Prayers on Learning How to Pray

For Patience In Prayer

Loving Lord Jesus, thank You that You are a God Who hears and answers all our prayers, even those prayers where an answer seems to be a long time in coming. Thank You, that You hear and respond to all Your children who come to you in humility of heart, not relying on our own abilities or our own worth, but only on the merit and righteousness of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Teach me Lord, to be patient in my prayers and to learn to wait quietly and trustingly for Your perfect timing, knowing that in all things You are teaching and training me to be more Christ-like in all my works and ways, including my praying.

Lord, teach me to pray according to Your perfect will, and I pray that however long I need to wait, I ask that You would teach me to be patient in my waiting and to trust Your Word for all that You have promised. 

Thank You, Lord, that I am Your child and that You are my Father. Thank You that through Jesus, I can cry out, "Abba, Father," knowing that I have full access to Your throne of grace, when I come to You in weakness and humility of heart. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Prayer When I Don’t Know What To Pray

Dear Heavenly Father, I feel so weak and foolish when I come to You in prayer as I often do not know what I pray, or how to form the thoughts of my hearts into words that make sense. 

But Lord, it is a comfort to read in the scripture that the Holy Spirit is there for me in all my weaknesses, including those times when I find it hard to pray. Thank You, Lord, that even when I don't know what to pray for or what God wants me to pray for, the Holy Spirit will somehow pray for me in an inexpressible way. Thank You for this great comfort to my soul.

Help me to pray in a way that is pleasing to You Lord, even when the words will not come. Help me to hate what is evil and cling to what is good. Help me be kind to others in love, and honour other people above myself. Please Lord, help me to be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer, even when I don’t know what to pray.

Thank You heavenly Father, for the work of the Holy Spirit in my life, and for the privilege of being able to come to You in prayer, even when I say nothing. Praise Your holy name.


May Your Name Be Glorified Through My Prayers

Loving Lord, thank You, that You are dwelling in me and I in You, and that You have equipped all Your children with this wonderful privilege of prayer. Thank You, that the death of the Lord Jesus Christ opened up the way for us to come boldly to the throne of grace, and to offer prayers to You in time of need.

Lord, teach me to pray in a way that my prayers are effective and full of power, both with men and with You Father. 

Heavenly Father, there are so many souls that are lost in their trespasses and sins and weighed down by sorrow and care, so many Lord are facing an eternity separated from You. Teach me Lord, the best way to pray for these people who need You.

Father, I know that it is not Your will that any person should perish and be separated from You forever, and so Lord I bring a lost world to You and lay that Scripture before Your throne of grace. I pray that in Your mercy, You would convict many in this lost and dying world of their sins, and their need of a Saviour.

Bring many I pray, to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus, so that Your name will be glorified in their lives, not only in this world, but in the ages to come. I pray this in the wonderful name of Jesus my Saviour and King,


Prayer To Pray Like Jesus Prayed

Loving Father, teach me to pray like Jesus prayed, from a heart that is in union with You day by day, so that in all things I am praying into Your good and perfect will. Lord, I pray that my prayers may be a sweet incense rising to Your throne of grace, and that through my prayers Your name would be lifted up on high and glorified.

Loving Lord, so many times I find that my will to pray is so weak and that my ability to pray is influenced by the desires of my own heart, which I realise may not be Your will, or could even conflict with Your good and perfect will.

Teach me to pray aright. Teach me to pray into Your good and perfect will and keep me from praying fleshly prayers, that have been formed in my own heart and are not in perfect union with Your plans and purposes.

Lord, at times my flesh is weak as I come to Your throne of grace in prayer. But I ask Father, that You would renew a right spirit within me and give me the power to pray in spirit and truth, in a way that is pleasing to You.

Thank You for the wonderful pattern of prayer that I have in the Lord Jesus. Teach me to pray as He did, only those things that are righteous and pleasing in Your sight. I ask this in Jesus' holy name,


Teach Me To Pray, Lord

Dear Lord Jesus, what a privilege we have as Your blood-bought children to be able to enter the throne-room of grace and bring our prayers and supplication right into the presence of God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. So Father God, teach me to pray. Please teach me to pray Lord.

My heart longs to pray in the way that is pleasing to You Father, so that my prayers are both powerful and effective. I want to know You better so that I may know Your will. Then, I can pray into Your perfect plans and purposes, not only in my own life and the lives of those that I love, but also in a world where lost people are dying and souls are in despair. But Lord, I understand that only as I abide in You and rest my weary soul in Your loving arms, by submitting to Your Holy Spirit, day by day in spirit and truth, will my prayers and pleadings accomplish the wonderful results that are honouring to You.

Teach me Your will I pray, through Your Word, and may Your guiding Holy Spirit turn the thoughts of my heart towards those things that You have planned and purposed. Then I will truly be praying into Your will, so that Your name may be glorified in my life and the lives of others.

Teach me day by day to pray as I ought. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer to pray again

Prayed for 37 time. I Prayed For This

Our Father and our Saviour Lord Jesus please help me to pray again. My heart is getting hardened slowly and I am unable to feel any pain or regret. Help me to feel again and pray by filling me with Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Received: October 29, 2013