Prayer To Get Out Of The Mess I Have Made

O Lord, forgive me, for I have been foolish and unwise in my life in so many ways and have got myself into many problems that I hardly know where to turn. Please give me the courage and wisdom to admit where I have been wrong, not only to others , but to myself and especially to You.

Lord, it is so easy to seek to justify some of the things that I have done, but in my heart I know that I have been careless in my relationships and my home life, and must have grieved Your Holy Spirit many times. Lord, I know that this has had a detrimental effect on me and especially my relationship with You, and I don’t want to go on like this any more. Lord, I confess my faults and ask for Your gracious forgiveness .

Lord, help me to take every thought captive and to admit my faults quickly and turn immediately to You. I believe that You have had to bring me to this sharp halt in my life, and although it is very painful, I pray that You will forgive me and allow me to get back into fellowship with the Father. I want to walk in Your ways and confess that I have been acting in a prideful manner and have not done the things that I ought to have done. Thank You, that You have never given up on me and thank You for Your never-failing grace. Help me to walk in Your ways from this day forward I pray. In Jesus' name,
