Prayers for Gratitude

Prayer Of A Grateful Heart

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for loving me so much that You would come to earth and suffer and die so that I might be saved by grace through faith in You. Words cannot express the depth of gratitude and love that I have, knowing that You love me so very dearly.
As I look at the vastness of Your creation and realise the enormity of Your Person, I am astonished that You should care for me. How can it be that You died for me when I was dead in my sins and at enmity with God? 
Thank You, that You provide for me day by day and that when I am weak and fearful You hold me up. Thank You that You have promised to be with me always. Lord Jesus, there is no end to Your goodness and there is no end to my love and gratitude for all You are to me. Praise Your holy name for ever and ever, 


Prayer For Attitude Of Gratitude

Father, I want to lift up my hands and voice to worship You in thanksgiving and praise, for all the goodness and loving-kindness that You so freely pour out on me with every passing day.
Thank You for the grace that You supply moment by moment and day by day, and I pray that You would develop in me a true attitude of gratefulness and a heart that acknowledges the long-suffering way that You are working in so many area of my life.
Lord, I am so very grateful to You and pray that You would keep my heart filled with appreciation for all You have done for me. Develop in me a godly attitude of gratefulness so that I may never cease to praise You for Your gracious goodness to me and to all people.
May I learn to recognise that all the gifts and graces I have is a result of Your loving-kindness towards me, and may I never cease to lift up my hands and voice to You in grateful praise for all You are doing in my life. May the Lord Jesus be glorified I pray,

Eternal Gratitude For The Free Grace Of God

Loving Heavenly Father, how my heart bows before You in humble and sincere gratitude for all the many blessings that You have bestowed upon me, for the life that You have given me, and the way that You have sustained me and cared for me, for which I offer You my grateful thanks. 

Thank You for my family and friends, my community and church and all the wonderful ways that You have led and guided us through both the joyful times and the difficult seasons of life.

Thank You, for the wonderful world into which we have been placed and the beauties that surround us, the sea and the sky and the hills and the valleys – for all the delights that You have placed in our lives in such abundance.

Thank You most of all, for sending us the Lord Jesus to die on the cross so save us from our sins, covering us with His own perfect righteousness and raising us up to sit with Him in heavenly places, when we deserve nothing but punishment. Lord, we are not worthy to untie Your shoe-laces and yet in Your great grace and mercy You have freely given us all things to richly enjoy. Words cannot express the gratitude that is in my heart. Help me Lord to be the person You would have me be. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Gratitude For A Special Friend

Thank You, Lord, for blessing me with such a treasured friend and for the mutual joy and friendship we share together. What a wonderful privilege it is to share our good times together and to be there for each other, when sorrow or difficulties invades our lives.
Thank You for the wonderful love, care and encouragement we share with each other, and I praise and thank You Father that You are a relational God Who knows the importance of close friendships and special intimate relationships, which so enrich our lives, lifts our hearts and refresh our spirits.
I pray You would draw close to us both. Strengthen us in the inner man so that together we may grow in grace and in a knowledge of You. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Gratitude For All Of God’s Gifts

Oh Lord our God, what a joy it is to open my eyes in the morning and to remember all of Your loving-kindness towards us all, and for the many gifts and graces that we enjoy day by day.

Thank You for shelter from the cold, and for the rest and refreshment that is gained with a good nights sleep. Thank You for the joy of opening my eyes to a fresh day, where Your mercies are new every morning. What a wonderful and faithful God You are.

Thank You for my health and my home. Thank You for my family and my friends. Thank You for the many good gifts that You have been pleased to bestow on all Your children. Oh, thank You that You are my Father and that Christ Jesus is my Saviour. And thank You Lord, that I have the indwelling Holy Spirit to lead and to guide, to comfort and help. I am never alone because You are ever by my side. Praise Your holy name for all the good gifts that You have graciously given me, in such rich abundance. In Jesus' name I pray,


Gratitude For Answered Prayer

Thank You, Father, for Your goodness and mercy to me, which is new every morning, and for the wonderful answers to prayer for which I praise and glorify Your name.
Thank You, that I have access to the throne of grace, to find mercy and grace to help in time of need, and day by day I praise and thank You that You hear and answer the cries of my heart and supply all my needs according to Your riches in glory.
Thank You, Lord, for the simple things in life that we so often take for granted, the sun and stars, the flowers and trees, our daily food and clothing, my home and family and the peace and joy that comes from knowing You.
Thank You also, for sharing in my sorrows and joys, and for the sufficient grace and strength that we receive day by day. And thank You, Lord, for dying for me on the cross as my Redeemer, paying the price for my sins so that I may have Your life and live with You in heaven forever. May my heart be truly thankful and may I live my life in a manner that is pleasing to You, to Your honour and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer Of Gratitude For Food

