Loving Father, thank You for the many free gifts that have been poured out over me without measure, simply because I trusted in Jesus as Saviour. Sometimes, I feel I should do something to deserve your favour, but that would not be grace. So, in humility of heart, I simply thank You for Your free gift of grace that is given to me and to all who trust Jesus as Saviour. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Source: Verse of the day for Romans 8:17Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. Father, how can we thank You enough for the amazing grace and unconditional love that has been showered down on all Your children without measure and without cost.
We bless and thank You for choosing us before the foundation of the world to become Your children and joint-heirs with Christ Jesus our Lord. You have set us apart to be holy and blameless before You all the days of our lives. You have even adopted us as Your sons and daughters and seated us together with Christ in heavenly places. Your goodness in unfathomable and Your loving-kindness rejoices our hearts and humbles us in our spirit.
We are not worthy to stoop down and tie Your shoe laces and yet You have lifted us up and seated us together with Christ in heavenly places. We worship and adore You and we bless Your holy name for ever and ever and ever,