Prayers for Fruitfulness

A Prayer To Remove Hindrances To Fruitfulness

Heavenly Father, I pray that You would remove any areas in my life that hinder me from being fruitful in Your service. Thank You, that You have given me everything that is needful for godly living and a fruitful life.
I praise and thank You for the engrafted divine nature that I received when I was born from above, which enables me to escape the corruption of this world system and empowers me to overcome the desires of the flesh.
Deliver me from the many daily temptations and keep me I pray, from being swayed by the deceit of the enemy who masquerades as an angel-of-light, and yet is a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
Search my heart for any hidden sin that may hinder my spiritual growth, and discover in me any areas that need to be cut away at the root, which are preventing me from living a truly fruitful life. And I pray that You would finish the good work that You started in me, so that I may be fruitful in Your service, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For All Round Fruitfulness

Lord Jesus, I pray that I may grow in grace and increase in Christlikeness day by day. I pray that in every area of my life I may be more fruitful and learn to grow more like the Lord Jesus Christ, with each passing day.
Lord, I know that there is much within me that needs to be rooted out, refined and removed and I ask that You would examine my inner heart to discover any areas of my life that need to be hammered on the anvil of Your corrective love.
Search me Lord, and examine my heart and my attitudes, and may I keep my old fleshly self and the old sinful nature nailed to the cross of Christ, and learn to walk in spirit and truth more and more.
Help me I pray, to depend on you without reservation, so that my life may become increasingly fruitful in each area that is lacking.
May I decrease in my own eyes so that Christ may increase in me, for I know that it is only as He lives in me and I in Him that I will become the fruit-bearing branch that honours you. This I ask in Jesus' name,

For Intimacy With God And A Fruitful Christian Life

Dear Heavenly Father, You are the King of kings and Lord of lords and my eternal rock of Salvation. You alone are worthy to be praised and worshipped. You alone are worthy to receive all honour and glory for You alone are God almighty, the Alpha and Omega. 

I thank You, Lord, with my whole being that You found a sinner such as me and rescued me from the slavery of the world in which I was embroiled. You lifted me up out of my pit of despair, forgave my sins and clothed me in the pure righteousness of Christ Jesus my Lord and Saviour, to Whom be all honour and glory, world without end.

Lord, You have told us the secret of fruitfulness is to abide in You and to remain in You, and to let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly. Lord, I pray that I would abide in You and grow in grace and mature in the faith, by coming to know the Lord Jesus more and more intimately. I pray that by the power of Your Holy Spirit working within the temple of my body, I may live a fruitful life that is honouring to the Father.

Lord, in You grace and kindness, draw me closer to You. Give me a willing heart, a teachable spirit, listening ears and a watching heart, so that I may come to know and love You more and more with each passing day. Open my eyes to see those areas in my life that are hindering Your good work in me, and lead me on I pray, into ever deepening fellowship with Yourself. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Fruitful Christian Life

Thank You, Father, that I have been born again and made a new creation in Christ. Thank You, that I am part of Your family, accepted in Christ, indwelt by the Holy Spirit and that You have started a good work in my life.
Thank You, that You have promised to finish that good work that You have started in me and I pray that I will be open to hear Your voice and ready to submit to Your will, more and more with each passing day.
Lord, I know that in myself I can do nothing and that only as I abide in Christ and depend on Him can the Holy Spirit make my life fruitful. I pray that I may abide in You daily and bear much fruit so that through it Your name may be glorified in me.
Let me decrease in my own eyes and in the eyes of others, and may the Lord Jesus increase in all I say and do, until I am nothing and He is everything. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Prayer For Fruitful Day

Heavenly Father, thank You, that I am Your child, accepted in Christ and called to be fruitful. I ask that today I would live every moment of my life as unto You, bringing forth spiritual fruit that is pleasing in Your sight.
Thank You, that Christ is the source and supply of my life and that without Him I can do nothing. May I live in total dependence upon Him in thought word and deed, so that today may be a fruitful and truly blessed day.
May I be filled with the fruit of righteousness as I live in loving dependence on You alone, and may the fruit of the Spirit be manifested in all I say and do, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Fruitful Harvest Time

Heavenly Father, we praise and thank You for Your bountiful goodness and loving-kindness to all people, and for Your gracious promise, that while the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat summer and winter, day and night will not cease.