Thank You, Father, for Your day-by-day provision and for supplying all that we need for life and health. Thank You, Lord, that our table is daily filled with so many good things, just as You have promised and that You faithfully provide for all our bodily necessities.
Forgive us for the times when we have been faithless or forgetful of Your generous provision and yet You have never failed to provide the sustenance that we need for our daily life. Lord, the blessings that fall from Your hand are good and gracious and we thank You that in Christ we lack no good thing.
Help us never to forget that all good things come from You and keep us from taking Your gracious provision for granted. Instill in each us a heart that is truly grateful and filled our mouths with praise and thanksgiving for our daily food.
We thank You for all You bountiful supply and ask that You would continue to give us our daily bread for our bodily nourishment. To You we give all the praise and glory, in Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Gratitude For Love

Thank You, Lord, for loving me so much that You sent Your only begotten Son to die on my behalf on a cruel cross and take upon Himself my sins. Thank You that He identified with my sinfulness so that I might be identified with His righteousness, by grace through faith in Christ. How grateful I am that while I was still a lost sinner Christ died for me.
How thankful I am Lord, that You searched me out and found me and brought me back into Your family, even though I was dead in my sins and at enmity with You. Praise Your holy name, for You are a good God and Your loving-kindness endures forever and I will be eternally grateful that You are my God and I am Your child.
Thank You, that You are my helper and healer. Thank You, that You are my refuge and strength and thank You, that You have surrounded me with people who love me dearly, and whom I love too. Lord, I do not deserve any of Your grace and goodness and yet day by day, You pour new and rich mercies into my lap and cover me with Your blessings. Praise God that You are the Rock of my Salvation. In Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Gratitude For Mothers

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for my Mom and for all the love and patience that she has tirelessly given to me throughout my life. I am so grateful for her and although I don’t often show her how much I love her, I do want to thank You with all my heart for blessing me with my dear mother.
Thank You for all the sacrifices that she has made for me on so many occasions, and for the way that she never seems to think about her own needs, but always tries to do what is best for me. And I am also very grateful for her faithful prayers for me, day by day, for I know that they have been instrumental in keeping me steady on those occasions when I might have gone astray.
I pray Your special blessing on my Mom and ask that You would guard her and protect her with good health. Fill her with Your comfort and joy, and may she grow ever closer to You in the days that lie ahead. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Gratitude For My Friends

Heavenly Father, how gracious You are to bring into my life my many precious friends, all of which have become so special to me in their own individual and unique way.
I feel so blessed to be surrounded with so many dear people that I love and care for, and for the knowledge that they also love and care for me too. And thank You for the support that I have so often received from different ones, during those times of difficulty and pain.
Thank You also, for the valuable lessons that I have learned even though some have been very difficult, and yet I have been have enabled through the loving support and encouragement of my friends, to grow spiritually and emotionally, and gain wisdom and insight in so many important ways.
Help me to be the sort of friend that is always there for others. An ear to listen, a hand to help and a heart to comfort. And help me to grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus, so that I may be His hands, His ears, His heart and His comfort to the many precious people that You have place in my life. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer Of Gratitude For My Home And Family

Loving Heavenly Father, I lift my hands up to You in gratitude for my home and for the family, into which You have so lovingly placed me.

You Lord, have filled our home with so many blessings. And even when times have been tough and the circumstances of life have been very difficult, You have blessed me with such a loving family, which is becoming more and more of a blessing with each passing day. How I thank You Lord Jesus, and bless Your holy name.

Thank You, Lord, for my parents who have been so supportive of me, not only in my early years, but also as I have grown older. I pray Your blessing on both of them and also on the wider family too, my aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, nephews, nieces, cousins and grandparents. All of whom have been a blessing in their own special way.

I especially thank You for my spouse and the joy of seeing our own children born into the world and growing up into responsible adults. And Lord, for the miracle of seeing the birth of my own precious grandchildren. What a joy this has been, and how I praise You for all Your goodness and mercy to me.

Lord, thank You for all those who are in the wider body of Christ, my brothers and sisters around the world, who have become such and important part of my eternal family. Thank You for the wonderful joy of knowing that we will all be united with You in love in heavenly places in the days to come, when we are given our glorified bodies in the eternal state. There are no words that are sufficient to express the gratitude I have Lord, but thank You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Gratitude For Parents

Dear Heavenly Father, how I thank and praise You for my parents who have been so faithful in loving and caring for me with such selflessness. I am so grateful that I was their child and that You saw fit for me to become part of their family.
I know that so often I have taken them for granted and have not been as helpful as I should, but their constant love and support throughout my life has become such a wonderful example of parenthood and I am so grateful for them both.
Draw close to them I pray, and surround them with Your loving arms. Bless them with both health and contentment and be to them a tower of strength, as the both are getting a little older. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Gratitude For Teachers

