Prayers for Daughters

Dad's Prayer For Daughter

O heavenly Father, what joy my beautiful daughter has become to me and I love her so very much. Lord, I thank You that You placed her in our family and for the joy that she has brought to me and to so many other people too, for which I praise and thank You.
Father God, You knew her before she was conceived and loved her before she was born and how I praise and thank You that she is developing a simple, child-like trust in You. How I long that she comes to deep and steadfast faith in Christ, which I know is even more important to You than it is to me, for I know that You love her with an everlasting tenderness, a love that even surpasses my own deep affection for her.
I pray that she may develop into a virtuous young woman with an unshakable trust in You, and a pure and tender heart. May she grow in grace and develop integrity, truth, faithfulness and gentleness, with a heart of compassion for others that is so attractive in a young woman of God.
I pray for her protection from those that would seek to blemish her loveliness in this increasingly fallen world, and praise and thank You for the love and joy that my beautiful daughter has brought into our lives. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer For A Daughter At School

Heavenly Father, I lift up my daughter to You as she goes to school today, and pray that You would stay close to her throughout the day. I pray for Your protection over her, spirit, soul and body and that You not only keep her sheltered from all those that might be uncaring, thoughtless or careless towards her, but that You would bring into her life.. good friends that will stand by her and teachers that encourage and nurture her - and who remain  fair in their discipline and training.

Keep her we pray from getting involved with the wrong people who might lead her astray and help us to identify any unusual attitudes or behaviours that might have resulted from her getting friendly with the wrong crowd..  and so we pray  that in Your strength, we may be able to address any problems at school, well before they develop into a real problem areas.

May she develop her time-keeping and discipline skills and be ready and willing to learn the meaning of responsibility, accountability and self-control. And I pray that her walk with Jesus might blossom and grow stronger with every passing day.

And I also pray that from her waking moments to the time when she closes her eyes in sleep.. that You would lead her along the right path and guide her into all truth.. so that her trust and relationship with Jesus may blossom and grow.. into a spiritual maturity that seeks to keep Jesus as the center of her life, in Whose name I Pray,


Prayer For A Daughter Being Bullied

Heavenly Father, we praise You that You are our strength and support.. our Rock and Redeemer.. our Fortress in Whom we trust, for You are a faithful God Who keeps His promises to all His children, and a loving Father Who carries our burdens, heals our hurt and wipes away our tears 

Lord, I am coming to You today because our precious daughter is being bullied by her peers and it is having a serious effect on her and causing acute distress and worry. Lord, we ask that You would protect and uphold her and give her Your perfect peace in her heart.. and we pray that You would intervene in this horrid practice of bullying and give her the courage to report any instances to the authorities and to us - without any fear of being intimidated or ignored.

We pray that you would give us the wisdom and grace to support her through this and not exacerbate the problem, by our actions but be courageous enough to address this issue and to see it through to the end. We pray that we will not fear what consequences on challenging this outbreak of bullying has on our lives and trust You to keep us in perfect peace through it all, in Jesus name we pray, 


Prayer For Daughter Going To College

Heavenly Father, how the time has flown past and the little girl that has given us so much joy and pain over the years, has grown into a lovely young woman and is now preparing to go to college. Father, I place her into Your hands and ask Your grace and guidance and protection over her heart and mind, as she takes this next big step in her journey through life.
Father, I pray that You would oversee her digs and her room-mates, her tutors, the other students that are in her classes and those with whom she develops friendships. I pray that You would direct her steps and may she make wise choices in each area of her new life while she is away from home and away from our care and advice.
Lord, we pray that she will embrace her academic studies wisely and use this as a wonderful opportunity to advance her education and not to waste time on too many social aspects, which although important in all of our lives, can sometimes have a negative influence on our choices and responsibilities, unless guarded.
I pray You would bring lovey Christian friends into her life and that she would increasingly rely on You in the inevitable stresses and strains that come from the confinements of communal living. And I specially pray that You would guard her mind from being influenced by the mind-set of the world and keep Jesus as the central focus of her day. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Daughter In Trouble

