdom and grace to recognize Your gentle promptings in my life.
Bless our marriage I pray, and may we both learn to cope with the stresses and pressures in our marriage, as we seek to grow closer to each other and to You. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Guidance This Day

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for bringing me safely to the beginning of this new day. Thank You for keeping me safe through the night, and I pray that today may be a day where I live and move and have my being in You. Lord, I pray that the words that come from my mouth, the thoughts that are formed in my heart and the motives behinds all my actions, words and thoughts may be pleasing in Your sight and honoring to Your name.

Lord, I pray that You would be both my guide and my restrainer in all I do and say today, so that my words and deeds are not a work of my own flesh, but are guided by the promptings of Your Holy Spirit. Help me Lord, to walk in spirit and truth and keep me today so that my eyes keep looking to Jesus and my ears are open to Your still small voice. Oh Lord, I pray that You are glorified in all I do.

Keep me I pray, from all temptation and deliver me from all the evils of the day and may today be a day when I learn more of You, so that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of my Lord and Saviour. Help me therefore to walk humbly before You all the days of my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For An Unwavering Hope

Father God, in a world that is ever changing and in a society that has all but rejected the truth of Your Word, I thank You that You are our never-changing Saviour, Who knows the end from the beginning and has the universe in the palm of His hand. Develop in me an unwavering trust in the hope that is set before me, knowing that in Christ I have already received Your gift of eternal life, by grace through faith in Christ Jesus my Lord.

May I learn more and more of Your divine character and perfect attributes, for the more I know You the more I trust You, and the more I trust You the more I come to love You. Develop in me an unwavering hope in Your promises, knowing that despite the evil and wickedness that seems to be suffocating all that is good and pure, Your plans and purposes for mankind will one day be brought to fruition. On that day, Christ will be all in all, and the whole world will be brought into submission under His feet as He rules and reigns on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. May I hope in Him unswervingly and live my life to His praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Holiday Stress

Heavenly Father, there are times when I almost wish that there was no holiday period, because I find that as the holiday approaches, the more I am overtaken by stress and panic. In my heart I prefer to keep things as they are, and yet I know that holidays are an important time of refreshment.
Lord, I believe that You actually designed holidays into man’s schedule, so that they would have times of fun, feasting and family relaxation, and a time of good fellowship, when friends and families get together and enjoy each others company, in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.
Lord, I ask that You would remove far away from me this inherent stress that seems to rear its unfortunate head every time a holiday approaches, and replace it I pray, with a perfect peace of heart within, that only You can give.  
I ask Lord, that You would help me to recognise when the feelings of stress and panic start to emerge within, and help me to hand every stressful thought and each pang of panic over to You, and enable me to rest in Your love and to relax in Your grace. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Tragic Accident At Work

Oh Father God, I am so distressed that one of my colleagues at work has been involved in a fatal accident. It is such a shock, not only to me and to my colleagues, but also to his dear wife and their children too.

Lord, we are all in shock and grieving at this tragic loss, and ask for Your comfort and strength as we all try to come to terms with what has happened, and how this life has been snatched away from us all, so suddenly.

Shine the light of Your hope and comfort into the hearts of all that have been affected by this very sad and sudden death, and I pray that You will provide all that is needful for his family, now that their bread-winner has been taken from them so suddenly and tragically.

May this be a reminder to us all of how very fragile our lives are, and also may it cause each of us to examine our own hearts to see where we stand with God. And Lord, for any who do not know You, I pray that this may be the catalyst to cause them to turn to Christ for their Salvation, for our only hope of eternal life is in You alone. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Spiritual Hope

Thank You, Father, that our hope, which is rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus, is not for this world only, but has a most glorious and eternal perspective. For as Paul told the Corinthian believers, that if we were only to hope in this life, we would be pitied more that anyone else. But praise be to God, that our hope is in Christ, Who has been raised from the dead and in so doing, has become the first-fruits of those who die in the Lord.

Thank You, Father, that our citizenship is in heaven and Christ Jesus is that blessed Hope, for whom we all eagerly await, knowing that when we see Him we shall be changed into His likeness. What a glorious hope we have in Him, a hope that is secured for us in heaven, for which we praise and glorify Your holy name.

