Heavenly Father, thank You for revealing the mystery of the Church through Paul and opening up the light of the glorious gospel Christ to all who believe in Christ Jesus as Saviour. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Thank You, Father, for using the prophets of old to tell me what was going to happen before it happened so I would believe. Thank You for reaching out to me and to all mankind with the gospel of Jesus Christ, Who died for my sins and rose again the third day to break the power of sin and death in my life. Praise Your holy name, AMEN.
Thank You, Father, for Jesus. Thank You that He came from His home in heaven and set aside His glory for a season, to live a perfect life and to die a substitutional death so that in Him, I might believe and have life eternal. All praise to His name, AMEN.
Thank You, Lord, for Your grace toward us who were dead in trespasses and sins, but who have now been brought near by the death and Resurrection of Christ. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Thank You, Lord, for pouring out the gospel of grace through Paul to me. I pray that through an understanding of this glorious gospel of grace and peace, I may remain obedient to Your Word, until my life's end. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I am also "the called" of Jesus Christ, by grace through faith in Him. Keep me low at the Cross and willing to say: "Thy will be done in my life." In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, how I thank You for the good news of the gospel of Christ and the truth it has revealed, so that by faith in Christ I have been redeemed by His precious blood and become beloved of God and called to be set apart to Your praise and glory. May Your equipping grace and perfect peace pour through me to others, so that the love of Christ may be shed abroad to the honour of Your name. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I am a new creation in Christ and that You have placed me in the corner of Your vineyard for Your good pleasure, and gifted me in the work that You would have me to do. Keep me from imagining that I am the only real labourer You have called to witness and work to Your praise and glory. Help me to rejoice in the work that you are doing in the lives of so many believers in so many ways. Help me to be an encouragement to other saints in the work in I do and the words I say, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, develop in me a deep and earnest Christ-like love for all my brothers and sisters in Christ. May I love them, support them, and pray for them always. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN..
Heavenly Father, how blessed we are to be part of the wider family of God and thank You for the epistle to the Romans and the comprehensive and structured exposition of every aspect of our Christian faith. Help me to understand and apply all the truth that it contains, and give me a desire to pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ, that we may all grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Thank You for Paul's example whose dear desire was to remain in the centre of Your perfect will. I pray that like Him I may be ready and willing to pray 'Thy will be done' in every area of my life - to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that we are all members of Your body and that each one has been given gifts and graces that are to be used appropriately. Help us to live according to Your Word and to use our gifts and graces for the mutual encouragement of our brothers and sisters in Christ. May we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus, as we see the day of His return grow ever closer. This I ask, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Father, I pray that, like Paul, I will boldly proclaim the gospel of Christ to all with whom I come in contact. Only in Him is there life and light, hope and love. I know that the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation, to all who believe on Him Who died and rose from the dead. To Him be all praise and glory, world without end, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the glorious gospel of Christ. Thank You that the righteousness of God has been revealed in the Cross, where Christ suffered the punishment for my sins and paid the price for my redemption with His holy and precious blood. Thank You that I am saved by grace through faith in Christ. Lord, I want to live my life by faith and grow in grace from one degree of faith to the next, until Christ is formed in me. My life is not my own, for I have been bought with a price. I pray that my life may be lived by faith, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the witness of nature, the witness within, and the witness of Your written Word. Lord, thank You that You will send Your wrath against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of man. And praise You, that You made a way for us all to escape that wrath. You loved the world so much, that You sent Jesus to be the propitiation for the sins of all who believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God. Thank You that His death satisfied You as payment for my sins. All praise, and glory, and honour to You. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the two witnesses of creation and conscience that speak so clearly of Your great glory and the wonder of Your works. I pray that I will never lose that wonder of Who You are, as I reflect on Your mighty, creative acts. And I pray that my conscience will ever be tender toward You. May I respond to the inner promptings of Your Spirit when I am tempted to sin, and help me to become increasingly conscious of Your leading and guiding within. Thank You that You sent Your only begotten Son to die for me so that I might live. Help me to live as You would have me live, in utter dependence upon You, with self nailed to the Cross. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, how I praise You for the mighty works of Your hand, and for the many evidences of Your invisible attributes, eternal power, and divine nature. I pray that I may come to know You more intimately, love You more dearly, and grow more and more like my Saviour Jesus Christ Who gave His life as a ransom for many, including me. To You belongs all honour and glory, might, majesty, dominion, and power, forever and ever, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, the world is becoming increasingly evil, and the rejection of Your gracious offer of salvation, by faith in Jesus Christ, seems to have saturated this fallen world. But You are a God of mercy and grace, Who is not willing that ANY should perish, but that all should come to repentance and faith in Christ. Thank You that every man has the free-will to accept Your offer of salvation, by trusting in Jesus, Who died so that they might live. I pray that many, who are in the valley of decisions, would turn to Christ and trust in You today, for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, and use me I pray, to touch the lives of some with the good news of the gospel of God. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the amazing book of Romans and the clear way that it explains, step-by-step, the depravity of fallen man and consequences of sin. It also tells in detail, that our sins are forgiven by grace through faith in Christ, and how we may live in the power of the indwelling Spirit. I pray that many whose eyes are blinded to the truth, whose consciences have been seared, and whose foolish hearts have bought into Satan's deception, will turn from their wicked ways and call out to Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and life everlasting. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the three-fold witness to the truth of Your Word and for loving me enough to send the Lord Jesus Christ to come to earth as a man and to die on the Cross that I might be saved. I pray for those who are changing the truth of God's Word into a lie, and are serving the creature more than the Creator. Please bring them into a saving knowledge of the truth before it is too late. Thank You, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for revealing Your glory to me through Your creation. Thank You for making man in Your image and likeness, and for supplying me with my God-given, innate sense of goodness and justice, so that I may understand right from wrong and choose to do what is good, in the power of the Holy Spirit. But thank You most of all, for sending the Lord Jesus to be my Kinsman Redeemer, to pay the price for my sins, and for receiving the punishment that I justly deserve. Keep me ever mindful of Your goodness and grace toward me and all the children of men. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, forgive me for the times when I have passed critical judgement and pointed a finger of accusation at the sins of other people, while hiding behind my own smug, self-righteous pride. Thank You that Christ died for me and that I am saved by grace through faith in Him. Thank You that I am clothed in His righteousness. Give me a heart of compassion toward those that are lost, and use me to touch lives with love and not with criticism. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us and gave His life as the ransom price for the sins of the world. Thank You for the truth of the gospel of grace and the structured way that Paul explains that all have sinned and all fall short of God's glory. I recognise that it is not simply those who deny Your existence that will be judged, but the self-righteous person who boasts in their own morality, dresses themselves up in their own righteousness, (instead of receiving the righteousness of Christ, through faith), and who wears a necklace of pride, while condemning others. Thank You that my salvation does not rest on what I have done, but on what Christ has done for me. Praise Your holy name that Christ was judged for my sins and that I have been clothed in His own righteousness, through faith in His sacrificial work on the Cross. I pray that I may live by faith for Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I am not worthy to gather up the crumbs under Your table and yet You died for me so that my sin and guilt might be washed away and I might stand perfect in Your sight. Forgive me for the self-righteous attitude I have shown against sinners who are dead in their trespasses and needing Your salvation. Give me a heart to share the truth of salvation, by grace through faith in Christ, with all whom I come in contact. