Prayers for Brothers

For A Brother In The Military To Stand Firm

O God in Whom I trust, I bring my brother, who is in the military and far from home, before Your throne of grace and ask that You would help him to keep strong in the faith and to stand firm in the place to which You have called him to be.

Give him courage and keep him safe I pray, and may he hold fast to the Word of truth, knowing that in all things we are more than conquerors, through Christ Jesus our Lord.

I also ask Your protection over any who have fallen into the hands of the enemy and are being used as hostages or for political bargaining. I particularly am thinking of Bowe Bergdahl, the only American POW in Afghanistan, who has been in custody since June 2009. Give him courage and return him home to his family speedily.

Lord, we know that until the Prince of Peace Himself comes to put everything right, the world will remain in turmoil, but Father protect my brother, Bowe Bergdahl and all our brothers in Christ that are in the military at this time. In Jesus' name I pray,


For A Younger Brother In Hard Times

Dear Lord Jesus, I really want the very best for my younger brother. We had such a close bond as we grew up, and although I know that I was a bit ‘bossy’ at times, we are still very close to each other, and I do thank You for the loving fellowship we continue to enjoy together. Thank You for placing us in our family unit, and for the loving home life we had as children. 

Times have gotten hard for all of us Lord, and I know that things are not so good for my younger brother either. I pray Lord, that You would meet him at his point of need and lift him up from the hard times he is facing, that is affecting his relationship with us all, and with You Lord as well.

Thank You, that You love my dear brother as much if not more than I do, and I pray that the joy of the Lord will once again be his strength, as it was before.

Thank You Lord for loving us so much,


For My Brother That Has Got Into Drugs

Dear Lord Jesus, things have gone from bad to worse for my brother. Lord, we were so close as we grew up together, and it grieves me to see him so desperate and forlorn. He has turned to drugs and is going into the depths of despair and Lord Jesus, it pains me so much to see my lovely brother in such a sad and sorry state.

Lord, we were raised to think that we would never get into heaven unless we were very good and did lots of good things, and we never understood that our sins have already been forgiven by the blood of Jesus, and all we have to do is to trust in Jesus as Saviour to go to heaven. We just simply need to trust that the Bible is true and that Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for the sins of the whole world, so that whoever believes in Him would not perish and go to hell. By trusting Jesus, we will be saved by His blood and be given eternal life.

Lord, my brother thinks that he is so bad that he can never be forgiven, but I know that he can. Please show him the truth of the real gospel of grace, I pray. In Jesus' name,


Healing In Body And Spirit For My Brother

Loving Lord, I thank You for my brother. I love him dearly, but Lord I know that You care for him so much more that I ever could, for Your whole nature is bathed and brimming with perfect Love and deep Compassion.

Heal my dear brother I pray, not only of his physical ailments that are bothering him at this time, but more importantly I pray that You would address his spiritual need. Lord, he has played the fool with the good news of Salvation and wants to "enjoy life" first, before he thinks about his eternal soul.–But Father, this is a dangerous game to play, and I pray that in Your love and compassionate mercy You will convict Him of sin in his life, and the need for Salvation through Jesus Christ, Who is his only door into eternal life.

You have called each of us to pray earnestly for all men, and especially those of our own household, and though I know this means I should pray for all my born-again brothers and sister in Christ, I am sure that it includes the brother that is a part of my earthly family. And so I come to You today to plead that in Your grace and mercy, You would bring my own brother, whom I love dearly, to recognise His need of Jesus, just as You did the apostle Paul on the road to Damascus. Heal him Lord, in body, soul and spirit I pray, in Jesus' precious name,


Prayer For My Persecuted Brothers In Christ

Heavenly Father, thank You for all my brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. Thank You that You have given us all a new life in Christ and have made us members of His Body, the church. It is wonderful to realise that I have members of my heavenly family in every corner of the world, and that one day we will all meet together, in heaven at the feet of Jesus. Praise Your name! 

Lord, I also know that many, many Christians around the world are suffering severe persecution. Gross and wicked things are taking place to many who trust in Jesus as Saviour. I know that it must break Your heart as it does mine when we hear of the terrible atrocities that are taking place in so many different countries.

Father, I pray that in Your mercy, You will protect them from the evils of this world and be with them throughout all the terrible ordeals that so many are facing. Guard and guide them and keep them from harm. Protect the children of our Christian brothers and sisters, that are so very vulnerable.

And Lord, for those that face death for the name of Christ, give them I pray, the grace to know that You are with them every step of the way. May they all receive Your crown of life that is promised to all who give up their lives for the sake of Christ.

In Revelation the martyrs under the alter pray, “how long?” and Lord, we join with them to say, “ Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.” In Jesus' name, 


Prayers and blessings for my brother

Prayed for 112 time. I Prayed For This
Please say a prayer for my brother (RUBEN TURNER) he's in third stage renal failure, any prayers would be appreciated! Lord please help my brother and help him through this, please hear my prayers.
Received: August 5, 2015

For my brother to get a good job

Prayed for 65 time. I Prayed For This
Lord i pray to you for my brother judy. You know my brother so much better than I do. I put thee into your hands, guide him, bless him, strengthen him, and give the intelligence like David. Lord, please protect my brother, I believe you hear this earnest prayer from my heart and that it is powerful because of your promise. I have faith in you, Lord, to heal my brother I also trust in the plan you have for his life. Amen.
Received: July 30, 2015

Prayer for Richard

Prayed for 52 time. I Prayed For This
Lord I pray for my brother Richard who is fighting anxiety disorder and takes on the responsibility of taking care of my 89 year old mom. He has divorced twice and has two boys who are so in need of his love but cannot seem to wean himself from my mom who also has two other caretakers. He is financially distressed and has threatened to take his life.he has turned against his other siblings who try to give constructivecp criticism which he totally balks. Please open his heart and relieve him of distress.
Received: April 10, 2015

Pray my brother Andrew will be safe from jail

Prayed for 569 time. I Prayed For This
Lord I pray my brother will be safe in jail. I pray that he will be at home one day. We are waiting for him, will you guide him Lord. I pray that he will change into a new person, save him heavenly Father
Received: March 2, 2015

My brother, I will always be there for you

Prayed for 53 time. I Prayed For This
My little brother, I know you think I am being mean and cruel at this time, by trying to give you advise you do not want to hear right now. Just know that I want the best for you, and unfortunately, it hurts me to see you going the wrong direction, but being powerless to change your ways. Just know that I love you so much, even if you think me cold and distant. Lord, please protect my brother, I will follow your lead. Please let me be strong and do not allow sadness, disappointments, resentments to tear what is so precious.
Received: February 1, 2015

Healing and keeping Prayer for my brother

Prayed for 69 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, You know my brother so much better than I do. You know his sickness and the burden he carries. You also know his heart. Lord, I ask you to be with my brother now as you work in his life. Lord, let your will be done in my brothers life. If there is a sin that needs to be confessed and forgiven, please help him to see his need and confess. Lord, I pray for my brother just as your Word tells me to pray, for healing. I believe you hear this earnest prayer from my heart and that it is powerful because of your promise. I have faith in you, Lord, to heal my brother I also trust in the plan you have for his life. Lord, I don't always understand your ways. I don't know why my brother has to suffer, but I trust you. I ask that you look with mercy and grace toward my brother. Nourish his spirit and soul in this time of suffering and comfort him with your presence. Let my brother know you are there with him through this difficulty. Give him strength. And may you, through this difficulty, be glorified in his life and also in mine. Amen.

Joylyn Bolivar
Received: October 16, 2013