A Soldier’s Prayer Of Commitment

Lord Jesus, I thank You for my life and for the career that I have chosen as a soldier. Thank You that You are always there to lead and guide in the choices and decisions I have had to make, and Lord, I do thank You for guiding me safely through the many obstacles in life that have brought me to this point in my life.

I pray that I will face every assignment that is presented to me with grace and courage, with my eyes looking to You as my strength and stay, my fortress and my ever present help in time of trouble.

Give me wisdom to carry out the tasks to the best of my ability and skill and show me Lord, how best to approach those tasks and assignments that are beyond my current area of knowledge and experience. Keep me I pray humble reliant on You, knowing that You have the answer to every problem. You know the end from the beginning and nothing happens in secret that You do not know about. Lord, I commit not only my career but also my life into Your hands and pray that in all things You would lead and guide, for Your praise and glory. In Jesus name,
