Prayers for Love

A Prayer For Strong Love For God

O Lord, when you said to your disciples, “One of you shall betray Me, they each asked, “Lord, is it I?” I pray, O God, for a love so strong that I will never betray Thee.


Prayer For Brotherly Love Towards Others

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your deep love towards me and thank You for sending Your only begotten Son, my Saviour Jesus Christ to suffer on the cross for my sake, so that my sins could be forgiven and that I may live with You for ever in heaven. Lord, I know that I do not warrant Your love and yet You have showered unconditional love and grace towards me through Christ, for which I praise and thank You.

But Lord, You desire all Your children to love others as Christ loved us, but my love is poor and weak and is far removed for all that You desire of me. Fill me I pray, with the love of Christ that I may love others in the same way that Christ loved me, so that as Your love pours into my soul, I may be used as a conduit for Christ’s love to stream out to others with whom I come into contact.

Help me to demonstrate Your love, not only to those that are lovable, but also to those who lash out at me through pain or anger, disappointment or loss. May the love of Jesus be manifested in me, and may the love of Jesus be distributed, by grace through faith, to all with whom I come in contact. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer To Find Love With A Soul-Mate

Heavenly Father, I have fallen in and out of love with so many people and yet in my heart, I know that You have created us to love and to be loved, with a deep and lasting love that is a mirror of the depth of love that Christ has for the Church. Father, You have demonstrated to us, through the Lord Jesus Christ, the tremendous depth of love that You desire in each of Your children, a love that flows from You to us, a love that should flow through us to others.

Develop in me the depth of love that loves as Christ loved. And Lord, I pray that I may be permitted to share that love with a true and lasting soul-mate. Father, I have fallen in and out of love before, but I pray that I may develop a new and extraordinary depth of love that comes only through You, so that at the right time You would bring into my life that kindred-sprit and soul-mate, whose love for me is only exceeded by their love of You. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Who loved me, and gave His life for me.


Help Me To Love

O God, I thank Thee for the Shepherd’s Psalm, I shall read it often and profit from its insights into life and living.

I thank Thee that I have a deeper appreciation for Your abiding Presence and wonderful love.

Help me to love as I ought and be what I ought to be instead of merely telling myself, “This I ought to do.” Help me do it.

In Christ’s name I pray,


Prayer To Love As Jesus Loved

Heavenly Father, more and more I come to understand what the Lord Jesus meant when He said that He is one with the Father, and prayed that His disciples may be one. I see that love is a precious union of heart and a sweet communion of spirit, and just as the Father and Son emanate the same powerful love, so we too are to have that same beautiful love developing in us, by the power of the Spirit.

Lord, I pray that the body of Christ may become united as one, and abound in the unity of the spirit more and more in love, not compromising truth but showing a genuine concern for one another. I pray that individually and collectively, we may live godly lives in Christ Jesus and seek to encourage and edify one another, seeking to be of the same mind and having the same godly love for each another.

I pray that we may be united in spirit and in purpose, and that we do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but rather with humility of mind regard the needs of the other as more important than our own. This I ask in the name of Jesus, Who died for us all.


Prayer To Love Difficult Neighbourhood Like Christ

Dear Lord, I pray that I may love others with a Christ-like love, and that I may show compassion on those who live in my neighbourhood. Father, I know that I need Your love and Your patience in this area as I have some quite difficult neighbours who are causing some problems here. Lord, change my heart to a heart that loves as You loved. Change my attitude to look with compassion on my neighbours, rather than with irritation of distain. Help me to view them as You do, dead in their trespasses and sins, estranged from God and in need of a Saviour.

Lord, help me to take each negative thought that I have about them captive, the moment that it arises in my heart. I know that this is pleasing to You and I know that this is what You desire of all Your children. Create in me a heart of gentle love and kind compassion and show me how I may witness of Your love, both with my actions as well as my words. Keep me from a self-righteous attitude towards them, for I know that I too was once estranged from You and in Your grace and mercy You picked me up and saved me.

Father, I pray that each one may come to a saving faith in You and that You would change me to be the neighbour that You would have me be. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer When Love Has Failed

Dear Lord, I have been hurt very deeply by someone who I thought truly loved me, and we wanted to spend our lives together, but they have caused me deep pain and left my emotions in tatters. Lord, at times I have felt that my heart would break and have been finding it very difficult to come to terms with the fact that love has failed.

