Bedtime Prayers

Bedtime Prayer Against Anxiety

Dear Lord Jesus it seems that the problems and anxieties of life that I am going through, always seem to multiply and magnify during the night time hours. Help me never to forget that You have promised to be with me – even in the darkest times.

Thank You that Jesus is my Saviour and has promised to be with me throughout the long, night time hours. Keep me from dwelling on anxious thoughts and help me to hand all my cares over to You,, as soon as they come into my mind - so that my heart may be filled with Your quietness and promised peace.

Help me to give every single anxious thought over to You and keep me from going to sleep with worries and problems flooding through my mind. I pray that I would learn to keep the eyes of my heart looking to Jesus,  and the thoughts of my mind resting on You - because You have promised to give Your perfect peace to the everyone whose mind is stayed on Jesus .

May I cast all my anxious thoughts on You ; rest in Your love throughout the night and wake refreshed in the morning, in Jesus name I pray,


“Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but a good word cheers it up.”

Bedtime Prayer For Adults

Heavenly Father, how I thank You for bringing us safely to the end of the day. I praise and thank You for Your loving-kindness and great goodness to us today.
Thank You for the many blessings and provisions that You bestowed on us today, for keeping us safe, guiding us and bringing us once again to that time of the day when we can recharge our spirits and souls with a refreshing nights sleep.
Forgive me I pray, if I have said or done anything that was not honouring to Your name or have sought to do things in my own strength rather than relying totally on You, for I praise You that Your grace is sufficient for Your strength is perfected in our weakness.
And now Lord, as we lie down I pray that You would watch over us to protect and keep us safe. Give us a deep and refreshing sleep and may we cast any burdens or difficulties on You and not allow our minds to fret or worry, for You have promised to carry all our burdens if we will just give them to You. In Jesus' name,

“The sleep of the worker is sweet, whether he eats little or much; but the abundance of the rich permits him no sleep.”

Bedtime Prayer For Bad Dreams

Loving Father You have graciously given us the night time for slumber and sleep so that we may be rested and refreshed in body soul and spirit, but all to often the imagination of our hearts, the thoughts of our minds and the difficulties that we are facing in life conjure up unwholesome imagination and unpleasant mental pictures, which all too often interrupt our sleep and can even cause us to be tormented with restlessness, bad dreams and frightening nightmares.

And so we bring to You those  that are struggling with this sort of interrupted sleep, knowing that this is not what You want for any of Your children.. for Your Word says:- “I will lay me down to sleep in peace, for You, Lord, make me to dwell in safety.” Father this is what You desire for all Your children and so we ask that You would guide those that are experiencing difficulties in their sleep pattern or who are being tormented by sleeplessness, dreams or nightmares, to fix their mind on You and reflect on the glory of Your holy name and  perfect character.. as they prepare to go to sleep each night. 

We pray that those who are struggling with interrupted sleep will learn to fix their thoughts on You and meditate on that which is good and true, honorable and right, pure and lovely, and admirable. We pray that they will learn to take every thought captive to Christ and reflect on Your love and grace.. and all that is excellent. and worthy of praise - so that instead of fearing nightmares and interrupted sleep, they may approach bedtime in quite stillness of heart and fall into a relaxed sleep each night, as they rest in Your love - and in the morning wake refreshed in body soul and spirit, in Jesus name we pray,


“teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."”

Bedtime Prayer For Couples

Dear Heavenly Father, how we thank and praise You that You have watched over us both today and brought us home once again after our busy days, so that we may unite together in love, and join together in prayer and praise, and in joyful thanksgiving for all that You have done for us today.
Thank You, Father, for all Your goodness and grace to us, and for the wonderful way that You have guided us in our various jobs and duties today. Help us to settle down for the night with worries cast onto You, in the knowledge that Your grace is always sufficient for our needs.
Thank You, Father, for this lovely opportunity to abide in Your love as we rest in each others arms. We pray that You would enable us both to lie down in peace, to rest in safety and to sleep soundly and securely, knowing that You are our ever present help, our fortress and the rock of our salvation.
And now Lord, as we settle down to rest we ask that our sleep would be refreshing and rejuvenating so that we may rise up early in the morning, ready to do Your bidding. May we grow closer to each other and to You in the days that lie ahead.  This we pray in Jesus' name,

“You are absolutely beautiful, my darling, with no imperfection in you.”