Dear Lord, I bring my precious daughter before You now. Lord, she has completely lost her way in life and has started to get into some quite serious trouble. I fear for her future and ask You to intervene in a miraculous way.  She has become involved with a wrong crowd of people who are influencing her attitude as well as her actions, and I am afraid that before too long she may even get into serious trouble, possibly even with the police.
Lord, I don’t even know what she is doing, but I fear that she could be getting involved with drugs or even worse and she seems to have lost all the values that we sought to teach her as a child. Dear Lord, in Your loving-kindness and grace, look down on our daughter and I ask that You would halt the dangerous direction she is taking and return her onto the right track.
Lord, You were the One that created her and formed her while she was still in the womb and scheduled every day of her life, and she seems to have strayed so far from the path that You planned. In your pity and love Lord, bring her to a point in life where she recognises the foolish choices she is making and may she admit her need of You.
Help her to see that the path she has chosen will only result in pain and heartache for all concerned. Bring her back into a right relationship with Yourself, and Lord, I pray that she would wake up to the dangers of her chosen life-style and plant her feet back on the path of righteousness. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Daughter To Be Saved

Heavenly Father, I just long that my daughter would recognize her need of Jesus and trust Him as her personal Saviour. I know that it is not Your will that anyone should perish but that all should come to repentance and saving knowledge of the truth.. but she has resisted Your call,  which grieves me so deeply.

But I know that Your Holy Spirit convicts sinners of their need of Jesus, and I pray that He would show my daughter that her life is going in the wrong direction and that she has become a slave to sin, the world, the devil.. and all that it offers her – but that in the long run it will only lead to problems and difficulties.

Look down on her I pray with pity and mercy. I know that it is Your will that she comes to faith in Jesus and I ask that no matter what it takes, You would draw her into Your arms of love, and open her eyes to the truth of the glorious gospel of grace.

Give me the wisdom and patience to deal with her in a way that does not push her away from the gospel but draws her to You.. and I trust her future into Your hands for I know that You love for her is even greater than my own. Thank You, Father,  in Jesus name,




Prayer For Daughters Future Husband

Loving Lord, how I bless You for the heritage and gift of children and I do thank You, Father, for having given us our beautiful daughter to love and cherish and care for. I thank You with all my heart for our precious girl, whom I love so dearly.
I pray Lord, that as she grows-up she will grow closer to You with each passing year and that You would give her wisdom and discernment to know what is right and to reject that which is not of You. I pray that by Your Holy Spirit, she would cultivate in her, the spiritual graces of a godly woman and I pray that You would bring into her life the man of Your choice, to be her future husband.
I pray Lord, that he would be a true man of God. A man after God’s own heart, who will be a spiritual leader to his wife and family, a man who is established in the Word of God.
I pray that he would be a man of integrity and patience, with wisdom and understanding, a man who is trustworthy and loyal, a man with strength of character and godly humility. I ask that You would keep them both pure for each other and bring the right man into her life at the right time. Thank You  for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Daughters Marriage

Heavenly Father, what a joy it is to see our lovely daughter grow up and become such a radiant bride and beautiful wife. We pray that as she sets out on her journey through married life that You would lead and direct her and her husband in their lives together, and that together they would give You Your rightful place in their home and married life together.
Thank You for the joy she has been over the years, and thank You that I have been enabled by Your grace to release her from our parental protection and encourage her fly with her own wings. May she learn to find her primary support from in her own dear husband rather then her seeking refuge back home with us or with her friends!
May You be given Your rightful place in their home and may it be a place of peace and trust. May she and her husband grow closer together with each passing year, and may they find that in each other they have all that they need in a secure marriage partnership, anchored on Jesus, the Rock of their Salvation. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For Daughter’s Health

Loving Lord, I praise You that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and that You are the one Whose healing touch is still as powerful today as it was in the times of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and so I come to ask for that same healing power to be poured out over my daughter, who is not at all well.

