Prayer To Pray For My Enemies

Loving Lord, I so desire to follow Your command to love my enemies, to pray for those that persecute me, to do good to those that hate me, to bless those that curse me and to pray for those that mistreat me and I ask that in Your strength and grace I would learn to live my life according to Your will.

I understand that the real enemy that I face is not the flesh and blood of men and women that I so often come up against in life, but the battle I face is against a spiritual enemy and forces of evil that are in the heavenly realms – and that Satan and his evil  forces are my true antagonists, who encompasses me about on every side and seek to shipwreck my faith.

Thank You for the spiritual armour that is mine in Christ and I praise You that in Him I have all that I need to stand fast in the evil day, knowing that the weapons of our warfare are not that that are used by the world, but are divinely powerful spiritual weapons, which are designed to destroy the fortresses of evil and to demolish of strongholds of Satan.

Father I pray that You would rescue those that are under the dominion of Satan and bring them out from the satanic, kingdom of darkness into the glorious kingdom of Your dear Son. I ask that You would make known to them the wonderful riches that are in Christ. I pray that each one may come to saving faith in Christ Jesus, so that they may be at peace with God and have the peace of Christ reigning in their hearts. 

Give me wisdom and discernment to know when to act, what to say, how to pray and when to remain silent. May all I do be according to Your will and I ask that in all things Your Holy Spirit would lead and guide, in Jesus name I pray,