Thank You that You give the rain in due season and the warming sun to swell the grain and to ripen the fruit. We pray that we may reap the rich reward of Your grace and goodness at the right time of harvest.
We ask Your blessing on the labour of our hands and pray that the ground will be abundantly fruitful and that the fields will produce plentiful crops.
Protect the tender shoots and little buds as they quietly sprout, ripen and burst forth with goodness and growth, and we pray that we may have a fruitful harvest with a productive yield, and we will give You all the praise and all the glory. In Jesus' name we pray,

Prayer For Fruitful Life

Heavenly Father, it is my desire to live a fruitful life in Christ. Keep me from walking in the counsel of ungodly men and women. May I keep away from the path of sinners and not be influenced by those that scorn the truth of God’s Word. Rather, may I delight in Your Word and meditate on its truths day and night.
May I develop a fruit-filled life, looking to Jesus day by day. May I depend on His sufficient grace, trust His Word moment by moment, and maintain my hope in Him alone, Who is the author and finisher of my faith, and Whom to know is life eternal. In His precious name I pray,

Prayer For A Fruitful Life In Christ

Dear Lord, it is my desire to be fruitful in my life. I know that fruitfulness means that I need to abide in You, just as You have commanded all those that are Your children, so that the Father may be glorified in my life.  

I ask that I may be a vessel through whom You would be pleased to work, so that I may bear much good fruit of the Spirit, and not produce dead works of the flesh in my own strength. Lord, I do not want to be a barren branch that lives for my self, but one that grows in grace, matures in the faith, and comes to an ever deepening knowledge of You day by day, knowing that it is only as I rest and abide and remain in You, that You are enabled to carry out Your good work within me.

Lord, I know that without You, I can do nothing. Even the good works I try to do in my own strength are as filthy rags to You. Search my heart Lord, and point out those things that are not pleasing to You, for I desire to be a clean vessel in Your service. Help me therefore, to confess all the things in my life that may be blocking sweet fellowship with You. In Jesus' name I pray, 


Prayer For A Fruitful Marriage

How we praise and thank You for bringing us together in love and marriage, and we pray that in every way our life together may become increasingly fruitful.
Help us we pray, to honour our marriage vows in both the good days and those times that prove to be most difficult, so that our love for each other and for You may be strengthened and reinforced with every passing year.
May we be ready to encourage one another, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, and help us to be quick to forgive and eager to consider the needs of each other before our own personal hopes and desires.
May our life together be honouring to You and become increasingly fruitful as we dedicate our marriage and future into Your hands. This we pray in the precious name of Jesus Christ our Lord,

Prayer For A Fruitful Meeting

Heavenly Father, we join together to lift up this meeting to You and ask that in Your grace it would be a useful, fruitful and productive time together.
We pray that we will be united in purpose, maintain our focus on what is important, and that we would make good use of our time, gifts and resources, as we come before You to seek Your direction and will.
Give each one of us wisdom and grace during this time together, and may we look to Jesus to guide our thoughts, direct our discussions and influence our decisions, and may He alone be glorified in all that we say and do today. This we ask in the name of Jesus,

Prayer For A Fruitful Relationship

Loving Lord of heaven and earth, we thank You for the benefits and encouragement we gain from the friends You place in our lives and the relationships that we are able to develop during our earthly walk.
I thank You for the good friends and different relationships that I enjoy today, and for the joys that each one brings in their own special and unique way.
May I never take my friends for granted or become indifferent in the relationships I have built up over the years, but rather may I increasingly value each of the people that You have placed in my life. May we build up and strengthen each other in the bonds of love and peace which we have in Jesus.
May each of my relationships become increasingly fruitful, and may they be anchored on a firm foundation of godly love and genuine trust. Bless all my friends, and may each of my relationships become increasingly fruitful, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Fruitful Spiritual Harvest

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your call on my life and I bless You that You have entrusted me in this small corner of Your vast vinyard.
I pray that I may be a worthy labourer and readily turn my heart and hand to whatsoever task I am called upon to carry out.
I pray that my work in this place may be fruitful, but I also ask that You would give me godly patience as I wait for the land to yield its harvest, knowing that the sown seed of the gospel of Christ can take much time to take root, to grow and to mature.
May I not seek for earthly commendation or the applause of others in this work that I am called upon to do, but may I  seek only to work faithfully and diligently while it is still day, knowing that the night is fast approaching when no may can work.
Take my life and work through me so that there may be an abundant, spiritual harvest, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Fruitful Week

