Prayers for a Broken Heart

A Broken Relationship

How can I face the future Lord, for my heart is broken. The love of my life has grown weary of our relationship and has walked away from me and I am heart-broken Lord.

Why did this have to happen? I thought that You had brought us together. I thought that our love for each other had been made in heaven. But now they have gone and my heart is broken.

I pray that You will help me to face up to what has happened and not to hanker for something that might have been. Help me to look forward to the future and not regret the past. And today Lord – now, I put my trust in You for I want You to guide my path, for I know that when I follow my own heart it always ends in distress.

Lead me Lord. Lead me in the way that I should go. Heal my fractured heart and I pray that instead of bitterness being the fruit of this experience, that You will bring beauty for brokenness and replace despair with Your joy. Into Your hand I commit my life, my future, my relationships, and myself.

Draw me ever closer into secure communion with Yourself. Thank You that You really do wipe away every tear from our eyes. I love You Lord,


Lord Heal My Broken-Heart

O Lord my God, I come to You bereft in spirit with a heart that is breaking. My mind is in turmoil and I just do not understand all the turmoil that seems to be hitting me from all sides. You know Lord exactly the pain that is in my heart and the sadness and grief that I am going through and I come to You, my God, seeking Your blessed peace in my heart.

Heal my hurting heart and bind up the lacerations that have penetrated so deeply into my soul, for You alone are my hope, You alone are my strength and stay. I have nothing and no one left but You Lord.

Bind up my fragmented heart I pray, as You have promised. It says in Your Word that You came to heal the broken hearted and to free those that were entrapped in the emotional turmoil of their lives. Lord, that is my position now and I trust in You alone.

I give You my fragmented heart and pray for Your blessed peace, Your gracious peace, Your perfect peace that passes all human comprehension. Take me as I am Lord and fill me anew with your love and grace, for only through You can I be renewed in spirit, only in You can I rest in safety.

Thank You O Lord my God,


Parent Of A Prodigal

Oh Father, I come to You and lay all my confusion and pain at Your feet, for my own precious child has betrayed my trust and caused my heart to break. I lay all my hurt and pain at Your feet.

Lord, they have been mesmerised by the fancies of this world and have renounced all the things they learned as a child, all the things that we taught them. Lord, they have not only turned their backs on us and walked away into the arms of the world, but they have rejected You and turned to a system that seeks to destroy them.

Oh Father, into Your hands I place my child. You promised that as we bring up a child in the way they should go, when they are old they will not depart from it. Father, I ask that in Your mercy and grace, You will convict them of their sin, draw them away from these ungodly desires and re-establish them in the gospel of truth.

Lord, You know that as a young child they were brought up in the things of the Lord. I ask that whatever it takes, You will convict them of their sin and bring them back into the truth of Your Word.

Fill my heart with Your peace I pray, as I continue to lift up my child to You. In Jesus' name,


The Broken Hearted Sinner

Dear Loving Heavenly Father, I come to you a broken-hearted sinner. I come to You in brokenness of heart, for I am beginning to understand what the Lord Jesus Christ actually did for me on the Cross. I realise that I am a sinner not only in the terrible things that I have been engaged in, but in my very heart, which is overburdened with sin. I now understand what it means in the Bible when it says there is no one that is good and that all man wants to do are bad things all the time. I see myself in that verse.

Lord, I am so sorry and I just want to repent and turn away from all the evil that I have been engaged in. My heart is broken to realise that the punishment that I deserve was placed on the Lord Jesus, and that He paid the price for my sins. All my sins have been washed away and He has even clothed me with His own goodness and righteousness.

Father God, I know that I am a sinful person and that I deserve nothing but hell – separation from You for eternity – and yet because of Christ my black soul has been made pure and clean.

Thank You Father. I believe and trust in Christ my Saviour and thank You that Jesus Christ died for us all.


