Prayers to be in the will of God

Prayer To Always Do God’s Will

Dear Lord, I believe that You uphold the creation by the strength of Your mighty power and Your great wisdom, and that in Your Word You have laid out all that we need to live godly lives that are pleasing to You.
I desire to do Your will oh God, and I pray that I may serve You in the manner that You require. Lord, in humility of heart I admit that I can do nothing of myself, but only as You give me Your sufficient grace, Your wisdom and Your strength.
Help me I pray, to live each day of my life in holiness and righteousness, in humility of heart and with self-control. Help me to walk in spirit and in truth and to do only those things that I have heard from You, through the Word of God and the gentle promptings of Your Holy Spirit in my inner soul.
May I look to You and not to the ways of the world. May I grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus, and may I apply myself diligently to pursue You greater plans and purpose in my life, willingly accepting correction, eager to forgive others and enjoying sweet fellowship with You day by day. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer To Do God’s Will

Heavenly Father, it is my desire to do Your will in my life and I have been praying how I may find out how to know what Your will is, so that I can do Your will in my life. Thank You, Lord, for sending me to 1 Thessalonians chapter five, where I see that You have clearly laid out exactly what Your will for each one of us is.
Help me to walk in spirit and truth and encourage my brothers and sisters in the faith. Help me to esteem others as better than myself and support them in love.
Help me I pray, to encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone, always return good for evil and seek after that which is good and lovely and pleasing in Your sight.
Most of all I pray that I develop a heart of ready rejoicing and an attitude of continuous prayer and praise. And give me the ability to be thankful in all things, even those times that prove to be the most difficult and frustrating. Help me to grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and mature in the faith, knowing that this is Your will for my life. Praise Your holy name.

Prayer To Know The Will Of God

Lord, at times I just wish that You would send me a letter or call me on the telephone and let me know with clarity what Your will is for my life, so that I may fulfil all the plans that You have purposed for me.
Help me to lay aside my own personal preferences and learn to say, "Thy will be done." Equip me I pray, to recognise Your gentle promptings and the wise counsel that is hidden in Your Word, and keep me from being swayed by my own fleshly inclinations.
Tenderise my heart so that I am able to discern the nudges and tugs from the Holy Spirit and give me wisdom to make godly choices as I patiently wait for Your designated time.
Lord, although it would be amazing to have a letter or call from You, I do recognise that we are to live this life by faith and not by sight or sound, visions or dreams, so help me to keep my focus on the Lord Jesus, knowing that the closer I draw to Him, the more I will forget myself and my own desires, and the more I will discover Who You are and What You desire of me. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Lead Me Today

“O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder …” the song writer expressed what the Psalmist also expressed when he considered Thy great creation.

Help me, O God, to see and know and understand that You created all things and that I am a part of that which You created. Help me to know that I am safe with You but without You, I am in constant danger both in this world and the world to come.

Lead me today, beside the still waters. Give me a thirst for the Living Water that I may drink and be satisfied.

In Jesus’ name,


Make Me Sensitive To Your Voice

O God, I have been in such a hurry to get, I don’t know where. It seems everybody else is in a hurry to get somewhere and I hurry also but I tend to lose my sense of direction in my haste.

As the disciples came to Jesus and asked Him, “Teach us how to pray”, so I come, O Lord, asking to be taught how to pray and what to pray for.

Lord, calm my hurried heart and make me sensitive to Your voice. I do not ask that You speak audibly. It would frighten me if you did. I do humbly pray that You will tune my spirit to You so that I may be able to discern the voice of Your Spirit. Help me to stop in my hurried life and sit quietly at Your feet, becoming sensitive to Your voice.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


May I Find God's Plan For My Life

Heavenly Lord, I so desire to do Your will and to find the plan You have for my life. I know Lord, that You have scheduled every day of my life and I do believe that the right path is already laid out for me, but I am not sure which door to push on or which path the follow.
I ask You to give me wisdom to discern what You would have me to do and I pray that the Holy Spirit would be my guide, to direct me where I ought to go. I truly want to be open to Your plans and purposes and I also want to wait for Your timing and not try to superimpose my own will over Your perfect will for me, but Lord, I do ask that I will soon find Your plan for my life.
Give me patience to wait for Your time, wisdom to know what to do and humility to seek only Your will and not mine. Lord, give me readiness to hear You still small voice above my own impulsive heart. Into Your hands I now commit my future and thank You Lord, for I know that You have promised to guide me every step of the way. In Jesus' name I pray,

One More Prayer to be in the will of God

Prayer for my son

Prayed for 22 time. I Prayed For This
Lord I pray that my son will have a desire to serve you, to have compassion and kindness towards others, and to have desire to attend fellowship with other believers. help him to always seek you first in all that he does and in his life decisions. may he love and serve you always. In Jesus Name. Amen
Received: August 10, 2015


