Heavenly Father, thank You for Habakkuk who, despite the violence and destruction he had to go through, held fast to Your precious promises and determined to praise Your name, no matter what terrors, tribulation, or trials he had to face. Thank You for their prophetic writings which help us to see the end from the beginning, and I praise Your name for the assurance that justice will one day be carried out. May I be equally determined to trust in Your love and rest in the truth of Your Word. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
Loving Lord, I do not always understand why certain things are permitted in my life and why evil men so often appear to prosper, but I trust in Your love, for You are my Father and I am Your child. I understand, Lord, that in this world there will be trials, but praise be to Christ Jesus my Lord, for He has overcome the world. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the many precious promises You have made to Your people, Israel, and to those in the Body of Christ. I know that what You have started You will surely complete, to Your praise and glory. Give me patience as I await Your appointed times and may I occupy wisely, as I wait for the fulfilment of Your plans and purposes. I know Your timing is perfect and You are long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus' name, AMEN.
Thank You, Father, for the witness of Habakkuk who first shared the wonderful truth that the justified man and woman will live, because of their faith. Thank You for those who have continued to teach this truth down through the centuries, like the apostle Paul and those in the Reformation. How I thank You, Heavenly Father, that because I am justified by faith, I will live eternally with the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that having been justified as Your free and forever gift of grace, I may live every day of my life by faith, by trusting in You and not relying on my own strength or abilities. May my life be honouring to You and a testimony of Your goodness and grace to those with whom I come in contact. This I ask in Jesus' precious name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the example of Habakkuk and for the truths that we can learn. I acknowledge that, like Israel, we have gone astray and wandered far from You. We have left our first love and flirted with the world. Forgive us, Lord. Purify Your Church and restore to us the joy of our salvation. Keep us faithfully looking to Christ and living by faith, for You alone are our strength and our salvation. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.