Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You are my God and Shepherd, my Provider and my Sanctifier. Thank You that You are the Lord of Hosts Who made heaven and earth by the power of Your mighty hand, and that You chose me to be Your child and a member of Christ's mystic Body. Thank You for the lessons we learn through the life and times of David whom You chose to be Israel's greatest king and the under-shepherd of Your people. Thank You that You can use anyone whose heart is right before You. Cleanse my heart and use me in the furtherance of Your kingdom. Help me to listen to Your voice and obey Your Word. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that Your promises are true and never fail. Thank You that Jesus is coming back after the 'time of Jacob's Trouble' to claim His rightful position as King of Israel, Prince of Peace, and Lord of heaven and earth. And thank You that by faith in Him, I have been redeemed from the pit. I pray for Your people, Israel, that many would come to faith in Christ as Messiah and call on the name of the Lord Jesus for their salvation. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I bow in reverence before You and praise You in hushed whispers because You have stooped down to the children of men, lifted us up, and seated us together with Christ in heavenly places. I am not worthy to gather the crumbs under Your table, for You are great and Your glory reaches into the extremity of the universe. And yet, in love, You sought me and made me accepted in the Beloved. Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, the promise you gave to David, that there would always be a Man to sit on his throne, is indeed wonderful. But the most wonderful and glorious truth is this; You loved me so much that you sent Jesus to pay for the price of my sin and that by His Resurrection, He broke the power of sin in my life and caused me to be called a son of God and a joint-heir with Christ. Lord, for this I will continue to be eternally grateful. May all I say and do be to the honour of Your name, for You alone are worthy. Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Heavenly Father, You put us into families and set a father as the leader and role model for each family, but Lord, there are many families that are being torn apart by a husband and father that has become addicted to alcohol.
Knowing the devastating nature of this disease, I pray that You would prompt each one to turn away from this evil habit to become the responsible husband and father that You desire each one to be.
Lord, we know that there are many alcoholic husbands that abuse their wives both physically and emotionally and that many children are also placed in danger due to abuse from an alcoholic father. And also Lord, we know that such drinking habits can often leave families with insufficient money to live on.
Protect all those that are vulnerable from all forms of abuse, and convict such men of the responsibilities of being loving husbands and dependable fathers. Lord, we pray that they turn from their evil ways to turn to the Lord Jesus, knowing that only in You is true freedom found.
Thank You Father. I commit all families that are in this position into Your safe-keeping. In Jesus' name,
Thank You, Father, for Your undivided attention, Your undiminished love, Your undiluted grace, and Your everlasting salvation. Thank You for Jesus, my Saviour, my high tower, my refuge, my all in all. In Jesus' name, AMEN.