Prayers on Unity

Prayer For Brotherly Unity

How we praise and thank You for the diversity of gifts and graces within the body of Christ and the beautiful variety and variance of the characters, personalities, peoples, interests and activities that are represented throughout the whole Church of God.

May brotherly love and godly gentleness be the precious garment with which we are all clothed, and may we be of one mind and united in spirit and humble in heart, having the same love, and working together with one intent, united in purpose.

May we focus our thoughts on what we all hold dear, and may we be united in the essential doctrine of Christ and yet demonstrate grace and liberty on those ideologies and dogmas that too often have caused splits in the Body, rather than encouraging brotherly love and gracious liberty.

May we put aside our personal agendas and any exclusive churchmanship maxims that may give rise to ungodly, unnecessary or schismatic arguments. And may our Lord Jesus Christ, Who shed His blood on the cross and rose again to give us life, be the one to Whom we all focus our gaze and in Whose name we pray,


Prayer For Christian Unity

Thank You, Father God, that we have been raised into newness of life in Christ and have become one with Him and members together of His Body, which is the Church.

Help us all to set our hearts on things above, knowing that Christ Jesus is seated on the right hand of the Father and we are positioned in Christ, and seated together with Him in heavenly places.

Help us all to die to self and to the things of this world, and may we learn to live godly in Christ Jesus. Help us not to be enticed by sinful desires, impurity, greed or ungodliness, but rather may we strive for Christian unity among ourselves and consider the needs of others, before our own.

May we individually and collectively put on the new nature of Christ and be renewed daily, in our hearts and minds, so that in the power of the Spirit we may become more and more like Christ, clothed with His tender-heartedness, mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

Help us all to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace, and may our lives be a living example of Christ Jesus our Lord, Who lives in each one of us, and in Whose name we pray,


Prayer For Church Unity

Dear Heavenly Father, You have called us to be Your children, Your church, Your body, and have made us members of one another and joint-heirs with Christ.

We pray for grace and unity in the Church, and ask that You would help us all to live in godly fellowship and brotherly love, and may we be united as one in Christ.

Give us tender hearts, and may we edify and encourage each other as we fellowship together in the Spirit, knowing that when two or three are gathered together in Your name, there are You in the midst.

Help the whole church of God to live together in joyful harmony and sweet unity, and may we learn to work together with one mind and one purpose, to lift up the name of Jesus and to point people to the Rock of our salvation.

Keep us from selfish ambition and foolish arrogance and may we become humble in spirit, thinking of others as better than ourselves, as we look to the Lord Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith and our perfect pattern for living in Christian unity, as befits Your children. We ask this in Jesus' name,


Prayer For A Spirit Of Cooperation And Unity

Father, we live in a world that is at enmity with all that is godly and there is much antagonism against the Lord Jesus Christ, and against all that are called Christian and seek to live godly in Him.

Give us a spirit of love, cooperation, togetherness and unity, and help us to consider the needs of the whole body of Christ, knowing that we are aliens in this present world and fellow citizens together, with all the saints of God’s household.

Build us up together in a spirit of co-operation and grace we pray, knowing that we are being skilfully fitted together into a holy temple in the Lord. Established as one on the firm foundation of the apostles and prophets, with the Lord Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone.

Help us to faithfully serve one another in love and to strengthen, encourage and edify each other, so that we may move forward in our service for You, in a spirit of co-operation and unity in all that You have called us to do. In Jesus' name we pray,


Prayer For Unity As One

Father, we come together to pray as one, that we may be as one, just as the Lord Jesus prayed that we who are His Body, may be one with Himself, in the same way that You and He are united together in love and purpose.

Father, we join our spirits together with Your Holy Spirit and pray that as Your Church, the world may recognise that we are united together in love, because we are one with You Who is perfect love, and Whom to know is life eternal.

Keep Your Church we pray, from discord, disunity and division, for a people that allow conflict or strife to fester, will surely fail and fall in their calling.

Keep us focussed on You, motivated by the same purpose and united together under the same banner of truth. And may we seek to preach the gospel to all people, in season and out of season, as we look to the Lord Jesus as our federal Head and singular Saviour.

Bind our hearts together in love we pray, so that unsaved men may see Jesus in us, and desire to know how they too may receive eternal life though Christ Jesus our Lord, to Whom be all praise and glory for ever and ever, and in Whose name we pray,


Employment for my son

Prayed for 5 time. I Prayed For This
Almighty Farther creator of heaven and earth and all creation on the world, I pray that you make it possible for my son to meet with favor for the MD of the company intended to employ him and also to remove jealous and stubbornness with his secretary who behaves mischievously because she hates me not to hide the application letter, that a way be made in the might name of Jesus like for the Israelite when crossing the red sea.Amen and Alleluia
Received: July 21, 2015


Prayed for 40 time. I Prayed For This
we pray for unity with our creator throughout Jesus Christ the messiah in this life and in eternal life Amen
Received: July 18, 2015

I have been and will

Prayed for 3 time. I Prayed For This
I have been and will continue to pray for you, for the many youth kids who are with you at camp this week to have hearts that are tender to the Lord. I, too am brought to my knees at the thought of those earliest Believers in comparison to those in our day, including myself, who are many times satisfied with a mediocre life of caring for me and mine . My heart longs to see more of those being wholly devoted to the teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, prayer and everyone being filled with awe in seeing God's work, instead of passing it by with barely a nod seeing it as something we are entitled to have. May our hearts be broken and surrendered to the One who has given us a life with Him. I praise His holy Name and cry out to Him for the divine power of His Spirit to work among us.
Received: March 6, 2015