For a Daughter To Learn Self-Discipline

Dear Lord, I lift up my dear daughter to You and ask that You would give me wisdom as I try to help her learn to be more self-disciplined in her life and develop a more caring attitude towards others.

At times she seems to be so scatterbrained Lord, and unable to discipline herself to do the things that need to be done, while spending time on that which is unimportant and totally irrelevant. Please help her to cultivate better habits; learn to identify priorities and begin to manage her time more wisely.

Give me wisdom and grace as I try to teach her the self-disciplining skills that she so desperately needs and help me to encourage her to develop new and better habits that show care and consideration for others.. and wisdom in the way that she conducts her own life-walk.

Draw her closer to Yourself I pray and may she learn to walk in spirit and truth all the days of her life – this I ask in Jesus name,
