Prayers for Today

Prayer For God’s Will To Be Done Today

Hallowed be Your name Father God, and may You be glorified in all that happens today.

Father, as I face another busy day I thank You that You have promised to be with me always, to lead and guide to comfort and sustain, to uphold and strengthen. Lord, I pray that although my life is one of much activity that You would take first place and that in all that I do and may I willingly submit to Your gracious leading and guidance.

Help me to live today in all its fullness, and enable me to take every opportunity to live and walk as You would have me do. Teach me Lord, to be a servant today and develop in me that gracious spirit of humility that was so evident in the Lord Jesus. Create in me a clean heart oh Lord, and develop in me a generous and giving spirit that is pleasing to Your heart. Lord, in everything today may I be ready and willing to say, not my will but Thine be done. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Guidance For The Day

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for bringing me safely to the beginning of this new day. Thank You for keeping me safe through the night, and I pray that today may be a day where I live and move and have my being in You. Lord, I pray that the words that come from my mouth, the thoughts that are formed in my heart and the motives behind all my actions, words and thoughts may be pleasing in Your sight and honouring to Your name.

Lord, I pray that You would be both my guide and my restrainer in all I do and say today, so that my words and deeds are not a work of my own flesh but are guided by the promptings of Your Holy Spirit. Help me Lord, to walk in spirit and truth, and keep me today so that my eyes are looking to Jesus and my ears are open to Your still small voice. Oh Lord, I pray that You are glorified in all I do.

Keep me I pray from all temptations, and deliver me from all the evils of the day. May today be a day when I learn more of You, so that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of my Lord and Saviour. Help me therefore, to walk humbly before You all the days of my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Guidance This Day

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for bringing me safely to the beginning of this new day. Thank You for keeping me safe through the night, and I pray that today may be a day where I live and move and have my being in You. Lord, I pray that the words that come from my mouth, the thoughts that are formed in my heart and the motives behinds all my actions, words and thoughts may be pleasing in Your sight and honoring to Your name.

Lord, I pray that You would be both my guide and my restrainer in all I do and say today, so that my words and deeds are not a work of my own flesh, but are guided by the promptings of Your Holy Spirit. Help me Lord, to walk in spirit and truth and keep me today so that my eyes keep looking to Jesus and my ears are open to Your still small voice. Oh Lord, I pray that You are glorified in all I do.

Keep me I pray, from all temptation and deliver me from all the evils of the day and may today be a day when I learn more of You, so that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of my Lord and Saviour. Help me therefore to walk humbly before You all the days of my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Guidance Through Today

Heavenly Father, I bow my knee before You in prayer and praise. Lead and guide me today in all I say and do. May I walk in spirit and truth today and be sensitive to Your gentle guidance.

Help me I pray, to fix my eyes on the Lord Jesus, knowing that without Him I will quickly stray from the path that is best for me. Lord, I believe that You have scheduled every day of my life and I do not want to stray from the path that You would have me take.

Help me to be faithful to You and to willing go along the path of Your choosing, knowing that it may conflict with my own desires and wishes. Develop in me a heart that delights to do Your will, so that the longings of my heart are brought into line with Your plans and purposes and Your will for my life.

Let my eyes always be looking to You and keep me from looking at the storms and difficulties of life, knowing that You are with me to lead and guide and to uphold to Your praise and glory.

Thank You that Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life and I desire to be only guided by Him. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Live Today For Jesus

Dear Lord, I do thank You for a night of refreshing sleep this past night and thank You for waking me up on the dawning of this new day. Be present with me throughout the day I pray. Strengthen and keep me from all evils and dangers help me to walk worthy of the calling, wherewith I have been called.

If there are burdens, I pray that You will carry them for me and if there are decisions to be made I pray that You would give me the discernment and wisdom I need to make the best choices. If there is busyness in the day I pray that it will not deflect me away from relying on You as I ought.

If there is anyone that You bring into my path today, I pray that You would give me the words and wisdom to say what is needed to be said as well as the sense to know when to be silent. Lord, into Your hands I place my day. Go before me I pray, stay with me each minute of the day and keep me safe under the shadow of Your wings. May You be glorified in my life today so that when people look at me they see no one but Jesus in me. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Overcome Today’s Difficulties

Father God, I know that the life-path I am treading is fraught with difficulties and problems but Lord, I trust You to lead and guide me through the maze of life, because You have promised to be with me to lead and to guide, to strengthen and to help.

