Prayers for Prisoners

Prayer For Christian Prisoners

Loving Heavenly Father, I pray for the many Christians who are being held in prisons, both at home and abroad, simply because they trust in the Lord Jesus as Saviour, many of whom have been falsely accused of crimes or deliberately set up to fall foul of the law, simply because they are believers in Your name.

Lord, I pray that You would be with each one in their imprisonment. Break any bonds of fear and bitterness, and may the love of Jesus be shown forth in their actions and attitudes, so that the people around them, recognise that there is something very special about them, and the God Whom they serve.

Set each one free, I pray, not only from their physical incarceration but also from their spiritual prison. Help them to rest in the Lord Jesus, knowing that in a small part they are participating in the fellowship of His suffering.

Use each one as a witness of Jesus Christ, and may many be drawn into the kingdom of God, simply because of their gracious love they display in their time of great difficulty. In Jesus' name,


For My Husband Who Is Returning To Prison

Lord Jesus, help me I pray. I am in anguish and sadness that my husband has been returned to prison and ask that You would show him the error of his ways, and cause him to repent of all his sins and to leave this life of crime and hate behind.

Lord, it breaks my heart that my husband, whom I love dearly, has been like this for so long and although he knows that his life-style is very wrong, seems unable to break the pattern of crime and violence.

Lord, You alone can change the heart. You alone can convict a man of his sins. You alone can bring my husband to the point where he renounces his criminal-type life-style and lives a normal life. Lord, I believe that You are the God of the impossible and so I lay the life of my husband before You and pray that in Your mercy You would step into his life and bring him to Yourself, for nothing but You can break the power of sin in his life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For Those In Prison Ministries

Heavenly Father, I lift up the many people that have devoted their lives to ministering to men and women in our prisons and pray that you would use their life and witness to draw many into a saving relationship and faith in Jesus Christ.

Lord, I know only too well the path that has led each prisoner to be convicted of their crime and confined to a prison cell, but I pray that in Your grace and mercy, You would reach out to all such men and women. Send labourers into this harvest field to share the good news of the gospel of Christ.

Prepare each heart to receive the message of Salvation with joy and hope, and may many prisoners be brought into a saving faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thank You, Father, that there is no crime so great that You cannot forgive and no sin too big that it is beyond the power of the blood of Christ to cleanse completely.

Where there is a feeling of hopelessness in the heart of any prisoner or a doubt that God could ever forgive their particular crime, I pray that You would convict them of their need to turn to Christ for forgiveness and to believe on His redemptive work on the cross, knowing that He is willing and able not only to forgive all their sins, but to clothe each one in His own garment of righteousness, simply by believing in Jesus Christ as Saviour.

Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For The Many Inmates Who Are In Prison

Heavenly Father, I bring before You the many men and women who are incarcerated behind prison bars and been deprived of their freedoms, due to their many and various crimes.

Father, You alone know the heart of each one and the reason why they are imprisoned, and You alone are the One that can bring these men and women to repentance, and to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Father, You alone can convict these people of their crimes, and I pray for each one, knowing that You died to pay the full punishment for each of their sins. And Lord, although it is only right that men and women face the bitter consequences of their crimes, I pray that they will come to an understanding that in Christ their sins may be forgiven, and that each one will come to true repentance by trusting in the Lord Jesus as their Saviour.

I pray that You would send into the different prisons around the country and indeed the world, those who would minister to these prisoners in their need, and tell them of Christ and the wonderful forgiveness of sins that comes from Him alone. Have pity in each one I pray. In Jesus' name,


Prayer For My Son In Prison To Be Saved

Heavenly Father, I come to You with a heavy heart as my son has recently been sent to prison and has been separated from me and his family for many years.

Lord, I know that prisons can be such hard and cold places and pray that in Your mercy, You would look down on him in pity, and bring him I pray, to full repentance. Lord, draw him to Yourself, so that he comes to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus.

I pray that this experience will not embitter him, but rather will cause him to rethink his whole life, lighten the darkness in his soul, and bring him into Your family. Keep him safe I pray, knowing that prisons can be places of uncaring brutality and return him to us in the days that lie ahead. In Jesus' name I pray,


Scripture Meditations on Prisoners

Another opportunity

Prayed for 43 time. I Prayed For This
Please help us pray for my nephew. He is in jail. Help us pray for God to have mercy on him and provide him with a new beginnig, for him to be able to hug his son and mom again.
Received: February 7, 2015


Prayed for 38 time. I Prayed For This

I have not lived one day with my husband at home and I need God to allow him to come home. I need God to show us where to live.

Received: June 6, 2014

Thank you

Prayed for 26 time. I Prayed For This

O Lord my God I thank you today that all charge aganist Meko is dropped, and I thank you Lord for the release from prison, and that all his time have been served. I thank you in advance Lord that it is already done in Jesus name.Lord your word say no weaspon form against Meko shall prosper. Let Him grow in grace and know you more everyday. In Jesus name

Received: November 4, 2013

Free my friend from jail

Prayed for 28 time. I Prayed For This

Please God take care of my friend and keep him safe until I can get him out of jail. Please protect him from illness and hurt until he can come home.

Received: October 12, 2013