Prayers to the Holy Spirit

Prayer To Be Led By The Holy Spirit

Heavenly Father, how I thank You for my salvation, which You have given to me as a free gift of grace by faith in the Lord Jesus. Thank You also, that Your Holy Spirit has made me alive in Him and placed me into the family of God and the body of Christ.

Thank You, that He has set His seal of ownership upon me and taken up residence within my heart, so as to empower me in my spiritual walk, as He gradually transforms me into a lovely likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

I pray that the Holy Spirit would lead and guide in all things, and that I would learn to listen to the gentle promptings of His voice, as I read Your Word or commune with You in prayer.

Give me grace to recognise His still small voice as I search though the scriptures each day, and furnish me with the wisdom I need to discern Your spiritual nudges, through godly Christians, who may be prompted to offer direction or give me advice.

May I maintain an open heart and develop a teachable spirit, and I pray that may I walk in Your ways and live a life that is well pleasing to You, and which glorifies my Father in heaven. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer To Be Led By The Holy Spirit

Heavenly Father, how I thank You that by faith in the Lord Jesus, Your Holy Spirit has made me alive in Him and placed me into the family of God and the Body of Christ.

Thank You, that He has set His seal of ownership upon me and taken up residence within my heart, so as to empower me in my spiritual walk, as He gradually transforms me in to the lovely likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. I pray that the Holy Spirit would lead and guide me in all things, and that I would learn to listen to the gentle promptings of His voice, as I read Your Word or commune with You in prayer. Give me grace to recognise His still small voice as I search though the scriptures each day and the wisdom to discern Your spiritual nudges, when godly Christians are prompted to offer direction and give me advice.

May I maintain an open heart and develop a teachable spirit, and I pray that I may walk in Your ways and live a life that is well pleasing to You, and glorify my Father in heaven. I ask this in Jesus' name, Amen

Fellowship Union

Thank You, Father, for that divine indwelling and all its implications. Thank You that fellowship, union and power are all mine when the Holy Spirit is within me.


Fellowship With The Holy Spirit

Oh, Lord, may I not quench the power of the Holy Spirit by neglect or by wounding. Instead, help me to know His intimate fellowship.


For Knowing The Holy Spirit More

Heavenly Father, help me to see the Holy Spirit anew, as an extension of God in the world. Thank You for His presence, power and fellowship. May I know Him more deeply today. In Jesus' name,


Free Us From Ignorance

Holy Spirit, free us from our ignorance. I bow before You now and ask you to heal our deaf ears.


Prayer For The Spirit's Help And Guidance

Heavenly Father, how I bless Your holy name for the wonderful work that Your Holy Spirit is doing in each of Your children's lives as You mold and make us into the people that You would have us to be.

Thank You for the convicting work that You did in my life and for the maturing process that continues to take place today, as I yield to Your ongoing teaching, training and corrective programme within me. Provide me I pray, with Your daily help and guidance and may I learn the many lessons that You are seeking to teach me, as You continue to comfort and correct.

May I be willing to learn all that You would teach me and may I be increasingly sensitive to Your warnings and promptings.

Give me I pray, ears to hear Your still small voice and a heart that is willing to walk in the path that You would choose for me to follow. May I be willing to go where You lead, do what You would have me do and give up that which You choose to remove from my life, even if I don't understand.

I pray that in the strength of Your Spirit, I may learn to say ,"Thy will be done, no matter what the cost" and give me the courage to accept Your will for my life. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus,


Prayer For Spiritual Awakening And Growth

Dear Father in heaven, I have been drifting for too long in my spiritual walk and I know that I need a spiritual wake-up call. I pray that by Your grace, You would help me to waken myself up from this spiritual slumber and turn from any spiritual laziness and indifference I may have shown towards You. Rekindle the smoking embers of my faith and hope, my trust and obedience, I pray.

How I praise and thank You that by grace You sent Your Holy Spirit to indwell my heart and that my body has now become a holy temple of God. Forgive me Lord, for the times I have ignored this truth and have neglected to live this out in my life.

Forgive me for the many times I must have grieved or quenched Your work in my life, and renew a right spirit within me, I pray. Help me Lord, to put away my carelessness or attitude of indifference and may I grow in grace and in a knowledge of You, knowing that this is Your will in the lives of each of Your children.

Uphold me with Your righteous right hand and keep me ever looking to Jesus, Who is both author and finisher of my fatih. This I ask in His name, Who died for me so that I might live with Him in glory,


Prayer For A Spiritual Awakening In Me

Heavenly Father, forgive me for the time I have spent far away from You, and become preoccupied with in my own wants, needs and necessities. Forgive me for the times that I have only sought You out, when I have had a problem or discovered a need.

Thank You, Father, for being faithful and always listening to my prayers, even on those occasions when I know I was not being faithful to You.

Thank You, Father, that You remain faithful to Your Word and to Your children, for which I praise and worship you. Renew my spirit within me I pray. Revitalize my trust and faith in You, so that I may serve You as You deserve, in humility of heart and willing obedience. May the living waters of life revive my dry and dusty soul, and plant me again I pray, beside Your still waters and the refreshing fountain.

Rekindle within a spark of wonder of Who You are and light up a flame of love in my heart that has become dim and flickering, because You are my God, Who has redeemed my life from the pit and set my feet on the rock of my salvation. Rescue me I pray, from the parched wilderness and dryness of spirit, into which I have wandered and lead me along the path that You would have me to go.

Awaken within me that spiritual fervor that only comes from You so that may I live from this day forward preoccupied with things that delight Your heart and will forward Your plans and purposes in my life and the lives of those around me. I ask this in Jesus' name, Amen

Prayer For The Spirit’s Fruit Of Patience

Thank You, Father, that for most of my life You have been teaching me the principle of waiting, and I pray that You would continue to do so. O Lord, so many times in my life, I have asked that in Your grace You would equip me with a gentle, God-like patience, that does not seek to hurry up the process of Your spiritual harvest,  but waits for the planted seed to germinate and to grow.

And yet, I continue to recognize within myself an impatience to see Your work completed. Thank You for the Biblical picture in the Word of God, where the farmer waits patiently and yet expectantly for the seed to sprout and swell, as the early and latter rains fall in their appointed season and as the sun shines its warming rays over the dormant crops.

Help me more and more to apply this patient expectation to my own life, where hope does not die and where forbearance does not deteriorate into despair.

Keep me I pray from giving up, but endow me my Father, with patient endurance and a passive yielding to Your prefect will, in every part of my life.

May I be content to say Thy will be done, and whether or not You choose to reveal the final answer to my persevering prayer, I pray that I may rest content, knowing that You do all things well. I ask this in the name of Jesus, and to His glory,


Prayer Of Thanks For Spiritual Strength

Thank You, Father, for the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit, Who testifies with our spirit that we are Your children.

Thank You for His ongoing work within each one of our lives, and thank You that He has quickened us from the dead, established us in Christ, sealed us in Him, placed us into His body and is skilfully building us up as living stones into a holy temple in the Lord.

Thank You, Father, that Your Spirit teaches us all things, guides us into all truth, is able to purify our hearts and cleanses our minds, when we hand every thought captive to Him, in willing surrender.

Lord, I thank You that no matter what difficulties and dangers flood our hearts and invade our lives, there is nothing that can separate us from Your love and grace.

Give us I pray, that sufficient strength that You have promised to all your children who are facing problems and danger, and let us never forget that greater is He that is indwelling each of Your children than the enemy that is in the world. Endue us with spiritual strength and fortitude as we face the future, strong in the knowledge that we have a heavenly home, secured for us in heaven. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Thanks For The Holy Scriptures

Thank You, Father, that by Your Spirit You caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. Teach me I pray, by the power of Your Spirit to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest all the truths that are contained within it pages.

Develop in me a heart that delights in Your Word, a mind that retains its truth and a will that seeks to apply all the important lessons it contains.

Give me wisdom and discernment to recognise any distortions of Scripture or false teachings that I may come across, and help me not to follow a wrong path or to be swayed by any persuasive arguments, but help me always to be guided by Your Word of truth, as You have promised to all who love your Word.

Grant me courage and grace to speak out Your Word of truth to all who may cross my path today, and I pray that in Your strength I would speak Your word of truth and love. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer Of Thanks For The Spirit Inspired Scripture

Heavenly Father, we thank You that by Your Spirit You caused all Holy Scriptures to be written for our learning.

Thank You, that Your Word is able to furnish us with all the wisdom we need, which has led us to saving faith in Christ, and reconciliation with God. Thank You also, that in the power of Your Holy Spirit, You have promised to guide us into all truth. Teach us all that we need to know and train us we pray, to live godly in Christ Jesus.

Enable us to apply Your Word in our hearts by faith, so that by Your Spirit we may carry out the good work that You have prepared for us to do, in Your power and to Your glory. Help us to treasure Your Word in our hearts and to meditate upon it day and night, knowing that all Scripture is inspired by Your Spirit and is profitable for reproof and correction and for training in righteousness.

May the Word of Christ may dwell in us richly, and that in the power of Your Spirit You would search deeply into the inner recesses of our hearts and minds to discover any area that is displeasing to You, and to enable us to correct it, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,


To Hear The Holy Spirit

Lord, bring me into a communion with You that only grows richer and more splendid the longer it lasts. Thank You for the Holy Spirit Who lives inside me, comforting, teaching, correcting and leading me. Enable me to hear the Holy Spirit, and through Him to know You more deeply. In Jesus' name, 


Prayer To Walk In The Spirit

Father God, my delight is to do Your will and I pray that I may learn to walk by means of the spirit, more and more with every passing day. Your Word assures us that if we walk in the spirit, we will not fulfil the lust of the flesh, and will be walking according to the will of the Father and living in prefect submission to the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Keep me I pray looking to Jesus, walking in spirit and truth and trusting You with my whole heart. I pray that in all things I would seek Your face, listen to Your gentle promptings and respond to Your still small voice of conscience. Help me to live a godly life, where I esteem others as better than myself.

Keep me from engaging in any form of conflict, but rather may I exhibit an attitude of grace and forbearance, that only comes from You.

Teach me day by day to walk in the spirit, to live in the spirit and to pray in spirit and truth. Use me dear Lord, as You will, in the furtherance of Your kingdom, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


One More Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Scripture Meditations on Holy Spirit

Prayer to receive holy spirit baptism

Prayed for 184 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, i am hungry for more of you, please my lord, feel me with the power of the holy spirit, for the purpose of soul winning in, Jesus name. amen
Received: August 20, 2015

Prayer to receive holy spirit baptism

Prayed for 43 time. I Prayed For This
Lord please I have been tarring for your power from above, holy spirit baptism
Received: August 12, 2015


Prayed for 28 time. I Prayed For This
I pray that Jess will have here little girl back and she will start to listen to laws but not brake them .I pray that stella Jesses little girl will under stand why she lives with us...Amen
Received: April 21, 2015

More of You

Prayed for 66 time. I Prayed For This
Lord Jesus l want you to please honor your word in my life. Baptize me with holy ghost and fire to preach your word and win souls for you.
Received: April 16, 2015

Receive the Holy Ghost

Prayed for 23 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, Jesus, i will pray and ask through Your name JESUS CHRIST to receive the Holy Ghost. In Jesus name. Amen!
Received: March 4, 2015

For Mike and Janet Lasich

Prayed for 36 time. I Prayed For This

Dear God, thank you for all the gifts you have given to our dear friends Mike and Janet Lasich and the many other prayers that only you could answer for them and please help them now in their supreme time of need as Mike is laying really sick in the hospital with pneumonia and having too much trouble breathing and keeping his oxygen levels up. Forever grateful. Amen!

Received: November 12, 2013