Prayers For Mothers Who Have Miscarried

Heavenly Father, we come to You to lift up the many women who have had to face the devastating realisation that the baby that they were carrying is no more. We lift up every woman to You, knowing what a depth of grief and sadness these mothers experience when the baby that they were so looking forward to has been lost… when the little life that they were expecting has been miscarried.

Lord You are the God of all comforts and we pray that Your special grace and solace would flood the hearts of all women who have lost the baby that they were carrying – a loss which fills each one with such grief and pain and bewilderment 

Give them Your strength and courage and we ask that each one would reach out to You and take their sustenance and strength from You. Breathe into each hurting heart Your sweet kiss of hope and Your warm breath of love.. and may they cling fast to You more than ever before – trusting You to bring them through this dark period of their lives – and open up a future where their tears are changed into laughter and they sadness is changed into joy. This we ask in Jesus name 