Restore my brokenness I pray, and send Your comfort and strength into my soul, as I try to pick up the pieces of my brokenness and begin to face the future once again. Lord, I know that I cannot do this in my own strength, but only as You carry me in Your loving arms and pour Your healing and comfort into my broken soul. Help me to leave this disappointing time of sadness behind and look to a future with fresh hope and expectation, knowing that in You is the fullness of joy and from You alone comes the only true love that can fully satisfy the heart that is hungry for love.

I pray that I may allow the healing process of Your love to begin to mend my brokenness, so that in Your time and in Your way You would bring the person of Your choice into to my life, for You are the Lord of Love, and have given us the capacity to love others and to be loved by them. Help me to pray, "Thy will be done," in this area of my life and teach me how to love You as I ought, and give me the capacity to love others in the same way that You have loved me. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Loving Relationship At Home

Heavenly Father, I thank You for my family and bless You that You placed me in this home. Thank You for the parents You gave me and the friends and family that You have placed in my life. Help us to draw ever closer to each other in the bond of love and fellowship, and may You become the central focus of our home, our hearts and our family more and more with every passing day. And I pray that the influence of Your love and grace in our lives, will reach out to all with whom we have to do.

May our hearts be united in love for You and may there be Christian harmony, one with the other. Help us to develop more and more a biblical perspective in our home, serving and being served, loving and being loved and looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, the unseen guest at every meal and the silent visitor to every conversation.

Help us to be ‘real’ in our conversation and honest in our hopes and fears, and help us to listen to each other with genuine interest and encouragement. Develop in us the same mind that was in Christ Jesus, and may we learn to live in godly harmony together, not being selfish or self-important but gracious, courteous and thinking of the needs of others before our own, and Lord, may Jesus be welcome into our home every moment of the day. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer To Revive Love In The Church

Heavenly Father, we only have to look to the church at Ephesus to see how easy it is for Christians, both individually and corporately, to leave our first love and to allow the love that we had for You and for others, to wear thin and to grow cold. Father, forgive us for the way that we have allowed this to happen throughout the whole Body of Christ, which has all too often become a place to criticise our brethren or slander others who do not think exactly as we do.

Revive us Lord, and may the love that so permeated the early church, where we discover that Christians loved in thought word and deed, begin to spread once again throughout the Body of true believers. May we return to a time when love within the Church of God begins to shine forth, as we become salt and light to a needy world.

Forgive us Father, that our love for You and the Lord Jesus has worn so thin. Rekindle a fire of love that sweeps through the Church today, so that in the essentials of our faith we may have unity, in the inessential things we may display liberty, and in all areas of our Christian life may we demonstrate true godly love. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer of Thanks For God’s Steadfast Love

I praise and thank You Father, for Your steadfast love towards me. Thank You, Lord, for Your never-failing faithfulness, comfort and grace which is new every morning and refreshed every day. Thank You, that You are a God Who cares for each and every one of Your children and graciously carries and tends for all who trust in You.

Though I am poor and needy, thank You, Father, that You hear and answer my cries. You send help in time of trouble, provision in time of need, strength when I am weary and comfort when I am in distress. Thank You, that You carry me in Your everlasting arms of mercy and grace and I praise Your holy name that Your grace is sufficient for all my needs, and made perfect in my weakness.

Heavenly Father, Your steadfast love towards me is very precious and I love You, and yet my love is very weak. I pray that You would help me to love You more and more with every passing day. In Jesus' name I pray,


More Prayers for Love
Scripture Meditations on Love

Prayer To Surrender

Prayed for 85 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Jesus, I pray that my brother Derrick Johnson surrenders to your mercy. I pray you deliver him from all the self-pity engulfed around him. I ask that you place your hands on him to remove his old way of thinking. I ask in Jesus name that you make him the Parent his children needs. Jesus I ask that you bless him with a job, In Jesus name I pray for him.
Derrick Johnson
Received: August 20, 2015

Love prayer

Prayed for 16 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God, I know I can't, nobody loves me better than you, and I pray that I will experience your love today. I also pray for the love that you have sent into my life that you will love him as well may we both love one another in so many special ways today and beyond. In Jesus name amen.
Carolanne Stringer
Received: August 5, 2015

Relationahip prayer

Prayed for 51 time. I Prayed For This
For me and miles to be joined as husband and wife and for christ to be the centrer of our lifes.
nastaya meredith
Received: April 15, 2015

Lonely for earthly love

Prayed for 69 time. I Prayed For This
Lord my God, I'm lonely for earthly love. The desire of my lonely heart is to have a man to love me as Christ love the church. I'm a woman that work's hard and love the LORD. I been single five years, however, my LORD it feel longer. And not just my lonely heart but I pray for every single heart in this world to find a real love.
Received: March 30, 2015

