Prayers for Spiritual Growth

A Prayer For Godly Grace

How I thank and praise You for the everlasting life that You have given to me by Your wonderful grace and love. May I grow day by day to be more like You, full of compassion and kindness. Saturate my heart with Your love so that I may love You more with every passing breath, my Jesus.

Thank you for Your Holy Spirit, Who is making me to be more like You Lord Jesus. I want to reflect Your grace and Your beauty in thought, word and deed. I ask that I may devote my time and heart to reflect on all You are and all You have done for me, so that You are magnified more and more in my life, so that the beauty of my Lord Jesus may be seen and reflect in me. In Jesus' name,


A Prayer For Maturity

O God my Father, I want to be a mature person. I am not certain what maturity is, but I know when I act childishly and of this I am ashamed.

Help me to bring my emotions under the control of the Spirit. Help me to check on my loud talk, my insistence on having my way, my fears, doubts, and other things which stand as evidence of my immaturity.

I do commit myself anew and afresh to You. Help me to be a glory and not a shame as I profess Your name.

For His sake, I pray,


A Prayer For Spiritual Fruitfulness

Heavenly Father, we are called to abide in Christ, to rest in His love, to remain connected with the Lord Jesus and to depend upon Him in all things, knowing that He alone is the true and living Vine, so that our lives might bear much fruit and glorify our Father in heaven.

I pray that by the power of Your Holy Spirit, I may remain firmly connected to Christ and willingly submitted Your perfect pruning knife, so that any part in me that is not of Christ, may be trimmed away, so that I may be enabled to grow in grace and mature in my Christian walk.

Root out any bad attitude, foolish thoughts or wrong motives that may start to formulate in my mind and which may hinder my growth or infect my spiritual life. Help me I pray, to take every thought captive to Christ, so that I may become a fruitful branch and bear much fruit, to the glory of God the Father. In Jesus' name,


A Prayer For Spiritual Growth

Heavenly Father, You have called us to grow in grace, to increase our understanding of Jesus and to develop a close and intimate relationship with You. Lord, this is what I desire to do, and I pray I may come to know You more and more each day.

Thank You, Father, for the Bible, which is written to help me understand Your Word of truth, and thank You for the indwelling Holy Spirit, Who has promised to guide me in the way that I should go.

I pray that I may learn to walk in spirit and truth so that I may mature in my Christian faith as I study the Bible and learn to live godly in Christ Jesus. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Prayer For Spiritual Maturity

O God my Father, I pray I would be a spiritually mature person. I am not certain what spiritual maturity is, but I know when I act childishly and of this I am ashamed. Help me to bring my emotions under the control of the spirit.

Help me to check on my loud talk, my insistence on having my way, my fears, doubts, and other things, which stand as evidence of my immaturity.

I do commit myself anew and afresh to You. Help me to be a glory and not a shame as I profess Your name. In Jesus' name I pray,


A Prayer Of Thanks For Godly Mentors

Thank You, Father, that You have guided me through my life and blessed me with various spiritual mentors along the way. Thank You for the men and women You have used throughout my Christian life to teach and encourage me and to share their godly wisdom as well as their gentle correction.

Give me an understanding heart and a teachable spirit, so that I may take to heart the spiritual lessons that You would have me learn, and may I be used by You to fulfil the good works that You have prepared for me to do. In Jesus' name I pray,


That I May Be More Like Jesus

O Lord Jesus, how I thank and praise You for the everlasting life that You have given to me by Your wonderful grace and love. May I grow day by day to be more like You, full of compassion and kindness. Saturate my heart with Your love, so that I may love You more with every passing breath - my Jesus.

Thank You for Your Holy Spirit, Who is making me become more like You, Lord Jesus. I want to reflect Your grace and Your beauty in thought, word and deed. I ask that I may devote my time and heart to reflect on all You are and all You have done for me, so that You are magnified more and more in my life. I pray that the beauty of my Lord Jesus may be seen and reflected in me. In Jesus' name,


Rely totally on God

Prayed for 86 time. I Prayed For This
Father In The Name of Jesus, I give my heart to u. LORD MAKE MY HEART THE WAY U WANT IT TO BE, BURN ALL THAT Is Not of You off, in The mighty name of Jesus. Jesus I need a fresh Anointing to fall on me.
Received: August 18, 2015

