Prayer Directly To The Father

Heavenly Father, we come to You today praying that You would graciously guide us as we seek to sell our home and move. Father we know that in Christ we can come directly to Your throne of grace to plead our cause and to ask for help in time on need.

Lord, we know that there are no magic prayers, special saints or spiritual words that we need to offer to You when we come to You in prayer with our requests, but to simply come with a heart that trusts You as our Father, a heart that knows that only through Christ and because of Him, can we approach Your throne of grace, for help in time of need.

We have come to a time of need and we come before Your throne of grace to ask that You would undertake for the sale of our home. Lead us Lord in the whole process of selling and marketing our house, and bring into our lives a buyer that is needing a home just like ours. Father, You alone have the power and the authority and so we place our trust in You.

Help us to fix our faith firmly on You knowing that, "except the Lord build the house we labour in vain," and in the same way, except the Lord sell the house our efforts are equally ineffective. Thank You, Lor,d for Your many and precious promises. In Jesus name' we pray,