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Father, I often take for granted Your loving-kindness, and carelessly wander far from You. Thank You for Your grace and patient-endurance towards me. I confess my faults to You, and I choose today to turn away from my own carnal desires and return to trusting You in all things. I pray that I would quickly reject the things that have grieved You, and thank You for Your grace, Your love, Your forbearance, and patience. Continue to draw me back once again into Your sweet arms of comfort and enjoy gracious fellowship with You. This I pray In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You that Your love and justice met at Calvary. It is beyond the realm of my understanding that You should love the world so much, that You gave Your only begotten Son to receive the full fury of Your righteous wrath and holy justice against sin so that by faith, we might be made the righteousness of God, in Him. Thank You, Lord, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that there is no contradiction in the Word of God. Thank You that I have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, and that there is no condemnation because I am in Him. Having come to saving faith in Christ, I pray that You would help me to continue to work the works of God in my life, as I rely on Your Holy Spirit to guide and direct me in all things, and trust in Your unfailing goodness and grace so that I may produce much fruit to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name. AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the free gift of salvation that is offered to all men, and in Your mercy and grace, Christ died for us and took the punishment that we deserve. Thank You, Lord, that it is not Your will that any should perish. I pray that many unbelievers will have their hearts softened and come to know Christ as Saviour, before it is too late. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the truths that are contained in the book of Romans. I pray that I may never stray from the gospel of Christ, that I am a sinner and that there is nothing that I can do to merit Your forgiveness, except by grace through faith in the atoning blood of the incarnate Word of God. Thank You that I have been saved, simply because I believed that Jesus took the punishment that I deserved and thus transferred me from death to life. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word of truth. Help me to cease from my own strivings, by trying to produce works of righteousness which You have said in Your Word, can never justify me in Your sight. Help me to see clearly that the work that You require of me is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and that being a 'doer of the Word' is not carrying out works of the flesh, or trying to adhere to works of the Law, but refers to the act of believing on Christ for salvation. He alone can justify the lost sinner, and He alone is the Justifier of all who believe. It is by faith in Him and not by works of the Law that we are justified, and it is our faith that is credited to us as righteousness. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, when I see the depth of sin to which mankind has fallen and the sins that I personally have committed through the witness of my conscience, I realise I have nothing to commend me, and I stand guilty before Your holy throne. But thanks be to God through Jesus Christ, Who died to pay the enormous price for my sins, so that by faith in Him, I have been declared righteous and have been forgiven of my sins through time and into eternity. Praise Your holy name. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I confess that in and of myself there is no good thing, and that there is nothing that commends me. But thanks be to God that by faith in Jesus Christ, my sins have been forgiven, I have received eternal life, and I am accepted as Your child, because of His righteousness. Praise His holy name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Paul’s gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe. But Lord, we live in a world where the truth of the glorious gospel of grace is being sugar-coated, the consequences of sin ignored and the need for salvation is being twisted, ridiculed, disregarded, and diminished. I pray that You would use me to speak honestly to those that are under condemnation so that by Your grace some will be plucked from the fiery brands. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for this thorough examination of my sinfulness and my need of Jesus. Correct in me any unworthy attitudes and perceptions I may have. I pray that I do not develop the same self-righteous, unfaithful, hypocritical, religious attitude that Paul describes in this passage of Romans. Help me to live my life in word and deed, to Your honour and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, forgive me for the times when I have sought to hide my own faults and failings behind a wall of religiosity. Forgive me for the times when I have discredited Your name by my presumptuous words or ungodly deeds. I pray that I may walk in spirit and truth, and proclaim the gospel of Christ in truth and in love, not only by what I say or do, but in the innermost motives of my heart, so that Christ may be seen in me, to Your honour and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the way You have illustrated the true meaning of spiritual circumcision and the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Your Word. Thank You that my salvation is not displayed by any outward behaviour but through the inner circumcision of my heart, when I trusted Christ for salvation and was made spiritually alive in Him. Give me wisdom and discernment as I read Your Word, and keep me from basing my scriptural understanding on man's false perception, rather than the truth of God's Word. Open the eyes of men and women, Jew and Gentile alike, to the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ so that hearts may be truly circumcised before You, for Your greater praise and glory, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that despite being dead in my sins, separated from God and without hope in the world, You sent Jesus to die on the Cross to pay the price for my sins and to break the power of sin and death in the lives of all who by faith, trust in Christ Jesus for salvation. Thank You for the Jewish nation, through whom was given the holy Scriptures and the promised Saviour of the world. I pray that many will come to faith in Jesus as their Messiah. To His praise and glory, AMEN.
Great is Your faithfulness, O God my Father. Thank You that Your Word can never be broken, and there is nothing that secular, unbelieving man can say or do that will nullify Your Word of truth. Thank You, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the Word of God and the truth it contains. Thank You that Your Word is true and that You are the unchangeable God Who is the same yesterday, today, and forever and can never lie. Thank You that no presumptuous notions of man can nullify Your Word and that in the end, Your revealed Word will be justified when You finally judge the world in righteousness. Forgive me for any times that I have questioned or contradicted Your Word or acted in a prideful way, for I acknowledge that it is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword and is altogether true. This I pray for Your greater glory and in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word of God and the truths that it contains. Give me the wisdom to choose the good and to reject the evil. Help me not to be influenced into unholy ways by paying heed to the ungodly or unscriptural arguments of those that deliberately, or ignorantly, promote a twisted gospel or present a perverted picture of Your holy character. Give me a deeper understanding of Your Word, guide me into all truth, and give me a deeper knowledge of the Lord Jesus and love for You. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the amazing book of Romans, which shows so clearly that we have nothing to commend ourselves in Your sight, whether Jew or Gentile. In Your grace, You chose to redeem all who would believe in Christ Jesus, our human Kinsman and heavenly Redeemer. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I stand amazed at the saving grace that has been extended to guilty sinners. There is none righteous in Your sight, and yet You have offered the free gift of salvation to all who simply trust in the name of the only begotten Son of God. To Him be all honour and glory, forever and ever, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, when I start to understand that as a sinner, I have nothing to commend me to You, how I praise and thank You for Your wonderful plan of redemption. Thank You that You sent Jesus to pay the price for the sins of the world and that by faith in Him my sins are forgiven, through time and into eternity. Thank You that I am declared righteous by my association with Christ and am identified with His righteousness. Thank You that in Your grace, every sinner has the right to be forgiven of their sins, by faith in Christ, and have a free will to accept or reject the gift of salvation. I pray that many would reach out to You today, and be saved by grace through faith in Him. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the content of the book of Romans, which clearly teaches that we are justified by grace through faith in Christ. Thank You for the structured teaching of Paul, and the other apostles, and for the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit. May I read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Word of God, in spirit and in truth. Thank You that the way of salvation is so uncomplicated. Lord, I know I am a sinner and that death is my just dessert. But thanks be to God, that Jesus died to pay the price for my sins and by believing on Him, I have the forgiveness of sins and life eternal. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, we have all broken Your perfect standard of righteousness, and we all stand guilty before You. Whether Jew or Gentile, we are not worthy to gather up the crumbs under Your table, for we have all sinned in Your sight and stand guilty before Your perfect, righteous standard. And yet, in Your goodness and grace, You sent the Lord Jesus to be the propitiation for the sins of all who would trust in His sacrifice. Thank You that by faith in Christ, I have been justified in Your sight and declared righteous, and I have become part of the One New Man in Christ and am complete in Him. Thank You, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, for too long I have striven to make myself righteous in my own eyes through my own merit. I have been attempting to do my own good works and have been trying to keep the commandments in my own strength. But I recognise that there is nothing that I can do to make myself pleasing in Your sight, except in and through the life of Christ dwelling in me. Thank You that in Christ, I am justified, redeemed, and clothed in His righteousness. Help me, I pray, to live as You intended me to live, in utter dependence on You and not on myself. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Father, thank You that I have been justified and made righteous through the Lord Jesus. There is no righteousness in me, and that there is nothing that I can do to merit Your forgiveness, other than trusting in Jesus Christ my Saviour. Praise Your holy name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are a righteous God and that You chose to redeem mankind by means of the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You that I have been imputed with the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ, and that all who trust in Him for salvation will also be declared righteous, through time and into eternity. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
