Prayers for Anxiety

Prayer To Be Anxious For Nothing

Lord, You have told us in Your Word to be anxious for nothing, and I know in my heart that I am anxious about lot of things. And what is worse, I pretend to others that I am not worried, when in fact I am anxious about everything. I know such striving is not Your will for my life and I pray Lord, that You will show me how I may live my life resting on Your promises of peace and rest.

You said in Your Word not to be anxious, but pray instead about everything and to talk to You about what I need. You told me also to have a thankful heart for all that You have done in my life. Lord, I am coming to You this very moment to tell You that I long to stop being so anxious and to ask that in Your grace You would keep me from all anxious thoughts, and give me Your peace that passes understanding.

I also pray that You will help me to keep my mind fixed on Jesus, so that when any anxious imaginings starts to surface in my mind, I may immediately turn my thoughts onto You, and thank You for all that You have done for me, and for the many promises that are all Yes and Amen in Jesus Christ.

Thank You, that You are a God who listens to our heart cry and answers our prayers. In Jesus' name,


“Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”

Freedom From Anxiety In A World In Turmoil

Loving Heavenly Father, it seems that more and more people are becoming increasingly anxious about what is going on in the world today and what is likely to happen, both within our own nations and further afield. There are may conspiracy theories on one hand and a lot of hype on the other, which seem deliberately designed to cause people to become anxious and afraid.

I know that You are not a God of disorder or fear, but a God of peace and love, but I also know that the Bible tells us that as we get closer to the return of the Lord Jesus for His church, men’s hearts will start to fail, for fear of what is coming on the earth.

Lord Jesus, I am Your child and I know that my strength and comfort is in You. I know that You will never leave me nor forsake me, no matter what happens in this world. Keep me I pray from anxious thoughts, and prevent my heart from fearing what is coming on the world, knowing that my citizenship is in heaven with You, and knowing that the day is fast approaching when You will come to take us to be with Yourself in our heavenly home, where we will be with You forever.

Thank You for this assurance I have in Christ Jesus my Saviour,


“For what does a man get with all his work and all his efforts that he labors with under the sun?”

Help Me To Give You My Anxieties

Lord, I don’t want to be anxious about anything, knowing that I can cast all of my anxious thoughts on You, but how difficult I find it to cast all my cares on You, before I start to worry. What often happens is that I become more and more anxious over all the difficulties of life that are crowding in on me, and eventually I turn my thoughts to You and reach out to You in my helplessness.

Lord, in my understanding of Who You are I know that You are always my Rock in times of troubles and over and again I have seen You help in time of need, but very rarely do You act in the way that I expect!

Lord, I know that I am not to be anxious about the provision of life and the needs of the home, nor am I to fret over the actions and attitudes of evildoers, who seem to encompass me on every side, for I know and believe that the day is coming when evildoers will wither away like the grass of the field, as Your Word teaches, while those that trust in the Lord will dwell securely, under the shadow of Your wings.

Help me Lord to cast my anxious thoughts on You before I start to fret. Help me to reach out to You in my helplessness before I try to sort things out myself, for You have promised to be my help in time of trouble. Thank You for being such a faithful God. 


“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns.”

Prayer To Take Every Anxious Thought Captive

Father, we are told to consider the wonderful way that You provide for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, knowing that we, who are Your children, are so much more precious to You than they are. Why do I become anxious, when I know that all I have to do is to trust You? Why do I spend so much of my time worrying about so many things in life? I know that You have promised to be our Healer, our Provider, our Shepherd and our Peace, and You have been these and so much more to me, and yet Lord I am prone to anxiety and care.

Help me Lord, to take captive each anxious thoughts that crosses my mind as it arises in my heart, and give it over to You as You have instructed. Help me to, "take every anxious thought captive,” the moment it passes like a shadow across my heart. Help me to hand it over to Jesus, instead of allowing it to revolve around my mind, causing anxiety in my soul to increase.

Help me to consider the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, and the heavens and the earth and all that You have made by the strength of Your mighty power, knowing that Your same mighty power is available to all Who trust in Christ as Saviour. Help me to consider Jesus and all He did for me at Calvary. And help me to take every anxious thoughs captive, and rest in Him. 


“Can any of you add a cubit to his height by worrying?”

To Be Equipped To Face The Future Alone

Dear Lord Jesus, I am filled with fear and anxiety as I have been left completely alone. I have no one in the world to care for me, no one who is really interested in me, and I am so frightened to have to face the future all on my own.

I do believe in Jesus as my Saviour, and I want to draw closer to You. I know from all that I learned as a child that my hope is in You alone. Lord, I have found a scripture in the book of Psalms that says that You put the lonely in families, and I find that such a comfort. 

Please Lord, will You do that for me? Lord, if this is Your will for me, would You put me into a family and bring some lovely people that will come alongside me and be a family to me – but in any event, I pray that You would equip me to live my life and face the future in such a way that is honouring to You.

Thank You, Lord, that You really do care for me. I pray that You may even use me to be a comfort to others who may also facing a future alone. In Jesus' name I pray,


“Therefore don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Having a confident Spirt in an un familar place

Prayed for 22 time. I Prayed For This
Father God , I come to you with this prayer . I come asking you to teach me not to be afraid to drive in an unfamiliar place. Teach me how to lean on you with a sure confidence , Iam like a little child and don't know how to come out or go in . Will you be my guide , I never want to forget you are always with me . In Jesus name Amen.
C. Glover
Received: December 9, 2014

Anxiety / Depression

Prayed for 18 time. I Prayed For This

I've been suffering with severe anxiety and depression for several years - on and off numerous medications - therapy. The days are long and very difficult. Trying to hold on to my job and my family. Praying the Lord will heal me of this.

Received: March 28, 2014

Overcome her anxiety

Prayed for 19 time. I Prayed For This

Lord help Caryl to overcome her separation of anxiety. Please touch her whole body to boost her self confidence.

Received: November 8, 2013

Peace of mind

Prayed for 19 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, Please help me in my anxiety regarding a very serious financial dillema. I pray that you would provide the necessary means to sort it all out. Looking to you. Amen

Received: October 17, 2013

Cure my anxiety

Prayed for 21 time. I Prayed For This

Lord you are the great healer. I offer you my anxiety and fears which are giving me a hard time sleeping

Received: October 9, 2013