Prayed for 26 time. I Prayed For This
I've always wanted to be a singer, dancer, pianist and rapper. ( entertainer ) but I'm always so scared that it won't happen. Can you help me pray that our Father will give me the strength to wait for his set time. And assure me that my dreams will come true. Bless :) amen
Received: May 18, 2015

Prayers for a sign

Prayed for 20 time. I Prayed For This
Lord Jesus, You know I pray to You through out my thank You for where You have lead me in the last 3 years and showing Yourself to me. I also pray for strength, faith, patience, and understanding in my seasons. Today I ask You to give me a sign as to if the man I love and am still in love with, the man I continue to pray for, the father of my children, and the man that left his family when we had nothing...give me a sign if he is meant for me & my children...or is he a lesson. I pray everyday asking for strength to get me thru this and to give me patience to wait for a signal from You. I pray that You keep me focused on being diligent in my relationship with You because You are why I am the person I am today. I pray that my heart no longer continues to hurt, yearn, or feel UNGODLY feelings. Please give me a sign as to if I need to let go of that season in my life.
Received: May 13, 2015

Marriage HELP

Prayed for 4 time. I Prayed For This
My husband drives all 48 states is the same when I pray or go to bible study somewhere. At my church we have prayed long for him. We pray for my family too!Mike used to yes I will say it be in love with me we have a 22 yr old son. For 3 yrs Mike has high blood pr now 2 yrs on sugar level pill.He is on a pill to help him not pee so much they didn't work.Only one more to do he was supposed to get them first of March He's home in Portales New Mexico they didn't have them at Wal-Mart. He is supposed to see a specialist.He has low thyroid pills yes.He is in one room I'm not.He doesn't know verse we don't need to be apart unless we both agreed by prayer.I never did his mind repeats alot. He is here for 5 days shoulder really hurts;neck & back.I lift him upto you.
Received: April 24, 2015

Spiritual maturity

Prayed for 15 time. I Prayed For This
I want to know Gods voice and power to do His will
Received: March 28, 2015

Thank you for this website

Prayed for 3 time. I Prayed For This
Thank you for creating this website, is helping me going thru my day. Today is Saturday and have so many questions in my head, I'm sure God is answering me but I can't see because of my weakness, I pray for me to understand God's will. thank you all, thank you Jesus,Amen.
Received: March 6, 2015

Prayer for His leading

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom and discernment to know if you are really calling me to start my own Dgroup. I'm afraid to step out of my comfort zone but if this is your will for me, let your will be done. Please prepare my heart for it. In Jesus' most powerful name, Amen.

Received: November 11, 2013

Spiritual LIfe & Career

Prayed for 27 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord I pray that i should live a life which pleases God. Im always falling down spiritually by watching movies now and then which really displeases God. This is my greatest weakness by which satan tempts me. I finished my and I put my career in your hands. I ask for Your will to be fulfilled in my Life and most of all to be closer to you.

Vijay kumar Dara
Received: October 29, 2013

Submission to the will of God

Prayed for 13 time. I Prayed For This

I know everything happens for a reasons & I pray that everything that I lost God will give me another chance to have them, but if its God's will for them to be apart from me then I'll just faithfully accept God's will. ♥

Received: October 13, 2013

Realization of my childhood dream

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This

Heavenly Father, You know my heart's desires. I lift up to You my dreams and plans since i was a child, to live in security that we would not be driven away from where my house stands now. I lift up to you my spirit, that i would live everyday with peace of mind that You will grant the realization of our dreams in Your Divine Will. May Your generous love and mercy guide us in every decisions we would make, and strengthen us in every obstacle we would face. All these we pray in Jesus' name . Amen!

Venus Macam
Received: October 12, 2013

Custody appeal

Prayed for 6 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Father God, I pray for my two 5 year olds and I pray for the custody appeal. My ex husband is not good with girls. They count the days when they are with him to return to me. He makes fun of them and me for being believers. It has gotten worse since the divorce was final. The Appeal would grant me 70/30 custody. It breaks my heart to hear my girls cry and say " mama, we want to be with you forever."  When I am not with you my heart is in pain, mama. Please come to get us." From a mother's broken heart. God please help us in this situation. Amen

Received: October 9, 2013

Gods will for healing

Prayed for 8 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord I pray for my mom Roxie Wylie, she has lung cancer. Praying Gods will be done.

Received: October 9, 2013

Lord fulfill my destiny

Prayed for 7 time. I Prayed For This
Lord in any way I’m wrongly positioned; relocate me to the place where my destiny will be fulfilled to your glory.
Received: October 7, 2013

Fulfillment of the Will God in my Life

Prayed for 16 time. I Prayed For This
I pray that the Will of God is fulfilled in every aspect of my Life whether Spiritually, Financially, through my marriage and Business/Career life. Amen.
Adeola Adewuy
Received: October 7, 2013