Dear Lord, as I look back over the years, I want to thank You for the many teachers that You placed in my path and for the wonderful ways that so many of them have influenced me for good, down through the pages of my life.
Thank You for the way that some have equipped me to look at life, and encouraged me to reach out to fulfil the potential that was within and have enabled my hidden gifts and talents to blossom and flourish for the benefit of others and to Your glory.
Thank You for those that helped me to focus on the task at hand, even when it seemed tedious, knowing that I have been enabled to achieve goals that appeared to be beyond my grasp and achieve objectives that seemed out of reach.
Thank You for the teachers that taught me compassion and brought me into a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and thank You for those that led me deeper into the Christian life and even corrected me when I started to err from the truth.
I pray that You would use me to be a teacher and an encouragement to others whom You may place in my path. May I faithfully fulfil Your commandment to love as Christ loved us, and to offer my life to You as a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Gratitude For The Church Family

Lord Jesus, I am so grateful to You for the church family You have given me and for the love and encouragement that I receive from each member.
I bless and thank You that we are all members of Your body, and that we are all there to support each other in times of sorrow and joy as well as those seasons of sickness and health. How wonderful it is to know that we are all one in Christ and have that unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace and love.
I lift up the wider church family and pray that You would meet each one in their own particular time of need. I especially bring before You our brothers and sisters in Christ that have been rejected by their own family members due to their faith in the Lord Jesus. I am so grateful that the arms of love within the body of Christ stretch out to the four corners of the world.
Keep us all in a bond of unity, and may Christ be lifted up in the heart of each one. I ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Gratitude For Volunteers

Father, we offer our grateful thanks and praise for the army of volunteers that quietly yet faithfully offered their services for the wellbeing and support of others.
We ask Your special blessing on each one, knowing that they are the unsung heroes that receive little thanks for their valuable contribution and who are so often taken for granted by those that they freely serve.
Provide for the needs of each one, and protect them from those that might intentionally or unwittingly exploit their generous nature. We ask this in Jesus' name,

Prayer Of Gratitude For Work

Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for my work and I want to praise and thank You that You have graciously provided this for job me.
Thank You, that through my work I am enabled to provide for our daily needs and necessities, and I give You all the praise and glory.
I pray that I may work in my job in a manner that is honouring to Your name. Keep me willing and able I pray, to perform all the tasks and duties that are set before me, with integrity and diligence.
Thank You for the other workers and team members here, and I am grateful for the many lessons that You are teaching me through this position. May Jesus continue to be glorified in all I say and do in His name I pray,

Prayer Of Gratitude My Graduation

Lord Jesus, I am so excited that my graduation ceremony is here and I want to place the whole day in Your hands and ask that You draw very close to me. Give me that perfect peace as well as an excited joy throughout the whole ceremony.
Thank You, Lord, for giving me this marvellous opportunity to study, to achieve my education goals and gain valuable life experience, which I pray will equip me in the days that lie ahead.
Thank You for granting me the focus and direction to complete my course of study successfully, and I ask that You would give me the determination to step out into life, trusting my future into Your hands, knowing that Your plan for my life is the very best path that I should take. 
Lord, I feel that this day is the first day of my entire future and I want You to take the central place in my life. I give You my grateful thanks for always being there for me throughout my life up to this point, and ask that You would lead and guide me in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name,

“I have no greater joy than this: to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”

Parent’s Prayer Of Gratitude On Graduation Day

Heavenly Father, the past few years seem to have sped by and here we are preparing for the graduation of our precious child, who not so long ago was a helpless babe in our arms.
Thank You for this child that You gave us to care for and nurture, and as they face the unknown future we pray that You would draw very close to them and lead and guide in the days that lie ahead.
Our own hearts are a mixture of contrasting emotions, pride in their achievement, and concern for their future well-being. But we do pray that this graduation ceremony would be a special time of celebration and that nothing would mar the joy and excited anticipation we are feeling, despite the inevitable tinges of apprehension.
As our child reaches this important milestone in their life, we ask for Your continued presence to lead and to guide in all things. And as they step out into the unknown world of new responsibilities and life-challenges, we finally hand them completely over into Your safe-keeping, and ask that Your presence will accompany them. May they continue to grow in grace and draw ever closer to You with each passing day. In Jesus' name,

One More Prayer for Gratitude
Scripture Meditations on Gratitude

Gratitude Lord for the end of her life.

Prayed for 25 time. I Prayed For This

Lord, as my mother nears the end of her life, help me to help her see the good in those around her. I pray that she will see the goodness in her life. Help her Lord to feel your arms are around her as she waits to join you in the heavenly banquet.

Received: October 18, 2013