Direction and Marriage

Prayed for 18 time. I Prayed For This
I pray for my promotion, marriage and wisdom to deal with my girlfriend and child as i want her to be my wife. I pray for financial freedom and doors to open for me.
Received: March 16, 2015

Prayer for a New Love

Prayed for 12 time. I Prayed For This
I pray for wife's heart to be softened and open to me and for the lord to fill it with a new and passionate love for me, and to give her peace and remove all fear and doubt that we can be happy together and never be separated ever again till death.
Received: March 5, 2015

Prayer for a husband

Prayed for 34 time. I Prayed For This
Lord Jesus, I need a husband in my life, I've reached my early age and don't have one, Jesus with u all things are possible, please help me to find one in JESUS NAME AMEN
Received: January 16, 2015


Prayed for 17 time. I Prayed For This
Lord; I pray that your love will be spread abroad and an end will come to violent throughout the universe and we will all leave as one family; irrespective of race, color, or tribe. Let your peace reign in our land oh Lord.
Received: November 9, 2014

My heart desire

Prayed for 6 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God, i solemly pray that u grant my heart that which its desire most. I am 31yrs yet not married. I most have made mistake in the past yet i hv come to u, have mercy on me. Right now, i dont even have a boyfriend. Any veil covering my face to that that people will not see me and like, dear Lord burn it and let my husband see me and propose to to me in jesus name. Thanks all.
Joy Philip
Received: September 4, 2014

Desires of our hearts

Prayed for 39 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, I know this may sound silly, but it means a lot for my heart. I am 27. My boyfriend and I are praying that the Lord would give us peace to get married. I am praying for favor in his sight and that He will grant us the ability to love one another forever. That this will be a clear and that he will give both of us IMMENSE Peace. We will not get married if it is not 100 percent the Lords will. Please Lord I pray you will give us the desires of our hearts.
Stephanie and Joel
Received: July 21, 2014

Prayer of love

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This

Lord I thank you eternal father through your son Jesus christ,than for the gift of love,guide me in doing you will o lord to be obedient to all your commandment,in Jesus name I prayers

angela briggs
Received: April 9, 2014

Heal our Broken Hearts and Renew our Relationship

Prayed for 16 time. I Prayed For This

My Almighty God, This intention is impossible but I believe that to you my God nothing is impossible if we habe faith. I love this man Watie IV, make him realize the beauty of our relationship. Guide him. Guide us to be together again of love and make us one with your precious blood. Forgive us as well my God. I ask these all in your Holy Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

Joyce Sabio
Received: November 8, 2013

Asking for a wish

Prayed for 7 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord... you know what am asking for.. Please i beg and genuinely ask for this wish.. for my frend to come back in my life

Received: November 7, 2013

Praying for Godly husband

Prayed for 11 time. I Prayed For This

I am 40 years old, never married, but miss a companion and a family. There was a guy that pretended to be Godly, but he revealed himself, now I'm so lonely.

Received: October 30, 2013

For lost love

Prayed for 7 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, I am so lost right now. My partner for 6yrs left me to find herself. I'm hoping that whatever path she is taking will lead her back to me. Please give her the wisdom and the heart to realize that what we have is pure and real. Please Lord let us be ok again, i need her in my life. I dont want to celebrate my bday and christmas alone. Please be in this situation.

Received: October 29, 2013

Blessing on our relationship

Prayed for 9 time. I Prayed For This

Dear LORD.  I ask for your Blessing on my relationship with PA. May we continue to grow one another through your son Jesus. Help us to resolve any obstacles(physical, financial, spiritual, legal) we may encounter, bring him safely to me in Jesus name Amen.

Barb W
Received: October 24, 2013

Keep the man i love safe

Prayed for 11 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, I pray that Michael  Lazar of florida will be with Your divine protection..and God please will make way that i can hear from's been a week and i haev not heard from him...i really need your prayer to help me clear out things...

Cristina Magana
Received: October 17, 2013

Love reunited

Prayed for 7 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, I pray for love to be reunited with my long time partner who lost his way and is with another woman...

Received: October 10, 2013

God have your way

Prayed for 8 time. I Prayed For This

I have met this amazing Christian man, he is my best friend. I ask that God have His way in our relationship. he is the man I have prayed for.

Melinda and Don
Received: October 9, 2013

Pray for a special person

Prayed for 22 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, I pray that a special person will come into my life. That he will be a friend as long as a lover. I pray that this person I desire in my life will happen soon. Amen

Shannon Wilde
Received: October 9, 2013