Spiritual strength to pray

Prayed for 89 time. I Prayed For This
Kindly pray for me that I should have the strength to pray and grow in spiritual things
Received: August 16, 2015

Spiritual growth in life

Prayed for 85 time. I Prayed For This
That God should give me the grace and power to worship Him in Spirit and in truth, and not just by lip-service That God should baptize me in the Holy Ghost
Taiwo Fakorede
Received: August 15, 2015

Personal spiritual growth

Prayed for 59 time. I Prayed For This
Dear Lord, I am requesting for spiritual growth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
Received: July 20, 2015

Wifes deliverence

Prayed for 20 time. I Prayed For This
Dear God, please set my wife free from smoking and other vices, and that she becomes a devout in the Spirit, a godly woman, for thy sake , in Jesus name Amen
Received: January 19, 2015

Prayer for the revival in my church...

Prayed for 40 time. I Prayed For This
Father who is in heaven. Jesus is your son and he is the head of the church. Please Lord give us revival in our church of which you chose me to be the shepherd under you. help us grow, in number and in maturity. bring people and young people to come and have you. i believe in you. Amen.....!
Received: January 6, 2015

Renewal of my faith in God

Prayed for 21 time. I Prayed For This
My GOD WHOM I LOVE AND TRUST ,HELP ME TO GIVE YOU THE HONOUR AND THE PRAISE THROUGH YOUR SON Jesus Christ my saviour as I know I should and to ALWAYS stand up for grace and mercies amen
Received: December 4, 2014

In need of a miracle from Almighty God!

Prayed for 31 time. I Prayed For This
My prayer request is for spiritual growth, first. I also need good employment with benefits, my soulmate (husband) and all that Almighty God has planned for my life. Thank you so much!
Joyce Louise Sparks
Received: November 21, 2014

Leaning on jesus

Prayed for 13 time. I Prayed For This
I'm requesting prayer to find God, somewhere i have got caught up in this world and i need help to get back with God a more understanding, a closer relationship with Jesus
Received: September 11, 2014

Let Me Grow

Prayed for 21 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, I know I'm not perfect. I make mistakes that, at this stage I shouldn't. I slip up, I mess up. I do things I'm not proud of. I do things that I know makes Your heart bleed. But Lord, I am trying to be what You want me to be. I want to be whole in You. Whenever I worship You, a peace, a joy, a relief fills me. I want that feeling all the time. I know you have a great life mapped out for me. And I want to live it in You. Nobody ever really understood me like You do. So I'm asking you to give me the strength to resist all things that will not boost my relationship with You. I am hopelessly in love with You and I wanna show it. Not just say it and keep it to myself. In Your name I pray, Amen

Received: June 17, 2014

Spiritual growth in 2014

Prayed for 18 time. I Prayed For This

God give me access in to His presence to know You in a deeper way. Help me to pray more and be able to suceed in my divine assignment this 2014. Please help me to get a  scholarship to forwarder my spiritual search and knowledge of God. God bless me this year with my own children.

Okechukwu Roberts
Received: December 28, 2013

You in my life

Prayed for 21 time. I Prayed For This

Dear God, please give me the peace and grace to live life according to your will,  and to continuously include You in my life every moment of the day. 

Received: October 22, 2013

Lead Him

Prayed for 16 time. I Prayed For This

Lord, Soften the heart of Saul, widen his understanding of the world and of the people. Lead him to the right person always. Give him the opportunity to grow..I pray in Jesus name

Received: October 19, 2013

More strength and faith

Prayed for 20 time. I Prayed For This

Oh God Lord, help me to focus on You. I'm so thirsty and hungry. Lord, please protect my family :Carbonel and Lucañas. Oh God Lord. No matter what Lord I'll always pray to you. I worship you. You know that oh God Lord. Lord help me to share or to preach your Gospel. Oh God Lord. Bless us Oh God Lord . In the name of JESUS , Amen

Jayson Carbonel
Received: October 14, 2013

For my children RK & JN

Prayed for 11 time. I Prayed For This

I pray for my spiritual life to be renewal, so that we can meet to our spiritual obligations. Help me to grow tremendously in your grace and know Christ in new ways. 

Received: October 13, 2013

Increase my faith

Prayed for 21 time. I Prayed For This

Dear Lord, I'm in a situation of discouragement and I have no faith... I want to be on Your right path. Help me. In Jesus name. 

Mary Jane
Received: October 8, 2013