Lord, You know the exact reason why she is so poorly.. for You formed her in the womb and scheduled each day of her life.. and so I ask that You in Your grace and goodness You would minister to her need, and heal her speedily.

Lord, I feel so helpless as I stand by and watch the progression of this illness, with little knowledge of what I really ought to do, and so I come to You to plead You healing power over her, and ask that You touch every part of her body and flow through her in each area that needs Your loving touch and healing hand.

I pray that her body may be quickly healed, and restored to life and health..  and I will not forget to give You all the praise and glory – for You are God who hears and answers prayer – in Jesus name I pray,




Prayer For A Daughter’s Purity

Loving Lord Jesus, how I bless and praise You for the daughter You have given us and the lovely young woman into which she is developing.

But Lord we know the world in which we live seeks to corrupt young lives and that which is beautiful and innocent, and we ask that in Your grace You would guard, guide and protect our daughter, in spirit, soul and body.. so that she may grow up in purity and truth, to Your praise and glory.

Bring into her life Christian friends who love You, and endow her with wisdom, grace and discernment so that she may choose to do the good and to shun the evil.  Draw her closer to Your heart of love we pray and may she grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Help her to flee temptation and pursue righteousness all the days of her life – this we ask in Jesus name



For A Daughter To Become More Responsible

Heavenly Father, I am really concerned with my daughter’s irresponsible attitude. She seems to think that the whole world revolves around her, and has little or no concern for other people, or how her behaviour and choices affect their lives.

Lord, it saddens me to see my daughter like this and I pray that You would work in her life so that she learns to recognize the importance of accountability towards others and the need to take proper charge of her life, in a more responsible way.

Forgive me for any lack on my part, in my not addressing this issue earlier.. but in Your  goodness and grace, I pray that You would show how best to help her towards becoming  more responsible in the days that lie ahead – this I ask in Jesus name,




For A Daughter To Learn Perseverance

Heavenly Lord, thank You that You are a loving Father Who graciously teaches us all things by the power of Your Holy Spirit,, Who guides us into all truth and Who develops in each of us the lovely character of the Lord Jesus, as we abide in Him and He in us.

I come to You today to ask for Your help in teaching my daughter the important lessons of perseverance under pressure – knowing that we all have to press on to the goal of our high calling in Jesus Christ. Too often she seems to give up on her personal goals and group projects, and does not seem to understand the importance of seeing something through to its final completion.

Lord, I know that she is young but I do pray that she will come to learn and appreciate the importance of perseverance and diligence in her life, which is foundational in so many areas of our Christian walk – including moral excellence, spiritual understanding, wisdom, and godly behaviour.

I pray that she may be filled with a knowledge of God’s will for her life.. in all spiritual wisdom and understanding and that she may learn the  precious lesson of perseverance and patient endurance - and not give up when pressure press in on every side, but run the race set before her, looking to Jesus.. the Author and Finisher of her faith, in Whose name we pray,


For a Daughter To Learn Self-Discipline

Dear Lord, I lift up my dear daughter to You and ask that You would give me wisdom as I try to help her learn to be more self-disciplined in her life and develop a more caring attitude towards others.

At times she seems to be so scatterbrained Lord, and unable to discipline herself to do the things that need to be done, while spending time on that which is unimportant and totally irrelevant. Please help her to cultivate better habits; learn to identify priorities and begin to manage her time more wisely.

Give me wisdom and grace as I try to teach her the self-disciplining skills that she so desperately needs and help me to encourage her to develop new and better habits that show care and consideration for others.. and wisdom in the way that she conducts her own life-walk.

