Prayers for Students

A College Students Prayer

Heavenly Lord, there is so much that is facing me during this time at college that I scarcely have time to pray and Lord, I know that only when the Lord Jesus is the central focus of my life will I have the sufficient supply I need.

Help me to discipline myself to spend time with You, not in a legalistic sense but in the knowledge that time spent with You in Your Word and in prayerful communion, is time that is well spent, for only as I rest on You can You work through me.

Lord, there are also so many distractions in college life, not only the pull from other students to waste time on unedifying entertainment, but even behind closed doors on the dorm there is always the pull of mindless internet interactions that can so often steal important time. Help me to resist the temptations that seem to surround me throughout the day and the night times, but deliver me Lord, when I do succumb to foolish desires.

Help me to stay focussed on my educational studies I pray, and not to miss the many deadlines that are set for by the various tutors, and I do pray that You would enable me to have a good nights sleep each night, so that I am ready to face the day refreshed.

Thank You for the friends that You have brought into my life, and thank You for the friends and family I have beyond the walls of this college. Help me to be a true witness to Jesus and stand fast in my belief in You. Thank You in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Christian Students At College

Hear our prayer O Lord, for Christian students and young people who have trusted Jesus Christ as their Saviour but who are having to face ridicule and persecution from unbelieving students and atheistic professors. Lord, we know that many are required to adhere to a humanistic curriculum that denies the truth of Scripture, at the colleges and universities that they are attending, and we pray that You would be their ever-present help in times of trouble

Turn the tide of unbelief we pray, and raise up an army of young Christian men and women who will stand fast for their faith in Christ in a world that has rejected godly principles and the truth of God’s Word.

Protect and equip each one we pray, to withstand anti-Christian attitudes and agendas that are effectively flooding today’s educational institutions and places of learning. May they guard their hearts and minds through the washing of the water of the Word of God. Thank You Lord, in Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Sunday School Students

Loving Heavenly Father, we ask Your blessing and grace on the many children, young people and students that are learning of You in the Sunday schools and Bible classes, and pray that You would teach each one Your ways and guide each one into the truth of Your unchanging word. Raise up we pray, teachers that teach the whole council of God and do not distort the gospel of grace, that Christ died for their sins, and that He rose the third day to break the power of sin in the lives of all who believe in the full and final sacrifice of Jesus.

Open the hearts of all these students to know more and more about You and teach them Your ways, guiding them into all truth we pray. Bring into their lives other young people who have a love of You and a knowledge of the truth, and protect their hearts and minds from the religiosity, false teachers and distorted doctrines that so often flood the churches and pulpits of today.

Raise up godly teachers we pray and prepare the hearts of all those that are attending the Sunday School of our land to come into a knowledge of the truth and to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the gospel of grace. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Unsaved Students In Today’s World

Heavenly Father, we lift up to you the many young people and students that are attending the colleges and universities of today with little or no knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and His gift of salvation by grace through faith in Him, that is offered and so frequently rejected. Father, we grieve that the truth of Christ’s sacrifice of Himself is so little known, so rarely taught correctly and so frequently rejected as myth.

Lord, we lift each student up to You and ask that in Your great grace and mercy, You would make Yourself known, especially to those that have been hurt by the false doctrines and religiosity that is pervading Christianity today.

Lord, the trend in today’s society and especially in places of learning, is to ridicule the Word of God and deny the Creator Who made them and the Saviour Who gave His life to pay the price for their sins. Meet each one I pray, at their point of need, and bring many of these lost young people into the knowledge of the truth.

Look down in pity on all unsaved students, for it is not Your will that any should perish but that all come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. In Your righteous displeasure, remember mercy. We pray in Jesus' name,


Young Christian Student’s Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus, I pray that I may be the best that I can be in my studies, to develop a hunger to learn and the ability to organise my study time, and the ability to retain and apply those things that are important to learn and retain.

Lord, make me a willing student I pray and give me a thirst for the right sort of knowledge, not just the accumulation of irrelevant facts, but a wisdom to know how to apply all that I have learned in my daily life.

I pray that I would find grace in the eyes of my teachers, especially those that seem to want to destroy the faith of their students. Give me the grace and wisdom to extend a helping hand and a friendly smile to all with whom I come in contact, and help me to deal with the other students and staff that seem to have a vendetta against those of us that trust in Jesus as our God and Saviour.

Lord, I want to grow into a mature believer and there are many areas in my life that need Your fine tuning. Help me to be willing to allow the Holy Spirit to correct and train me, even when I would prefer to have my own way! Let me never forget that without You at the helm of my life I can do nothing, but that with You as the Anchor to my soul I can do all things through Christ, Who gives me the strength. Help me Lord, to be the best that I can be. In Jesus' name I pray,


God send forth your angel to take charge of her scholarship

Prayed for 7 time. I Prayed For This
Lord we come to asking for favor for scholarships being reinstated, and an increase in finances. We thank you in advance.
Received: August 13, 2015

For success in life

Prayed for 19 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord and loving father, help me oh Lord for my study i want lord success my study carrier and i want success in my life and i pray lord my lifetime partner please lord bring my soul mate and please lord i include lord my prayer my financial blessing all my needs.
Received: April 4, 2015

Prayer for support in prayers

Prayed for 10 time. I Prayed For This
God should help me to successfully complete my course and to get a good job as according to God's will and plan.
Received: March 7, 2015

Returning to school as an older student

Prayed for 28 time. I Prayed For This
I pray that God gives me the strength to endure during my studies and helps me make to the end and come out at the top of my class!
Received: July 10, 2014

Academic breakthrough and favour in my studies

Prayed for 18 time. I Prayed For This

Dear lord please help me in my acdemices.. Grant me favour in the site of my lectures who will b having a meeting on my results which I failed based on upgrading... God let me be one of them that will be favvoured and pls set me free from failure in my studies so I can finish my extra year this Jesus name I have prayed

Morolawun Aroyewun
Received: February 6, 2014