Heavenly Father, I bow my knee before You in prayer and praise. Lead and guide me today in all You say and do. May I walk in spirit and truth today and be sensitive to Your gentle guidance.
Help me I pray, to fix my eyes on the Lord Jesus, knowing that without Him I will quickly stray from the path that is best for me. Lord, I believe that You have scheduled every day of my life, and I do not want to stray from the path that You would have me take.
Help me to be faithful to You and to willing go along the path of Your choosing, knowing that it may conflict with my own desires and wishes. Develop in me a heart that delights to do Your will so that the longings of my heart are brought into line with Your plans and purposes and Your will for my life.
Let my eyes always be looking to You, and keep me from the looking at the storms and difficulties of life, knowing that You are with me to lead and guide and to uphold me to Your praise and glory.
Thank You that Jesus is the Way and the Truth and the Life and I desire to do only that which is pleasing in Your site. In His name I pray,
Dear Lord, I ask You to guide me and give me wisdom as I move away from my family and my home country to work in a foreign place. I ask You to be with me in all that I do as I face the challenge of learning to live and work in a different culture with different standards and beliefs. Enable me to adjust to the differences, but not be caught up in the things of this world.
Give me wisdom and discernment as I meet new people, and help me to be both cautious in my dealings as well as kind in my actions. May I walk in the path that You have called me to go and not stray from Your guidance.
Provide I pray, all my needs and necessities and provide me with health and strength as I face the challenges before me. May I be the best that I can be in the place that You have called me to go.
Be with all my loved ones that I am leaving behind and keep them safe in the arms of Jesus day by day. Bring us back together in Your way and in Your own good time. I ask this in the name of my Saviour, Jesus Christ,
Help me Lord Jesus, to keep my whole focus on You. Life is becoming so hard and difficult that at times it is not easy to keep the eyes of my heart looking to Jesus as I know I should, for without Him, I can do nothing. At times Lord, I feel that I am losing my way in life, but I know that as I rest in You, I will hear the gentle promptings from Your Spirit saying, “this is the way – walk in it…”
Sometimes Lord, I confess that when things get tough, I try in my own strength to sort out my own problems, and work out what I ought to do myself, without turning to You first, and inevitably I seem to make the wrong choice. I know that You have a plan for my life, and I also know that living in this world is not easy, but I know that my sufficiency is in You and that Your strength is made perfect as I rest in You. Help me to apply this truth in my life.
Guide me, Lord, through all the obstacles of life, and help me with the many choices I have to make on a daily basis. May I truly learn to look to You as my Guide and Strength. In Jesus' name I pray,
Father God, I know that the life-path I am treading is fraught with difficulties and problems, but Lord I trust You to lead and guide me through the maze of life, because You have promised to be with me to lead and to guide, to strengthen and to help.
Let me never lose sight of who I am in Christ and help me to trust You in all things, knowing that I am Your child and that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
Thank You, that You are my Shepherd Who has promised to lead and to guide, to protect and to uphold. Thank You, that you are my Defence and my Defender and that You have promised to be my ever-present help in those times of unexpected difficulties and trials.
Thank You, Lord, that You remain faithful and dependable, even when I stray from the path that You have graciously laid out for me. May I never forget that You are my firm Anchor and the steady Rock upon which I stand, and that no difficulty in life is to great that You cannot overcome. Thank You in Jesus' name,
How I love You Lord Jesus and just want to lift up my voice of thanks and gratitude for all that You are to me and for Your many precious promises that are ‘yes’ and ‘amen’ in Christ Jesus my Lord.
You have graciously watched over me every day of my life and every moment of each day. From the day I was conceived, Your hand of blessing has been upon me. You protected me in the womb, You were there when I drew my first breath and You are with me every step of the way. You have gone before me and yet You are there behind me. You are above me and You are below me as well, holding me up by Your righteous right hand. You are with me and You indwell me and I thank You that You chose me before the foundation of the world to be Your child.