Draw her closer to Yourself I pray and may she learn to walk in spirit and truth all the days of her life – this I ask in Jesus name,


For A Daughter Who Has Become Rebellious

Heavenly Father I come to You with a heavy heart. You know only too well the direction that my lovely daughter has chosen to take, and how she has laid aside the things of God and all that she was taught as a child, and has started to become rude and rebellious. Lord, it breaks my heart.

Forgive me for not noticing earlier and perhaps for even helping to furl her rebellious attitude, by not recognising the warning signals, or perhaps by even ignoring them. Lord, I believe You gave us our daughter, and I pray that the truths she was taught as a young girl will be brought to her remembrance, and that Your Holy Spirit would convict her of her sinful attitude and her need to turn back to the faith that she once embraced. 

Father, I pray that whatever it takes, that You would bring this prodigal back to her senses and back to You. Give me courage to face what You choose to do in her life, knowing that You take all things and work them together for good, to those that love You. Lord I love and trust You to do what is best in my daughters life. Bring her home to Yourself I pray. In Jesus' name,


For Salvation And Spiritual Growth For Young Daughter

Gracious Heavenly Father, how I thank You for our precious little girl whom You have been pleased to send into our little family circle. Lord, I pray that she may come to know the Lord Jesus as her own personal Saviour, and that she may grow in grace and become a truly spiritual woman, who puts the Lord Jesus first, in every area of her life.

Lord, give us wisdom as we teach her and train her in spiritual matters, and Lord I pray that we may be careful to diligently bring her up in the ways of the Lord, for You have promised that if we bring up our children in the fear and nurture of God, when they are old they will not depart from it. And so Lord, I claim that promise for my daughter and pray that you would give us the ability and wisdom to secure her in the knowledge of the scripture, with a clear understanding of Who the Lord Jesus is and what He has done for us all.

Bring into her life friends who have a deep love for Jesus, and a church family that teaches the grace of God and the truth of Your Scriptures. May she also develop a deep desire to know more of You as she grows older. Into Your hands Lord, I place my daughter. In Jesus' name I pray,


For Young Daughter To Mature In The Faith

Thank You Father, for the heritage and gift of children. I bring the precious daughter that You have placed in our family to You, and give her into Your safe-keeping from this day forward. 

Father, I thank You that she has come to a child-like understanding of Who Jesus is and has accepted Him as her Saviour, coming realise that He died to pay the price for her sins, and rose again, so that she could live, and be with Him forever.

Thank You, Lord, for her simple, child-like trust in You and I pray that she may grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus. May she mature in the faith, and keep her I pray, from all the wiles of the evil one who would seek to undermine her trust in You.

Develop in my little daughter the fruit of the Spirit, and may she learn to walk in spirit and truth as she grows and develops in her Christian faith. Help me to teach her the beautiful virtues of honesty and integrity, gentleness and humility. May she come to love Your Word and hunger and thirst for righteousness sake. Keep her I pray, unto her life’s end with an ever increasing trust in Jesus as Saviour and Lord. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Mom’s Prayer For Daughter

Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, I thank You with all my heart for this precious daughter of ours and I pray that Your grace and mercy would be poured out on her in such abundance, and that she would grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
May she be surrounded by Your peace, protected by Your strength and find her hope and joy in You alone. Give her ears that are responsive to Your voice, eyes that look to Jesus as Her Saviour and a heart that responds to Your grace so that she learns to abide in You and rest in Your love.
Bless our mother-daughter relationship and give me wisdom and to teach and train her, and yet help me to be prepared to step back when it is time for her to spread her wings and not stifle her creativity.
Give her a heart of compassion and generosity towards others. A heart that is willing to help with cheerfulness and grace, and may she learn to give encouragement to others when she sees a need. Bestow on her godly wisdom and discernment, and may she develop a teachable spirit and a heart of thanksgiving and praise to You.
May the time that we spend together be truly blessed by You, and I do praise You dear Father for giving me this precious daughter for this season of our lives. Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name I pray,