How I thank and praise You Lord, that I am in Christ and He is in me. Thank You, Father, that You are the husbandman, Jesus is the true Vine and I am branch. Help me to abide in Him moment by moment so that I may be a fruitful in Your service and glorify Your holy name in word and in deed.
Lord, I place this coming week into Your hands, not knowing what circumstances I may be called upon to face. But in Your grace I pray that You would direct my path, guide my actions, influence my attitude and guard my motives, so that it may be a fruitful week and a time which brings glory to You.
I pray that this week, I may diligently seek You in all things and trust You for all the need and necessities of life, not relying on myself but living in utter dependence upon You, knowing that this is honouring to Your name and Your will for all Your children. This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ my Saviour and King,

Prayer For Fruitful Womb

Heavenly Father, You are the Giver of life and children are a heritage from the Lord and a precious gift from our Father in heaven, to be nurtured in the truth of God’s Word and to be raised in an atmosphere of holy reverence and godly love.
We pray for those that desire to have a baby in their lives, and ask that You would look with grace on the deep desire of their heart.
Father, Your Word says, “ the fruit of your womb will be blessed,” and we pray this prayer for all who long to have a child. We pray that You would open the womb of those that desire this precious gift of life. This we ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For A Fruitful Year

Heavenly Father, thank Your for Your many blessings, Your sufficient grace and the way that You have directed my path. You have faithfully sheltered me when I strayed from Your will, and graciously corrected me when I went astray.
I pray that Your grace and mercy would continue to abound in my life and that I may have a fruitful year where the Lord Jesus Christ increasingly becomes the focus of my life, the desire of my heart and the only one in Whom I rest my hope.
Forgive me for the times when I have stepped outside of Your will, but I ask that You would continue to work in my life and finish all that You have started in me, just as You have promised.
I pray that in this coming year I may be filled with the fruit of righteousness, which Your Holy Spirit has promised to carry out in me, so that I may daily be transformed into the likeness of the Lord Jesus and live a life of abundant fruitfulness, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,

Fruitfulness In My Corner Of The World

Dear Father God, how I thank You that I am Your child. I thank You for all that You have done in my life, but most of all I praise You for picking me up and using me in the way that You have, in my little corner of the world. Lord, I believe that You have planted me in exactly the place that You would have me be, and although I may appear to be an insignificant member of Your body, I am not insignificant to You.

Lord, I pray that I may be faithful in all that You have called me to do and that my life may be one that glorifies You, not only in my actions and words, but in my thoughts and my motives. I pray that I may be a fruitful member of Your body, knowing that Christ is the true Vine and I am a branch that needs to rest and abide in Him.

Let me be content to carry out the work that You have purposed for me to do, whether in a large and important ministry work or simply by attending to the needs and concerns of those that come along my pathway. Oh Lord, that You Yourself would increase in my life and let me decrease, until You are all in all, for I am nothing, and yet You have chosen me to be a part of Your Body and Bride, for which I praise You. May my life be pleasing to You, and may I glorify the Father Who is in heaven, in all I do. In Jesus' name I pray,


Prayer For A Spiritual Walk And Fruitful Life

Heavenly Father, You are the Potter and I am the clay. Christ is the true Vine and I am a simple branch that seeks to abide in my Saviour.  I pray that as I rest in Him day by day, so Your Holy Spirit would carry out a good work in me, so that I may bear much fruit to Your honour and glory.
May I abide daily in Christ and remain in Him and He in me, so that the Holy Spirit may perform unhindered, the necessary transforming work within my heart, so that I may bring forth acceptable fruit at the proper time.
May I be willing to learn the lessons of life that You would teach me and be ready to accept that Your pruning knife and corrective rod is the means to perfect who I am in Christ, and make me more like Him.
I pray that I may be a fruitful branch that bears much good fruit to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name,

More Prayers for Fruitfulness
Scripture Meditations on Fruitfulness

Fruitfulness in dry places

Prayed for 44 time. I Prayed For This
Lord, I ask you to intercede on my behalf, Oh god I am storming the mercy seat and asking you to perfect the things that concern me. Oh god there are so many dry barren places and all I want to do is to walk in your purpose for my life. I want to be fruitful, I want my season to come, I just want to feel useful, purposeful. In Jesus name i pray..amen
Received: August 11, 2015

Make my family fruitful

Prayed for 19 time. I Prayed For This

Lord Jesus I believe in you. You can do all things. Make me and my family fruitful , and may we enjoy your abundant blessings of grace,I pray thee OH LORD.

Alade Rolake
Received: October 18, 2013