When I was afraid You were there to reassure me, and when I fell You picked me up and set my feet on the right path. When the way was dark and gloomy, You lighted my path, and when sadness hit my life, You were there to comfort and succour me. Oh and Lord, on those days when I proved faithless, You in Your grace remained faithful and true, for You cannot deny Your holy name.
I love You Lord, for there is no-one like unto You. Thank You, for being my Lord and my God. In Jesus' name I pray,
O God my Father, help me to walk as a child who seeks guidance from their father as they walk in the midst of many dangers.
Help me not to be afraid so long as I walk close to Thee. Your ways, O God are higher than our ways and often we do not understand. Teach me, O God, that I do not have to understand but to trust and You will see me through every difficulty in life.
When You are near, I am not afraid. I want to “draw nigh to God” in the assurance that when I do, He will “draw nigh unto me.”
In Jesus’ name,
I pray to you O Lord, please give me guidance in my life, please open the heavens and bless me in my personal life - I need your blessings, I need to relocate back home to my family, I need financial assistance, I need to be releaved of my debts. Lord you are Holy and always reliable in you I trust. Please protect my family, please brake any negative holds over our prosperity and blessings. Please strengthen my faith in you. God you are Holy and you only YOU can make evrything right. I pray in Jesus name because you said "ask in my name and it shall be given to you" AMEN. Glory be to GOD.
I am planning on going back to college and I need God's direction as I wait to hear from Liberty University, what classes I should be taking, where when and how.........and I am getting antsy about it, and would like to start in the fall, I place this into God's hands in Jesus name I pray, amen
Lord, I pray that you would give me wisdom to lead as the Administrative Pastor for Royal Priesthood Fellowship Church in the spirit of excellence. Understanding that you will lead and guide me in all my ways. The ideas you will give will fit the needs of the ministry and where you are taking it. I pray also for Dr. Francis & Carmela Myles our leaders that you would guide them in wisdom also in the vision that you have given to them. In Jesus Name!
Lord I ask that you guide me in the right path. I have felt doubtful about my life and worried because I cannot financial support my family. Lord lead me to thr right job that fits both my schedule and the jobs schedule. Lord I feel right now this lesson is to be taught patience. Its so hard for me. I also know it's a time to learn to put my trust in my husband to help financially. And that's even more complicated. Ease my heart and mind lord. Teach me to trust again and to be patient. Lord please speak to me tonight or visit me in my sleep. I want to hear from you lord. Please! Amen.
Dear Lord, My husband needs help in finding his professional calling. Please help him Lord in his life, guide him, and use him for your glory.
Dear Lord, I'm so confused and frightened... Pray for me to make the right decision.
Oh My Lord ,please take my brother back to your way and show him your way. Have mercy on him to return his dues to bank, and have good life with his family with you. Thank you
Lord im on a strange land with people on a different culture than mine. Please guide me to the right and just path and help me do my job effeciently. Help me be freed from my anxieties. Help me become a better nurse everyday. So that my job will be my calling. PLease help me be more cautious in every procedure and decisions i make. Let your judgement be my concern than those who didnt understand. Lord please be with me and all my fellow filipino co workers to feel the warmth in this winter moments of our lives. Lord make this job be our calling and help us be more than what we can be. Also, i pray for the familes left in the Philippines. Give my father a strength for everyday life. A good health and provide the essential needs for his well being. And bless my mother giving her the strength for everyday challenges. I pray for their safety, security, health and well being. O Lord. In Jesus name i pray, Amen.
Lord may you direct my path and continue to guide me until you know that im strong enough.
Dear Lord, I request to all of you to pray for my two dughters that they will be guided properly in the name of Jesus, and to study well, with opportunites to preach the Gospel.
Dear Lord I pray for my mother. She doesn't have proper guidance in her Chrisitan walk .She believes just what everybody tells her, and she is not able to guide her children properly, because.she gives priorty to people rather than OUR GOD. She Is not able to distinguish right from wrong and ask you to give her desire for the Word of God that she may know what to do, that she would have discernment and wisdom from above. Lord, she is also a diabetic, .please help her in the name our Jesus...Amen