Thank You, Father, for the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ Your only begotten Son, and thank You for the simple truth that salvation is found in no other Person and no other Name, for there is no other person or name given under heaven whereby we must be saved.
How I praise You that in Your grace and mercy, You have brought me to this precious understanding that Jesus alone is the only Way to heaven and that no one but Jesus is able open the door into Your holy presence.
I believe that by His blood, sinners are able to have peace with God, through believing on Him and that in Him, those of us who have trusted Christ as Saviour, may be covered in the peace of God, which passes all understanding.
I believe that we who know Him as Saviour, have been set free from slavery to sin and the curse of death, and that the day is coming when every knee will bow before His throne and every tongue will confess that. “Jesus Christ is Lord”, to the glory of God the Father.
Take my life I pray, and use it as a witness to the truth of the gospel, that Jesus Christ is the one and only way to the Father, and may many come to faith in You in the days that lie ahead, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in the name of Jesus,
Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for the wonderful example of godly living, in humble dependence upon the Spirit of God and in loving obedience to the will of the Father.
Thank You, that by the life You lived and the death You died, that You set an example of how I too may live in spirit and truth, through humble dependence upon the Spirit of God and in loving obedience to the will of the Father.
Help me to live as unto You day by day and may I also be willing to suffer the indignity, indifference and injustice that exemplified Your life, so that like You, I too may learn obedience through the things that I may be called upon to suffer. May my life be a living reflection of You, and develop in me a pure heart of grace and love and a focussed mind, where You become the standard of my life. Give me I pray, a spirit of humility, as I seek to live as unto You, Lord Jesus, in the power of the Spirit and to the glory of God.
May the life that I live, the words that I speak, the attitude that I develop and the motives of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, my God and my Redeemer. May You be seen in me, as He starts to increase more and more in my life and as I decrease in importance, so that those with whom I come into contact will be drawn to You, Jesus, and be brought into a saving knowledge of You, to the glory of the Father.
How we praise and magnify the lovely name of Jesus, Who set aside the glory He had in heaven with the Father before the world was made, to come to earth and be born as a man, so that through His perfect life and sacrificial death, sinners such as I may be redeemed from the pit of destruction, forgiven of our sins and have peace with God the Father.
Thank You, Jesus, that You made Yourself of no reputation and were born as a humble slave so that You could live a perfect life and become the sinless sacrifice for the sin of the whole world. Thank You, that you are the propitiation for our sins and that by believing in You we have been returned into sweet fellowship with the Father.
Dear Jesus, You alone deserve all our honour and glory and worship and praise, and I confess You as my Lord and Saviour, now and for evermore. Praise Your holy name.
Thank You, Father, for the saving me and bringing me into Your heavenly family and thank You for the gift of grace through Christ Jesus my Lord. Father, as I read through Christ’s intercessory prayer for His disciples on the night that He was betrayed, and for all who were to come to faith through their witness, I pray that I may be willing to face all the life-challenges that I may be called upon to endure in this fallen world, and pray that in the power of the Spirit I may live a godly life that glorifies Your holy name.
May the gentle strength and humble obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ become increasingly evident in my life, as I seek to submit to the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit of truth in my daily walk, and may Christ’s deep desire to carry out Your will and to glorify Your name, become the hallmark of my life too, so that others may see the good works that You have prepared for me to do and glorify You, Father.
May I pursue righteousness and peace, godliness and faith, patience and humility, grace and mercy. In the name of Jesus and to Your greater glory,
Dear Lord Jesus, I believe that You are the Son of the living God, the promised Messiah of Israel and the only Redeemer of the world, and that You have a name that is above every name. I believe that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that You are King of kings and Lord of lords and that You alone are the one, true living God, Who is above all that is called god.
I believe Lord Jesus, that You left Your eternal throne in glory and came to earth as a baby, so that by Your perfect life and sacrificial death, You would pay the price for all my sins, so that by believing on You, I might be forgiven of my sins, clothed in Your righteousness and receive eternal life through You.
Thank You, that through all that You have accomplished by Your death, burial and resurrection, I too have life everlasting and victory over sin, Satan, death and hell. Thank You, that You died for my sins.
Thank You, that You have made it possible for me to be redeemed and transferred from the kingdom of satan into the kingdom of God. Thank You, that in You I have all that I need to ensure victory in this world, and in the world to come, life everlasting. Praise Your holy name, for ever and ever,