Prayer for the Fruit of the Spirit

A Prayer For Your Love To Shine Forth

Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, thank You that I am Your child. Father, I pray that my life may become so saturated with Christ Jesus, that people don't see me anymore, but see Jesus in me, to Your praise and glory.

Father, however I am treated by other people, I pray that Your love may shine forth in me. Whatever happens in my life, I ask that Your peace and joy would abide within me. No matter what difficulties I may encounter in life, teach me to be patient and kind in all my dealings with others and manifest the goodness and grace in me that only comes from You. However hard times may become, I pray that I may be gentle and self-controlled in my actions and attitudes. May I be a good and faithful servant, and Lord, I thank You that no matter what happens, even when I step away from You, You remain faithful.

Lord, I know that I cannot develop the fruit of Your Holy Spirit through my own effort or will, but only as I rest in Christ. Help me to abide in You I pray.


A Prayer To Bear Fruit

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You Lord, for I want to abide in the Lord Jesus and allow the lovely fruit of His life to be manifest in me.

Help me Lord, to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus, so that the graces that were seen throughout His life my develop within me. Lord, I know that it is only a life that remains in sweet communion with Christ Jesus, that will bring forth the sweet fruit of His Spirit. I want to be a person that reflects the Lord Jesus in my life, so help me to remain in fellowship with You day by day.

Thank You, that You loved me so much that You died for me. My love is weak but in You Lord, I know that my love will grow. I pray that it may bud and blossom into the promised fruit of the Spirit. I pray that my life may become a life that has Jesus as the centre, until I am nothing and He is everything.

Oh Lord, that I may remain in You, and that the fruit of Your Spirit may grow in me.


A Prayer To Produce The Fruit Of The Spirit

Heavenly Father, how we pray that our lives would show forth the beautiful fruit of the Spirit, which is rooted and grounded in godly love, and produced in a life that is walking in spirit and truth.
I pray that the life of Christ may guard my spirit and rule my life and that I may truly be submitted to the leading and guidance of Your Holy Spirit. Teach me I pray, to walk in spirit and truth, to live as unto the Lord, to depend on Your sufficient grace, and in Your strength, to fulfil the new commandment You gave to the Church, to love others as Christ loved us.
My love is weak and poor, but I pray that in Your mercy You would fan into flame a Christ-like love in my heart, and develop in me a deep and genuine love for all my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I pray that I would take every opportunity to demonstrate Your love to others, in action, attitude, mood and motive, and to show forth Your love not only with my lips but in my life, by giving up myself to Your service, and by walking in holiness and humility of spirit all the days of my life, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,

Praying For Spiritual Fruit In Our Young People

Father, how we thank You for the children and young people who have come to saving faith in You. We pray that each one would be filled with a knowledge of Your will, through the wisdom and understanding that only comes through the Holy Spirit.
May each one learn to walk in spirit and truth, to grow in grace, be endowed with godly wisdom, depend on Your all-sufficient strength and come to an ever-increasing knowledge of their Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
May they bring forth the precious fruit of the Spirit and develop an ever-deepening love and passion for the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself.
May our children and young people mature in the faith, bearing spiritual fruit in every good work and be strengthened with all power, according to Your glorious might.
Support them we pray, through the dangers and difficulties of life and give them the grace and wisdom to make godly choices in the problematic days that lie ahead. This we ask in the precious name of Jesus,

Praying The Fruit Of The Spirit For Our Kids

Heavenly Father, we pray that You would protect the hearts and minds of all our children and deepen the faith in the Lord Jesus that has blossomed in each of our kids, in an world where the truth of the gospel of Christ is ridiculed and rejected.
We pray that they would mature in the faith, grow in grace and develop in their spiritual understanding. We pray that they would be be equipped to stand firm in their faith, make wise choices, live a life that is well pleasing to You and be adequately equipped to give an answer for the hope that they have in Christ.
We pray that our kids would develop the godly character traits and beautiful fruit of the Spirit that come from a heart that is sold out for Jesus and will depend on Him in all things.
Protect them we pray, from the enticements and entanglements of the world, and we ask that the good work that You have been pleased to start in each life will be completed in the day of Christ Jesus, to Your praise and glory. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Spiritual Fruitfulness

Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You that by grace through faith I am Your child. Thank You, that I have been positioned in Christ, and placed in union with Him, Who is the true and living Vine.
Thank You, that I have been covered in His righteousness and that Your desire for me is that I am fully conformed into the very image and likeness of Your dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as I abide in Him, and He in me, so that His very character and nature may be gradually formed in me.
Help me I pray, to be spiritually fruitful and to abide in Jesus day by day. Thank You, that as the heavenly Gardener You are graciously pruning me through the truth of Your Word and shaping me into the person You would have me be.
Cut away anything in my life that hinders my spiritual growth, and help me to learn the lessons that You would teach me, so that I may grow into the likeness of the Lord Jesus and bear much fruit to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,

All Prayers

Prayed for 44 time. I Prayed For This
I for spiritual strength, guidance, and control of the words that i wish never to speak again.
Shanique Elliott
Received: August 14, 2015