Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word, which teaches the truth. Help me to read the Scriptures with a teachable spirit, and prevent me from being manipulated into any incorrect interpretation, by false teachings or unbiblical doctrines that cause me to lose the peace of God in my heart, which Jesus has promised to all who trust in Him. I pray that as we face these increasingly difficult times, I will patiently endure the trials and tribulations I may be called upon to endure, for Christ's sake. Help me to stand fast in the faith, to pray without ceasing, to rejoice in the Lord always, and in everything to give You thanks and praise. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the words of encouragement that are found in Scripture. Lord, there are times that I consider that the bad things that happen to me are because You are angry with me and yet I come to understand that just as Christ suffered for righteousness’ sake, I too am identified with Him, in His suffering, during my sojourn on earth. Help me to see more clearly that by patiently enduring suffering is honouring to Your name, and helps to equip me for my role in the coming kingdom of God. Give me the mind of Christ, I pray, and teach me to endure suffering with patience and humility, until that glorious day when You come in the clouds to take us to be with Yourself, forever. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for these reassuring words of comfort from Paul, knowing that the ungodly, who oppress Your children unjustly, will one day be punished, and that a day of rest and rewards is planned for all who live godly in Christ Jesus, and suffer persecution for righteousness sake. I pray that I may exhibit faith and patient endurance in the difficulties that I face, for Your greater glory - and when I am reviled by evil men, I pray that I may demonstrate the same God-given grace the Lord Jesus Christ showed, when He was despised and rejected by men. Thank You that You are a righteous God, and I pray that I am able to rejoice in all my suffering, and to learn the lessons of patience and faith that You desire to teach me. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You, that You do not hide the shocking consequences of unbelief. Lord, there are many under Your condemnation that face eternal destruction. I pray that You would open their eyes to the glorious gospel of grace, while it is still today. Have mercy on all who have not trusted in the name of the only begotten Son of God. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I pray that I, and those that are called by Your name, are counted worthy of the calling by which we have been called. I pray that both individually and as the corporate Body of Christ, we may fulfil every desire for goodness and holiness of heart so that we may work the work of faith in the power of Christ and to His glory, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I pray that in all I say and do, that the name of the Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in me and I in Him. Thank You that You have given me everything I need for life and godliness. I pray that I may not shrink back when difficulties and dangers arise, but trust You in all things, and I pray that I will live a life that is worthy of my calling as a child of God and a citizen of heaven. This I ask in Jesus' name so that the name of the Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in me and I in Him, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word and the truths that it contains. Open my understanding as I watch for the any-day return of Christ to take us to be with Himself. Thank You that members of Your Body are not appointed to wrath, and thank You that You are using Your people to hold back the flood of evil, through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. I pray that before Your judgement is finally poured out on a Christ rejecting world and before the unrestrained evil, which will soon saturate the entire earth, on the 'great and terrible Day of the Lord' that many would come to faith in Christ. I ask this in Jesus’ name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for telling us the end from the beginning and for telling us what will happen before the great and terrible Day of the Lord. May I resist the urge to look for the Antichrist and rest in the fact that he will not be revealed until the Church has been raptured and the Restrainer of evil has been taken out of the way. Help me to hold fast to the truth and never take my eyes off the Lord Jesus in a world that is on the fast-track to God's punishment. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that by faith in Christ I am not appointed to wrath because Jesus took the punishment for my sin in His body on the tree. Thank You that You have given us history in advance so that we do not fear as the lost who have no hope of eternal life, but have confidence in Your Word. Thank You that all that You have purposed for us will certainly come to pass and I praise You for the blessed hope I have in Christ. May I be ever watching and waiting expectantly for the return of the Lord Jesus to resurrect His dead and rapture all living believers - for which I praise and thank You in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that evil continues to be restrained. Thank You that Your plans and purposes for the Church will continue to be carried out, by the Holy Spirit, through the prayers and praises of Your saints in this dispensation of grace. I pray that many would come to faith before the Restrainer of evil removes His hand of protection, and allows unrestrained evil to be unleashed on earth. Use me today, in the forwarding of Your plans, as I offer my life as a living sacrifice of prayer and praise to You, for You alone are worthy. In Jesus' name, I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for warning us of what is to come and thank You that we are saved by grace and not appointed to wrath - when unrestrained lawlessness will be unleashed, when the Restrainer - the Holy Spirit, is taken out of the way. Thank You for the privilege of being Your witnesses on earth, so that the world may know that Jesus is Lord and that faith in Him brings salvation of the soul and life everlasting, to all who believe. Teach me to be more like You and guide me in the difficult days in which we live. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the ministry and teachings of the apostle Paul, and for this comforting passage of Scripture which reminds us that lawlessness will continue to be restrained by the power of the Holy Spirit, as God's plans and purposes are forwarded through the prayers and praise of the Body of Christ. May the prayer of the righteous be effective, powerful, and continue to restrain the spread of lawlessness throughout the world. Thank You that the day is coming when Satan, sin, death, and hell, will be thrown into the lake of fire, and righteousness will be established forever. May I worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness and work the works of God in every area of my life as I walk in spirit and truth for His greater glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I thank You that I am part of that great body of believers that were chosen before the foundation of the world, because You knew that by grace through faith in Christ I would accept Your gracious offer of salvation. Thank You for all my brothers and sisters in Christ who like me were chosen from the beginning to be saved, by faith. And thank You that we have all been set apart unto God, by Your Holy Spirit, simply because we believed in the truth of the glorious gospel of grace. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the Lord Jesus Christ and the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in my life today. Thank You that You loved me so much that You sent Him to be the propitiation for my sins and that by grace through faith in Him, I have received eternal comfort and a good hope. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your never-failing comfort and gracious encouragement, which is new every morning. I pray that I too, may be strengthened and established in every good work and word, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I come before You today with a humble heart and mind, beseeching You to move in a mighty way in these closing days of the Church dispensation. I pray that Your gospel of Christ would be effective and spread rapidly throughout the world, bringing glory to Your name. Thank You for my Christian brethren and those who teach the Word of truth. Empower them with strength and courage to continue proclaiming the good news of the gospel of grace. Equip each one with the resources they need to effectively reach out to the lost and hurting. May Your Spirit move in a powerful way in the hearts of those who hear the gospel message, that they would be drawn to it, and come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Thank You, Father, for the privilege of intercessory prayer, and I ask that You would draw me closer to Yourself as I stand firm in my personal prayer ministry for Your greater glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your faithful promises.. to strengthen, establish, and protect me, even when my faith falters and I prove faithless and false to You. Keep me ever mindful of this truth and guide me in the choices I must make today. Use me as an instrument of Your grace and keep me from all evil, so that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of You, and in my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word and the wise instructions and important warnings it contains. I pray that I may be steadfast and immovable in my faith, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that everything I do for Your name’s sake is never wasted but will continue to prepare me for the work You have given me to do, until Christ comes for His Church. Thank You, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that Your love has no beginning and no end and that there is no reserve in that love for Your children. May You direct the hearts of all Your people into the love of God and the steadfastness of Christ so that we may be a reflection of Him in all we say and do. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, how important it is to be established in the truth. I recognise that there are many times in my life when I have been adversely influenced by gossips or busy-bodies. Help me to be disciplined in my Christian life and refuse to engage in idle chatter which can be so destructive in a church community and so quickly tarnishes the witness of those engaged in it. I pray that I would show grace and love to my brothers and sisters in Christ, but I would not trample on Your grace by ignoring their persistent, blatant disobedience of You. Help them repent from their behavior and get back into fellowship. Help me also to repent of any disobedient behaviour, and help all of us live honourable and fruitful lives, for Your greater praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the Word of truth and the encouragement and instructions that enable us to live godly lives as we press towards the goal of our calling. I pray that I may not grow weary of doing the right thing - and ask that I may be empowered by Your Spirit, to walk in spirit and truth unto my life's end. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I praise You with all my heart, for Your indwelling Spirit of Peace. This hurting world has lost its way in its vain pursuit of a pseudo-peace, that can never satisfy. O how I long for the world to realise, it is only Your perfect peace that can satisfy. May I shed Your peace in my life, to all I come into contact with. May the peace of God, which passes all human understanding, guard and govern our hearts and minds, through Christ Jesus our Lord and for His greater glory. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.