Prayers for the Future

Prayer When All Around Me Is Changing

Loving Lord, there is so much happening in my life at the moment. Changes seem to be taking place in every area of my life, friends and neighbours have moved far away, my loved ones have passed on, tensions seems to be surrounding me on every side. But my hope and trust is in You.

As I step out into the future, in the face of all the changes and challenges that are taking place all around me, I pray that You will continue to be with me to lead and to guide, to help and to protect, to comfort and support. Lord, I cling to You for You are the Rock of my Salvation, my Defence and my Defender.

Thank You, Lord, that in this world of flux and change, You are the same yesterday, today and for ever. Thank You, that You are with me in all the changing scenes and situations of my life and thank You that You are coming back soon, to take all who trust in Your name to be with You forever. I cling to You Lord, for my hope and my future is in You alone. In Jesus' name I pray,


For My Future In This Economically Bleak World

Lord, I had such dreams of the future when I was a little younger, and had made such wonderful plans for my life and my family, but now Lord with the economic crises and all that is going on around our world today, which seems to want to smash down what is left of the Judeo Christian standards, the future looks so very bleak. 

But I thank You for the reminder that You have given me from my pastor and what I have learned from my own Bible studies, that this world is not our home, but just a place and that we are simply passing through on our way to our heavenly residence, which You have prepared for us in heaven.

What a wonderful future You have planned for all Your children. As the days get darker and the world seems to become more evil, I am realising that You are using this to cause Your children to break free from the hold that this world has on so many of us.

Lord, thank You for reminding me that I am not to become too comfortable in this world, but to prepare my heart for the time that we will be with You in heaven. Keep my family and me in this increasingly bleak economic world, and provide for all our needs while we are here. I pray that You would bring us home soon to our glorious heavenly home, where we will be for ever with You. in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Future Career

Lord, I just want to lay my life and my future career at Your feet and ask that Your grace and favour would rest upon me, as I earnestly seek Your guidance, praying that You would establish the work of my hand and lead me in the direction that You would have me to go.
Direct me I pray, into the career path that You have chosen for me, for I desire to be in the center of Your will and I pray that You would open the right doors through which You would have me go, and keep those places that You would not have to go, firmly closed

Lord, I ask that You would give me godly insight and wisdom in these important career choices that I need to make. Lead me along the way that You have prepared for me, for I know that You have scheduled every day of my life and I do want to follow that path that You have planned for me, and not deviate from it. I pray that You would also equip me with the skills and qualifications that are needed. May my life and my career be used to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Future Generations

Dear Heavenly Father, today I come to Your throne of grace to pray for the next generation of young people. Protect those who know You as their Saviour from being negatively influenced by the unbiblical worldview that is flooding our schools and colleges today, and also for those young people that have not yet trusted You as their Saviour, or who have become disillusioned with their life, and without hope in the world.
Father, skepticism and relativism seems to be flooding the into the educating system and causing many young people to become confused about their faith and to walk away from what they once held dear. I pray You would stem the flood of secular humanism and the various ungodly philosophies that are sweeping through the nation, and reveal Yourself to a generation that has strayed so far from the truth of Your Word. 
I am sorry Lord, that as individuals and as a nation we have strayed so far from Your precepts and have allowed a generation to be born that has little knowledge or understanding about Your glorious plan of salvation and the glorious gospel of grace. In Your mercy, move in this next generation and halt the cultural tide that has undermined our roots, and caused us to become disconnected from You the only source of life and light. I pray You would move this generation to turn back to the God who created them and sent His only begotten Son to die for their sins. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Future Husband

Heavenly Father, thank You that You are my God and Saviour and that You have scheduled every day of my life and are teaching me so gently to be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, to make the longings of my heart known to You, Lord.
Lord, You know the desire deep within my heart that You bring that precious partner to me, with whom I may spend my life. I pray that You would bring the right man to me to be my future husband, that special one with whom I may spend my future, and I pray that You would bring him to me at the right time and in the right way.
Lord, I don’t know what You have planned for my future, but I do know that Your plans and purposes for me are so much better than my own, and that You already know what tomorrow holds. And You know the man whom You have prepared to be that special person in my life.
I pray that  You would prepare us both mentally, spiritual, emotionally and physically for the time when You bring us together in loving union. Fulfill my hearts desire I pray, and I will give You all the praise and glory. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Future Leaders

Loving Lord, we thank You for the heritage and gift of children and recognize that among today’s young people, we have those who will become future leaders, teachers and pioneers, and who may one day become influential in forging the future direction of our society and take up the responsibilities for leading families, nations and the church into the future.
Lord, we pray that they may be endowed with wisdom and grow up in the fear and nurture of the Lord. Direct and govern their steps we pray, and may they find favor with God and man, being grounded in integrity and honesty, wisdom and grace.
We pray that they may walk in righteousness and truth, humility and grace and seek to live in peace with all men, without compromise and without prejudice. May they keep the Word of God as their protective shield, and be guarded against the lies, deceit and envy of fallen man.
Guard and guide those that will become societies future leaders, teachers and pioneers and may they hold fast to that which is good, live in peace with one another, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone, never repaying evil for evil, but always seeking after that which is good for one another, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Strength To Face The Future

Loving Lord, You are our hope and our strength in time of trouble. You are our ever present help in this difficult world and Lord, I know that You hold the future in the palm of Your hands and I trust You.

