Prayer for Jeremiah 30:17

“But I will bring you health and will heal you of your wounds- [this is]*The bracketed text has been added for clarity. the Lord's declaration- for they call you The Outcast, that Zion no one cares about.”

Prayer In A Time of Illness

Dear Father God, thank You for the many blessings that we receive from You daily and especially for the wonderful gift of salvation, which we all have been given simply by trusting in Jesus as Saviour. Thank You, that He died to take the punishment I deserve for my sins, and that He rose again to break the power of sin and death in my life. How I praise You and worship You for all Your many blessing.

Lord, I thank You for my life. I know that we are wonderfully created and every part of our body is a miracle, but I come to You today as I am not at all well in my body and my health seems to be failing. I have always been fairly healthy Lord, for which I praise You, but have come down recently with a number of unrelated ailments and Lord, I feel so poorly and ask for Your healing touch on my life.

Be with me Lord, and with all that are facing similar problems in their lives. Lord, it seems that so many people that I know have contracted some sort of health problem, and I just ask You to visit each of us at this time of illness, stretch Your healing hand on each of our lives and restore us to good health.

Thank You, that You are a God Who hears and answers prayers. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Category: Prayers for Health

Prayer For A Baby’s Minor Illness

Loving Lord, this little child is sick and I pray for Your healing touch on their life. Lord, You are the God Who heals, You are the great Physician and You know exactly what is wrong with this baby and what is needed to restore their health. I pray You would place this little life back on the road to recovery and restored health.
Lord Jesus, I believe that Your touch still has its ancient power to heal, that Your love for little children is still as strong as ever, and that by Your loving-kindness and grace, You can restore this babe into good health and clear up this minor illness speedily.
Lord, You have proved to be faithful and true so many times in my life and I have trusted Your Word, which tells us that You heal all our infirmities. Lord, I believe that Your healing power is still just as effective on this little baby’s illness as it was on the daughter of Jairus and the man with a withered hand. Pour out Your healing strength I pray. In Jesus' name,

Category: Prayers for Babies

Prayer To Find The Root Of My Health Problem

Heavenly Father, I seem to have been hit with a number of ailments all at the same time, and the doctors do not seem to know why this has happened, or how to treat me. Lord, You know exactly what is wrong with my body, and I ask that You would direct me toward the right treatment, not just to mask the conditions that have invaded my body, but to search out the root of the problem, and enable it to be cured.

Lord, I know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that You even know the number of hairs on my head. You knew me before I was born and scheduled every day of my life, so this illness is nothing unexpected to You. Heal me Lord I pray, in whatever way seems best to You.

Lord, show me what I ought to do, I pray. If I need to change my eating habits, eliminate something from my diet or do something I have not thought about, I ask that You would direct me, or prompt someone else give me some advice.

Lord, I wait on You and pray that in Your time and in Your way, You will not only restore my body to full health and strength, but that You would give me Your peace and serenity in my heart, knowing that in all things, I am safe in the arms of my Saviour, in Whose name I pray,


Category: Prayers for Health