Dear Father God, thank You for sending Jesus, Who was the great example of a man Who walked in spirit and truth and Who waited upon God. A man with a servant-heart and a desire to do Your will. Thank You for Jesus, Who throughout His life, demonstrated Himself to be a person that would wait on You in every situation and do only those things that He heard from You.
Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit, I pray that I too may learn how to wait on You and quietly rest in Your will. Lord, I want to be emptied of self so that I may be filled with You.
Thank You that Jesus is our worthy example as well as being our Redeemer and Saviour. And because Jesus is now my life, I pray that I may live as He did;
A life that is led by the Spirit.
A life that walks in spirit and grace.
A life that seeks to do Your will.
A life that waits in patient expectation on You.
For to You belongs all power and wisdom and majesty and strength, and without You I can do nothing. Help me to follow the example of Jesus and it is in His name I pray,
Help me Lord, to be still in Your presence and to wait quietly and patiently before You as did the Psalmist. Many and precious are the promises You have given to Your children, and I desire to rest in them by faith and to abide in You moment by moment, to the praise of Your holy name.
I thank You Lord, that You hear all the prayers of Your children and that before we call, You have promised to answer. I also thank You that You are teaching me specifically that even though the answer may be long in coming, that through it You are developing in me a patient trust in You and establishing an even firmer faith in Your Word, for Your Word is true and You are a faithful and merciful God.
Thank You, Lord, that Your Word is becoming deeply rooted within my heart. I pray that I will not faint when answers are delayed, but rather that I will quietly and patiently rest in Your unfailing promises, as Your Holy Spirit does His work within my heart. Increase my love and dependence upon You so that I may become more like the Lord Jesus in every area of my life, especially in the area of patience as I trust in Your perfect timing. In Jesus' name,
Heavenly Father, I thank You that You have started a good work in me and I trust You to complete it in the day of Christ Jesus, oh but Father, there is a part of me that wants to be up and doing things for You, and I find it so difficult to wait for Your timing and await Your leading in my life, and yet I know that this is what You want me to do.
Please help me to learn to quietly wait upon You and to rest in Your love, knowing that you have scheduled every day of my life. Give me the courage and wisdom to be still and to wait quietly, patiently and expectantly knowing that Your timing is perfect and that You know the plans that You have purposed for my life, even though I do not.
Father, I trust You and I love You. I praise and thank You that Your grace is sufficient for me, no matter how lonely my life my be or how mundane the path I am treading. Thank You, Father, that You are with me every moment of the day. Thank You, that You are a faithful God who will complete the good work that You have started in me, in Your time and in Your way. Praise Your name for ever and ever.
Loving Father, I pray that You would teach me how to prayerfully and patiently wait on You, and to come to a true understanding of what it really means to wait on the Lord. Help me to be still before You, to listen to Your voice through Your Word and to abide in You.
Keep me from fretting and worry, but rather let me learn more of You. Draw me closer to Yourself and keep me from presumptuous thoughts, but rather teach me humility of heart, knowing that Your desire for all Your children is that we do justly, love mercy and walk humbly before You.
And in all things, I pray that as I learn to wait on You and go deeper into Your Word of truth, that in all things I would bring glory to Your name. In Jesus' name I pray,
Dear Lord Jesus, at times I feel so weary and tired as I seek to carry out the duties and tasks of each day. Help me Lord, to step aside from the business of the day and to spend time simply waiting upon You, for You have promised that those that wait on You will renew their strength, they will mount up with wings as eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint.
Lord, too often I try to do things in my own strength and only when I grow weary does it occur to me to take steps to consciously abide in You and to cast all my cares upon You. Teach me Lord, to truly abide in You, moment by moment, and to learn to wait for You as my first option, rather than as a last resort.
Show me I pray, what it truly means to wait on the Lord, and to abide in You moment by moment. Help me Lord, to cast all my burdens on You and to learn to wait on You in every situation. Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' name I pray,