Dear Lord Jesus, I really want the very best for my younger brother. We had such a close bond as we grew up, and although I know that I was a bit ‘bossy’ at times, we are still very close to each other, and I do thank You for the loving fellowship we continue to enjoy together. Thank You for placing us in our family unit, and for the loving home life we had as children.
Times have gotten hard for all of us Lord, and I know that things are not so good for my younger brother either. I pray Lord, that You would meet him at his point of need and lift him up from the hard times he is facing, that is affecting his relationship with us all, and with You Lord as well.
Thank You, that You love my dear brother as much if not more than I do, and I pray that the joy of the Lord will once again be his strength, as it was before.
Thank You Lord for loving us so much,