Prayers for Direction

Prayer For Direction In Life

Loving Father, You have promised to lead me and to guide me through ever step of my life. I am coming to you now Lord, because I am facing a decision that I need to make and I am not really sure which way to go.

In my heart Lord, I know that if I am seeking You first in my life and walking in spirit and truth, then You will be there, guiding my every step and leading me in the path that is best for me.

Give me peace in my heart as I make this difficult choice and may I live my life as is pleasing to You. Thank You, Lord, that You have promised to be with me every step of the way. May I walk and live in a way that is pleasing to You,


Prayer To Follow The Will Of God

Dear Lord, give me an undivided heart, so that I may walk in Your truth in confidence all the days of my life.

Teach me Your will, as You hold me in the hollow of Your hand.

Help me, in all situations of life to be willing and say, as the Lord Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, "Your will not mine be done." In Jesus' name,


Prayer For God To Direct The Path I Take

Dear Heavenly Father, I know that You have promised that if I acknowledge You in all my ways, You will direct my path and make them straight. You have also promised to keep those in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You.

Help me not to be afraid or discouraged when the way I take gets steep and rugged, for with You as my guide I need fear no evil.

Order my steps today I pray, and uphold me with Your righteous right hand, for only with You at my side may I go in safety,


Prayer Of Guidance For A Friend In Need

Dear Heavenly God, I have a dear friend that is going through many problems in their life and do not know which way to turn. Lord, I pray that in Your mercy and love, Your Holy Spirit will reach out to comfort and guide.

Take away all strain and stress that seems to be flooding his (her) mind, and lead them in a straight path into the arms of the Lord Jesus.

I pray that in Your grace and mercy You will be their comfort and guide, and draw them into the everlasting arms of Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Prayer To Hear Your Still Small Voice

Loving Lord, I want to put my hand in Your hand as I step out into the unknown. I ask that in your love, You will close every door that You would not have me walk through, and open whatever door You would have me take. I trust You to watch over every step I take in life, and to lead me in Your paths of righteousness and goodness.

As I travel through the journey of life, grant that I may have a teachable spirit and ears that are open to Your still small voice. I want to be able to hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit in my spirit. I pray that I may hear Your voice telling me, this is the way… walk in it. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Lead Me To The Rock Of My Salvation

Dear God, there is a scripture that says, "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I." Father, I want You to lead me to that Rock, because I know that Rock is Jesus, and I know that there is no place that I need be other that walking with Him.

Guide me in the decisions that I need to make today, and may I keep my feet firmly grounded on You, my Rock and my Redeemer,


Thank You For Your Promise To Lead Me

Dear Lord Jesus, be with me today and each day as I face an unknown future. Thank You that You have promised in Your Word that You will instruct me and teach me in the way that I should go, and guide me with Your eye. Thank You for your promises of guidance and comfort.

Lead me, Lord, in the way that is best for me, and when I am facing circumstances that seems to be bleak and scary, please help me to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, knowing that He is the Way, the only way that I need to go to be kept in Your love.

Thank You that I have nothing to fear. In Jesus' name I pray,


To The Captain Of My Life

Father God, You alone are the Captain of my life and the Anchor of my soul. You alone are the Hope in which I rest, and the Rock on which I stand.

Steer the course of my life in the direction as You know is best for me and may I be willing to go wherever You send me, no matter what the cost or difficulties that I may have to face.

Thank You that Your grace is sufficient, and that no matter which way the storms of life toss my life, I have a safe harbour in You. Thank You, Lord,


One More Prayer for Direction
Scripture Meditations on Direction

Lord to help me get my direction in life

Prayed for 105 time. I Prayed For This
To know and understand my vision, help me to avoid sin, bad company. Please surround me with positive people.
Received: August 18, 2015

Help my kids father rid gay friend

Prayed for 14 time. I Prayed For This
Lord God I thank you for all the things you have done for me and my family. I turn in my troubles to you. But i'm here to pray for my kids father who has a gay friend who keeps trying to take him from us and always have drinks and females. We fought much about this friendship. God take this guy out of our lives. Let him be weak and get back all his destruction and bad energy 1000s fold. keep me and my family protected from him and others attack.
Received: March 31, 2015


Prayed for 18 time. I Prayed For This
Please help me to move forward...after making a decison to give up on a ministery I was called to fulfill.
Received: January 4, 2015

Jesus give the the direction of your will not mine

Prayed for 13 time. I Prayed For This
Father God in your Sons name help me understand what your will is for my life. You have spoken to me so many time on the direction; however I seem not to understand your will. Pease give me direction on which way to go. In your Son Jesus Name Amem!
Received: December 23, 2014

Which Way is YOUR Way, Oh Lord

Prayed for 10 time. I Prayed For This

Oh God,I cry out to you in this time of need for guidance and your voice to which path/paths I should take to do Your will for my life. You have graciously blessed me with a heart of serving and a gift to make time stand still and provide special moments on paper for a lifetime. The closer I grow to you, the more turmoil and busyness I find in my life. I pray that you open my heart, eyes, and ears to recognize my purpose on Earth and to use it fully to serve You Lord! Please give me wisdom and discernment in each of my choices I will be making and guide me to Your Will. In your Glorious Name, Amen.

Received: February 10, 2014

Help me, Lord

Prayed for 20 time. I Prayed For This

Lord God, help me on my path of life. Amen.

Received: October 13, 2013

Direction in Career Path

Prayed for 9 time. I Prayed For This

I pray to you Lord Jesus to help me choose the right career path. I have an option of doing a PhD in two different fields and countries. I hope the Lord helps me to choose wisely. I've never been more confused. Please Help me Jesus. Amen. 

Received: October 8, 2013