Healing of my broken heart

Prayed for 220 time. I Prayed For This
Please say a prayer for my broken heart to be healed and for karma to work its way around to the one who broke it. And that I will sooner rather than later find a much better company to work for.
Received: May 13, 2015


Prayed for 69 time. I Prayed For This
Lord after having my life turned upside down please direct me. Show me Your way. I ask for guidance in understanding what you have in store for me now. Thank you.
Received: April 22, 2015


Prayed for 48 time. I Prayed For This
Dear heavenly father ive been hurt alot and i would love to be blessed with a boyfriend or even i wouldnt mind having a husband i would like someone that truly will treat me right and will always be there for me and i want one that drives and has his own place and he has to be very nice like me and outgoing and funny and hardworking...Because recently ive been with this guy named Joseph Fustino and he was never around for me and he ignores me alot...
Received: April 19, 2015


Prayed for 68 time. I Prayed For This
I am in Limbo. I need to understand if my relationship is over or should continue to believe and fight for it. I have been in a fog for the last 3 months. Please help me Lord for I am tired and worn out trying to understand what happened. Give me Wisdom and ease my pain. Amen.
Received: April 17, 2015

Break up with my boyfriend

Prayed for 82 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God I come to you. I'm in pain for losing my boyfriend 2 weeks ago I love him so much, God I need your miracles in my life, i'm in tears.
Received: March 20, 2015

Prayer to heal

Prayed for 88 time. I Prayed For This
Heavenly Father, i come to you with a broken heart , i come to you because i have nowhere to go. I thought i could do it on my own but i realise i am powerless without YOU. I am nothing without You. Heal my heart , heal my wounds, let not the past determine my future. Help me to find my destiny. Lead my way, be not far from me. Let me feel your presence every second,every minute ,every hour, everyday of my life. teach me to be patient, to be humble, to be respectful, to love, to be thankful, to forgive myself & those who have wronged me. And those that i have wronged to forgive me. Teach me to trust in YOU. Heavenly Father protect my kids everywehre they go, be with them. Help them to be good kids, who know & worship You. Heavenly Father im nothing without YOU. Be not far from me Lord. Amen
Received: January 29, 2015


Prayed for 49 time. I Prayed For This
I want to believe but I don't know if I can anymore. I want to love you. I just want to love.
Arleta R
Received: December 1, 2014

GOD help me please

Prayed for 126 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, I have found out that my husband has over and over again ripped my heart out. Infidelity over and over and over and over and ............. Please help to know what to do.....I have prayed and prayed and thought things would get better and that is not happening I am the stupidest person on earth...... GOD really hates me I must done something really really bad to make he hate me.....Please take any cures off me and forgive me and love me please.......GOD please, please, please..........GOD I LOVE help me
Received: July 19, 2014

Waiting for my love's return.

Prayed for 25 time. I Prayed For This

I pray for the Lord to bring back my love to me. He is my best friend and a girl broke his heart recently, so he is sad. I have spent the last year praying because I miss him so much, and God knows how much I cried. This boy also needs to come back to God's path; and that is what I hope the most. I know God knows when He will answer my prayer, and I need to be still. I pray for peace to my heart if my Lord's answer is "no". Blessings.

Millie Mancera
Received: June 16, 2014

Am Depressed and Broken Hearted

Prayed for 56 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, I lost someone so close to me and am never getting her back, i need the Lord to console as am extremely depressed, He said He is close to the broken hearted, i just want to be healed soon, i can't take anymore of this dpression in my spirit.

Received: October 18, 2013

Hold my Heart

Prayed for 83 time. I Prayed For This
Lord please heal my heart, i am so down.. please Lord, I really feel so lonely.. please lord I know that you have better plans for me.. I hope the person that i will love for the rest of my life is coming soon to catch my heart.. Lord you know that I really still love him so much.. but please Lord if he is really not the one for me, please have my heart fall out from him and let me know the person i will love.. Lord i claim it to you.. i love u lord and thank you in advance. Amen
Received: October 9, 2013

Moving on and finding myself

Prayed for 51 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, I pray you would help me move on from the loss of a relationship with a special person to me. I know you did this for a reason, and there is someone out there better for me.. Just help me move past it, and show me the way to find myself again, and all that I am meant to be. I pray I get through school before the year is over so I can live my dream. In your name Jesus I ask these things. Please Lord. Amen

Carly Wickum
Received: October 9, 2013