Dear Lord, as I look back over the years, I want to thank You for the many teachers that You placed in my path and for the wonderful ways that so many of them have influenced me for good, down through the pages of my life.
Thank You for the way that some have equipped me to look at life, and encouraged me to reach out to fulfil the potential that was within and have enabled my hidden gifts and talents to blossom and flourish for the benefit of others and to Your glory.
Thank You for those that helped me to focus on the task at hand, even when it seemed tedious, knowing that I have been enabled to achieve goals that appeared to be beyond my grasp and achieve objectives that seemed out of reach.
Thank You for the teachers that taught me compassion and brought me into a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and thank You for those that led me deeper into the Christian life and even corrected me when I started to err from the truth.
I pray that You would use me to be a teacher and an encouragement to others whom You may place in my path. May I faithfully fulfil Your commandment to love as Christ loved us, and to offer my life to You as a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise. This I ask in Jesus' name,