Heavenly Father, how privileged we are to have such an astonishing peep into the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord in Ezekiel's amazing vision, when You were You seated on Your heavenly throne, surrounded by the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, and transported by four magnificent living creatures. No words are sufficiently worthy to convey the greatness of Your glory, and yet in Your goodness and grace, You pitied the state of Your fallen creatures and gave Your only begotten Son to become the perfect sacrifice for our sin. There are no words to express how great is Your endless wisdom, boundless power, and awesome purity. Praise Your holy name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You do nothing without revealing it to us first, through Your biblical prophets, and that we know the end from the beginning, through the holy Scriptures. Thank You that You use every avenue to reach the lost for Christ and to bring many to faith in Him. Use me as a watchman to sound the alarm that time is short and that today is the day of salvation for the lost, if they will but trust in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. May my life be an honest and worthy witness and a true testimony of Your grace. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that the Lord Jesus is our good and faithful Shepherd and that I have been brought into the great sheepfold of Your love. I pray for Your people, Israel, that many would come to trust in Christ as their Messiah. And I praise Your holy name that the day is coming when great David’s greater Son will rule and reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. Thank You that in His grace, He will feed the little remnant flock of Israel Himself, and will be their good and faithful Shepherd. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, You are a good and gracious God, long-suffering and tender-hearted towards all Your children. Thank You for Your faithfulness towards Israel, Your chosen nation. Your never-failing promises to Your people is such a reassurance, for it demonstrates that Your gracious patience and loving-kindness towards Church-age believers is equally sure - for You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Thank You that I am part of the body of Christ and that You have told us the end from the beginning, and thank You that all Your promises are 'Yes' and 'Amen' in Christ Jesus my Saviour. Teach me Your ways and keep me from straying from the path of holiness. I praise and thank You that in Christ, I have a cleansed heart, and that by Your amazing grace I have the indwelling Holy Spirit of life, to guide me into all truth. I praise and glorify Your holy name, in and through my Saviour Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray. AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I marvel at the wonderful way that You have kept a faithful watch over Your people, Israel, and returned many back to their land, despite their continuing unbelief and spiritual poverty. It is wonderful to see the way You have guarded them through centuries of time and to know that a day is coming when they will not only be physically restored to their Promised Land and permanently settled there but will be spiritually enlivened by faith in Christ. They will have their New Covenant fully ratified when Jesus is crowned as King and hailed as Lord. Thank You that I too have been made spiritually alive by faith in Christ and am a minister of the New Covenant that was cut at Calvary. Thank You that Your promises to both Israel and the Church are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus. In His name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, it is amazing to realise that for thousands of years the nation of Israel has been like a valley of dried-up bones, dead in their sin, estranged from You, and scattered throughout the world in unbelief. But it is equally wonderful that You have never faltered on Your plans and purposes for Your chosen people and that the day is coming when the whole house of Israel will repent of their sin, return to You, call on the name of the Lord Jesus and be saved. Continue to protect and care for Your people who are still living in unbelief. What a blessing that day will be when You pour out Your Spirit on all flesh, take away their heart of stone, and give them a heart of flesh. Hasten the time when Your name will be glorified throughout the world and lifted high by the whole house of Israel. This I pray in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, You are a good and gracious God, Whose promises to Israel as well as to those in the Church, stand fast forever and ever. Thank You that Your faithful promises to all Your people, are rooted and grounded on Your faithfulness and long-suffering mercy, and do not rest on what we have done, or failed to do. I pray for Your people Israel, that many would come to recognise Jesus as Lord and their Messiah as Saviour, during this Church Age, and thank You that a day is coming when the dead bones of that nation will be resurrected into a United Kingdom of Israel, where Jesus reigns on David's throne, as Lord and King. Thank You that I am a member of Christ's body, and I pray that I would live and work for Your greater glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, great is Your faithfulness towards Your people Israel and great is Your faithfulness to Your Church - and to me too! I praise and thank You for Your great plan of Salvation and the amazing way You used holy men of God to tell us the end before the beginning. Thank You that despite the rebellions ways of Your people, Your Word never fails and Your promises stand fast forever. Thank You that Christ won the victory over sin, Satan and all our adversaries - at the Cross. Thank You that Jesus is returning as Israel's King of kings and that He is our Great High Priest and holy, heavenly Bridegroom. Thank You that He loves the Church and gave Himself for us. May I die to self and live for Him as long as my life shall last. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are in full control of all that takes place in this world and that nothing escapes Your notice. Thank You that You use everything together for the good of those that love You, and that You even use the wicked works of the enemy to forward Your own perfect plans and purposes. Thank You that those who conspire to do evil will not succeed, but will be used to glorify Your holy name. Thank You in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, thank You for alerting us to the coming judgement of the world and the many deceptions that seek to distort the gospel, disrupt Your plan of salvation, deceive the nations and shipwreck the faith of those that put their trust in You. Thank You, that You have told us the end from the beginning and that a day is coming when evil will be punished, and the world will know that You are the Almighty Lord of heaven and earth, and that Jesus is coming back to rule this world in righteousness. Have mercy on those that do not yet know You and bring many into the Body of Christ before that time of terrible tribulation, when judgement is poured out on the wicked. Hear my prayer I pray, in Jesus' name, AMEN.