Soldiers Prayers

A Soldier Praying

Heavenly Father, I come to You knowing that I am in a position where my life is in danger. I am stepping out into the unknown, and yet I thank You that You are with me in every situation I face and that my life is in Your hands. I trust You Lord, to stand with me in the days that lie ahead, knowing that no weapon has been formed against me that has the power to overcome me, that is not permitted by You, for Your greater purpose in my life.

Keep me from fear and strengthen me I pray in all the activities and duties that are before me today. Uphold me in all things with Your righteous right hand, so that I may step out boldly in the confident assurance that You have scheduled every day of my life and that You are with me every step of the way to overshadow and to protect.

Father, I take firm hold of You and trust my life into Your hands and ask that in Your grace, You would bring me through the difficulties that we are currently facing. Give me the courage to carry out my duty through the power of Christ, who alone strengthens me and is my sufficient strength for all my needs.

Keep me from all danger I pray, strengthen my heart and endow me with courage from on high. Help me in the midst of things to wait upon You and trust You in all things for all the decisions I have to make, and especially those that have to be made in the twinkling of an eye. Renew my strength like the eagles I pray, and help me to run the race that is set before me, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith, in Whose name I pray,


A Soldier’s Prayer Of Commitment

Lord Jesus, I thank You for my life and for the career that I have chosen as a soldier. Thank You that You are always there to lead and guide in the choices and decisions I have had to make, and Lord, I do thank You for guiding me safely through the many obstacles in life that have brought me to this point in my life.

I pray that I will face every assignment that is presented to me with grace and courage, with my eyes looking to You as my strength and stay, my fortress and my ever present help in time of trouble.

Give me wisdom to carry out the tasks to the best of my ability and skill and show me Lord, how best to approach those tasks and assignments that are beyond my current area of knowledge and experience. Keep me I pray humble reliant on You, knowing that You have the answer to every problem. You know the end from the beginning and nothing happens in secret that You do not know about. Lord, I commit not only my career but also my life into Your hands and pray that in all things You would lead and guide, for Your praise and glory. In Jesus name,


Active Soldier’s Morning Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me safely to the beginning of this day and I place my life and my future into Your hands. Thank You, Lord, that You have promised to be with me no matter what happens and I pray Your protection over me and over all the ranks of men and women who have been sent here for this assignment.

May the angel of Your presence be round and about and no matter what I am called to do, I pray that I may rest in the shelter of Your wings, for You are my Lord and my Saviour. Give me a quick mind to respond as I should to all that I am called upon to do today, and give me the wisdom when I am called upon to deal with a difficult situation, so that I do not compromise my safety nor that of my fellow soldiers.

Protect and defend me I pray by Your grace and power, and I may not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto all who believe. Fill me I pray with the Holy Spirit grace and knowledge and keep me safe until that day when You call me to be with Yourself in heavenly places. In Jesus' name,


Active Soldier’s Night-Time Prayer

Loving Lord, thank You for bringing me safely through this days trials and tests. I pray that You would give me a good nights rest so that I may wake refreshed, strong to do Your bidding in the service into which I have been called.

Forgive me for the things that left undone and cleanse my heart from all foolish thoughts and lustful imaginations that can flood my mind when I am not actively depending upon You. Give me a steadfast heart towards You and keep me from the temptations that can overtake the minds of those that are far from home and in a hostile environment. Purify my thoughts I pray especially as I settle down for the night’s rest.

May the peace of God which passes understanding fill my heart and protect my mind through the hours of darkness. May I rest in You tonight and abide under Your protection throughout the hours of darkness, and I pray that You would ease away the weariness of body and soul and give me the sleep that is reserved for Your beloved children.

I pray Your protection and blessing on all those that I love at home. Keep them ever looking to You and bring us back together I pray, so that we may love and serve You together once again. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Protection

Loving Lord, we come to You to ask for Your protection on the men and women in our military services. Lord, we pray that You would be with each one as they engage in the many and various peace-keeping and military exercises that are designed to defend and protect their homeland and country of their birth.

Give each one courage to face the future with dignity and honour, and uphold each one with Your righteous right hand. Be their rock of refuge and their shield against all the assaults that they are likely to face. Defend each one with Your heavenly grace and be their ever present help in time of trouble, their constant companion and their refuge and strength.

Lead and guide them in the duties that they will be required to undertake and protect them we pray, for Your holy names sake. May their strength come from You and we ask that You would make the crooked places straight in each of their lives. Draw close to each one. Lord, we pray that if there are any that are setting off for foreign fields that do not yet know You as their Saviour, that You would put them alongside someone that can tell them the gospel of Salvation and that many would come to faith in You.

Bring each one home safely we pray from this session of duty, and restore each one to the families that they love. In Jesus' name we pray.


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Protect from danger

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Dear father, I still dont know what happened to the person who really close to me. since he is a military assigned in syria, plz Father,protect him from all danger and guide him back to me again safely. In jesus name I prayed, AMEN...

Received: November 22, 2013

Prayers for protection

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This

God, I humbly ask you to the name of your only begotten Son, Jesus...our saviour... please send your protective warrior angels watch over our brave soldiers ... as they travel the world. Bring peace to everyone concerned. Please bring them all home safely to their families. And if not, into your kingdom where we will all meet again. Thank You God for hearing this prayer, Amen

Received: November 9, 2013

American soldiers Fort Leavenworth

Prayed for 11 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord I pray for the 4 soldiers locked in cells for life for doing what they were trained to do. 1st Lieutenant. Michael Behenna, Pfc Andy Holmes, PFC Corey Clagett and Nat'l. Guard Derrick Miller They need our support desperately.

Received: November 6, 2013