How I praise and thank You, Father, that I who am a guilty sinner and deserving of death and eternal separation from You, have been justified freely by Your grace, through the redemption that came through Christ Jesus. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Oh Father, I am sinful and deserve nothing but death and hell from a holy and righteous God, but thank You that I am justified freely by grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. To Him be praise and glory forever, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that Jesus is the propitiation for my sins. Thank You that in Him, Your wrath against my sin is satisfied, and I have been reconciled to You through faith in the blood of my Saviour, Jesus Christ. Thank You, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Thank You, Father, thank You for my salvation. Thank You that Jesus' death gave me life and reconciled me to You forever. Thank You that He took my sin and clothed me in His righteousness. Thank You that He is the propitiation for my sins and took Your wrath upon Himself so that I might have peace with You and receive the peace that passes understanding, forever and ever. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the Word of God and the wonderful way that You used Your servant Paul, to lay out the means and method of salvation so unambiguously. Thank You that my salvation does not depend on anything that I do to please You, but rests entirely and exclusively on what Christ has done on my behalf. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I have been justified by faith, without deeds of the Law or works of the flesh. Thank You that I am accepted because of the Lord Jesus Christ. By faith in Him, I have been clothed in His righteousness and set free from the bondage of the Law. May I live my life by faith and not seek to gain Your approval through deeds of the Law or works of the flesh. Thank You that Christ has set me free so that I may live my life by faith in Him, Who loved me and gave Himself for me. In His name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that by grace through faith, we have been received into your family and been given the free gift of salvation, spirit, soul, and body. Thank You that You are not only God of the Jews, but also God of the Gentiles. You did not only die for one race of mankind, but for all people. Thank You that I too have been saved by grace through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I come to You in humble gratitude and thanks that You have opened the door of salvation by grace, to all who believe on Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. Thank You that You did not reward me according to my sins but have clothed me in Christ's righteousness by faith. Thank You that You are the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, Who does not show partiality nor take a bribe, and thank You that there is no distinction between Gentile and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, and freeman, but Christ is all and in all. Thank You in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the simple gospel of Christ. Thank You that it is the power of God to declare righteous all those who have faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sins. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that like Abraham I have been justified by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, my God and my Saviour. Thank You that I am accepted in Christ and have been declared righteous - not because of what I have done, but because of trusting in what Christ did on the Cross for me. May my life become a living testimony to the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ to everyone I meet, and may all I do, be done to the glory of God. In Jesus' name I pray, and for His greater glory, AMEN.
Thank You, Lord, for clothing me in Your righteousness. Help me to live godly in Christ Jesus, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that my salvation does not depend on what I have done but on what I believe. Thank You that I am not saved by what I do, but by what Christ has done on my account. Thank You that I am saved by grace through faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ. May I also live every day of my life by grace through faith and may my prideful self remain nailed to the Cross, as the indwelling life of Christ works through me, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You that You have credited me with Christ’s righteousness, by faith in His finished work. I confess that all my works are as filthy rags in Your pure eyes, and there is nothing that I could do to warrant the imputed righteousness of Christ. Thank You that my salvation does not rely on my good works, nor my ability to keep rules and regulations. It is dependent on faith alone in Christ alone, and that by faith in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, I have been credited as righteous through time and into eternity. Help me, I pray, to walk in spirit and truth, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that salvation is not a complicated issue, but simply a matter of faith in Your Word, believing the truth of Scripture, and looking to Jesus, the true and living Word Who died and rose again so that all who believe on Him would not perish but have everlasting life. Thank You that I am justified in Your eyes, by grace through faith in Christ, and that as I grow in grace and in a knowledge of Him, I am being sanctified, day by day, and being changed into the image and likeness of Christ, as I die to self and live for Him. I rejoice with Abraham, David, and all the saints who have gone before me, for we are all blessed beyond measure. Praise Your holy name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the truth in Romans that we are not justified by what we do, but in Whom we believe. Thank You for what Jesus did for me on the Cross, when He bore my sins and carried my iniquity on His sinless shoulders. Thank You that all my lawless deeds have been forgiven, past, present, and future, and that by faith in Him I am born anew, (initial justification), and have been placed into eternal union with Christ Jesus my Saviour, and am positionally justified. Keep me from thinking that works of the Law are required either for my initial salvation, or my ongoing sanctification. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient, and I pray that I may work the works of God that You have prepared for me to do, in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and for your eternal praise and glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for my great salvation. How blessed I am that I am no longer part of the old creation in Adam, but a member of the New Creation in Christ. Thank You that I have been imputed with His perfect righteousness. Lord, I know that my righteousness is not conditioned on a righteousness according to rules and regulations, but is founded on faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You that my sin will never be taken into account because Jesus was judged at the Cross on my account and I have been declared righteous before You. Thank You in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are no respecter of persons, and that You stooped down to save the whole world, Jew and Gentile alike, from our sins, by grace through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord. Thank You for the wonderful examples throughout Your Word, that repeatedly demonstrate that salvation is through faith in the death and Resurrection of Christ, and that I am imputed with His righteousness and indwelt by His Spirit, by grace through faith. May the new resurrection life of Christ in me glorify You, in thought, word, and deed. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, how I praise Your name that You have made me a new creation in Christ and have credited me with Your righteousness, by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You that although I was dead in trespasses and sins, You have breathed Your new life in Christ into my body and made me Your child forever and ever. Thank You, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Father, thank You for the example of Abraham. I pray that I will cling to You in trusting love and be strengthened in my faith in Your never-failing promises. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I have so often tried to please You by the work that I do or the rituals that I have carried out - but I see that there is nothing that I can do that can ever earn Your favour. Thank You that in Christ I have been made righteous by faith. Help me to live to Your praise and glory, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that despite my sinfulness and rebellious nature, Christ was delivered over to death on the Cross because of my transgressions, and was raised the third day for my justification. Thank You, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Father, how wonderful to know that I have peace with You, through faith in Christ Jesus. The wrath that should have been poured out on me, because of my sin, was poured out on Your only begotten Son, Who willingly took the punishment that I deserved. He did this so that I could have peace with You forever. Thank You for Your grace and mercy toward me. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Loving Father, like Paul I want to rejoice in my sufferings, which are only for a moment, in the knowledge that the joy set before me is sure and founded on Your unchangeable promises. Praise Your wonderful name. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for my salvation and the hope that I have in Christ. Give me a teachable spirit and a willingness to rejoice in the Lord, no matter what difficulties and I have to face. May my life be a testimony to Your goodness and grace. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I have access by faith into Your amazing grace, and have been enabled to stand firm in the evil day. I praise You that my hope is based on nothing less than the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, Who cannot and will not disappoint. Thank You that Your gracious love has been poured into my heart in great measure through the indwelling Holy Spirit, as a guarantee of Your precious promises. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Thank You, loving Father, for Your unconditional and unchangeable love. You have poured Your love so abundantly and generously into my heart. Enable me to show forth Your love in my life, so that others will come to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus. In Jesus’ name, I pray, AMEN
Loving Heavenly Father, praise Your holy name, for when I was weak and in the pit of despair, You sent Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, at the right time, to be my strength and my life. In His name, I thank You and praise You, AMEN.
