Prayers for Graduation

A Father’s Graduation Prayer For His Son

Heavenly Father, how I thank You for the life of my son and for bringing him to this important milestone in his life, a graduating ceremony that ends such an important period of his journey through life, and gives way to the twists and turns that he will inevitably face in the future.

I pray that he will apply all that he has learned up to now, and that You would continue to teach him Your ways and to guide him along the path that You would have him go. Give him wisdom in the choices that he will have to make, and I pray that he will have sound judgements in the challenges that lie ahead of him.

I pray that he has learned the lessons of responsibility, integrity and grace that he has been taught throughout his life, and that what he has learned will manifest itself in the direction that he chooses to go. Keep him steady in his faith and may he maintain his trust in You, especially when he starts to be bombarded with the inevitable temptations and taboos in life, that cause so many young people to go astray.

As he faces a working world, I pray that he will maintain his trust in You. I also ask that with the many additional responsibilities of life he now faces, that You will guide him socially, financially and spiritually in all things and that he will turn to You as his Guide. Help him Lord, to stand fast in the faith in which he has been grounded from being a little boy and keep him from being influenced by unethical business practices or any unhealthy social contacts.

I pray that he will turn to You in all his needs and necessities, and that in Your time and in Your way You will bring a godly wife into his life, so that together they my stand firm against the tide of humanity that seeks to swamp all those that trust in You.

Father, thank You that You are my Father and for giving me the privilege of being a father to my own son. I pray that in his adult life He will keep You as the Rock upon which he is grounded, and his ever present helping time of need. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Mother’s Graduation Prayer For Her Daughter

Loving Lord, how I thank You for my for precious daughter and what a joy she has been in my life. You formed her in my womb and breathed Your life into her tiny form. You helped me as I taught and trained her through her infant day and early years. I have watched her grow into the lovely young woman that she is today, and thank You for the privilege of being her mother.

Today Lord, I bring this dear daughter to You, as she prepares in excitement for her graduation ceremony. May it be a time that she will clothe herself in mature womanhood as she steps out onto the frontier of life.

Lead her Lord, in Your path of righteousness and love. Guard her and guide her through the ups and downs that will shadow her path. Bind her heart to the truth of Your Word, keep her under the shadow of Your wing and may she move out into life with a scriptural foundation that will not be shaken.

Bring up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. Lord, I claim that promise for my precious daughter. May she continue to grow in grace and in a knowledge of her Lord and Saviour, until her life’s end. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Prayer Of Blessing For Christian Graduate Students

Loving Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of life and the wonderful privilege of knowing You. Lord, at this time of graduation we bring before You all these young lives that will soon be graduating.

Lead and guide all those that are called by Your name and have accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Father, we pray that each one remains firm in the truth that they have been taught throughout their youth and may each one grow into Christian maturity and come to know the Lord Jesus more and more with each passing day.

As life opens up before each one and the temptations of the world seek to entice them away from the road of righteousness, hold each one steady, and may Your Holy Spirit be an ever-present help in time of trouble, and an ever-present comfort in times of difficulty.

Thank You for each life and each family that is represented by these Christian men and women who are soon to graduate, and may their lives be a wonderful witness to all those with whom they come in contact. Keep them safe from harm in the arms of Jesus, we pray,


My Graduation Prayer To God

Dear God, how wonderful it is to have reached this graduation ceremony and I thank You that You have been with me throughout my education. Lord, may it be a time of great fellowship and fun for all of us, (students and teachers as well as friends and family), and thank You for all the good friends I have made and for all that I have learned as I have worked my way through this time of schooling.

Thank You for the skills that I have acquired and the teachers that have taught me so tirelessly. Thanks for all my friends and family that have been so supportive and for the for many lessons that I have learned.

Lord, it is an exciting and yet a daunting thing to realise that a whole chapter of my life is just about to close and a new phase of life is beginning. Be with me Lord I pray, as I step out into the unknown, and ask that You would lead and guide me through all the ups and downs of life that are likely to accompany me along this untried journey.

Lord, keep me close to You. I have been warned how easy it is to get sucked into the world’s way of thinking and behaving and I don’t want to find myself drifting into the ways of the world. Thank You for my parents and for the amazing support they have been throughout my life. And so Lord, here I am about to graduate, but I pray that You will continue to be my guard and guide, my teacher and instructor along life’s way, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


More Prayers for Graduation
Scripture Meditation on Graduation

Finish and graduate my study and to proceed in college of law and my tuition fees needs

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord i want finish my study lord and to proceed in college of law.please God help me to graduate and evaluate all my subject and proceed in college of law and please god for your riches and your mercy please pay all my tuition and my wisdom and understanding and please lord my christian right partner or my soul mate please my fellow christian pray for me .
Received: August 26, 2014