Lord, You gave me this precious son of mine for a season and with it the great responsibility and joy of guiding him through his childhood years and into manhood, and now I find that I am having to entrust him back into Your loving arms.
Lord, I do thank You for the joy he has given me over these special years of his life, and the pride I had as I watched him spread his own wings as he started to make his way in life, growing in favour with You and with so many others too.
Lord, I ask You to hold me close in Your own loving embrace, as this is such a pain to have to say goodbye to my dearly beloved son. I know that his life was only entrusted to me for a season, that our times are in Your hands, and that You have scheduled each day of our lives, but I did not expect that he would be called home before me.
Pour out Your loving comfort and strength to me Lord, and to all of us who feel his loss so acutely. May we draw closer to each other and to You as we say our farewells for a season, as we wait for that blessed hope when once again we will all be reunited in Your heaven. May Your peace and joy and hope in believing, comfort us all at this time. This I ask in Jesus' name,