Morning Prayers

A Morning Prayer Of Thanksgiving

Thank you, Father, for the many benefits I have today.

Thank You for my life, for drawing me to Yourself and bringing me into Your family, as a child of God.

Thank You for saving me, for dying for me on the cross and rising again so that I too may have life everlasting.

Thank You for a good night’s rest and for the opportunity of serving You today. Thank You for the health and strength that I have.

As I begin a new day, I thank You that Your mercies are new and fresh every morning, great is Your faithfulness.

Thank You Father for loving me. May Your love shine through me to others that they too may know the wonders of Your grace. In Jesus' name,


A Waking Up Prayer Of Praise

Dear Lord Jesus, as I open my eyes in the morning, I praise You for bringing me safely through the night and giving me this fresh, new day ahead of me, in which to draw closer to You.

Thank You for the refreshment of sleep, and the joy and opportunities that a new day brings. I pray that You will lead and guide me through today and give me wisdom in all that I say and do. May I be given the occasion to tell others of Jesus, either in word or deed. I pray that I may be a good witness to You and that the love of the Lord Jesus is seen in me.

Keep me from the temptations that so quickly crowd into my busy life, and may today be a day that I grow in grace and in a knowledge of You, more and more,


House-Wife’s Prayer For The Coming Day

Dear Father God, the day is just beginning and I have many little duties that need to be attended to. I pray that I will glorify You in the daily round of activities to which I need to turn my attention today.

May I prepare the family meals today with a grateful heart for Your generous provision. Be with all those that are facing hardship today and I ask that in Your mercy You provide for their needs too. Thank You, that You have promised to provide for all our needs according to Your riches and grace.

I want to thank You for the home that You have provided for my family and me. I pray that as I clean and tidy up today, I will be diligent in my duties and work with a heart of praise to You and for Your multiplied grace towards me. In Jesus' name,


Prayer To Keep Me From Being Too Busy

Dear Lord, at the start of this day, help me to keep the eyes of my heart on You, and may I not sacrifice what is really important for what I perceive to be urgent.

Help me not to be too busy to forget to look at all the beauty that surrounds me in the world that You have created. Help me not to be so much in a hurry that I miss listening to Your still small voice.

Keep me I pray from ‘busy-ness’ and may I draw ever closer to You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Let Jesus Be Seen In Me

Dear Lord Jesus, I pray that as I face a new day, I may reflect Your loveliness in the things that I say and do.

I pray that You will give me the love that is in Your heart, so that I may give Your love to others.

I pray that You will give me something of Your wisdom, so that I may help and encourage those with whom I come in contact today.

I pray that You will give me something of Your patience, so that I may show the same grace and mercy towards those that are in difficulty or discouraged.

I pray that You will grant me Your grace, so that I may be equipped to forgive the insults or carelessness of others towards me.

I pray that in all things You may be seen in me and it is in Your name I pray, 


My Prayer For Today

Dear God, I pray that today I may be quick to praise You in all I say and do, and slow to criticise. I pray that I may be quick to encourage others rather than complain.

I pray that I may be slow to get angry or discouraged, and may I have a heart that is quick to forgive and not criticise or condemn. And God, I pray that I may also be generous in my giving and not selfish with the things that are mine.

Grant me today to be a real encouragement to all I meet, and help me to keep my tongue from any foolish words which might hurt or discourage. Thank You for the life that You have given me today. I pray that I bring honour to Your name today. In Jesus' name,


Strength To Live A Life Pleasing To God

Help me, Lord, to wake each morning with the eyes of my heart looking to Jesus and the thoughts of my mind focused on Him.

I pray that I may hand over all the duties of the day into Your hands so that Your hand is leading and guiding me in all the decision that I make.

Enable me to approach this day with an eagerness to do those things that are pleasing to You, a willingness to tackle the difficulties that may cross my path today and wisdom to speak the truth in love.

Give me patience with all I may meet today, keep me from foolish words, and may I exhibit self-control and wisdom in all the necessities and needs that I may encounter as the day progresses.

And keep me in perfect peace throughout today as my mind is kept stayed on You. I ask this in Jesus' name, 


Strength To Live A Life Pleasing To God

Help me, Lord, to wake each morning with the eyes of my heart looking to Jesus and the thoughts of my mind focused on You.

I pray that I may hand over all the duties of the day into Your hands, so that Your hand is leading and guiding in all the decisions that I make. Enable me to approach the day with an eagerness to do those things that are pleasing to You, a willingness to tackle the difficulties that may cross my path today, and wisdom to speak the truth in love.

Give me patience with all I may meet today and keep me from foolish words. May I exhibit self-control and wisdom in all the necessities and needs that I may encounter as the day progresses, and keep me in perfect peace throughout today as my mind is kept stayed on You. I ask this in Jesus' name,


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