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your amazing love for us, which can never be demonstrated in the human realm. I remain amazed at Your love for me, and thank You that Christ died for me when I was still a sinner and has raised me into newness of life, in Him. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Father, thank You for loving me so much that you sent Christ to die for me, to be my Saviour and Lord. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, how I praise You for Your goodness and grace, in that while I was still a sinner, Christ not only died for me and justified me by grace through faith, but His resurrected life guaranteed me freedom from all future condemnation and wrath. He alone is worthy of all glory and praise, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You that while I was still dead in trespasses and sins that Christ died for me. Thank You for the assurance I have in Christ, that by His resurrection life, I may be delivered daily from sin's dominion over me. I thank You, Father, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that in Your goodness and grace, You took the initiative to reconcile the world back to Yourself. Thank You that while I was still a sinner You sent Jesus to die on the Cross for my sins so that by faith in His shed blood, I am reconciled to You, forgiven of my sins, and have been promised daily deliverance from sin's dominion in my life. Praise be to His holy name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that in Christ, I have been forgiven of all my sins, justified, and made a new creation. Thank You that by grace through faith in Him, I have been transferred from the kingdom of death and darkness into Christ’s kingdom of life and light, hope and peace. My heart rejoices and I praise Your holy name, for You alone are worthy. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I am living in this Church Dispensation, and that we are not under Law but under Grace. Thank You for Your Word of truth, which shows Your perfect plan of redemption slowly unfolding from Adam, to Abraham, to Moses and the Law, to Christ Jesus and the Age of Grace. Thank You that by faith in Christ Jesus, my sins have been forgiven, and I have been covered with His perfect righteousness. Help me to live in a way that honours You, and continue to open my eyes to see wonderful things in Your Word of truth. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that in Your grace and mercy, wisdom and strength, You purposed that Christ would come as the Second Man and Last Adam, to save us all from our sins and to give us His heavenly life so that He may live His heavenly life through us, to His praise and glory. I thank You, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, as I come to reflect on Your plan of salvation and consider my own sinfulness and Your glorious gift of grace, whereby my sin has been forgiven and debt has been paid, I lift my hands in awe, wonder, and praise, for Your goodness and grace. Thank You that Christ's own resurrected life has been breathed into me and I am clothed in His own perfect righteousness. I marvel at Your loving kindness to me and all the children of men, and pray that I may live to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I am amazed by Your gift of salvation, which cleanses me from every sin. Thank You that despite the fall of humanity and the condemnation of Adam’s race, You purposed in Your heart to redeem mankind, through the sacrificial offering of Your dearly beloved Son, so that we might be forgiven of all our sins. Thank You that there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus, and that through Him, my sins are forgiven and I have access into Your holy presence. Praise Your holy name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, it is most wonderful to realise that You have done so much to bring the lost and fallen race of mankind back into fellowship with Yourself, and there is so much more that You have graciously bestowed on those that love and trust You. Thank You for the abundant grace, the amazing gift of righteousness, and the incredible promises that all who are Your children may reign in life through Jesus Christ. And what amazing grace that through Christ, there is so much more! Praise His holy name! AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your amazing plan of redemption. I am not only declared righteous and forgiven of my sins, (justified), but have been given Christ’s resurrection life, (justification of life). I have been made one with Christ, positioned in Him, accepted in the Beloved, and placed in eternal union with Him forever and ever. I thank and praise You, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the riches of Your goodness and abounding grace, which is mine in Christ Jesus my Saviour. Lord, I know that I am a sinner because of my identity with Adam. Thank You that by Your grace I have the privilege of being identified with Christ's righteousness - by faith. Thank You in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, the more I recognise my sinfulness, the more I understand the incredible grace that is being poured out on me and on all humanity. Thank You that the more my sin is exposed, the more I realise what amazing grace has been bestowed on me - and on all who have trusted Christ for salvation, for the forgiveness of sins, and life everlasting. Thank You in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that Christ was not only my substitute for sin, by taking the punishment that I justly deserve, but that He also died as my representative. He identified so intimately with me that His death became my death and His glorious resurrection-life became my new-life in Christ. Thank You that I am a new creation in Christ and positioned in Him through time and into eternity. I pray that the life I now live may be lived by faith in the Son of God Who loves me and gave Himself for me - so that His life may be lived through me to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Thank you, Father, that Christ not only died for my sins so that my sins are forgiven, but He died unto sin so that the old sin nature does not have power over me, as I trust my life into His hands. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus dying on the Cross so that I may be forgiven of my sins. Thank You for identifying with my unrighteousness so that I may be identified with Your righteousness. And thank You for identifying with my death so that I may be identified with Your life, my new life in Christ. Help me to keep all that is not of You nailed to the Cross, and I pray that I may live godly in Christ Jesus, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You with my whole being that I was baptised into the body of Christ when I was born into the family of God. Thank You for the wonderful opportunity to declare my new-found faith in Christ and my new life in Him, by going down into the waters of baptism as an outward sign of death, and coming up out of the waters as an outward sign of the inward change that took place in me at my rebirth.
I pray that as I prepare my heart to be baptised, that my baptism may be a true outward declaration to the world of my inwards change of heart and status in Christ, Who lifted me out of the miry clay and has seated me together with Christ in heavenly places.
Lord, may my water baptism truly demonstrate to the world the beautiful spiritual baptism that took place the moment I first believed, when I trusted Christ as Saviour and was born again by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I pray that going down into the baptismal waters may demonstrate to all that I have been crucified in Christ and died to the old life with Him on the cross. And may this water baptism demonstrate to all concerned that I have risen-up into newness of life in Christ Jesus my Lord.
Praise You Holy name! In Jesus name I pray,
Loving Father, thank You that I am united with Christ in the likeness of His death and that His resurrected life has become my life, through time and into eternity. Thank You for directing my life every step of the way, as I follow you. Guide me today and direct my heart and mind into the love of Christ. Draw me into a closer intimacy with Yourself. In the name of Jesus, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, please open my understanding more and more to the wonderful truths that are contained in this astonishing verse of Scripture. Thank You that my old sin nature was crucified with Christ. Thank You that because Christ is my representative, my 'old Adamic self' was crucified with Him so that I no longer need to be a slave to sin, but am set free to live holy as unto the Lord. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that Christ died for my sins so that I might be justified by faith in His finished work at Calvary, which paid the penalty for sins. And thank You that Christ also died unto sin so that the power of sin can be broken in my life. I pray that I may reckon on this truth and discover it to be a reality in my own Christian walk. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for dying for me so that I might be identified with Your death and also with Your Resurrection and the eternal life that it guarantees. May I live my life to Your honour and glory. Thank You that the power of sin has been broken in me, through Christ. May this become an increasing reality to me as I keep my old man nailed to the Cross so that my new life in Christ may grow in grace and in a knowledge of Him, until it is not I that live but Christ that lives in me. To His praise and glory, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that Christ Jesus identified with my sin and took the death sentence that I deserved. Thank You that by faith in Him, I am identified with His eternal resurrected life. To Him be all praise and glory, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that Jesus died to pay the price for my sins, and thank You that He identified with my sin and became sin for me so that I might be clothed in His righteousness. Praise God that the power of sin has been broken in my life. May I live unto God and walk in newness of life, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You not only died for my sins but You died unto sin so that I might be empowered to live my life in spirit and truth, as I abide in Christ and He in me. I pray that I would not only hear this truth but act upon it and reckon my old sinful self to be dead to sin and my new life in Christ to be alive in God, through Jesus Christ my Lord. AMEN.
Loving Father, I have read this passage many times, and I ask You to help me to see more clearly what it means to reckon myself to be dead to the power of sin and alive to You in Christ, for I want to live a victorious life in Him, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that at salvation I was positioned in Christ and received a new life in Him. Thank You that at justification I became a new creation and a member of Christ's Body. I pray my new life in Christ may grow in grace and that my faith in the truth of Your Word may be put into action - so that I not only believe Your Word but am ready and willing to act upon it, moment by moment, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Father, thank You that Christ not only died for my sins but has died unto sin so that the power of sin no longer has power over me. Help me to make the right choice to follow you and listen to Your voice day by day. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I confess that I have not only hurt other people, and especially those that are close to me, but I have offended You and ignored some of the warnings that I believe were directly or indirectly sent from You. Help me I pray to break free of this ungodly addiction and get on the road to recovery.
Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned against You and ignored the clear teaching of Your Word to live soberly, righteously and in the fear of the Lord and to walk circumspectly before You, as a child of the light. But I come to You in humble submission to ask You to help me to get on the road to addiction recovery, for I know that You have promised to lift-up all who come to You out of the miry pit, even when we have foolishly dug it for ourselves.
Help me be set free from alcohol, putting on the breastplate of righteousness, and for the helmet of salvation in Christ, in Whose name I pray,
Heavenly Father, thank You for saving me and for the many lives that have been saved by grace through faith in Christ. May the inflow of truth from Your Word, produce an outflow of godliness and grace as I submit to the Holy Spirit, so that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I have been freed from slavery to sin and become a servant of righteousness. Help me day by day to make the righteous choices in my life that keeps self nailed to the Cross so that my life may be lived in willing obedience, as I seek to do Your will to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Father, in You is life, and light, and health, and truth. Thank You that I am Your child, and I pray that I may be a servant of righteousness, who honours You in thought, word, and deed. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that while I was still a sinner and entrapped in the dark kingdom of Satan, Jesus died for me, and that by grace through faith in Him, I have been removed from sin's terrible enslavement, saved from Satan's dark kingdom, and brought into the kingdom of Your dear Son, Jesus Christ, my God and Saviour. Thank You that He not only died to pay the price of my sin, but that He died to break the power of sin in my life - and how I thank You that His grace is sufficient for every eventuality in life that I may have to face. Thank You in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that the power of sin was broken in my life, because I died with Christ unto sin. Thank You that I am a new creation in Christ and have received His new resurrected life. I pray that in Him, I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus, day by day. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Loving Father, I am a sinner and deserving of eternal death and the lake of fire. I am not worthy to set my foot in Your heavenly home. But Lord, I believe that the Lord Jesus paid the price for my sins through His death on Calvary's Cross, and I accept Your free gift of salvation and eternal life in Him. Thank You for Your indescribable gift. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I am overwhelmed by Your goodness and grace that the penalty of sin, and the legal requirements of the Law can be met, simply by trusting in the Lord Jesus as the sacrificial offering for our sin. Thank You for sending the Lord Jesus to come to earth to live His sinless life so that He could fulfil the requirement of the Law on my behalf and release me from the curse of the Law. Thank You that He was willing to die as the sacrifice for my sin and the sin of the whole world. May I live and work to His greater praise and glory, for He alone is worthy. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I have been united with Christ by faith, and that because of that union with Him, I have died to sin and am dead to the curse of the Law. Thank You that Christ rose from the dead to give me His life so that as I abide in Him and He in me, I may bear much fruit to the glory of God. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Thank You, Father, that in Christ, I am dead to the Law and alive in Him. Thank You that I have been released from the Law, having died to that by which I was bound, so that by Your grace, I have been imputed with Your righteousness. May I serve You in newness of the Spirit. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the carefully structured book of Romans, that so systematically sets out the sinfulness of man and Your gracious gift of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank You for Paul’s clear teaching, that the Law is the tool to draw us to Yourself. The Law brings with it a knowledge of sin which points us all to Christ, the one and only Sacrifice for sin. Examine my heart and see if there is any sinful covetousness within and wash me clean, I pray. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, how I thank You for the book of Romans and the truths it contains about our changed relationship to the Law after we have been justified by faith, identified with Christ, and positioned in Him. Thank You that in Him, I am not under the Law but under grace. Thank You that the penalty for my sin has been paid and the power of sin in my life has been broken, all by grace through faith in Christ Jesus my Saviour. Help me keep my sinful nature nailed to the Cross, for in me there is no good thing. But thank You that You started a good work in me and will complete it on the day of Christ. May my life and witness be honouring to You. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Lord, I delight to do Your will. Thank You for Your Word of truth, which delights my inner being as I read and study it. May I grow in grace and not submit to the enticements of the flesh. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, keep me ever mindful of the truth that there is an internal war that is seeking to draw me back into my former fleshly ways. Thanks be to God, Who delivers me from this inner conflict, through Jesus Christ my Lord, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the wonderful truths that are contained in Your Word. Thank You that although there is nothing that I can do to gain Your approval, I am accepted in the Beloved. Thank You that my salvation was completed by Christ Who died from me and rose again to pay the penalty for my sin and to break the power of sin in my life. I pray that I may live to Your praise and glory until I can say, "it is not I that lives but Christ Who lives in me." Thank You Father, in Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You for Your great plan of salvation, which is mine in Christ. Thank You that I do not have to justify myself, nor do I have to sanctify myself, but that in all things it is Christ Who enables and strengthens me. Help me to grow in grace and in an understanding of how to live the Christian life, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Thank You, dear Heavenly Father, that there is no condemnation in Christ. Thank You, in Jesus' precious name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your grace, which has set me free from the curse of the law and the power of sin in my life. Thank You for sending Christ Jesus Whose death procured my freedom from the power of sin and death. I pray that I may walk in spirit and truth as I submit to the Holy Spirit so that my old sin nature is kept in the place of death. Help me to walk in spirit and truth and not to revert back to the law or engage in fleshly carnality, knowing that I have been set FREE and am enabled to stand fast in that liberty, as I submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I worship and praise and thank You. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Father, thank You for Your faithfulness, that even when I am faithless You prove faithful. Help me to keep the eyes of my heart fixed on Jesus, and help me to develop a spiritual mind-set that honours You. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that in Christ, I have been born from above, given a new nature, and received the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of Your eternal promise to all those who trust in Christ for salvation. May I walk in newness of spirit and do only those things that are pleasing to You. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I have been born again of the Spirit by faith and been made spiritually alive in Christ. Thank You that although I live in a body of sin which is subject to physical death, I will one day be clothed with an immortal body. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You that the Spirit of Him Who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead, is living in me. Because He lives, I too will receive His immortal life. May I never lose the wonder of this truth and become complacent or lukewarm about my great salvation. Open the eyes of those who have been blinded by the god of this age, and convict men and women of their need of a Saviour. Use me in whatsoever way you choose. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Father, Your plan of salvation, by grace through faith, is wonderful. Your continuing plan of sanctification, by grace through faith, as we submit to the Holy Spirit, is truly awesome. Help me to be willing to submit to Your Holy Spirit and to be led by You always, maturing in the faith to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Thank You, Father, that You are my Abba and I am Your child. Thank You that I have Your indwelling Spirit of love, peace, joy, and hope in my heart. You are a faithful and gracious God. Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Father, thank You for the indwelling Holy Spirit and His witness with my human spirit. I want to abide in You and You in me so that Your Holy Spirit will have free access to teach to me and to guide me into all truth. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. Father, how can we thank You enough for the amazing grace and unconditional love that has been showered down on all Your children without measure and without cost.
We bless and thank You for choosing us before the foundation of the world to become Your children and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus our Lord. You have set us apart to be holy and blameless before You all the days of our lives. You have even adopted us as Your sons and daughters and seated us together with Christ in heavenly places. Your goodness in unfathomable and Your loving-kindness rejoices our hearts and humbles us in our spirit.
We are not worthy to stoop down and tie Your shoe laces and yet You have lifted us up and seated us together with Christ in heavenly places. We worship and adore You and we bless Your holy name for ever and ever and ever,
Loving Father, thank you for Your wonderful words of wisdom in Scripture. May I become so firmly grounded in the truth of Your Word and the glory that it reveals, that I can place the sufferings of this present time in their correct perspective. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! AMEN.