Let me never lose sight of who I am in Christ and help me to trust You in all things, knowing that I am Your child, and that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

Thank You that You are my Shepherd, Who has promised to lead and to guide, to protect and to uphold. Thank You that You are my Defence and my Defender and that You have promised to be my ever-present help in those times of unexpected difficulties and trials.

Thank You, Lord, that You remain faithful and dependable, even when I stray from the path that You have graciously laid out for me. May I never forget that You are my firm Anchor and the steady Rock upon which I stand, and that no difficulty in life is to great that You cannot overcome. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Thanks And Praise At The Start Of A Day

Heavenly Father, what a privilege it is to be able to place this day into Your capable and gracious hands. Thank You that Your love for me is new every morning and thank You that no matter what mistakes I made yesterday, You have promised never to fail me not to forsake me. Thank You that Your promises of faithfulness never fail, for they are all Yes and Amen in Jesus Christ.

Help me to keep the eyes of my heart fixed on Jesus today, and keep me walking in obedience to Your purpose for my life. May I always be alert to the truth that You are my ever present and indwelling help and support in times of trouble, as well my song in times of joy.

Help me to remember that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and keep me from grumblings and complaining today, but rather may I delight myself in You, so that you may use me in whatever way that seems fit to You.

May Your name be glorified today. May Your will be done in my life today and may I never forget the amazing sacrifice that You gave at Calvary's cross, when You gave Your life, as a ransom for me, and that because You died, I am able to live with You forever. Thank You for the privilege and of being Your child. I am not worthy so much as to gather the crumbs from under Your table and yet You have seated me together with Christ in heavenly places, simply because I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Hallelujah, praise Your holy name,


Thanks And Praise At The Start Of A Day

Heavenly Father, what a privilege it is to be able to place this day into Your capable and gracious hands. Thank You, that Your love for me is new every morning and thank You, that no matter what mistakes I made yesterday, You have promised never to fail me nor to forsake me. Thank You that Your promises of faithfulness never fail, for they are all "Yes" and "Amen" in Jesus Christ.

Help me to keep the eyes of my heart fixed on Jesus today, and keep me walking in obedience to Your purpose for my life. May I always be alert to the truth that You are my ever present and indwelling help and support in times of trouble, as well my song in times of joy.

Help me to remember that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and keep me from grumbling and complaining today, but rather, may I delight myself in You, so that You may use me in whatever way that seems fit to You.

May Your name be glorified today. May Your will be done in my life today and may I never forget the amazing sacrifice that You gave at Calvary's cross, when You gave Your life, as a ransom for me, and that because You died, I am able live with You forever. Thank You for the privilege of being Your child. I am not worthy so much as to gather the crumbs from under Your table, and yet You have seated me together with Christ in heavenly places, simply because I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Hallelujah! Praise Your holy name,


Thanks For Being With Me Today

How I love You Lord Jesus, and just want to lift up my voice of thanks and gratitude for all that You are to me and for Your many precious promises that are ‘yes’ and ‘amen’ in You.

You have graciously watched over me every day of my life and every moment of each day. From the day I was conceived, Your hand of blessing has been upon me. You protected me in the womb and were there when I drew my first breath, and You are with me every step of the way. You have gone before me and yet You are there behind me, You are above me and You are below me as well, holding me up by Your righteous right hand. You are with me and You indwell me and I thank You that You chose me before the foundation of the world to be Your child.

When I was afraid You were there to reassure me and when I fell You picked me up and set my feet on the right path. When the way was dark and gloomy, You lighted my path and when sadness hit my life You were there to comfort and succour me. Oh and Lord, on those days when I proved faithless, You in Your grace remained faithful and true, for You cannot deny Your holy name.

I love You Lord for there is no-one like unto You. Thank You for being my Lord and my God. In Jesus' name I pray,


Thanks That God’s Faithfulness Is New Each Morning

Heavenly Father, You alone are worthy of all worship and praise and I ask that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart may be honoring and pleasing to You throughout this day, for You are a great and a faithful God.

Thank You that in Christ, I can come before Your throne of grace wherever I am and no matter what time it is, for in Him I can offer my prayers and supplications to You. What a blessing to know that Christ laid down His life for me, so that in Him I can lay my life before You, in holiness and righteousness all my days.

Lord, I want to be the person You would have me be and I thank You that Your faithfulness is new every morning. As I step out into this new day I ask that I am enabled through Christ to live out the events of my day, in a way that is acceptable to You.

Thank You for the many faithful and true promises that You have given to me and to each of Your children. Guide me into all truth today, and may I walk in the way of righteousness to Your praise and glory. In Jesus name I pray,


For Today

Prayed for 25 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, May we will hear You talking to us today

Received: October 17, 2013