Prayers for My Son

Prayer Of Dedication For My Baby Son

Heavenly Father, I come to You with thanksgiving in my heart and praise and bless You for the birth of my baby son and the great joy that he is to us.

Thank You for the heritage and gift of children, and like Hannah in the Bible, I want to dedicate my precious son to You Lord. I consecrate his little life to You and pray that You would give me the wisdom to bring him up to know and love the Lord Jesus as his Saviour.

I give him to You Lord, and thank You that you have lent him to me for the first and vital season of his life. Protect him I pray, and keep him from all forms of evil. May he grow up to be a mighty man of God in the days to come. This I ask in the name of Jesus,


Prayer For The Difficulties Of Life My Son Is Facing

Dear God, I am so worried about my son. Things in his life have gone from bad to worse, not only at home but further afield, as the pressures of life seem to be bearing down, hard on him. Lord, he is losing the happy disposition he once had and has started to become moody and depressed. Lord, I ask that in Your grace, You would come into his life and meet him at his point of need and restore the joy he had as a younger man.

Lord, I ask You to help him through whatever is causing him these difficulties in life, and help me Lord, to be one that he is able to turn to and confide in, rather than shutting me out of his pain, when all I long to do is to help and encourage him through his problems.

Lord, I know that at one time he knew You, but he now seems so far away from God that I despair that maybe he has not come to a saving knowledge of You. Yet I know that even when we become faithless You remain faithful. Draw him back to Yourself I pray, and build him up until he becomes a mighty man of God. I pray this in Jesus' name and to Your glory,


For My Son To Develop Godly Truthfulness

Heavenly Father, I pray that my son would develop into a true man of God and that his life would manifest the godly fruit of the Spirit that You desire to show forth in each of our lives.

You Lord are the light of the world, and I pray that this son of mine would become a shining light reflecting the glory of Jesus in all that he says and does. I pray also, that he would become a man who lives his life in spirit and truth, casting away all the works of darkness, deception and falsehood, and clothing himself with the armour of light, in this increasingly dark and dangerous world.

I pray, that he would be willing to allow the searchlight of Your Holy Spirit to identify in him any areas in his life that may dishonour and displease You, and I ask that You would guide him into all truth, so that in every way he is pleasing in Your sight. May his life be honouring to Your name and may he learn to walk in spirit and truth until his life’s end. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For My Son In Time Of Trouble

Thank You, Lord, for my son and I place him into Your blessed hands at this time of trouble, and ask that You would help him to face this season of difficulty with courage and a hope in Christ that will not be shaken, even though the storms of life are raging all around.

I pray that he will keep the Lord Jesus as the anchor of his soul, and that he will maintain both an unwavering trust in Your Word, and a quiet, restful state of mind, despite the mountainous difficulties he is facing and hurtful people that seem to have invaded his life at this time.

May he find his strength in You, together with an abiding peace and deep comfort. Prevent him I pray, from trying to take matters into his own hands in these troublesome times, but rather may he discover Your perfect peace in his heart and gain sufficient strength from Your Word, as he rests and remains in Your love. This I ask in the name of my Saviour, Jesus Christ,


Prayer For My Son To Accept Christ As Saviour

Heavenly Father, I lay the future of my son before You and pray that in a wonderful way the Holy Spirit may convict him of his need of You and I pray that he may come to know You as his Lord and Saviour.

Lord, I love my son so much, but he has not taken the step to ask You into his life and seems to be disinterested in the things that are eternal. Father, he has been infected by much that is in the world today, and it grieves me to know that my son does not know You Lord, as His Saviour and Friend.

I pray Lord, that whatever it takes, that You would work a mighty work within His heart. I pray that he will come to a realisation of his need of a Saviour and the need to have his sins forgiven. Thank You that You died for my son on the cross, and I pray with my whole heart that he will not reject You forever, but will be brought to his knees before You, repent of his sins and acknowledge You as His Redeemer.

Father, I pray that whatever it takes that You would work in the life of my son to draw Him into Your heavenly kingdom. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For My Son’s Personal Holiness

How I thank You for my son and the joy that he has brought into my life, but Lord know that this precious child of mine has been entrusted to me by You and I pray that You will enable me to bring him up in the fear and nurture of the Lord.

