Prayers for Holiness

A Prayer For Holiness Of Heart

Dear Heavenly Father, You are a holy God and I desire to be holy too. Set apart unto You, and living my life in a manner that is worthy of You and pleasing to You.
Search my heart I pray, and if there is any cherished sin lurking within, I ask that You would search it out and destroy it, for I know that only the one that has clean hands and a pure heart may stand in Your presence.
Purify my heart, cleanse my inner thoughts and examine the very motives behind my acts and attitudes, for I desire to live in holiness of heart. If there is anything that is displeasing to You in my life, I ask that in Your grace You would root it out, so that I may live in godly holiness all the days of my life, clothed in Christ’s righteousness, separated unto You and walking in godly love. This I ask in Jesus' name,

A Prayer For Personal Holiness

Thank You, Father, that You have called me out of darkness into Your marvellous light and set me free from slavery to sin and released me from bondage to fear. 
Thank You for breathing the new resurrection life of Christ into my very being, and for taking up permanent residence within my heart. Lord, I want to be led by Your Holy Spirit and to walk in spirit and truth. I want to live a godly life and to develop personal holiness, but I do not really know how to. 
Lord, I come to You incapable of being able to live a holy life myself and humbly ask You Lord, that You would teach me to be holy and show me how You would have me live. Open my eyes to see what You would have to do. Unblock my ears so that I may hear Your still small voice, and give me a teachable spirit to learn all that You would teach me. I know that alone I can do nothing, but in Christ, Who is my life, I can do all things. In Jesus' name,

A Prayer To ‘Be Holy As God Is Holy’

Heavenly Father, Your Word commands us to, “be holy as You are holy”, and I know that in and of myself I cannot live in true holiness of heart, except as the Lord Jesus lives His life in me, and the Holy Spirit carries out a life-transforming work in me.
Thank You, that I have been born into Your family, united together with Christ and am one with Him. I pray that increasingly, His nature and character may be developed in me, until I can say as Paul did, “my old self has died and been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives His resurrection life in me and works through me.”
I ask that You would continue to root out all of me that is counter to what You desire from me, and I pray that You would increasingly transform me into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus, day by day.
Lord, I know that this is not an easy prayer to pray and it will likely cause me much pain, but I believe that this is the will for each of Your children, and so I come to You today and say, Father, Your will be done in my life. Give me I pray, that desire and grace to become a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto You, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,

Prayer For Holy Living In This Fallen World

Loving Lord, how I thank You that in Christ I have Your Holy Spirit living in me to live and work to Your praise and glory. Help me Lord, to keep looking to Jesus, and to keep my mind on the things above, not on the things that are of this world system.

Help me I pray, to look away from the things of the world and to pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, and to be numbered with those who call on the Lord with a pure and humble heart.

Help me to live my life in a manner that is pleasing to my God, in gentleness towards others and in reverence towards You.

Prevent me I pray, from being squeezed into the world’s mould, but rather may I be conformed more and more, into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on Him, Who is the Author and Finisher of my faith and in Whose name I pray,


Prayer To Walk In Holiness

Father God, You are holy and You have called for those that are Your children to be holy just as You are holy. I know that in my flesh dwells no good thing. But Father, I thank You that in Christ I have been made righteous and have been clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Lord, I want to live a life that is pleasing to You. I want to be holy as You are holy.

Thank You, for the wonderful example of the Lord Jesus Who walked in spirit and truth, lived his life in humble obedience to Your will and demonstrated by His life, His words, His actions and His attitude such a gracious heart, that overflowed with loving trust in You.

Lord, I pray that day by day I may become more and more like the Lord Jesus as I yield to Your Holy Spirit’s work within. So Lord, I pray that I may learn to walk in spirit and truth and to submit to Your Spirit’s guidance in my life day by day. I ask that You search my heart and point out any area that is displeasing to You, and lead me in the path of righteousness, for His name sake,


More Prayers for Holiness
Scripture Meditations on Holiness