Bedtime Prayer For Families

Dear Lord Jesus, it is time for us to get to bed. We thank You that You are with us all the time and throughout the hours of darkness. Thank You, that You never leave us and that You have promised to be with us throughout the night.

Give us all a good night rest we pray, and help us not to allow our thoughts to wander aimlessly through our minds so as to keep us awake, but may we settle down securely, knowing that sleep is a precious gift from You, so that we may be ready to do all the things that You have prepared for us to do tomorrow.

Forgive us for the wrong things we have done today, and thank You that Your love for us never fails and that Your mercies are new every morning. Thank You, that You died on the cross to pay the price us from our sins and save us, so that we can live together with You in heaven..
Thank You, that nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Help us all to rest securely in You, in the knowledge that we are Your children and You are our gracious God. This we ask in Jesus' name,

“As a mother comforts her son, so I will comfort you, and you will be comforted in Jerusalem.”

Bedtime Prayer For Forgiveness

Thank You Lord that You are the almighty God Who forgives all our sins and pardons all our wrongdoings, and I just want to ask Your forgiveness for the times today what I have not truly  loved You as I ought  - with all my heart and soul and mind and strength. Forgive me I pray for the times that I sought to carry out my own will in preference to Yours.

Thank You that I have been washed by the blood of the Lamb and have been made righteous in Your sight by faith in Jesus Christ my Saviour. But Lord, just like the disciples in the upper room, I need my “feet” to be washed by You, my heart to be cleansed in the power of the Holy Spirit and my sins to be forgiven - knowing that You are a faithful God who is ready and willing to forgive us our sins and to cleans us from all unrighteousness.

Forgive me for wanting my own way rather that seeking You first in everything. Help me to look to Jesus every moment of the day and may I sleep soundly as I prepare to go to sleep.  Thank You that Your mercies are new every morning.  and thank You for Your great faithfulness towards me and to all those that have trusted in Christ 

Help me to rest soundly tonight, so that I may wake refreshed in the morning and be ready and equipped to do Your bidding. Open my eyes to see You and my ears to hear Your voice speaking to me and lead me in the way of righteousness – from this day forward, I ask in Jesus name,


“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Bedtime Prayers For Healing

Dear Lord as I settle down once again for the night I pray for Your healing touch on every part of my life – both spiritual and physical. Lord You know all the little niggles and pains that I am going through at the moment, and I pray for Your healing touch upon every area of my life in general.. and for relief from the aches, pains and problems that I have in my body, in particular.

Ease away all the stresses and strains of the day and heal the physical problems I have. And I pray that in Your goodness and grace You would give me a good, pain-free nights sleep so that I may wake refreshed in body, soul and spirit, ready to do Your bidding - this I ask in Jesus name, 


“Be gracious to me, Lord, for I am weak; heal me, Lord, for my bones are shaking;”

Bedtime Prayer For Loved Ones

Thank You Father for the many friends, family and loved ones that by Your grace  You have placed in my life, and I lift them up to You tonight, praying that You would protect and care for each one during these hours of darkness.

We thank You that the angel of Your presence encamps around those that fear You and that our lives are hid with Christ in God.. so that nothing can pluck us out of Your hand – and no darkness, danger or perils of the night can come near us or harm us, for You are our Fortress and our Shield - our Stronghold and our Protector.

Thank You for the many precious promises that we can pray for our loved ones.. and tonight I thank You that those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  Be with all those I love tonight and give each one the beloved sleep that You have promised to all Your children – this I ask in Jesus name,


“The Lord will protect you from all harm; He will protect your life.”

Bedtime Prayer For Protection

Father, as we come to the end of another very busy day, we praise and thank You for the gift of sleep and the wonderful way that the night-time hours seem to sweep away all our cares, and melt away all our worries, as we rest in You.
Thank You, that we may confidently cast all our cares and concerns upon You and lay all of our burdens down at Your feet, knowing that You love us with a perfect love and care for us with Fatherly concern.
Keep us safe this night from any perils and dangers, and lighten the darkness of these night with Your perfect peace, You gracious tranquillity and Your serene grace
Protect us we pray, through the hours of darkness, knowing that there are many danger and much wickedness that may stalk outside our home, but thank You that You are our shield and protection, our rock of salvation, our hope and strength.
Purify our minds, comfort our hearts, soothe our souls and give us all a good nights sleep we pray, for we are Yours, and You  have promised that You would give Your beloved children refreshing sleep and rejuvenating rest in the night-time hours.
May the angel of Your presence, who is the Lord Jesus Himself, encamp around us tonight and protect us under the shadow of His wings.
And so Father, into Your hands we commend our spirit, and pray that You would wake us up in the morning, refreshed and ready to  do Your will.  This we ask in Jesus' name,

“I will both lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, Lord, make me live in safety.”

