Heavenly Father, thank You for the insight into this simple, but profound greeting and prayer, which Paul offered for Timothy. I pray that You would pour out in great measure, Your never-failing grace, Your matchless mercy, and Your inner peace which passes human understanding, on all who are called by Your name - but I also pray for Your saving grace, compassionate mercy, and free gift of peace with God - for those who are dead in their sin and who do not know Christ as their God and Saviour. This I ask in His precious name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the epistles of Paul and for this final letter to Timothy. I praise You for the wisdom and grace that is shared in its pages. Thank You for those in my life who taught me the glorious gospel of grace, and for those who are younger in the faith whose lives have impacted mine. May I hold fast to the truth that I have learned, give encouragement to my brothers and sisters in Christ, and develop the qualities of faithfulness, fortitude, and forbearance, as I make my way through this increasingly cruel and ungodly world. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.
Thank You, Father, for the privilege and opportunity we have to instruct the children you have placed in our care, in the ways of the Lord. Help us to be diligent in training up our young people in the way they should go, and bring them to a saving faith. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, in the power of Your Holy Spirit, I pray that I may fan into flame the spiritual gift that You have given me, by Your grace. May all I say and do be done in love so that Christ may be formed in me. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You for Your indwelling Holy Spirit and thank You that my life is hid with Christ in God. Thank You that You have not given me a spirit of fear, but one of power, and love, and of a sound mind. May I not fear rejection or ridicule in this increasingly hostile world, nor fear the likelihood of persecution, pain, or even death. But may I fan into flame my faith in Christ so that in Him, I may stand firm in the evil day. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for the holy Scriptures, the truths they contain, the instructions we are given, the encouragement we receive, and the blessed hope we have in Christ. Thank You for all You are teaching me through the epistles of Paul and the other apostles and prophetic writings. I pray that I will never be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord Jesus and the glorious gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God working unto salvation to everyone who believes. I pray that I may be ready and willing to suffer for Your name’s sake, and to consider that the difficulties and dangers of being a Christian, are worthy of the hope I have in Him. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You called me for a holy calling, according to Your purpose and great grace which You granted me in Christ Jesus from all eternity. Thank You that You saved me and called me, not according to my own merit, but by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the truth of the old, old story, which has remained as fresh and impelling for believers today, as the day when Paul wrote his final epistle to Timothy, encouraging him to stand fast in the faith and to testify of God's perfect plan of salvation. I praise You for my great salvation, which was revealed at the coming of our Lord Jesus. Thank You that Christ was sent to abolish death and to bring life and hope to those who believe. Thank You that He is coming again to finish His work, when all things will be placed under His feet and Christ will be all in all. May I be strong and very courageous in my Christian walk, and use me for Your greater praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the good news of the gospel and the wonderful testimony we have of Jesus Christ, our God and Saviour. May I be ready and willing to suffer for the sake of the gospel and rely on Your power to keep and sustain me in the midst of my critics and those that hate me for Christ's sake. Help me to fulfil the work that You have prepared for me to do, and may I glory in the Cross of Christ and look forward to the day when You come to take us to be with Yourself. Thank You, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Lord, I love and trust You. Thank You for the riches of Your eternal grace and for all that You are holding for me in heaven. May I never be ashamed of the gospel of Christ, and may I face the suffering of this world in Your strength. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your written Word. I pray that I may retain the standard of sound words that was delivered to the saints by the apostle Paul. I pray that I would share the whole counsel gospel of God and hold fast to the truth without compromise. Enable me, I pray, to deliver the truth in faith and in love, to the glory of God the Father. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I stand amazed when I realise all that You have done for me. Thank You for my salvation and secure position in Christ. Thank You for the indwelling Spirit and the stunning work He is carrying out in my life. Thank You for entrusting me with the glorious gospel of grace and for the privilege of being used by You as a minister of reconciliation in Your ongoing plan of redemption. Take my life and use me as You will, for Your greater praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' precious name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the epistles of Paul and the teaching and encouragement we gain from them. Thank You for the life of Timothy who was used to great benefit in the early Church, in defending the gospel of grace and teaching the truth of good news of Christ. Keep me faithful in the place where You have planted me, and I pray that my life may be an example to others of someone who holds fast to the pattern of sound teaching recorded in so many of Paul's epistles. Thank You that you are an ever faithful God Who keeps His promises from one generation to another. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that Your Word gives witness to the testimony of many men and women who were faithful in the work You gave them to do. Thank You for the ministry of Paul and the wonderful Scriptures he penned for our learning. Thank You for Timothy, the pastor whose life was such a wonderful demonstration of a young man who was faithful to his calling. And thank You for Onesiphorus, who brought comfort and encouragement to others. I pray that I would remain faithful to the work that You have given me to do. May I not desire honour or validation from others, but only do what is righteous in Your sight, for Your greater praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the wise instructions we are taught in Your Word and for the spiritual strength and courage that I have received, through the grace that is mine in Christ Jesus. Thank You that I have been empowered to carry out the good work that You have prepared for me to do, and I pray that You would use me to help and encourage others, by the grace that is mine in Christ. This I ask in Jesus' wonderful name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the Word of life that we have received from Paul, the other apostles, many witness, faithful men, and others. Thank You for those men and women who have shared the gospel of God, through centuries of time so that by grace through faith in Christ I have been born into Your family and become Your child. Give me the will and opportunity to share the truth of the gospel of grace with others, and bring many into the kingdom for Your name's sake. This I pray in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Father, thank You for the example and teaching of Paul. I long to be the person that You want me to be, in the place where You have put me. May my love for the Lord Jesus be such that I rejoice, like the apostle Paul, to endure suffering for the sake of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the Word of God and the truths that it contains within its sacred pages. Help me to read, mark, learn, and act upon all the things that Christ has done for me so that I may live my life in a manner that pleases You and honours Your holy name. I pray that I may endure life's hardships like a good soldier of Christ and run, with patience, the race of life that is set before me. Keep me pressing on to the goal of my calling and equip me with knowledge and understanding of all that Christ has done for me. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the wonderful example of Paul who was passionate from the beginning to the end of his ministry about sharing the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ to the saved and unsaved alike. I pray that I may be a good and faithful servant and that I may prove to be loyal, dependable, disciplined, self-sacrificial, hard-working, patient and single-minded in my Christian walk.. so that I too may be used by You to minister to saved and unsaved people alike - to Your praise and glory, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I have been saved by grace through faith in Christ. I want to serve as a faithful soldier, running the race that is set before me and patiently enduring all the hardships that may come my way. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient in every area of life. Help me I pray, to live according to Your will so that I may stand before Your throne and hear You say, "well done, good and faithful servant," for Your praise and glory, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that Your Word is true and lays out both the glories of our union with Christ and warnings against carnality, disobedience, and unfaithfulness by living our Christian life in a way that dishonours You. Thank You that I have been justified by faith, and I pray that I may become progressively sanctified and I keep my old sin nature in the place of death. Help me to die to my own desire and live for Christ and to present my life as a living sacrifice that is holy unto the Lord. Thank You for my great salvation, and I pray that when I stand before the judgement seat of Christ, I may receive rewards for faithful endurance in this world through a life that honours You. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word of truth and the grace that it contains. I pray that by Your grace, I may walk in spirit and truth as I search the Scriptures daily to discover what Your Holy Spirit would teach me. Give me understanding of Your Word, a teachable spirit, and guide me into all truth, I pray. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You sent the Lord Jesus to be the firm foundation upon which I am to stand. Thank You that I am Your child and that You know everything about me. Help me, I pray, to abstain from every kind of evil, and help me to run the race that is set before me, looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Dear Lord God, I seek a true inner purity that only comes from You and I come to You, knowing that I stand unclean, impure and wretched before Your perfect throne of purity and truth. Lord, I ask Your forgiveness for the way that I have not honoured You with my body, knowing that I have engaged in many impure acts and unchaste thoughts. I confess that I am unworthy to even kneel before Your perfect presence, and yet I do understand that Christ died to pay the price for all my sins and all my impurities. Thank You, that by believing in Jesus Who died to pay the price for all my sins, You have washed me clean from every dishonouring act. Thank You, Father.