May we set our heart and minds on things above, knowing that Christ is seated at the right hand of God, that our life is hid with Christ in God, and we are complete in Him. Father, thank You for this spiritual hope that we have in Jesus, knowing that He is our eternal and abundant life and that when He appears we too will appear with him in glory. Praise Your holy name. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For Holiday Season

Loving Lord, thank You so much for holiday times and the wonder and excitement that they engender in all our hearts, and I just want to praise You for all the goodness and grace You generously pour out on us and all people. Especially, I thank You for the many blessings we gain from these important times of holiday fun and family reunion.
I remember the many feast days and times of rejoicing that You planned for Your people Israel and I bless You that we too have holiday days and holiday seasons, when our inner soul can be refreshed and rejuvenated in a relaxed atmosphere, when we are surrounded by precious friends and family members, and which provides us with such special opportunities of close fellowship and communal fun.
At this holiday season I particularly remember those that are alone, or ill, or going through times of stress or difficulty, and pray that You would draw very close to each and every one. Let them know Your special peace in their heart and give to each one Your sufficient grace.
Thank You, that You are a God that answers prayer. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Another Child

Dear God, I thank You for the precious little children that you have been so gracious to bless me with. I ask now Lord, that I may have another little baby to be their little brother or sister.

I have not always had good health, but I place my life in Your hands and pray that I may conceive once again and enlarge the gates of our family.

May we all grow in grace and may You give me the wisdom I need to teaching and training my children. May they all come to a knowledge of Jesus as their Saviour, in whose name I pray,


Prayer To Live Today For Jesus

Dear Lord, I do thank You for a night of refreshing sleep this past night and thank You for waking me up on the dawning of this new day. Be present with me throughout the day I pray. Strengthen and keep me from all evils and dangers help me to walk worthy of the calling, wherewith I have been called.

If there are burdens, I pray that You will carry them for me and if there are decisions to be made I pray that You would give me the discernment and wisdom I need to make the best choices. If there is busyness in the day I pray that it will not deflect me away from relying on You as I ought.

If there is anyone that You bring into my path today, I pray that You would give me the words and wisdom to say what is needed to be said as well as the sense to know when to be silent. Lord, into Your hands I place my day. Go before me I pray, stay with me each minute of the day and keep me safe under the shadow of Your wings. May You be glorified in my life today so that when people look at me they see no one but Jesus in me. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Childlike Faith

Heavenly Father, help us to develop a trust and faith in You that reflects the simplicity of childlike faith that so rejoices Your heart, and which is so evident in the lives of little children, and yet which seems to evaporate into a vapour as soon as we reach the age of maturity. May we develop a wonder and an amazement at the glorious redemption story, and a deep humility as we approach Your thrice-holy, throne of grace to ask for help in time of need.

Forgive us for losing so much of the wonder of the beautiful incarnation, and for becoming complacent about the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Renew in us a deep reverence for Your holy name, as befits our great and glorious Creator God, Who loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die for our sins, so that whosever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.

Help us in the days that lie ahead to examine our hearts, and to see if we too have become lukewarm towards the things of God. Renew in us a childlike spirit of awe and wonder, so that once again we may marvel at the wonder of Who You truly are. And draw us ever closer into deeper intimacy with Yourself. This we ask in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,


Prayer For Holiday Party

Lord, at this festive holiday time, we pray that You would be with us in all that we do and all that we plan. And today, we particularly want to ask You to bless the holiday party that we are organising, and all the guests that we have invited to share in this special time of celebration.
We ask that You would undertake for all the preparations and plans that we are making for the food and entertainment, and we ask that You would be pleased to bless this little gathering of friends and family who will be joining together for this special holiday party.
Give travelling mercies we pray, for those that are coming from a distance, and we ask that You would grant the warmth of Your love to shine in to the hearts and lives of all that attend.
Grace us we pray with You presence at our holiday function, and may the sunshine of Your love shine into the hearts of all who are coming. May this party be a time when we honour Your name in our actions, attitudes and behaviours. Prevent any discord we pray, and may we be united together in love and fellowship to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray,