Prayers about the Glory of God

Christ Your Glory

Father God, I worship my Lord Jesus today, as being equal and the same in person and in glory with You. Thank You, that I can always be certain of who Christ is, the very image of You and Your glory. In His precious name I pray,


Prayer To Develop An Attitude Of Praise To God

Father, we live in an angry world of increasingly angry people, where our lives are filled with change and transition, and we seem to be moving into a dangerous society that does not resemble a world we once knew. More and more Father, we feel a need to cling ever more closely to You, with each passing day, knowing that You are a God Who never changes towards us.

Help us to fix our hearts and minds on Your eternal and unchanging truth and to wash ourselves daily in the cleansing flood of the water of the Word.

Protect us we pray, from those that would seek to undermine our trust in You and may we patiently endure the hardships that we may be called upon to face. Develop in me a true attitude of praise and worship, no matter what the circumstances, and help me I pray, to build myself up in the faith, looking for the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

No matter what difficulties and dangers I may have to face, I pray that in all things, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, I may draw ever closer to you, with a genuine attitude of praise and thanksgiving for all that You have done in my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Glorify God For Our Saviour Jesus Christ

Father, how we love to hear the wonderful angelic message to mankind, that You sent that first Christmas morning, when a heavenly choir sang its glorious refrain, “Glory to God In the Highest.. and peace on earth to men.” How we rejoice to recall the glorious reason that You gave Your only begotten Son, to be born into a race of sinners and to live a perfect life, so that by Your grace He would become the propitiation for our sins, and reclaim that peace between God and man that was lost in the garden, so many years ago.

Although that heavenly choir sang their joyful refrain some 2000 years ago, may the light of its glorious message of grace shine deep into the hearts of men and women everywhere, so that Jesus Christ may be lifted up in the hearts and minds of many, for Jesus Himself promised, “ if I am lifted up I will draw all men unto Myself.”

We pray that You would draw many into Your forgiving arms of grace and mercy.

May we never cease to glory in the eternal message of peace on earth and goodwill towards men, for You alone are worthy of all honour and praise. In Jesus' name we pray,


Make Your Glory Known To Me

Lord, make Your glory known to me. Let me learn from Moses, David, Paul and others whose deep longing to know You more resulted in a more intimate knowledge of You. In Jesus' name,


Prayer Declaring The Glory Of God

The heavens declare the glory of God and the earth unites with them in a magnificent chorus of worthy praise, to Your holy name. But there should be no greater proclamation of Your grace and glory, no more worthy declaration of Your wonder and praise, than the worship that falls from the lips of sinners, saved by grace, for You have redeemed us by Your blood and clothed us in You own garments of righteousness. You deserve our ceaseless praise and glory throughout time and into the eternal ages to come.

We praise and thank You for Your great and precious promises. That seedtime and harvest, day and night, summer and winter will never fail, for Your mercy endures forever. You make Your sun to rise on the wicked as well as those that are saved, and You send showers of refreshing rain on the unjust as well as the upright. But Lord, there is no greater testimony of Your loving-kindness and patient-endurance than the opportunity to be redeemed by the blood of Your only begotten Son. A gift of grace that You are extending to the world of fallen man. Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honour and power and might, be unto our God for ever and ever,


Prayer Glorifying God For His Abundant Provision

Thank You, Father, for Your abundant provision and generous hand of blessing, which You lavish on each one of us day by day. You are a good and mighty God, Whose great compassion and tender mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness to us and to all men.

We praise You, we worship You, we glorify, we give thanks to You for Your great glory. We lift up our hands in worship and praise before You, for You alone are worthy of our reverential fear and humble praise.

But Father, not only do we praise and thank You for faithfully providing our daily needs, but for the amazing gift of Salvation which You have given freely, to all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, by grace through faith.

May we never cease to worship You in thought and in deed, and may our lives never cease to be lived in awe and wonder, knowing that the eternal Creator and almighty God of the universe should die to save a sinner such as I. Praise Your holy name, for ever and ever,


Prayer Of Rejoicing To The Glory Of God Our Saviour

Worthy are You O Lord, worthy is the Lamb Who was slain, to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing! Father, there is nothing in heaven nor on earth that can compare with the amazing glory and grace which You have poured out, in untold and abundant measure upon this race of fallen man, than that which our Saviour Jesus Christ did when You sent Him into the world, to become the propitiation for our sins, and by Whose death and resurrection has redeemed us from the pit of hell.

There is nothing more beautiful nor worthy of our awe and wonder and eternal praise, than those glorified wounds in the body of Christ, which by Your grace have set us free from slavery to sin and Satan, death and hell.

Not only did You create us by the power of Your mighty hand, but by Your grace we have been bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus Christ. May we never become too familiar with all that our Lord Jesus Christ did on our account, when You sent Him to die for our sins and redeem our lives from destruction. In Jesus' name,


Show Me Your Glory

Great God, if I only saw a glimpse of You in all Your majesty I too would fall on my face before You. Show me Your glory, I pray.


To Glimpse Your Glory

Lord, allow me to enter that sacred fellowship with You. Give me a “glimpse, however fleeting,” of Your glory. I’m willing to never be the same again, and I want to be permeated with that sweet fragrance that comes from being in Your Presence.



Prayed for 143 time. I Prayed For This
I pray the God will show me his glory, fill me with his shainah glory, permanently transform life. let his glory abide with me as a cloud by day and fire by night, that he will show me his power, and the rain of his spirit fall on me, letting the fire of his presence engulf me forever. thank you
Received: July 18, 2015