Help me Lord, to flee fornication and all the accompanying evils that flow from illicit sexual relationships and unclean thoughts, knowing that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who dwells in me and lives within my heart. Help me to keep my outward actions and inner thoughts pure before Your eyes, whether I am in the public view or hid in a secret place, and away from the gaze of the world’s eye.
Purify the eyes of my heart and help me to keep the focus of my mind on the Lord Jesus, and develop in me I pray, thoughts, words, deeds and motives that are pure in Your sight and that will honour Your Holy name. In Jesus' name I pray,
Heavenly Father, forgive me for the times when I have been reluctant to share the gospel with those who scoff at Your Word. Forgive me when I have been quarrelsome with those that seem to thrive on arguing with me. Help me to be ready to give an answer for the truth of the gospel with patience and in gentleness of spirit. Help me to be led by Your Holy Spirit and not by my own emotional reactions. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the wisdom and warnings that Your Word contains. I pray that in these perilous times, I will take heed to the instructions of Paul and not try to walk in my own strength, but by the power of the Holy Spirit, looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the many warnings that Scripture gives of the need to be constant in our faith and to persevere under trials. Keep me and those I love, from the evil influence of those that creep into our lives, seeking to undermine our faith and shipwreck those that have been saved by grace through faith in Christ. I pray that I may eschew evil and discern those who seek to turn my mind from the truth to fables. Give me a discerning spirit and a desire to study to show myself approved unto God, for my benefit and for Your greater glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the Word of God and the wonderful truths that it contains. I recognize that there is such an explosion of knowledge in these last days. Knowledge is put on a pedestal, and people work very hard to increase their knowledge of worldly things. I pray that these learned people would come to the knowledge of the thing they need the most, a saving knowledge of You. Keep me from being drawn into the lust for knowledge, and give me discernment to recognise and reject teachers and teachings which water-down the good news of the gospel of grace and pervert the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Give me a teachable spirit and the courage and grace to stand fast in the truth and to share the good news with those I come in contact with, for Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, keep Your people alert to the deceit and deception that is permeating the Church and from evil men whose objective it is to oppose the truth and cause the downfall of Christians and Christianity. Give me discernment to identify deception and the courage to challenge base men like Jannes and Jambres, who used their trickery to oppose Moses, and about whom Paul warned. I pray that I may be willing and able to stand up for the truth and counter every argument against the Word of truth. Enable me to give an answer for the hope that I have, for Your greater praise and glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I see throughout history, that the mark of the enemy is to subvert the truth of Your Word through deceit and to manipulate the minds of people into believing a lie. Help all Your children to hold fast to the truth of the gospel of grace, so that Christ is lifted up. Give us discernment to identify, expose, and reject the false teachings of ungodly men and the foolish philosophers of the world which are percolating into Christian communities and flooding into the corridors of governmental power. Such false doctrines seek to shipwreck the faith of believers, while holding unbelieving minds in satanic darkness. Expose the works of evil, I pray, for Your name's sake. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of being one with Christ, positioned in Him, and clothed in His righteousness. Help me to take this verse seriously, that I will suffer persecution if I live godly in Jesus Christ. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient for any attack that the evil enemy of my soul can throw at me, and that nothing can ever separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the amazing encouragement that we have received in this final letter of Paul to his spiritual son, Timothy. I pray that I may continue to grow in grace and be faithful in the work that You have called me to do. Keep me faithful in ministry, faithful in conduct, faithful in sharing the foundational truth of the Word of God with those I come in contact, and I pray that I may be faithful in my attitude and actions towards my brothers and sisters, and honour You in all I say and do. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for those that introduced me to the truth of the glorious gospel of grace. I pray for the children and young people of today who are the primary target of unprincipled man in this ungodly society which is seeking to destroy the foundational truth of the Word of God. Protect young minds and bring many to a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Word of Truth. Thank You that Your Word is set in heaven and can never be destroyed. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Thank You, loving Father, for the God-breathed Scriptures. Teach me, convict me, correct me and train me through the living, powerful inspired Word of truth, that I may be equipped to carry out the work that You have ordained for me to do. Keep me mindful of the dark days that face the Church in these end times and may I live and work to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me so much that You sent the Lord Jesus to die for me and to pay the price for my sins. Thank You that He rose again and lives within my body. Thank You that in Your God-breathed Word, I have all that I need to equip me to live my life as You intended, in total dependence on You, by grace through faith. Protect me from satanic deception, doctrines of demons, and false teachers, and help me to study to show myself approved so that I may be thoroughly equipped for every good work, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I pray that, more and more, I may be rooted, grounded, and immersed in the truth of Word of God. Use me to encourage others to stand firm in the faith, give me wisdom and courage to discern those that are compromising the truth of Your Word, and keep me from falling, I pray. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Father, I pray that my life, in word and deed, may be a sermon to others. Give me, I pray, a correct understanding of the truth of Your Word. Prevent me from adding my own fallible interpretation of Your Word, but may I rightly divide and preach the Word of truth. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, keep me low at the Cross and looking to Jesus. Protect my heart and mind from the huge numbers of false teachers and unbiblical doctrines that are flooding the Church today. Help me to identify false teachings and distorted doctrines and I pray that I may flee from the increasing amount of ungodly, unbiblical, and extra-biblical teachings that are flooding Christendom today. I pray that I may live worthy of my calling in Christ, and live my life to His praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, how blessed we are to have the living Word of God which teaches, trains, convicts, and corrects us, instructing us in disciplined obedience, and tutoring us in righteousness. I pray that I may take to heart everything that that You would teach me through Paul’s epistles. I pray that I may learn to be watchful and sober in all things, enduring hardship, doing the work of an evangelist, and fulfilling my ministry. Keep me low at the Cross, broken before you and protected from false teachings. And enable me to fight the good fight of faith, for Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You for the life and ministry of Paul and the example he set as a living sacrifice for the glory of God. A life that was poured out as a drink offering to the Lord. Thank You that I have been equipped with all I need for life and godliness, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. I pray that I may be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, courageously fulfil my ministry, and become a living sacrifice and acceptable drink offering to my God and Saviour. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, help me to preach the Word of truth, with all long-suffering and doctrine. Enable me to exhort and encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ, with the same godly passion for the good news of the gospel of Christ that was demonstrated in the life of the apostle Paul. And I pray that in due time I may also say, I have finished the work that You have given me to do - I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, help me to live by grace through faith, as I watch for Your any day return when You come to take us to be with Yourself. I pray that I may run the race set before me with patient endurance as I watch for Your appearing with eager anticipation. I pray that I may finish the good work that You have started in me so that I may hear You say, "Well done faithful servant." In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I am accepted in the Beloved and eternally secure in You, and that even when I prove faithless, You remain faithful. But Father, I want to finish the race set before me, hear You say, "Well done good and faithful servant," and receive that glorious crown of righteousness. So help me, I pray, to stand fast in the evil day, looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith, in Whose name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, what an inspiration to read this final letter that Paul wrote to Timothy and to realise that despite all the terrible things that he was facing, he encouraged us all to hold fast to the truth of God's Word, which can never be broken. Thank You, Father, that You have promised to rescue all Your children from every evil deed and to bring us safely home into our heavenly inheritance in Christ. To You be all praise and glory forever and ever, AMEN.