Loving Father, thank You for Jesus and for the wonderful way that You used the nation of Israel, to protect and carry the Seed of Christ through the generations. I pray for the day when Israel recognises Jesus as their Messiah and for the promise that He will save His people from the sin of unbelief. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that in Christ, I have been made a new creation. Thank You that the day is coming, when the curse on the whole of Your groaning creation will be lifted. Until that time, I pray that I may live and work to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Loving Father, thank You that I am already your child and that one day I will receive my resurrection body. Thank You that Your promises to the Church and to Israel are founded upon Your Word of Truth. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Abba Father, thank You for Your indwelling Holy Spirit, Who knows my heart better than I know myself. Thank You that He is interceding for me right now, with groanings which cannot be uttered. Take the inner yearnings of my heart and beautify them, I pray, so that I may live my life in a way that glorifies You. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that I have been called according to Your plan and purpose, for it is not Your will that any should perish, but that all should come to faith in Christ Jesus our Lord. Thank You, Lord, that You are causing all things to work together to finally achieve Your great redemptive plan and purpose for mankind. And thank You, Lord, that so often I see Your gracious hand working in my life and in the lives of all Your children, as You gently transform us into the lovely image of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Father, I willingly submit to the work of the Holy Spirit in me and pray that You would search every aspect of my life and rid me of every trait that does not reflect the beauty of Jesus. Thank You that You foreordained this amazing transformation of my ugly character into His glorious likeness. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I stand amazed at Your knowledge and wisdom, but also that You should love us so much that You gave Your only begotten Son, to die on the Cross for me, so that by grace through faith in Him, I have been predestined to be conformed into the image and likeness of Jesus and one day will see Him as He is. I pray that I may live my life as unto the Lord, forgetting that which is past and pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, in Whose name I pray, AMEN.
Thank You, Lord, for being my Father and forgiving all my sins, not because I deserve it, but because Christ died in my place to pay the price for my sins, all of them. Thank You for all You have done for me, and that my future glorification is as equally complete in Christ as my past justification, when I first trusted Jesus as Saviour. Thank You that because I am in Christ, You are ‘for me.’ Let me never forget that amazing truth. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Loving Father, thank You for this staggering truth, that you chose to give Your only begotten Son as the purchase price for me. Forgive me for the times when I have doubted or questioned Your love. I praise Your name for the full assurance of Your never-failing love and boundless grace, which You have poured out on me without measure. In the name of the Lord Jesus I pray, AMEN.
Loving Father, thank you that there is no charge against me and no condemnation, because I am in Christ Jesus my Saviour. Thank You that I am covered in His righteousness. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Loving Father, thank you that I am in Christ, Who died and rose from the dead to save me from my sins. Thank you that because I am in Him, I am not condemned. Sometimes I find this hard to comprehend, but thank You for the wonderful reassurances in Your Word. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Oh Lord, I come to You to pray for all who are weighed down with some form of addition. Lord, You are the One Who came to set the captives free and to release the sinners from the chains that bind them. So I lift before Your throne of grace all those that have become addicted to drugs.
Lord, I know some personally and others that I know nothing about, but You know everyone that is enchained by the curse of drug-addiction. Look with compassion on all that are ensnared by any form of addiction, and send help and freedom to all who would accept help. Lord, I pray that they may be released from this imprisonment and returned to a life that has dignity and meaning.
Give wisdom to their family members and those that care from them, that they may be given the support and help to put them back on the road to recovery. Endow them with patience, understanding and perseverance, knowing that this can take time to address.
More than anything Lord, I pray for their salvation. You died for every drug addict and it was Your love for them that caused You to die on the cross of shame that they might be lifted up and seated with Christ in heavenly places. Save them Lord, in Jesus' name I pray,
Thank You, Father, that nothing at all can ever separate me from Your amazing love and eternal grace, which is in Christ Jesus my Lord. Sometimes, I imagine things that will separate me from You, and yet Your Word clearly tells me that there is nothing at all that can remove me from my position in Christ Jesus. Help me to accept this truth in my heart today, and never more doubt Your love for me. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the truth of Your Word and for the clear way that Paul was led by the Holy Spirit to teach the truth of Your grace toward us. Thank You that I am safe in Your hands and will never be separated from You, from the moment I believed and forever after. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the ministry of the apostle Paul, the magnificent treatise of Romans, and the clear exposition of every aspect of our great salvation. Thank You that salvation is not by works of the Law, nor is it dependent on race, parentage, nationality, education, or anything else, but by faith in Christ Jesus, Israel’s Messiah and God’s only begotten Son Who died on the Cross to pay the penalty for our sin and rose victorious from the grave so that we too may rise to life immortal. Thank You for Paul’s heart of compassion for his own race, the lost people of Israel. Help me also to have a heart of compassion for the lost and give me opportunities to share the good news of the gospel with others. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, what an amazing plan of redemption, praise Your holy name. Thank You for Your people, Israel and for Your plans for the Church. I pray that during my time on earth, I may be a true witness of Your Word, until You come to take me to be with Yourself. I pray for the nation of Israel, that You would prepare the hearts of unbelieving Jews who continue to be blinded to the truth that Jesus Christ is Israel's Messiah. I pray that Your plans and purposes for mankind would continue to unfold, and I will rejoice with all the angels in heaven when Your chosen people finally cry out to the Lord for salvation. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, what a comfort to know that nothing will influence Your purpose and plan of redemption, just as there was nothing to influence Your sovereign choice of Jacob over Esau. Thank You that my salvation is not determined by my character, conduct, natural descent, or human merit, but was determined by You, to be a gift of Your grace to all who believe on the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that I may live a life that honours Your name. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I do not always understand Your ways, but I praise and thank You that You have shown mercy to me. Thank You that by grace through faith in Christ, I have been made a new creation in Him and given life eternal. In Jesus' precious name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Paul's detailed discourse on the past history, present status, and future hope for Your people, Israel. Thank You for the many members of the Jewish race who have already believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and been saved. I pray that many more would have their blindness removed and recognise Him as their Saviour and King. I pray that Christendom's current, unbiblical teaching of 'replacement theology' which fuel's anti-Semitic hatred, would be halted, and thank You that the day is coming when You will bring Your plans and purposes to completion, as outlined in Scripture and Christ is crowned as King of kings. This I pray in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You, for sending the Lord Jesus Christ to be the end of the Law to all who trust in Him as Saviour. I confess that of myself, I can do no good thing, but praise Your holy name that I can do all things through Christ, Who has become my righteousness. In His name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that Your only begotten Son came to earth to die on the Cross and to rise again so that all who believe in Him, both Jew and Gentile alike, would not perish but have everlasting life. Thank You that You have not forgotten Your people Israel, and thank You that all who confess that Jesus is Lord, the eternal God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel and believe in their heart that He rose from the dead will not perish but have everlasting life. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, there is much that I do not understand about the Word of God and much that I need to be taught, but I pray that the Holy Spirit would guide me into all truth. Keep me from being swayed away from the truth of the glorious gospel of grace into a distorted gospel by those that show religious zeal, religious ignorance, religious intolerance, or religious arrogance. Help me to study to show myself approved unto God and give me the wisdom and the humility to seek You when I do not understand. Open my eyes, I pray, so that I may see wonderful things in Your written Word. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, what a beautiful truth, that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Thank You for Your perfect plan of salvation. You knew that we were incapable of saving ourselves through the works of the Law, but praise Your holy name that You sent Jesus to be our salvation. He died on the Cross in our place and rose again the third day so that whosoever calls on His name will be saved. Praise the Lord. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, there are multitudes of souls in the world today that remain dead in their trespasses and sins. Thank You that You have given me all I need for life and godliness. I ask that You would use me to share the good news of Christ with others, and pray that You would send more labourers into the harvest-fields of the world and bring many souls to saving faith in Jesus, in Whose name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the book of Romans and the clearly presented message of the gospel of grace, by which sinful man may be reconciled back to God, by faith in the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Help me to speak the truth in love to those with whom I come into contact. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of hearing. Thank You for the people who told me about Jesus, for all who proclaimed the message of Christ in my hearing. Thank You for those that taught me that I was a sinner in need of salvation, which only comes through the sacrificial death of Christ on my behalf. May my feet be shod with the beautiful message of peace with God, by grace through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord, in Whose name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word and the truth that it contains. Thank You that the message of salvation is clearly set out, and that it is by grace through faith and not by works of the Law, that we are saved. Thank You that You have not rejected Your people, Israel, but that You have graciously included Gentiles also into Your plan of salvation. Praise Your holy name, AMEN.
