Prayers for Teachers

Prayer For All Teachers

Heavenly Father, we bring before You all the teachers throughout this land of ours, and pray that You would guard and guide them in the vital responsibility of educating a new generation of children and young people.

We confess Lord, that as a nation we have sought to keep God out of the classroom and separated from school and learning, and we acknowledge that this has only been to our own detriment and a great disservice to the children that are being educated in our school system.

Lord, we pray that You would challenge the hearts of our educators to recognise that vulnerabilities of children and to balance discipline with dignity and control with care. Help teachers to be conscious of the need for constructive criticism rather than destructive faultfinding and to offer a motivating environment which embraces fairness, honesty and integrity with appropriate praise. A learning environment where trust is nurtured and not exploited.

Lord, we pray that You would raise up teachers with godly standards and unbiased teaching techniques, and we pray that our classrooms and teachers return to the godly principles, which our forefathers held dear. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Christian Teachers

Father, we lift up all Christian teachers, especially those that that are seeking to deliver an education in the public school system, which has increasingly been developing an anti-God agenda. Give them courage and wisdom to teach the truth and to be wise and discerning when they are challenged by a system that has effectively closed the door to the truth of God’s Word.

Watch over all those that are Christian teachers who are being targeted by those that would seek to silence the voice of truth. Keep them looking to You for their strength and may they remain strong in the in the Lord and in the power of His strength. We pray that You would uphold them with Your mighty right hand in the challenges that they face in this fallen world.

Grant each one discernment and wisdom and fill them with the peace of God that passes understanding, especially when faced with the inevitable stresses, strains and challenges of the current education system. Use them we pray, to stand as a true witness to the Lord Jesus, not only by what they teach but in the way that they conduct their lessons, with fairness and grace, encouragement and wise counsel. This we ask in Jesus' name and to His glory,


Prayer For Sunday School Teachers

Dear Father in heaven, how I thank You for those that have been called by You to minister to the children and young people in our Sunday School classes.

I pray that each one would be filled with the Holy Spirit and have a deep desire and ability to guide the young people in their charge, into a thorough knowledge of the Word of God and the plan of Salvation. Give them the ability and understanding to guide the young people they teach along the Christian pathway, with doctrinally sound teaching.

I pray that each teacher will recognise the vital role they play in the spiritual development of those in their charge, and of the important role and responsibility they have, in laying a firm and sure spiritual foundation for their lives.

Equip each one I pray, with a desire to study Your Word for themselves, so that they too may grow in grace and increase in their knowledge and love of the Lord Jesus. And I pray that by their example, the children and young people that they teach will also develop a desire to have their own personal walk with the Lord Jesus.

And so Lord, I pray that you would use each one to encourage the children they teach of the importance of reading the Word of God, studying the Bible and learning the Scriptures for themselves, so that they too may mature in the faith and be enabled to stand firm in a world that seems to have forgotten the God Who created them. May these Sunday School classes be places where the Lord Jesus is lifted high. In Jesus' name,