I pray, that he will come to know and love You more with each passing year and that he will grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus. I ask that You will work in his life to conform him into the image and likeness of the Lord, so that it is Christ that is living in him and working through him.

Keep him I pray, from the lust of the flesh and the enticements of the world and give him a deep and ongoing love of Your Word and a desire to know the truth of Scripture. Lead him into the paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. Help him to stand fast in the evil day. This I ask in the precious name of Jesus, who died that we might live,


More Prayers for My Son

Prayer for my Son

Prayed for 302 time. I Prayed For This
Father God please guide my Son and help me to be a better Mom for him. He is the Love of my life but I don't know how to control my frustration and I don't want him to learn that. I want to be a good example for him. I know I have been asking you for deliverance and its seems like it's taking forever on my time. I'm sure you will answer this prayer because it's the best for everyone involved specially my Son who I want to be a Man that fears God and Loves God. Please help me to make him happy and a good boy. Change his rebellious heart and give him a heart of obedience and Love. And do the same for me. Thank you
Received: August 22, 2015

My son Kai

Prayed for 234 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Father in Heaven, I pray for my son Kai. Send your Holy Spirit upon him. Teach him your ways O Lord. Make him the person you created him to be. Keep him away from all danger. I cannot change him Lord, but with you nothing is impossible. I put my trust in you Father, I believe that you will never forsake him. Thank you Lord, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
Received: August 17, 2015

My Son

Prayed for 290 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God, my Son is hurting, he is in a depression, he cannot sleep at all, hence, his mind is confused. Dear Lord, please send someone who worships you to him. He is in desperate need of someone who will take him to you. Please, I love you, my Lord.
Received: August 13, 2015

Difficulties in life my son is facing

Prayed for 282 time. I Prayed For This
Please help my son, He is facing a lot of difficulties in life which are disturbing, smoking disrespect, and becoming violent.
Received: August 12, 2015

My son Joshua

Prayed for 222 time. I Prayed For This
I pray for my son Joshua, he always seems to be in trouble, I don't know how to help him I love himso much. Help him Lord.
Received: August 10, 2015

Jesus, please save my son.

Prayed for 182 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Heavenly Father, please save my son and help him become a strong Christian. Please help him reject the evil one and please take him to heaven when he leaves this earthly life. In Jesus name we pray, Amen
Received: August 8, 2015

For my son

Prayed for 264 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God l am so worried about son, help him in his time of trouble
Received: August 6, 2015

Son Needs Job

Prayed for 202 time. I Prayed For This
Father God, I pray for my youngest son. He is going through a valley right now and is in desperate need of a job. I ask your blessings and favor for him. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Received: July 31, 2015

My son Konnor

Prayed for 200 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, please help my son find his way back to you. You have blessed me with this beautiful gift, my precious son, who is in the middle of an enormous struggle. He is making poor decisions and wandering farther away from you each day. Please be with him, protect him during this time. He was arrested today and continues to remain in the drug world. Please help me be the kind mother You have chosen to guide him. I am releasing him to you. Please allow him more time with his Earthly family to do your will. In Your name, Amen
Received: July 30, 2015

I pray for my son Patrick

Prayed for 198 time. I Prayed For This
Please help my son to make better choices and to choose the path where You can help guide him to make the right decisions. He has lost his way for quite some time, turning to drugs and alcohol for an answer. My family has suffered greatly watching this beautiful boy make a mess out of his life. I pray for guidance and that the Lord Jesus help him during this difficult time. Keep him safe always. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen
Received: July 29, 2015

My son warren

Prayed for 151 time. I Prayed For This
I pray for my son Warren, he has had a breakdown due to stress and is out of work and really needs to turn his life around things are also under duress at home with his wife
Received: July 20, 2015

For my troubled Son

Prayed for 205 time. I Prayed For This
Please help my troubled and lost son...he is an amazing young man that has lost his way...lord i ask you to protect him like never before from all harm..and for him to find his way back to you lord...I ask this in your precious name Jesus Christ
Received: May 6, 2015

Prayer for my son

Prayed for 150 time. I Prayed For This
Heavnly Father, pray for my son who lost his job in a serious way. I ask you to soften his heart and allow him to see what he did was wrong and to have a truthful heart during this difficult time. I ask you Lord Jesus to cover and protect him by your blood. Amen
Received: April 30, 2015