Loving Father, I praise You that You have shown Yourself faithful to Your people, throughout all generations. Help me to be strong in the Lord and to rely on You in all the problems of life that I may face. I know that You are with me wherever I go. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Loving Father, thank You that Your salvation is a completely free gift of grace, which I do not deserve, but which You gave to me simply because I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You that there is nothing I could do to gain it and nothing I have to do in order to keep it. Thank You, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, what an amazing plan of salvation. I praise and thank You that because of Israel’s transgression, I have been given the opportunity to be brought into Your family. I pray that many of Your people, Israel, would come to know Christ as Saviour. Thank You that You are a faithful God Who keeps His promises to both Israel and the Church, from one generation to another. Use me, I pray, to be a witness to the wonderful gospel of Christ. In His name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that Your plan of redemption was not thwarted by Israel's rejection of their Messiah, but through their stumbling and failure, so much blessing and hope has been spread abroad to the Gentiles. I pray for the day when Israel recognises the Lord Jesus and receives Him as their Messiah. Thank You that it is not Your will that any should perish, but that Jew and Gentile alike, should come to repentance and be saved. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
I praise and magnify Your holy name, for You alone are worthy of our praise and worship. Thank You, Father, that You looked down in pity on Your fallen and corrupted creation and sent Christ to be the Author and Finisher of the new creation. Thank You that by faith, I have been born into that new creation in Christ, reconciled back to God, forgiven of my sins, and given eternal life, that comes from Him. Thank You that in Christ I will live with You forever, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I stand amazed at Who You are and what You have done for me, a sinner, who was dead in my trespasses and sins, but in Christ have been raised up into newness of life in Him. How I praise and glorify You, to You be all glory, honour and might, all majesty, dominion and power. Forever and ever, AMEN.
Lord, take my life and let it be consecrated to You. Take my life my Lord, I pour my life out as a living sacrifice to You. Praise Your holy name for the amazing gift of salvation that You have given to me, by grace through faith. You alone are worthy of my love and praise forever and ever. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Father, too often my mind is deflected from Jesus onto the things of the world, especially when times are difficult, but I want to keep my mind on Christ, knowing that this is Your best will for me. I pray that I become increasingly aware of the Spirit's promptings in my life, so that day by day, my heart and mind may become saturated with the lovely Lord Jesus. May His nature be reflected through my actions and attitude and may my life be transformed daily, by the renewing of my mind. Help me to prove in my life what Your will for me is, and may I do only those things that are good, and acceptable and perfect in Your sight - for Your praise and glory, and for the benefit of others. This I ask in the matchless name of Jesus, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus and that I have been saved by grace through faith in His finished work. Thank You that my salvation does not rely on what I have done but on what Christ has already done on my account. Thank You that while I was still a sinner, Christ died for me and that by faith in Him, I have received spiritual gifts and graces which are to be used for His glory. I pray that I may do all to the glory of God and present my body as a living sacrifice unto You. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I thank You for Paul’s amazing epistle to the Romans, which outlines so clearly the fundamentals of our faith and the behaviour that You desire from all Your blood-bought children. Help me to live my life to Your praise and glory, and may the love of God fill me to all fullness and flow through me to others. I pray that I would cling to what is good and abhor all that is evil. May my love be without hypocrisy, as I abide in Christ and He in me. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Father, thank You for Your love. I pray that You would pour Your godly love into my heart so that Your love may stream through me to all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Help me to love with brotherly affection and consider the needs of others before my own. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Loving Father, thank You for the Word of God and the godly instructions that are laid out for the Church in the epistles of Paul. Please help me to rejoice in hope, endure in tribulation, and persevere in prayer, as I press on to the goal of my calling. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, there are times when I have been hurt and abused by my enemies who have sought to harm me and those I love. I confess, Lord, that at times I would like to pay them back for the wrongs they have done. But I know I have been called to do good to those that treat me badly, to pray for my enemies, and to feed them when they are hungry, for Your greater glory. I also know that You have promised to avenge those that hate me, and I thank You that a day is coming when You will put all wrongs to right. Keep me from trying to avenge any wrongs done to me, when Your Word clearly says: "Vengeance is Mine, says the Lord, I will repay." Draw me closer to Yourself, and may the words of my mouth and the actions I do, bring honour to Your holy name and blessings to those with whom I come in contact. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Father, I thank You that You are in control of all that is happening in my life, throughout the world and beyond. I pray that while I am here, You will take my life, and use me in whatever way You choose. May I be a faithful witness and bring glory to Your name, in my small corner of this world. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the amazing book of Romans, the incredible truths it contains, and the important lessons it teaches. Give me a teachable spirit so that by Your grace I may learn to love all people with a supernatural, Christ-like love. Help me forgive those who have hurt or harmed me, and multiply Your everlasting love for others within my heart, for Your eternal praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are the source of life and the fountain-spring of love. Help me to carry out Your will for my life, and may I love as Christ loves. I pray that I would do no wrong, in thought, word, or deed, to my family, friends, or neighbours. And help me to show the love of Christ to all with whom I come in contact today. This I ask in Jesus' precious name and for His greater glory. AMEN.
Thank You, Father, that Your promises are 'yes' and 'amen' in Jesus, our Lord, and that His return is getting closer with each passing day. I pray I may throw off any impassivity that has developed in my heart, wake up from any spiritual slumber, and remember the importance of redeeming the time I have left – to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, as I read through the book of Romans, I am coming to an understanding that the time for Christ’s return is drawing ever closer. In this broken world of sin, I realise how easy it is to lose focus on Christ and be drawn into the many deceptive teachings that are flooding the world and being taught by many church congregations. Keep me alert and awake to the knowledge that the night has almost gone and the day of Christ’s return is fast approaching. Help me to be a living sacrifice and to lay aside any and every worldly activity that discredits Your name. May I clothe myself daily in Christ's armour of light so that I can be a shining light in this darkened world. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Father, thank You for all those that are involved in helping others with their addiction to alcohol. We thank You for places like Alcoholic Anonymous and the many Christian ministries and rehab centres that are dedicated to helping men and women recover from this debilitating and distressing addiction, and showing them the love of the Lord Jesus.
Give wisdom, grace and patience to all that are serving in one capacity or another to relieve the distress and devastation that alcoholism leaves in it wake. We pray that You would give them the right words of encouragement and advice to enable those that are addicted to permanently break free of their alcoholism and so live a more meaningful and fruitful life.