Prayer For My Daughter In Law

Loving Lord, You have given me the most wonderful son whom I love dearly, and I know that the day is fast approaching when he will find his own dear wife with whom to be united, to love and cherish, to cleave to for the rest of his life.
Go before him I pray, and bring into his life the wife that You have chosen for him. I pray for this woman who will become our precious daughter-in-law, and ask that she may be one who loves the Lord Jesus with all her heart and will become a true ‘help-meet’ for our son.
Prepare the hearts of them both Lord, as they journey towards that day when they will finally meet each other. I pray that You will bless their union and life together.
In the meantime, I pray that both will be circumspect in their relationships with others of the opposite sex, and maintain integrity in body and soul. Keep them both pure in heart and mind, word and deed, and may You guide their continuing steps until that  day when You bring them together in love.

Lord, I trust my precious son and future daughter-in-law into Your hands, knowing that You know best for all our lives, and I thank You for what You have done and what You will do in each of their lives. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Rebellious Daughter

Dear Heavenly Father, it is with great sadness that I have witnessed the increasing rebelliousness of youth in my own precious daughter and the aching pain in my heart is so intense that at times, I feel numb with helplessness and sadness.
Lord, You know only too well how easily and insidiously the world and the flesh influences young people and captures the hearts and minds of today’s youth, and my anguish is only surpassed my by inability to help the daughter that You gave us, whom I love so dearly, but who has for too long been sliding into defiant disobedience.
Forgive me that I did not recognise and address this issue much sooner and forgive me Lord, that I did not train up my daughter in the best possible way, and I ask that even now, You would help her to develop a Biblical mind-set and a mature, godly character. Nevertheless, I know that You are a God who cares for each of Your children and I lay the life of my daughter before You now, and ask You to help me to correct my own lack in parenting and to help us mend our fractured relationship. Heal our hurting hearts I pray, and draw us together in the bond of peace and love.
Father, I pray that whatever it takes You would change me into the parent that You would want me to be, so that in Your strength I may be enabled to restore our relationship. And Lord, I also pray that whatever it takes You would address my daughters rebellion against authority and her disinterest in spiritual matters. Into Your hands I commit my own life and the future of my daughter, and trust You to do a good work in us both, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Scripture Meditations on Daughters

I would like to ask

Prayed for 37 time. I Prayed For This
I would like to ask for prayer for guidance. I would like to ask for prayer for my finances. I would like to ask for prayer for true happiness and strength to put God back into my life as i was raised by both my mother and father.Thank you Jesus for always watching over me. Thank you for the trials and tribulations that you have guided me through, it has made me a stronger person. Thank you for my job. Thank you for the life that you have given me along with my children.Amen, Amen and Amen AgainI am so grateful for everything nad everyone.
Received: March 6, 2015

For our daughter to be free of bad influence

Prayed for 36 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord I pray that my daughter would know and believe and recieve the truth abut casey who has been lying to my daughter and being with many other girls. We have heard from our  pastor about this manwho may be a drug dealer. He goes from church to church getting money and even has a free car a church gave him all the while enticing young girls and has now talked our daughter into living with him. She works but has put away dreams of college stopped working at our church and believes all Casey says. We are desprate to see a chage from darkness to light for her and a return to her faith. Thank you Lord, please work in this situation.

Received: October 21, 2013

Healing for my daughter

Prayed for 33 time. I Prayed For This

Please Lord heal my little girl, she's been sick for a week now, Fever, cough and congestion.. Worried sick what causing her that on and off fever.. I entrust her health to You, touch her and take away the sickness.. I'm asking prayer not just for my daughter but for all the kids who are sick right now.. Heal them all Oh Loving God.. Please Lord... I am begging You.. She's a very happy girl, alive playful and always smiling.. And I miss her like that.. Our loving And Divine God.. I know You will hear my prayer.... Amen...

Received: October 19, 2013