Prayer To Overcome Despair

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would help me to overcome the negative feeling of despair that I often find myself to be falling into, when I am thinking about all that is going on in the world around me.. and yet I know that You have promised to go before and behind me - and be with me in all the problems and difficulties of life.

I pray that I may learn how to overcome the negative feelings of despair I have, when I start thinking about all my problems and how I am going to manage. Help me to look to Jesus to lift my weary spirit I pray – for I know in my heart, that the only peace and rest to be found.. is in You.

Keep me I pray from becoming overwhelmed by feelings of despair but rather help me to look to Jesus as the anchor of my soul as soon as any negative thoughts start to enter my mind. May I learn quickly to take each thought captive to Christ, and give Him the cares and worries that cause me to fall into despair.   

Help me I pray to anchor my thoughts on whatsoever is true, and good, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable, and help me to think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise, so that all feelings of despair do not have a foothold in my heart – this I ask in Jesus name,
