Heavenly Father, we are called to abide in Christ, to rest in His love, to remain connected with the Lord Jesus and to depend upon Him in all things, knowing that He alone is the true and living Vine, so that our lives might bear much fruit and glorify our Father in heaven.
I pray that by the power of Your Holy Spirit, I may remain firmly connected to Christ and willingly submitted Your perfect pruning knife, so that any part in me that is not of Christ, may be trimmed away, so that I may be enabled to grow in grace and mature in my Christian walk.
Root out any bad attitude, foolish thoughts or wrong motives that may start to formulate in my mind and which may hinder my growth or infect my spiritual life. Help me I pray, to take every thought captive to Christ, so that I may become a fruitful branch and bear much fruit, to the glory of God the Father. In Jesus' name,