Thank You, that You are always there to provide for my needs and to protect me from the storms of life. I pray that no matter what the future holds, that You will remain there beside me. I know Lord, that no matter how difficult things become in this world that You have promised never to leave me nor forsake me, but I also know that in this world we will have tribulation and trials, and I pray that You will be with me through all that I face in the future.

You are my hope and You are my strength. You have promised that that no matter how difficult life becomes, Your grace is sufficient for all my needs. Help me to rely on You no matter what problems and difficulties arise, for my hope is in You. 


Thanksgiving That God Is In Control Of The Future

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for all that You have provided for me in a time when the future looks so bleak. Let me never forget that my citizenship is in heaven and that no matter what happens in my life, while I remain on earth You are in control, and You have promised to care for all Your children.

Help me to live my life in a manner that is pleasing to You in this ever changing world, and help me not to put my hope and trust in the leaders of this world nor the things of this world that are passing away, but may I always remember that my hope is built on nothing less that Jesus and His righteousness. For this I praise and thank You Lord.

Thank You, Father, that You know the end from the beginning, and that You are truly in control of all that happens. Not only in our lives but in every corner of the world. Guide, protect and supply for the needs of all Your children and thank You Father that we do know that our future is secure in You, no matter what may take place in the world. Praise Your name, and thank You for Your loving kindness.


Young Persons Prayer For The Future

Lord, thank You for bringing me into Your family and that I have been taught Who You are. Thank You, that You sought me out and saved me. Thank You, that Your banner over me is love and thank You for all the many blessings and opportunities that You have provided for me in my life so far. 

Be with me Lord, as I face an unknown future. Teach me more of Yourself and give me an opportunity in my life to serve You, in whatever place or work You call me.

Lead me and guide me into all truth I pray, and as I face all my tomorrows Lord, I want to ask that You would show me more of Yourself. I pray that I may know more of You, that I may know Christ. This was the prayer that Paul the apostle prayed at the end of his life and Lord, I want to pray this at the start of my life as well. 

Give me a teachable spirit and as the future opens up for me, keep me from the ways of the world, but help me to cling ever closer to You. In Jesus' name,


Provision of godly husband

Prayed for 106 time. I Prayed For This
I pray that God will bring a godly husbands for my daughters, in Jesus name amen
Received: August 16, 2015

Divine guidance

Prayed for 47 time. I Prayed For This
I ask God to give me divine guidance in this life amen.
Received: July 22, 2015

Godly husbands

Prayed for 55 time. I Prayed For This
God please send godly husbands to my daughters in Jesus Name Amen
Received: May 14, 2015

Godly husbands

Prayed for 23 time. I Prayed For This
Please join me in prayers for my 2 daughters for God fearing husbands. In Jesus Name. Amen
Received: April 23, 2015

Progression in life

Prayed for 52 time. I Prayed For This
I pray for the success of my business, to see growth. I pray for Gods intervention in my family. Amen.
Received: March 5, 2015

Employment and success of family business

Prayed for 31 time. I Prayed For This
I have been a graduate for a year now but i have not got a job yet. I want to be employed. And again as a family we have tried a number of businesses and we want to see them succeed with not so much struggle. Pray with me in Jesus name. Amen
Received: October 20, 2014

For my future.

Prayed for 37 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord,thanks for everything that you have done for me.I wish I want become one of the famous graphics designer around the world and have a great lifestyle with my family.Amen.

Received: November 12, 2013

Help me love

Prayed for 28 time. I Prayed For This

Heavenly Father i thank you so much for the gift of life and i pray you grant me the ability to love and forgive others. i pray you bless my education so that i eventually turn up to be an important person in future. Thank you Lord Jesus

Simon Peter Ssenteza
Received: October 30, 2013

Future path from Jesus

Prayed for 41 time. I Prayed For This

Thank you Lord for each breath that I have. Now it has come to the crucial moment to enter the working life. I pray that each step I take falls within Your guidance and mercy, so that I would have a future that is made by You. I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

Received: October 30, 2013

Ability to be able to marry

Prayed for 17 time. I Prayed For This

Father, i need a good job that can make me be able to afford  to marry, buy car and build house. open doors o Lord and I please help me to grow spiritually.

Terry Justus
Received: October 29, 2013

Abide in my life

Prayed for 34 time. I Prayed For This

i pray that Jesus will  always abide in my life . and may family . for i know the plans i have for you. says the lord . plans to prosper you and not to harm you. plans to give your hope and a future

Raffy villdar buntong
Received: October 21, 2013

Find a new Job

Prayed for 24 time. I Prayed For This

Please Jesus, Help us to find a new Job for my husband and for my siste in law. We are always waiting for your answer and love you. 

Gina Perez Gacosta
Received: October 8, 2013

For Open Doors

Prayed for 39 time. I Prayed For This
I pray for open doors and prosperity for me and my husband in jesus name. I pray for upliftment and protection in my place of work
Sarah Essiet
Received: October 5, 2013

My future

Prayed for 68 time. I Prayed For This

In my life there are so many paths, I don't know what my right path is, and what the path you would have me take. I don't understand and I pray for widom, my Lord awesome God

Received: October 5, 2013