Thank You, Lord, that there is nowhere that I can be where I am not able to pour out my heart to You and know that You are there to help and to sustain me, to lead and to guide. But Lord, I particularly ask that You would be with me as I start my vacation. I pray that I would use this time wisely so that I at the end of my break, I will be refreshed and rejuvenated and knowing more and more of You.
Lord, I pray that I would take time to fix the eyes of my heart and the ears of my mind onto Jesus, Whom to know is life eternal, and to take time to read Your Word and to allow it to wash over me and to renew my tired spirit and my weary soul.
Help me to wait upon You as I start my vacation for Lord, I know that Your Word is life and health for those that wait on You. Lord, help me to spend quality time alone with You, knowing that all who wait upon the Lord are assured that they will rise up with wings as eagles. They will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name,