Prayers for their guidance

Prayed for 186 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God, please hear my prayers. Send light to the darkness that my son is facing. He needs your grace. Protect him from the evil around him and open his heart and mind to goodness of you. Embrace his soul with your love and forgiveness. He needs you in his heart. In the name of Jesus Christ- Amen
Received: April 24, 2015

Prayer for my son

Prayed for 168 time. I Prayed For This
Father, my son is smoking drugs and don't want to stop, he is only 16yrs, sleeping around, my family is making fun out of this, pls help us. Please do what you need to do to bring Him to Jesus
Received: April 4, 2015

For my son to be more mindful

Prayed for 160 time. I Prayed For This
Father I pray for Adam to find his purpose in this world and claim his space for a job and believe that he can achieve anything if he sets his mind to it. I pray for the stronghold that is keeping him down to release him in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Received: March 24, 2015

For his wellness

Prayed for 148 time. I Prayed For This
I pray that you wii watch over my son. Keep his close to you. give him peace, let all his pain go away lord make him feel better comfort him when he is anxious. To tony from mom
Received: January 21, 2015

Prayers for my sons

Prayed for 60 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Father God, most gracious and loving God. I pray that you abundantly bless me and my family. Help my sons to overcome whatever difficulties they are facing right now in his life ...Lord I come to you with a humble heart.asking you to watch over them Keep them up under your wing father, they re good kids lord,Father, I claim In JESUS name that my prayer will be granted according to your will. A M E N -

Received: December 26, 2013

My son

Prayed for 38 time. I Prayed For This

Father in the name of Jesus, help my son at school to pass and leave smoking. Be with him Lord, may he come so much closer to you. Whatever the cost have your will with him.

Received: December 26, 2013


Prayed for 52 time. I Prayed For This

Heavenly Father I come to you humbly as I know how asking for special blessing on behalf of my son. I ask that you remove his thoughts of feeling lonely and the feeling of being the lone man out. I ask that you remove the sickness of social autism. Lift him up and let him know that every day is a new day that you have given him to renew his mind and his broken spirit. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray and count it all joy. Amen.

Received: December 3, 2013

Prayer For My Eldest Son

Prayed for 39 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, in your hand i offer my eldest son his now 16, i pray that he will be serious in his study and I pray he will graduate in high school. Bless him Lord surround him with friend that can help him his study. Amen

Received: November 26, 2013

My adult son

Prayed for 58 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, My adult son has lived with us for four years. He is a severe alcoholic and needs Jesus so much. His wife and our 6 year old grandson lives with us as well. Both grandson and are son are ADHD. I have a chronic painful condition fibromyalgia and my husbands had a stroke. The immense stress has made us worse. Please help us Lord.  

Received: November 3, 2013

For his depression

Prayed for 47 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord I pray for my son, he lives with his dad in the United states and i am asking that you relieve him from stress,depression. Please help him make the right decision. I pray that though it all he will come to a deeper understanding of you

Received: October 29, 2013

For my Son to Stop Smoking

Prayed for 45 time. I Prayed For This

Father in the name of Jesus, help my son at school to pass and leave smoking. Be with him Lord, may he come so much closer to you. Whatever the cost have your will with him. 

Received: October 18, 2013

Bring my son back to Jesus

Prayed for 50 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, my son is sixteen year old. in this age he is becoming aggressive,stubborn and misbehaves. Sometime. I pray Lord,  for him, that he lwould leave all his misbehavior behind, and in all his life he would depend and trust on You, God almighty.

Ellen Ephraim
Received: October 16, 2013

For my son

Prayed for 74 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Father God, most gracious and loving God. I pray that you abundantly bless me and my family. Help my son to overcome whatever difficulties he is facing right now in his life ...Lord I come to you with a humble heart.asking you to watch over him Keep Him up under your wing father, He's a good son lord,Father, I claim In JESUS name that my prayer will be granted according to your will. A M E N

Received: October 14, 2013

My Son

Prayed for 171 time. I Prayed For This

Lord I come to you once again, with a humble heart.asking you to watch over my son, Keep Him up under your wing father, He's a good son lord, but please take the alcohol away from him Lord. In your son Jesus name i pray, amen. 

Received: October 14, 2013