Bedtime Prayers For Soldiers

Father, as we settle down to sleep in the relative peace and safety of our own homes, we want to lift up our brave men and women in uniform, who are serving in so many difficult and dangerous places, and under such harsh and uncomfortable circumstances.

We pray for Your protection and guidance in the tremendous challenges that they are called to face, as they strive to protect our country and maintain peace and security in their various situations

Give wisdom to those that are in authority that they may make the right choices and be directed by You in the many decisions they are called up on to make. And may those that are under their authority be covered by Your protecting hand and return home in due course, to their family and friends that have been left behind.

Lord we know that in this peace-keeping role there are many emotions and hardships that our military will inevitably have to face and so we pray that You would be close to those that are lonely, give strength to the weary, hope to the despairing, peace to those that are disturbed and grace to all who are having to face the many hardships and dangers that are associated with military duties. And most of all we pray that many that the men and women in uniform would come to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus  Christ as Saviour in the days that lie ahead – this we ask in Jesus name,


“He will not allow your foot to slip; your Protector will not slumber.”

Bedtime Prayer For The Lonely

Loving Heavenly Father, as the night is fast approaching, I pray that as I climb into bed I may rest my weary soul in You, and allow all the business of the day to melt away. Help me Lord to find my rest in You, as I keep my heart abiding in You.

Lord, so many things are changing in my life and at times I feel so lonely, as those that are nearest and dearest to me have been taken from me, for one reason or another.  Lord, I know that You have promised to be with me every moment of the day and night, but somehow the night time makes me feel more on my own.

Hold me close Lord Jesus, and as I face the long night of darkness, I pray that I may sleep securely knowing that You are by my bed every moment of the night. Thank You, that moment by moment I am kept in Your love. 


“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand.”

Bedtime Prayer If I Die Before Waking

Lord how I thank You that my times are under Your control and authority.. and that nothing can pluck me out of Your hands, without Your knowledge and Your consent. Thank You for this day knowing that has been such a blessing and joy to me.. and thank You that every passing moment has been such a gracious gift and blessing from You.

I pray that You will bring me safely through the night.. but Lord should it be the time for me to breath my last breath in this world, I pray that I will rest securely in Your arms and be ready to meet You face to face.

Thank You that You have prepared a home for me in heaven and that my citizenship is not here on the earth but with You, in heavenly places - and I pray that when that day comes, when I shall see You as You are, that I will hear Your voice saying, “well done good and faithful servant.”

And so Lord I commit myself into Your hands knowing that whether I wake in the morning in this world or sleep into the next, that I am help securely in Your hands, through time and into eternity - thank You in Jesus name,


“Into Your hand I entrust my spirit; You redeem me, Lord, God of truth.”

Bedtime Prayer Of Thanks

Heavenly Father,  I do thank Your for the gift of sleep and the opportunity for our bodies to be renewed and our souls to be refreshed during these quiet hours of the night, and as bedtime draws nearer, I just want to thank You for the benefits of sleep You have given us and ask that You would give me Your beloved sleep tonight.

Thank You for today and all the blessings and grace that has been poured out on me and those that I love,  and as I reflect on the different people I have met I pray Your love and peace would guard and guide each one. And Lord, as I reflect on the different things that I have done, I ask Your forgiveness for anything that was not honoring to You  - but praise and thank You for the opportunities You have given me to carry out Your purpose through my life today.

As I settle down for the night I ask and pray that  I would soon fall asleep, but first I want to hand all my cares and worries over to You, for You have promised to  carry our burdens, if we will simply lay them down at Your feet.