We pray that You would not only rescue alcoholic men and women from the depths of despair to which many have fallen, but also that You would raise them up into a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and bring them into newness of life in Him, to His praise and glory. This we ask in Jesus' name,
Heavenly Father, thank You that I am in Christ through faith in his finished work at Calvary. I recognise that I am in a spiritual battle and I can only be victorious as I abide in Christ and He in me. Keep me from trying to live my life in my own strength, but I pray that I may put on the Lord Jesus in spirit and truth. To His praise and glory, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, forgive me for the times when I have not acted in godly love toward my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who may be weaker in the faith than I, and who may hold to some practices and biases from which I have been set free. Keep me from developing a critical spirit toward other members of Your Body, and help me not to do anything from selfish ambition or conceit. In humility of heart, may I count others more significant than myself. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You for the freedom I have in Christ. I am not under the restrictions of the Law, but under the freedom of grace. I pray that I would make choices in my life that honour You. Help me to heed Paul’s instructions to be mindful of the needs of others who may be weaker in the faith, or who do not enjoy the breadth of liberty I have in You. Give me a sensitive spirit to the needs of others, and keep me from any criticism of believers who make different choices in the non-essentials of the Christian faith. Keep me low at the Cross and broken before You, for His name’s sake. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Loving Father, it is my chief complaint that I do not love and serve You as I ought. Help me to accept that I can only do those things that please You as I decrease and You increase in my life. Keep me from falling into any legalistic mindset, or from abusing the liberty I have in Christ through wrong choices. Please help me shed all hidden pride and all appearances of self-importance so that I may be used by You, and I pray that whatever choices I make in the 'non-essentials' of Christian life, I may glorify You in thought, word, and deed. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Loving Father, I pray that in all things, I live to please You. Not in my own strength, but through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Bring me to the point where I can say without hesitation, "Thy will, not mine be done." This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for coming to earth to live a perfect life and to die a cruel death so that I might be saved by grace through faith in You. I pray that whether I live or whether I die I may do everything as unto You. To Your praise and glory, AMEN.
Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, I do thank You for the family of Christ into which You have placed me and the loving fellowship that we enjoy together. As we study Your Word and seek to encourage each other in our little gatherings, I pray that the Word of Christ would dwell in us richly.
Help each of us to be willing to learn and also recognise the need to be accountable to each other as well as to You, as we seek to grow in grace corporately. Bless those that You have seen fit to equip each of us, and I pray that those who have been graced with the gift of teacher may motivate us all to be willing learners of You.
Lord, I know that one day I will stand before Your Bema judgement seat and I long to hear You say, “well done good and faithful servant.” I pray that in the days that I have ahead, I would draw close to You, and to my brothers and sisters in Christ, as together, we await that glorious day when we stand in Your presence, face to face with You.
Thank You, in Jesus' name,
Loving Father, keep me from trying to maintain church unity at the expense of the truth of the gospel of grace. But also, please keep me from allowing the beautiful freedom I have, by grace through faith in Christ, to become criticism of others whose consciences lead them in a different direction. Help me, therefore, to make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification, for I desire to glorify Your name in all I say and do. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Loving Father, I pray that I may be one that walks in righteousness before You. Help me to be at peace with everyone around me. Give me the joy in my heart that comes from fully submitting my life into Your hands and being led by the Spirit in everything I do. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Loving Heavenly Father, You put us into families and set a father as the leader and role model for each family, but Lord, there are many families that are being torn apart by a husband and father that has become addicted to alcohol.
Knowing the devastating nature of this disease, I pray that You would prompt each one to turn away from this evil habit to become the responsible husband and father that You desire each one to be.
Lord, we know that there are many alcoholic husbands that abuse their wives both physically and emotionally and that many children are also placed in danger due to abuse from an alcoholic father. And also Lord, we know that such drinking habits can often leave families with insufficient money to live on.
Protect all those that are vulnerable from all forms of abuse, and convict such men of the responsibilities of being loving husbands and dependable fathers. Lord, we pray that they turn from their evil ways to turn to the Lord Jesus, knowing that only in You is true freedom found.
Thank You Father. I commit all families that are in this position into Your safe-keeping. In Jesus' name,
Heavenly Father, thank You that Christ came to earth to become my Saviour. Thank You that He did not come to earth to please Himself, but was prepared to say, "Thy will be done," even when He faced the Cross, knowing that it was only by His death that we can have life. Thank You so much, Lord. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You for the Word of God and the wonderful truths it contains. As I read the pages of Scripture, You unveil Your gracious character and eternal goodness to me, and You teach me how to live. Help me to live in this fallen world with patient endurance, as I look to Jesus and the glorious hope I have in Him. Praise His holy name, for it is in Him alone that I have such a blessed hope. AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are a good and faithful God, Who keeps His promises to the children of men. Thank You that Jesus set aside His exalted glory and was born into the Jewish race, as prophesied of old. He came as Israel's Servant-King, knowing He would not be received by His own people, but would suffer rejection, humiliation, and death at their hands. Thank You that by Christ's life, death, and Resurrection, You have proved to Israel, the Church, and the Gentile nations, that You are a God Who is faithful to His promises, and Whose holy Word stands fast forever and ever. Praise Your holy name, AMEN.
Loving Father, my heart rejoices as I realise the depth of love You have for me. You truly are my glorious God of Hope, and I thank You that this is not the doubtful 'hope' of the world, but a definite hope that is securely founded on Your unchangeable Word. Enable me to share this truth with those with whom I come in contact today, to Your praise and glory. In Christ's name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the amazing ministry of the apostle Paul and the example he set of a life that is wholly committed, in word and deed, to Christ Jesus our Lord. Help me to be a living sacrifice that honours Your name and may the Word of Christ dwell richly within my being in all wisdom and teaching. Keep me low at the Cross and broken before You, and fulfil in my life the work that You have prepared for me to do. This I ask in the name of Christ Jesus, my Lord, for Your honour and glory, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the many insights into powerful, purposeful, and persistent prayer, and the wisdom in joining with prayer partners for specific needs. Thank You that You are a God Who not only answers prayer but uses our prayer life to increase our faith, draw us closer to Yourself, and join with others in pleading for Your answers. Help me in my prayer life to strive together with other believers when important issues impact our lives, and may my prayers reflect Your perfect will for the salvation of the lost and the growth of faith in believers lives. Thank You that I have continuous access to Your throne of grace for mercy to find help in time of need, and may I use this great privilege to forward Your purposes in my life and for Your greater praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are the God of Peace Who sent Jesus to be the perfect Prince of Peace and great Shepherd of the sheep. Thank You that He is coming to bring in a time of peace and prosperity to men, and to rule the world in righteousness and truth. I pray that as the day for Christ's return draws ever closer, You would draw near to all Your children so that our joy may be perfected in Him. May we also all be drawn together in the unity of the Spirit, with one heart and mind, and established in peace. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the truth of Your Word. I realise how easily division and disunity can infiltrate the Body of Christ. I pray that I would walk in spirit and truth and not allow myself to be drawn into any dissentious discussions with brothers and sisters in Christ, but quickly turn away from those that display any spirit of disunity and discord. I pray that I may grow in grace and keep the eyes of my heart on Jesus, and that you would give Church elders and leaders wisdom to identify and deal with any internal strife quickly and with wisdom, for Your greater glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, keep me vigilant and circumspect in my Christian walk, knowing that there are many false teachers and deceptive doctrines that have infiltrated the churches, and which have caused many innocent believers to be deceived and defeated in their Christian walk. I pray that You would give me wisdom and discernment, concerning all that is good and wholesome, while being alert to the schemes of evil men, and the dangers of adopting a perverted gospel, that strays from the truth of God’s Word. I pray that I may be wise that which is good and display an innocence concerning things that are evil, and in Your power, may I live only for Christ, in Whose name I pray, AMEN.
Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, keep me from Satan's evil activities that are designed to shipwreck the faith in Your people, and keep me ever under Your sovereign authority, influence, and peace. Thank You that despite the enemy's deceit and trickery, Satan is a defeated enemy who has no authority over my life, because Christ won the battle at Calvary. Frustrate the wicked wiles of the devil, and expose those false teachers, who are leading so many of Your people astray. May the grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, this day and forevermore, AMEN.
Dear Heavenly Father, how I thank and praise You for the glorious revelation of Your amazing salvation, by grace through faith. Open my heart to know You more. May I love You more each day, and walk in the path of righteousness, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.