I also want to lift up to You all those that mean so much to me, my family and friends,  neighbours and other acquaintances,  and ask Your blessing on each one – and I ask that You would wake me in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your bidding and may I be blessed with one more day to live for Jesus. Lord thank You that You are coming back soon and I pray that I may be ready for Your any day return to take us to be with Yourself in heaven – but in the meantime may I occupy until You come to Your praise and glory, 


“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever.”

Bedtime Prayer With Toddlers

Dear Jesus, it is time for me to go bed.
Please be with me and help me to get to sleep.
Please bless mommy and daddy and all my friends and please bless me too.
Help me to sleep and thank You for my toys and thank You for the fun day that I have had, and thank You for my food.
Thank You for Jesus, Who died on the cross and thank You that He rose again from the dead, and thank You for loving me, even when I do things that are wrong.

“I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me.”

Bedtime Gratitude Prayer

How good it is to praise You Oh my God, and what a great and mighty God You are. You are worthy of all my worship and deserving of all my praise and I thank You for all You have done in my life and for keeping me safe throughout this day.
Be with me Lord, as I settle down for the night and thank You that in Christ I can dwell in safety. Thank You, Father, for the privilege of rest and sleep and I pray that You would surround us all with Your holy presence and protect us from all dangers of the night. In Jesus' name,


“Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Proclaim His salvation from day to day.”

Prayer To Cast Off The Niggles Of The Day

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You that You have kept me safely through another day. Forgive me Lord, for the wrong thoughts and attitudes that I have allowed to trouble my mind today. Forgive me Lord, for the times that I have allowed pressure to take away the perfect peace I have in You.

Lord, I hand the irritation of the day over to You and pray that I may rest quietly in Your loving arms. Help me not to permit any of these daily pressures to affect the refreshing sleep of peace that You give to all Your children.

I am sorry that I have allowed the little niggles of the day to unsettle my heart and disturb the peace that I have in You. I pray Lord, that I will not retain any wrong or damaging thoughts in my sub-conscious mind, but rather Lord, I ask that my heart may be washed with the water of Your Word and filled with healing balm of Your love and truth. Thank You that Your Word is life and light. 

Into Your hands I commend myself Lord, as I settle down to sleep. Wake me up tomorrow I pray, ready to serve You, for Your mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness. In Jesus' name I pray,


“casting all your care upon Him, because He cares about you.”

Child’s Bedtime Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for today and for all the good things that You have given me and for the fun that I have had.. Thank You for my family and please bless my mom and dad and everyone.

I am sorry for the things that I have said wrong today and the naughty things that I have done that were not kind. Help me to be like Jesus and to be good and to lean to like people that are mean to me.

Thank You that You sent Jesus to die on the  cross to pay the price for my sins, and I am glad that You rose again..  so that I could be forgiven and go to heaven and be with Jesus forever.

Help me to sleep tonight and keep us all safe. Thank You that You are with me ALL night long and that there is nothing that needs to frighten me – even the dark, because I know that You are with me ALL the time – I am SO  glad about that.. because there are sometimes some creaks in the night. Thank You for everything,


“The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my mountain where I seek refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”

Prayer For A Peaceful Night's Sleep

Thank You, Lord, for my bed and pillow and the benefits that You provide for us day by day. You truly are a God who provides for all Your children and a God Who is faithful to all His promises.
Give me a peaceful night sleep I pray. 

Into Your hands O Lord, I commit my soul and body to be a living sacrifice of praise to You. I pray that in Your grace, You would wake me up in the morning, ready to praise You for all Your goodness and grace to me and to all men. This I pray in Jesus' precious name,

“When you lie down, you will not be afraid; you will lie down, and your sleep will be pleasant.”

Prayer Of Thanks At Bedtime

Loving Father, thank You for being with me throughout today and for Your hand of blessing on my life. Thank You, for the way that You have led and guided me throughout this day, and I pray Your loving grace would rest on all that I have done – may it be to Your praise and glory.

Loving Lord, You are my strength and my sufficiency and I pray that as I settle down for the night, that You would enable me to drift into a deep and quiet sleep and a peaceful rest. Remove any little tensions that may have built up over the day, so that I may wake refreshed in the morning and ready and willing to do Your bidding.

Guard my unconscious thoughts Lord, and cover me with Your love. Draw me ever closer into Your loving arms. In Jesus' name, 


“The Lord will send His faithful love by day; His song will be with me in the night- a prayer to the God of my life.”